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Riga Stradins University Communication faculty DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY
Professional Bachelor’s study programme
(CODE 42310)
RĪGA 2009
3. Contents
I Self-assessment of higher education programme 4
1. General characteristics of study programme 4 1.1. Annotation of higher education programme 4 1.2. Objectives and tasks of higher education programme 4 1.3. Justification of development of study programme and assessment from the point of view of Latvia state interests, RSU interests and international recognition 4 1.4. Comparison of study programme to allied study programmes in Latvia and abroad s 5
2. Organisation of higher education programme 8 2.1. Conformity of higher education programme to RSU objectives and tasks 8 2.2. Functioning of internal quality mechanism of the higher education programme 8
3. Annotation of higher education programme 9 3.1.Structure of higher education programme 9 3.2. Regulations of matriculation 12
4. Evaluation system 12
5. Practical implementation of higher education programme 13 5.1.Study methods and forms 14 5.2. Research work of academic staff and its effect on study work 14 5.3. Involvement of students in research projects 15
6. Perspective evaluation of higher education programme 16 6.1. Conformity of the higher education programme to standard of professional higher education and standard or profession 16 6.2. Inquiry of employers on employment of graduates in coming six years 18
7. Students 18 7.1. Number of students in the programme 18 7.2. Inquiry of students and its analysis 18 7.3.Participation of students in perfection of study process 19
8. Assessment of academic staff involved in the higher education programme 20 8.1. Conformity of qualification of academic staff to implementation of aims and tasks of structural unit 20 8.2. Policy of selection, renewal, training and development of academic staff for coming six years 22
9. Financial sources and provision of infrastructure 23
10. External communication 23 10.1. Co-operation with employers 23 10.2. Co-operation with higher educational establishments of Latvia and abroad, which implement similar higher education programmes 24
1. 2. 2 24 11. Guarantee of studies in case of liquidation of study programme 24 12. Plan of development of the higher education programme 28 II Appendices 29 Appendix 1 Licence for psychological programme realisation 30 Appendix 2 CVs of the academic staff 96 Appendix 3 Short descriptions of the programmes of study subjects Appendix 4 Lists summarizing the higher education programme 171 4.1. List of all study courses of the higher education programme, revealing amount of the course, implementation plan and the 172 responsible academic staff 4.2. Description of Academic Staff 175 4.3. Division of study subject in semesters 177 4.4. Directions of research work of academic staff 179
Appendix 5 Extract from protocol of the senate meeting 181
Appendix 6 Example of a diploma and appendix of the diploma 182
Appendix 7 List of documents available in the Department of Sociology and Psychology on request 190
1. 2. 3 1. 2. 4 Self-assessment of study programme
1. General characteristics of study programme 1.1 .Annotation of study programme
Professional higher education Bachelor’s study programme in psychology has been developed in accordance with requirements of the Law on Education in Latvia, Law of Higher Educational Institutions, Regulations No. 481 of the Cabinet, RSU Senate and other normative documents on development of study programmes. The study programme is the first stage in professional education in psychology or basis for further studies for Master’s degree in study programme in health care “Art Therapy”. The study programme emphasizes knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary in clinical work. It has been developed in accordance with the state Standard of second level professional education and the Standard of profession of psychologist’s assistant. The study programme is realized in the form of full-time studies within 8 terms. Total amount of the programme is 160 credit points (CP). Having completed the study programme a student obtains Bachelor’s degree in social sciences in psychology and qualification of psychologist’s assistant.
1.2 .Objectives and tasks of higher education programme Aim of the professional higher education Bachelor’s study programme in psychology is to create possibility to acquire basic professional education in psychology, emphasizing work in health care, - to train students for professional work as psychologist’s assistants under supervision of a psychologist, in conformity with the state standard of second level professional education and the standard of the profession of psychologist’s assistant, and provide basis for further mastering of psychology or art therapy in Master’s degree study programmes both in Latvia and abroad.
In order to implement the aim of the study programme the following tasks were set: 1. to give possibility to obtain theoretical knowledge in basic branches of psychology and other areas, which are important in professional work of psychologist’s assistant, and develop skills in application of the acquired knowledge in practical work; 2. to develop skills and attitudes, necessary in practical work in compliance with the professional standard of psychologist’s assistant, emphasizing work in a clinic, in order to be able to work under supervision of a psychologist; 3. to stimulate motivation of students as future psychologist’s assistants for professional development and perfection for further education and life-long education; 4. to develop enterprise, initiative and responsibility in professional work; 5. to develop high standards of professional ethics and encourage implementation of them in professional work.
1.3. Justification of development of the study programme and assessment from the point of view Latvia state interests, RSU interests and international recognition Topicality of the professional Bachelor’s study programme in psychology is determined by trends of development of contemporary Europe, global changes in the local social environment as well as in all the continent, when new ways are looked for to increase population’s health and life quality. According to the definition of the World Health Organisation experts, health is a condition of complete physical, psychic and social well-being rather than lack of diseases and physical defects. Majority of contemporary scientists define notion of health as human’s ability to function optimally physiologically, psychologically and socially. Human’s health is related to
1. 2. 5 almost all areas of life processes. Health is a harmonic combination of human’s biological and social qualities, which enables to adapt in macro- and micro-sphere, as well as to live socially and economically productive life. Human’s health is a life quality category, determined by physiological mechanisms, ability to adapt, self-organisation, self-development and self- preservation abilities. Health condition affects all areas of human’s life. It determines high potential of human’s physical, psychic and intellectual capacity and is a guarantee of full-fledged life. Human’s health has a tremendous effect on dynamics of public economic development, at the same time being a measure of socially- ethical maturity of society. Thus, issue on study programmes which could help to solve these tasks, is topical. This study programme offers possibility to acquire education on the level compliant with the requirements of Bachelor’s degree in psychology (See Table 4) and, at the same time, ensures mastering of basic skills necessary for qualification of psychologist’s assistant (See Table 5). As to specifics of RSU study programme, it should be emphasized that one of its tasks is to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary in clinical work in compliance with directions of contemporary science, stressing both biological, sociological and humanistic orientation in psychology. In accordance with the aim of the study programme, comparatively wide range of study courses is aimed at work in health care environment. Thus, irrespective the fact that several professional Bachelor’s study programmes already exist in Latvia, and possibilities for further studies (for Master’s degree) are ensured as well, this study programme enables us to fulfil niche, so far free in Latvia, in psychology education emphasizing health care. Topicality and necessity of the study programme are clearly marked with the common direction of the time to integration, including cooperation of specialists from different branches. This study programme is devoted to training of specialists necessary for contemporary labour market, able to actively work in a team, to co-operate with health care specialists. Graduates, after completion of the study programme, will have possibilities either to start work as psychologist’s assistants or continue psychology studies in Latvia or abroad, or continue studies for Master’s degree in the professional study programme in health care “Art therapy”, or in other Master’s degree study programmes in social sciences, health care and social well-being. Essential is the fact that this programme has been coordinated not only with the professional standard, but also with programmes and experience of other higher educational institutions abroad (See Table 1). Taking into account above mentioned, professional Bachelor’s study programme in psychology, developed in RSU, should be evaluated positively from both the point of view of international recognition and from the point of view of Latvia state interests. This study programme should be evaluated as compliant with contemporary trends and as the one that ensures qualitative education and stresses acquiring of necessary skills and attitudes in training specialists able to work in health care and other areas.
1.4 Comparison of study programme to allied study programmes in Latvia and abroad To evaluate conformity of this professional Bachelor’s study programme in psychology to international recognition, study programmes of similar profile were analysed (see Table 1).
Table 1 Conformity of content and form of the professional Bachelor’s study programme in psychology to other study programmes Education Aim of study programme Content, amount and duration of Student’s research al study programme work / praxis institution University To enable students to Programme is implemented in the Student’s research of Latvia acquire academic basic form of full-time studies in semesters work is mainly related education in psychology, to within 3 years, obtaining 120 CP. On to working out of
1. 2. 6 ensure that students can graduation students obtain Bachelor’s course papers and obtain theoretical degree in social sciences in psychology. Bachelor’s work. knowledge and skills and abilities, in research work, facilitate skills in analytical reasoning and perfect skills in independent solution of problems, and in making decisions. Daugavpil Stimulation of development Amount of study programme – 120 Students’ research s of academic psychology CP, Full-time studies take 3 years, part- activities are mainly University education in Latvia. time studies 4 years. On graduation related to course paper students obtain Bachelor’s degree in and Bachelor’s work. social sciences in psychology. Amount of academic Bachelor’s study programme “Psychology” is 120 CP. Students do mandatory theoretical courses in the amount of 75 CP, mandatory electives of 30 CP, and free electives – of at least 15 CP. Within the course of studies students pass 32 differential tests and 16 examinations, as well as State examination and defend Bachelor’s work (10 CP). Study programme offers more courses in methodological and obligatory module.
Sietla To furnish students with The degree to be obtained – Bachelor Course paper 15 University knowledge of psychology in psychology; min. 180 CP. CP; final research both as science of nature Basis of the programme is comprised diploma project/theses and science of humans, by: basic skills in designing of scientific (70 CP), which can be offering in both areas description – statement and expressed in – a philosophical basis and argumentation; Introduction into published article; reflexions on humanistic philosophy and critical reasoning and report in recognised values. Programme has been Basics of western civilization; conference; study; worked out for students who Mathematical statistics and quantitative praxis work; any of plan their career both as research; Wide course of social sciences diploma project /theses professional psychologists (excluding psychology); History and types finally is in branches related to contemporary trends in psychology; presented in a seminar. people, as health care, Phenomenology; Methods of qualitative rehabilitation and training, research; Theology and religion studies; in social work and in Ethics; Interdisciplinary courses and management and personnel elective courses. selection. Basic knowledge given by the programme and understanding of human experience and behaviour are suitable also for students who want to acquire stable basic knowledge for further development of their career and continuation of their education at higher level. Ducane To give systematic and Degree to be obtained – Bachelor of Collaborative University argued idea on psychology psychology. qualitative research
1. 2. 7 as a science of human – Elaborated courses for understanding methods, which devote contemporary answer to of psychology directions, in particular attention to a challenges of the 21st developmental psychology, in human as an individual century, connecting it with development of philosophical reasoning, and pay attention to approaches of in common features of philosophy and different worlds of existencialism, psychology, qualitative research, individuals. phenomenology, psychological features of different social Multicolour and hermeneitics, groups, significance of the language, subjective view on psychoanalysis and depth aesthetic experience. human life facilitates psychology, feminism and individual criticism, as well as with psychological well- approaches of post- being, which is the structuralism, sensitivity and basis of psychological tolerance to different well-being of a cultural contexts. society.
One of the tasks of RSU study programme is to ensure possibility to acquire theoretical knowledge of basic branches of psychology and other areas, which are important in professional work of psychologist’s assistant, and develop skills in successful application of acquired knowledge in practical work. Comparison with LU and DU study programmes gives conclusion that in RSU programme this task is realized in conformity with experience in teaching of psychology in Latvia. Comparing these programmes, one can conclude that practically all obligatory courses, realized in LU and DU, are included in the RSU programme as well. It is a prerequisite for obtaining education, conformable with the level of Bachelor’s degree in psychology. However, the task of RSU programme is also to ensure obtaining of the basic skills necessary for qualification of a psychologist’s assistant, clearly emphasizing specifics of this programme, highlighting its orientation to development of the skills and attitudes necessary in professional work in health care. In order to implement this task content of study courses, firstly, according to the directions of contemporary science, is oriented to integration, which realizes in three dimensional updating of knowledge and attitudes – biological, social and humanistic. Secondly, direction of study courses towards work in health care should be mentioned. Thirdly, knowledge and skills given by the programme involve such psychology directions as existentially phenomenological psychology, psychoanalysis and depth psychology, social constructiveness. Focus on these directions is one of prerequisites for development of sensitivity and tolerance to different cultural contexts, which, undoubtedly, are significant qualities for contemporary professionals. As it can be seen the task of this study programme in the aspect of content is similar to characteristics of universities abroad, given in the Table 3. Thus, one can conclude that the study programme is compliant with the direction of psychology education both in Latvia and in the world, at the same time defining the free niche in training of specialists.
1. 2. 8 2. Organisation of higher education programme
According to the decision made by Higher Education programme licence commission of Ministry of Education and Science on April 3, 2007 Riga Stradins University was awarded licence No. 04055-30 on rights to implement the professional higher education programme (Code 42310) for obtaining Bachelor’s degree in social sciences in psychology and qualification of psychologist’s assistant. Implementation of higher education programme “Psychology” was started in academic year 2007/2008 and is realized in the form of full-time studies. The programme, applied for accreditation, has not been changed comparing to the accepted licence materials.
2.1. Conformity of higher education programme to RSU objectives and tasks Higher education Bachelor’s study programme “Psychology” is realized in Riga Stradins University – a state founded higher education and science institution with developed and stable traditions. In the law “On Riga Stradins Constitution” it is determined that RSU main objectives are, working in favour of the state, to offer and implement wide range of university academic and professional education and research work possibilities in the area of medicine, health and social care, social and natural sciences. The higher education programme “Psychology” ensures high level studies, integrating achievements of medicine, natural sciences, health and social care, social sciences and humanities. The higher education programme “Psychology” implements its aims in concordance with RSU strategic objectives, RSU Development strategy, Constitution, as well as with of objectives of Communication faculty. RSU Development conception for 2008 – 2012 is characterized by several key words: stability and well-considered development; quality; concord and co-operation; prestige of the University. The higher education programme coordinates its implementation with each of them. Objectives of RSU Communication faculty foresee: to ensure realisation of higher education programme concordant with needs of the state and recognized at international level; to stimulate research work and innovation, carried out by academics and students; cooperate with representatives of other professions in the area of health, social care, education, and social sciences; to consider quality of studies, as well as conformity of research work to international level as the main factors for faculty work and successful development; to join the integration processes of different branches of sciences.
2.2. Functioning of internal quality mechanism of higher education programme Study process in higher education programme “Psychology” is organised in concordance with Law of Higher Education Institutions and other normative documents, Constitution of Riga Stradins University, as well as with regulating documents accepted by RSU Senate: Internal regulations of studies (accepted by RSU Senate, 15.05.2007, Rec. No. 1-2/15.05.07) and Study Regulations I (accepted by RSU Senate, 12.06.2007., rec. No. 1-2/12.06.07). Riga Stradins University is the first higher education institution in Latvia which has acquired international certificate of Quality management system ISO 9001:2001. With it quality of management of the educational programme is ensured in accordance with management process determined by ISO standard. Ensuring of internal quality of the higher education programme “Psychology” is realized in different ways: by implementation of study process successfully, timely; before the beginning of an academic year, study plans are worked out and accepted by the Senate; within the academic year at the end of each semester realization of the study plan is analysed in a structural unit, detecting weak and strong sides, and, according to conclusions, solutions are found for perfection of quality of study process. The basis of quality of study process involves also
1. 2. 9 analysis and assessment of content of the study programme, as well as highly qualified and experienced teaching staff. An important role in ensuring of internal quality is played by feedback between personnel of the department and students. At the end of a semester inquiry of the students is carried out to find out students’ viewpoint on the programme as well as study subjects. Assessing work of the Sociology and psychology department as a structural unit of RSU, methodological and research work of academics, perfection of academic qualification, work in professional organisations and international co-operation are evaluated. At the end of a study year self-assessment of the department and higher education programme is carried out. This planned and purposeful work ensures development of the management of internal quality and the programme.
3. Annotation of higher education programme
3.1. Structure (content, amount and length) of study programme Study programme is implemented in the form of full-time studies. Total length of studies – 8 semesters; total amount – 160 credit points. One credit point corresponds averagely to 16 instructional hours or 40 student’s working hours for mastering the course. Study courses are designed so that theoretical knowledge, practical skills and attitudes to be obtained would correspond to profession standard. Division of credit points is revealed in Table 2.
Table 2 Division of credit points in the programme General education study courses 20 CP Basic theoretical courses of the branch and IT courses 36 CP Courses in professional specialisation in the branch 60 CP mandatory 48 CP elective 12 CP Free elective courses in Bachelor’s programme 6 CP Practice outside the University 26 CP 10 CP Methods of psychological examination and assessment in practice 10 CP Psychological counselling in practice Psychological correction and rehabilitation in practice 6 CP Bachelor’s work 12 CP Total 160 CP
In the general education study courses students acquire knowledge and skills in professional work of psychologist’s assistant in the most significant branches of humanities and social branches, perfect their social and organizer’s basic skills, as well as skills in project elaboration and implementation, develop communicative and quality management skills. In theoretical courses of the branch and information technology courses students acquire methodology of basic theories of psychology and research work, pilot the knowledge acquired in practical classes, perfect their skills in work with contemporary information technologies, as well as obtain skills in collection, selection and processing of information. It is the basis for mastering the applied courses of the branch. Courses of professional specialisation of the branch comprise both obligatory course of applied branches of psychology, in accordance with the profession standard, and elective courses
1. 2. 10 in other branches of psychology. Elective courses in different branches of psychology enable students to extend their knowledge and skills in accordance with their professional interest. In these study courses practical skills are emphasized. To perfect professional skills in the framework of each course at least 50% of time are devoted to practical classes. Students obtain basic skills necessary in professional work, such as psychological counselling, assessment, facilitation of psychological adaptation, basics in rehabilitation, work with an individual and/or a group, so that after successful completion of the study programme they would be able to perform professional duties of psychologist’s assistant under supervision of a psychologist in accordance with the profession standard. Students are trained for co-operation with other employees of care and assisting professions in solution of people’s psychological problems. Basic skills in professional specialisation are strengthened in praxis outside the university in different establishments under supervision of the head of praxis. In free elective courses students, by their choice, can acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, which can help later in their professional work. At the end of studies students work out and defend Bachelor’s work. Division of study courses by parts of the programme and academics who implement the corresponding study course is revealed in Table 3. Division of study courses by parts of the programme and semesters is revealed in Appendix 4.
Table 3 Courses and academics of professional Bachelor’s study programme ‘Psychology’.
Categ. Study courses CP Responsible academic Comprehensive study courses Obl. Basics of philosophy 2 Dr.phil., as. prof. A.Vilks Obl. Foreign language (I,II) 4 Mg. phyl., lect. S.Cire Obl. Measurements and statistics (I,II) 4 Dr.biol., prof. U.Teibe Obl. Training in social skills 2 Mg.psych. M.Zakriževska Obl. Basics in labour and human rights 2 Mg. iur., Mg.art. I.J.Mihailovs Obl. Introduction into social anthropology 2 Mg. phil. K.Sedlenieks Obl. Rights and ethics of medicine and biomedicine 2 Doctor, MD, dipl.iur., lect. S. Olsena Obl. Quality management 2 Mg. iur.,Mg.art. I.J.Mihailovs Total 20
Basic theoretical courses of the branch and IT courses Obl. General psychology 4 Mg. psych. M. Zakriževska Obl. History of psychology 2 Mg. psych. I.Ozola Obl. Experimental psychology 2 Mg.psych. I.Ozola Obl. Dr.psych., Mg.health care., Mg.paed. Research in psychology 2 assist. prof.K.Mārtinsone Obl. Psychometrics 2 Mg.psych. M.Vāciete Obl. Mg.psych., Mg.health care. I.Majore- Developmental psychology 4 Dūšele Obl. Mg. psych., Mg.health care. M. Social psychology 4 Zakriževska Obl. Dr.psych.,Mg.health care. as. prof . S. Personality psychology 4 Mihailova Obl. Mg.psych.,Mg.health care. I.Majore- Clinical psychology 4 Dūšele Obl. Dr. psych.,Mg.health care. as. prof. S. Directions of psychotherapy 6 Mihailova Obl. Information technologies 2 Dr.biol., prof. U.Teibe Total 36
1. 2. 11 Courses of Professional specialization of the branch Obl. Psychologist’s Professional work and ethics Mg. psych., Mg.health care I.Majore- (I,II) 4 Dūšele Obl. Biological basis and genetics of psyche 6 Assist.prof.,.Žagare, Dr.habil.med., prof. (I,II,III) L. Aberberga-Augškalne Mg.biol., as. A. Puzuka Obl. Methods of psychological examination and Mg. psych. A.Arnicāne assessment 6 Obl. Dr.psych.,Mg.health care. as. prof. S. Mihailova, Mg.psych.,Mg.health care. Psychological counselling 6 I.Majore-Dūšele Obl. Mg. psych., Mg. paed., Mg.health care. Psychological correction and rehabilitation 2 A. Upmane Obl. Intellect and creativity psychology 2 Mg.psych. M.Vāciete Obl. Differential psychology 2 Mg. psych. A.Arnicāne Obl. Neuropsychology 2 Nursing degree, Mg.paed.K.Lapiņa Obl. Psychosomatic medicine 2 Dr. med., as.prof. G. Ancāne Obl. Basics of psychiatry and psychopharmacology 4 Dr.med., prof, R.Andreziņa, Dr.med., as. prof. E. Rancāns, Dr.med., as.prof. B.Kupča Obl. First aid 2 Mg. paed., lect. K.Circenis Obl. Health care and rehabilitation 2 Dr.habil. med., prof. J.Zaļkalns Obl. Health organization 2 Mg. paed., lect. K.Circenis Obl. Health care system and deontology 2 Dr. med., prof. A.Vētra Obl. Dr.psych., Mg.health care., as.prof. Course paper (I,II) 4 Mārtinsone Total 48 Elect. Family psychology and basics of family counselling 2 Mg. psych. Z. Biseniece Elect. Organization psychology and basics of 2 Dr. phil., Mg.psych. as.prof.Omārova, organization counselling Mg.psych. D.Romanovska Elect. Introduction into positive psychology 2 Dr. psych., doc. G.Svence Elect. Dr.psych., Mg.health care., as.prof.Mārtinsone Introduction into law psychology 2 Dr.iur., as.prof. A.Vilks Elect. Introduction into health psychology 2 Nursing degree, Mg.paed.K.Lapiņa Elect. Introduction into pedagogical psychology 2 Dr. psych., doc. G.Svence Elect. Introduction into environment psychology 2 Nursing degree, Mg.paed.K.Lapiņa Elect. Introduction into sports psychology 2 Mg. psych., Mg.paed. lect. Ž. Vazne Elect. Introduction into political psychology 2 Mg. psych. M. Zakriževska Elect. Dr.art.,as.prof.D.Hanovs, Introduction into inter-cultural psychology 2 Dr.psych.K.Mārtinsone Elect. Introduction into religion psychology 2 Dr.phil., as.prof. V.Tēraudkalns Elect. Labour psychology 2 Mg. psych. D.Romanovska Elect. Dr.psych.,dipl.biol. as. prof. S. Mihailova, Psychophysiology 2 Nursing degree, Mg.paed.K.Lapiņa Total 12/26 Free elective course of Bachelor’s programme Elect. Computer programmes on research data procession 2 Dr.biol., prof. U. Teibe Elect. Dr.psych., Mg.health care.,as.prof. Introduction into art therapy 2 Mārtinsone Elect. Basics of group therapy 2 Dr. med., as. prof. I. Millere Elect. Basics of social work 2 Dr. phil., as.prof. L. Vilka Elect. Basics of social policy 2 Dr. phil., as. prof. L. Vilka Praxis 1. 2. 12 Obl. Methods of psychological examination and 10 Dr.psych.,Mg.health care., as. prof. S. assessment in practice Mihailova, Obl. Dr.psych.,Mg.health care. as. prof. S. Psychological counselling in practice 10 Mihailova, Obl. Psychological correction and rehabilitation Mg. psych., Mg. paed., Mg.health care. in practice 6 A. Upmale 26 Total CP
3.2. Regulations of matriculation LR citizens and permanent inhabitants, citizens of other countries and stateless persons whose living place is the Republic of Latvia, irrespective of their gender, social and economic conditions, race and nationality, political views, religion and occupation, provided that they have acquired secondary comprehensive education, may be admitted to the RSU Professional Bachelor’s degree study programme ‘Psychology’. Matriculation in the professional Bachelor’s study programme ‘Psychology’ is carried out in conformity with the requirements of normative documents and RSU matriculation regulations. Admission of applicants to full-time study programme is carried out on open and equal competitive basis, taking into account results of entrance tests and centralised examinations (evaluation in centralised examination not below level E), except the persons who have obtained secondary education till 2004, as well as the persons who have obtained secondary education abroad, or persons with specific needs (having corresponding document), according to Law of Higher Education Institutions Par. 46, ch. 3. Content of entrance test: covering letter and interview. Total score of entrance test is composed by evaluation of the covering letter, in which an applicant has to reveal their positive motivation in relation to mastering of the programme and evaluation of the interview. Overseas applicants need to have secondary education equal to that in Latvia. Conformity of Certificates is determined by expertise of Academic information centre.
4. Evaluation system
Evaluation of knowledge, skills and attitudes is an integral part of study process, whose goal is to evaluate and analyze students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in mastering the higher education programme. In evaluation system an important role is played by feedback, which enables teaching staff to evaluate not only development of students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, but also quality of study process in general. In higher education programme, evaluation is carried out in accordance with amount of study work – in credit points, and in accordance with quality – by 10 point score accepted in the Republic of Latvia. Since academic year 2007/2008 evaluation in RSU is carried out in accordance with Senate decision on May 15, 2007 (rec. 1-2/15.05.07) on Study Regulations I. The basic form of evaluation is an examination, in some cases – a credit test, successfully completed course is considered to be evaluation 4 and higher. Evaluation system in each subject is revealed in a course description. The type of testing is determined by the academic of the study course. Each study course contains fixed requirements, which the academic defines to students in their first class, stating the form of the final testing, its ways of completion and terms. On completion of a study course students take examination. Examination requirements are different – depending on aim and specifics of a study course. (Descriptions of the courses included in the programme are revealed in Appendix 4.)
1. 2. 13 35 % of examinations are taken in written form. To evaluate students’ knowledge in written examinations academic tests with standard assessment criteria or set of 10 – 15 questions are used. Form of oral examination is preserved as well, especially in courses of professional specialisation, which enables academics to assess depth of students’ knowledge, practical skills, as well as skills in critical reasoning. 25% of examinations are carried out in two parts – in written form and then orally, when a student has possibility to discuss results of their work with an academic. Evaluation of different types of self-reports and protocols is an important evaluation instrument to check students’ practical skills. In some study courses as an additional evaluation form reports, essays and review on literature sources, as well as tests are used. Depending on course specifics both continuous assessment (e.g., in seminars, classes, tests, which gives possibility to follow if students master the study material systematically), and evaluation at the end of semester only. There are study courses in which 30%-50% of evaluation is comprised by work within a semester and mark in the test, the rest of evaluation is determined by results in examination. In some courses it is possible to get evaluation working regularly and systematically during the study process. Emphasis is also put on keeping to deadlines determined by academics, attendance of practical classes, which in some courses significantly affects the final evaluation. A desirable requirement in theoretical basic courses is mid-term tests. Within the academic year mastering of study material is checked, the time of submission of summaries, essays, reports and study works strictly is kept under control. Pre-defending of Bachelor’s works is organised. At the end of spring term defending of study works is organised for second- and third-year students, during which each student receives a mark for both elaborated work and review on work of their fellow-student. Evaluation of praxis is comprised by: student’s self-evaluation, mentor’s and supervisor’s evaluation of student’s practical work – performance of praxis tasks, perfection of professional skills, understanding and application of professional ethics. Results of praxis are evaluated in each subject separately. The higher education programme „Psychology” consistently strives for optimisation of types of student testing, which corresponds to conception of RSU development.
5. Practical implementation of higher education programme
Working out, implementation and development of the higher education programme is coordinated by Sociology and Psychology Department of RSU Communication faculty. Implementation of the programme is ensured by co-operation of different departments and structural units of the University: study subjects are taught not only by academics from Communication faculty, but also from faculties of Medicine, Rehabilitation, Nursing, Law Institute, departments of Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Narcology, Normal physiology, Anatomy and anthropology Institute, departments of Medical Biology and Genetics, Physics and Language Centre. Starting their studies students are acquainted with objectives and tasks, and content of higher education programme ‘Psychology’, organization of studies requirements and planned results. The higher education programme has been prepared, taking into account succession of subjects, significance of individual work, multisided evaluation of knowledge and skills and facilitation of intensive research work which goes through all the study period and is finished with working out and defending of Bachelor’s work. Together with development of research work, great emphasis in the higher education programme is put on acquiring of practical skills, which is achieved gradually involving students in carrying out tasks of praxis. Study plan covers 4 study years (8 academic terms). In first three years students mainly master mandatory, mandatory elective and elective study subjects to obtain united basis of theory,
1. 2. 14 practical work and attitudes. In the fourth year students have the final praxis and defend Bachelor’s work. Working out of Bachelor’s work starts already in the second year, writing course papers. Implementation of the higher education programme is carried out by module system and terms. In general, time division corresponds to term principle – every study year consists of two terms. In each term a student has to obtain 20 CP, totally working 800 hours. Plan of study subjects includes both lectures and classes, depending on specifics of a certain subject in different proportions. The possible division is: 1:1; 1:2; 1:3; 1:4. It should be mentioned that this plan has been designed taking into consideration tasks of the programme and respecting financial resources. Instructional hours take place in work days, however, part of study time is devoted to students’ individual or group work. Summarizing the given information on general principles of organisation of study process, one should conclude that structure of the programme is logical, facilitates individual research work and purposeful development of practical skills.
5.1. Study methods and forms Aim of application of different teaching methods and forms is to strengthen students’ theoretical knowledge, to perfect ability to analyse situations and problems critically, applying theoretical knowledge, to develop practical skills and attitudes, to develop communicative skills and ability to work both individually and in a team, to perfect ability to evaluate diversity, to perfect skills in expressing thoughts in written form. The task of teaching staff is to help students organize their individual work, to give consultations in case of need. Study methods and forms are chosen in conformity with aim and tasks of higher education programme, and specifics of teaching material in each study subject. Different teaching methods are applied: lectures, classes, seminars, analysis of problem situations, essays on a concrete study topic, reports and their public discussions, work in groups. In accordance with requirements of contemporary university didactics emphasis is put on active teaching forms, more and more academics do not use a lecture only as an open lecture, but stimulate discussions on the given topic and organize work in small groups. Active teaching methods are widely used in classes and seminars. Thus conception of RSU development is taken into account, where it is stressed that lectures as a free elective place for obtaining knowledge in all study subjects should be seriously evaluated and, in case of need, essentially improved, taking into consideration possibilities given by modern information technologies. It is determined, firstly, by the fact that literature for studies and information in general is more available. Great attention is paid to students’ individual work, which is orientated to analysis of scientific literature, preparation of reports and individual projects. In this aspect, wherever it is possible, one of academics’ tasks is to organize students’ individual work. Starting studies students, in order to be informed and able to orientate in study plan, receive „Students’ manual” which describes study process and requirements, elaboration of content and form of study work and Bachelor’s work, designing of the literature used and other sources. In study process active e-communication between the department and students takes place, course descriptions, materials prepared by academics, etc., are sent to students.
5.2. Research work of academic staff and its effect on study work Research work takes an important place in RSU academic process in general. In conception of RSU development it is determined that all academics should participate in scientific work, this process should be financially supported as much as possible. RSU regularly every year publishes a collection of information on scientific publications of the academic staff in the year. One of tasks of Department of Sociology and psychology is to strengthen a link between study quality and research work. For the time being priorities of RSU scientific development
1. 2. 15 have not been precisely defined, which makes slightly difficult for the Department as a structural unit to choose the research topic. The academic personnel of the Department participates in different scientific and practical projects. Research projects are financed from Latvia State budget (Scientific Council of Latvia, LR Welfare Ministry, LR Education and Science Ministry), from the European Union ( national research programmes of the EU social fund). Results of scientific research are revealed in scientific publications and presented in scientific conferences. Areas in which academic personnel conduct research work are the following: society integration, social rejection, spreading of narcotics and addictive behaviour, youth sociology and value study, labour market and employment, social and psychological reasons of poverty, study of social risk families, life quality in different groups of population, correction of self-attitude. The students of the Department together with the academics participated in RSU study „Habits of usage of non-traditional medical methods among population of Latvia”, which enriched the students with experience in conducting research. In November of 2007 and 2008 in RSU International inter-disciplinary scientific conference „Society, Health, Welfare” was organised, where several speakers from different countries reported on psychology topics. Academics from the Department and other structural units, who participate in implementation of the programme, regularly conduct research activities. Their scientific activities are reports and participation in scientific conferences in Latvia and abroad, publication of scientific articles in Latvia and abroad (including those under review), participation in financed scientific projects (See Appendix 2 - CVs of academic personnel).
5.3. Involvement of students in research projects One of the tasks put forward by the Department of Sociology and Psychology is to facilitate students’ scientific research. For the present students’ research work proceeds mainly in the framework of working out course papers and Bachelor’s work. In the period of studies students acquire the necessary skills in conducting of research – develop skills in delving into the problem to be investigated, in making analysis of scientific literature, comparing and summarizing approaches and views of different authors on the issue to be investigated, expressing their own viewpoint as well; students learn how to work out project of empiric study, to realize it; to develop skills in choosing of adequate research methods, correctly collect data, process it, analyze, interpret and make conclusions; they develop skills in critical reasoning. For research work students are prepared gradually. In Course paper I students carry out theoretical study in psychology branch chosen by themselves and acquire or make more profound the skills in looking up, selecting and evaluating of sources, as well as skills in literature analysis. In Course paper II students carry out an empiric study in the chosen topic, showing their ability not only to make literature analysis, but also to choose adequate research methods, correctly collect data, process it, analyze, interpret and make conclusions. In the 7th and 8th term students write and defend Bachelor’s work, in which research skills acquired in the previous years are extended. In general, study courses in the programme have practical tendency, they are designed so that there would be practical classes during which teaching material could be piloted in practice. Praxis outside the university is organized in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th term in different work environments, carrying out training of practical skills necessary for work, in accordance with the profession Standard. Praxis is comprised by three basic components – Methods of psychological investigation and assessment, Psychological counselling and Psychological correction and rehabilitation. Tasks of praxis are performed under supervision of head of praxis. Tasks of praxis in each unit are projected to development of practical skills, piloting of the acquired knowledge in practice. An important part of praxis is regular supervisions with head of praxis.
1. 2. 16 At the end of praxis a student writes a report and defends it. Evaluation of praxis is comprised by student’s self-evaluation, mentor’s and supervisor’s evaluation on student’s practical activities – performance of the tasks, development of Professional skills, understanding and application of professional ethics. Within the period of praxis students write a praxis diary, in which they reveal analysis of praxis in conformity with objectives and tasks of praxis. Results are assessed in each subject separately. RSU offers to practise in basis of clinical praxis: P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Children University Hospital, National Rehabilitation Centre „Vaivari”, Ltd Riga Health Centre „Plavnieki”, Riga Municipality Ltd Riga Maternity Home”, Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped Children „Mēs esam līdzās”, Health resort Rehabilitation Centre „Jaunķemeri”, Vidzeme Rehabilitation Centre “Līgatne”, Riga Municipality Ltd “Health Centre 5”, State agency of Mental Health , etc.
6. Perspective evaluation of higher education programme
6.1. Conformity of higher education programme to standard of professional higher education and standard of profession The Programme has been designed in conformity with the structure defined in the Cabinet’s Regulations No. 481 on November 20, 2001 „Regulations on second level Professional higher education State Standard” ( See Table 4) and profession Standard of psychologist’s assistant (See Table 5).
