To Develop Individuals in Various Technical and Managerial Life Skills

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To Develop Individuals in Various Technical and Managerial Life Skills

Vision: organizing the Prayer Service. Taking To be a prime manpower provider in the scriptures from the Book of Matthew 5, field of technology, innovation and verses 12-16. He explained that humility management for national development. attracts success. He admonished the staff to be humble, dedicated and committed to Mission: work. He went further to describe the To develop individuals in various Rector, Prof. E. A. Fasakin as a technical and managerial life skills ‘workaholic’ person and encouraged the through qualitative training and relevant staff and students to emulate such virtue. educational programmes to meet the While addressing the students, he stated needs of the nation’s economy. that they had been set on a hill as ambassadors of the Polytechnic and urged Core Values (CACIT) them to comport themselves well, have Commitment, Accountability, Creativity right attitude to work, shun any act of and Innovativeness, Integrity and violence and be dedicated to their studies. Teamwork. He thereafter, prayed fervently for the leadership and all members of FEDPOLEL FEDPOLEL holds 8th edition of Prayer community. Service The Management, Staff and Students of In his remarks, the Rector, Prof. E. A. the Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, in their Fasakin on behalf of the Management, usual practice held the 8th edition of the Staff and Students, thanked the Guest prayer service on Monday, 1st August, Minister for coming to share the Word of 2016. The Guest Minister, Rev. D. I. God with the Staff and for adding value to Iwala, the regional overseer of the the altar of the Polytechnic. He added that Foursquare Gospel Church, spoke on there was the need to keep marching on for “humility”. He commended the prayers to be answered. He reminded them Management and staff for their initiative of that the purpose of the meeting was to

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 1 covenant the Polytechnic with God and seminar for the Staff and Students of the encouraged them to put their trust in God Polytechnic on Thursday, 4th August, to be successful in life. He further 2016. The programme began with an described Rev. Iwala as a man who had address by the Acting Dean of simplified life and had impacted positively Programmes Engr. A. F. Akinnifesi, who on many people’s lives. stood in for the Rector as Chairman. He thanked the Staff and Students for taking The Bursar, Mr. A. T. Orina also thanked out time to attend the seminar. He added the Guest Speaker for the timely message that such seminars would be held in the and added that there was nothing as Polytechnic from time to time and urged worthy as valuing God. them to make use of every opportunity Thereafter a special prayer session was they have to improve on themselves. He held at the Rector’s official lodge. admonished the staff present to have maximum benefit of the training. The Rector receives Pan-African Leadership Branch Manager, Mr. Abiodun Aponle, Award spoke on the topic “Employment, Business The Rector, Prof. E. A. Fasakin, Ffs, fica, startup and business growth in the received a Pan-African Leadership award Information and Communications on Tuesday, 2nd August, 2016. The award Technology Age for Young/Knowledgeable was given to him by the African Students’ people”. He emphasized on the importance Union Parliament (ASUP). The union and benefits of mobile banking. He added comprises students within the 54-member that mobile banking could be used for countries (from Africa) with core payment of bills such as ticket fees, Digital objectives of encouraging cooperation Satellite Television (DStv) subscription, among member states’ students for the and transfer of fund to another account and purpose of peace, development and for recharge of airtime. economic stability of the African The Principal Assistant Registrar, Mr. D. continent. The Union was represented by O. A. Oyeyipo thanked the Management of the Majority Leader, Comr. E. D. Ayih, First Bank for the innovation, he Comr. Adjei Frimgpon, Comr. Ozim admonished the students present to be Temple, Comr. Dominic Eveh and Comr. innovative and to make judicious use of Dahunsi Nifesi. In his remarks, Comr. ICT. He urged them not to abuse the use of Ayih stated that the award was conferred ICT but to explore and make positive use on the Rector in recognition of his of it. He also urged them to discover commitment to service delivery in opportunities in hopeless situations. community development, youth empowerment and professional CMS Members meet on amendment of contributions to the development of Bye-laws Nigeria and humanity. Members of the Cooperative Multipurpose Society Limited of the Federal First Bank (Ile-Oluji) organizes Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, held their Second interactive session with FEDPOLEL General Meeting on Thursday, 11th The Management of the First Bank Plc. August, 2016, at the Academic Take-Off Ile-Oluji branch organized an interactive Site. The meeting commenced with a

