Fill in Notes for DEI VERBUM

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Fill in Notes for DEI VERBUM

• Fill in Notes for DEI VERBUM

• by

• James J. Bitting Jr.

• Vatican II

• English Title = Dogmatic ______on Divine ______

• Promulgated on November 18th, 1965 by Pope Blessed ______VI

• Prologue

• 1 Jn 1:2-3

• In continuity with Trent and Vatican I, Vat II “wishes to set forth authentic ______on divine ______and how it is handed on”

• For this reason – “so that by ______the message of salvation the whole world may ______, by believing it may ______, and by hoping it may ______” St. Augustine

• Chapter I: Revelation Itself

• God’s will is expressed through Divine Revelation

• That through Christ, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the ______and come to share in the divine ______.

• God reveals Himself in Love…speaking to men as ______

• This revelation of God is made real by His ______and ______

• Jesus Christ is the ______and ______of Divine Revelation (DV2).

• God revealed Himself ______and in stages building up to the coming of Christ (DV 4).

• Jesus is ______by God the Father (DV 4).

• Jesus perfects revelation by His words and deeds…especially His death and glorious Resurrection (DV 4).

• We await no further public ______(DV 4).

• Ch. I continued

• The ______of faith is to be given to God who reveals Himself and the eternal decisions of His will to man (DV 5).

• God can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human ______(DV 6). • But through Divine Revelation the truths regarding God can be known by all men with ______, with solid ______and with no trace of ______, even in this present state of the human race (DV 6).

• Chapter II: Handing on Divine Revelation

• God saw to it that the content of Divine Revelation would remain ______throughout history by commissioning the ______to preach to all men that Gospel which is the source of all saving truth and moral teaching (DV 7).

• The Apostles handed on what they had ______and left bishops as their successors to ensure the ______remained intact and was handed on faithfully (DV 7-8).

• The Church hands on what she has received through her ______, life and worship (DV 8).

• Growth in understanding comes by… (DV 8)

• 1. Contemplation and ______made by believers

• 2. Penetrating understanding of the spiritual realities which they experience

• 3. The ______of those who have received through episcopal succession the sure gift of truth.

• Ch. II continued

• Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition both flow from the same Divine ______and both form one sacred ______of the Word of God (DV 9-10).

• Sacred Scripture is the word of God inasmuch as it is consigned to writing under the ______of the divine Spirit, while sacred tradition takes the word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to their successors in its full purity (DV 9).

• The task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the ______(DV 10).

• Sacred ______, Sacred ______and the teaching authority of the Church, in accord with God's most wise design, are so linked and joined together that one cannot ______without the others (DV 10).

• Chapter III: Sacred Scripture, Its Inspiration and Divine Interpretation

• The Church believes that the OT and NT in their ______with all their parts are sacred and canonical because written under the inspiration of the Holy ______they have God as their author…(DV 11).

• Human authorship too - The human authors made use of their powers and abilities, so that with Him acting in them and through them, they, as true ______, consigned to writing everything and only those things which God wanted (DV 11). • How does Scripture teach?

• Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, ______, and without ______that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of our salvation (DV 11).

• Ch. III continued

• All Scripture is divinely ______…(see 2 Tim 3:16)

• What should the interpreter of Scripture search for?

• The interpreter of SS should carefully investigate what meaning the sacred writers really intended, and what God wanted to manifest by means of their words (DV 12).

• In Interpretation attention should be given to … (DV 12).

• ______forms

• the customary and characteristic styles of feeling, speaking, and ______which prevailed at the time of the sacred writer

• to the patterns men normally employed at that period in their everyday dealings with one another

• to the ______and ______of the whole of Scripture

• The living ______of the whole of Church

• the ______, which exists between elements of ______

• ______is an explanation or critical interpretation of a text … so exegetes work according to these rules toward a better understanding and explanation of the meaning of Sacred Scripture, so that through preparatory study the judgment of the Church may mature (DV 12).

• The way of interpreting Scripture is subject finally to the judgment of the ______.

• Scripture and the Incarnation

• The words of God, expressed in human language, have been made like human discourse, just as the word of the eternal Father, when He took to Himself the ______of human weakness, was in every way made like men (DV 13).

• Chapter IV: The Old Testament

• Carefully planning the salvation of the human race God choose for Himself a people to whom He would entrust His ______(DV 14).

• God manifested Himself to ______as the one true God (DV 14).

• God spoke to Israel through the prophets. Israel daily gained a deeper and clearer understanding of His ways (DV 14). • The Old testament is truly the word of God and remains permanently ______( DV 14).

• The purpose of the Old Testament was to ______for the coming of Christ (DV 15).

• The books of the OT reveal the knowledge of God and of man and the ways which God deals with men …they reveal the divine pedagogy (DV 15).

• The mystery of salvation is contained in a ______way in the OT

• God, the inspirer and author of both Testaments, wisely arranged that the New Testament be hidden in the ______and the Old be made manifest in the ______(DV 16).

• Chapter V: The New Testament

• The power of God is shown in a most ______way in the writings of the New Testament (DV 17).

• The ______have a special preeminence, and rightly so, for they are the principal witness for the life and teaching of the incarnate Word (DV 18).

• The Gospels originate with the ______(DV 18).

• The fourfold Gospel is the foundation of faith (DV 18).

• The Church unhesitatingly asserts the ______character of the Gospels (DV 19).

• The Gospels faithfully hand on what Jesus Christ, while living among men, really ______and ______for their eternal salvation until the day He was taken up into heaven (DV 19).

• Ch. V continued

• How did the sacred writers write the Gospels?

• The Sacred writers of the Gospels selected some things from the many which had been handed on by word of mouth or in writing, reducing some of them to synthesis, explaining some things in view of the situation of their churches, and preserving the form of proclamation but always in such fashion that they told us the honest ______about ______(DV 19).

• The NT also contains the epistles of St. Paul and other apostolic writings composed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (DV 20).

• Chapter VI: Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church

• The Church venerates the Scriptures just as she venerates the ______of the Lord (DV 21).

• Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are the supreme ______of ______(DV 21).

• The books of Scripture are the meeting place of God the Father and His ______(DV 21).

• "For the word of God is living and active" (Heb. 4:12) and "it has power to build you up and give you your heritage among all those who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32; see 1 Thess. 2:13). • The Church strives to understand Scripture so She may increasingly ______her children with the divine ______(DV 23).

• Ch. VI continued

• The Church encourages study of the ______of the Church and the ______so that as many ministers of the divine word as possible will be able effectively to provide the nourishment of the Scriptures for the people of God (DV 23).

• Sacred Theology rests on the Word of God as its foundation (DV 24).

• Other forms of ministry of the Word e.g. pastoral preaching and catechetics are nourished by Scripture (DV 24).

• Priests, deacons and catechists should hold fast to the Sacred Scriptures through diligent sacred ______and careful ______(DV 25).

• And let them remember that ______should accompany the ______of Sacred Scripture, so that God and man may talk together; for "we speak to Him when we pray; we hear Him when we read the divine saying.“ (DV 25).

• It devolves on sacred bishops "who have the apostolic teaching” to give the faithful entrusted to them suitable ______in the right use of the divine books (DV 25).

• In this way, therefore, through the reading and study of the sacred books "the word of God may spread rapidly and be ______“ (DV 26).

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