Table 4 Conformity of second level Professional higher education in Bachelor’s and psychologist’s assistant professional study programme to the professional higher education Standard Requirements of LR Cabinet regulations RSU study programme No. 481 Amount of professional programme is at Length of study programme 4 years and least 160 CP amount 160 CP/ 240 ECTS Amount of credit points per year 40 CP Amount of credit points per year 40 CP / 60 ECTS Amount of general study courses at least 20 Amount of general study courses 20 CP / 30 CP ECTS Amount of basic theoretical courses of the Amount of theoretical basic courses and IT branch in IT courses at least 36 CP courses 36 CP / 54 ECTS Amount of professional specialisation Amount of professional specialisation courses courses of the branch at least 60 CP 60 CP / 90 ECTS Amount of free elective courses at least 6 Amount of free elective courses 6 CP / 9 CP ECTS Praxis with amount of at least 26 CP Amount of praxis 26 CP / 39 ECTS State examination which contains working out Bachelor’s work 12 CP / 18 ECTS and defence of diploma work (diploma project) and whose amount is at least 12 CP After completion of professional After completion of professional programme programme professional qualification of the Bachelor’s degree in social sciences in fifth level is awarded. psychology is awarded with qualification “psychologist’s assistant”
Table 5
1. 2. 17 Comparison of study programme to the list of knowledge included into psychologist’s assistant profession standard Theoretical knowledge Study courses in programme Branches of psychology and areas of Social psychology, Developmental psychology, professional activities Socially psychological training, Clinical psychology, Labour psychology, Introduction into environment psychology, Introduction into law psychology, Introduction into religion psychology, Introduction into sports psychology, Introduction into political psychology, Introduction into intercultural psychology Methodology and methods of Research in psychology quantitative and qualitative research in psychology Methods of procession and analysis of Measurements and statistics statistical data Computer programmes in procession of research data Biological basis of psyche Biological basis psyche I,II,III General psychology General psychology History of psychology History of psychology Psychologist’s ethics Psychologist’s professional work and ethics I,II Cognitive psychology Psychology of intellect and creativity Neuropsychology Neuropsychology Developmental psychology Developmental psychology Social psychology Social psychology Personality psychology Personality psychology Differential psychology Differential psychology Pedagogical/ teaching psychology Introduction into pedagogical psychology Organization psychology Organization psychology and basics of organization counselling Work psychology Work psychology Clinical psychology/Pathopsychology Clinical psychology, Basics of psychiatry and psychopharmacology I,II Psychosomatic medicine Health psychology Introduction into health psychology Family psychology Family psychology and basics of family consulting Psychological counselling Psychological counselling, directions of psychotherapy Basics of group therapy, Psychological correction and rehabilitation Psychometrics Psychometrics Methods of psychological investigation Experimental psychology, Methods of psychological and assessment investigation and assessment Elaboration of scientific articles Research in psychology, course works Foreign language Foreign language Basis of IT Information technology Labour legislation and basics of human Basics of labour and human rights rights Basics of economics and management Quality management Basics of philosophy Basics of philosophy
1. 2. 18 6.2 Inquiry of employers on employment of graduates next six years Implementing the Programme, the Department of Sociology and Psychology of RSU Communication faculty, has collected information from potential employers to find out and understand conformity of the students of the Programme to needs of contemporary labour market. In relation to evaluation of the Bachelor’s study programme by employers, inquiry of employers has not been organized yet, since the students have not had praxis yet, and there are no graduates of the programme. Nevertheless, the Department has carried out inquiry of potential employers to find out and understand conformity of the students to needs of the clinical environment. Aim of communication with potential employers is to establish and maintain a link between RSU and potential employers. As employers’ references revealed, there is a demand for psychologists - professionals with knowledge of medicine, who are able to join the multi-disciplinary team of clinical environment, where there co-operate doctors, paramedics, pedagogues, psychologists, etc. It is important that students acquire such basic psychological education that they, without any difficulties, can be able to continue studies for Master’s degree in art therapy. Co-operation with employers in coming six years will be projected to preparation of students for further professional activities, according to needs of employers, for establishing contacts and network of co-operation partners, as well as for involvement of professional organisations in consulting on study process with the aim to improve mutual link, thus connecting the academic line of study process with the current situation in the labour market.
7. Students
7.1. Number of students in the programme In the study programme “Psychology” in academic year 2007/2008 11 students were enrolled, in 2008/2009 – also 11 students. At present the study programme involves 15 students. To popularize the programme among those who would like to study in Latvia the following activities have been carried out: description of the programme is inserted in RSU web page and in advertising booklet, descriptions of the programme are put in different reference materials, RSU guide-book is being prepared.
7.2. Inquiry of students and its analysis Inquiry carried out in the spring of 2009 suggest that all (100%) of the questioned students are fully satisfied with both choice of university and choice of the programme. Majority of the students have chosen this study programme because it seemed interesting (67%), or because future profession seemed attractive (50%) and it ensures career possibilities (42%). Evaluating total quality of studies, 70% of the questioned students have recognized it as very good or good, but 30% have not given a precise evaluation. The students were asked to evaluate separate elements of study process as well, but 25% have avoided a precise answer. Combining variants of positive and negative answers, we can obtain the following picture: majority of the students (75%) are satisfied with quality of lectures and seminars, also with process of consultations are satisfied 58%. With writing of reports, essays and summaries are satisfied 50%. Study organisation by partly modular system satisfies majority of the students (83%). As advantages of this system are mentioned: not much stress due to examinations, as they are not organised at the same time, but at the end of each course, there is no overload in session time and with this mastering of knowledge is more profound.
1. 2. 19 Table 6 Evaluation of the elements of study process (%)
Satisfies Dissatisfies Lectures 75 no Seminars 75 no Consultations 58 no Writing of reports, 55 33% essays Writing of summaries 55 no Module system 83 no
Evaluating technical provision of studies, majority of the students are satisfied with premises (60%), access to the Internet (80%), supplementary aids (OHP, boards, etc.) -91%, with library service and teaching aids (82%), with provision of hand-outs (91%), but with provision of computers are satisfied 100% of the students.
Table 7 Evaluation of technical provision of studies (%)
Satisfies Dissatisfies Difficult to answer Provision with computers 100 no no Access to the Internet 80 10 10 Supplementary aids 91 no 9 Library services 82 no 18 Provision with rooms 60 40 no Handouts 91 no 9 Teaching materials 82 18 no
1.1. Choosing three the most suitable descriptions of studies in their study programme, more than a half of the students (67%) recognized studies as “interesting”, “suitable” and “intellectually stimulating”. Assessing results of student inquiry, attention was paid to two aspects: students’ dissatisfaction with writing of reports and essays, provision with teaching materials. It was decided to review usefulness of the topics of reports and essays in certain study courses and, taking into account possibilities and course specifics, substitute them with research, analytical or other types of testing works (e.g., projects, group works, etc.), making performance of these works for students more interesting. As to provision with teaching materials – lecturers of the courses were informed. In future it is planned to scan these materials, as it is done in other RSU programmes in social sciences. The Department will follow also the job career of the graduates, as well as their experience, and inquiries of graduates and their employers will be organised annually. Results of inquiries will enable us to perfect content and process of the programme.
7.3. Participation of students in perfection of study process Students of the programme are provided with possibility to participate actively in perfection of study process. Quality management perfection system, introduced in RSU, which corresponds to the international and national standard (LVS EN ISO 9001:2000 un LVS EN 45013:1989), helps to fix all discrepancies in organisation and realization of the study process. This system projects continuous contact with students, taking into consideration their proposals for perfection of study process and feedback from students.
1. 2. 20 Within the academic year at the end of a study course, student inquiries are organised to find out students’ evaluation of process of mastering the study course. In these inquiries students evaluate content of study course, quality and competence of an academic, as well as provision with materials and technical aids. The academic staff of the Department and visiting lecturers are informed on results of the inquiry, so that they can improve their courses, preventing drawbacks and considering the given suggestions. Every academic year inquiry of the students of “Psychology” programme of RSU Communication faculty is organised. The main aim of this inquiry is evaluation of the programme “Psychology” from students’ point of view.
8. Assessment of academic staff involved in the higher education programme
8.1. Conformity of qualification of the academic staff to implementation of objectives and tasks of the study programme Studies are ensured by highly qualified academic personnel: RSU academics and visiting lecturers, basically psychologists with at least a three–year work experience and Master’s degree in psychology. In the Department of Sociology and psychology 6 academics work, 5 of them are permanent academics. Of them 4 have PhD degree, including one associated professor, two assistant professors. Two academics have Master’s degree, one of them is a PhD student. Administrative personnel is one laboratory assistant/secretary. In implementation of the programme “Psychology” 5 academics of Communication faculty are involved and 19 academics from other RSU structural units – faculties of Rehabilitation, Nursing, Law Institute, departments of Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, Psychiatry and narcology, Normal physiology, Institute of Anatomy and anthropology, departments of Medical biology and genetics, Physics, Language Centre. Totally implementation of the programme “Psychology” involves 35 academics: 11 visiting and 24 RSU academics, all of them having been elected in RSU, and it comprises 100% of the total number of academics. Of RSU academics, involved in the programme, 58% are comprised by professors and associated professors, including 21% professors and 37% associated professors, assistant professors -17%, lecturers -21%, assistants -4%. Of the academics 17 have PhD degree, which comprises 68% of the total number of RSU academics, but the rest of the academics have Master’s degree medical doctor’s degree. Three of the academics with Master’s degree study for PhD degree or have finished its theoretical part and are preparing for defending of doctoral theses. Two of visiting academics have PhD degree (1 assoc.prof., 1 assist. prof.) and 9 – Master’s degree (4 – lecturers, 5 assistants). Of the visiting academics 18% have PhD degree. Table 9 reveals the list of academics who have been elected in RSU and it is their permanent job, but Table 10 – list of academics who have been elected in other institutions. Table 8 Characteristics of academics involved in the programme Place of work Number CF Sociology and psychology department 2 Of them permanent staff: 2 Totally: 2
1. 2. 21 RSU CF Department of Communication studies 3 Rehabilitation faculty 4 Faculty of Nursing 4 Law Institute 2 Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy 1 Psychiatry and Narcology department 3 Department of Normal physiology 1 Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology 1 Department of Medical biology and genetics 1 Language Centre 1 Department of Physics 1 Of them permanent staff: 22 Totally RSU 24 Other places 11 of work Totally involved in the programme: 35
Thus, for more than a half of the academics involved in the programme place of their election is RSU, and more than a half of the academics have PhD degree. The rest 11 academics work on contract basis and their permanent place of work is outside RSU. It should be noted that 5 art therapists, who are involved in implementation of the programme, have a degree Mg.health care, which is significant, taking into account that this programme was designed as the base programme in studies for Master’s degree in Art therapy.
Table 9 List of permanently working academics No. Position Scientific/academic Name degree 1. Prof. Dr. hab. med. L.Aberberga-Augškalne 2. Prof. Dr. hab. med. J.Zaļkalns 3. Prof. Dr.med. R.Andreziņa 4. Prof. Dr.med. A.Vētra 5. Prof. Dr.biol. U.Teibe 6. Assoc.prof. Dr. med. G. Ancāne 7. Assoc.prof. Dr.art. D.Hanovs 8. Assoc.prof. Dr. psych., Mg.health S. Mihailova care., Mg.paed. 9. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. B.Kupča 10. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. I.Millere 11. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. E. Rancāns 12. Assoc.prof. Dr.phil. A.Vilks 13. Assoc.prof. Dr.iur. A.Vilks 14. Assoc. prof. Dr.phil. L.Vilka 15. Assist. prof. Dr. psych., Mg.health K. Mārtinsone care., Mg.paed. 16. Assist. prof. Dr.phil., Mg.psych. S. Omārova 17. Assist. prof. Doctor degree R. Žagare 18. Dep. Assist. Mg iur., Mg.art. I.J. Mihailovs prof. 19. Lect. Mg. paed., degree in K.Circenis Nursing sc.
1. 2. 22 20.. Lect. Mg. phyl. S.Cire 21. Lect. MD, dipl.iur. S.Olsena 22. Lect. Mg.antr. K.Sedlinieks 23. Dep.Lect. Mg.psych., Mg.health I.Majore – Dūšele care. 24. Assist. Mg.biol. A.Puzuka
Table 10 List of visiting academics No. Position Scientific /academic degree Name
25. Assoc. prof. Dr.phil. V.Tēraudkalns 26. Assist. prof. Dr.psych. G.Svence 27. Lect. Mg.psych., Mg.paed., Mg.health A.Upmane care. 28. Lect. Mg. psych., Mg.paed. Ž. Vazne 29. Lect. Mg.psych. D.Romanovska 30. Lect. Mg.paed., degree in Nursing sc. K.Lapiņa 31. Assist. Mg.psych. M.Vāciete 32. Assist. Mg.psych. A. Arnicāne 33. Assist. Mg.psych. Z. Biseniece 34. Assist. Mg.psych I.Ozola 35. Assist. Mg.psych., Mg.health care. M. Zakriževska
Analyzing structure of the academics, one can conclude that the personnel have the necessary qualification for work in the Bachelor’s programme. The academic personnel is highly qualified and competent to provide students with necessary research skills, theoretical knowledge, skills and competences. The academics are involved in scientific research work, performing both scientific and practical work. (See Appendix 4.4) Their scientific activities are revealed by participation in conferences and seminars in Latvia and abroad, publications of scientific articles in Latvia and abroad (including internationally quoted publications), participation in writing books, working out of scientific projects, financed by both foreign institutions and Scientific Council of Latvia. In aspect of practical work, significant is perfection of personnel’s knowledge (See CVs in Appendix 2). The link between academics’ scientific activities and Psychology study programme is advanced by RSU strategic direction – integration of medical and social sciences. It is a stimulating factor in preparation of psychologist’s assistants, educated in concordance with specifics of health and social care.
8.2. Policy of selection, renewal, training and development of academic personnel for coming six years RSU policy of involvement of teaching staff is aimed at high level researchers and practitioners who are able to perform academic work with students. It is important since thus the link between theory and practice is ensured in study process. RSU development conception determines that human resources should be planned in medium time perspective in accordance with the foreseen amount of work. It is important to emphasize that RSU teaching staff is regularly offered to participate in international and national scientific conferences and symposiums, to use possibilities of exchange programmes and to teach in foreign universities, acquiring valuable experience in scientific and pedagogical traditions in other universities. Study programme ”Psychology” involves academics and experienced practitioners of high qualification. The Department takes
1. 2. 23 care to ensure that the study programme involves personnel which have academic work experience as well as practical work experience (incl., involvement of overseas colleagues).
9. Financial sources and provision of infrastructure
Studies in RSU Communication faculty in the Department of Sociology and Psychology are charged studies. Tuition fee in academic year 2007/2008 was 820 Ls, but in 2008/2009, taking into account effects of inflation and increase in expenses, it was 950 Ls for first-year students and 902 Ls for second-year students. Tuition fee can be dividend into two payments – for each term separately. Division of the tuition fee by expenses is the following: about 70% are comprised by salaries and state social insurance obligatory payments for academics; 15% - expenses for maintenance of organisation; 10% - expenses for RSU development, 5% - purchase of books, different materials necessary for studies, and payment for services necessary to maintain study process. RSU provides students with well-arranged premises, computers and access to the Internet. In 2006 building of a new block was completed and several new rooms for studies were arranged. In general, classes and lecture halls are wide, light, with heating and ventilation systems, connection to the Internet, screens and comfortable furniture. Lecture halls and seminar rooms are equipped with boards of good quality, overhead projectors, computers, video projectors, so that it would be possible to use POWER POINT in lectures. Computers, sound equipment and video projector are accessible to the academics ordering them for certain classes and lectures. By lecturers’ request lecture halls can be provided with video equipment. For presentations of students’ works and conferences lecture halls are used which may contain more than 100 people. Students can use computers of the Information centre (30 computers), which is situated in RSU library, and computers in lecture halls, thus, at students’ disposal there are 89 computers. The Information centre is open daily from 9.00 to 21.00. Studies at the University are essentially facilitated by the library of European level and its informative resources. In the library there are 1327 copies of books referring to social sciences and psychology, of them 342 are specialised in psychology. The library subscribes 6 foreign and Latvian periodicals in psychology, data base contains 163 periodicals. Library resources are accessible to any students or academics of RSU or other universities and are disposed in accordance with international decimal UBK classification. The library funds totally contain about 293979 units (data from May 1, 2009). The library resources are regularly replenished. The students of the programme with their reader’s card can have access to electronic catalogues and books of other eight scientific libraries of Riga. Students have also Access to several direct data bases and electronic catalogues:– Sciencedirect, EBSCO, OVID, Springerlink, Proquest, Lursoft, NAIS, Letonika. US National Medical Library, Evidence Based Medicine Reviews - EBMR, ProQuest Information and Learning, SAGE Publications, Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), RSU library electronic catalogue, electronic catalogue of eight state libraries, data base of National bibliography analytics, data base of monographies and publications of National bibliography, Authoritative data base, Universal decimal classification (UDK).
10. External communication 10.1. Co-operation with employers Co-operation with employers is organised in two ways – as guest lectures and as praxis in different work environments, where students have possibility to get acquainted with potential
1. 2. 24 employers and they with potential employees. Aim of praxis is to acquaint students with work of a psychologist and psychologist’s assistant in specific clinical environment, applying the acquired knowledge and skills in client examination, counselling, correction and rehabilitation working with different clients. In the period of praxis students try to work with clients of different age and gender. Students get acquainted with practical work of different organisations, they find possibility to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical work, carrying tasks of praxis, as well as make empiric basis for study and Bachelor’s work. Organisation of praxis is based on regulations of study praxis. Intention contracts on places of praxis have been signed with the following organisations: P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Children Clinical University Hospital, National Rehabilitation centre „Vaivari”, Riga Health Centre „Pļavnieki”, Riga Municipality Ltd „Riga Maternity home”, Rehabilitation centre for handicapped children „Mēs esam līdzās”, Ltd „Health resort rehabilitation centre „Jaunķemeri”, VSIA “Vidzeme Rehabilitation Centre “Līgatne”, Riga Municipality Ltd “Health centre 5”, State Agency of Mental health, etc.
10.2. Co-operation with higher educational establishments in Latvia and abroad, which implement similar higher education programmes The Department actively establish contacts with both other universities of Latvia (Liepaja University, Jelgava Agricultural University) and foreign universities and organisations. A contract has bee signed with the departments of Sociology and social psychology of Umea University (Sweden) and Tampere University (Finland) in the framework of SOKRATES higher education programme ERASMUS on Exchange of students and academics. In January, 2007 the dean of Communication faculty T. Lāce in the ERASMUS programme gave lectures to students of Umea University. Daina Eglitis, sociology profesor of US Washington University, in academic year 2007/2008 in the elective course acquainted students with trends in society development in the US. Students of the faculty are also involved in the EU programme „Erasmus Mundus”, and studied in universities of Turkey, Finland, Germany and other countries. In the programmes of the faculty overseas students from Norway, Turkey and Germany studied as well. As the Professional programme in Psychology has just started its work in RSU, it does not have stable partners yet, therefore looking for partners for co-operation in Latvia and other countries is one of the basic tasks in near future.
11. Guarantee of studies in case of liquidation of study programme In March 5, 2007 a contract was signed between Riga Stradins University (RSU) and Riga Higher Institution of pedagogy and education management (RPIVA). This contract certifies that if the Professional higher education Bachelor’s study programme in Psychology in RSU is discontinued, RPIVA provides RSU students with possibility to continue acquisition of education in RPIVA Bachelor’s study programme „Bachelor in Psychology”. RPIVA undertakes, after receiving of application, to assess conformity of the courses in RSU study programme to RPIVA study programme, as well as number of credit points, and enrol the students in corresponding study year in RPIVA study programme.
12. Plan of development of Professional Bachelor’s study programme „Psychology” Study programme „Psychology” corresponds to the level of professional Bachelor’s programme and Standard of state academic education. It means that the programme is comparable to Bachelor’s study programmes in Latvia and abroad, however, it has its specifics, and its content differs from other similar programmes. In Latvia, at present the programme of 1. 2. 25 this type is not being implemented neither at Bachelor’s degree level nor Master’s degree level. The programme enables students to obtain knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to psychologist’s assistant in conformity with profession Standard of psychologist’s assistant; to obtain Professional Bachelor’s degree in psychology and qualification of psychologist’s assistant. In the study programme are emphasized knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary in clinical work. It enables graduates of the programme to apply for studies for Master’s degree in psychology, as well as to extend the field of their professional activity and continue studies in the area of health care. The study programme plans gradual development of students’ competences – more profound and extended mastering of theory, perfection of their skills and abilities, development of personality qualities. Especial attention is paid to students praxis. In general, study courses are with practical direction. Sufficient possibilities are offered for choice of study courses. In evaluation of students’ knowledge different forms are used, depending on the aim of the course. Students are provided with necessary means for mastering the programme – the programme is implemented by highly qualified academics, there is corresponding financing of studies, material and methodological provision. Before designing of developmental plan of the higher education programme, it is essential to assess the present situation. Analyzing development of the higher education programme „Psychology” in general, one can make conclusions which can be divided according to strong and weak sides analysis matrix (SVID). Strong sides: study programme has been started successfully, interest from potential students in the programme, positive support to the programme from employers, good basis and infrastructure for studies, good possibilities to improve and strengthen material basis of studies, good IT basis to ensure study process, lecture halls are provided with good technical possibilities, accessible multi media technologies, good possibilities to extend library resources, the programme involves highly qualified academics. Weak sides: study programme is new, it does not have traditions in RSU structure, for the present methodological literature for studies in Latvian is insufficient, psychology study programme is not yet sufficiently recognized in RSU structure, medical study subjects are piloted for training of psychologist’s assistant. Possibilities: to continue internal development of the study programme, defining amount and content of medical subjects in the programme more precisely, to extend co-operation with potential employers, to perfect and extend advertising of the programme in order to make it more recognizable, to extend international co-operation to make study process more effective and ensure research work . Threats: high expenses per a student in the study programme, competitive programmes in Latvia having budget places insufficient support from the state.
Involvement of academics in inter-disciplinary activities and international co-operation should be emphasized, as it makes the study programme “Psychology” competitive and modern. The fact that studies are integrative is also evaluated as a possibility and a threat simultaneously,
1. 2. 26 since it demands from the students additional elasticity, openness, high degree of personality maturation, it is a basis for big load in study process. It is evident that drawbacks are mostly related to general conditions, which do not occur due to activities of academics, development strategy of RSU Communication faculty or infrastructure. In general, it can be concluded that the higher education programme “Psychology”, established in RSU, should be evaluated as conformable to contemporary trends, and as the one which ensures qualitative education and emphasizes acquisition of necessary skills and attitudes, preparing specialists who have support in labour market. Objectives, put forward in the study programme, are not planned to change in near future. Perspective development of the study programme is included in development strategy of RSU Communication faculty. The task for further development of the programme is successive and purposeful increase in quality of the programme in order to ensure that students acquire all- round and profound knowledge, skills and abilities. Development of the study programme includes the following directions: Increase in quality of the study subjects included in the higher education programme, studying requirements of labour market, keeping up with current events in psychology and making corresponding changes in the Bachelor’s programme. Provision of higher education programme with qualitative methodological materials and necessary informative resources, foreseeing continuous renovation of methodological materials (descriptions of study subjects), regular replenishing of electronic methodological materials and access to them (using possibilities of electronic communication); preparation of teaching literature, special dictionaries, etc. Promotion of research work and getting of scientific degrees of the academics involved in the programme, as well as their participation in international projects. Perfection of qualification and professional skills of the academic staff, regular advancing of qualification of the elected academic staff; regular participation of the academic staff in conferences and seminars in RSU and other educational establishments, encouraging preparation and publication of scientific and methodological articles. Perfection of feedback between students and academics, and administration of the programme (extending co-operation with students’ self-government). To carry out annual assessment of the study programme, discussing issues of its development with students and academics. To perfect communication with students by RSU web page. At the beginning of every academic year, for students’ convenience, “Students’ manual “ should be prepared, in which the most significant elements, priorities and tasks to be performed should be defined, as well as other necessary information given. Establishing of closer link between students’ needs and changing environment of labour market. According to RSU strategy – “significance of opinions, obtained in inquiries of employers and graduates, should be increased when making decisions”. To continue encouraging of involvement of academics and students in mobility projects (ERASMUS, etc.). To extend contacts with allied higher education programmes abroad. To continue inviting of experts in psychology in health care environment, perfecting link of the programme with development of practical skills in study process. In order to promote students’ international exchange to prepare some of the courses in English. To continue inviting of overseas academics, as well as establish stable co-operation with Psychology departments of other higher education establishments. Link with potential employers should be strengthened, organising seminars in potential places of praxis, so that employers could gradually get possibility to choose future employees and get acquainted with their abilities and skills. Thorough assessment of praxis should be planned, as well as inquiries of employers at the end of praxis. It would enable us to receive valuable information on students’ readiness to
1. 2. 27 engage in professional work of psychologist’s assistant and make conclusions on possible corrections in the content of certain subjects. To perfect information and advertising materials on the study programme. The plan of development of the study programme is reviewed, assessing its implementation, at the end of each study year together with plan of development of the Department of Sociology and Psychology.
Head of Department of Sociology and Psychology ______(Sandra Mihailova)
Dean of RSU Communication faculty: ______(Taņa Lāce)
1. 2. 29 APPENDIX NR. 1
Licence for psychological programme realisation
1. 2. 30 Appendix Nr.2 CVs of the academic staf
List of the Academic Staff CV
. Nr. Statuss Scient./ academ. degree Surname
1. Prof. Dr. hab. med. L.Aberberga-Augškalne 2. Assoc.prof. Dr. med. G. Ancāne 3. Prof. Dr.med. R.Andreziņa 4. Assist. Mg.psych. A.Arnicāne 5. Assist. Mg. psych. Z. Biseniece 6. Lect. Mg. phyl. S.Cire 7. Lect. Mg. paed., māszinību grāds K.Circenis 8. Assoc.prof. Dr.art. D.Hanovs 9. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. B.Kupča 10. Assist. Mg.paed., māsas grāds K.Lapiņa 11. Lect. Mg. psych., Mg.med I.Majore 12. Assist.prof. Dr. psych. K. Mārtinsone 13. Assoc.prof. Dr. psych. S. Mihailova 14. Assist.prof Mg.iur., Mg.art. I.J.Mihailovs 15. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. I.Millere 16. Lect. MD, dipl.iur. S.Olsena 17. Assist.prof Dr.phil. S. Omārova 18. Assist. Mg.psych I. Ozola 19. Assist. Mg.biol. A.Puzuka 20. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. E. Rancāns 21. Assist. Mg.psych. D.Romanovska 22. Lect. Mg.antr. K.Sedlinieks 23. Assist.prof Dr.psych. G.Svence 24. Prof. Dr.biol. U.Teibe 25. Assoc.prof. Dr.phil. V.Tēraudkalns 26. Lect. Mg. psych., Mg. paed., A. Upmale Mg.med. 27. Lect. Mg. psych. Ž. Vazne 28. Assist. Mg. psych. M.Vāciete 29. Prof. Dr.med. A.Vētra 30. Assoc.prof Dr.phil. L.Vilka 31. Assoc.prof. Dr.phil. A.Vilks 32. Assoc.prof. Dr.iur. A.Vilks 33. Prof. Dr. hab. med. J.Zaļkalns 34. Asist. Mg.psych. M. Zakriževska 35. Assist.prof ārsta grāds R. Žagare
First name, Last name: Līga Aberberga Augškalne Date of birth: 1944 Address: Ogre, Mālkalnes pr. 35-6 LV-5001 Contact phones: 5071791; 7409177
EDUCATION 1962.1968 Riga Medical Institute 1962 Riga secondary school No.2 ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1997. King's College London, Dep. of Physiology 1995. Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities, Dep. of Physiology 1992. Toronto University, Medical faculty 1976, 1981,1985 Qualification Courses for teachers of Higher Educational System 1968 – 1971 USSR Scientific reseach institute of Physical culture, postgraduate courses
SCIENTIFIC/ACADEMIC DEGREE 1992. Dr. habil. med. 1972. Med. zin. kand. (1992.Dr.med.) ACADEMIC TITLE 2004. Professor 1998. Professor 1979. Assistant professor
WORK EXPERIENCE 1971 – present Riga Stradiņš university (Medical academy of Latvia, Riga medical Institute), 1995 –present Head of Department of Physiology 1973-1975 Institute of physical culture of Latvia
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Cardiovascular, respiratory, exercise and age related physiology, bioethics
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND GOVERMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Senator of RSU, secretary and expert of the promotion Council in the theoretical medical sciences of RSU, member of Presidium of Senate of RSU, member of Council of Faculty of Rehabilitation of RSU, head of Ethics Committee of RSU for 10 years, member of Board of professors of Biological faculty of University of Latvia, member of Central Ethics Committee of Latvia, member of Ethics Committee of IUPS.
PUBLICATIONS In all – 123, last 6 years - 17
32 Native - Latvian English , Russian – working knowledge With dictionary - German.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowladge – Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, Linux Driving licence – B category Hobby – music, art, theater, sewing.
Date:29.05.07. Liga Aberberga -Augskalne
First name, Last name: GUNTA ANCĀNE Date of birth: 07.11.1953. Place of birth: Riga Address: A.Biezina street 3-36, Riga,LV-1029 Contact phone: 7210989
33 2003 Associate professor
WORK EXPERIENCE 2003 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE AND PSYCHOTHERAPY IN RIGA STRADINS UNIVERSITY 1997 Head of Department of Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Riga Stradins University 1994 - 2003 Assistant professor in Department of Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Riga Stradins University 1989 - 1993 Senior researcher, head of research group in gastroenterology at Medical Academy of Latvia (LMA) 1986 - 1989 Researcher at LMA 1982 - 1986 Post-graduated researcher at LMA 1979 - 1982 Post-graduated education at LMA SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Psychosomatic medicine, the syndrome of burn down, the type of personality
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Member of the working group of postgraduate Curriculum of European Network of Psychosomatic medicine PUBLICATIONS 4 inventions, 34 publications, 33 conference theses
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native language, Russian - fluent, English - fluent, German – fluent
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1978 B category Driving Licence Date: 28.01.2008. Gunta Ancane
First name, Last name: Raisa Andrezina Date of birth: 03.04.1938. Place of birth: Salacgriva Address: Rīga, Hipokrata street 37 – 16 Contact phone: 9425810
EDUCATION 1962 Riga Medical institute, 08.2002. Psychotherapia to psychiatric. Pern, Estonia. 2001. Course about family therapy. Sweden Eastern Europe help fund. 2000. Psychotherapia to psychiatric. 11.1999. UMEO (Sweden) University course front lectors- Personality disorders, diagnostics 08.1999. Psychotherapia to psychiatric. Foluna, Sweden. 08.1998. Psychotherapia to psychiatric. Storkmanes, Norway.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Medicine doctor (psychiatry) ACADEMIC TITLE 2003 Profesor
WORK EXPERIENCE 1993. - till now RSU Department of the psychiatry and narkology, head of department. 1978. - 1993. RSU Department of the psychiatry and narkology, docent. 1962. - 1968. Psychiatric Hospital Strenchi, psychiatrist.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Latvian Psychiatric association - president. VSIA "Gaiļezers" Child psychoneyrological clinic - chif. WHO, Europe joint commitee of psychiatric - regent. ISMA - consultant about "Mental health and patology" MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS •Latvian Psychiatric Association • Hospital ‘’Gaiļezers” Clinic of Child psychiatry director. •WHO member of the board. •Consultant about Mental health in Information systems institute.
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian is Native language Russian, German, English - completely
Date: 27.03.2009.
Raisa Andrezina
CURRICULUM VITAE First name, Last name: Aelita Arnicāne Date of birth: 18.07.1966. Place of birth: Riga Address: Progresa str. 3a – 8, Riga, LV – 1067. [email protected] Contact phone: +37126413963
EDUCATION 2003 - 2005 RPIVA – Social science master’s degree in psychology 1999 - 2003 RPIVA – Social science bachelor’s degree in psychology
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Year 2005, 10 th International creativity conference. “ Complex study of November 11 – creativity and implementation its results in the practice of education” 12, Riga Year 2006, April III International scientific conference “ Theory for today’s society 6 – 8, Riga education practice”
WORK EXPERIENCE 2006 May to June RPIVA a lecturer for the course “ Psychological help in crises “ 1999 - 2006 Catastrophe Medicine Centre, intensive therapy nurse 1985 - 2006 VSIA Children clinical university hospital, intensive therapy nurse
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 2005 Master’s paper was developed within the framework of LPZ grant “ Reflection of psychic reality in the language of different specialty students and lecturers” in collaboration with the grant managing researcher Dr.psych. Kristīne Mārtinsone
36 From 2008 Association of Therapy of Arts
PUBLICATIONS 2006 Differences of cognitive meanings of different notions in different discourses. Collection of scientific papers. RPIVA III International scientific conference. Authors – Kristīne Mārtinsone, Aelita Arnicāne, Inguna Ozola, Anita Lasmane.
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native; Russian – fluently; English – intermediate. Date: 15.02.2009
Aelita Arnicane
Name, surname: Zinta BISENIECE Date of birth: 1970 Address: Maskavas iela 291/1-49, Rīga
1994 – 1996 University of Latvia (LU), Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology, Master’s degree study programme in Pedagogy
1989 – 1994 LU Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology, BA psych. programme
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2006 – present RSU Professional Master’s study programme „Arts therapy” 2004 Sand play therapy training 1999 – 2002 Training in family psychotherapy 1999 Long-distance training Project „Psychologic Counseling” 1996 – 1999 Joint Project of LU and Stutgardt University „Systemic family psychotherapy” Academic courses Family psychology Study of relationships in family Practice in social psychology Methods of psychological investigation Introduction into sand play therapy
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 37 1995 Master’s degree in Psychology (Mag. Psych.)
WORK EXPERIENCE 2005 – present Riga 76.PII psychologist (part-time job) 2000 – present Private practice of psychotherapist 1996 - present LU PPF , lecturer
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICATIONS Aire Z.(1999). Ģimene. Psiholoģija vidusskolām. Skolēna grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 190- 202 lpp. Aire Z.(1999). Ģimene. Psiholoģija vidusskolām. Skolotāja grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 101-106 lpp. Pļaveniece M., Aire Z.(1999). Kā labāk saprasties. Psiholoģija vidusskolām. Skolēna grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 170-176 lpp. Pļaveniece M., Aire Z.(1999). Kā labāk saprasties. Psiholoģija vidusskolām. Skolotāja grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC,89-93. lpp.
LANGUAGES Latvian –native, Russian, German
Date: 28.12.2008.
Zinta Biseniece
First name, Last name: Kristaps CIRCENIS Date of birth: 12.01.1978. Place of birth: Latvia, Balvi, Medņeva Address: Alberta 11-68, Riga, LV-1010 Contact phone: +371 7409126
EDUCATION 2004. - till now University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, 2002. - 2004. University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Master degree program in Education 2000. - 2003. University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Bachelor degree program in Psychology 1996. - 2000. Latvian Medical academy, Faculty of Nursing, Degree program in Nursing Science ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2006. 23.01.-04.02. Intensive Programme “International Comparative Nursing Module” (2006). IP: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Florence Network, Netherlands, Groningenā 2005. 04.04.-09.04. Health promotion of the working population, Lahti, Finland 38 2005. 24.01.-04.02. Intensive Programme “International Comparative Nursing Module” (2005). IP: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Florence Network, Netherlands, Groningenā 2004. - till now Riga Stradins university, Faculty of Post degree studies, course: Group psychoterapy 2004. 26.01.-06.02. Intensive Programme “International Comparative Nursing Module” (2004). IP: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Florence Network, Netherlands, Groningenā 2002. 09.05. Psychiatric and Psychological aspects of Crisis, intensive course, Univesity of Latvia 2000. 07.12.-10.12. Intensive course in CPR
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE : Master of Science in Education, 2005 ACADEMIC TITLE: 2009 Lector WORK EXPERIENCE 2000. - till now Rīgas Stradins university Department of Nursing, assistant 2003. - till now Rīgas Stradins university Faculty of Nursing, Vice Dean 2003. - till now Riga Red Cross Medical colledge, lecturer 2000. - 2003. Riga Ambulance station, Nurse SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES relevant to the project e.g. evaluation, developing nursing education, quality assurance and research, international project experience, other international experience): PUBLICATIONS Burnout, Depression, Anxiety and Sense of Coherence among Latvian nurses (co-authors: Inga Millere, Liana Deklava) Baltic Nurse 2, 2008 Correlation Between Behaviour Parametrs of Health Care Professionals and Personality Factors. (co-authors Inga Millere, Liana Deklava) Baltic Nurse 2, 2008 Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Among Latvian Health Care Professionals (co-authors Inga Millere, Liana Deklava). XVIII Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology, 2008 Personality factors and Professionally relevant behaviour in health care (co-authors Inga Millere, Liana Deklava). XVIII Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology, 2008 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian — native language, Russian — fluent, English — good. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION knowledge of MS office, SPSS, Internet (e.g. EBSCO database)
Date: 07.02.2009 Kristaps Circenis
First name, Last name: Sarma Cire Date of birth: 01.05.1942. Place of birth: Rīga Address: 31 Kandavas street, Rīga LV-1083 Contact phone: 7611330, mob. 6482305
EDUCATION 1973 - 1980 Latvia State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English philology 1960 - 1965 RMI Faculty of Pharmacy
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION January 2006 English Teaching Methodology for Specific Purposes (LU, British Council). August 2004 Conference of English Teachers. 2003 Latvian Adult Education Centre: Language Teaching in Multinational Environment 2002 - 2003 Centre of Young Psychologists. NLP Basic and Practical Course.. 1991 - 1992 Stockholm University, Intensive Course of Swedish Language. 1991 LR Ministry of Education: Courses "The Latest Conceptions in EL Methodology". 1988 Leeds University (England), Courses in EL Methodology.
WORK EXPERIENCE 1982 - RSU Language Centre, lecturer 1979 - 1982 Hotel "Latvia", administrator 1973 - 1979 Riga Secondary school No.58, English teacher 1968 - 1973 Cesu region, Spare auxiliary school, Latvian teacher 1965 - 1968 Cesu region, Pharmacy No.142, director
PUBLICATIONS "My Sexuality",Riga, Jumava,1998. Translation from English.