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 2 welcome address by the CMS Caretaker Polytechnics and similar tertiary Committeee Chairman, Mr. S. O. educational institutions in Nigeria. Akindutire. In his address, he appreciated members for their spirit of understanding Management constitutes committee on and the support given to the Executives. appraisal and inventory of the official Also, the income and expenditure account residence of the Rector as at 10th August, 2016 was presented by The Principal Officers of the Polytechnic the CMS Treasurer, Mrs. F.O. Ayodele. at their meeting held on Monday, 18th July Thereafter, the Secretary to the Committee 2016, approved the constitution of a on amendment of Bye-laws, Barr. A. B. Committee to take inventory of items in Adewoye, presented the report of the the residence of the Rector and Committee and its recommendations. recommend appropriate rent for the apartment. Staff attend Registry lecture at FUTA The membership and terms of reference of Some Staff of the Polytechnic attended the the Committee are spelt out below: 8th Annual Registry Lecture of the Federal (i) Membership University of Technology, Akure. The Surv. O. Oyelola Director, PP/W event which took place between 1st and Chairman 4th August, 2016 at FUTA, had the theme Miss O. Bademosi (Rep.) Registry “Endowment, Grants and Corporate Member Social Responsibility as Funding Options Mr. O. O. Akinmoyegun (Rep.) Bursary for Tertiary and Research Institutions in Member Mr. R. A. Adedokun P. I. A. Nigeria”. The lecture, which was Member organized by the University, was attended Mr. P. T. Olotu Procurement Officer by Registrars and administrative staff from Member other universities, polytechnics and other Barr. O.O. Obaseki Rectory tertiary institutions. It was chaired by the Member/Secretary Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. (ii) Terms of Reference: The committee’s Adebiyi Daramola, and papers were fnaae terms of reference are to: presented by reputable scholars with i. appraise and take inventory of all that is intense deliberations at the event. available, cost of renovation, construction, the value that had been added and cross Registrar attends 68th COREG meeting check with what was available before; The Registrar, Mr. F. O. Adetula, attended ii. meet and negotiate with the landlord, the 68th Regular meeting of the Conference Adewakun family; of Registrars of Nigerian Polytechnics and iii. determine the duration of the rent; Colleges of Technology (COREG). The iv. fix the rent for the property; meeting commenced on Monday, 15th v. spread the cost incurred on the rent; and August, 2016 and ended on Friday, 19th vi. determine other things to be put in August, 2016 at the Kaduna Polytechnic, place now or in future which would be Kaduna State. The meeting included added to costs. extensive deliberations on the Association and a host of other issues relating to Rector meets with Academic Staff

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 3 The Rector, Prof. E. A. Fasakin, Ffs, fica, made to ensure other funds were released met with Academic staff of the for the Polytechnic to take-off effectively. Polytechnic on Tuesday, 16th August, 2016 at the Academic take-off site. He stated In order to provide man-power and to that the meeting was necessary in view of meet the man-power needs of this country the recent development on the upcoming in areas of technology, innovation and Accreditation Exercise. He reminded the management, Prof Fasakin urged the Staff staff present at the meeting on the to support his vision to make the importance of academics. He also stated Polytechnic a globally accepted institution. that without Accreditation, there would be He added that his vision was to make the no admission of students and recruitment Polytechnic a technical village, equipped thus; it would affect the development of with modern facilities and while trained the institution. He therefore urged the people would be employed to make use of academic staff to put in efforts to ensure the facilities. He also added that as the that the Polytechnic gets Accreditation. Polytechnic expands, the Centre for Speaking further, he informed them of the Foundation and Life-long Learning efforts Management had made to ensure (CeFOLL) would also expand and that the exercise was successful. He stated that other sub centres would be created. He the Management had visited the NBTE to appealed to the staff to support the Dean of convince them of the readiness of the Programmes and the Acting Heads of Polytechnic for Accreditation but the Departments to ensure that all the Board had directed that the Polytechnic be departments got accreditation. He officially visited for advisory and resource admonished them to use their potentials inspection purposes. and positions to impact positively on the Institution. He also urged them to notify On the issue of funding, the Rector gave a the Management on the available facilities brief history of the Polytechnic including and to map out strategies on how to cover the process of recruitment of staff and for the deficit before the Accreditation financial situation of the Institution since exercise. its existence. He added that an Executive Secretary had been appointed for Also at the meeting, the Polytechnic TETFund and that the Management team Librarian, Mr. A. A. Olofinsawe, thanked of TETFund had met with him to discuss the Rector on behalf of the staff for calling on the constitution of the Board of the meeting. He reminded them of the Trustees. He also informed them that the importance of the Library for budget of the Polytechnic had been Accreditation and admonished Staff to presented at the National Assembly and invest into the library by donating books. had been approved but that the Over-Head FEDPOLEL opens technical bid for Cost was yet to be released to the 2016 Capital Projects. Institution. The Management of the Polytechnic, He informed them that the only fund opened technical bids for the construction available for the Polytechnic at present of access road (Lot 1) and provision of was that Personnel but efforts were being electricity to the permanent site (Lot 2) on Tuesday, 9th August, 2016. Present at the

