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Date: Tuesday 13th July 2010 Location: A121, Wilfred Brown Building Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Chair: Professor Ian Campbell (PVC External Relations & Student Experience)

Present: Mr William Armstrong (UBS) Mrs Linda Hazell (Planning) Ms Jeung Lee (Operations) Mr Andrew Kershaw (Director External Affairs) Ms Anthi Vakali (Brunel Volunteers)

Apologies:- Mr Joel Brasher-Jones (UBS) Ms Jo Dooher (Publications) Mr Joe Greenwood (UBS) Mrs Jess Luscombe (Computer Centre) Ms Avina Patel (UBS) Rev Charles Sargent (Chaplaincy) Mr Howard Shearer (Catering)

1.0 Apologies & welcome Apologies were received as listed above. PVC (ER & SE) welcomed Will Armstrong (UBS Environment) and Anthi Vakali (Brunel Volunteers) to the Group.

2.0 Notes of the meeting held 11 May These were accepted as a true record.

3.0 Matters Arising

3.2 As it was not possible to contact the Media student who had filmed interviews during Fairtrade Fortnight, in time for the Renewal application, it was agreed that this item would be dropped.

3.3 Responses were still awaited from Sarah Jewell regarding the problem of not being able to buy Fairtrade catering products in bulk and also sharing best practice. (ACTION IC)

3.4 Due to lack of resources, it had not been possible to hold the Fairtrade Stall during FACE. It was agreed that this would provide a good opportunity for next year and would be added to the future Events calendar for 2010/11. (ACTION LH) 3.5 As it had not been feasible to man the Fairtrade stall at Freshers’ Fayre last year, Teresa Sam had contacted Will Armstrong (UBS) about the possibility of setting up a small group to man the Fairtrade Stall. This matter was discussed in more detail and reported in 5.0 Future Events.

3.6 Following on from the suggestion of carrying out a staff survey on Fairtrade, a list of possible survey questions was circulated at the meeting.It was suggested that this be expanded to include the interests of Catering & Costcutter. Jeung Lee and Linda Hazell would meet with Beverley Williams to discuss how staff/student input may help with stocking Fairtrade items in the future. (ACTION JL/LH)

1 It was felt that October/November would be a good time to launch the survey, after Freshers’ Fayre and when more staff and students would be on campus.

3.7 Fairtrade Policy Steering Group: PVC (ER&SE) would follow up his action to contact the Schools regarding the possibility of academic representation on the Steering Group and how Fairtrade impacts on the curriculum. (ACTION IC) Promotion: Linda Hazell would contact the Print Room at a later date regarding the production of posters for display around campus, in time for start of 2010/11 academic year. (ACTION LH) The Fairtrade banner was now installed on plasma screens in Wilfred Brown Building and Lecture Centre. Director (EA) reported that there needed to be some commonality between all screens round campus. (ACTION AK) Regarding promoting Fairtrade using the TV in Locos, it was not certain whether this was possible within the terms of the contract with SUB TV. Linda Hazell would follow up with Avina Patel outside the meeting. (ACTION LH)

3.8 Application Renewal All outstanding matters had been followed up, in time for the submission of the Application Renewal in June.

6.1 New Banners Director (External Affairs) informed the group that the new Fairtrade banners would be put up along the main concourse in September. This was later than anticipated due to vandalisation of the current banners.

6.2 Brunel Volunteers Avina Patel reported outside the meeting that she would be interested in hosting a possible Fairtrade project proposal for Brunel Volunteers, based upon the fashion show she organised to raise funds for a local Cancer Community Centre.

4.0 Application Renewal

It was reported that all sections had been completed and the application had been submitted on 11 June. The decision was now awaited from Fairtrade Foundation.

5.0 Future Events

5.1 Freshers’ Fayre The Group discussed the possibility of expanding the Fairtrade Stall to include information on the various outlets on campus where Fairtrade products are available and possibly showcasing some of the products on the stall itself. There were several issues to consider now that Rev. Charles Sargent was leaving Brunel:  Who would man the stall  Availability of stock/ordering It was agreed that the stall was a valuable tool in informing and recruiting and that it should, if possible, be continued. Director (EA) would ascertain the position regarding the continuation of the Fairtrade stall outside the meeting. (ACTION AK) With regard to manning the stall, it was agreed that Will Armstrong could look for volunteers in the Environment Society and Anthi Vakali agreed to add it as a volunteering opportunity. (ACTION WA/AV) Will Armstrong offered to contact Fairtrade Foundation regarding the possibility of representation at Freshers’ Fayre. (ACTION WA) It was agreed we held enough information to provide potential volunteers with the knowledge required to get the Fairtrade message across on the stall, should 2 Fairtrade Foundation not be able to provide a representative. It was also suggested that Uxbridge High School may be interested in attending Freshers’ Fayre to see how we use the event to promote Fairtrade at Brunel.

5.2 General Anthi advised that Brunel Volunteers produced a Calendar of Events and suggested that a Fairtrade volunteering opportunity be added, whereby students could choose their own activity to promote Fairtrade, be it a School visit, show etc. The Group agreed this was a good idea. (ACTION AV)

Will Armstrong will consult his group on the events the Environmental Group have planned for the next year and report back to the next meeting, as there could be opportunities for a link to Fairtrade to be incorporated. (ACTION WA)

It was agreed that a timetabled Events list be brought to the next meeting, which would enable the Group to plan for the coming academic year. There may be opportunities to take Fairtrade off-campus through the Volunteering Scheme and also liaison with local schools such as Uxbridge High. (ACTION LH)

Jeung Lee offered to contact Sarah Jewell regarding Brunel being added to the London Fairtrade Group. (ACTION JL)

It was suggested that once we had feedback from the Renewal Submission, this could possibly be used to plan future events, in addition to those such as Fairtrade Fortnight.

6.0 Any Other Business There was no other business.

7.0 Date of Next Meeting It was agreed to hold the next meeting during week commencing 6 September. The main focus would be Freshers’ Fayre and future Events. It was hoped that the following meeting in October would attract engaged students from Freshers’ Fayre, as well as academics.


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