40 Latvian, English, Russian, Swedish, German
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MW Office, Internet, travelling, NLP, Driving licence (B)
Date: 16.02.06.
Sarma Cire
First name, Last name: Deniss HANOVS Date of birth: 09.06. 1977 Place of birth: Riga Address: Hospitalu 14-12 Contact phone: 003717365349
EDUCATION 1995 -1999 Latvian Academy of Culture, Bachelor degree, intercultural relations, department of Great Britain –Latvia intercultural relationships. 1999 -2001 Latvian Academy of Culture, Master degree, theory of Culture
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2001-2003 Ph.D. student, Latvian academy of Culture 2000 -2001 Scholarship in Berlin Humboldt university (Volkswagen Foundation) April – Scholarship in Berlin Free University (Foundation of Berlin Parliament) September 2002 September 2005 Scholarship at Keston Institute, Oxford University. March 2007 Member of international team in the scholarship project “International leadership programme” (USA Embassy) – exchange visitor invited by the State Department, USA.
D Dr. art.- 2003,
E As. prof. since June 2006
WORK EXPERIENCE 1999 - 2004 Latvian Academy of Culture, teacher 2004 - present Riga Stradins University, Faculty of European Studies, Department for Communication, Head of the Public Relations programme 2003 - 2008 Secretariat for the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration. Since 2005 – Head of EU Anti-Discrimination department 2003 Guest lecturer at Vienna University, Department for Scandinavian studies
41 2006 –present Elected Associated professor for Communication Studies in Riga Stradins University 2006 management of the elaboration of the state policy programme « Roma in Latvia » 2007- 2009. 2004-2007 2Elaboration and management of the series of projects financed by the European Commission (restricted call for proposals within campaign « For Diversity against Discrimination ») «Latvia – equal in diversity » (project parts I-IV) ; 2003-2008 Participation in the EU level expert group, campaign « For Diversity – against Discrimination », Brussels, DG Employment and Social Affairs, representative of Latvian government ; 2003-2008 2Liaison officer at EUMC (later FRA – Fundamental Rights Agency) ; 2008 2General management of the European Intercultural Dialogue in Latvia (application for the EU grant, opening event, international conference, volume of scientific articles, PR activities, etc. Detailed information available : www.integracija.gov.lv )
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Branding, globalization, cultural memory
PUBLICATIONS 28 scientific publications on issues of ethnic identity, nationalism, globalization
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Russian –mother tongue, Latvian, English (Bachelor degree in Great Britain-Latvia intercultural relationships), German – fluent ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Date: 20 October 2007
Deniss Hanovs
First name, Last name: Biruta Kupca Date of birth: 18.12.1939. Place of birth: Riga Address: Riga, Blaumana street 25-17 Contact phone: 9123916
EDUCATION 1959. - 1964. Riga Medical institute 1968. - 1970. Residency– RMI Department of psychiatry 1971. - 1973. Riga Medical institute, Postgraduate cours
2006. Depressive disorders, Paris 2005. Bipolar affective disorder, Athens 2004. Generalization impetnosity, Warshava 2003. Shizophrenia, Brisele 12.2005. RCPI Masterclass, Hearts and Minds - The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland 06.2005. Suicide and psychiatric help organization,Riga 05.2005. Course - Coroner`s psychiatric inquest base. 1988. 2003. Metode of open dialogue psychotic crisis treatment. Tromso University 06.2001 Family therapy, Riga
2001. Good clinical practise.Riga SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 1992. Dr. med. (psychiatry)
ACADEMIC TITLE 2006. Assoc. professor
WORK EXPERIENCE 1993. - till RSU Department of Psychiatry and narcology, Assistant profesor now 1973. - 1993. RSU Department of Psychiatry and narcology, assistant. 1971. - 1973. Riga Medical institute- postgraduate study. 1964. -1968. Psychiatric Hospital Strenchi, psychiatrist, head of department
43 SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 1. Double blind Seraquel and Liti placebo kontroling 52 week research Bipolar affective outpatient. 2. 2002.-2004. Affective disorder. Clinic and treatment. 3. Psychiatric health care in Latvia. Year book - 2001., 2002., 2003., 2004. - consultant. 4. 2002. - Public Rispolept Consta clinic observation in Latvia. 5. 2002. Bristol Myers Squibb multi centre duble blind research - Acute exitation treatment to shizophrenia patient with i/m aripiprazole. 6. 1999.-2000. Public Reboxetine clinic observation in Latvia. 7. 1995.-1996. Reactor to Chernobil crash result quitta psychiatric and psychosocial problem. 8. 2001.Public clinical research - Shizophrenia disorders treatment with Zyprex in Latvia.
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 1. RSU Senate senator. 2. Latvian Psychiatric association -vice president. 3.Member of the Psychiatic sertification comission. 4. Member of the Child Psychiatric sertification commission. 5. Member of Riga P. Stradiņs Hospital developmental drug investigation ethics committee. 6. Society for Psychotherapy Research. 7. World Biologic psychiatric association.
aWorld Biology psychiatric association memorial awarded grant in President senate work 2001.-2005. PUBLICATIONS Total number – 83, last 9 year - 9
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native, Russian, German, English – fluent Date: 24.03.2009 Biruta Kupca
Curriculum vitae
Name, surname Kristiāna Lapiņa Date of birth, place of birth 09.04.1970, Rīga
Education: Master’s degree in pedagogy and psychology – Latvian University, LU pedagogy and psychology institute, diploma No. 011722 Higher medical education – Latvian Academy of Medicine/RSU, diploma No. 000116,
44 Bachelor’s degree in medical sciences, degree in nursing sciences Manager’s qualification in sociopsychologic training, St Peterbourgh Academy of Akmeology (KF), diploma No. 1463 Preliminary education – Riga Medical school No. 5 – qualification – nurse, diploma No. 3T 233545 Compulsory education – Riga secondary school No. 2
Work experience: 1998- present - Riga higher school of pedagogy and education management, Faculty of Psychology, department of education and social psychology – lecturer The subjects taught are psychology of personality, personality’s psychological theory in pedagogy, psychomatic medicine, principles of genetics, psychobiological principles, health psychology, introduction to clinical psychology, neuropsychology, psychology of environment, health psychology, methodology of communicative training. 2003- present - work with Master students in PRIVA management school – lectures in “Personality’s theory in pedagogy”, work with Master students in psychology – lectures in “Psychology of environment”, “Neuropsychology”, and “Methodology of communicative training”. March, 2007 – present -1. RSU Academic school of Art therapy - lecturer, the subject taught – clinical psychology 2. Internet web site Apollo – journalist – cooperation with journals “Psiholoģijas Pasaule”, “Psiholoģija Mums” 3. Teaching Centre “ABC” – conduction of seminars. 2008. was prepared for educational program-Seminar "Hiperstress prevention teaching environment." (Adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science) . Previous work experience: State Probation Service, Department of Riga territorial structural unit Centre –senior expert. P. Stradins clinical hospital, surgical unit. Riga medical school No.1 – preparation of the teaching aid in desmurgy and surgery. Further education -doctoral studies - currently studying in Rīgas Stradin’s University, Sub - Sociology.
Scientific research work – research in cooperation with RSU, research in students’ motivation, research related to obtaining natural sciences, students’ motivation in studies, mastering a state language and its use in the teaching process, etc.
Seminars, conferences, publications: Prepared, published and given to the students’ use a teaching aid “Psihomatiskā medicīna”(psychomatic medicine) (RPIVA -2000). Riga, September, 1999 – participation in the seminar “Darbs ar pieaugušajiem. Pieaugušo psihiskas īpatnības”(work with adults. Adult psychic peculiarities) headed by Jeļena Mihailova, Dr. psych. Riga, March 21-23, 2001 – “Natural sciences and teachers’ education”, publication – “Dabaszinātņu nozīme profesionālās karjeras veidošanā”(importance of natural sciences in the creation of professional carrier). Tartu, Estonia, September, 20-21, 2001 – the 6th International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media International Conference on Learning and Educational Media; publication – “Students self-analysis of study process”. February, 28 – March, 2, 2002 – conference “Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiebrības ilgspējīgā attīstība”(traditionalism and innovation in the society permanent development) held by Rēzeknes higher school. Thesis: “Academically Trained Nurses Assessment of the Teaching Process”.
45 Publication: “Medicīnas māsu profesionālā un akademiskā studiju procesa vērtējums”(nurses assessment of professional and academic study process). March, 25-27, 2002 – conference held by RPIVA “Teorija un prakse skolotaju izglītībā” (theory and practice of teacher education), publication “Topošo pedagogu profesijas izvēles motīvi”(profession choice motivation of future teachers). Year 2002 – international conference “Sabiedrība un kultūra”(society and culture) in Liepājas Academy of Pedagogy, publication “Pedagoģijas nozīme kultūrā, veidojot mediķu un skolotāju profesionālo apziņu”(importance of pedagogy in culture creating doctor and teacher professional consciousness) . March, 7, 2002 – RSU medical conference. Theses “Adaptācijas un pieķersanās uzvedības modeļu saistības analīze pirmsskolas vecuma berniem”(behaviour model obligation analysis of adaptation and attachment in pre-school aged children) and “Vai akadēmiski izglītota māsa vēl joprojam ir vidējais personāls?”(Does an academically trained nurse still belong to para-medical staff?). Reports on the both mentioned themes. May, 23-25, 2003 – V International scientific conference “Sabiedrī ba un kultūra: daudzveidīgais, reģionālais mūsdienu Eiropā”(Society and Culture: diverse and regional in contemporary Europe) . Report “Valsts valodas nozīme medicīnas studijās” (importance of state language in medicine studies) read in Liepājas Academy of Pedagogy. June, 12-14, 2003 – Past –Time Psychology students Learning Process Self-assessment. International Scientific Conference Spiritual values in Knowledge Society. Kaunas, Akademija, Lithuan University of Agriculture – report. Year 2005 – International conference “Sabiedtība un kultūra” (Society and Culture). Liepājas Academy of Pedagogy, publications “Studentu zināšanu vērtēšanas nozīme studiju procesā” (Importance of students knowledge evaluation in the study process) and “Valsts valodas nozīme mediķa profesionālās komprtences veidosanā” (importance of state language in the creation of doctor’s professional competence). 29. November, 2008. Latvian people with disabilities SUSTENTO Cooperation Organization, the International Association for the innovative pharmaceutical companies, Ministry of Health Ministry, an annual conference "A New Partnership - New Opportunities". April 2-3, 2009, RSU Scientific Conference, Theses and reports - „ Potenciālās problēmas sociālās krīzes apstākļos” ("Potential problems of social crisis"), „Diskurss kā valodiskas mijiedarbības problēma augstskolu kontekstā”( "The discourse of linguistic interaction problem in the context of higher education"), „Akūtās bezpalīdzības pārvarēšana studiju procesā” "(" Acute Management of helpless Study Process "). Published books: Lapiņa K. “Psihosomatiskās sakarības un mūsdienu cilvēks” (psychomatic coherence and contemporary person). Published by “Librum”, Riga, 2006 (200ps). Languages: Latvian, Russian (fluently), conversational English. Hobbies: Sport, history, geography, literature.
May, 3th, 2009. K.Lapiņa
First name, Last name: Indra MAJORE – DUSELE Date of birth: 12 July, 1973 Place of birth: Jelgava, Latvia
46 Address: Piladzu str.6, Pinki, Riga reg. LV-2107 Contact phone: 371- 29577764
EDUCATION 2006- 2008 Riga Stradins University, Professional Master degree in Health Care, qualification of Art therapist with specialization in dance movement therapy. 1995 -1998 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, studies in Master level in psychology. 1991-1995 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, studies in Bachelor’s degree programme in psychology. 1980-1991 Secondary school No.3 in Riga.
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2006-2007 Royal University of Belfast in cooperation with Arts therapies academic school of Riga Stradins University. Education in supervision. 1997 - 2002 Children`s Mental Health Alliance NY, Training Institute on the Treatment of Child Abuse, certificate of specialization in work with child abuse. 1997 - 1998 Sweden Moreno Institute, Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, certificate of assistant Director of psychodrama. 1993 - 1998 France School of Psycho-Organic Analysis, certificate of psychotherapist 1999- 2002 France School of Psycho-Organic Analysis, specialization in psychotherapy with children
WORK EXPERIENCE Since 2007 - Riga Stradins University, Art therapy academic school, lecturer. Since 2003 - „Rumbas prakse” Ltd., clinical psychologist, psychoterapist, group facilitator, supervisor. 1998 - 2005 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, lecturer, supervisor 2004 -2005 NGO „Velku biedrība”, group facilitator working with children with special needs 2001.2003 Center Against Abuse “Dardedze”, psychologist 1996-2003 International University Global Theatre experience, scientific research laboratory, facilitator of dance and movement therapy groups 1999 – 2002 „Psihoterapijas prakse” Ltd., clinical psychologist, psychologist 1999 - 2003 University of Latvia, Riga`s Humanitarian Institute, lecturer Since 1998- NGO “Center Against Abuse For Child And Family Support", psychologist and lecturer 1996 - 1998 Mental health care center of Latvia, clinical psychologist 1994 - 1996 Commercial School in Riga, teacher of psychology and facilitator of psychological trainings 1993-1994 Riga`s State technical school, teacher of psychology 1992 -1993 Secondary school No.3 in Riga, teacher of health education
47 2008 Personality and professionalism of art therapy specialist. Paper presented in 6th International Art`s therapies conference “Contemporary arts therapies – theory and practice” Rezekne. 18-20/07/2008. 2008 Dance movement therapy for women with emotional eating: projects of the research. Poster presented in 6th International Art`s therapies conference “Contemporary arts therapies – theory and practice” Rezekne. 18-20/07/2008. 2007 Importance of supervision over art therapy specialists in their professional development. Paper presented at the International interdisciplinary scientific conference Society.Health.Welfare. Riga, 8-9/11/2007. 2007 Possibilities to use dance and movement therapy in work with disabled children. Paper presented at the International interdisciplinary scientific conference Society.Health.Welfare. Riga, 8-9/11/2007. 2007 Dance and movement therapy in work with families rising children with special needs. Paper presented at the 5th International Art Therapy Conference, Integrative Art Therapy – Theory and Practice, Liepaja; The district of Nica, Latvia, 15/07/2007. 2002 Children and psychological maintenance in institutions. Paper presented at 2nd Latvian Pre-Conference for the International Conference in Stockholm in May 2003. Riga, Latvia 23/10/2002 2001 Child abuse and neglect: situation in Baltic states. Paper presented at Children`s Mental Health conference “Promissed childhood”, Tel Aviv, Israel, 20/05/2001 PUBLICATIONS: Mārtinsone K., Majore-Dūšele I., Paipare M. Meaning of supervision in arts therapists professional development.// RSU. Research Papers – 2009. Paipare M., Mārtinsone K., Majore-Dūšele I. Supervision – foundation of sustainability of art therapy as health care profession development. //Psychology in contemporary education. Research Papers – Liepāja. 2008. Majore-Dūšele I., Jirgena S. Dance movement therapy. Possibility of application. // Psychology for us – 2007. – Nr. 3 (34). Authored books: 2008 Arts Therapies and the contexts of its development (integrative-eclectic approach in Latvia) Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J., Majore-Dūšele I., Paipare M.; RSU – 2008, 135.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-788-29-6 2001 Teachers manual – how to help to abused child. (co- authored I.Majore, I.Zagare, R.Dimanta, S.Sebre, I.Sprugevica), ISBN 9984-9427-0-8 Video aid: 005 Dance and movement therapy method for children with special needs and their families. Methodical video aid. Velku Foundation. Film company „Devini” MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Dance and movement therapy association of Latvia, chair of the board, founder member Art therapy association of Latvia, member Latvia`s Association of Clinical Psychologists, founder member Psychoorganic Analysis association of Latvia, founder member NGO “Center Against Abuse for child and family support” KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian - native language Russian - fluent English – fluent
48 German – conversational French - conversational
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Meditation (10years), martial arts, dance theatre
Date: 26.03.2009
Indra Majore-Dusele
Kristīne Mārtinsone Name, surname: Date of birth: 1970.08.02. Address: Ķeguma iela 50, dz. 2, Rīga, LV-1039; [email protected] Telephone: +371-29256229
EDUCATION 2006- 2009 Riga Stradins University, Professional Master degree in Health Care, qualification of Art therapist with specialization in vi sual plastic art therapy. 1994-1998 Nov. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Latvia (LU). PhD psych. (C-D No.001496). 1996-1998 Jan. Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, LU. Master’s degree in social sciences, psych. (No.003751) 1994-1996 Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, LU. BA psych. (No. 004518) 1994-1996 Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, LU. Qualification of psychologist’s assistant (Registr. No.215) 1993-1994 Faculty of Foreign Languages, LU. MA pedag. sc. (No.000921) 1988-1993 Faculty of Pedagogy, LU. Specialist in methodology of the Latvian language and literature, and educational work, qualification of Teacher of the Latvian language and literature (No.102555). 1993 Faculty of Pedagogy, LU. BA philol. (No.000148) ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2006. XI – 2007. XI Training in arts therapy supervision. (400 hrs). Instructors: Sibbett, W. Thompson (Great Britain, Northern Ireland). 2005. II – VI – Course for academics in pedagogy/ Inovations in higher education/ Management of educational work. (Certificate no.0802) 2003 – 2006 Specialisation in integrative psychology; certificate (No. 127), International Academy of Psychological Sciences/Mеждународная Aкадемия Психологических Hаук/, Dpt. of practical psychology specialisation. Certificate recognized by European psychotherapy association. 2001- 2003 Training in arts therapy.Certif.(No. 023-5) on full theoretical and practical training in arts therapy, Institute of Practical Psychology Imaton/ Институт Практической Психологии Иматон (136/150 hrs).
49 2001 - 2003 Training in group psychotherapy, certification qualification of group psychotherapists (600 hrs), Lithuania Association of Group psychotherapists 2001 -2003 Management of training groups; diploma (ПП No 1429) on professional re-qualification in the programme „Methods in training management”, qualification of psychologist-trainer, St. Petersburgh.
ACADEMIC TITLE acting assist. prof.
WORK EXPERIENCE (last 6 years): 2009 - present Ltd Health Institute, art therapyst. 2006 – present Riga Stradins University , Faculty of Nursing Academic School of Arts Therapy, head. 2007 – present Ltd Health Institute, psychologist. 1999– 2006 University of Latvia (LU), Dpt. of Psychology of Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, assist. prof. 1996 - 1999 LU , Dpt. of Psychology of Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, lecturer. 2000– 2005 LU, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, director of psychology Bachelor’s programme. 1999- 2000 LU, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, acting head of the Dpt. of Psychology
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Research work: 2006 - LZP grant in Methods of arts therapy in coping with crisis, leading researcher . 2003 – 2005 LZP grant in Reflection of psychic reality in the language of students and academics of different specialities, leading researcher. 2001- 2003 LZP grant in Forms of crisis solution with women in different life stages in Latvia, leading researcher. Work as an expert : 2003 expert in Ltd ITA Consultant inter-branch study Effect of air pollution on helath of the population in the district of Saldus. 2007/ 2008 expert in the project No.:VPD1/ESF/NVA/06/GS/ „Caur sidraba birzi gāju…” (Project implemented by: State probation service)
PARTICIPATION IN PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS Since 2003 - Chair of the board of Latvia Association of Arts Therapy Since 2007 - member of the board of Latvia Union of Arts therapies associations Since 2007 - member of Latvia Dance and movement therapy association .
TITLES, AWARDS International Academy of Psychological Sciences, correspong member (Nr.259)
50 PUBLICTIONS (last 7 years): 58 1.2. Methodological work 1.3. Student manual in Professional Master’s degree study programme “Arts therapy” / K.Mārtinsone, S.Mihailova. - Rīga: RSU, 2008. – 24pp.
LANGUAGES Latvian – native; Russian – fluent, English, German – working knowledge.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Organizing work (last 6 years): 2008 - VI International Art-therapy Conference (Rezekne). Contemporary Art-therapy: Theory and Practice. Chair of organizing committee. 2007. 1. International Conference Society. Health. Welfare. Member of organizing committee. Section Art therapy. 2007. V - International Art-therapy Conference (Liepaja). Integrative Art- therapy: Theory and Practice. Chair of organizing committee. 2006. IV - International Art-therapy Conference (Valmiera). Integrative Art- therapy: Theory and Practice. Chair of organizing committee. 2006. VII International Baltic Psychology Conference. Baltic Psychology in Global Context: Where Do We Stand? Member of organizing committee. 2005 - Professional Standard of Arts Therapist approved by Ministry of Education of Latvia (head of the work group). 2005. VII - International Art-therapy Conference (Venspils). Chair of organizing committee. 2005.V - Seminar in strategic planning Development of music therapy in Latvia (Germany, Latvia). Work group: Development of scientific research. 2004. VII International Art-therapy Conference (Rīga). Chair of organizing committee. 2003. I International Art-therapy Conference (Jūrmala). Member of organ izing committee. 2000. IV International Baltic Psychology Conference (Riga). Member of organizing committee.
Participation in working out of academic and professional programmes : Professional Master’s study programme in health care „Arts therapy”, RSU (licenced Min.Ed.). Psychology Bachelor’s study programme , LU, programme director (2000- 2005) Master of soc. sc. study programme in psychology, programme director (2003/2004. // 2004 accreditation). Professional study programme for psychology assistant, LU.
Consultant: Journal Psiholoģijas Pasaule. Journal Psiholoģija Mums. Date: 2009, March 2009. Kristine Mārtinsone
First name, Last name: Sandra Mihailova Date of birth: 1969. Place of birth: Rīga Address: 28 – 3 Ernestīnes street, Riga-LV1046 Contact phone: 7613802; mob. 29144606 e-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION 2006- 2008 Riga Stradins University, Professional Master degree in Health Care, qualification of Art therapist with specialization in dance movement therapy. 1995 – 1999 Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Latvia University, doctorate studies, Doctor’s degree in psychology 1994 – 1999 Institute of Social Relations “Attistiba”, basic education in psychotherapy 1993 – 1998 School of psychotherapy in France “EFAPO”, certificate of psychotherapist in psychoorganic analysis 1996 – 1998 Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychotherapy of Latvia University, master’s degree in psychology 1993 – 1996 Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychotherapy of Latvia University, bachelor’s degree in psychology, qualification of assistant of psychologist 1994 – 1995 Faculty of Pedagogy of Latvia University, master’s degree in pedagogy 1987 – 1992 Faculty of Biology of Latvia University, speciality of biology, qualification of biologist, physiologist of human beings and animals
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Participation in different projects, international conferences, seminars, studies.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Doctor of Psychology
ACADEMIC TITLE Associated professor
WORK EXPERIENCE (last 6 year) 2009 - present Psychoterapist in institute of Homeopatic 2007 – present Faculty of Communication of Riga Stradins University, Head of the Dpt.of Sociology and Psychology, associated professor 2003 – 2007 Faculty of European Studies of Riga Stradins University, Head of the Dpt. of Sociology, associated professor 2002 – 2003 Riga Higher School of Adults’ Education and Management, assistant professor 2002 – 2003 Riga Stradins University, lecturer 1991 - Agenskalns State Gymnasium, teacher of psychology, psychologist
52 SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Themes of scientific work: Adictive behaviour, Psychological Peculiarities of Pupils of Secondary Schools, Psychology of Digital Technologies, Motivation for Studies, Dance and Movement Therapy Academic courses: Psychology of Personality, Social Psychology, Psychology of Conflicts, Psychology of Communication, Dance and Movement Therapy Theories and History, Trends of Psychotherapy, Consultation trends
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ANDNONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia’s Dance and Movement Therapy Association – member of the board Latvia’s Art Therapy Association – member of the board
PUBLICATIONS 53 scientific publications (including 3 monography), last 6 years -45 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian, Russian, fluent English, French working knowledge
Date: 02.05.2009. Sandra Mihailova
CURRICULUM VITAE First name, Last name: Ivans Jānis MIHAILOVS Date of birth: 16.06.1979 Place of birth: Riga Address: Sofijas 4-29, Riga, Latvia, LV-1005 Contact phone: 7392603, 6146051 EDUCATION 2006 -present Riga Stradins University, study programme for doctor’s degree in Social sciences 2003 - 2005 Faculty of Law of Latvian University, master’s degree in Social sciences 2001-2003 Academy of Culture of Latvia, master’s degree of Humanities in Art 1997-2003 Faculty of Law of Latvian University, lawyer 1997-2001 Academy of Culture of Latvia, bachelor’s degree of Humanities in Art 1985-1997 Pushkin’s Lyceum ACADEMIC TITLE: 2005 assistant professor WORK EXPERIENCE 2006 - present Academy of Culture of Latvia, Master’s study programme, visiting lecturer 2005- present Riga Stradins University, lecturer, deputy head of the Department of Communication studies, assistant professor 2004- present State Inspectorate of Education, legal adviser, chief state inspector of higher education 2004 Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration, lawyer, acting director of the Department of Law 2004-2006 Riga Technical University, lecturer 2004-present The Baltic International Academy (The Baltic Russian Institute), lecturer, assistant professor
53 2003-2004 Ministry of Welfare, Department of European and Law Affairs, senior officer 2002-2003 “Latvia Radio”, lawyer-personal specialist 1999-present Pushkin’s lyceum, teacher, acting manager of Department SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES: Legal theory, Globalization, Cultural policy, HONOURARY TITLES, AWARDS 2006 Gratitude from Ministry of Education and Science PUBLICATIONS 3 books, 6 methodical aids, 6 articles, 5 course programmes, consultative participation in development of the issue “History of Culture of the XX century” (in Latvian and Russian) KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES: Latvian Native; Russian – native; English –fluently, German - basic
Date: 03.01.2009. Ivans Jānis Mihailovs
First name, Last name: Inga MILLERE Date of birth: 13.07.1959. Place of birth: Riga, Latvia Address: 21 Plostu str., Riga, Latvia, LV - 1057 Contact phone: 7409126
EDUCATION 1978 1984 Latvian Medical Academy 1984 1988 Latvian Academy of Science Post – doctoral studies 1994 1997 Latvian Medical Academy Chair of the Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (residency) 1995 2001 Collaborative Project of Institute of Group Analysis (Norway), Institute of Group psychotherapy and Family therapy (Denmark) and Lithuanian Group Psychotherapy association
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Courses 1995 Cornell University Medical College, Office of Continuing Medical Education 1998 1999 Latvian Medical Academy Continuing Medical Education in Psychiatry 1999 Lithuanian Society of Psychotherapy&Dutch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy „Introductory Course on the Principles of Psychoanalytic theories” 2001 2002 Dutch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy „Psychodynamic perspectives on Personality Disorders” 2004 Intensive Programme “International Comparative Nursing Module” (2004). IP: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Florence Network, Netherlands, Groningenā
54 2005 Medical Education on Independent Learning and the Core Curriculum, England 2005 Health promotion of the working population, Lahti, Finland 2005 Intensive Programme “International Comparative Nursing Module” (2005). IP: Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Florence Network, Netherlands, Groningenā
Seminars 1995 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy&Latvian Medical Academy „Cognitive bihaviour psychology and psychotherapy” 1995 Latvian Medical Academy „McMaster model in family therapy” 1996 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy „ Neurofarmacology; Principles of Neurobiology” 1996 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy& Latvian family Centre „ Short term focused Psychotherapy; Therapy with childrens; Therapy with one parent family” 1997 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy& Latvian family Centre „Family Complex.Violence in the family” 1997 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy „Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy – are synonyms?” 1999 European Psychoanalytical Federation „Assesment and Susceptibility for Psychoanalytic Treatment. Indication,Frequency, Matching of Patient and Therapist” 2000 Latvian Association of Psychotherapy „Patients affects and instincts in clinical practice „ 2000 Latvian Association of Psychiatry& Pharmacia Upjon „ Treatment of Social adaptation Disturbances; The role of the psychotherapy in the treatment of depression; Edronax and the dynamics of the depression” 2000 Latvian Association of Neurology& Latvian Association of Multiple Sclerosis „Multiple Sclerosis : aspects of genetics, patogenesis, clinics, treatment and rehabilitation, psychologicals problems of patients” 2001 Latvian Association for Psychodynamic psychiatry, Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy „ First baltic states Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy seminar – The Kleinian Concept of projective identification” 2001 Latvian Association of Psychatry&Latvian Association of Hipertension „Depression and Interne pathology” 2002 Latvian Association of Neurology „Treatment and rehabilitation, problems in Multiple Sclerosis” 2003 Latvian association for Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy and Dutch Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy „The 3rd Seminar on Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy of Baltic states” 2003 The guidance on curriculum building and realisation. Higher education of Europe.From the declaration of Sorbonne until Conference in Berlin.
Congress & Conferences 1996 Latvian Association for Psychosomatic Medicine &Latvian Association for Psychotherapy& Latvian medical Academy „The
55 Baltic Sea Conference on Treatment in Psychosomatics: The Bio- Psycho-Social Approach”: Riga 1997 The 3rd Congress of Latvian Phisicians of the World; Rīga 1997 European Federation for Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Public Sector;European Conference on Group Psychoanalytic psychotherapy „Curing the Symptom, facing the personality Disorder”; Amsterdam 1999 European Federation for Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Public Sector; II European Congress „From Fragmentation to Cohesion: Indications for Group Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy”; Barcelona 2000 European Federation for Psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Public Sector Millennium Conference „Changing Times, Changing Relationships”; Oxford 2000 E.G.A.T.I.N.&Lithuanian Group Analytic Society „Authority and Leadership in Group Analytic Training”; Vilnius 2000 Latvian Society of Associations of Psychotherapy „Psychotherapy Standarts in the Baltics”; Riga 2002 The Subcommittee for Central and Eastern European Countries of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy& latvian Association for psychotherapy „Possibilities and difficulties in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy treatment of children, adolescents and adults with personality disorders – individually and in groups”; Riga SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 1989 PhD ACADEMIC TITLE 2004 Associate professor WORK EXPERIENCE 1984 1993 Latvian Academy of Science Scientific co-worker 1996 2002 Medical Center „Vecpilsētas Medicīnas Centrs” Psychotherapist 1998 2000 Medical Center „Jūras Medicīnas Centrs” Psychotherapist advisor 2001 2004 Riga Stradins University Department of Nursing assist. professor 2002 Riga Stradins University Department of Nursing, Dean 2002 Medical Center „Veselības Nams 5” 2004 Psychotherapist – advisor Riga Stradins University Department of Nursing Associate Proffessor 2002 2004 Teacher in International (Norway, Dutch, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) collaborative studies Project on Group Analysis Member of the Work Group of Latvian 2003 2003 Ministry of Health devoted to the „ Examination of the situation in health care education”
56 Leader of the Work Group „Coordination and harmonization of 2003 2005 educational programs between University programm of Nursing and Medical school program "
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 1997 2002 Member of Latvian Council of Science project 6Nr.96.086 Medical branche Nr.8; „Ethiopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis” Riga Stradini University, Scientific Conference of Medical Branch 2004 Riga Stradins University, Scientific Conference of Medical 2005 Branch Member of Council of Science of Riga Stradins University 2005
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 1999 Member of Commision of Sertification of Latvian Association of Psychodynamic psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy 1999 Leader of Group section of Latvian Association of Psychodynamic psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy International collaborative studies project 2001 2002 on Group Analysis member of Local Organizing Commitee , representative of Latvia International Network of Nursing Educational institutions 2002 „Florence Network” Coordinator in Latvia 2003 International Network of Nursing Educational institutions „Florence Network” Member of the Research Group PUBLICATIONS 1997 „ Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy as method of choice in psychotherapy” Proceedings of „The 3rd Congress of Latvian Phisicians of the World” 1997 „Aspects of patients selection in group psychotherapy” Proceedings of „The 3rd Congress of Latvian Physicians of the World” 2002 “ The role of the FAS (CD95) antigens in the development of multiple sclerosis” Riga Stradins University proceedings KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian Native Russian Fluently English Good French With dictionary Date: 18.12.2008.
Inga Millere
57 First name, Last name: Solvita Olsena Date of birth: November 18, 1970. Place of birth: Riga Address: 2-3, Jaunpils Street, Riga, Latvia, LV 1002. Contact phone: +371 26162000, [email protected]
EDUCATION 2004 – present University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, doctoral studies, expected degree: Dr. iur. 1998 – 200 University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Lawyer (professional degree) 1990 – 1996 Academy of Medicine of Latvia, Medical doctor
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION October 14 – 15, Malmo, Sweden, seminar organized by the Nordic Council „Business and 2006 Bioethics” June 29 – July 06, European Course on Biotechnology Ethics, Brno, Czech Republic 2006 June 1 - 3, 2006 Course “EU antidiscrimination law”, Sigulda, Latvia February – Course in University of Latvia „Teaching in University: basic of December, 2005 academical teaching”, certificate No. 0868 1993 – 1997 Courses, seminars and lectures in psychotherapy, psychosomatic medicine, sexology (250 hours).
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 1996 Physician degree (relevant to MA degree)
WORK EXPERIENCE 2006 up to date Lecturer at Riga Stradins University, courses “Introduction in Administrative Law”, “EU Social Law”, “Health care law” 2004 up to date Director of The Law Firm “Medical Law Institute” Ltd., with specialization in medical and administrative law, consultancy, representation in courts and state institutions, teaching of medical law. 2001 – 2006 Teaching assistant (voluntary) in the Legal Clinic at University of Latvia, leading of students practicing in the patients rights and medical law. 2000 – 2003 Lawyer of NGO Latvian Patients Rights Office, working with promotion of patients’ rights ideas, research on health law, consultancy of clients. 1996 up to date Director of private enterprise “KISSENS” Ltd. 1992-1996 Stradina hospital in Riga, nurse.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES June 7 – 8, 2006 International seminar “The National Committee on bioethics in Belarus and activity of local bioethics committees”, presentation “Legal support for the Ethical Committees activities and ethical expertise in Latvia”, Minsk, Belarus
58 March 23 – 24, International seminar “Development of standards of ethics expertise as a 2006 way to qualitative and responsible practice in biomedical research and health care system: the experience of Eastern and Central Europe”, presentation “Protection of private life in clinical trials”, Kiev, Ukraine March – June, 2006 National expert of EU research project „Comparing emerging ethical issues and legal differences impacting on European clinical trials, including a training workshop for researchers in the New Member States May 17 – 20, 2005 Conference in Prague “Preparing For Practice: A Conference On Legal Skills Training In Central And Eastern Europe”, presentation “Legal Clinic At The University Of Latvia”. November 7 - 11, Expert meeting “Embedding Ethics in scientific practice”, Budapest, 2005 Hungary September 22 – 24, International conference “Development of Bioethics in Europe and 2005 Vilnius Lithuania”, Vilnius, Lithuania April 7, 2005; International conference in Riga “Information Technologies And Telecommunications In The Baltic Sea And Central And Eastern European Region”, presentation “Legal Aspects Of Health Data Protection”.
