City of Blue Earth s5

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City of Blue Earth s5

1 CITY OF BLUE EARTH 2 MINUTES 3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4 Monday, August 4, 2008– 5:00 P.M. 5 6 CALL TO ORDER 7 8Mayor Hammond called the meeting to order at 5:03 P.M. 9 10 ROLL CALL 11 12Roll call was taken: Councilmembers Brod, Wiborg, Maher, Scholtes 13and Mayor Hammond were present. Councilmember Gaylord and 14Huisman were excused. Staff members present were: City Attorney 15David Frundt and City Engineer Bill Sayre. 16 17 DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM 18 19After roll call, Mayor Hammond determined there was a quorum. 20 21 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 22 23Mayor Hammond led the pledge of allegiance. 24 25 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 26 27Mayor Hammond noted that there was no one from the public present 28for comment at this time. 29 30 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31 32Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Scholtes 33to approve the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting and the 34Works Session of Monday, July 21, 2008 and the Minute from the 35Special City Council Meeting of Monday, July 28, 2008. The 36motion was approved unanimously. 37 38 LICENSES AND PERMITS 39 40At this time Mayor Hammond addressed the following requests of Tap 41Enterprises Incorporated to hold a tool sale August 11, 2008 at 42the Faribault County Fairgrounds 4-H Building. Mayor Hammond 43noted that this has been a re-occurring event for several years. 44Mayor Hammond noted that the next request is for a Dog Jump 45Contest at the Fairbault County Fairgrounds to be held on 46September 5th and 6th, 2008. There were no issues or discussion

1 1 1offered from anyone present regarding the two requests as 2presented. 3 4Motion by Councilmember Wiborg, second by Councilmember Brod 5approving the request of Tap Enterprises Incorporated to hold a 6Tool sale at the Faribault County Fairgrounds 4-H Building on 7Monday, August 11, 2008 and the request to hold a Dog Jump Contest 8at the Fairbault County Fairgrounds on September 5th and 6th, 2008. 9The motion passed unanimously. 10 11 CORRESPONDENCE 12 13National Night out Block Party Tuesday, August 5, 2008, thank you 14from Chamber, Region 9 Development information and the Faribault 15County Board of Commissioners August Agenda. 16 17There was no discussion regarding the correspondence at this 18time. 19 20 PUBLIC HEARINGS 21 22There was no scheduled hearing at this time. 23 24 REPORTS FROM STAFF 25 26Police Chief 27At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Resolution 08-23 sale of 28surplus property as follows: 29 30 CITY OF BLUE EARTH 31 RESOLUTION 08-23 32 A RESOLUTION DECLARING PROPERTY SURPLUS AND 33 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SUCH PROPERTY 34 35WHEREAS, the following vehicles will be sold by the Blue Earth Police Department on the State 36of Minnesota On-Line auction service; 37 38 Description ______391993 Ford Crown Victoria V.I.N. 2FALP74W9PX174506 401996 Jeep, V.I.N. 1J4GZ585XTC192919 412005 Chevrolet Impala V.I.N. 2G1WF55KX59301199 42 43 WHEREAS, the City Council authorizes the Clerk-Administrator to dispose of the 44property according to Section 260.03, Subdivision 2. Surplus Property. 45