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 4 event were the Principal Officers and the 2016 to meet and present the Polytechnic management team, external observers and to the NBTE in Kaduna. The team was led the bidders. In his remarks, the Rector, by Director of Programmes of NBTE, Prof. E. A. Fasakin welcomed bidders Arch. Thomas Adekunle, other members present at the event. He also used the of the team were: medium to congratulate contractors that 1. TPL Ekpenyong Ekpeyong- Director had won contracts with the Polytechnic. Physical Planning He stated that the road construction and 2. Engr. A. D. K. Mohammad - Director electricity projects required expertise, Vocational, Technical and Skills Development 3. Alhaji Musa Isgogo- Deputy Director equipment and that whoever would be Program Support awarded the contract must have the 4. Engr. Dr. E. I. E. Onyeocha necessary equipment to execute the 5. Mr. Halilu Aminu projects. He added that the purpose of the 6. Dr. O. C. Okechukwu (ND Accountancy construction of access road project was to Programme) open up the road for buildings while the 7. Mr. Mustapha Mohammed (ND other was to provide electricity. He also Accountancy Programme) informed that the projects would be funded 8. Dr. Engr. O. O. Bello (Computer by the Federal Government and Engineering Programme) admonished them to put in their best to the 9. Engr. K. S. Danja (Electrical/Electronic project. He added that whoever was Engineering Programme) 10. Engr. Abba Danmowa (Deputy Director, qualified in the technical bid would be Engineering Programme) legible for the financial bid and that 11. Mr. Miri Ibipade (Computer Science whoever is disqualified should accept the Programme) defeat with good fate but that the 12. Mr. Onyebuchi John (Statistics procedure would be clear and just to all. Programme) Thereafter, the technical bid was opened 13. Mr. Fidelis Ogbonna (Deputy Director and it was reported that out of the twenty- Science) two (22) bidders that applied for LOT 1, 14. Mr. Bode Majiyagbe only twenty (20) submitted for the bid 15. Mallam Tanko Samaila while 15 bidders submitted for LOT 2. 16. Mallam Abdul Isa Kofarmata The Registrar, Mr. F. O. Adetula thanked Upon their arrival at the Polytechnic, the the bidders for the interest and for team visited the Office of the Rector and comporting themselves throughout the they were received by the Management bidding process. Team led by the Rector, Prof. E. A. Fasakin. The Rector warmly welcomed the team and gave a historical brief of the Advisory/Resource Inspection Team of Polytechnic. He also stated the Mission the NBTE visits FEDPOLEL and Vision of the Polytechnic, as well as The Advisory/Inspection Team of the the Polytechnic’s competitive advantages. National Board for Technical Education He explained that the Polytechnic’s (NBTE) visited the Federal Polytechnic academic activity would be 75% science Ile-Oluji on Tuesday, 30th August, 2016. and engineering programmes while the The visit was a follow-up to the earlier remaining 25% would focus on visit of the Rector and his team in May, Management courses. The Rector

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 5 reiterated the willingness of the in-Council for the warm reception. He Polytechnic’s community to focus on stated the visit was important to the technical and vocational education and the Polytechnic as no Polytechnic could exist reasons for the five (5) take-off courses. without the approval of the NBTE. While Responding, TPL Ekpenyong Ekpeyong, addressing the Council, he added that the thanked the Management of the Polytechnic had enjoyed a partnership deal Polytechnic for the warm reception. He with Engr. Sam Adegboyega, a committed stated that the purpose of the visit was to indigene of the community. He described inspect facilities, infrastructure and the him as a man who had passion for the personnel of the Polytechnic, also to development of the Community and the advise and give recommendations where Polytechnic. He informed the Council that necessary. He also advised that the the NBTE had visited the Piccolo Brunelli Management should be open to the NBTE Engineering Workshop which the Team during the exercise so that they Polytechnic had proposed to use as the would advise and give recommendations. centre for skill acquisition. He also Thereafter, the NBTE team was taken to commended Prof Bola Akinterinwa, a the Academic take-off site of the proud indigene of the Community, for his Polytechnic where the Inspection exercise relentless effort and support to the was conducted. Polytechnic. He extended his gratitude to Barr. Akinbosade, Mr. Santos Adekunle The following day, there was an exit and Dr. Tunde and wife, Evang. Mrs Dupe meeting of the Advisory/Inspection team Ogunsusi for providing support to the with the Management team of the Polytechnic. Polytechnic. The meeting included Responding, HRM Oba, Dr. Julius extensive deliberations and Olufaderin Adetimehin welcomed the team recommendations for the Polytechnic. and gave a brief traditional history and Thereafter, the team were taken to the geographical location of the Community. Polytechnic’s permanent site of 150 He informed the team that there was a hectares of land. good partnership deal in the community. NBTE Team pay courtesy visit to the He commended the team for the job they Jegun-in-Council had come to do in the Polytechnic. He also The NBTE Advisory/Resource Inspection commended the pioneer staff for the team paid a courtesy visit to the Palace of pioneering job they were doing. the Jegun of Ile-Oluji on Wednesday, 31st He added that the only part that attaches August, 2016. The team, accompanied by more relevance and value to education the Principal Officers of the Polytechnic above other callings in Nigeria is the were received with traditional encomium Southwest. He added that the community at the Jegun’s palace by the Kabiyesi and would not relent in their effort to support other High Chiefs, Engr. Sam the Polytechnic financially, morally and Adegboyega, Dr. Tunde & Evang. Mrs. also promised that the Council would Dupe Ogunsusi, Hon. Oladunjoye ensure the Polytechnic enjoys peace and Oyewumi and Mr. Santos Adekunle. At orderliness in and around the Polytechnic. the Palace, the Rector thanked the Jegun-