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 2003 up to date Latvia’s Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health “Papardes zieds”, advisory board member 2001 up to date NGO Patients’ Rights Office of Latvia, member 1996 – 2002 NGO The health care centre “Attistiba”, project director 1993 – 1997 Member of Latvian Psychosomatic Medicine Association 1995 – 1997 Member of Latvian Psychotherapists Association 1988-1989 Member of “Horizon” an active group of schoolchildren chosen by Latvian Television for programme under the same name. . HONOURARY TITLES, AWARDS PUBLICATIONS October 4 – 6, 2006 International conference of Bioethics, Riga, Latvia, presentation : Legal aspects of egg- cell donation: Latvian and European perspective” September 28 – 30, Conference of European Association of Centers medical Ethics, Leuven, 2006 Belgium, presentation „How to protect privacy and personal integrity in information era? August 7 – 11, 2006 16th World Congress of medical Law, presentation “Latvian case – removal of tissues form 400 deceased bodies” June 7 – 8, 2006 March 17 – 19, Conference on European Biopolitics “Connecting Civil Society – 2006 Implementing Basic Values” report “IVF and Egg Cell donation in Latvia”, Berlin, Germany 8 of March, 2005; Article at the web page policy.lv “Patients’ Rights In Latvia – Standards Of Human Or Socialistic Rights?”; August, 2004 Article at the magazine „Doctus” “Secret Of Patient”
59 14 May, 2001 Administrative Law”, presentation “Administration Of Health Care In Latvia” 22 May, 2001 Publication in state official newspaper “Latvijas Vestnesis”, Nr. 208, “Patients’ Rights To Qualitative Health Care”. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian Native English Fluently Russian Fluently German Working knowledge Danish Basic knowledge
Date: 20.02.2009
Solvita Olsena
CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name, Last name: Silva Omarova 2. Year of Birth: 1950 3. Address: Maza Stacijas iela 22-16, Riga, LV - 1083 4. Education: 1996 - Mg of Psychology in Daugavpils Pedagogical University. 1994 – BA in Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Latvia 1990 – Qualification in Sociology Moscow University Sociology faculty 1979 – PhD in Philosophy, Philosophy faculty in Moscow State University 1973 – Qualification in Philosophy, Philosophy faculty in Moscow State University 5. Academic title: Assistant Professor 6. Scientific degrees: Dr.phil., Mg. psych., University diploma in sociology 7. Professional experience: Since September 2008 Assistant Professor in department of sociology and psychology, faculty of Communication, Riga Stradins university September 2002 – Assistant Professor in Sociology department, Riga Stradins University Faculty of European Studies 1998 - 2002 Assistant Professor and dean in Sociology department, Riga Stradins University Faculty of European Studies 1994 -l998 Assistant Professor in the Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia 1990 -1994 Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Latvia Faculty of Pedagogy 1984 -1990 Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Kazakhstan State University Faculty of Humanities 1973 -1984 – Assistant Professor in Department of Philosophy, Pavlodar Industrial Institute (Kazakhstan) 1973 -1980 Assistant and later senior lecturer in Department of Philosophy, Pavlodar Industrial Institute (Kazakhstan)
60 8. Scientific publications: Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. -Rīga: Kamene, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2006 Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. - Rīga: Kamene, 1996, 2001, 2006 Veselību veicinošās skolas Latvijā: J993-2000, attīstība un iespējas (līdzautori I.Kalniņa, A. Rūrāne). - Rīga, 2001 Skolēni un narkotikas. - UNDCP, 2001 (autoru kolektīvs) Komunikācija. Rīga, SIA „Latvijas uzņēmējdarbības un menedžmenta akadēmija”., 2007. Total number of scientific publications – 50 9. Themes of scientific papers: Public Health, Social Psychology of Groups 10. Academic courses: Methodology in social research and quantitative methods Sociology of organizations, Labour sociology Management psychology, Psychology of interaction, Social psychology Management of changes in life and work, Innovations in work organization Stress management 11. Qualification courses: 2008 Seminar “Konsultant’s clinical professional competence”. International Centre of professional competence ‘Vaiņode”. 3.10 – 5.10 . Riga, (20 hours). Certificate. 2006. Seminar in arttherappy. (12hours).Latvian Association of artterappy. Ozolmuiža, 21.08.- 24.08.Certificate. 2006 Workshop in Psychodrama. (12hours).Latvian Association of artterappy. Ozolmuiža, 21.08.-24.08.Certificate. 2005. Seminar “Train The Trainer” for COM Centrs Riga, SIA Baltic IT, 12th-14th of December 2005. Certificate. (24 h) 2004 Teaching Sociology Unconventionally : Communication in Classroom. V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. Certificate. 2004 Course Redesign in the Context of the Bologna Process, Vilnius, Civic Education Project Central Europe Certificate. 2003 Teaching and Learning in the Bologna Context, Prague Civic Education Project Central Europe Certificate. 2001 Course “Development of Human Resources : evaluation of work performance’ State Administration School, European Institute –Denmark, Riga, Latvia. Certificate. 1999-2000. Teacher Training Course “Developing training skills for “Life-Skills” (72 hours). 21-28 November, 1999 and 2-4 March, 2000. Ligatne, Latvia. Certificate. 1999 Baltic Economic Management Training Program ,Professional Development Workshop. Certificate. 1998 Teacher Training course “Developing Training skills to promote Mental and Emotional Health in Schools”. Ligatne, Latvia. Certificate. 1997 The Soros Foundations Health Education Project. Training “How to become an Effective Trainer”. Certificate 1995-1996 Cambridge English language course (150 hours) Latvia Certificate. 1995 The Corporate Governance and Competitiveness Training. Programme offered by PriceWaterhouse L.L.P and sponsored by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Certificate. 12. Language skills: Latvian, Russian - fluently, German – with the help of dictionary, English – conversation level. 18.01.2009 Silva Omarova
First name, Last name: Inguna Ozola Date of birth: 25.09.69. Place of birth: Plavinas Address: Ilmājas str. 1-9, Riga, LV – 1004 Contact phone: +37126010716
EDUCATION From 2006 RSU Faculty of Nursing, professional master’s program in Therapy of Arts 2003 - 2005 RPIVA – Social science master’s degree in psychology 1999 - 2003 RPIVA – Social science bachelor’s degree in psychology
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Year 2005, 10 th International creativity conference. “ Complex study of November 11 – creativity and implementation its results in the practice of education” 12, Riga Year 2006, April III International scientific conference “ Theory for today’s society 6 – 8, Riga education practice”
ACADEMIC TITLE 2006 Mg.psych. Social science master’s degree in psychology
WORK EXPERIENCE 2007 Riga Commercial Grammar School, Teacher of Psychology 2006 - 2007 Riga Commercial Grammar School, Psychologist 2004 - 2006 SIA “Aigas nams” – shop manager assistant
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 2005 Master’s paper was developed within the framework of LPZ grant “ Reflection of psychic reality in the language of different specialty students and lecturers” in collaboration with the grant managing researcher Dr.psych. Kristīne Mārtinsone
PUBLICATIONS 2006 Differences of cognitive meanings of different notions in different discourses. Collection of scientific papers. RPIVA III International scientific conference. Authors – Kristīne Mārtinsone, Aelita Arnicāne, Inguna Ozola.
62 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native; Russian – fluently; English - intermediate
Date: 15.02.2009
Signature: Inguna Ozola
Curriculium Vitae
First name, Last name: Agrita Puzuka Date of birth: 28.07.1980. Place of birth: Rīga Address: Ilūkstes, 101 - 81, Rīga, LV-1082 Contact phone: 26857478 EDUCATION 2005 - present Doctoral studies, Rigas Stradins University 2002 - 2003 Master’s degree programme, University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology 1998 - 2002 Bachelor’s degree programme, University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology 1987 - 1998 Gymnasium of Agenskalns
ACADEMIC TITLE 2007 Lecturer WORK EXPERIENCE 2007 - present Lecturer, Riga Stradins University, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics. 2003 - 2007 Assistant, Riga Stradins University, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics. 2002 - 2003 Laboratory assistant, Riga Stradins University, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics. 1999 - 2002 Laboratory assistant, Biomedical study and research centre of Latvian University, Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 2004 – Analysis of Y chromosome applied to the detection of molecular pathologies Currently: and population characteristics 1999 – 2004: Molecular studies of bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis HONOURARY TITLES, AWARDS 2003 Award and mark of distinction – Silver owl from corporation Grindex un Latvian Council of Science PUBLICATIONS 12
63 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian –native German - fluently. Russian - fluently. English – conversational ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer literate: MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet.
20.4.2009 Signature: Agrita Puzuka
PERSONAL DATA First Name, Last name Elmārs Rancāns Date of birth 08.08.1967. Place of birth Viesīte Address [email protected] Contact phone 29493336
EDUCATION 2001g. PhD - Department of psychiatry, Umea University, Umea, Sweden 1993. – 1996. Post-graduate training in psychiatry 1987. – 1993. Medical Doctor. Faculty of General Medicine. Latvian Academy of Medicine
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION (last 6 year) 2006 Participation at the 13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia. Davos. Switzerland 2005 Participation at the 158th APA Annual meeting. Atlanta, USA. 38 CME credits Category 1 credits 2004. Participation at the WPA regional congress: “Treatment updates in Psychiatry. Florence, Italy. 2004 Participation at the 24th CINP congress. Paris, France 2004 Participation at the 12th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia. Davos. Switzerland 2003. Participation at the Regional CNS conference. Rome, 2003 Italy Participation at the 156th APA Annual meeting. San Francisco, USA. 36 CME credits Category 1 credits
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 2001. Medical Doctor’s Degree
ACADEMIC TITLE 2005. Associate Professor, Riga Stradin’s University
64 2007g.- present Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology RSU No 2005. – present Associated Professor Department Psychiatry RSU No 2007.- present Consultant psychiatrist. Riga Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Disorders, Riga, Latvia 2008.- present Peer review. Archives of General Psychiatry 2008.g.- present Peer reviewer. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2006.g. – present Peer review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemology 2006.g. – present Member of the Drug Registration Commision 2001.-2005. Docent RSU 2004.-2006. Country expert. ES DG SANCO Project Mental Health Information and Determinants for te European Level MINGFUL. 2003. - present Peer reviewer. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 1998. - present Member of Editorial Board. International journal Review of Contemporary Psychiatry
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Mental disorders and treatment opportunities in sch, afective and anxiety disorders, depresion, suicidal behaviours
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (last 6 years) 2007.g. - present International Member of American Psychiatric Association 2004.g.- present Member of SertificationCommission in Latvian Psychiatric Association 1994.g. - present Member of the Latvian Psychiatric Association . 2000. -2005. President. Section of Young Psychiatrists of the Latvian Psychiatric Association
PUBLICATIONS Total number Last 9 years - 30 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian - good English - good
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer skills MS Office, Internet; SPSS 10 Driving licence
Date 01.03.2009 Signature Elmars Rancans
First name, Last name: DAINA ROMANOVSKA Date of birth: 1974. Place of birth: Limbazi
65 Address: Lidonu street 9 – 118, Riga, LV- 1055 Contact phone: mob. 29180852 e-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION 1996. -1998. University of Latvia. Faculty of Education and Psychology Master’s Degree Diploma in Clinical Psychology Additional speciality - Organisational Psychology 1992. -1996. University of Latvia. Faculty of Education and Psychology Bachelor's Diploma - Clinical Psychologist-Assistant qualification - Psychology Teacher qualification
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2008 Organizaciju vystymo centras (Lithuania). Certificate in programme “Personnel performance evaluation tools” 2005. -2006. Art and Science International Academy of Colour Technologies (United Kingdom) AURA-SOMA colour systems levels 1, 2 and 3, Practitioner - Consultant Certificate 2005 Institute of Practical Psychology IMATON (St.Petersburg ) Certificate in programme “Management Consulting practice. Organisational Development Technology” 2002 Institute of Practical Psychology IMATON (St.Petersburg). Certificates for programs and methods: 1. Personnel assessment and certification 2. Personnel hidden motivations and loyalty diagnostics Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy Certificate in “Human Resource Management”- Professional Skills Improvement Course 2001 Fontes R&J Certificate for “SHL Expert” psychological tests computer software method application 2001 University of Latvia. Self government and project management centre of Education. Certificate in “Practical Project Management” course 2000 Human study center (Lithuania).Training Programme Certificate for complex personnel assessment method “Assessment Center” 2000 Riga Business Institute. English Language Improvement 2000. –2003. SIA Lattelekom Centre of Education Centre of Education course certificates: “ MS Excel ”.,”Slide Show for managers”, “Business Etiquette”, “Basics of Business and Economy”, “Selling Skills”. 1993. -1999. Seminars about consulting and diagnostic methods in psychology in Latvia, Russia, Lithuania
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Master’s Degree in Psychology
WORK EXPERIENCE 2008. -2009. SIA “Belss”, human resource development consultant 2006. - Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, lecturer in Master’s Degree programmes -Human Resource Management and Business Management 2004. - Riga Stradins University, lecturer in Bachelor's degree Sociology programme and Master’s Degree Communications programme
66 2004. - 2008. SIA “ Trigons PAC”, organisational psychologist, human resource expert 2000. - 2003. SIA Lattelekom, personnel development consultant and career counsellor 1999. - 2000. SIA “DataPro”, Human Resource Manager 1999. - 2001. “Viva Color” Swedish and Finnish joint venture, consultant, team building trainer 1997. -1999. Psychological Help Centre. City of Jūrmala, director and psychologist 1997. - 1999. Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, lecturer in Psychology - Bachelor's Degree Programme 1997. - 2007. “Barbara&M” auditioning and consulting company, psychology of communications instructor and social psychology trainer 1996. -1997. SIA Lattelekom Centre of Education, social psychology trainer and video trainings instructor 1995. -1997. ''Bulduri" Family Care Centre, psychologist 1995. -1997. Stradiņa 3rd School of Medicine, teacher of psychology
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 2005. – 2007. Expert for Human Resources Management Terminology Dictionary Development project
Leading a workshop on “The Anxiety and measurement” of International High School of Practical Psychology and Eastern Europe Geschalt Institute arranged conference on “ Anxiety in social systems: groups, organizations and society” during the 2-3 of October 2004, in International High School of Practical Psychology
Report to the members of Latvian Human Resources Management Association (LPVA) “Competences as Human Resources Management Tool” (2005)
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Since 2005 member of the Latvian Human Resources Management Association and Latvian Adult Education Union
PUBLICATIONS Articles about organisational and management psychology KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian, Russian, fluent English, French working knowledge
Date: 01.06.2009. Daina Romanovska
KLĀVS SEDLENIEKS Birth date: September 24, 1969. septembris
67 Birth place: Riga, Latvia Citizenship: Latvian Address: Kolkasraga iela 8-3, Rīga, LV-1002, Phone: +371-7618590, mob.: +371 28298499 e-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION 2003-2006. University of Latvia, Doctoral studies 1998-1999 University of Cambridge (UK), Department of Social Anthropology. M.Phil. Social anthropology. 1991-1993 Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) BA, Sociology. 1989-1991 University of Latvia, Faculty of Philology. 1987-1989 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of General Medicine.
WORK EXPERIENCE 2006 jūnijs – pašlaik Riga Stradins University, Lecturer 2007-2008 Expert Forum at National Development Plan, deputy head of the expert group "Increase of Human Development" 2008 June-November Co-Author of the research project “Ceļā uz pilsonisku sabiedrību III” (On the Road to Civil Society III" 2005 December-2006 Martc Researcher in the research project "The Role of Culture in Economy of Latvia and Use of EU Structural Funds for Needs in the Sphere of Culture" Baltic Project Consulting, Ltd on the contract with Ministry of Finace of Latvia. 2006 June - December Researcher in the research project “Men Eqaual, Men Different”, Ministry of Children and Family Affairs of Latvia. 2003-2004 Field work in Montenegro. 2002 January - December Soros Foundation Latvia, Policy Research Fellow. 2000 September – 2003 Riga International College of Economics and Buisness Administration. Contract lecturer for anthropology. 2001 February – 2004 University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences: Contract lecturer for anthropology. 1999 September – 2000 february “Delfi” Inc, Project Manager 1999- 2006 “TV&Video Parks” TV producentu grupa: consultant and author. 1996-1997 Medap A, Ltd, executive director 1995-1996 School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. Teacher Fellow. 1994-1995 Medap A Ltd., Import Manager 1993-1994 Medical Academy of Latvia. Contract lecturer for anthropology.
SKILLS Languages: Latvian, Russian, Lithuanian, English - fluent. Intermediate level Serbian (Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croat), Beginners' level: German, Latin. Computer skills: Excellent skills working with PC, Mac and Ubuntu Linux operating systems, most common office programs (MS Office, Openoffice, Apple office package etc). Good working skills designing databases on MS Access and Openoffice Good typewriting skills Drivers licence
68 2004-2005 City University of New York Graduate Center, Fulbright scholar 2005 May Participation in SANA/CASCA conference “Translocality: Discussing Culture and Change in the 21st Century” 2003 May - August Local expert in PHARE project “ Regional Identity analyses and elaboration of Cēsis Promotion Plan”. 2002 April Participation in the conference “Post Communist anthropology”, Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen 2001 NovemberParticipation in Policy research institute project "Let's Leave Riga to our Children". 2001 August – 2002 Participation in designing recommendations for the new anti-corruption program of Latvia (in cooperation with Society for Openness Delna 2001 March - September Participation in the research project by Sodertorns University Collece (Sweden) “Everyday economy in the Baltic Sea Region states” 2001 Author of the research project “Corruption under a Close Look” autors. 2000 May Co-author of the project "Monitoring of implementation of Latvian anti- corruption program". 1999 September - December Co-autor of a research project "Face of Corruption in Latvia". 1999 Participation in "Open Society Institute" conference (York, UK). 1996 May Organisation and participation in the Interdisciplinary Seminar Contemporary East European Studies Presentation title:Definition and Interpretation of Corruption. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. 1995 September Participation in the International Simposium of Economic Crime, Jesus College, Cambridge
PARTICIPATION IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS Latvian Association of Anthropologists – co-founder and the head (from 2008) Nordic and East/Central European Network for Qualitative Research – steering group dalībnieks
Academic publications: 2005 ‘Rotten Talk: Corruption as a Part of Discourse in Contemporary Latvia’ in Italo Pardo (ed) Corruption, Morality and the Law. Ashgage 2004 Korupcija būvatļauju izsniegšanas procesā. Rīga: Providus 2003. ‘New Reproductive Technologies: towards assisted gender relations’ www.anthrobase.com 2003 ‘Cash in an Envelope: Corruption and Tax Avoidance as an Economic Strategy in Contemporary Riga’ in Karl-Olov Arnstberg and Thomas Boren (eds.). Everyday Economy in Russia, Poland and Latvia. Sodertron: Sodertorn Academic Series 2002 ‘Corruption as Witchcraft for contemporary Latvia’ www.anthrobase.com 2001 ‘Korupcija tuvplānā’ (Corruption under close look) www.politika.lv 1999 ‘Between ‘Market’ and ‘State’: an anthropological analysis of corruption in post-Soviet Latvia’. unpublished MPhil dissertation, University of Cambridge.
Klavs Sedlinieks
Name, surname Guna Svence Identification number 181259-13109 Place of birth Priekule, Latvia Address Lībiešu Street 1, Mārupe, mob.phone 9106837 E-mail address [email protected] Foreign languages Russian, English- fluent
2002.2003 Qualification Psychologist- leader of social psychological training 2000-2001 St. Petersburg Academy of Acmeology, qualification Psychologist-acmeologist 1991-1995 University of Latvia, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor’s degree in psychology 1979-1983 Liepāja Pedagogical Institute, qualification Teacher of the Latvian language 1978 Priekule Secondary School No. 1
Academic titles and scientific degrees
2000 Corresponding member of St. Petersburg Academy of Acmeology 1999-2006 Associate professor 1995 Doctor of Sciences in Psychology Further education (last 6 years) 2008 4th Congress of European Positive Psychology (Opatia, Croatia) 2006 3rdCongress of European Positive Psychology (Braga, Portugal) 2005 9th Congress of European Psychologists (Granada, Spain) 2004 In-service training at Lepcig university (Germany) 2003 8th Congress of European Psychologists(Vienna, Austria) Work experience Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy(RTTEMA), Director of master programme in psychology 2005---2014 Dean of the Faculty of Psychology 1999--- 2011 Head of RTTEMA Department of Psychology 1995 1999 RTTEMA associate professor 1999 (2006) Riga Higher School of Economics 1991 1996 Riga Secondary School No.6, deputy headmistress in methodological work with the teaching staff 1994 1995 Riga Secondary School No. 25, teacher 1983 1994 Contract work (last 6 years) Trainings of positive thinking with principles of schools in 2006 Aizkraukle, Mazsalaca, Madona etc. Leipcig university lectures in positive psychology and history of psychology of Latvia in department of psychology) 2005 (according Erasmus mobility project)
70 Trainings of stress management with 2004 managers in RTTEMA Latvijas Kristīgā akadēmija lectures 2004/2005 Baltijas Krievu institūts lectures Biznesa augstskolaTurība lectures 2005/2006 Liepaja Trainings of positive thinking 2002-2005 with principles of schools in Liepaja
PUBLICATIONS 1. Articles in academical press: 19 2. Monographs: 2 3. Articles published in magazines in Latvia: 10 International projects 2005-2006- EU SF for education support in RTTEMA (financed by LR Ministry of education) 2004- International ERASMUS project with Leipcig university for mobility 2001-2002 International ERASMUS project Including Learning for Teachers and Community(participants: RTTEMA, RTU and five higher educational establishments of the EU; director Atis Kapenieks), participant 2001-2002 Adult education project of the Baltic and Nordic states Learning for Sharing, Part 2(director Toms Urdze) 2001 International seminar-conference The Psychological Aspects of Maturity, March, 2001-organiser 2000 International conference The Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Maturity of Personality in a Multicultural Environment, March, 2000- organiser
Study courses delivered History of psychology, Developmental psychology, Methodology of scientific research, Political psychology, Methodology of scientific research in developmental psychology, Psychology of adults
Work on study boards: 1997-2005 Academic study programme Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology – director of the programme, RTTEMA; 1997-2002 Professional study programme Teacher of Psychology - director of the programme, RTTEMA; 2004-2005 Professional Master’s study programme preparation for licensing , 2004 – 2005 vice director of the master programme of psychology
Textbooks and study aids: ‘’Ievads Latvijas psiholoģijas vēsturē’’(introduction in history of psychology of Latvia), prepeared for publicating in RAKA, 2005 „ Ievads politiskajā psiholoģijā. Līderisma un grupas psiholoģiskie aspekti” (Introduction to Political Psychology. The Psychological Aspects of Leadership and Group Psychology)- textbook, publicated in 2004, RAKA, Riga. „Attīstības psiholoģija”( Developmental Psychology), textbook- 1999.
In-service training (incl. foreign higher educational institutions):
71 Stirling University (Scotland), 2005. Leipcig University (Germany), 2004-2005. Murcia University (Spain), 2002. Lectures delivered in foreign higher educational institutions: Murcia University (Spain), Psychology of the Maturity of Personality,2002 Leipcig University (Germany), Introduction of Positive psychology, History of psychology of Latvia
Member of expert commissions and councils 2004- 2005 Member of organisators` commission of 10th International conference of creativity RTTEMA`s Kreativity centre 2000-2003 Member of RTTEMA editorial board of Collections of Scientific Articles 1999-2003 Member of RTTEMA Master and Bachelor examination commission. 2003 Scientific advisor to the magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule”(The World of Psychology) Reviewer of Vjačeslavs Filatovs doctoral thesis The social and psychological correction model of the personality of the unemployed. 2002. Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lithuania) research conference „Learner Centred Universities for the New Millennium: Education Reform and Teacher Training” member of the editorial board of scientific publications, 2002. 2000. Member of the editorial board of the Collection of Scientific Articles of the international conference in Latvia Academy of Agriculture 1999. -2000. LR Ministry of Education and Science draft proposal On the Standard of Psychology participant of the working party. Membership of international associations of scientific and academic branches: Member of the Latvian Association of Professional Psychologists (since 2001).
2008/22/12 Guna Svence
First name, Last name: Uldis Teibe Date of birth: August 3, 1939 Place of birth: Latvia, district of Ventspils Address: Lāčplēša str. 42 – 9, Rīgā, LV1011 Contact phone: 7285926 EDUCATION 1966 - 1969 State University of Leningrad, Faculty of Biology (specialty biophysics) 1957 - 1962 State University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (specialty physics) 1953 - 1957 Secondary school Ugāle ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2003 - 2003 Association \"Spektron\" St. Petersburg course of study RFSA with \"Spektroskan\" (50 hours) 2000 - 2000 RSU course of study \"Teaching methods Mathematics with MathCad and
72 Winfuktionen\" (30 hours) 1999 - 1999 RSU/AML course of study \"Informatics and Statistics\" (18 hours) 1999 - 1999 RSU/AML course of study \"Statistical data treatment with SPSS and STATISTICA\" (30 hours) 1988 - 1988 Moscow, 2 MSMI, inservice training courses in physics(144 hours) 1986 - 1986 RMI inservice training courses in computers usage (162 hours) 1980 - 1980 Novosibirska, NMI, inservice training courses in physics(144 hours) 1977 - 1977 Moscow, DITI, inservice training courses in medical cybernetics(156hours) 1974 - 1976 MLU \"International relations\" (diploma Nr. 13147) 1975 - 1975 Moscow, 2 MSMI, inservice training courses in physics(310 hours) 1971 - 1973 University of pedagogical mastery (certificate Nr. 125)
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 1970 Doctor of Biology (Biophysics)
ACADEMIC TITLE 2004 Professor WORK EXPERIENCE 2004 - Head of Department of Physics Riga Stradins University, professor 1998 - 2004 Head of Department of Physics Riga Stradins University, associated professor 1969 - 1998 Department of Physics Medical institute of Riga/Medical academy of Riga, assistant professor 1966 - 1969 State University of Leningrad, Faculty of Biology (specialty biophysics), research student 1964 - 1966 Department of Physics, Medical institute of Riga, assistant, senior laboratory assistant 1962 - 1964 Schoolteacher in Piltene SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Biological and medical physics and statistics, biomechanics, informatics and computer science MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Member of Riga Stradiņš university senate; Member of council Faculty of Public Health RSU; Member of Latvian association of medical engineering and physics; Member of Latvian association of forensic medicine; Member of editorial council journal «Latvijas ķirurģijas žurnāls. Acta CHIRURGICA Latviensis»
HONOURARY TITLES, AWARDS Order "Mark of distinction", 1976, Nr. 1465719 Ministry of health protection, diploma, 1989, Nr. 925/06
73 Latvian - native, Russian - fluent, German and English – working knowledge
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer programmes MS Office, MathCad, SPSS, STATISTICA, Photoshop, PageMaker etc.
Date: February 05, 2009
Uldis Teibe
Name, surname: Valdis Teraudkalns Identity code: 250664-12755
Birth date: Riga, 25.06.1964. Home address: Brīvības iela 411-11, Rīga LV-1024, LATVIJA Phones: 371 29552398 (mob.) E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Russian
1990 graduated Riga Technical University, Faculty of Chemical Technology; 1994 graduated Grand Rapids Theological seminary (USA), Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.); 2000 Ph. D. (University of Latvia)
Working experience: 1990 — 1992 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Latvian Academy of Science; 1993 —1994 Executive Secretary, Latvian Bible Society; 1996 — General Secretary, Latvian Bible Society. 1994 —1998 lecturer, Lutheran Deaconal Institute (now called Latvian Christian Academy); 1999 —2004 lecturer, Latvian Academy of Culture; 2002 — lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia (elected as permanent lecturer in Sociology of Religion in 2004); 2004—2006 Docent in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Legal Studies, Rezekne Institution of Higher Education 2006 — Associate Professor in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Legal Studies, Rezekne Institution of Higher Education 2008 — Senior Researcher, Letonica Institute, Rezekne Institution of Higher Education
Participation in preparing and leading study programms:
74 "Pedagogy of Religion", study programme of the second level professional higher education, Rezekne Institution of Higher Education (programme director, also has written the study programme itself) Participation in summer schools and other forms of educational work: Lecturer in the International HESP Summer School “Gender and Politics”, August 2002, Riga Lecture “Construction of Masculinity in Contemporary Christianity” in intensive international educational programme “Religion and Political Change in Europe: Past and Present” (through Socrates), 12-23 May, 2003, Riga, University of Latvia. Postgraduate learning experience outside Latvia: 1996 visiting student, Manchester Northern Federation of Theological Colleges, Department of Theology and Religions (University of Manchester, Great Britain; 1998 Keston scholar (Keston Institute, Oxford, Great Britain); 2005 Keston Scholar (Keston Institute, Oxford, Great Britain) 2008 Exchange scholar (British Academy, Latvian Academy of Science)
Teaching experience abroad: 2003 Guest lecturer, Department of Germanistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Vienna. 2008 Guest lecturer (Erasmus mobility), Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Kaunas (Lithuania) Scientific work: Participation in scientific research projects: International projects: Assistant of historian U. von Hirschhausen (Germany) in the project "Riga, 1877-1914", 2001- 2003 (worked with archive materials and Latvian and Russian newspapers) Other projects: Participant in the project "Religious Diversity in Latvia: Strategies for Promoting Tolerance" (2005-2006), supervised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Monographies: 2 cientific publications (last six years): 40
Organisational work: Participation in editorial boards of academic publications: Editor of "Bible: Scripture, Text and Culture" published by the Latvian Bible Society (three issues) Editor of "Ceļš" (The Way), academic journal of the Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia, since 2006
Organization of international conferences: Coordinator of international conference “Bible and 21st century culture” in Riga (organized by The Latvian Bible Society and The Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia (27 September 2001), papers were given by scholars from 4 countries. Member of Organizational Committee of the international conference “Translation as cultural- historical event: theory, history and contemporary praxis of Bible translation”, Riga, 6-7 December, 2007. Member of Organizational Committee of the international conference “Translation as cultural- historical event: theory, history and contemporary praxis of Bible translation II”, Riga, 11-12 December, 2008. Coordinator of the project “Religion and politics in contemporary Latvia”, funded by Adenauer Foundation, organized by the Letonica Institute, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, 2008 (project resulted in conference , 28.11.2008.)
Participation in working groups and consultative councils: 75 Consultative Council of the Religious Education, Ministry of Education and Science, 1998-1999 Working group on religious freedom, National Human Rights Office, 2000-2001 Working group for preparing the National programme against intolerance, Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration, 2003-2004 National working group for organisation of anti-discrimination campaign (the EU project), since 2004 National working group for evaluating state festivals and memorial days, Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration, 2004
24.04.2009 Valdis Tēraudkalns
First name, Last name: Anda Upmale Date of birth: 1968. Place of birth: Riga Address: Kr.Valdemāra iela 106/108, dz. 99, Rīga, LV-1013. Contact phone: +371-29109191 e-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION 2006- 2009 Riga Stradins University, Professional Master degree in Health Care, qualification of Art therapist with specialization in visual plastic art therapy. 1997 - 2006 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. Master of psychology. 1994 – 1997 Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Latvia, University, bachelor’s degree in psychology, qualification of assistant of psychologist 1994 – 1995 Faculty of Pedagogy of Latvia University, masters degree in pedagogy 1988.-1994. Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Latvia, qualification of teacher of Latvian language and literature
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION (most important) 2006-2007 Royal University of Belfast in cooperation with Arts therapies academic school of Riga Stradins University. Education in supervision. 2001.-2003. Institut of humanistic and existencial psychotherapy of Vilnius, education in existencial psychotherapy. Lithuania 1994.-1996. Education in psychodinamic psychotherapy, courses “Basic of Psychotherapy” Participation in different projects, international conferences, seminars, studies.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Master of Psychology, Master of Pedagogy, Master of Health Care
WORK EXPERIENCE (last 6 years) 2009 Art therapist in Centre of Rehabilitation in Children Clinical Hospital of University 2007.-present Director in Centre of Art therapy 2000.-present Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Latvia, Department of Pedagogy, lecturer
76 Academic courses:
Interface Psychology and pedagogy, Pedagogical conflicts: theory and practice. Menagement of Pedapopical practices. Business psychology
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia’s Art Therapy Association – member of the board KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian, Russian, fluent English, working knowledge
Date: 12.05.2009. Anda Upmale
Marija Vāciete
Mag. psych., candidate for a doctor's degree Personal ID code: 301156-14465
57-1 Tallinas Street, Riga
Telephone: +371 26700556 e-mail: [email protected]
2007. October Studies at Daugavpils University, the Faculty of Social Science,
Department of Psychology, doctorate in psychology
2004 – 2007 Daugavpils University, the Faculty of Social Science, Department of Social Psychology, M. Sc. Psychology, diploma (MD C 0498).
1999 – 2003 Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, the Faculty of Psychology, BSocSc, diploma (002443).
1979 – 1981 Riga Polytechnical Institute, the Faculty of Architecture
1977 – 1979 Moscow Institute of Architecture, Department of Residential Buildings
Further education (key data)
77 2001 – 2003 Trained in management of training groups; diploma (ПП No 1427) on vocational retraining in programme „Methods of training management”, qualification of psychologist-trainer, St. Petersburg, Academy of Acmeology. 2002 (February) Training in practical diagnostics, certificate (BCm 15/255) on completion of training methodology seminar, St. Petersburg, Institute of Applied Psychology.
Work experience (key data)
2007 – now Higher School of Psychology, lectures on „Statistics methods in social work”, „Computerised processing of research data”.
2007 – now Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, the Faculty of Psychology, lectures in psychometry "Mass and political psychology".
2006 – now Society "Librum", Board member, publishing.
2006 – now Publishing house SIA UADŽET, Board member, Editor in Chief of magazine „Psiholoģija Mums”, Editor of magazine „Psiholoģija Ģimenei un Skolai”.
2003 – 2006 Society HROFT, Chair of the Board, Editor in Chief of magazine „Psiholoģija Mums”, Editor of magazine „Psiholoģija Ģimenei un Skolai”.
2003 (March) Statistical processing of data in interdisciplinary research by SIA ITA "Health Impact of Air pollution and its Crossborder Transfer on People of Saldus District"
2002 – 2003 SIA DARO CESIS, Editor of magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule”.
1991 – 2002 Contracts for planning, interior design, creative design of interiors
1983 – 1987 „Centrosojuzprojekt”, interior design, planning.
1979 – 1980 „Kolhozprojekts”, Architect's assistant.
Scientific works: Individualitātes kreativitātes potenciāla diagnostika. Radošā personība III, 2002, 93. – 99. lpp. Иррационализм факторов индивидуации в трудах Карла Густава Юнга. Псiхалогiя, 2005,1 (38), 47 – 54 стр. Возможность определения манифестации коллективного бессознательного в индивидуальной психике. Вестник Балтийской педагогической академии. Сакт- Петербург, 2008, 80, 195 стр.
Popular science works:
78 Individuācija un tās faktoru iracionālisms K. G. Junga darbos. Psiholoģija Mums, 2003, 1 , 23. – 25. lpp. / 2003, 2, 24. – 26. lpp. Cilvēka emocijas K.G. Junga teorijas kontekstā. Psiholoģija Mums, 2007, 1 , 30. – 35. lpp.
Participation and speeches in conferences March 13-15, 2008 IV International Scientific conference at Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy THEORY FOR PRACTICE IN THE EDUCATION OF MODERN SOCIETY Working seminar (45 min.): „Individuālās arhetipiskā satura vizuālās izpausmes un tā analīze tēlotājas mākslas darbos.” July 12-13, 2007 V International Art-therapy Conference, Latvia, Liepaja – Nica. July 14-15, 2007 Conference „XXI век: человек и интуиция. Сны и сновидения”. Saulkrasti, Latvia. Report : Влияние коллективного бессознательного на сновидения. March 2005 DJUZ 44. conference, Daugavpils, Latvia. Report: Psiholoģisko procesu mazās grupās formalizācijas iespējas. July 2003 I Art-therapy Conference,Latvia, Jurmala. Report: Mākslas terapijas materiālu publikācijas iespējas Latvijā. November 2002 RPIVA VII Starptautiskā kreativitātes zinātniskā konference „Kreativitātes diagnostika” Rīga, Latvija. Report: Individuālās kreativitātes līmeņa diagnostika.
Participation in seminars (key data) 2008.27. July – 7. August Visiting intensive seminar: „Transpersonālās psiholoģijas un intensīvo integratīvo psihotehnoloģiju programmas trešais pamatkursa seminārs”. 2008.23. – 27. May Visiting intensive seminar: „Transpersonālās psiholoģijas un intensīvo integratīvo psihotehnoloģiju programmas trešais pamatkursa seminārs”. 2008. 7. – 9. March Visiting intensive seminar: Transpersonālās psiholoģijas un intensīvo integratīvo psihotehnoloģiju programmas trešais pamatkursa seminārs. 2007. 19. June Seminar: ”RPIVA, Satiksmes psiholoģija Eiropā un tās iespējamais pielietojums satiksmes drošības situācijas uzlabošanai Latvijā, Riga, Latvia. 2004. (July) Seminar: Praktiskās Psiholoģijas institūts, Klusuma psiholoģijas seminārs, Riga, Latvia. 2003. (November) Seminar: Latvijas medicīnas vēsturnieku un Latvijas psihiatru asociācijas seminārs, Riga, Latvia.
Foreign languages
Russian (fluent)
German (firm knowledge)
English (intermediary)
79 Other data
Firm knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, QarkXPress.
Interests: science, art, modelling, painting, history, chess, backgammon, water tourism.
01.03.2009 Marija Vāciete
First name, Last name: Žermena Vazne Date of birth: 19.02.1954. Place of birth: Riga, Latvia Address: Rupniecibas 14-30, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia Contact phone: +371 29282014 EDUCATION Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management: - Master’s degree in psychology (social sciences). Latvian Academy of Sport Education: - accomplished: doctor study programme in sports science. Latvian Academy of Sport Education: - Master’s degree in sports pedagogy. Latvian Academy of Sport Education: - qualification: teacher of physical education; - extra qualification: masseur. Riga Medical School of P. Dauge – doctor’s assistant.