1 2 1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 2OF BLUE EARTH, MINNESOTA: 3Authorizes the City of Blue Earth Chief of Police to sell such surplus vehicles on the Minnesota 4On-Line auction service. 5 6Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Scholtes 7to approve Resolution 08-23 as presented. The motion passed 8unanimously. 9 10Public Works 11At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Resolution 08-25 Sewer hookup 12fee and deposit for sewer permit. Administrative assistant Sue 13Hauskins explained that during the assessment policy review the 14following fees noted in Sanitary Sewer section b, were 15inadvertently omitted from the fee schedule, as follows; 16 REVISIONS TO: 17 ASSESSMENT POLICY 18 CITY OF BLUE EARTH 19 Adopted May 4, 1999 20 Revised July 16, 2001 21 Revised March 20, 2006 22 23In order to insure that costs of public improvements such as streets curb and gutter, sidewalk, 24watermain and sewers are charged in the most fair and equitable manner, the City Council of the 25City of Blue Earth has determined the following to be the assessment policy for the City. 261. Curb, and Gutter and Sidewalk: 27 a. The cost of construction and reconstruction of the above items curb and gutter and 28 sidewalk will shall be charged assessed in total 100 percent on a per foot basis against the 29 abutting property owner or as otherwise determined by discretion of the City Council. 30 31 b. Curb and gutter and sidewalk may be petitioned for by individual property owners. The 32 total assessment to the property owner shall cover 100 percent of the costs except that 33 approach sidewalk to corner lots at street intersections and alley crossings shall be paid by 34 the City. 352. Catch Basins and Catch Basin Leads: 36The cost of construction and reconstruction of the above items catch basins and catch basin leads 37on a street improvement project will shall be charged in total assessed 100 percent on a per front 38foot basis or other basis at the discretion of the City Council, against the benefiting property 39owner. The cost of catch basins and catch basin leads as a part of a storm sewer project shall be 40assessed on an area basis. 413. Streets: 42All The cost of reconstruction of all existing surfaced streets shall be assessed to the abutting 43property owner on the following basis: 44 a. R1 and R2 Residential Streets Zoning Districts:

1 3 1 An 8 foot pavement width on the basis of the cost of a 5-ton design bituminous street shall 2 be assessed to abutting property owners and anything over 8 foot width or the 5-ton design 3 bituminous basis will be assumed paid by the City of Blue Earth. 4 b. R3, B-1, B-2 & L1 Central Business District Zoning Districts: 5 8 foot pavement width on the basis of the cost of a 9-ton design bituminous street shall be 6 assessed to abutting property owners and anything over the 8 foot width or the 9-ton design 7 bituminous basis will be assumed by the City of Blue Earth. One hundred percent of the 8 cost of street reconstruction shall be assessed to abutting property owners. Non- 9 conforming residences in R3, B-1, B-2 and L1 Zoning Districts shall be assessed on the 10 basis of street reconstruction assessment in R1 and R2 Zoning Districts. 11 The Central Business District for the purposes of this policy is defined as that area from 12 Fourth to Ninth Streets and Nicollet to Moore inclusive. Other business areas as 13 determined by the Council may be assessed on a 9-ton basis. 14 c. The full cost of additional street width or increased design loading of a street constructed at 15 the request of the owner(s) shall be assessed to the benefited property. 16 d. The general method of assessment will be on a per front foot basis; however, in order to 17 assure that costs are equitably assessed, it may be necessary for the City Council to assess 18 the assessment may be based on a per lot or square footage benefited area basis when 19 special circumstances require it. 20 e. Ordinary maintenance of such streets shall be the responsibility of the City but overlays of 21 bituminous overlays and bituminous seal coats materials periodically required shall be 22 assessed 100 percent to abutting property owners based on the cost of one-half of the street 23 width of the bituminous overlay or seal coat using this policy. 24 f. The cost of reconstruction of street intersections and those portions of the street which abut 25 alley rights-of-way will be paid for by the City of Blue Earth. 26 g. Corner Lots – The length of the short side and one-half the length of the long side shall be 27 the basis of assessment of street reconstruction, bituminous overlays and bituminous seal 28 coats on the side of a corner lot which abuts the reconstruction, bituminous overlay or seal 29 coat the cost of street pavement will be paid by the property owner on the long side of said 30 corner lot. The shorter side will be paid for by the City of Blue Earth. 314. Alley: 32 a. Alleyways and sidewalks. Property owners may petition the city to improve alleyways and 33 sidewalks alleys. The cost would shall be assessed 100% over a maximum of a twenty 34 year period to cover 100 percent of the cost of the work. Alleyway petitions may arrange 35 an assessment allocation in a manner agreed upon by the abutting neighbors. 36 Alternatively, alleyway petitions may be accepted by the City Council when at least 51% 37 percent of the abutting frontage property owners sign the petition. The assessment 38 allocation would be 100% assessed on a per foot basis for those with a direct benefit 39 (garage access) and 25% assessed on a per foot basis for those with an indirect benefit 40 (potential garage access). The assessment to properties with indirect benefit (potential 41 garage access) shall be 25 percent of the assessment rate for properties with direct benefit 42 (garage access). The total assessment to all property owners would have to must cover 43 100% of the costs. Sidewalks may petitioned for by individual property owners. The total 44 assessment to the property owner would have to cover 100% of the costs, except for the 45 sidewalk improvement in the boulevard that would install handicap accessible approaches.

