Rules and Regulations for Texas Christian Junior Bull Riders
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Rules and Regulations for Texas Christian Junior Bull Riders
Article ll-Purpose
The purpose for which this association was formed shall be exclusively for spiritual, recreational, social fellowship, and promotion of good nature in competitive rodeo sport for you from the age of one year through and including the age of nineteen.
The Management, Producers, Contractor (including any of their employees or helpers) or any Rodeo Volunteer at an event, will NOT be held Responsible or assume Liability for Injury to Owners, Contestants or Assistants.
TCJBR members/contestants waive all rights or claims against the Management for damages and or injuries that may occur to personal property.
General Rules
All contestants are requires to read the rules carefully and to particularly relate to the ones in your age groups. By joining the TCJBR and paying the membership dues, you agree to abide by these rules.
Points will not be counted until $120.00 membership has been paid!
Age is determined by January 1, 2014
Dress code will be in effect and enforced for riders and also for parents and or helper behind the chute and in the arena.
No Alcohol will be permitted at an event – no exceptions.
All scores are unofficial until Judge’s sheets have been added by Secretary. All decisions made by judges are final.
Mistreatment, endangerment or neglect of the Rodeo stock will not be tolerated.
TCJBR members, their parents/guardians and or any person associated with the TCJBR contestant are expected to conduct themselves in a polite, fair, respective manner at ALL TCJBR functions.
There will be ZERO tolerance for fighting; quarreling, threating, spreading rumors, any discrediting the TCJBR, its members, officials, and or Directors; or the use of profane language: it will result in fines and possible suspension, as deemed by State or Region Director.
No un-sportsman like conduct either by Parents or Contestants will be allowed.
Parents or other persons approaching, engaging or in any way distracting the judges during an event, for any reason, will be subject to having their child disqualified from the event.
Turn out fines will be assessed for entering and failing to show up. Withdraw 24 hours prior to the event to avoid this fee. The fine will be your entry, and must be paid at the next event. A fine list will be posted at each rodeo.
All protests or complaints must be filed in writing to the Secretary within 15 minutes after the event; only 1 protest will be filed with the $50.00 bond. Under no circumstances will the $50 bond be returned.
This is a Christian Junior Rodeo Association; we are here to give your kids a good atmosphere to come ride at. We will NOT tolerate any problems period! If you have any questions or problems please come talk to us about it. If you are the one spreading rumors or causing problems you will be confronted. You may be asked to leave and not come back, you will forfeit your membership fees and any other money paid in, THIS INCLUDES PARENTS and or anyone that is there with the contestant.
If you are coming to ride bulls, come ride and let’s have fun!
10 Point Scoring System
1st Place – 10 points 2nd Place – 9 points 3rd Place – 8 points 4th Place – 7 points 5th Place – 6 points 6th Place – 5 points 7th Place – 4 points 8th Place – 3 points 9th Place – 2 points 10th Place – 1 point
In the event of a Tie- each contestant will split the number of points for their placing.
Riding Event Rules
Contestants can ride in their age group. THEY MAY MOVE UP in a class, but NOT DOWN. They may perform in more than one age group during the regular season, but only one at Nationals.
6 & Under Mutton Busting; 6 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, and helmet (state law), mouthpiece recommended. Rider shall ride with one hand in the upright position. No flank. Hotshot may be used upon request, if one is not used the contestant will not receive a re-ride. If the rider pulls the sheep over by hanging on the side no re-ride will be given (at the judge’s discretion) . Stock will be drawn.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points.
8 & Under Calf Riding; 6 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, and helmet (state law) mouthpiece recommended. Rider shall ride with one hand. Calves will be flanked. Stock will be drawn.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points.
11 Under Steer Riding; 6 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, helmet (state law) mouthpiece recommended. Rider shall ride with one hand. Steers will be flanked. Stock will be drawn.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points. 12 Under Pee Wee Bull Riding; 8 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, helmet (state law) mouthpiece recommended. Bulls will be flanked. . Stock will be drawn. Small Bulls may be used.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points.
15 Under Jr. Bull Riding; 8 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, helmet (state law) mouthpiece recommended. Rider shall ride with one hand. Bulls will be flanked. Stock will be drawn.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next
event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points.
19 Under Sr Bull Riding; 8 Seconds
1. Must wear protective vest, helmet (state law) mouthpiece recommended. Rider shall ride with one hand. Bulls will be flanked. . Stock will be drawn.
2. In the event there are no qualified rides the jackpot will be rolled over to the next event until a qualified ride is made.
3. Contestants must have a qualifying score to receive points.
Riding Rules
1. All re-rides will be at the discretion of the judges. And must be decided immediately.
2. If a flank comes off, a re-ride may be given, provided the rider has made a qualified ride up to the point of the flank coming off. 3. If a rider makes a qualified ride with any part of the rope in his hands, he is to be marked.
4. Soaking the animals will not be tolerated- if you are caught you will be disqualified from the event. If it happens again your membership will be revoked. This is a zero tolerance rule.
5. Latch side Judge will be the official time unless he is not in the position to make the call, then it will fall to the judge with the best view.
6. Rider will be disqualified for any of these reasons:
Being bucked off
Touching the animal with free hand
Using sharp spurs
Placing spurs or chaps under the rope while being tightened
If the rider has been advised he is next to go and is not ready when the previous rider is finished
The draws will be done with the Arena Director, Secretary, and Judges present.