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 6 He admonished the team who were on an strength, protection, sound health and official assignment to assist the Federal prosperity. Polytechnic towards the successful actualization of its founding vision and Management commiserate with PAR objectives. The Management and staff of the Polytechnic commiserate with Mr. D. O. Speaking on behalf of the NBTE A. Oyeyipo, Principal Assistant Registrar Advisory/Inspection team, Arch. Thomas in the Registry Department who lost his Adekunle thanked the Kabiyesi and his beloved mother in the month of August, Council for the warm reception. He also 2016. We at FEDPOLEL News Bulletin appreciated the Council for providing pray that God Almighty will grant him and support for the Polytechnic. He added the entire family the fortitude to bear the success could only be achieved through irreparable loss. dedication and commitment and that the The burial ceremony comes up at 11:00 Pioneer staff has shown mastery of what a.m. on Friday, 7th October, 2016 at St. they were doing. Michael’s Anglican Church, Esie, Kwara After a brief traditional reception at State. Reception follows immediately at Jegun’s Palace, the team proceeded to the St. Michael’s Anglican Church field, Esie. Academic Take-Off Site of the Polytechnic, where the meeting ended with Upcoming Birthdays entertainment and sumptuous dinner taken The Information, Protocol and Passages together. Unit, on behalf of the Rector and Management of FEDPOLEL, wishes to felicitate with the following staff whose Appreciation birthdays fall within the months of The Management and entire Staff of the September & October 2016: Polytechnic warmly expressed their NAMES DEPT. D.O.B CONTACT profound appreciation to the following Mr. O. C. Ojo Bursary 7th Sept 07058165005 Engr. T. D. Elect/Elect 10th Sept people for their immense contributions and Ebinowen Miss. G. T. Library 13th Sept 07033577084 donations during the visit of the Olorunyomi Advisory/Resource Inspection team of the Mr. A. A. Library 15th Sept 0803***1582 Olofinsawe NBTE to the Polytechnic: Mr. I. Library 20th Sept 08038397701 Ogunboyewa His Royal Majesty, Oba Dr. Julius Olufaderin Mr. D. School of 24th Sept 07038113190 Adetimehin, Jegun of Ile-Oluji Kingdom. Akintunde Management studies Prof. Bola Akinterinwa Mr. O. E. Bursary 27th 08068678582 Barr. Ade Akinbosade Olajide Sept Mr. O. PP/W 1st Oct. 08035062510 Chief (Mrs.) Dupe Ogunsusi Oyelola Engr. Sam Adegboyega Miss O.D. Internal 2nd Oct. 08062278284 Emehinola Audit Mr. Happy Omolaiye Mr. R. Internal 5th Oct. 08033721932 Dr. O. C. Okechukwu (NBTE) Adedokun Audit Mr. H. Internal 5th Oct. 07037150793 As the Polytechnic warm up towards Salami Audit Mr. T. A. Bursary 12th Oct. 0703***8430 entering into a new phase, we pray unto Orina the Almighty God to keep blessing each and every one with divine wisdom, Electronic Copy of the Bulletin Now Available

THE OFFICIAL NEWS BULLETIN OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, ILE-OLUJI, ONDO STATE. VOL. NO. 10 7 To get an electronic copy of the Bulletin visit:


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