Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster QUETTA BALUCHISTAN

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster QUETTA BALUCHISTAN

21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster – QUETTA BALUCHISTAN MEETING HELD ON

Chair: Mr. Abdul Qayum Contact: [email protected] 1st November 2010, 11:30 hrs Co-Chair: Mr. Mumtaz Zehri Contact: [email protected] Conference Room, Block 7, Civil Secretariat, Quetta


1) Recitation from the Holy Quran

2) Welcome and self-introduction

3) Action points of Last meeting

4) WASH services in IDP Camps/Water Quality issues

5) Discussion on ERF Funding

6) Sharing of Weekly Progress Report by the WASH partners

7) Venue for Next Cluster Meeting

8) Discussion on 3 month Plan / Return Strategy

1 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.

9) AoB

Attendance Name Organisation Name Organisation Mr. Abdul Qayum PHED Ms. Rubina Anwar DANESH Mr. Mumtaz Zehri UNICEF Ms. Ishrat Altaf DANESH Engr. Hafeezullah WHO Mr. Avaid Javed UN-HABITAT Mr. Kaleemullah SMART Mr. Kaleem ur Rehman UNICEF Mr. Ahmed Nawaz NCBP Mr. Abdul Hameed CDWS Mr. Junaid Azam WESS Mr. Asim Khan Save the Children Mr. Adnan Ahmed TEAM Pakistan Mr. Sameen jan TKF Mr. Mohammad Shafique WESNET Ms. Kiran Mushtaq WESNET Mr. Tanvir Khan UNOCHA Mr. Hussainullah UNOCHA Mr. Muhammad Adil PAO BK Mr. Salman Ali TARAQEE Foundation Mr. Abdul Wajid Khan BRSP Mr. Alam Abro YMSDO Mr. Abdul Latif PHED

Item Comments Actions

1. Welcome Remarks and Introduction The meeting started with the recitation of Holy Quran N/a followed by brief introduction of all the participants.

Mr. Qayum informed the participants that one day refresher training for partners was held on 30th Oct 2010 on the SPHERE Standard guidelines.

He gave the overall overview of the training by highlighting that the standards relating to basic needs for displaced people during emergencies were discussed in detail.

2 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.

2. Action Points of Previous Meeting  WHO to coordinate with PHED and get the list WHO: To please invite the Relief International focal person of the contaminated sources where the to attend the WASH Cluster meeting. chlorinators can be installed.

Mr. Hafeez shared that the WHO has already signed an MoU with UNICEF and PCRWR for the chlorination of contaminated sources.

Moreover WHO has also signed an MoU with Relief International to get water samples from source and destination of contaminated water area for microbiological testing.

WHO has already provided the water testing kits to Relief International for districts Jaffarabad, Naseerabad and Jhal Magsi. Test results will be shared with WASH Cluster when received.

 WHO to share the list of IDP Camps having poor WASH facilities in the next cluster meeting.

Cleared in the previous meeting having no access.

 PAO to provide water quality report of water sources in the next meeting. PAO: To share the progress in next cluster meeting Progress not shared.

3. WASH services in IDP Camps/Water Quality CDWS informed the WASH Cluster that water tankers issues. available for 35 IDP families in Eastern Bypass Camp have been taken away by FC. Now the district government is providing water tankering to the said IDP camp.

3 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.