1 4 1 b. Maintenance costs of improved alleys shall be assessed 100 percent to the property owners 2 on the same basis as the assessment of the alley improvement. 35. Sanitary Sewer: 4 a. The cost of construction and reconstruction of sanitary sewers will shall be assessed 5 against to the benefiting benefited property on the basis of construction of an 8 inch line 6 sanitary sewer of average depth. This assessment will be on a per foot basis. The general 7 method of assessment will be based on a per front foot basis; however, in order to assure 8 that costs are equitably assessed, the assessment may be based on a per lot or property area 9 when special circumstances require. 10 b. Sewer hookup fees for all single family dwellings, mobile homes, and multiple family 11 dwellings up to and including four-plexes shall be $125.00 per family unit. Sewer 12 hookup fees for multiple family dwellings greater than four-plexes shall be $250.00. 13 Sewer hookup fees for commercial property shall be $250.00. Sewer hookup fees for 14 industrial property shall be $500.00. Hookup fees pertain to any new or additional 15 connections. Any dwelling or combination thereof not included above shall be treated 16 on an individual basis by the Council. The cost of construction and reconstruction of 17 sanitary sewer service lines from the main sanitary sewer to the home or building 18 shall be assessed 100 percent to the benefited property. 19 20Ms. Hauskins explained that the fees should be reflected on the 21fee schedule and Resolution 08-25 reflects the changes as 22recommended by Public Works Supervisor Dick LaMont. In addition 23to the $1,000.00 deposit for a sewer permit. 24 25Councilmember Brod noted that there is a more current assessment 26policy and asked that the matter be tabled until the most current 27policy can be compared. Mayor Hammond placed Resolution 08-25 on 28the next Work Session of Monday, August 18th. 29 30Fire Chief 31There was no report at this time. 32 33Economic Development Director 34There was no report at this time. 35 36City Attorney 37At this time Mayor Hammond addressed City Attorney David Frundt. 38Mr. Frundt explained that the following will complete the 39purchasing of the Schwab property. Mr. Frundt referred to the 40purchase agreement dated June 18, 2007 and the trustee deed. 41 42Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember approving 43the purchase and transfer of funds for the Gladys Schwab property 44as resented. The motion passed unanimously. 45

1 5 1City Attorney David Frundt addressed the Public Safety Center. 2Mr. Frundt explained that this is the last step in completion of 3the State of Minnesota’s requirement to requesting of funds from 4the State Department of Administration. City Attorney David 5Frundt explained that the EDA Board will also consider the lease 6amendment. Mr. Frundt explained that it has been a work in 7process for 3 years with effort to obtain the six hundred 8thousand in grant dollars for the Public Safety Center. City 9Attorney David Frundt explained that the lease document is over 1050 pages and is available to anyone for review. The document 11reflects language changes reviewed by the bond council stating 12incorrect ownership between the EDA and the City of Blue Earth. 13 14Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Scholtes 15approving the amendment to lease with option to purchase, Public 16Safety Center Use Agreement. The motion passed unanimously. 17 18City Engineer 19City Engineer Bill Sayre reported that the tabled items from 20Monday, July 21, 2008 regarding the Kerry Wastewater Sampling 21Station easement and the bids continue to remain tabled. Mr. 22Sayre explained that the easement issue has not been resolved. 23Mr. Sayre added that Kerry has raised additional questions that 24will be discussed on August 28th. However, the City has 45 days to 25accept the bids which are August 24th. City Engineer Bill Sayre 26indicated that he made effort to call Gaub, Inc today and was not 27able to make contact with the company. Mr. Sayre concluded that 28the bid acceptance will remain tabled until the easement documents 29have been completed. 30 31At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Resolution 08-24 regarding 32pool fees for the last month of the season. 33 34Resolution 08-24 amending pool fee and rate “Dog Days of summer”. 35 CITY OF BLUE EARTH 36 RESOLUTION 08-24 37 A RESOLUTION AMENDING 2008 POOL FEES AND RATES 38 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BLUE 39EARTH, MINNESOTA, 40 41WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend discount on season passes for the last 5 weeks of 42the pool season; 43 44WHEREAS, the following fees and rates apply Dog Days of Summer August through September 456, 2008 pool season: 46