ADDITIONAL - "Emotion distribution and self-regulation. Quick correction of EDUCATION psychological mistakes" Prof., Dr.psych., J. Hanin (Finland), 2003, (last 6 years) certificate. - "Psychology in team sports. IZOF model in sports." Prof., Dr.psych., J. Hanin (Finland), 2004, certificate. - Doctoral studies (sport science) (2000-2004). - Participation in VIII International creativity conference "Development and structure of creative individuality" 7.-8.11.03, certificate. - LU Master in psychology program lecture course "Stress elimination using relaxation and visualization" (Ph.D. Lia Kapelis from Australia) 32 acad. hours, 7- 12. 06. 2004. - Development of creative personality, Dr.Psych., J.Gatanovs, Russia (21.-28.10.2004), certificate - Diploma for participation in seminar, “Psychical conditions in sports”, (Prof., Dr.psych. V.Sopov, Moscow), 2005.12.11. - Athletes psychological training today. Ways to use psychological training methods in different sports. (Prof., Dr.Psych. V.Sopov, Moscow), 2005 (11-12.11), certificate - Participation in Socrates – Erasmus University Teacher mobility program. Kaunas (Lithuania), 2005. - “Dialogue method in group and individual consulting”, 16h., 2006, certificate, (Dr. psych. G.Svence).
80 - “Group consulting”, 36 h, 2006, certificate (Dr.psych. A.Lasmane), - Participation in prof., Dr.psych., N.Stambulova (Halmstadt University, Sweden) seminar “Interaction in team sports”, 2006, certificate. - The Woodcock-Johnson International Edition, test of cognitive Abilities and is hereby certificated as a WJ IE Examiner, 2007. Certificate of Qualification - Trauma and PTTS (workshop by Ph.D. A.Millar (UK)), (13- 15.04.2007), certificate - Participation in Sports psychology workshop “New attitude towards athletes psychological training” (Dr.psych., A. Rodionovs, Russia) and “Sports and character” (Dr.psych., J.Romanina, Russia) – 2007., certificate. - Participation in Socrates – Erasmus University Teacher mobility program. Kaunas (Lithuania), 2008. - Integrative psychology studies (StPetersburg, Russia) from year 2008 (accomplished: 2nd level). Studies continue. - Participation in sports psychology seminar “Psychological training in team sports” (Dr.psych., V. Sivickis, Minsk, Belarus), 2008., certificate ACADEMIC TITLE Mg. psych., Mg. paed. Assoc. Prof. in Latvian Academy of Sport Education
WORK Latvian Academy of Sport Education − reseracher in LASE Teachers EXPERIENCE institute ince 2008 Latvian Academy of Sport Education − Assoc.Prof., since 2004. g. Latvian Academy of Sport Education − lecturer, 1997. - 2004. g. Riga Chess School – methodologist, VFS coach, doctor’s assistant 1973 – 1997 SCIENTIFIC - Project sponsored by Ministry of Education and Science ACTIVITIES „Morphofunctional and psychological adaptation to physical loads of young athletes” (01.11.2006.- 31. 12.2008) – researcher. - Project financed by the Education and Science Ministry „Sport education realization at school to facilitate the Latvian schoolchildren health in the long run” (researcher) (01.04.2006.- 1.01.2008) - Project co-financed by the European Union Structure Fund (mentor), 01.11.2005.- 01.12.2006. - Participation in CIMERA project (Geneva) “Language Policies and Education in Multilingual Societies” (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2006) – expert
MEMBERSHIP IN - Board member of Latvian University Pedagogue Cooperation PROFESSIONAL Association – from 1998. AND - Member of Latvian University Pedagogue Association – from 2000. NONGOVERNMEN - Member of Latvian Association "Development of Thinking" from TAL 2003. ORGANIZATIONS - Latvian Sport Psychology Association – board member from 2004. - Member of Latvian Professional Psychologists Association - Member of Pedagogy’s history association of Baltic States since 2003 - Latvian Green Party (member since 2001)
81 None PUBLICATIONS In total 36 Last 6 years -28 KNOWLEDGE OF Latvian – native, Russian - fluent, English – (TOEFL test 15.06.1999.) LANGUAGES ADDITIONAL Currently working on doctorate paper „Team cohesion and players INFORMATION psychical stability in basketball”.
Date: 27.02.2009 Zermena Vazne
PERSONAL DATA First Name, Last name Aivars Vētra Date of birth 05.06.1956. Place of birth Viesīte Address Lielais prospekts 27, Jūrmala, LV-2003 Contact phone 371 9 205 948
EDUCATION 1992. – 1994. Physician Rehabilitologist, Re-specialisation in Rehabilitation Residency 1986. – 1989. Pediatric Surgeon, Residency Medical Academy of Latvia 1980. – 1981. Pediatric Surgeon, Medical Academy of Latvia 1974. – 1980. Pediatrician, Medical Academy of Latvia 1968. – 1974. Rīga High School Nr.1
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2005. IV International Sports Medicine Congress in Rīga (Latvia) 2005. 4th Congress of the Baltic Association for Rehabilitation in Palanga (Lithuania) 2005. UEMS PRM Board meeting in Limassol (Cyprus ) 2005. ISPRM 3rd World Congress in San Paulu (Brasil) 2005. UEMS and PRM Board meeting in Hannover (Germany) 2004. 3rd Congress of Baltic Spinal Association in Rīga (Latvia) 2004. UEMS PRM Board meeting in Dublin (Ireland) 2004. UEMS PRM Board meeting in Pavia (Italy) 2004. Rīga Stradiņa University Scientific Conference in Rīga (Latvia) 2003. UEMS and PRM Board meeting in Antalia (Turkey) 2003. European Burn Association Congress in Bergen (Norway) 2003. International PRM 2nd World Congress in Prague (Czech Republic) 2003. Rīga Stradiņa University Scientific Conference in Rīga (Latvia) 2003. UEMS and PRM Board meeting in Ljubljana (Slovenia)
82 2002. International European 8th Conference Research in Rehabilitation in Aachen (Germany) 2002. 3rd Congress of the Baltic Association for Rehabilitation in Tallin (Estonia) 2002. Research in Rehabilitation Munic (Germany) 2002. Rīga Stradiņa University Scientific Conference in Rīga (Latvia) 2001. Scientific Conference “ Tendencies and Goals in the Development of Rehabilitation ” Santarišķi (Lithuania) 2001. Conference „Medico social Expertise and disability Prophylaxis and Rehabilitation problems Nowadays” organized by the Institute of Working Capacity Expertise and Disability Research Institute in Minsk (Belorussia) 2001. ISPRM 1st World Congress in Amsterdam (Netherlands) 2001. International Management in Bussiness Courses run by WIFI Economic Chamber in Rīga (Latvia) and Vienna (Austria) 2001. European Pediatric Surgeon 4th Congress in Budapest (Hungary) 2001. European Research in Rehabilitation 7th Congress in Madrid (Spain) 2001. Rīga Stradiņa University Scientific Conference in Rīga (Latvia) 2001. Conference “ Evidence Based Health Care and Medical Technology Assessment in Latvia ” Rīga (Latvia) 2001. Education, Management and Planning Programme in Queen’s University in Kingston (Canada) 2000. 3rd Mediterranian Congress of PM &R in Athens (Greece) 2000. Conference “ Chronically Sick Patient Care ” Rīga (Latvia) 2000. Rīga Stradiņa University Scientific Conference in Rīga (Latvia) 2000. Seminar “ The Role and Place of Rehabilitation in the Health Care of Regional Level ” Kingston Canada)
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE 2003. Medical Doctor’s Degree, Rīga Stradiņa University
ACADEMIC TITLE 2004. Associate Professor, Rīga Stradiņa University
WORK EXPERIENCE 2005. – 2006. Head of the Clinical Methodology Department in Ltd National Rehabilitation Centre „Vaivari” 2004. – 2005. Chair of the Board of Ltd National Rehabilitation Centre „Vaivari” 2003. – 2005. Vice Chairman of the Developmental and Planning Department
83 of Jurmala City Council 2001. – 2003. Chairman of the Developmental and Planning Department of Jurmala City Council 1997. – 2001. Deputy, Jūrmala City Council 1994. – 2006. Dean, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Rīga Stradiņa University 1992. – 1994. Director, National Rehabilitation Centre „Vaivari” 1991. – 1992. Head of the Health Department of Jurmala City Council
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Rehabilitation management, education of rehabilitation specialists, burns, ultrasonometry, gait analysis
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS The Union of Professional Organisations in Rehabilitation in Latvia - President Baltic Association for Rehabilitation – President Association of Physicians rehabilitologists of Latvia – Board Member
Society of Physicians of Latvia – Member of Certification Board Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Latvia - member Association of Burns of Latvia – member Association of Health Care Managers of Latvia - member Union “Latvijas ceļš” – Chair of Jūrmala Division Union “Priedaines Jahtklubs” - President Boating Union of Latvia – Vice President
HONORARY TITLES, AWARDS 2002. Award from the Cabinet of the Ministers of Republic of Latvia
PUBLICATIONS Total number 28 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian - good English - good
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer skills MS Office, internet
84 Driving licence A, B, BE category Hobbies, interests Yachting, antique cars, choir singing
Date February 15, 2009
Aivars Vētra
PERSONAL DATA First name, Last name: Lolita VILKA Date of birth: December 27, 1951 Place of birth: Saldus, Latvia Address: Tukums, Celtnieku 8-40, LV-3101 Contact phone: 26377266
EDUCATION 1986-1989 Postgraduate course, Latvia State University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy; 1971-1975 J.Vitols Latvia State Conservatoire; qualification – choir conductor
2007 „Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Clinical Medicine” (Certificate, RSU) 2005 „Innovation in the system of higher education” (Certificate, Daugavpils university) 2004 „To understand the EU: theoretical and practical aspects of action of EU (Certificate, University of Latvia) 2001 „Professionalism of social pedagogy (Certificate,, RPIVA, Riga) 1997 „International seminar-summer school: „Social policy and social work” . (Denmark) 1996 „Summer School: „Social Work and Social Welfare” 2001. „Professionalism of social pedagogy (Certificate University of Monmouth and SSW „Attīstība”, Riga) 1993 „Social work theory” (Certificate, St. Galen Higher School of Social work) 1992 „Summer School: „Social Work and Social Welfare” (Certificate, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) 2. 3. SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Doctor of philosophy (1990) 4. 5. ACADEMIC TITLEAssoc. professor (2009)
WORK EXPERIENCE 2005 – present Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Rehabilitation, assistant profesor; Academic School of social workers, Methodologist- director; manager of Bachelor’s and Master’s study programme
85 2004 -2005 Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Rehabilitation, methodologist and manager of Bachelor’s and Master’s study programme 6. 2003 -2005 Higher School of Social Technologies, associated profesor 1985 – 1996 Christian Academy of Latvia, assistant profesor and associated profesor 1991 – 1997 Higher School of Social Work and Social Pedagogy “Attistiba”, assistant profesor 1986 – 1993 University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, lecturer 1980 – 1986 Department of Culture of Tukums region, manager 7. 1973-1980 Children’s Music school of Tukums, teacher 8. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES International Conferences: 16 9. RSU Scientific Conferences: 3 10. The others: 4 HONOURARY TITLES, AWARDS 1. Award from Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia - Goda diploms par nozīmīgu ieguldījumu augstākajā izglītībā un zinātnē (2002.gada rīkojums Nr. 389) 2. Letter of Gratitude. „For higt Standard of competence and objective and unselfish evolution of study programs in Social Work at Estonian higher education institutions, and for demonstrating the necesitty for improving and enhancing curricula and offering guidance as to its implementation. Estonian Higher Education Accreditation Centre (2007.03. Tallinn)
1. Sociālās problēmas būtība.//Zinātniski metodisko rakstu krājums „Dzīves jautājumi”.- Rīga: SDSP „Attīstība”, I, 1995. 2. Kā domārt sociālo telpu un laiku. // Zinātniski metodisko rakstu krājums „Dzīves jautājumi”.- Rīga: SDSP „Attīstība”, II, 1996. 3. Paaudžu attiecību problēmas kultūras anomijas apstākļos.// Konferences „Sabiedrība un kultūra” tēzes . - 1998., Liepāja, 1998., 41.-44.lpp. 4. Sociālā darba terminoloģijas vārdnīca. (Līdzautorībā). – Rīga, 2000. 5. Values and Problems of Human Life. // Pedagoģisko rakstu krājums II., 1.d. – Liepāja, 2003, 7.-15. lpp. 6. Sociālā darba profesijas attīstības specifika Latvijā. // Starptautiskās konferences „Sociālo zinātņu attīstības tendences Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanās kontekstā” materiāli. – Rīga: RSU, 2005, 150.-160. lpp. 7. Diskursu problemātika sociālās politikas kontekstā (kopā ar A.Vilku). // Starptautiskās konferences „Sociālo zinātņu attīstības tendences Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanās kontekstā” materiāli. – Rīga: RSU, 2005, 161.-166. lpp. 8. Diskursu problemātika sociālās politikas kontekstā (kopā ar A.Vilku un A.Vētru). // LZA Vēstis, 59. sēj., Nr.4, A daļa, 2005, 13.-17. lpp. 9. Sociālā darba profesijas un loģisko diskursu attīstības specifika Latvijā (kopā ar A.Vētru). – LZA Vēstis, 59. sēj., Nr.4, A daļa, 2005, 19.-24. lpp. 10. Diskursu problemātika pedagoģiskajā procesā (kopā ar A.Vilku). // 3. Starptautiskās konferences “Pedagoģija: Teorija un prakse” materiāli. – Liepāja, 2005, 13.-18. lpp.
86 11. Lauku nabadzība (kopā ar D.Staķi). // RSU 2006. gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2006, 160. lpp. 12. Problems of Discourse Under the Conditions of the Social Policy (kopā ar A.Vilku). // RSU Zinātniskie raksti: 2006.gada sociālo zinātņu pētnieciskā darba publikācijas. - Rīga: RSU, 2007. 17.-20. lpp. 13. Eiropas klasiskās sociāli humanitārās zinātnes pamatproblēma globalizācijas kontekstā (kopā ar A.Vilku).// RSU Zinātniskie raksti: 2006.gada sociālo zinātņu pētnieciskā darba publikācijas. - Rīga: RSU, 2007. 109.-113. lpp. 14. Sociālais darbs bērnu paliatīvajā aprūpē (kopā ar B.zariņu) Nevis dzīvei vairāk dienu, bet dienām vairāk dzīves”. Bērnu paliatīvās aprūpes biedrība. Rīga, 2007., 64.-77.lpp.
KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – good English – good
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 27.02.-04.03.2007. Accreditation of study program of „Social Work”, Tallinn and Rakvere, Estonia. (The Member of international expert’s team) 2. 23.- 24.03.2006. Accreditation of study program of „Music Therapy”, Liepaja Latvia. (The Chair of international experts team) 3. 27.03-04.04.2005. Accreditation of study program of „Social Work”, Tallinn Pedagogical College and Laane-Virumaa, Estonia. (The Member of international expert’s team) 4. 21.-22.02.2003. Accreditation of study program of „Social Work”, Liepaja, Latvia (The Member of international expert’s team) 5. 11.-14.11.2002. Accreditation of study program of „Social Work”, Tallinn, Parnu, Estonia. 6. 10.-11. 05.2001. Accreditation of study program of „Music Pedagogy” and „Social pedagogy” (The Member of international experts team)
Date: 15.01.2008. Lolita Vilka
Personal data Name, surname ANDRIS VILKS Date of birth August 14,1945
Education 1976-1978 Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History and Philosophy, post-graduateship 1968-1973 LSU Faculty of History and Philosophy; qualification – teacher of philosophy,sociologist
Scientific degree doctor of philosophy (1989)
Academic title associate professor
87 Work experience 10.1. 2005- RSU Institute of Rehabilitation, head of laboratory of Social research, assoc. prof. at Faculty of Rahabilitation, Supervisor of Doctor’s degree programme
10.2. 2004-2005 RSU Institute of Rehabilitation, head of laboratory of Social research, assoc. prof. at Chair of Sociology, Supervisor of Doctor’s degree programme 2003-2004 RSU Faculty of European Studies, assoc. prof. at Chair of Sociology, Supervisor of Master’s degree programme 2002-2003 RSU Faculty of European Studies, lecturer at Chair of Sociology, Supervisor of Bachelor’s degree programme 2001-2002 Assoc. prof. at Latvian Christian Academy 1997-2001 Lecturer at Latvian Christian Academy 1993-1997 Lecturer at Higher School of Social Work and Social Pedagogics “Attīstība” 1990-1992 Director of publishing house “Latvijas enciklopēdija” 1988-1990 Chief editor of publishing house of Latvia’s encyclopaedia 1986-1988 Chief of editorial board of Philosophy and Rights at chief editorial board of encyclopaedias 1983-1986 Senior research editor of chief editorial board of encyclopaedias 1973-1984 Latvian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History and Philosophy, junior research associate
Publications about 500 (encyclopeadia articles including)
Membership of NGO Co-worker of International programme VETURI. Consultant and interpreter for International organization Christian Churches of God. LR Ministry of Education and Science ISEC methodist not on regular staff. ISEC expert to LR Ministry of Education and Science. Member of RSU Revision committee. Member of RSU Scientific council.
Research interests classical and modern sociology theories; sociology of religion; Logics; philosophy; epistemology
Participation in international conferences and symposia 6
Publications of last 6 years: 20
12.03.2009. Andris Vilks 11.
Personal data Name, surname Andrejs Vilks Date of birth August 30, 1954
88 Education 1978 – 1981 Adjunct of the Scientific Research Institute of Ministry of Home Affairs of the USSR 1972 – 1976 The Omsk Higher School of Police,
Scientific degree Doctor of law (1981) Academic title Associate professor Work experience 12. 2004 - Riga Stradins University, Law Institute, director , Chair of Sociology, assistant professor 2001-2005 Riga Council, chief of a department 2000-2001 Riga Stradins University, Institute of European Integration, Chair of Sociology, manager of Bachelor’s programme, assistant professor 1993-2004 Centre of Criminological research, director 1991-1993 Security Service of the Republic of Latvia, Bureau of Social-politic researches, manager 1989-1991 Scientific Research Institute of Ministry of Home Affairs of the Soviet Union, Department of The Baltic Criminological Researches, director 1984-1989 Scientific Research Institute of Ministry of Home Affairs of the Soviet Union, senior research associate 1981-1984 The Minsk Higher School of Ministry of Home Affairs of the Soviet Union, the Riga Department, lecturer
Publications 145 Publications of the last six years : 12
Participation in public organizations
The Baltic Forum against Criminals and Terrorism (chairman of the founders board). The World Forum against Criminals and Terrorism (member of the board). Association of Independent Criminologists of Latvia (chairman of the board). 13. Research interests Criminology, devianthology Participation in international conferences and symposiums : 21
Date: 10. 02. 2009 Andrejs Vilks
CURRICULUM VITAE First name, Last name: Maija Zakrizevska Date of birth: 10.05.1972 Place of birth: Jekabpils Address: Antonijas 3-6, Riga, Latvia Contact phone: 29438435
89 EDUCATION 2006- Daugavpils University, Doctor progamma 2009 Rigas Stradina University, Art therapist 2004 Latvian University 2001 Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION (last 6 years) The First International Psychology School „Science of Psychology in the Changing Word. Moscow City University of Psychology and 2008 Education, Daugavpil University. Riga – Daugavpils, Latvia. Certificate Nr. 536. 2008 Riga Stradins University and Belfast Qeen University. Nr. 31-23/41- Supervision training.Total 400 hours. 2005 „ Transpersonal art psychotherapy”, F. S. Sommer, Switzertland, London University, program of „Art Therapy” certificate. 2004 „Music therapy” Moreno, ASV, 20 h., certificate. 2003 Practical seminar „Art Therapy: Work with Clay”, A. Losmanova, Czech, 14 h., certificate. 2003 “Photo therapy”, A. Kopitin, Russia, 20.h., 2003 Foundation Course of the Aura-Soma,”Colour System”, Level 1, AS. International Academy of Colour Therapeutics, Dalia Braziulyte, Lithuania, certificate. 2002 - 2003 “Art therapy in practice”, A. Kopitin, Russia, 136 h., acquired Diploma of St.Petersburg Personality institute and St.Petersburg Art therapy association. 1996 „Questions of sexology”, N.Scerbakov, Latvia, 60h., certificate.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mg.psych., Mg.med.
WORK EXPERIENCE 2007- present Lecturer Alberta College 2003 - 2005 Teacher of psychology , Rigas Humanitarian secondary school. 2002 - 2003 Teacher of psychology, International Make-up school.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Social representations of art therapy MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 2003 – 2004, 2006- Member of Committee of “Latvian Art Therapy association”,
2006- Head of Committee “Foundation of Health care and development”.
90 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Native – Latvian, fluent– English, Russian, working knowledge- German. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer literate – Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, Linux Driving licence – B category. Hobby – music, art, theatre.
Date: 01.12.2007 Maija Zakrizevska
PERSONAL DATA First name/ Last name Janis Zalkalns Date/ Place of birth 20th August, 1950, Ogre region, Latvia Address, contact phone Eksporta Street 10-109, Riga, LV-1045, Latvia, Ph. +371 9251 408 EDUCATION 1976 - 1979 Riga Medical Institute Department of Therapy, Research Student 1974 - 1976 Riga Medical Institute Department of Therapy, Clinical Intern 1968 - 1974 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicines, acquired doctor’s certificate 1965 - 1968 49th Middle school of Riga 1957 - 1964 Middle school of Suntazi
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1966 - 1968 Latvian State Conservatory Vocal department of Nation’s conservatory, prof. A.Vilumanis seigneur class SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.habil.Med., 1990 ACADEMIC TITLE Professor of medical science sector in speciality of gerontology
WORK EXPERIENCE 2004 – up today Riga Stradins University Department of Rehabilitation, professor 2003 – up today International Institute of Practical Psychology, rector 2002 – up today Center of Higher Education Quality Assessment, board vice- chairman 2001 – up today State Agency of Medicines of the Republic of Latvia, extraordinary expert 1997 – up today Center of Health “Plavnieki””, Councillor of director in medical questions 2000 - 2002 P.Stradins Clinical Hospital, state attorney 1999 - 2004 Riga Stradins University Institute of Family medicine, director,
91 professor 1994 - 2002 Riga Stradins University, vice rector for education 1993 - 1994 Medical Academy of Latvia, vice rector for clinics 1990 - 1998 Riga Stradins University Institute of Family medicine, director, professor 1989 - 1992 Medical Academy of Latvia, Department of doctor qualification raising, dean 1988 - 1989 Medical Academy of Latvia Institute of Family medicine, assistant professor 1987 - 1988 Ministry of Public Health the Soviet Union of the Republic of Latvia, Board of Medical scientific, scientific secretary 1979 - 1987 Riga Medical Institute Department of Therapy, assistant
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Gerontology, geriatrics, male reproductive health
MEMBERSHIP IN President of Latvian Enzymologists association. PROFESSIONAL AND President of Latvian Gerontology and Geriatrics association. NONGOVERNMENTAL Regent of Association of the professors of Latvian universities ORGANIZATIONS
HONOURARY TITLES, Appreciation paper of Ministry of Education and Science of the AWARDS Republic of Latvia about successful work in accreditation commission of higher education PUBLICATIONS Total number: 156
KNOWLEDGE OF Native – Latvian; Completely – Russian, German; enough for LANGUAGES social contacts – English ADDITIONAL Computer knowledge (MS Word, Internet). INFORMATION B category driving license. Practical studies, participation in international congresses and conferences: UAE (2002), Turkey (2001), Tunisia (2000), Egypt (1999), Israel (1999), Austria (1999), Greece (1996), France (1996), Italy (1995), Spain (1994), USA (1994), Great Britain (1993), Germany (1992) DATE 03 四月 2018 SIGNATURE Jānis Zaļkalns
PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name Ruta Žagare Date / Place of birth November 5, 1951, panish Inešu Address / Contact phone 7 Sila Str., Ikšķile, LV – 5052, phone: 29105676
EDUCATION 1976 – 1979 Internship in pediatrics (Riga Medical Institute) 1970 – 1976 Riga Medical Institute, qualification - pediatrician
92 ADDITIONAL EDUCATION April, 2006 The Kaunas University of Medicine according to the Socrates / Erasmus cooperation agreement on teaching staff mobility and to take part in students learning activities; June, 2002 Computer course (MS Office) RSU, Department of Medical Physics and Statistics; March, 1995 Training course “Pedagogical interactions and contemporary teachingmethods”; February,1987 Course in 2nd Medical Institute of Moscow; 1983 – 1984 Riga Medical Institute “School of New Teachers”. ACADEMIC TITLE Professor’s Assistant
WORK EXPERIENCE 2003 - current Riga Stradiņš University, Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, acting assist. prof.; 2002 - current Riga Stradiņš University, Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, director of studies; 1996 – 2003 AML, Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, lecturer; 1983 – 1996 AML, Department of Anatomy, assistant; 1979 – 1983 Junior researcher in Riga Scientific Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedy.
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL AND NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Member of Latvian Anatomists, Histologists, Embryologists Society Member of Clinical Integrated Morphology Association
PUBLICATIONS: in total - 32, last 6 years - 27 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native, Russian - fluent German - conversational English – working knowledge ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer literate- Microsoft Word, Excel,
Date: 04.06.2009. Ruta Žagare
93 Appendix Nr.3
Short descriptions of the programmes of study subjects
94 COORDINATED AFFIRMED Rīga Stradiņš University Rīga Stradiņš University Deans’ Council Session on Senate Session on 19”february”, 2007 20”february”, 2007 Record No.22 Record No. 1-2/20.02.07
Description of Study Subject Program
Description of Study Subject Programme Basics of Philosophy
Title and category of study subject program – Basics of Philosophy, mandat.
Structural unit involved in academic work - Academic school of Social Work
Manager of study subject program – Assoc. prof. Andris Vilks
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study program in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to improve students’ philosophical thinking,
Task of study program: To initiate students in specificity of philosophical thinking To give to students knowledge about diversity of philosophical approach and to define head question of classical philosophy – problems of entity development. To discuss main regularities of entity things, processes and phenomena development. To acquire main stages of world cognitive. To give to students percept about philosophy development main stages in the world and Latvia.
Content of study subject: Definition of philosophy concept. Specific of classical philosophy wisdom - ability to generalize, thereby discovered main trends in all processes. Classical philosophy structural division. Classical – philosophical thinking distinction from no classical approaches. Entity as head question of classical philosophy. Problem of entity initial cause. Movement and development. Space and time. Qualitative changing. Contradictions and opposites. Development by spiral. Causality. Necessity and contingency. Characterization of cognitive process: sensitive empirical cognitive of world and rational acquirement of entity. Main stages of philosophy development.
Test in study subject – examination
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. M.Kūle, R.Kūlis. Filosofija. – R., 1996. 2. A.Vilks. Ievads filozofijā. – R., 2000. 3. A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 1. daļa. – R., 2001. 95 4. A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 2. daļa. – R., 2002. 5. A.Vilks. Filozofija Latvijā: Antoloģija. – R., 2001. 6. Bībele. 7. Cems 8. P.Dāle. Par dvēseles nemirstību. – P.Dāle. Gara problēmas. – R., 1933, 129.-141. lpp. 9. P.Dāle. Pasaulīgā un dievišķā gudrība. – Turpat, 142.-149. lpp. 10. F.Engelss. Darba loma pērtiķa tapšanā par cilvēku. – F.Engelss. Dabas dialektika. – R., 1952, 147.-160. lpp. 11. J.G.Fihte. Cilvēka sūtība. Par cilvēka lielumu. – R., 1991, 33.-161. lpp. 12. P.Jurevičs. Variācijas par moderno cilvēku. – http://pie.daugavas.lv/materials/PaulsJur/PJvar.HTM 13. S.Kirkegors. Slimība uz nāvi. – A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 2. daļa. – R., 2002, 50.-61. lpp. 14. Lukrēcijs. Par lietu dabu. – A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 1. daļa. – R., 2001,, 48.-56. lpp. 15. K.Markss, F.Engelss. Komunistiskās partijas manifests. – R., 1973, 9.-69. lpp. 16. E. Morēns. Kultūrai labvēlīga vide. - E. Morēns. Domājot par Eiropu. – R., 1998, 59.-104. lpp. 17. F.Nīče.Tā runāja Zaratustra. – A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 2. daļa. – R., 2002, 36.-49. lpp.
- additional literature 1. Raudive. Pārpersonīgais un personīgais. – R., 1992. – 157. lpp. 2. Ž.P. Sartrs. Eksistenciālisms ir humānisms. – A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 2. daļa. – R., 2002, 63.-83. lpp. 3. M. Castells. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. – Volume III End of Millenium. – Blackwell Publishers, 2000, p. 5-67.
Description of Study Subject Programme English
Title and category of study subject programme: ENGLISH (A) Code of study subject: Semester I, II
Head of Academic structural unit: Mag.paed. Dace Žibala Academics involved in the study subject programme: Sarma Cire, lecturer
Audience Students of the Faculty of (faculty, study programme, year of study) Communication, Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Psychology” 1st year Amount of study programme in credit points (CP): 4 CP ECTS credit points
Academic structural unit RSU Language Centre, Dzirciema iela 16 Riga LV 1007 Tel. 67409168 [email protected]
96 Description of study subject and its aim In the course of studies students perfect previously acquired reading, speaking, listening and writing skills, learn correct pronunciation of special terms, their explanation, proper usage of grammatical and lexical structures. Different forms of work are applied in the course of teaching, such as dialogues, work with a text, writing of reports, preparing presentations, writing of summaries. Simultaneously students work with revision of grammatical structures and their practical application in the language. Conversational topics are related to psychology, branches of psychology, career possibilities, structure of human body, brain, different mental problems and diseases, work and work conditions, unemployment, role of a psychologist in solution of personal and social problems, communication with a patient, trends in society. Students also learn how to write formal letters and documents, such as CV, covering letter. Aim: To facilitate acquisition of communicative abilities and skills in English, their practical application in different situations in the chosen speciality.
Necessary prerequisites Knowledge of English according to the results of the centralised examination at secondary school (levels B-C)
Study results - knowledge: studies result in students’ knowledge of application of special terminology in their future profession and in perfection of students’ general knowledge of English; - abilities and skills: in the course of studies students have acquired abilities and skills to use the language in their profession, they have improved skills in reading and comprehension of professional literature, in writing summaries and reports, they have acquired skills in giving presentations and use English in their profession work.
Assessment: Oral and / or written tests after the covered topic. Written and oral examination at the end of the course.
List of literature: International Express ( Intermed. ) L. Taylor Distinction ( Advanced ) M. Foley Business Vocabulary in Use Bill Mascull CUP Test Your Business Vocabulary in Use CUP Advanced Grammar in Use Martin Hewings Is That What You Mean ? P. Hancock Summaries of the articles „Sociology” (US) (Gender and Age) Medical Dictionary W. Black Internet materials on psychology
Description of Study Subject Programme Measurements and Statistics
Title and category of study subject program – Measurements and Statistics Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of physics Manager of Academic structural unit – professor Uldis Teibe Readers involved in study subject programs – professor Uldis Teibe, Auditory (faculty, study program, year of study) Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachlor’s degree students
97 Volume of study program in credit points – 4 CP Aim of study subject – to get basic knowledge about data getting, entering, processing, statistic report creating in mathemastatistic and biostatistic.
Task of study programme – To provide an introduction to mathematical statistics and its necessity and relevance for psychologists; to introduce students to statistical terminology, graphic displays, and various statistical computational methods; to provide an overview of probability theory, which is necessary for the computation and analysis of statistical problems; to provide to students knowledge and skills concerning experimental data processing.
Content of study subject The use of mathematical statistics in psychological research. Statistical functions Measurement in psychological research. Data coding and entering of data in computer programs. Descriptive statistics. Types of data and types of scales. Samples, sampling errors. Standard deviations, standard errors. Some properties of the variance and standard deviation. Frequency distributions and frequency distribution graphs. Central tendencies. Mead, mode and median Variability. Assymetry and excess measures. Probability and theoretical analysis. Inferential statistics. Population. Chosing the sample. Types of hypotheses. Parametric statistical methods to test the hypothesis. Comparison of means. Null hypothesis. Grouped data Data comparison, combining data into groups. Correlations. Data graphic representation. Graphic methods. Computerized data analysis. Definition of probability discrete probability distributions. The expected value of a discrete random variable. The variance of a discrete random variable. The binomial distribution. Two-sample test for binomial proportions. Fisher's exact test. R x C contingency tables. Regression and correlation methods. Correlation diagrams. Analytic grouping and empirical regression. Correlational analysis. Regression. Analysis of covariance. Nonparametric statistical methods. Nonparametric data analysis.Nonparametric inferential statistics. Nonparametric correlational statistics.
Test in study subject – examination
List of literature commendatory literature 1. Goša Z. Statistika. R.: Izglītības soļi 2003 - 334 lpp. 2. Raščevska M., Kristapsone S. Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos. Rīga: Izglītības soļi, 2000, 353 lpp. 3. Howell D.C. Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences. – New-York, Duxbury Press, 1995, pp. 457. - additional literature 1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2003 – 352 lpp. 2. Krastiņš 0. Statistika un ekonometrija. - R.: LRCSP, 1998. 436 lpp. 3. Nāgelis J. Microsoft Access … no A līdz Z. - R.: Datorzinību centrs, 2000., 181 lpp. 4. Pagano R.R. Understanding statistics in the behavioral sciences. 4th ed. New York: West publishing company - 2001 - p. 498. 5. Rosner B. Fundamentals of biostatistics, 5 - th edition. Duxbury Thomson Learning - 2000 - p. 792 6. Teibe U. Bioloģiskā statistika. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2007 – 155 lpp. 7. Bortz J. Statistik fur Sozialwissenschaftler. - Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1999 8. Nachmias Ch.&Nachmias D.Research Methods in the Social Science, London: Arnold., 1996.
98 9. Rose D. & Sullivan O.(1998) Statistics for Social Data Analysis, Itasca, Illinois: F.E.Peacock.
Description of Study Subject Programme Social psychological training
Title and category of study subject programme – Social psychological training, mandatory Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg. psych. Maija Zakriževska
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP Aim of study subject – to contribute students understanding about necessarily of developing of personal qualities in both professional and personal life, who accented high etical standarts
Task of study programme – To make understanding about concept of psychological health To make understanding about mean of self-developing in professional work To give experience in developing group of personality
Content of study subject – 1. Health and the factors that determined its. Psychological health 2. Feeling cart. Anger. Fears. Phobias. Joy. Interest 3. Control of emotional conditions. Emotional intelligence 4. Solitude, insularity 5. Interface and Communication
Knowledge assessment –Active participation in group- 70% , essay-30%
List of literature: - commendatory literature Omārova S. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. Saskarsmes psiholoģija. - R.: SIA Kamene, 1994. Omārova S. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. Saskarsmes psiholoģija. – R., 2002. Pīzs A. Ķermeņa valoda.- R.: Jumava, 1995. Reņģe V. Sociālā psiholoģija. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002. Saskarsme audzēkņiem. - R.: Jumava, 2006. Hrjaševoj N.J. Psihogimnastika v treninge. Juventa, 1998. (Krievu val.).
Description of Study Subject Programme Human rights and law of labour
Title and Category of Study subject programme – Human rights and law labour, mandatory course. Structural unit involved in academic work – The Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject programme – I.J.Mihailovs , Assist. prof., MA, LLM.
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
99 Aim of study subject – to promote the understanding of human rights and labour law issues, which is important for professional practise; to develop understanding of effect of norms and principles of human rights and labour law on relationship between the individual, society and state, emphasizing respecting of human rights standards in professional communication with clients, as well as role of labour law in professional work.
Task of study programme – to develop understanding of the branch of labour law and their role in processes of public life and professional work, to emphasize role of human rights in human interaction, to develop understanding of use of data on person’s private life in professional work, of rights of children, family and specific groups.
Content of study subject – 1. Human rights: sources, system, development; 2. Human rights protection system in Latvia; 3. Freedom of speech, Personal data protection, confidential information; 4. The possibilities of the Human rights protection in the world, Europe, Latvia; 5. Equality principle. Gender equality. Private life; 6. Children rights and its specifics; 7. Labour law: sources, system; 8. Duties and rights in Labour law; 9. The legal regulation in professional work; 10. Psychology and law,.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature – - commendatory literature Latvijas Republikas Satversme Autortiesību likums Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likums Darba likums Darba aizsardzības likums Cilvēktiesības pasaulē un Latvijā / Dr. I. Ziemeles red. – Rīga: SIA “JUMI”, 2000. Kučs A. Vārda brīvības robežas: goda un cieņas aizskaršana, naida kurināšana. – Rīga: Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS, 2004. Ulmane V. Darba tiesības. Darba aizsardzība. – Rīga: BAT, 2004.