PAO in collaboration with UNICEF is providing WASH services in Shah Chowki and Al Huda camp IDP camps at Jaffarabad. So far 600 latrines and bathing places have been constructed in Shah Chowki camp. 20 Water bladders, provided by UNICEF to PAOBK, are also present at Shah Chowki camp each 5000 litres capacity. However 11 Plastic water tanks 300 gallons capacity are installed at the Shah chowki camp. Similarly 50 latrines and bathing places have been constructed in Al Huda camp. Moreover 11 hygiene promotion sessions have been conducted in these IDP camps. 4. Discussion on ERF Funding Mr. Wajid highlighted the funding constraints of the All the interested partners are requested to submit the ERF partner organizations and informed that the BRSP has proposals at ERF Secretariat as per guidelines shared. diverted some of its funds of regular programs for this emergency. BRSP has applied for funding under ERF and Pakistan Flood Emergency Response Plan 2010 but it has not been materialized as yet and almost all the partner organizations are now going in redundancy mode by not having enough funds left. He informed that there are still many gaps which need to addressed as the winter season has started therefore it is necessary that the WASH cluster prepare the early recovery or returnee strategy for the IDPs.

Mr. Hussainullah while responding to these queries, informed the WASH Cluster that the UNOCHA has deputed Mr. Tanvir to Quetta to look into the funding and coordination issues at Balochistan in order to facilitate the partner organizations to apply for funding currently available with UNOCHA.

Moreover he highlighted that the ERF is currently available with UNOCHA and all the interested partners can apply for this funding in consultation with

4 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.

their relevant clusters. The project proposals need to be submitted at ERF Secretariat Islamabad (UNOCHA Office) for funding between $50,000 to $500,000. He emphasized that all the partners should ensure that the project proposals are prepared keeping in view the time critical emergency response.

He further informed that the approval process of some of the project proposals have been delayed as some of the information need to be submitted to NDMA on their specified formats.

Mr. Qayum however requested all the partner organizations should prepare their project proposals in consultation with the relevant government department.

5. Sharing of Weekly Progress Report by the PHED: WASH partners Mr. Qayum informed the participants that the restoration of water supply schemes is in progress. 70 Water tankers (5000 Litre capacity) are providing 250,000 litres per day each having 2-5 trips to flood affected people. Chlorination of water is in progress in the supervision of PCRWR. 36 water filtration plants have been installed with the support of UNICEF. Moreover 30 more filtration plants will be provided by UNICEF.

Mr. Qayum further shared that 16 CDOs are working in Naseerabad, Jaffarabad, Sibi for hygiene promotion as these areas are having surface water.


5 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.

Mr. Hafeez briefed the participants about his recent WHO: To please coordinate with PHED and UNICEF to visit to Washuk district being hit by cholera outbreak. address the issue of provision of safe drinking water in the He said that the district is divided in two parts by the affected area of Washuk district. mountains. 2 water supply schemes are functional in the one part where the district offices are situated while the population of other part of the district are not having safe drinking water facility. The affected population is relying on the contaminated water for which chlorine tabs are being used that is provided by UNICEF. Moreover the CDWA filtration plant is not functional in that area as its generator is currently out of order. Therefore he requested the UNICEF for provision of filtration plants for the neglected part of Washuk district.


Mr. Wajid described the WASH services being provided by BRSP from 21-29 Oct 2010 and said that 800,000 approx. Litres of water has been provided in districts Naseerabad, Jhal Magsi and Jaffarabad. 13 hygiene promotion has been conducted. 15 Water storage tanks have been provided and 5 toilets constructed at Jaffarabad. Moreover the assessment of 22 water supply schemes has been completed in coordination of PHED.


Construction of 150 latrines is in progress in tehsil Talli district Sibi.

6. Venue for Next Cluster Meeting The issue of changing the venue of cluster meeting was discussed in detail on the reservations of some partners but finally it was agreed by all the participants that the meeting will be held at the same

6 21st Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster Emergency Coordination Meeting QueQuetta, Balochistan.


7. Discussion on 3 month Plan / Return Mr. Mumtaz informed the WASH Cluster that the All Partners: To share their 3-6 months plan on the Strategy WASH cluster is preparing the 3-6 months plan already circulated format. (Return Strategy) for the IDPs and requested all the partners to share the required information on the format already shared with them.

8. Date of next meeting Next Cluster meeting will be held on 8th November 2010 11:30am at Conference Room, Block 7, Civil Secretariat, Quetta.


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