1 6 1 Family Pass 130.00 50.00 2 Individual Pass 90.00 35.00 3 Water Aerobics/lap 55.00 35.00 4 5Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Scholtes 6to adopt Resolution 08-24 amending 2008 pool pass as presented. 7The motion passed unanimously. 8 9 REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMISSION 10 11There were no reports given for the following boards: 12Library Board Liaison 13Economic Development Authority Liaison 14Housing and Redevelopment Authority Liaison 15Senior Center Board Liaison 16 17Faribault County Fitness Center Board Liaison 18Motion by Councilmember Wiborg, second by Councilmember Brod to 19approve the appointment of Denise Pfaffinger Fitness Center Board 20filling the remaining term of Roger Cory. The motion passed 21unanimously. 22 23There were no reports given for the following boards: 24Board of Public Works Liaison 25Other Boards and Commissions 26Joint Fire Service Advisory board 27Joint Powers Agreement Board/School Resource Officer 28Planning Commission 29Charter Commission 30Board of Zoning Appeals 31Joint Airport Zoning Board 32Blue Earth Airport Advisory Board 33Board of Review 34 35 REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL 36 37There was no report for the Parks & Recreation Subcommittee or the 38Budget & Finance Subcommittee at this time. 39 40Councilmember Brod reported that the Street Improvement 41Subcommittee met on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 and gave 42recommendations for street repair. The recommended streets are as 43follows: 44 3 blocks that would include 8th Street from Moore to Gorman. 45 2 blocks that would include 5th Street from Holland to 46 Nicollet.

1 7 1 2 blocks that would include Moore Street from 8th Street to 2 11th Street. 3 4Councilmember Brod and City Engineer Bill Sayre explained that the 5Council would be considering the reports for the preliminary plans 6and specs and call for hearing for the proposed street 7improvements. 8 9Motion by Councilmember Brod, second by Councilmember Scholtes to 10approve the order for the City Engineer’s study for the 11preliminary plans and specs for the streets as presented. The 12motion passed unanimously. 13 14There was no report for the Highway 169 Landscape Subcommittee or 15the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Local Official Committee. 16 17Motion by Councilmember Wiborg, second by Councilmember Brod to 18approve the reports of the Boards and Commissions as presented. 19The motion was approved unanimously. 20 21 CONSENT AGENDA 22 23There were no consent items at this time. 24 25 OLD BUSINESS 26 27At this time Mayor Hammond addressed the following: 28 29 ORDINANCE 08-05 30 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS 31 FOR THE DEFERMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 32 PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 435.193 33 34 The City Council of the City of Blue Earth do ordain as follows: 35The City Council hereby adopts a Section to the City Code as follows: 36 37 SECTION 280 - DEFERMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 38 SUBSECTION 280.01 - DEFERMENTS FOR PERSONS AGE 65 OR OLDER