- additional literature Blūzma V., Buka A., Deksnis E. B., Jarinovska K., Jundzis T., Levits E. Eiropas tiesības. – Rīga: Juridiskā koledža, 2004. Buka A. Eiropas Savienības Dzimumu līdztiesības tiesības un to īstenošana Latvijā // Eiropas Savienības tiesību īstenošana Latvijā. – Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003. Kapardis A. Psyhology and Law. – Cambridge: 2003. Neimanis A. Dzimumu līdztiesības principa integrēšana praksē. – Rīga: ANO Attīstības programmemas pārstāvniecība Latvijā, 2003. International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy and Practice. – Boston: 1991. Даниленко Г. Международная защита прав человека. – Москва: Юристъ, 2002. Права человека / отв. ред. Е. Лукашева. – Москва: Норма, 2008. www . lm . gov .lv www . politika .lv www . tiesibsargs .lv
100 Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction in Social anthropology
Title and Category of Study subject programme – Introduction of Social anthropology, mandatory course Structural unit involved in academic - Department of Communication
Manager of study subject program - MPhil, Lecturer. Klāvs Sedlenieks
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2nd year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – The aim is to introduce students to the social anthropology as a social and humanitarian science, providing insight into the main topics and aspects as well as theories and methods of social anthropology, at the same time stimulating students' ability to use the acquired knowledge in order to interpret the world in which they live
Task of study programme – To learn about the basic divisions and directions in social anthropological research, problems studied; to learn about the most important theoretical and methodological approaches as well as to provide students with an opportunity to shape their worldview into one more relativistic and open to the “other”
Content of study subject – Lecture - Anthropology as a science, its sub-branches. Connection to other branches of science. Holistic, relative and comparative approach. Social anthropology as a branch of anthropology, the main problems and directions of the study. Kinships systems and marriage. What is kinship, various ways of understanding relatedness. Unilinear systems, kinship systems in Latvia. Understanding family, various forms of family, single-sex families. New rerpoductive technologies and implications for understanding kinship Lecture – Sex and Gender. Construction of sex and gender in various societies. Sexuality, its expressions. Homosexuality, heterosexuality: choice or destiny? Seminar – Sexuality and family in Latvia Lecture – Economic anthropology. Various principles of production (hunters and gatherers, horticulturalists, peasants, implications of production systems. Lecture – Gift exchange and sharing Gift as peace or agression Informal economy Seminar - analysis of Rainis' "Speleju Dancoju" from the point of view of gift exchange theories Lecture - Linguistic anthropology, language and culture, sociolinguistics, linquistic experiments with apes Lecture - Magic, religion and ritual, sacred and prophane, vairous belief systems, cargo cults Wichcraft and sorcery. Seminar: verbal assault, magic, sorcery in the everyday life of people in Latvia.
Knowledge assessment – exam
101 List of literature:
Barnard, Alan (2000) ‘Introduction’ in Alan Barnard Social Anthropology. A concise introduction for students.Studymates. Bourdieu, Pierre (1990), ‘Symbolic Capital’ in Logic of Practice. Book I, Chapter 7. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp. 112-121. Cornwall, Andrea. (1993). Gendered Identities and Gender Ambiguity Among Travestis in Salvador, Brazil. In Cornwall, Andrea and Lindisfarne, Nancy. (eds). Dislocating Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies. London and New York: Routledge Counihan, Carole M. (1999). ‘Food, Sex, and Reproduction. Penetration of Gender Boundaries’ in The Anthropology of Food and Body. Gender, Meaning, and Power. New York and London: Routledge. Endikott, Kirk (1988) ‘Property, power and conflict among the Batek of Malaysia’ in Tim Ingold, David Riches, and James Woodburn (eds.) Hunters and Gatherers 2: Property, Power and Ideology. Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers. (internetā : http://www.peacefulsocieties.org/archive.html meklē t p ē c autora v ā rda) Evans-Pritchard, E. E. ‘Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events’ in William A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt Reader in Comparative Religion. An anthropological approach. Fourth Edition. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. pp. 362-366 http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/1995/6/machiavellianmonkeys.cfm Ladlaw, James (2000) ‘A Free Gift Makes No Friends’. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 6, No. 4. (Dec., 2000), pp. 617-634. Leach, Edmund R. ‘Anthropological Aspects of Language: Animal categories and verbal abuse’ in William A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt Reader in Comparative Religion. An anthropological approach. Fourth Edition. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. pp 153- 166 E. Līč s/ Antropolo ģ ijas daž ā d ī ba/ Kentaurs XXI, 27, 2002, 13-38 lpp. A. Lū se/ P ē t ī t kult ū ru vai m ā c ī ties to?/ Kentaurs XXI, 27, 2002, 4-10 lpp. M. Kay Martin and Barbara Voorhies (1975) Supernumerary Sexes. Chapter 4 in Female of the Species, pp. 84-107 Malinowski, Bronislav (1922/1961), ‘The Essentials of the Kula’, in Argonauts of Western Pacific, Chapter III, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 81-104 (Gudeman, Economic Anthropology) Tambiah, S. J. ‘The Form and Meaning of Magical Acts: A Point of View’ in William A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt Reader in Comparative Religion. An anthropological approach. Fourth Edition. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. Pp 352-362 Tova Höjdestrand (2003). Hunters and gatherers in the urban jungle: ways of coping among homeless Russians. I: Arnstberg, Karl-Olov & Thomas Borén (eds) Everyday Economy in Russia, Poland and Latvia. Södertörn Academic Studies, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International
Description of Study Subject Programme Rights and ethics of medicine and biomedicine
Title and category of study subject programme – Rights and ethics of medicine and biomedicine, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Academic School of Art Therapy
Manager of study subject programme – Solvita Olsena MD, JD
102 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to introduce students with main ideas and principles of modern biolaw and bioethics. To provide students with knowledge of law and bioethics in respect to professional duties of an art therapist.
Task of study programme – to develop students’ understanding of significance of law and ethics in the area of professional activities.
Content of study subject. The course includes the following topics: The aim and sources of biolaw. Place of bioethics in the modern health care system. Introduction to the main topics of biolaw – organizational law of health care, patients rights, rights and duties of health care professionals, research in health care sector. Main issues of modern bioethics. Protection of human rights in the health care – system of patient’s rights. Professional responsibilities and duties of arts therapist. Current issues of medical law in Europe. Current issues of bioethics in Europe.
Knowledge assessment - participation and tests in seminars – 30%, elaboration and presentation of research paper – 30%, final test – 40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature Beauchamp T., Childress J. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1994, Mason JK., McCall Smith RA, Laurie GT, Law and medical ethics, London, LexisNexis, 2003. Council of Europe, Convention of Biomedicine, additional protocols to convention and explanatory memorandum. WHO, Declaration on patient’s rights - additional literature Cilvēktiesības pasaulē un Latvijā [Human rights in world and Latvia]. Editor Ziemele I., Riga: SIA “Izglitibas soli”, 2000. Sīle V. Medicīnas ētikas pamatprincipi [Principles of medical ethics], Riga, Zinatne, 1999.
Description of Study Subject Programme The Management of Quality
Title and category of study subject programme- The Management of Quality, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg.iur., Mg.art. doc. Ivans Jānis Mihailovs
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachelor’s degree students
103 Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – to master work organisation and menegament, to manage processes of standartisation, to go into processes of formation of standarts
Task of study programme To master Legal regulation To master of standards praxes. To analise standards which influences praxes
Content of study subject 1. Labour legislation 2. Professional Standard of Health Care workers 3. ISO standards.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Ārstniecības likums, 1997, 7-8, 2. J. Kalējs, M. Ābele „Lietvedības pamati”, KIF Biznesa komplekss Rīga, 1998. 3. LeMON 9.grāmata „Profesionālie un morāles jautājumi”, WHO, 1996. 4. Ministru kabineta noteikumi 5. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. „Menedžments”, Vaidelote, 1996.
Description of Study Subject Programme General psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – General psychology, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg.psych. Maija Zakriževska
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachlor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4CP
Aim of study subject – to make general view about psychological science, its historical developing, about main psychological directs and field, about research methods; to make understanding about human psyche, about cognitive processes, about psychological aspects of speech and language, about feelings, emotions, motivation, temperaments and characters.
Task of study programme – To make understanding about psychology as science To make understanding about human psyche
104 To develop professional skills. To develop skills of critical thinking To introduce theirself. To improve skills of student learning. To make skills to say their thinking in word
Content of study subject – Psychological science and its main tasks. Short history of psychology as science. Main direction in psychology field today. Investigation’s methods in psychology. Psyche, its concept and mean. Nervous system and its role in regulation of human behaviour. Processes of cognition. Sensation, deprivation of sensory. Sensory perceptive system. Notion of attention, types and features. Learning. Memory, its types and basic processes, their relation to thinking. Thinking, its types. Language and speech.Motivation and its type. Imagination and creativeness. Consciousness. Emotion and feelings. Emotional connect with cognitive processes. Individual typological peculiarities of a personality – temperament and character. Personality and deviance and adictivity
Knowledge assessment –Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Charles G. Morris, Albert A. MaistoPsychology: An Introduction (12th Edition), 2006. 2. Borns L.E., Ruso N.F. Psiholoģija. Izturēšanās un tās konteksts. RaKa, 2001. Godfruā Ž. Chto takoe psihologija. Ch. 1,2. Moskva, 1992.(Krievu val.)
- additional literature 1. Richard D. Gross. Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour. Hodder Arnold Publication, 2005 2. Izard K.E. Psihologija emocij. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 1999. (Krievu val.) 3. Iljin E.P. Motivacija i motivi. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2000. (Krievu val.) 4. Lurija A. P. Lekcijas vispārīgā psiholoģijā. Snkt. Pēterburga, 2004. 5. Maklakova, A. G. (2000). Obschaja psiholoģija. S-Pb.: Piter. (Krievu val.) 6. Nemov R.S. Psihologija. T. 1, Moskva, 2000. (Krievu val.) 7. Viljunas V.K., Gipennrejter Ju.B. (pod red.) Psihologija emocij. Teksti. Moskva, 1984. (Krievu val.) 8. Wortman C.B., Loftus E.F. Marshall M.E.. Psychology. New York, Publishers, 1995 - Press review: Rewiew of general psychology. Journal of applied psychology. Learning and memory
Description of Study Subject Programme History of psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – History of psychology, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject program – Mg. psych. Inguna Ozola
105 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – Form a view on the psychology idea development in the course of history, learn psychology as science formation and development main aspects in the historical point of view.
Task of study programme – To form deeper understanding about system of modern psychology To make stress academical research within each system To compare system making stress uncommon and different features in interpretation of subjects of psychological research with in different system
Content of study subject – The importance of the past ideas today. Antique thinker ideas in the context of psychological history. Philosophy impact on psychology formation process. Prehistory of modern psychology. Natural sciences impact on psychology formation process. First studies. Psychological history division into periods, its principles. Psychological schools and their trends: Psychoanalysis; Behaviorism; Cognitive Psychology; Gestalt Psychology; Humanistic Psychology; Existentialism; Ecobehaviorial approach; Dialectic Psychology.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Schultz D. P. (2003). A History of Modern Psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 2. Smith, N. (2001)Current Systems in Pshychology. History, Theory, Research, and Applications. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (arī krievu val.) Shultc, D.P. (2002). Istorija sovremennoi psihologii. Jevrazija S-Peterburg 3. Lihi, T.(2003). Istorija psihologii. Moskva:Piter 4. History of Psychology
- additional literature Lihi, T.(2003). Istorija psihologii. Moskva:Piter Hrestomatija po istorii psihologii. (1980). Moskva:Piter. Hrestomatija po psihologii. (1986). Tallinn:Tartu Universitet. Keler, V., & Koffka, K.(1998). Geshtaltpsihologija. Moskva:Naučnaja kņiga. Lihi, T.(2003). Istorija psihologii. Moskva:Piter. Torndaik, E., & Chotson, D.(1998). Biheiviorizm. Moskva:Naučnaja kņiga. International Journal of Psychology Psychological Science Journal of Perspectives on Psychological Science 106 Rewiew of General Psychology
Description of Study Subject Programme Experimental psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Experimental psychology, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject program – Mg.psych. Inguna Ozola
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”,2nd year Bachelor’s degree students.
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – to develop students’ skills and abilities to plan, do experiments as well as write reports on the accomplished work.
Task of study programme – To master knowledge and practise in planning and carrying out experiments; To learn to present their work logical and attractive; To develop abilities for critical thinking.
Content of study subject – Experimental research designs. Inner validity dangers of experiments and possibilities to reduce them. Formulating hypothesis of the experiment. Planning research. Fluent operationalisation. Procedure development of the experiment. Data collection and processing. Testing hypothesis. Result interpretation. Interpretation principles, ethics criteria. Writing study report. Forming and presentation of the study report, using latest information technologies.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works 20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Elmes P. (1992). Research methods in Psychology. NY: West Publishing Company. 2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ()1998.4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Assotiation. 3. Solso, R.L., Johnson, H.H., & Beal, M.K. (1998). Experimental psychology: A case approach. Sixth edit. NY: Longman. (tilkojums krievu valodā- Solso, R.L., Džonsons, H.H. Bil, M.K. (2002), Eksperimentaļnaja psihologija:praktičeskij kurs. Sanktpeterburg:Praim-Jevroznak.) 4. Vadum, A.C. & Rankin, N.O. (1998). Psychological research: Methods for discovery and validation. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
additional literature
107 1. Raščevska M., Kristapsone S. (2000.). Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos. 2. Rīga, SIA Izglītības apgāds. 3. Meltzoff, Julian (1998). Critical ThinkingAbout Research: Psychology and Related Fields, 243 p. Meklēt http://www.apa.org/books/ordering.html 4. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5. Psychological Methods 6. Psychological Assessment 7. Psychological Review
Description of Study Subject Programme Research in Psychology
Title and category of study subject programme- Research in Psychology
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology. Manager of study subject program - Mg. psych. Inguna Ozola
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2nd year Bachelor’s degree students.
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – Familiarize students with psychological research methodology, develop skills on carrying out the research project, give an insight how to organize research, analyze its results, interpret and publish it. Give an opportunity to improve critical and analytical thinking abilities as well as understand holistic approach in organizing and performing research. The course has been planned as a forerun of course and bachelor paper.
Task of study programme – To learn to choose relevant empirical research methods; To know how to collect empirical data correctly, how to process them statistically, analyze, interpret and make conclusions; To learn to present their work logical and attractive; To develop abilities for critical thinking.
Content of study subject – Research strategies and designs. Issue of ethics in science and psychological research. Psychological research types, experiment, quasiexperiment. The general scheme of the e research project.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works 20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. Meltzoff, Julian (1998). Critical ThinkingAbout Research: Psychology and Related Fields, 243 p. Meklēt http://www.apa.org/books/ordering.html 2.Elmes P. (1992). Research methods in Psychology. NY: West Publishing Company.
108 3. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Assotiation, 1998. 4. Test Interpretation and Diversity: Achieving Equite in Assessment (1998)// Edited by Jonathan H.Sandloval, Craig L.Frysby, Kurt.F.Geisinger, 436p. additional literature 1. Solso, R.L., Johnson, H.H., & Beal., M.K. (2001.). Eksperimentalnaja psihologija. M.: Ulma- Press. (Krievu valodā). 2.Raščevska M., Kristapsone S. (2000.). Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos. Rīga, SIA Izglītības apgāds. 3.Noel W. Smith. Current Systems in Psychology (2001.) Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning. (tulkojums krievu valodā 2003.) Maskava: Ulma Press. 4. Reading and Understanding MORE Multivariative Statistics, (2000). //Edidet by Laurence G. Grimm, PhD & Paul R. Yarnoldt, PhD. August 430 p. Meklēt http://www.apa.org/books/ordering.html Psychological Abstract Psychological Methods Psychological Assessment Psychological Review
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychometrics
Title and category of study subject programme Psychometrics
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program –Mg. psych. Marija Vāciete
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to make students understunding about declaration of test making, using and condition; make students acquainted with possible measurements in psychology and how to combine qualitative and quantitative approach in a research and ensure the veracity of research methods.
Task of study programme – introduce students with utilization of measurement scale in psychology; show the possibility of quantitative representation of research data; introduce students with development and adaptation of tests and questionnaires; introduce students with verification of tests and questionnaires; develop ability of critical thinking
Content of study subject – Psychological methodics and its modification. Historical development of psychological research. Kinds of Test. Functions of psychometrics,. Tests’s theory. Differentiation of statistical texts and their utilization. Test’s development – question analysis, measurement scale. Types of security examination, including Cronbaha. Validity types of differentiation and understanding of its examination. Standartization of tests. Process of questionnaire and text adaptation. Etic’s principes. Other research methods – questionary, interview, observation, documents analysis.
109 Intelect tests. Personality test. Projective test and its construation. Research for research adaptation. Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%).
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Anastasi, A. Urbina,S. (1999). Psychological testing . Prentice Hall. (tulkojums - Anastazi A., Urbina S. (2000) Psihologičeskoe testirovaņije. Piter.) 2. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 4th ed. Washington: American Psychological Assotiation, 1998. 3. Klain P. (1994) Spravočnoe rukovodstvo po konstruirovaņiju testov. Kiev. Kline P. (2001) New Psychometrics
- additional literature 1. Raščevska M. (2005.).Testu konstruēšana un adaptācija. Rīga, Raka. 2. International Journal of Testing 3. Educational & Psychological Measurement 4. Psychological Assessment 5. Journal of Personality Assessment 6. Psychological Review
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychology of development
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychology of development, mandatory course
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject programme – Mg.psych., lect. M.Zakriževska
Audience (faculty, study programme, Year of study ) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4 CP
Aim of study subject – The main aim of this course is to emphasize specifics of child’s psychological development. To create sistematic idea on different stages of human’s biological, psychological and social development. The developmental systems such as those of S.Freid's, E.Ericson's, L.Kolberg's, I.Brunner's, I.Piaget's, L.Vigotsky's, D.Elkonin's, etc. as well as the theories of the personal development crises are analyzed in this course. For the mastering of course grounding in „Introduction into general psychology”is required.
Task of study programme: to give the students knowledge of the factors and their conformities to the developmental laws;
110 to stimulate understanding of the different theories of development; to stimulate understanding of individualities of development in different ages. to devolop students’ knowledge of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development and theories characterizing it; to develop students’ knowledge of stages of individual’s psychological development and process of development in general.
Content of study subject: Basic principle of developmental psychological theory: ineraction of biological and social enviroment. The theory of I.Piage, J.Boulby. The cognitive, social, emocional development in childhood, in the period of school. The adolescents: the theory of Ericsson, Kolberg. The crisis of development. The influence of violence in family to development of childrens. Hyperactivity. Adulthood period. Gerantopsychology. Subject of development psychology and research methods. Theories explaining development. Significance of heredity and environment in development. Prenatal development and labour physiology. Physical development of a newborn. Cognitive development of a newborn and development of speech. Physical and cognitive development in early childhood. Psychosocial development in early childhood. Physical and cognitive development, psychosocial development in childhood. Physical and cognitive development, psychosocial development in adolescence and youth. Delayed physical and cognitive development in early adulthood. Psychosocial development in early adulthood. Physical and cognitive development, psychosocial development in middle-aged adults. Physical and cognitive development, psychosocial development in late adulthood.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: Boulbijs Dž. Drošais pamats. – R. : Rasa ABC, 1998. Eriksons E.H. Identitāte : jaunība un krīze. – R.: Jumava, 1998. Piažē Ž.Bērna intelektuālā attīstība.- R.: Pētergailis, 2002. Svence G. Attīstības psiholoģija. – R. : Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. Kulbergs J. Dinamiskā psihiatrija, teorija un prakse. Rīga, Jumava- 2001. Kristiāne F. Mēs, Zoo stacijas bērni. Rīga, „Didam”, 2000. Smita H. Vai tavs bērns ir laimīgs? Rīga, Kontinents, 2001. Utināns A. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais Apgāds, 2005. Karpova Ā. Personība. Teorijas un to rādītāji. –Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. Liepiņa S. Gerontoloģijas psiholoģiskie aspekti. –Rīga: Raka, 1998. Reņģe V. Psiholoģija. Personības psiholoģiskās teorijas. –Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. Svence G. Pieaugušo psiholoģija. – R : Raka, 2004. Vigotskis L. Domāšana un runa. –Rīga: Eve, 2002. Berk L.E. Child Development. –Massachusets : A Pearson Education Company, 2000. Carson, Robert C, "Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life," MA, 2000 Cramer, Craig, "Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development," Boatman, Andrew Mclain, "Education Theory Handbook," 1998 Dushkin, "Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development," 2002, McGraw-Hill Ding Sh. Children's personal and social development . - Malden : Blackwell Publishing, 2005 Hendry L.B., Kloep M. Lifespan Development. Resources, Challenges and Risks. –London : Thomson Learning, 2002. Kail R.V. Human Development: A Life-Span View. (3rd Edition).- Toronto: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, 2004 Крайг Г. Психология развития .- Санкт-Петербург : Питер, 2006. Мухина В.С. Детская психология. -Москва: Эксмо-пресс, 1999.
111 Психология человека. От рождения до смерти. Под ред. Реана А. – С-Петербург: Прайм Еврознак, 2001. Press review: Journal of Developmental Psychology 13.1. Child Development. Human Development. .
Description of Study Subject Programme Social psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Social psychology, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject programme - – Mg. psych., asist. M. Zakriževska
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) –Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4 CP
Aim of study subject – The aim of social psychology is to understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of humans in relation to their social environment. The course covers core themes of social behavior: verbal and nonverbal communication, attitudes, groups and intergroup relations, personal relationships and cooperation, social cognition, social perception and prejudice. Students are acquainted with modern theoretical and practical conceptions in social psychology. Students are taught to recognize socially psychological phenomena in practice, to analyze their causes and possible sequences.
Task of study programme – To extend students’ understanding of social psychology as a sub- branch of psychology. To develop understanding of the main conceptions of social psychology. To develop knowledge of human behaviour in groups, close relationship, attitudes, prejudices, etc. To perfect skills in evaluation of diversity. To develop professional skills. To develop skill in critical thinking. To understand self. To perfect and encourage skills in learning and in expressing thoughts in written form.
Content of study subject – Understanding Social Psychology: An Introduction. Research Methods in Social Psychology. Theories of Social Behavior. Social Perception: Knowing Others. Nonverbal Communication. Causal Attribution. Impression Formation and Management. Social Cognition: Understanding the Social World. Schemas and their Effects. The Interplay of Affect and Cognition. Conclusions. Social representations. The Self. The Nature of the Self. Self-Esteem. Self-Perception. Gender. Attitudes .What are Attitudes? How are attitudes formed? How can attitudes be changed? (Persuasion) When and how do attitudes influence behavior? When does our behavior affect our attitudes? (Cognitive Dissonance) Interpersonal Attraction: Friendship, Love, and Relationships. Antecedents of Attraction. Close Relationships. Helping and Hurting: The Nature of Prosocial Behavior and Aggression. Prosocial Behavior: Why do people help? Social Influence: Changing Others' Behavior. Conformity. Compliance. Obedience. Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging. The Nature of Groups. Minimal Groups. Social Groups. Deindividuation. Prejudice & Discrimination. Definitions. Causes of Prejudice. Reducing Prejudice
112 Knowledge assessment – Examination. (Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%).
List of literature: commendatory literature Aronson, Wilson, Akert (2000) Social Psychology. New – York, McGraw Hill /Аронсон, Уилсон & Эйкерт (2002). Социальная психология. Психологические законы поведения человека в социуме. Праим – ЕВРОЗНАК Hewstone, Stroebe & Stephenson (Eds.)(2000). Introduction to Social Psychology. New York: Addison. Myers (1996). Social psychology. New York: McGraw Hill / Майерс (2000). Социальная психология. Москва. Omārova S.. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. Sociālā psiholoģija. – R., 1998. Pines & Maslach (1993). Experiencing social psychology. Readings and projects. New York: McGraw Hill / Пайнс & Маслач (2000). Практикум по социальной психологии. С – Пб Reņģe, V. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002. additional literature Андреева (2000). Социальная психология. Москва Milgram (1974). Obedience to authority: An experimental view. New York:Harper & Row / Милграм (2000). Эксперимент в социальной психологии. С-Пб Ross & Nisbett (1991). The Person and the situation. Perspectives of social psychology. New York: McGraw Hill / Росс & Нисбетт (1999). Человек и ситуация. Москва Stephan C.W. Two Social Psychologies. – New York, 1990. Press review Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Asian Journal of Social Psychology European Journal of Social Psychology European Review of Social Psychology Social Psychology Quarterly Journal of Social Issues The Social Psychological Review Papers on Social Representations
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychology of personality
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychology of personality, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject programme – Dr.psych., asist.prof. S.Mihailova
Audience (faculty, study programme, Year of study) –Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4 CP
113 Aim of study subject –To introduce students with organic theories of psychology of personality. To generate understanding of the structure of personality, factors forming behaviour and development. For the mastering of course basic knowledge of courses „Introduction into general psychology” and „Social psychology” is required.
Task of study programme:– to acquaint students with contemporary understanding of personality in psychology and the most significant personality theories. Acquired knowledge will be suitable for planning of therapeutic process, its implementation, and analysis.
Content of study subject: 13.2. Personality and different psychological approaches in its understanding. Problem of the definition and structure of personality. Criteria of personality. Theoretical trends and conceptions in the understanding of personality. Psychoanalytical conception of personality: Freud, Yung. Postfreudisms and neofreudisms. Object relationship theories and Attachment theories. Sociocultural psychoanalysis: Horney. The influence of personality’s internal and sociocultural factors on the personality’s life and development: Horney, Adler. Psychoanalytical Ego psychology: Erikson. Humanistic psychoanalysis: From. Humanistic theory. Humanistic psychology of personality: Rodger, Maslov. Personality’s structure, development and criteria of maturity in humanistic psychology: Rodger, Maslov. Existencial personality theories Behavioural approach to personality. Socially cognitive theories and other cognitive theories Knowledge assessment – test, report, presentation, examination.
List of literature: - commendatory literature: Karpova Ā. Personība: teorija un to rādītāji. Mācību līdzeklis. R., Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. Jungs K.G. Psiholoģiskie tipi. R., Zvaigzne, 1993 Jungs K.G. Dvēseles pasaule. – R.Spektrs, 1994 Freids Z. Totēms un tabu. – R. :Minerva, 1995 Reņģe V. Psiholoģija. Personības psiholoģiskās teorijas.-R.:Zvaigzne ABC, 1999 Berbs L., Ruso N. Psiholoģija 3.daļa – R.:RaKa, 2001 Šuvajevs I. Dzīļu psiholoģija.-R.:Zvaigzne ABC, 2002 Cloninger, S.C. Theories of personality: understanding persons. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall., 2000 - additional literature: Adlers A. Psiholoģija un dzīve. - R., 1992 Eriksons E.H. Identitāte: jaunība un krīze. – R., Jumava, 1998 Liebert R.M., Spiegel M.D. Personality: strategies and issues – 6th ed. – Brocks/ Cole Publishing company, Pacific Grove, California Pervin, Lawrence A. Personality: theory and research – 5th ed., John Wiley&Sons, inc, 1998 Magnavita, J.J. Theories of personality: contemporary approaches to the science of personality. New York: John Wily & Sons. , 2002 Šuvajevs I. Psihoanalīze un dzīves māksla. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC., 1996 Modell A. H. Object Love and Reality. An introduction to a psychoanalytic theory of object relations. New York: IUP., 1985. Press review Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Journals “Alter-ego”, “Psiholoģijas pasaule”, “Psiholoģija Mums”
114 Description of Study Subject Programme Clinical psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Clinical psychology, mandatory elective course. Structural unit involved in academic work – Academical shool of art therapy
Manager of study subject programme – Mg.psych. Indra Majore Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Nursing, Professional higher education study programme for Master’s degree in health care „Arts therapy”, 2st year Master’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4 CP
Aim of study subject – to give an account in main trends of clinical psychology
Task of study programme – to give overwiev on trends in clinical psychology; to provide students with knowledge of psychopathology and its development; to provide knowledge of structure and types of personality organisation; interview techniques; different issues on communication.
Content of study subject – Course description: concept of norm, formation of pcychopathology, it ‘s classification, methods of diagnostic; the organization structure of personality, diagnostic, inside sickness, conflict, conflict avoiding ways, the methods of psychodynamic and bihavioural psychotherapy; psychological and ethical aspects during rehabilitation, cognitive and emotional disturbance; emotion, its roll in psychology and psychiatry developmental psychology, retardation. Psychical and somatic disorder in different ages. The psychiological aspects of oncological deseases. Children and parent reaction. Somatogenus psychical reactions. Making contact between the psychologist and the patient (client). Phenomen of suicide. Evolutionary explanations. Denys de Catanzaro. Donald H.Rubinstein. Deppresion and suicide. Aaron Beck. Durkheim’s theory of social integration. Karl Menninger. Violence psychology. Phenomen of death. Sigmund Freud. Theories of death Anxiety and Fear. Ernest Becker – Existencial view. Adrian Tomer and Grafton Eliason. Regret theory. Robert Kastenbaum. Death Anxiety Studies- religion, health, gender, age, anxiety level. Scientific theories of the NDE. Dying bramin theory. Charles Darwin’s theory. Hallucination theory. Temporal lobe theory. Memory of birth theory. Afterlife theory. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. The grief cycle. Five stages of grief.
Knowledge assessment –work in small groups, group discussions, examination.
List of literature: commendatory literature Artūrs Utināns. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds. 2005. 568 lpp. Klinische Psychologie – Psychotherapie. U.Baumann, M.Perrez. 2.pārstr.izd., 2003, 1312 S., H.I.Kaplan, B.J.Sadock. Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry/YII. In Vol 2. 2001. pp 2804. additional literature Lyle E.Bourne, Jr., Nancy Felipe Russo (1998) Psychology. Behaviors in Context, W.W. Norton; Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence. Bloomsbury. 1995. Džons Boulbijs. Drošais pamats. Rasa, ABC.1998 Eine andere Psychodynamik. M.Pohlen, M.Bautz-Holzherr. 2001. 551pp. Cognitive psychology. R.Solso. 2d ed.1996. 600p. (also in Russian)
115 Cannon, Walter B. Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage. New York: Appleton- Century_crofts, 1927 Nancy McWilliams. Psychoanalytic Diagnosis. .Guilford Publications, Inc.; April 1994; 398p. Becker, Ernest. The denial of Death. New York: Free Press, 1973 Emery, R.E. Essentials of abnormal psychology. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall., 2000 Carson, R.Abnormal psychology and modern life. Boston…[at.al.]: Allyn and Bacon, 2000 Davison, G.C., Neale, J.M. Abnormal Psychology.New York:John Wiley & Sons.,2001 Karson, R.C.Anormaļnaja psihologija. Moskva [i drugiji]:Piter.,2004
Press review Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (APA) Journal of abnormal psychologyWashington, Dc: American Psychological Association http://search.epnet.com/EBSCO.Host.medline
Description of Study Subject Programme Trends in Psychotherapy
Title and category of study subject programme – Trends in Psychotherapy, mandatory course. Structural unit involved in academic work– Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject programme – Dr.psych. Sandra Mihailova
Audience (faculty, study programme, Year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 6 CP
Aim of study subject – To introduce students with different concepts of psychotherapy, its basic ideas. To generate understanding of psychotherapy.
Task of study programme: to introduce students with directions of psychotherapy; to show students the most important differences between the concepts of different points of view in psychotherapy; to introduce students with different kinds of counselling.
Content of study subject: Insights in psychoanalytical and psychodynamic therapy. Geshtalttherapy. Psychodrama. Existential therapy. Family psychotherapy. The different kinds of Body psychotherapy.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: commendatory literature: Malans D.H. Individuālā psihoterapija un psihodinamikas zinātne.-R.: RaKa, 1997 Кондрашенко В.Т., Донской Д.И. Общая психотерапия.- Мн.: Навука i тэхнiка, 1993 Психотерапия детей и подростков / под.ред. Х.Ремшмидта.-М.: Мир, 2000 Коттлер Дж., Браун Р. Психотерапевтическое консультирование – СПб Питер, 2001. 116 Allen E.Ivey Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development. – Brooks/Cole, 1988. Клусман Р. Справочник по психотерапии.- СПб.:Питер, 2004 Кочюнас Р. Основы психологического консультирования.-М.: Академический проект, 1999 additional literature: Инновационная психотерапия / под.ред. Д.Джоунса.-СПб.: Питер, 2001 Психотерапия женщин / под.ред. Лоуренс М., Магуир.-СПб.: Питер, 2003 Тихонравов Ю.В. Экзистенциальная психология.-М.:ЗАО «Бизнес-школа. Интел-Синтез», 1998 Мак-Вильямс Н. Психоаналитическая диагностика. – М.: «Класс», 1998 Ursano R.J., Sonnenberg S.M., Lazar S.G. Concise guide to psychodynamic psychotherapy.- American Psychiatric Press, 1991 Kahn M. Between therapist and client: the new relationship. New York. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1991 V.Karkou, P.Sanderson, Arts Therapies: a Research Based Map of the Field, Elsevier, 2006 Keisments P. Psihoterapeits un viņa pacients.-R: RaKa, 2003
Description of Study Subject Programme Information technologies
Title and category of study subject programme – Information technologies, free elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Physics
Manager of study subject programme –Uldis Teibe, professor
Readers involved in study subject programme – Professor Uldis Teibe
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) - Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to perfect knowledge and skills in informatics, acquired in secondary school; to learn to use information technologies in studies of other subjects and in practical work of nurse and to get basic knowledge of data getting, entering, processing, statistic report creating.
Task of study programme – To obtain practical skills at work with texts, tables and graphs. To work individually with a computer, applying texts, tables and graphs in solution of different tasks. To teach students to obtain and enter data in computer, to choose the corresponding methods for data processing, to work out research works. Content of study subject – Text processor MS Word. Graphic processor VISIO. Electronic tables MS Excel (data series, tables, graphics). Data bases in the MS Access. Creating of presentations in the MS PowerPoint. E – mail. Search in the Internet. Data getting, questionnaires. Data entering in the computer in the programmes SPSS and Excel. Descriptive Statistics. Frequencies and graphics. Calculations. Data grouping and recoding. Data selection. Normal distribution. Processing methods of the normally distributed data.
117 Nonparametric statistics. Factor analysis. Data processing in the computer programmes SPSS and Excel. Statistic report creating. Creating of the scientific research works.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: Commendatory literature: Murāne D., Pāvilsone I. Microsoft Word 2000 … no A līdz Z. - Rīga: DC, 2000, 133 lpp. Ķiņķere A., Narņicka S. Microsoft Excel 2000 … no A līdz Z. - Rīga: DC, 2000, 135 lpp. Teibe U., Berķis U. Varbūtību teorijas un matemātiskās statistikas elementi medicīnas studentiem.- R.: RSU, 2001, 86 lpp. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ar MS Excel ikvienam. R.: Datorzinību centrs 1999 - 163 lpp. Krastiņš O., Ciemiņa I. Statistika, R.: LRCSP, 2003 - 267 lpp. Additional literature: Altman D. G., Practical Statistics for Medical Research. – London: Chapman & Hall, 2000 - pp. 611. Goša Z. Statistika. R.: Izglītības soļi 2003 - 334 lpp. Pagano M., Gauvreau K. Principles of Biostatistics. Duxbury Thomson Learning - 2000 - p. 525 Rosner B. Fundamentals of biostatistics, 5 - th edition. Duxbury Thomson Learning - 2000 - p. 792
Description of Study Subject Programme Professional Work of Psychologist and ethics
Title and category of study subject programme - Professional Work and Ethics of Psychologist, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Art therapy academical shool
Manager of study subject program - Mg. Psych., Mg.Med. Indra Majore-Dūšele
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1 and 4st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 4CP
Aim of study subject – to acquaint students with Ethics and specifics of professional work of psychologist in different settings.
Task of study programme – To develop ethical sensitivity and skills in management of ethical dilemmas; ; Analyze Code of Ethics and specific professional situations; Analyze and compare Codes of Ethics of European and American Psychology associations with Code of Ethics of Latvian professional psychologists Association
Content of study subject – 1. Ethics and problems of contemporary society. Ethical dimensions and moral sensitivity. 2. Ethical values. Ethical decision making 10-step model. 3. History of professional ethics. Ethical aspects of confidentiality. 118 4. Ethical regulations of psychologist practice. Ethics in diagnostic and assessment. 5. Competences in work of psychologist. Informed agreement. 6. Confidentiality. Ethics in research and supervision. 7. Analysis of Code of Ethics. Ethics in different settings. Ethical reaction on unethical action. 8. Profession of psychologist – possibilities and limits. Professional associations and its role in psychology practice. 9. Psychologist in school, organization, clinic. Work in multidisciplinary team. Self-help. Psycho – hygiene.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%).
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Rubenis, A. (1996). Ētika XX gadsimtā. Rīga. 2. LSPA (1999). Latvijas skolu psihologu ētikas kodekss. Rīga. 3. LPPA (1997). Latvijas profesionālo psihologu asociācijas ētikas kodekss. Rīga. 4. Latvijas Psihologu apvienības ētikas kodekss. 5. Fromm, E. (1993). Psihoanaliz i etika. Moskva. (Krievu val.) 6. Psihologija, pedagogika, etika. (1999). Moskva. (Krievu 7. Welfel, E. R. (2002). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole. 8. Abramova G.S. (2000). Prakticheskaja psihologija. Moskva. (Krievu val.)
