E-Mail Address: Yamauchi Shigamed

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E-Mail Address: Yamauchi Shigamed


E-mail address: [email protected] Table 1. Clinical and radiographic data for the seven patients with internal carotid artery occlusion.

Patient/ Vascular Type of Stroke (#, Clinical features at Angiography Infarct site and size Time Change of clinical New findings on MR Recurrent ischemic stroke Age/ risk month) the first scan (Collateral) (mm x mm) on T1- between features during angiography at the (Interval after the follow-up Sex factors (residual signs) weighted MRI PET (mo.) follow-up follow-up scan PET, mo.); signs 1/59/F MI Asymptomtic no sign R ICA occ. none 24 appearance of DM sclerosis of none, death by cancer (15) (A com.) contralateral ICA 2/59/M HT, DM Transient ischemic no sign L ICA occ. L frontal subcortex 41 poor control of stenosis of ipsilarteral ipsilateral, PCA and cortico- attack; L amaurosis (Leptomeningeal) (7 x 10) DM PCA and contralateral subcortical MCA-PCA fugax (5) MCA, sclerosis of watershed (15); R contralateral ICA hemianopsia and transcortical sensory aphasia 3/67/M none Minor (R) hemisphere good recovery R ICA occ. R corona radiata 27 no change stenosis of ipsilateral, cortico-subcortical stroke (5) (slight dysarthria) (A com.) (8 x 20) contralateral ICA MCA-PCA watershed (11); L hemiparesis 4/74/M none Minor (R) hemisphere good recovery (L R ICA occ. R centrum semiovale 24 sleep disturbance sclerosis of ipsilateral, subcortical ACA- stroke (4) upper limb drift) (A com.) (7 x 18) contralateral ICA MCA watershed (16); L hemiparesis 5/57/F HT, DM Minor (L) hemisphere poor recovery (mild L ICA occ. L centrum semiovale 50 poor control of none none (24) stroke (6) R hemiparesis) (A com.) (5 x 8) DM, appearance of dysarthria 6/57/M none Minor (R) hemisphere good recovery (no R ICA occ. R frontal subcortex 61 appearance of HT stenosis of contralateral none (17) stroke (3) sign) (A com.) (8 x 20) and DM intracranial ICA 7/63/M none Minor (L) hemisphere good recovery (R L ICA occ. L centrum semiovale 64 no change none none (29) stroke (2) upper limb drift) (A com.) (8 x 22) #The times in brackets indicate the interval between the onset of each symptom and the initial evaluation. Abbreviations; F = female; M = male; MI = myocardial infarction; HT = hypertension; DM = diabetes mellitus; L = left; R = right; ICA = internal carotid artery; ACA, MCA, PCA = anterior, middle, posterior cerebral artery; occ. = occlusion; A com. = anterior communicating artery.


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