39 Subd. 1. The Council may defer the payment of any special assessment on homestead 40property owned by a person who is 65 years of age or older, or who is retired by virtue of 41permanent and total disability, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record the deferment of 42special assessments where the following conditions are met: 43 1. The applicant must apply for the deferment not later than 90 days after the 44 assessment is adopted by the City Council. 45 2. The applicant must be 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of 1 8 1 permanent and total disability. 2 3. The applicant must be the owner of the property. 3 4. The applicant must occupy the property as his principal place of residence. 4 5. The average annual payment for assessments levied against the subject property 5 exceed one percent of the adjusted gross income of the applicant as evidenced by 6 the applicant's most recent federal income tax return. The average annual payment 7 of an assessment shall be the total cost of the assessment divided by the number of 8 years over which it is spread. 9 Subd. 2 The deferment shall be granted for as long a period of time as the hardship exists 10and the conditions aforementioned have been met. However, it shall be the duty of the applicant to 11notify the City Clerk of any change in his status that would affect eligibility for deferment. 12 Subd. 3. The entire amount of deferred special assessments shall be due within sixty (60) 13days after loss of eligibility by the applicant. If the special assessment is not paid within the sixty 14(60) days, the City Clerk shall add thereto interest at a per annum interest rate of two percent (2%) 15above the bond interest rate and the total amount of principal and interest shall be certified to the 16County Auditor for collection with taxes the following year. Should the applicant demonstrate, to 17the satisfaction of the Council, that full repayment of the deferred special assessment would cause 18the applicant particular undue financial hardship, the Council may order that the applicant pay 19within sixty days a sum equal to the number of installments of deferred special assessments 20outstanding and unpaid to date, including principal and interest, with the balance thereafter paid 21according to the terms and conditions of the original special assessments or the Council may 22continue the deferment of the assessment on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances of 23the owner not covered by the deferment guidelines herein as long as said determination to 24continue the deferment is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and the Council makes written 25findings as to the reasons for its determination to continue the deferment for said owner. 26 Subd. 4. The option to defer the payment of special assessments shall terminate and all 27amounts accumulated plus applicable interest shall become due upon the occurrence of any one of 28the following: 29 1. The death of the owner when there is no spouse who is eligible for 30 deferment. 31 2. The sale, transfer or subdivision of all or any part of the property. 32 3. Loss of homestead status on the property, 33 4. Determination by the Council for any reason that immediate or partial 34 payment would impose no hardship. 35 SUBSECTION 280.02 - DEFERMENTS FOR NATIONAL GUARD OR RESERVE 36MEMBERS ON ACTIVE DUTY STATUS 37 38 Subd. 1 The Council may defer any special assessment on homestead property owned by a 39person who is a member of the Minnesota National Guard or other military reserves who is 40ordered into active military service for whom it would be a hardship to make payments for the 41term of their tour of active duty in the military of the United States of America. 42 Subd. 2. The option to defer a special assessment on homestead property owned by an 1 9 1active duty member of the Minnesota National Guard or other military reserves branch of the 2United States Military shall terminate and all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest shall 3become due upon occurrence of one of the following: 4 5 1. The sale, transfer or subdivision of any or all of the property. 6 2. The return to inactive military duty status by the applicant. 7 3. The loss of homestead status of the property. 8 9 Subd. 3. The entire amount of deferred special assessments shall be due within sixty (60) 10days after loss of eligibility by the applicant. If the special assessment is not paid within the sixty 11(60) days, the City Clerk shall add thereto interest at a per annum interest rate of two percent (2%) 12above the bond interest rate and the total amount of principal and interest shall be certified to the 13County Auditor for collection with taxes the following year. Should the applicant demonstrate, to 14the satisfaction of the Council, that full repayment of the deferred special assessment would cause 15the applicant particular undue financial hardship, the Council may order that the applicant pay 16within sixty days a sum equal to the number of installments of deferred special assessments 17outstanding and unpaid to date, including principal and interest, with the balance thereafter paid 18according to the terms and conditions of the original special assessments or the Council may 19continue the deferment of the assessment on the basis of exceptional and unusual circumstances of 20the owner not covered by the deferment guidelines herein as long as said determination to 21continue the deferment is made in a nondiscriminatory manner and the Council makes written 22findings as to the reasons for its determination to continue the deferment for said owner. 23 24 This Ordinance shall not be effective until thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. 25 26City Attorney David Frundt explained that the above presented 27ordinance is a redraft. Mr. Frundt explained that subsection 3 28gives leeway to the Council to base each case on an individual 29basis. City Attorney David Frundt explained that the last 30council discussion ended with the Council recommendation to 31continue the allow 10 years to pay off the assessment. However, 32this draft gives Council the flexibility to determine the 33eligibility of each individual case. 34 35Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Scholtes 36adopting Ordinance 08-05 for deferment assessments as presented. 37Roll call vote was taken: 38 39Councilmember Brod Nay 40Councilmember Maher Aye 41Councilmember Wiborg Nay 42Councilmember Gaylord Absent 43Councilmember Scholtes Aye 44Councilmember Huisman Absent 45Mayor Hammond Aye 46Ordinance 08-05 passed on a 3 to 2 vote. 1 10 1 2 NEW BUSINESS 3 4At this time Mayor Hammond addressed Resolution 08-26 Approving 5Election Judges. 6 7Motion by Councilmember Maher, second by Councilmember Wiborg 8approving Resolution 08-26. 9 CITY OF BLUE EARTH. 10 RESOLUTION 08-26 11 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES 12 FOR THE 2008 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS 13 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 14OF BLUE, MINNESOTA: 15 16To appoint the following election judges: 17 PRIMARY ELECTION GENERAL ELECTION 18 19 ELECTION JUDGE COODINATOR ____ ELECTION JUDGE COODINATOR 20ELLOYCE QUEENSLAND NADINE WICKERSHAM KRULL 21 22 WARD I – JUDGES WARD I – JUDGES 23MAURA CAHILL – CHAIR MAURA CAHILL – CHAIR 24JOY AGREN JOY AGREN 25RUTHY JOHNSON RUTHY JOHNSON 26CLARANN SAYRE CLARANN SAYRE 27CINDY TRASAMAR CINDY TRASAMAR 28SUE ZITNAK SUE ZITNAK 29 30 WARD II – JUDGES WARD II – JUDGES 31NADINE WICKERSHAM KRULL-CHAIR BETTY LIVENGOOD -CHAIR 32KATHY BENZ KATHY BENZ 33LUCILLE CHRISTENSEN 1:00–9:00 P.M. LUCILLE CHRISTENSEN 1:00 34 P.M.-9:00 P.M. 35DOTTIE LAWSON DOTTIE LAWSON 36BETTY LIVENGOOD KARYL HINTZ 37JULIE RHODA 6:30 A.M.-1:00 P.M. JULIE RHODA 6:30 A.M.-1:00 38 P.M. 39 WARD III – JUDGES WARD III – JUDGES 40ALICE ODDEN – CHAIR ALICE ODDEN – CHAIR 41MARY BARTELS MARY BARTELS 42BURDETTE ENSRUD BURDETTE ENSRUD 43PEG JOHNSON PEG JOHNSON 44CAROL ZIERKE CAROL ZIERKE 45The motion passed unanimously. 46Mayor Hammond addressed the Work session Agenda August 18, 2008.