- additional literature 1. Ētiskie principi, vadlīnijas, padomi. (1989). Zviedrijas psihologu apvienības kongress. 2. Zelenkova, I. L. (1998). Osnovi etiki. Minsk. (Krievu val.) 3. European association of professional psychologists associations. Meta-code of ethics. 4. The American psychological association's ethics code. 5. Abramova G.S., & Judnic J.A. (1998). Psihologija v medicine. Moskva. (Krievu val.) 6. Soronson S. (1996). Revisiting the culture of the school and the problems of change. Teacher's College Press, NY. 7. Young G., & Ferrari P. (Eds.) (1998). Designing mental health services and systems for children and adolscents. Brunner/ Mazel, USA. 8. Chmiel N. (2000). Introduction to work and organizational psychology. Blackwell Publishers. 9. Marans S. (1995). The police - mental health partnership: a community based response to urban violence. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 10. Andris Rubenis. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Zvaigzne ABC.1996. 223lpp
Description of Study Subject Programme Biological principles of psyche and genetics I
Title and category of study subject programme – Biological base of psyche I (Anatomy), mandatory course.
Academic structural unit – Institute of Anatomy and anthropology, Department of Anatomy Manager of study subject programme – R. Žagare, lect.
119 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – To provide students with basic knowledge of structure and functions of internal organs in systematical course of anatomy.
Studiju priekšmeta uzdevumi – To explain basic principles of structure of human body; to teach structure and functional significance of active and passive locomotor system; to teach structure and functions of the system of internal organs; to teach parts of the circulatory system, explaining its functional significance; to develop understanding of regulating role of the endocrine system; to explain basic principles structure and functioning of the nervous system; to teach structure of sensory organs.
Content of study subject – The main tissue groups and their characteristics; the main principles of structure of human body and characteristics of the periods of ontogenesis; active and passive locomotor system; systems of internal organs; circulatory system and endocrine system; nervous system; sensory organs.
Knowledge assessment – written examination.
List of literature: commendatory literature: Anatomija. Metodiskās rekomendācijas FF studentiem. RSU, Rīga, 2003. P. Apinis. Cilvēks. Anatomija, fizioloģija, patoloģijas pamati. 1998. V. Kalbergs. Cilvēka anatomija. 1., 2. daļa. Zvaigzne, Rīga, 1971. additional literature: D. Bērnijs. Cilvēka ķermenis. Mazā enciklopēdija. Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 1995. A. Drīzulis. Anatomija māksliniekiem. Rīga, 2001. A. Drīzulis. Plastiskās anatomijas atlants māksliniekiem. Rīga, 2003. K. Eglīte. Anatomija. Skelets un muskuļi. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2004. A. Ilziņa, A. Krūmiņa, I. Liepa. Bioloģijas rokasgrāmata. Zvaigzne, Rīga, 1989, 235-312. lpp. A. Valtneris. Cilvēka fizioloģija. Zvaigzne ABC, Rīga, 1995. Atlas of Human Anatomy, 1., 2. Vol. Sobotta, 1989. Anatomy as a Basis for Clinical Medicine. E. C. B. Hall-Crags. 1990.
Description of Study Subject Programme Biological principles of psyche and genetics II (Normal Physiology)
Title and category of study subject programme – Biological principles of psyche II (Normal Physiology), mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Normal Physiology
Manager of study subject programme - prof. L. Aberberga -Augškalne
120 Readers involved in study subject programme – L.Aberberga-Augškalne, prof. Normunds Limba, assist. prof., Astrīda Krauja, assist. prof., M.Rumaka, lect., I.Pelne-Bērziņa, assist.
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to give knowledge of functioning of the body and its relation to mind; to apply this knowledge for the further studies.
Task of study programme – to define physiological terms and processes; to dewscribe and analyze processes ocurring in the body and recognize problems related to them.
Content of study subject – Mind and organism as a unit. Physiology – science about functioning of organism. Control systems for functioning of organism. Basic structural elements of organism and systems in organism. General physiology of the cell. Excitable tissue. Neurons, neuroglia, muscles. Neuronal control. Reflexes, reflex arc. Functions of motor and vegetative nervous system. Neurophysiologic basis for instinctive behaviour and emotions. Higher integrative functions of CNS. Body muscle-bone system. Functions of muscles and bones.Functional parts of circulatory system. Pumping function of the heart. Provision of metabolism and energy in organism. Excretory systems of organism. Thermoregulation.
Knowledge assessment – Block of practical manipulations (checking of skills), theoretical block and understanding (discussions, short tests). At the end of the course – accumulated examination.
List of literature: commendatory literature Cilvēka fizioloģija. "Zvaigzne", 1986. 455lpp. L.Aberberga-Augškalne. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem.”Nacion.med.apgāds”, 2002, 215. additional literature Sherwood, L. Human physiology from cells to systems. 1993. 2nd ed.-834p. Fox, S. Human physiology. 1987. 2nd ed. –701p.
Description of Study Subject Programme Biological principles of psyche and genetics III (Biology and genetics)
Title and category of study subject programme – Biology and genetics, free elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Biology and Genetic
Readers involved in study subject programmes – Msc biol., lecturer Agrita Puzuka
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Nursing, Professional higher education study programme for Master’s degree in health care „Arts therapy”, 1st year Master’s degree students.
121 Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – To give the students the basic knowledge of humans as living beeings thus forming an integrative basis for further studies of medicine as well as to develop skills of using this knowledge in medical practice. Task of study programme – to acquire basic knowledge of unity of structure and functions of human body, normal and pathological processes in it, as well as of the role of environment in maintenance of human health; to understand cell as a basic structural and functional unit of living beings and genom as the basis of formation of structure and functions; to understand biological basis of both physiological and pathological processes occurring in the human body; to help students, applying the obtained theoretical knowledge, to solve certain situations that may appear in arts therapist’s practice.
Content of study subject – The subject of medical biology. The subject of human biology. Diversity of the living beings. Humans as typical representatives of eucaryotes. Cell- the basic structural and functional unit of human organism. Evolution of cells. Cell biology. Cellular pathology as a cause of human pathology. The structure of eucaryotic cell. Human beings as objects of genetic research. The basic principles of the inheritance of traits. Mutations. Mutagens. Chromosome aberrations. Chromosome numerical changes.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: commendatory literature Bioloģijas rokasgrāmata (V. Egles red.). R., Zvaigzne ABC, 1996. Nagle E. Plazmātiskā membrāna.-R:AML, 1994.-10 lpp. Misiņa M., Loža V. Ģenētika ar selekcijas pamatiem. R., Zvaigzne, 1991. Madera S. Bioloģija I, II un III daļa. R., 1998. 1110 lpp. Uzdevumi ģenētikā., RSU, 2003. additional literature Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Watson J.D. Molecular biology of the cell. Garland Pub., NY & London, 1989. Cooper G.M. The cell. ASM Press, Sinaer, 1997. Lackie S.M. The dictionary of cell biology. Academic Press Limited, London, 1995. Openheimer S.B., Lefevre G. Introduction to embryonic development. 3rd ed., Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 1989. Price P.W. Biological evolution. Nathern Arizona University,USA, 1996. Raven P.H., Johnson G.B. Biology. 3rd ed., Mosby year book, 1992. Zalcmane V., Groma V. Šūnas ultrastruktūra. RSU, 2004.
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological research and evaluation
Title and category of study subject programme Psychological research and evaluation , mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology, Manager of study subject program - Mg. Psych. Aelita Arnicāne
122 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 10CP
Aim of study subject – Develop students’ awareness of theoretical approaches of psychological research and practical application methods as well as their choice according to age and demand.
Task of study programme – To improve students skills to choice well-becoming to their ages and demands psychological investigation methods, to record, to work on and to interpreter results.
Content of study subject – Subject of psychological research as theoretical and practical branch of science, its goals and objectives. History of psychological research. Psychical disclosure research problems. Ethical aspects in psychological research, analyses and interpretation. Basic principles of qualitative and quantitative analyses. Method types and their classification. Tests, questionnaires, projective methods, psychophysiological methods, observations, interviews. Basic requirements in psychological research procedures, research conditions and methods (psychometric criteria – validity, veracity, standardization). Individual and group psychological research. Characterizing quantities of psychological processes and research methodology. Perception, memory, thinking, speech, attention and intellectual study. Personality study – theoretical basic principles and practical methods. Choice of psychological research methods and individualities regarding age. Forming methodology, its compliance with age. Collecting information, taking down the minutes, writing research description.
Knowledge assessment – Examination. (Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -50%.
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. Anastazi A. & Ubrina S.(2002) Psihologičeskoje testirovaņije, Sankt-Peterburg. 2. Sattler J. M. (1998). Assessment of children. NewYork:Harcort Brace Jovanovich. 3. Agadžanjana,K., Belkova,T., Kozlova,L.,& Lace,G.(2003) Bērnu un jauniešu personības aptauju adaptācijas un standartizācija. Rīga, SIA "N.I.M.S." 4. Domino, G. (2000). Psychological Testing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 5. Noss, I. N. (2000) Psihodiagnostika. Test, psihometria, eksperiment. Moskva: "KCP+" 6. Бурлачук Л.Р., Морозов С.М. Словарь-справочник по психологической диагностике. Санкт Петербург: Питер, 1999.
additional literature 1. Kulikov L.(2001) Psihologičeskoje issļedovaņije. Sankt-Peterburg. 2. Vengens A., Cukermane G. (1994). Jaunākā skolas vecuma bērnu individuālā apsekošanas shēma. Rīga. 3. Personality Assessment 4. Psychological Assessment 5. Psychological Methods
123 Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological research and evaluation in practice
Title and category of study subject programme Psychological research and evaluation in practice, mandatory Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology, Manager of study subject program - Dr. psych. Sandra Mihailova
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3.st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 10CP
Aim of study subject – Identify individually psychological peculiarities of a person, research, processing results, analyses and interpretation. Develop students’ skills in applying theoretical approaches in performing practical research, according to age and demand. To train how to make use of this knowledge.
Task of study programme – To improve students skills to choice well-becoming to their ages and demands psychological investigation methods, to record, to work on and to interpreter results.
Content of study subject – Psychological research subject as practical scientific discipline, its goals and objectives. Application of ethical aspects in psychological research. Tests, questionnaires, projective methods, observation, interviews and their practical application. Using basic requirements in procedures of psychological research, research conditions and methods. Individual and group psychological study. Characterizing quantities of psychological processes and research methodology. Perception, memory, thinking, speech, attention and intellectual study. Personality study – theoretical basic principles and practical methods. Choice of psychological research methods and individualities regarding age. Forming methodology, its compliance with age. Collecting information, taking down the minutes, writing research description.
Knowledge assessment – practise work presentation
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. Anastazi A. & Ubrina S.(2002) Psihologičeskoje testirovaņije, Sankt-Peterburg. 2. Sattler J. M. (1998). Assessment of children. NewYork:Harcort Brace Jovanovich. 3. Agadžanjana,K., Belkova,T., Kozlova,L.,& Lace,G.(2003) Bērnu un jauniešu personības aptauju adaptācijas un standartizācija. Rīga, SIA "N.I.M.S." additional literature 1. Kulikov L.(2001) Psihologičeskoje issļedovaņije. Sankt-Peterburg. 2. Vengens A., Cukermane G. (1994). Jaunākā skolas vecuma bērnu individuālā apsekošanas shēma. Rīga. 3. Personality Assessment 4. Psychological Assessment 5. Psychological Methods
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological counselling
124 Title and category of study subject programme – Psychological counselling, mandatory course. Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject programme - As. prof.,Dr.psych., S Mihailova, Mg.psych. I.Majore- Dūšele Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 6 CP.
Aim of study subject – to provide students with knowledge of principles in developing of therapeutic relationship with a patient/client and their specifics in different directions of psychotherapy and approaches to counselling.
Task of study programme – to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in development of therapeutic relationship with a patient/client, to develop understanding of significant directions in psychotherapy and psychologic counselling, to develop understanding of ethical aspects in therapeutic relations.
Content of study subject - Psychotherapy and psychologic counselling – the common and different. Overwiev on different types of psychotherapy, their aims, methods: psychoanalytical, cognitive-behavioural, existencial, humanistic theories. Therapeutic factors in therapeutic relationship with a patient, their classification. Chierarchy of microskills. Cognitive-behavioural, support arts therapy techniques. Real relationship, therapeutic aliance, transference, contrtransference. Contribution of modern affectation theory. Counselling period, its tasks; assessment visits, psychodynamic formulation; crisis intervention, basic principles of supportive therapy, relaxation methods. Current ethical aspects in therapeutic relationship with a client/patient.
Knowledge assessment - active participation in seminars, group discussions, examination.
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. Artūrs Utināns. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds. 2005. 568 lpp. Juhans Kulbergs. Dinamiskā psihiatrija. Teorijā un praksē. Jumava. 2001.494. lpp. 2. Malans D.H. Individuālā psihoterapija un psihodinamikas zinātne.-R.: RaKa, 1997 3. Daniels Goulmens. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Jumava. 2001.461.lpp. 4. Džons Boulbijs. Drošais pamats. Rasa, ABC.1998 J.Kovel. A complete guide to therapy. From psychoanalysis to Behaviour modification. Penguin Books. 1991.pp. 369 5. Allen E.Ivey., Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development. – Brooks/Cole, 1988. 6. Коттлер Дж., Браун Р. Психотерапевтическое консультирование – СПб Питер, 2001. 7. Кочюнас Р. Основы психологического консультирования.-М.: Академический проект, 1999 additional literature 1. Keisments P. Psihoterapeits un viņa pacients.-R: RaKa, 2003
125 2. Kahn M. Between therapist and client: the new relationship. New York. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1991 3. V.Karkou, P.Sanderson, Arts Therapies: a Research Based Map of the Field, Elsevier, 2006. 4. Neukrug E.S., Schwitzer A.M. "Skills and Tools for Today's Counselors and Psychotherapists-From Natural Helping to Professional Counceling" (with DVD) - Wadsworth Publishing, 2006 g. 5. Sharf Richard S."Theories of Psychotherapy and Counceling- Concepts and Cases" (with Info Trac), 2004 g. 6. Todd I. "Foundations of Clinical and Counceling Psychology."- Waveland Press, Inc., 2003 g. 7. Абрамова Г. «Психологическое консультирование» (теория и опыт).-М, 2004. 8. Василюк Ф. «Психотехника переживания».- М., 2003. 9. Джорнс Р., Кристиане Т. «Консультирование:теория и практика».- М., 2002. 10. Кочюнас Р. «Психологическое консультирование и групповая психотерапия».- М., 2004. 11. Меновщиков В. «Психологическое консультирование».- М., 2004. 12. Петрушин В. «Мастерская психологического консультирования».- М., 2003. 13. «Роджерс и его последователи», под ред. Брезнера.- М., 2005. 14. Гулина М. Терапевтическая и консультативная психология. – СПб., 2003. 15. Кокоренко С. Арт – технологии в подготовке специалистов помогающих профессий. – СПб., 2005. 16. Колесникова Г. Психологическое консультирование. – М., 2004. 17. Лазарус А. Краткосрочная мультимодальная психотерапия. – СПб., 2001. 18. Лебедева Л. Практика Арт – терапии. – СПб., 2003. 19. Люборски Л. Принципы психотерапевтической психотерапии. – М., 2003. 20. Мейер В., Чессер Э. Методы поведенческой психотерапии. – Спб., 2003. 21. Роджерс К. Искусство консультирования и терапии. – М., 2002. 22. Ялом И. Экзистенциальная психотерапия. – М., 2003. http :// www . psych - central . com /
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological counselling in practise
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychological counselling in practise , mandatory course. Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject programme – Dr.psych. Sandra Mihailova
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 6 CP.
Aim of study subject – to provide students with knowledge of principles in developing of therapeutic relationship with a patient/client and their specifics in different directions of psychotherapy and approaches to counselling.
Task of study programme – to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in development of therapeutic relationship with a patient/client, to develop understanding of significant
126 directions in psychotherapy and psychologic counselling, to develop understanding of ethical aspects in therapeutic relations.
Content of study subject - Psychotherapy and psychologic counselling – the common and different. Overwiev on different types of psychotherapy, their aims, methods: psychoanalytical, cognitive-behavioural, existencial, humanistic theories. Therapeutic factors in therapeutic relationship with a patient, their classification. Chierarchy of microskills. Cognitive-behavioural, support arts therapy techniques. Real relationship, therapeutic aliance, transference, contrtransference. Contribution of modern affectation theory. Counselling period, its tasks; assessment visits, psychodynamic formulation; crisis intervention, basic principles of supportive therapy, relaxation methods. Current ethical aspects in therapeutic relationship with a client/patient.
Knowledge assessment - practise work presentation
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. Ivey, A. E. (1994). Intentional interviewing and counselling. New York: Brooks/Cole. 2. Ivey, A. E. (2002). Intentional interviewing and counselling: Facilitating client development in a multicultural society. New York: Brooks/ Cole. 3. Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (Eds.) (2000). Handbook of counselling psychology (3rd edition). New York: Wiley. 4. Nelson-Jones R. The Theory and Practice of Counselling. – London: Cassell, 2000. 5. Алешина Ю. Индивидуальное и семейное психологическое консультирование. – М., 1999. 6. Лестер Тобиас. Психологическое консультирование и менеджмент. – Москва, 1999. 7. Artūrs Utināns. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds. 2005. 568 lpp. Juhans Kulbergs. Dinamiskā psihiatrija. Teorijā un praksē. Jumava. 2001.494. lpp. 8. Malans D.H. Individuālā psihoterapija un psihodinamikas zinātne.-R.: RaKa, 1997 9. Daniels Goulmens. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Jumava. 2001.461.lpp. 10. J.Kovel. A complete guide to therapy. From psychoanalysis to Behaviour modification. Penguin Books. 1991.pp. 369 11. Allen E.Ivey., Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development. – Brooks/Cole, 1988. 12. Коттлер Дж., Браун Р. Психотерапевтическое консультирование – СПб Питер, 2001. 13. Кочюнас Р. Основы психологического консультирования.-М.: Академический проект, 1999
additional literature 1. Keisments P. Psihoterapeits un viņa pacients.-R: RaKa, 2003 2. Kahn M. Between therapist and client: the new relationship. New York. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1991 3. .Howe, D. (1993.) On being a client: Understanding the process of counselling and psychotherapy. London: Sage. 1. James F.T. Bugental, Ph.D. The art of the pcvchoterapist. W.W. Norton&Companv New York, London, 1997. 2. Jeffrey A. Kottler, Robert W.brown. Introducion to Therapentic Counseling. Wardsworth, 2000.
127 3. Jeffrev A. Kottler The Compleat Therapist Compassionate Therapv, Working with difficult clients. San Francisco by Jossey - Bass Inc, 1991. 4. Алан Е. АЙВИ, М. Б. АЙВИ, Л. Саймэн - Даунин. Психологическое консультирование и психотерапия: методы, теории, техники. М. 1999. 5. А.М. Айламазян. Метод беседы в психологии. М. 1999. 6. James F.T. Bugental, Ph.D. The art of the pcvchoterapist. W.W. Norton&Companv New York, London, 1997. 7. Jeffrey A. Kottler, Robert W.brown. Introducion to Therapentic Counseling. Wardsworth, 2000. 8. Jeffrev A. Kottler The Compleat Therapist Compassionate Therapv, Working with difficult clients. San Francisco by Jossey - Bass Inc, 1991. 9. Алан Е. АЙВИ, М. Б. АЙВИ, Л. Саймэн - Даунин. Психологическое консультирование и психотерапия: методы, теории, техники. М. 1999. 10. А.М. Айламазян. Метод беседы в психологии. М. 1999. 11. Purkey W.W. Schmidt J.J. Invitational Counseling: A Self-Concept Approach to Professional Practice. – Wadsworth Pub. Co., 2000. 12. Роджерс К. Взгляд на психотерапию. Становление человека. - М., 2001 13. Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. Handbook of counselling psychology (3rd edition). New York: Wiley, 2000. 14. Corey G. "Theory and Practice of Counceling and Psychotherapy." (with Web Site, Chapter Quiz Booklet, and Info Trac)- Wadsworth Publishing, 2005 g. 15. Hadding Samuel T. "The Counseling dictionary", concise definition of frequently Used terms.-N.J., 2005 g. 16. Neukrug E.S., Schwitzer A.M. "Skills and Tools for Today's Counselors and Psychotherapists-From Natural Helping to Professional Counceling" (with DVD) - Wadsworth Publishing, 2006 g. 17. Sharf Richard S."Theories of Psychotherapy and Counceling- Concepts and Cases" (with Info Trac), 2004 g. 18. Todd I. "Foundations of Clinical and Counceling Psychology."- Waveland Press, Inc., 2003 g. 19. Абрамова Г. «Психологическое консультирование» (теория и опыт).-М, 2004. 20. Василюк Ф. «Психотехника переживания».- М., 2003. 21. Джорнс Р., Кристиане Т. «Консультирование:теория и практика».- М., 2002. 22. Кочюнас Р. «Психологическое консультирование и групповая психотерапия».- М., 2004. 23. Меновщиков В. «Психологическое консультирование».- М., 2004. 24. Петрушин В. «Мастерская психологического консультирования».- М., 2003. 25. «Роджерс и его последователи», под ред. Брезнера.- М., 2005. 26. Гулина М. Терапевтическая и консультативная психология. – СПб., 2003. 27. Кокоренко С. Арт – технологии в подготовке специалистов помогающих профессий. – СПб., 2005. 28. Колесникова Г. Психологическое консультирование. – М., 2004. 29. Лазарус А. Краткосрочная мультимодальная психотерапия. – СПб., 2001. 30. Лебедева Л. Практика Арт – терапии. – СПб., 2003. 31. Люборски Л. Принципы психотерапевтической психотерапии. – М., 2003. 32. Мейер В., Чессер Э. Методы поведенческой психотерапии. – Спб., 2003. 33. Роджерс К. Искусство консультирования и терапии. – М., 2002. 34. Ялом И. Экзистенциальная психотерапия. – М., 2003. 35. http :// www . psych - central . com /
128 Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological correction and rehabilitation
Title and category of study subject programme Psychological correction and rehabilitation, mandatory
Structural unit involved in academic work -Department of sociology and psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg. psych. , Mg.med., Mg.paed. Anda Upmane
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4 th year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – give information on the process of psychological correction, social and physical rehabilitation as well as methods and approaches.
Task of study programme – introduce students with the possibilities of psychological correction, rehabilitation and psychological help for children and adults in the context of different problems in various backgrounds and places.
Content of study subject – Psychological help to children of correction possibility, adolescents and the young people with behavioural disorders and/or emotional disorders. Possibilities of psychological help for adults with personality disorders. Rehabilitation process for the addicts. Help for the families with mentally ill members. Rehabilitation after physical traumas and disability. Process of psychological rehabilitation and possibilities for the unemployed. Help in critical situations after physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Psychosocial aspects of physical rehabilitation.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%).
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Kauffman,J.M.&Hallahan,D.P.(2005).Special education: what it is and why we need it. Boston:Pearson Education, Inc. 2. Choate,J.S.(2004).Successful inclusive teaching: proven weys to detect and correct special needs. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 3. Cowie,H.,Boardman,C.,Dawkins,J.&Dawn.,J.(2004).Emotional Health and Well-Being: A Practical Guide for Schools. London, Thousand Oaks: Paul Chapman Publishing, ASAGE Publications Company. 4. Osipova, A.A. (2000). Vvedenie v teoriju psihokorekcii. Moskva. - additional literature 1. Gerald, G.Y., & Ferrari, P. (Eds.) (1998.) Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents. USA, Brunner/Mazel. 2. Abramova, G.S. (2001). Prakticheskaja psihologija 3. Journal of Rehabilitation 4. Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders 5. Journal of Leaning Disabilities 6. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
129 Description of Study Subject Programme Psychological correction and rehabilitation in practise
Title and category of study subject programme Psychological correction and rehabilitation II, mandatory Structural unit involved in academic work -Department of sociology and psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg. psych., Mg.med., Mg.paed. Anda Upmane
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3 ed year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 6 CP
Aim of study subject – give information on the process of psychological correction, social and physical rehabilitation as well as methods and approaches.
Task of study programme – introduce students with the possibilities of psychological correction, rehabilitation and psychological help for children and adults in the context of different problems in various backgrounds and places.
Content of study subject – Psychosocial aspects of physical rehabilitation. Psychological help to children of correction possibility, adolescents and the young people with behavioural disorders and/or emotional disorders. Possibilities of psychological help for adults with personality disorders. Rehabilitation process for the addicts. Help for the families with mentally ill members. Rehabilitation after physical traumas and disability. Process of psychological rehabilitation and possibilities for the unemployed. Help in critical situations after physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%).
List of literature: - commendatory literature 5. Kauffman,J.M.&Hallahan,D.P.(2005).Special education: what it is and why we need it. Boston:Pearson Education, Inc. 6. Choate,J.S.(2004).Successful inclusive teaching: proven weys to detect and correct special needs. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 7. Cowie,H.,Boardman,C.,Dawkins,J.&Dawn.,J.(2004).Emotional Health and Well-Being: A Practical Guide for Schools. London, Thousand Oaks: Paul Chapman Publishing, ASAGE Publications Company. 8. Osipova, A.A. (2000). Vvedenie v teoriju psihokorekcii. Moskva.
- additional literature 1. Gerald, G.Y., & Ferrari, P. (Eds.) (1998.) Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents. USA, Brunner/Mazel. 2. Abramova, G.S. (2001). Prakticheskaja psihologija Press review Journal of Rehabilitation
130 Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders Journal of Leaning Disabilities Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Description of Study Subject Programme Intellect and creativity psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychology of creativity and intellect, free elective course Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject programme - Mg. Psych. Marija Vāciete
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to impart knowledge about psychology of intellect and creativity and methods of development creativity,
Task of study programme - to introduce students of important theories of intellect and creativity, its research methods; regard a matter about development factors of intellect and creativity; to encourage development of a student as a creative personality, to develop understanding of role of art in person’s life and its psychological aspects.
Content of study subject - Person potential. Intellect, creativity, creative abilities and competence, aptitude, talant, genius. Capacities and capabilities and factors making its develop. Intellect and it kind. Theories of intellect. Intellect differences between sex, personality, age, etnos, social-demography aspects. Creative capabilities. Interpretation of Creativity fenomen in different theoretical conception. Creative personality. Creativity differences between different sex, personality, age, etnos, social-demography aspects. Development possibilities of creative personality in Latvia. Aptitude. Theories of aptitude. Kind of aptitude. Aptitude indication, specific and characters. Facts and legend about person with inique talant. Development factors of aptitude. Aptitude as problem. Aptitude diagnostic. Talant. Genius. Genius and illness, patalogic cases. Element of creativities practicies.
Knowledge assessment - participation in classes, group work in psychology of creation and finally present their work, write an essay which altogether comprises examination evaluation. aktīva dalība semināros – 20%, sistemātiska, patstāvīga teorētiskās literatūras apguve – 20%, patstāvīgi izstrādāto darbu prezentācija -20%, rakstisks eksāmens – 50%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Brody, N. (1992). Intelligence. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 2. Handbook of Creativity. (1999). In P. Sternberg (Ed). Cambridge: University Press. 3. Handbook of gifted education. (1997). In N. Colangelo, G. A. Davis (Eds.). Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon. 4. International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent. (2002). Edited by Heller K.A., Sternberg R.J., Subotnik R.F. Pergamon.
131 5. Pope Rob (2000).Creativity. Routledge. 6. Radoša personība: zinātn. Rakstu krājumi (2000-2004). – R.: Vārti. 7. Sternberg, R.J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press. 8. Богоявленская, Д.В. (2002). Психология творческих способностей. М.: Академия. 9. Дружинин В.Н. (1999) Психология общих способностей. – СПб. 10. Матюшкин, А.М. (под ред.). (2004). Одаренность и возраст. М.: Издательство Московского психолого–социального института. 11. Холодная, М.А. (2002). Психология интеллекта. Парадоксы исследования. СПб.: Питер. - additional literature 1. Arnheim R. Visual Thinking. – Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1997. 2. Bīne J. Krāsu saskaņas mācība līdz apcerei par glezniecības sakaru ar mūziku, dzeju un tēlniecību. – Rīga: Zemnieka domas, 1936. 3. Dauge A. Kultūra un māksla. – Rīga: Valters un Rapa, 1927. 4. Dāle P. Gara problēmas. – Rīga: Valters un Rapa, 1939. 5. Hibnere V. Bērna vizuālā darbība. – Rīga: RaKa, 1998. 6. Oinonen P. Hypermedia – Art on the Way to Integration. // INSEA. Power of Images. – Helsinki; 1992. 7. Perkins D.N. The Intelligent Eye: Learning to Think by Looking at Art. – California, Santa Monica: The Getty Center for Education in the Arts,1994. 8. Арнхейм Р.Новые очерки по психологии искуства. – Москва: Прометей, 1994. 9. Выготский Л.С. Психология исуства. – Москва: Педагогика, 1986. 10. Неменкий Б. Мудрость красоты. – Москва, 1987. 11. Gross, M. U. (2004). Exceptionally gifted children. New York: Routledge. 12. Sternberg, R.J. (1997). Successful intelligence. New York: Plume. 13. Лейтес, Н.С. (под ред.). (2000). Психология одаренности детей и подростков. М.: Академия. 14. Ломброзо, Ч. (1998) Гениальность и помешательство. – Симферополь. 15. Лосева, А. (2004). Психологическая диагностика одаренности. М.: Трикста. 16. Одаренные дети. (1991). (под ред. Бурменской Г.В., Слуцкого В.С.). - М. Press review Creativity Research Journal Intelligence Journal of Creative Behavior
Description of Study Subject Programme Differential psychology
Title and category of study subject programme - Differential psychology, mandatory Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject program – Mg.psych. Aelita Arnicāne
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2 nd year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
132 Aim of study subject – To ensure students’ theoretical knowledge in differential psychology, to develop students’ skills to analyze, to evaluate regularities of individual differences, research directions and methods as well as to develop skills to carry out a psychological research and present its results
Task of study programme – To lecturer and give seminar about following themes; To do practical research about psychological differences among separate groups
Content of study subject – The subject of differential psychology, history, tasks, methods. Universal dichotomies within the framework of differential psychology. Theoretical basis of individuality formation, hierarchic levels, components and their analysis. The importance of human biological origin and interaction of the social environment in the formation process of individual differences – phylogenetic and ontogenetic determinances.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -50%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature Iļjin, E.P. (2002) Diferencialjnaja psihofiziologija mužčini i ženščini. S-Pb.:Piter 2. Cole, M. (1997) Cultural Psychology: A once and future discipline. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap; Trew, K., Kremer, J. (Ed.) (1998) Gender and psychology. Arnold university Press. Bee, H.L. (1998) Lifespan development. 2 nd ed. New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Libin, A..V.(1999) Diferencialjnaja psihologija: na peresečeņija eiropeijskih, rosijskih i amerikanskih tradicij. Moskva: Smisl Анастази А. (2001) Дифференциальная психология. Индивидуальные и групповые различия в поведении. М.: Апрель Пресс, ЭКСМО-Пресс. Ильин Е.П. (2004). Психология индивидуальных различий. СПб.: Питер.
o additional literature 1. Ribalko, E.F. (2001) Vozrastnaja i diferencialjnaja psihologija. S-Pb.: Piter. 2. London, H., Exner, I.E. (1978) Dimensions of personality. New York: John Willey & Sons. 3. Burn,Sh. (1996) The Social Psychology of Gender. New York: Mcgraw Hill Inc. Journal of Individual Differences
Description of Study Subject Programme Neuropsychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Neuropsychology, obl. Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg.paed. Kristiana Lapiņa
133 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bachelor’s degree students Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – neuropsichology provide basic knowledge about the brain's role in implementing the higher mental functions and their relationship to human behavior, mental function at certain brain areas from damage. Task of study programme – Raise awareness on the human mental and neurological operating bases, with mental and neurological mechanisms of self-regulation; Presenting the mental function assessment and rehabilitation principles, in order to understand the brain areas of individual commitment to the individual's mental processes and their development.
Content of study subject 1. Neuropsychology, and industry development zones. 2. Central nervous system, a brief anatomical overview. 3. Brain development, maturation. 4. Mental function of containment theory. 5. Brain hemispheres functional asymmetry. 6. Occipital lobe, visual perception. 7. Temporal lobe and auditory perception. 8. Somatosensory perception. The spatial perception. 9. Frontal lobe, the mental process of regulation. Thinking. Memory and its disorders. 10. Speeches process. Aphasia. Speech disorder diagnosis and rehabilitation. 11. Emotions. 12. Criminal brain. 13. The analysis of life-consequences of brain injury or disease. 14. The highest mental functions the basic principles of rehabilitation. 15. Investigative techniques clinic. 16. Neuropsychological diagnostic framework. 17. Neuropsychological tests. Biological and behavioral aspects. 18. Principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation
Knowledge assessment – active participation in seminars - 20%, systematic, autonomous in the theoretical literature learning - 20%, independently developed work presentation -20%, written examination - 50%, and successful assessment of the course (five balls and more)
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Homska, E. D.(2003). Neiropsihologija. Piter, Moskva, Sankt-Peterburg. 2. Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. Q., (1996). Fundamentals of Human Psychology. NewYork:W.H.Freemanan&Company. 3. Artūrs Utināns. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds. 2005. 568 lpp. 4.Juhans Kulbergs. Dinamiskā psihiatrija. Jumava . 2001, 493.lpp - additional literature o Bradshaw, J.L., & Mattingley, J.B., (1995). Clinical Neuropsychology. Academy Press. San Diego, (4., 5.nod.). o Apinis, P. (1998). Cilvēks: anatomija, fizioloģija un patoloģijas pamati. Rīga: "Zvaigzne ABC". o Goldberg, E. (2003). Upravļajuščij mozg. (Vadošās smadzenes). Maskava, Smisl (6., 7. nod).
134 o Borns L.E., Ruso N.F. Psiholoģija. I; II daļas, RAKA, 2000-2001. o Aldersons J. Cilvēka anatomijas, fizioloģijas un higiēnas skaidrojošā vārdnīca, Zvaigzne ABC, 2000. o Madera S.S. Bioloģija, Zvaigzne, 2001. o Apinis P. Cilvēks. Medicīnas grāmatu apgāds, 2000. o Valtneris A. Cilvēks fizioloģija., Zvaigzne ABC, 1995. o Guyton A.C. Human physiology and mechanisms of disease. 6th ed. Philadelphia. Sounders comp. 1997, 737 p. o Guyton A.C., Hall J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Saunders Company (9. th ed.) 1996. o Tortora G.J. Anagnostakos R. 5th ed. Principles of anatomy and physiology. NY. Harper&Row, 1987, 764p. o Windows on the Brain. Ed by Zappulla. Ann NY academy of Sciences Vol 620; 1991; p 253. o Шульговский В. Основы нейрофизиологии. Москва.Аспект.пресс.2000.с276. o Лурия А.Р. Высшие корковые функции человека и их нарушения при локальных поражениях мозга. Москва.Акад.проект.2003, 505 с. o Гофруа Ж. Что такое психология, 1 и 2 часть. . Москва. Мыр. 1992. o Данилова Н.Н. Крылова. Физиология высшей нервной деяельности. Изд. Моcковского университета. 1989. o Блум. Ф. Лейзерсон А. Хофстудтер Ф. Мозг, разум и поведение. Москва. Мыр.1988. o Нураев Т.В., Алейникова Т.В., Думбой В.Н., Фельдмфн Г.Л. Физиология центральной нервной системы. Ростов на Дону. 2000. o Хомская Е., Ефимова И., Будыка Е., Ениколопова Е. Нейропсихология индивидуальных различий. Российское педагогическое агенство. 1998. o Andrew W. Ellis and Andrew W. Yang. Human cognitive neuropsychology. A Textbook with Readings. Psychology Press.(1996) o Psychological Review, (1999). Vol. 106, No. 3 o European Psychologist, (2001). Vol. 6, No. 3Rehabilitation Psychology, (2002). Vol. 47, No.3. Additional periodics 1. Journal of neuropsychology 2. Journal of clinical neuropsychology 3. www.brainsource.com 4. www.psycnet.com Internet resource www.neurology-info.net/ www.kartleby.com http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler www.aventispharmaindia.com http://gened.em.c.maricopa.edu/bio/bio/181
Description of Study Subject Programme Contemporary psychosomatic medicine
Title and category of study subject programme – Contemporary psychosomatic medicine, mandatory course Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Manager of study subject programme – Gunta Ancāne, Dr.med., assoc.prof.
135 Readers involved in study subject programme – assistant professors dr.Monta Vasiļevska, dr.Andis Užāns
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points (CP) – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to give the knowledge of interaction between the somatic and psychic processes and the role of psychic health in the maintenance of somatic and psychic health and in the prevention of diseases and disturbances.