1 11 1 a. Job Descriptions 2 b. Waste Management contract 3 4 BILLS AND INVESTMENTS 5 6Motion by Councilmember Scholtes, second by Councilmember Maher 7to pay the bills. Discussion included Councilmember Maher 8question regarding the travel reimbursement request of interview 9candidate Alfred Vacanti. Additional discussion noted that there 10was no indication in the job description or anyplace else that 11the City would reimburse mileage. Mayor Hammond reported that 12mileage reimbursement is common. Councilmember Wiborg motioned 13not to approve the request of mileage payment to Mr. Vacanti, 14motion was seconded by Councilmember Brod. The motion not to 15pay failed on a tie vote with Mayor Hammond not voting. 16 17Motion to pay the bills passed with Councilmember Brod opposing. 18 19 REPORT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR 20 21Mayor Hammond noted that everyone had received the Election filing 22date and Ward information in their packets. 23 24Mayor Hammond noted that Bill Bassett has recommended that the 25City address and discuss the Storm Water/Street Utility. Mayor 26Hammond reported that the issue concerns drain fields and 27selected sites that would be assessed for waste water. Mayor 28Hammond noted that the issue is similar to Street Utilities and 29would assist in building reserves fro bonding funds. 30 31Mayor Hammond informed the Council that Bill Bassett plans to 32return on Monday, August 11th to assist Kathy Bailey during her 33initial orientation as City Administrator. 34 35 OTHER BUSINESS 36 37Having no other business a motion was made by Councilmember 38Scholtes and seconded by councilmember Wiborg to adjourn the 39Council Meeting. Mayor Hammond adjourned at 5:40 P.M.

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