Task of study programme – to provide students with knowledge of 1)interaction between psychic and somatic processes; 2) general psychosomatic medicine; 3) special psychosomatic medicine; 4) psychosomatic (dysfunctional) family as the system, producing psychosomatic disturbances and diseases.
Content of study subject – emotions, their classifications, role in the processes of the somatisation; biopsychosocial model in the medicine; the main psychosomatic concepts and theories; psychosomatic disturbances and diseases; burn out, placebo, the issues of the ethics.
Knowledge assessment – group discussions, examination.
List of literature: Artūrs Utināns. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds. 2005. 568 lpp. H.I.Kaplan, B.J.Sadock. Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry/YII. In Vol 2. 2001. pp 2804. Thurev.Uexkull.Psychosomatische Medizin.5.aufl.-Munchen, Wien,Baltimor: Urban und Schwarzenberg,1996 Jores praktische psychosomatik. Einfurung in die psychosomatische und psychotherapeutische medizin. Bern,Gottingen,Toronto,Seatle, Verlag Hans Huber.1996 Juhans Kulbergs. Dinamiskā psihiatrija. Teorijā un praksē. Jumava. 2001.494. lpp Lyle E.Bourne, Jr., Nancy Felipe Russo (1998) Psychology. Behaviors in Context, W.W. Norton; B.Luban-Plozza, W.Poldinger, F.Kroger (1992) Psychosomatic Disorders in General Practice, Springler-Verlag; Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence. Bloomsbury. 1995. Džons Boulbijs. Drošais pamats. Rasa, ABC.1998 J.Kovel. A complete guide to therapy. From psychoanalysis to Behaviour modification. Penguin Books. 1991.pp.369. D.Brown, J.Pedder. Introduction to psychotherapy. Routledge.1993. pp. 238 Andris Rubenis. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Zvaigzne ABC.1996. 223lpp
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychiatry and psychopharmacology
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychiatry and psychopharmacology, mandatory course
Structural unit involved in academic work –Department of psychiatry and Narcology
Manager of study subject programme - assoc. prof. B.Kupča
Readers involved in study subject programme - prof. R.Andrēziņa, assoc.prof. E.Rancāns, assoc. prof. B.Kupča
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points - 4 CP
Aim of study subject - The study course will give students basic knowledge of mental health, with the special focus on psychology and pharmacotherapy.
Task of study programme –To provide students with knowledge of clinics of mental diseases and treatment possibilities. To acquaint with the system of care for mentally ill persons. To obtain skills in recognizing the most common mental disturbances and correspondingly communicate with patients.
Content of study subject - Mental health notion. Etiology of mental disorders. Mental health care system in Latvia. Main clinical symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders. Classification of mental disorders according to ICD-10. Schizophrenia and delusional disorders. Clinical sings symptoms. Pharmacological treatments. Psychosocial care. Mood disorders. Bipolar affective disorders, recurrent depressive disorders. Pharmacological and other treatment possibilities suicide prevention. Neurotic and stress related disorders. Somatoform disorders. Clinical signs, course. Treatment. Disorders of adult’s personality and behaviour. Behavioural syndromes associated with psychological disturbances and physical factors. Clinical signs, course. Specifics of treatment and care. Mental retardation. Symptoms, course. Diagnostic possibilities. Rehabilitation.Disorders due to psychoactive substance use. Pharmacological and psychosocial care. Preventive activities.Organic mental disorders – clinical sings. Treatment possibilities. Psychosocial care.Mental disorders and creative work.
Knowledge assessment: Examination
List of literature: Anthony W., Cohen M., Farkas M. Psihiatriskā rehabilitācija. Tallinn, 1998. Page Nr. 362. Eglītis I. Vispārīgā psihopatoloģija. Riga: Zvaigzne. 1986. Eglītis I. Psihiatrija. Riga: Zvaigzne. 1989. Kaplan H. J., M.D., Sadock B. J. ,M.D. Comprehensive textbook of Psychiatry. Volume one. Fifth edition. Baltimore. Hong Kong. London, Sydney. 2000. Vetterbergs L. Psihiatrija. 1997. Page Nr. 71
Description of Study Subject Programme First aid
Title and category of study subject programme – First aid, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Academic School of Nursing
137 Manager of study subject programme – Mg.psych. Kristaps Circenis
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) –Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1.st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – ability to assess client’s health status and client’s need for emergency aid, ability to render a client first aid in health or life threatening situation, to be able, corresponding to the situation, to activise emergency care system in a stationary and outside it.
Task of study programme – to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in assessment of client’s health status, need for emergency care, in rendering of first aid to the client in health and life threatening situation, in activisation of the system of emergency care.
Content of study subject – First aid, its content and regulating documents. General principles of first aid. Assessment of client’s health status according to the defined scheme. Evaluation of client’s need for medical aid. Types of accidents, principles of first aid. Assessment of client’s status and first aid in case of trauma, acute poisoning, acute illnesses and in case of deterioration of chronic diseases. First aid in psychiatry. First aid in extraordinary situations. Difference between assessment of client’s health status and first aid in a stationary and outside it. Assessment and first aid to unconscious patient. BLS and ABC algorhythm.Artificial pulmonary ventilation. Indirect cardiac massage. Equipment used in first aid (gloves, masks, gauze bandages, etc.)
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: commendatory literature Pirmā palīdzība (no angļu val. tulkojis M. Baltiņš). Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2003 Pirmā palīdzība (no angļu val. tulkojusi A. Kalēja). Rīga: Jumava, 2002 Pirmā palīdzība praksē (no angļu val. tulkojusi K. Salte). Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1997 additional literature First aid pocket guide / The American National Red Cross. Portland, Oregon: American Red Cross, 1994 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus http://www.medicinenet.com
Description of Study Subject Programme Health care and medical rehabilitation
Title and category of study subject programme – Health care and medical rehabilitation, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Rehabilitation
Manager of study subject programme - Jānis Zaļkalns , prof., Dr.med.
138 Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to provide students with basic knowledge of health, reasons of origin of diseases, manifestations, possibilities for correction maintaining quality of life.
Task of study programme – to study analytically development of pathologic processes, changes in different organs and organ systems, to work out rational modern techniques for full social re- integration in society.
Content of study subject – nature of diseases, etiology and pathogenesis of diseases. Process of a disease. Prevention and dynamic observation. Methods of patient examination. Laboratory investigations. Functional data. Implementation of the conception of complex treatment in individual cases. Diet. Pharmacotherapy. Arts therapy in rehabilitation medicine. Objectives and tasks of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation team. Functional abilities, their assessment. Disturbances of CNS resulting from different diseases. Relation of imagination to cognitive abilities, movement control. Types of arts therapies and tasks in rehabilitation. Arts therapy with patients having movement, cognitive, vision and hearing disturbances..
Knowledge assessment - practical works; examination.
List of literature: - commendatory literature P.Apinis. Cilvēks. Anatomija, fizioloģija, patoloģijas pamati.2002. I.Lazovskis. Klīniskie simptomi un sindromi. 2004. A.Ward., M.Barness. Rehabilitation medicine. 1997. DeLisa. Rehabilitation medicine. 1999. Murray E.Brandstater. Stroke rehabilitation. 1987. - additional literature practice-focussed scientific periodicals in medicine and rehabilitation.
Description of Study Subject Programme Organisation of Health Care
Title and category of study subject programme – Organisation of Health Care, mandatory Structural unit involved in academic work - Māszinības fakultāte
Manager of study subject program - Lect., Mg. paed., māszinības grāds, K.Circenis Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – to introduce students with organization of health-care system
Task of study programme –
139 To give understanding for princips of health-care organization; to give understanding for functions of health-care institution, pacient droit and duty; to give understanding functions of treatment persons; to give understanding in low and normative acts, what belong on health-care.
Content of study subject – Functions of health-care institution. Personal and pacient droit and duty. Health-care utility. International classification of illness. Health-care system in Latvia. Profession standarts of health-care personal. Prevention and society health. Knowledge assessment – exam
List of literature: - commendatory literature o LEMON Mācību materiāli māsām. World Health Organization, 1996. o ”Medicīniskās aprūpes rokasgrāmata” Jumava, 2001. o Šiliņa M., Dāboliņa D. Ievads aprūpē. 1998.
- additional literature Baltiņš M. 2000. Starptautisko klasifikāciju tulkojumi un latviešu terminoloģijas izveides problēmas: starptautiskās slimību klasifikācijas (SSK-10) piemērs. Grām.: Valoda zinātnē un izglītībā. R., 22.-28. lpp.
Description of Study Subject Programme Health care system and deontology
Title and category of study subject programme – Health care system and deontology, mandatory course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Rehabilitation
Manager of study subject programme - Aivars Vētra , prof., Dr.med.
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to provide students with basic knowledge of health, medical ethics and deontology; to introduce with deontology’s tradition in Europe and Latvia
Task of study programme – 1) to research health care scientifical and practical evolution in world and different country ; 2) to introduce with historical resource investigation and tradition of deontology in medical staffs practices
Content of study subject Medical staffs and patients. Medical sectret. Ethics in Medicine. History of Medicine. Medical deontology in Europe
Knowledge assessment - examination.
List of literature:
140 - commendatory literature 1. Biomedicīnas ētika: teorija un prakse. – R., 2006. 2. Sīle V. Medicīnas ētikas pamatprincipi. – R., 1999. 3. Arons K.Ē. Medicīnas vēsture: senie laiki. – R., 1993. 4. Eckart W.U. Geschichte der Medizin. – 1998. 5. Ackerknecht E. Short History of Medicine. – 1982. 6. Milton D. Heifetz. Ethics in Medicine. – 1996. 7. Jeffrey Finn, Eliot L. Marshall. Medical Ethics. – 1990. 8. Kearon K. Medical Ethics. – 1998. -additional literature 1. Alksnis A. Hipokrats spīlēs. – R., 1993. 2. Munte A. Stāsts par Sanmikelu. – R., 2004. 3. Mozgis Dz. Laime ir kalpot bērniem. – R., 1999. 4. Pozemkovska M. Slimo kases Latvijā no 1920. līdz 1940.gadam: Promocijas darba kopsavilkums. – R., 2004. 5. Stradiņš J., Arons K.Ē., Vīksna A. Tāds bija mūsu laiks… – R., 1996. 6. Vīksna A. Pa ārstu takām. – R., 1990.
Description of Study Subject Programme Family therapy and basics of family conselling
Title and category of study subject programme – Family therapy and basics of family conselling,. elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject programme – Mg.psych. Zinta Biseniece., lect.,
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject - to extend students’ knowledge of methods in art therapy and their specifics at work with families.
Task of study programme – to perfect students’ understanding of basic principles and conceptions of therapies at work with family, objective of therapist’s work, differences of therapy process and dynamics at work with a family.
Content of study subject – Manifestations of psychological specifics of family functioning in arts therapy. Basic principles and conceptions of therapy at work with a family. Process and dynamics of therapy at work with a family. Therapist’s ethics in therapy process at work with a family.
Knowledge assessment – active participation in seminars, group discussions, project work, examination.
141 List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Karpova Ārija. Ģimenes psiholoģija : Lekciju kurss / Ārija Karpova ; rec. Dz. Meikšāne, I. Krūmiņa ; red. R. Cimdiņa. - Rīga : RaKa, 2006. - 445 lpp. : diagr., tab. - (Pedagoģiskā bibliotēka). - Bibliogr.: 443.-445. lpp. ISBN 998415775X 2. Satir, V. (1992). Kak stroit seboja i svoju semju. Moskva: Pedagogika - Press. - additional literature 1. Kos, M., Biermann, G., Haub, G. Die verzauberte Familie. München, 2002. 2. Leutkart, C. et al. Kunsttherapie aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Dortmund, 2002. 3. Brem-Gräser, L.Familie in Tieren. 8. Auflage, München, 2001. 4. Guttmann J., & Lazar A. (2004). Criteria for marital satisfaction: does having a child make a difference? Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 3. 5. Eidemiller, E. G., & Justickis, V. (1999). Psihologija i psihoterapija semji. S-Pb.: Piter - Press review 1. FamilyProcess 2. Journal of Family Psychology 3. http://web.epnet.com.
13.3. . Description of Study Subject Programme Organizational psychology and basics of conselling of organization
Title and category of study subject programme – Organizational psychology and basics of conselling of organization, elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject programme - Dr.phil. Silva Omārova, Mg. psych, lect. Daina Romanovska Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – To provide students with knowledge of psychological aspects of people’s and groups’ behaviour in modern organizations of work.
Task of study programme – 1. To understand individual psychological and typological specifics of managers and executive employees and their effect on business relationships. 2. To find out psychological manifestations of relationships between power and subordination at work. 3. To explain psychological processes and phenomena, characterizing organizations, social groups and work teams. 4. To analyse causes, dynamics and prevention of conflicts, professional stress and mobbing in an organization. 5. To understand organization development methods and ways of consulting. 6. To encourage students to apply their knowledge in practice.
142 Content of study subject - 1. Organization psychology as science: subject, problems. Organization as a form of social collectivism. 2. Organization development methods. Styles and ways of consulting in organization. 3. Couching philosophy, sources and main principles. Organization couching. 4. Individual in organization, psychological and social-psychological chracterisations of indvidual types, influence of those characterisations on work process. 5. Manager's functions and roles. Power and influence. Power and effective leadership. Leadership theories. Concept of charismatic leader. 6. Styles of managemenet and their influence on work processes in organization. Management methods. 7. Motivation of work and motivation theories. Psychological aspects of motivation and stimulation. 8. Groups in organization, their social-psychological characterisations, group development. 9. Formation of an effective team of work. Types of teams, life cycles. Team building as organization development method. 10. Conflicts. Conflicts in organizations: reasons, types. Dynamics of conflict, consequences of work conflicts. Ways and possibilities in conflict solving. 11. Corporative organization culture, it’s types and influences on work processes and relationships in organization. 12. Mobbing (socially-psychological terror) in organizations. Mobbing reasons, manifestations, development dynamic un consequences. Bosing as a way of mobing. Managers role in annihilation and prophylaxis of mobbing. 13. Satisfaction with work and phanomenons moulding it. Theories and researches. Factors encouraging satisfaction with work. 14. Loyalty to the organization of work. Conditions for moulding loyalty. Loyalty theories. Loyalty as reliability of employees.
Knowledge assessment – active participation in seminars – 10%, regular individual work with literature – 20%, presentation of individual works – 20%, written examination 50%.
List of literature commendatory literature . Viesturs Reņģe. Mūsdienu organizāciju psiholoģija, Zvaigzne ABC, 2007 . Канджеми Дж.П., Ковальски К. Психология современного лидерства Американские исследования. - Издательство: Когито – Центр, 2007 . Дж.Шермерорн, Дж.Хант, Р.Осборн. МВА Классика. Организационное поведение, Питер, 2004 . Занковский А.Н. Организационная психология. М.,Флинта МПСИ, 2002. . Александр Огнев. Организационное консультирование в стиле коучинг.- С-П, Речь, 2003 . Джуэлл Л. Индустриально-организационная психология. С-М. 2001. . Robbings, St. Organizational Behavior. - 10th edition, 2003. . Introduction to Industrial (Organizational) Psychology. By Riggio R.E. Prentice Hall. 1999. additional literature . Ešenvalde I. Personāla praktiskā vadība. Merkūrijs LAT. Rīga. 2004. . Viesturs Reņģe. Organizāciju psiholoģija. 1999.,R., Kamene. . Психология деловых конфликтов.-Самара: Бахрах-М, 2007
143 . Д.Коул Управление персоналом в современных организациях Кадровое дело, Москва 2004 . Врис М.К. Мистика лидерства.-Москва, 2004 . Конфисагор А. Г. Псичология влдсти - Питер, 2004. . В.Е. Максимов «Коучинг от А до Я», С-П, Речь, 2004 . Т.Д.Зинкевич – Евстигнеева, Фролов Д.Ф., Грабенко Т.М. «Теория и практика командообразования. Современная технология создания команд» С-П, Речь, 2004 . Р.Мередит Белбин “Типы ролей в командах менеджеров”, “ Команды менеджеров”, “Как работать по-другому»,2003 – 2004, Hippo, Москва . К.В. Харский. Благонадёжность и лояльность персонала. Питер. 2004 . Джон В. Ньюстром, Кейт Дэвис «Организационное поведение», С-П, «Речь», 2000 . Розанова В.А. Психология управления.-Москва, 2000 . Нельсон – Джоунс Р. Теория и практика консультирования. - С-П, Питер, 2000 . Лестер Тобиас. Психологическое консультирование и менеджмент. – Москва, 1999. . Budjac Corvette Barbara A. Conflict management, Prentice Hall, 2006. . Haslam, S. A. Psychology in organizations: The social identity approach. London: Sage, 2001. . Turner, M. Groups at work, Advances in theory and research. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 2001. . Larry W. Stout “Leadership: from mystery to mastery” Stocholm Scool of Economics in Riga 2001 . Mullins L.J.”Management and Organizational Behavior, London: Pitman, Publishing, 1996
Journal “Kapitāls”, “Biznesa psiholoģija”; “Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology”, "Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research”, “Harward Business Review”
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into positive psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction into positive psychology, elective course
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject program - As. prof., Dr.psych., S. Mihailova
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 2st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to introduce students with basics of positive psychology, basics concepts, strengths of personality resources.
Task of study programme – To bring opportunity to get knowledge about positive psychology basic terms, productivity and happiness, self-wellness, optimism, hopes and health
144 To make abilities to work with in team and individuali To make abilities to recognize the newest researches in positive psychology
Content of study subject – Positive psychology, its content, aim and tasks. Happiness and positive emotion. Hope and optimism. Flow. Emotional inteligence. Self-wellness. Coping strategy. Life quality. Positive relationships. Self-effectivity. Forgiveness. Self-esteem. Positive psychology in multicultural environment
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Snyder C., Lopez S., (2002). Handbook of Positive Psychology, New York, Oxford University Press. 2. Argyle M., (2001).The Psychology of Happiness, London, Routledge, 3. Seligman M., (2002).Authentic Happiness, New York, Free Press, 4. Carr A., (2004). Positive Psychology, Brunner-Routledge, UK, www.positivepsychology.org - additional literature 1. Aspinwall L., Staundinger U., “A Psychology of Human Strengths. Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology”, Washington DC, APA, 2003. 2. Keyes C., Haidt J., “Flourishing: the Positive Person and the Good Life”, Washington DC, APA, 2001. 3. Frisch M.B., “Manual and Treatment Guide for the Quality of Life Inventory”, Minneapolis, MN: National Computer Systems, 1994. 4. Csikszentmihalyi M.,”Finding Flow: the Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life”, New York, Basic Books, 1997. 5. Sneider C.R., “Handbook of Hope”, Orlando FL, Academic Press, 2000. 6. Bar-On R., Parker J., “The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence”, San-Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000. 7. Zeidner M., Endler N., “Handbook of Coping, Theory, Research, Applications”, New York, Wiley, 1996. 8. Worthington E., “Five Steps to Forgiveness”, New York, Crown, 2001. 9. Peterson C., Seligman M., “Values in Action Inventory of Strengths”, (VIA-IS) Manual. Department of Psychology, University of Pensilvania, 2001. 10. Gottschalk L., Lolas F., “The Measurement of Quality of Life through the Content Analysis of Verbal Behaviour”, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 58(2), www.gb- software.com/develop.htm, 1992. 11. WHOQOL Group, “The World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale”, Social Science and Medicine, 46., 1998. 12. Goldberg L., “The Development of Markers for the Big Five factor Structure. Psychological Assessment”, 4, 1992. 13. www.psch.upenn.com 145 14. www.younglives.com 15. www.NickBaylis.com
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into Legal Psychology
Title and category of study subject programme Introduction into Legal Psychology, elective Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology Manager of study subject program - Mg. psych.Guntra Riņķe
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – To introduce students into Law psychology as a science, its use, to provide an application of this knowledge in justice.
Task of study programme –To promote to reveal and to understand the developmental specificities of adult, mentally healthy individual’s psyche, processes, statuses and features. To develop the understanding of these phenomena, which would successfully help to organize the communication in the field of justice and legal activities.
Content of study subject – Psycology legal: term and methods; Development of Legal Psychology; Structure of Legal Psychology; Professional works of psychology in the context legal psychology. The professional work lawyer and psychology of lawyer. Psychology of professional legal working. Psychology of Victim and Witness. Psychological aspects of Investigation and justice. General and juridical psychology investigation methods. Psychological aspects of criminality. Psychological portret of criminal. Penalty of Penology psychology. Resocialisation of Prisoner. Probation. Laight. Using of poligrafy. Legal psychology ekspertise. Legal Conflicts. Analise of legal conflicts
Knowledge assessment –Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: commendatory literature - Guļāns O. Vardarbības problēma un personības garīgais līdzsvars.// Garīgās veselības veicināšanas aspekti. – R.: 1998, 20-33.lpp. - Lejiņš P. Kriminālpsiholoģija. – R.: LU, 1938. - Poudžiunas I. Pārciestas vardarbības pieredzes apzināšanās jauniešiem//Latvijas Universitātes Raksti.2006. 698.sēj.: Psiholoģija, 36.-50.lpp. - Sebre S., Ļebedeva L. Piesaistes stils, dusmas un vardarbības starppaaudžu pārmantojamības pārtraukšana// Latvijas Universitātes Rakst-. 698.sēj.: Psiholoģija, 2006, 81.-93.lpp. - Semenkova V. Drošības psiholoģija.// Uzņēmumu drošība.-R: BA Turība, 2006., 233- 271.lpp. - Smilgainis V. Liecinieka liecību psiholoģija. – R.:LU, 1995. - Smilgainis V., Veitnere I. Tiesu psiholoģiskā ekspertīze. - Rīga: LU, 1997.
146 - Strika E. Psiholoģija tiesu sistēmā Latvijā// Baltijas psiholoģijas žurnāls, 2002, sēj.3, Nr.2, 58-71.lpp. - Šteinberga A., Špona A. Vardarbība un garīgā veselība.// Garīgās veselības veicināšanas aspekti.-R.: 1998, 94-99.lpp. - Veitnere I. Bērnu seksuālā izmantošana. – R: LPA, 1997. - Vilks A. Kriminoloģija. – R: Nordic, 2004. - Zīle J. Viktimoloģija-pētījuma virzieni, attīstības vēsture // Juristu žurnāls Nr.10., 4-7.lpp. - Васильев В.Л. Юридическая психология.-СПб: Питер., 2003.
additional literature - Andrews, D.A., Bonta, J. The Psychology of Criminal Conduct. – Cincinnati: OH: Anderson, 1994. - Kurke, M.I., & Scrivner, E.M. (Eds.) Police Psychology into the 21st Century. - Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995. - Majore I., Žagare I., Sebre S., Spruģevica I., Dimanta R. Kā palīdzēt vardarbībā cietušam bērnam. – Rīga: Balodis, 2001). - Чуфаровский Ю.В. Юридическая психология. - М.: Норма, 2000. - Юридическая конфликтология. Под.ред. И.Н.Кудрацева.-М: 1999
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into Health psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction into Health psychology, elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject programme – Mg.paed. Kristiāna Lapiņa
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) –Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to acquaint students with psychological understanding of health – health, physical, psychic and social aspects; the main health promoting factors in context of psychology; At the end of the course students have knowledge of different aspects of health, the main health promoting factors.
Task of study programme – to understand relation to health and its disturbances; to acquaint students with essence of health in the context of development psychology, different types of addiction, to give an idea on public health.
Content of study subject – Explanation of health concept, its essence. Health from psychic, physical and social point of view. Health in individual’s value system. Crises in person’s life, stages of crises, exit of crisis. Conception of addiction, types of addiction, addiction disease. Alcoholism, narcomania. Stress – health and disease. Management of stress. Relaxation, visualisation. Stress, its individual differences, behaviour in stress situations. Family health. Sexual health. AIDS. Psychological aspects of violation. Health in the context of development psychology – children, adolescence, ageing, death. Public health. Healthy environment. Health
147 promoting factors – hygiene of work, rest, sleep, nutrition; care for physical and mental health . Health habits, their changes, possibilities. Nutrition, diet, nutritional disturbances, weight watching.
Knowledge assessment – 1 written test, 2 individual practicals, evaluated by a mark, written examination. Total evaluation is comprised by 100 points, i.e., 10 points for test, 30 for individual work (2), examination – 30.
List of literature: - commendatory literature Baum A., Newman S. Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine.(1997) Cassidi T. Stress, Cognition and Health.(1999) Murrey M., Chamberlain K. Qualitative health psychology. (1999) Journal of Health Psychology - additional literature Managing Chronic Illness: A Biopsychological Perspective (1995) Ed.by Perry M. Nicassio and Timothy W. Smith Stroebe W. Social Psychology and Health.(2000) Brannon L., Feist J. Health Psychology. Australia. (2000) Luban - Plozza B., Poldinger W. Psychosomatic Disorders in General Practice. (1999) Taperveins,K (2000) Krīze kā izdevība, R.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into pedagogical psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction of pedagogical psychology, elective Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program – Dr.psych. Guna Svence
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – to promote students understanding about meaning of theories of pedagogical psychology and its practical utilization possibilities in concordance with declaration today education.
Task of study programme: To reveal psychological correlations in pedagogical process when interpreting various theories. To reach understanding about formation of knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations, their characteristics for different age groups. To emphasise respect for individual specific needs of children in the pedagogical process, to reach understanding about deviant behaviour as a regular result of an educational process that ignores child’s development. To reach understanding of influence of individual features of teacher’s personality on pupils during the pedagogical process.
Content of study subject – The subject of pedagogical psychology in the interpretation of various philosophical and psychological schools of education (essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism,
148 behaviourism, activity psychology, psychoanalysis, humanism, inclusive educational approach as the optimum model of contemporary humanistic education).Teaching and learning – a quest for optimum interaction of both processes. Attitude and motivation as the main stimuli of a learning process. Psychological basis for the formation of knowledge, skills and habits. Pedagogical guidance of this process in various age intervals. Psychological advantages and restrictions of various learning models (cognitive, process-oriented, pupil-oriented, communicative, oriented on emotional experience, etc.). Psychological foundation of education in the interpretation of various psychological and philosophical schools. Styles and methods of education. Formation of motivation using various stimuli of education. Description of teacher’s personality features, interaction of personal and professional levels. Influence of teacher’s personality on the pupils’ consciousness and emotional spheres.
Knowledge assessment –Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1.Geidžs N.L., Berliners. Pedagoģiskā psiholoģija. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. 2.Smita K., Strika L. Mācīšanās traucējumi no A līdz Z. Rīga: Raka, 1998. 3. Gardner H. Intelligence Reframed. Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. – New York: Basic Books, 1999. 4. Lazear D. The Artistry of Teaching with Multiple Intelligences. - Illinois, 1991.
- additional literature 1. 1.Balsons M. Kā izprast klases uzvedību. Rīga: Lielvārds, 1995. 2. 2.Bono E. de. Teach your Child how to Think. – England, 1970. 3. Выготский Л.С. Педагогическая психология. – Москва: Педагогика, 1991. – 480c. 4. Educational Psychology. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_psychology 5. 5.Journal of Educational Psychology. Editor: Karen R. Harris, EdD ISSN: 0022-0663 Published Quarterly. http://www.apa.org/journals/edu/ 6. Carl H. Rinne “Motivating Students is a persentage game, PHI Delta Kappan, April 1998 7. Hargreaves A. Changing teachers, changing times. - Canada, 1999. 8. Birzkops J. Muzicēšana kā labākā intelektuālo spēju attīstītāja. - Rīga ,1999. 9. Lieģeniece D. Kopveseluma pieeja audzināšanā. - Rīga,1999. 10. Rimma S. Sekmīgas mācīšanās noslēpumi. - Rīga,2000.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into psychology of environment
Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction into psychology of environment, elective course
Structural unit involved in academic work Department of sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject program – Mag. Paed. K. Lapiņa
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”,1st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
149 Aim of study subject – to contribute understanding about psychological aspects of interactions between a human and an environment; to promote development of creative personality and abality to feel environment.
Task of study programme – to provide knowledge about enviroment’s psychology inconnection with science and culture; to contribute ability to seek and to perceive the factors make environment harmony or disharmony; to promote development of creative personality of students, by doing analysis, comparison and looking for selution.
Content of study subject – 13.4. Concept of environment psychology, its aim and tasks; methodological point of view to environment transactions that to discovers application of environment psychological; environment psychology theories; environment perceptions, its evaluations and attitude; how to make better transactions between human conduct and environment.
Knowledge assessment –– Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -50%).
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Jūrmalietis R. Uzvedības zinātnes, vide, veselība: Mācību palīglīdzeklis vides veselības zinātnē. Rīga: LU, 1999. – http://www.liis.lv/vi/uzvedz.htm 2. Jūrmalietis R., Birziņa R. Vide un veselība: Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: LU, 1998. – http://www.liis.lv 3. Kundziņš M. Dabas formu estētika. Rīga: Madris, 2004. 4. Bechtel R.B., Churchman A. Handbook of Environmental Psychology, 2002 5. Gavin D. Outer Spaces. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2003.
- additional literature 1. Journal of Environmental Psychology. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ap/ps 2. Environmental Psychology. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_psychology
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into sport psychology
Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction into sport psychology, selective course
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject program – Mg. psych., Mg. paed., Zermena Vazne
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3rd year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
150 Aim of study subject – provide the future specialists with classified knowledge and skills in sport psychology which is necessary to work with athletes.
Task of study programme – 1. To introduce with role of sport psychology in sport exercises and competitions; 2. To introduce how psychological factors influence sport exercises and competitions. 3. To contribute diagnostic knowledge and to control unfavourable emotional conditions before competitions and during in competitions. 4. To contribute view on sport psychology topical event.
Content of study subject – 1. Historical development of sport psychology. 2. Understanding of personality’s individual typological qualities in sports. 3. Group and team dynamics in sports: team cohesion in sports; connection between team cohesion and results in sports. 4. Understanding of leadership in sports. 5. Psychical stability in sports. 6. Conditions before start: stress and anxiety in sports; connection between stress and injuries. 7. Psychological training in sports. 8. Psychical self-regulatory and regulatory methods. 9. Methods of research in sports.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 30%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works – 20%, written examination - 30%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Ābele, A. (2009). Ievads sporta psiholoģijā. Rīga: RaKa. 2. Carron, A., Hausenblas, H. (1998). Group Dynamics in Sport. Second Edition. Morgantown, WV:Fitnes Information Technology.
- additional literature 1. Jowett, S., Lavallee, D. (2007). Social Psychology in Sport. Human Kinetics, Inc. 2. Moran, A. (2004). Sport and Exercise Psychology. A Critical Introduction. Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. 3. Morris, T., Summers, J. (2003). Sport Psychology theory, applications and issues (second edition). WILEY: J.Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. 4. Murphy, S. (2005). The Sport Psychology Handbook. NY, Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 5. Weinberg, R., Gould, D. (1999). Foundations of Sport and Exercise psychology. US: Human Kinetics. 6. Родионов, А. (2004). Психология физического воспитания и спорта. М.:Академический проект.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into political psychology
151 Title and category of study subject programme – Introduction into political psychology, elective course Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of sociology and psychology Manager of study subject program – Mg.psych Maija Zakriževska
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject - This full course provides an introduction to Political Psychology as Social Psychology branch. Political psychology is a relatively young discipline that lies at the interface between political science and social psychology. Political psychologists apply the concepts, theories, and methods of psychology to gain a better understanding of political judgment and decision-making. The course emphasizes recent developments in the study of judgment and choice, which tend to stress the role of cognition and emotions, as well as values, other predispositions, and social identities.
Task of study programme – 13.5. After finishing this course students should be able to: understand the role of individual characteristic (personality, cognition, motivation, value structure, political beliefs) in political processes and behavior; understand psychological mechanisms of susceptibility to political propaganda, media effect and public opinion formation; understand the role of in-group identification in political processes; understand psychological bases of various forms of social behavior such as crowd behavior and leadership, political conflict, acting towards an enemy;understand how the above mentioned mechanisms depend on cultural and political surroundings as well as individual psychological characteristics; apply this understandings to real life situations; think critically about research in political psychology, understand how to pose research questions and conduct research in political psychology.
Content of study subject – Introduction to the field of political psychology. Approaches and Themes in Political Psychology. Concept of rationality in psychology and politics. Political decision making samples. Political Values and Ideology. Political attitudes. Authority and political leading. Individuality and political behavior. Conservatism and liberalism as motivated social cognition forms. The Politics of Social Identity. Group conflicts and political behavior. Constructive and destructive political behavior forms. Mass media signification and political persuasion.
Knowledge assessment ––Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Kuklanski, J. (Ed.). (2002). Thinking about political psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Monroe, K. R.(Ed.). (2002). Political psychology. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. 3. Sears, D. O., Huddy, L., & Jervis, R. (2003). Oxford handbook of political psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. 4. Omārova. S. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā. Sociālā psiholoģija. – R., 1998. 5. Svence G. Ievads politiskajā psiholoģijā, RAKA, 2004. 6. Мейерс Д. Социальная психология. – Санктпетербург, 1997.
152 - additional literature 1. G.Le Bons. Pūļa un masu psiholoģija. – Rēzekne, 1998. 2. Андреева Г.М. Социальная психология. – М., 1999. 3. Reņģe, V. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into Intercultural psychology
Title and category of study subject programme- Introduction into Intercultural psychology, elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of Communication Studies.
Manager of study subject programme - Dr. art., as. prof. D. Hanovs
Readers involved in study subject programme – as.prof. Dr. D. Hanovs, assist.prof. K.Mārtinsone Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) –Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 3st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to get a detailed insight into history and development of intercultural communication in European cultural history.
Task of study programme – to present a detailed overview of various cultural and professional identities in modern European society, to present an insight into theories of multiculturalism.
Content of the study subject: 1.The definition of intercultural communication 2. Social marginalization, EU activities to overcome exclusion 3. Subcultures and countercultures. 4. Elite, aristocracy and life style. Phenomenon of glamour 5. Skinheads – responding to social exclusion 6. Left wing subcultures (Do it yourself, etc.) 7. Consumer society and subcultures. Hybridization of subcultures. Postsubcultures 8. Multiculturalism theories. 9. Ethnic minorities – European experience of globalization 10. Cultural diversity in Latvia: experience and strategies. Society integration
Testi n study subject – examination
List of literature: commendatory list of literature: Böhme H. Orientierung Kulturwissenschaft. Was sie kann, was sie will. (2000). Rowohlts Brislin, R.W. ed. (1990). Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Gellner E. Pflug, Schwert und Buch.(1993). Klett – Cotta.
153 Golding P. Beyond Cultural Imperialism. Globalization, communication and the new international order. (1999) Sage Publications. Granrose, C.S., & Oskamp, S. ed. (1997). Cross-Cultural Work Groups. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Gudykunst, W.B., & Mody, B. (2002). Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Hall, E.T. (1969). The Hidden Dimension. New York: Anchor Books. Hall, E.T. (1989). Beyond Culture. New York: Random House. Hostede, G. (1984). Cultures Consequences. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Lewis R. (1999). When Cultures Collide. Managing successfully across Cultures. Brealey Publishing House additional literature: Renshon, S.A., & Duckitt, J. ed. (2000). Political Psychology: Cultural and Crosscultural Foundations. Houndmills: Macmillan Press. Samovar, L.A., & Porter, R.E. (1991). Intercultural Communication: A Reader. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., & Stefani, L.A. (1998). Communicating Between Cultures. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Ting-Toomey, S. (1999). Communicating Across Cultures. New York: Guilford Press.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into psychology of religion
Title and category of study subject programme - Introduction into psychology of religion, elective course
Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology
Manager of study subject program - Dr.teol. Gatis Līdums
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – The main objective of this class is to introduce the students to the phenomenon of Religion and its role in the context of Psychology and Sociology, as well as in the process of reaching the internal wholeness of a human person. The so-called “religious needs” as something that characterizes the religious dimension of the human person will be discussed in depth.
Task of study programme – To introduce students with the biggest world religion and its viewpoint of world. To introduce with main basic principles for religion what 20 century’s main psychologist developed To introduce with strategies and methods that is oriented to personality development
Content of study subject –Since the phenomenon of Religion is as old as the humanity itself, while the foundations of Psychology of religion have been laid only at the end of the 19th century, this class will primarily focus on the analysis of the current paradigms in the field of
154 Psychology of Religion. An emphasis will also be placed on discussions related to theories and research advanced by notable people in the field
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works, written examination -40%
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Crain W. Theories of Development. Concepts and Applications. 3rd ed. Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1992. 2. Freids Z. Totēms un tabu. Rīga: Minerva, 1995 3. Freids Z. Kādas ilūzijas nākotne. Rīga: Intelekts, 1996. 4. Galanter M. Cults: Faith, Healing, and Coercion. Oxford University Press, 1999. 5. Hood R.W. et.al. The Psychology of Religion. NewYork: The Guilford Press, 1996. 6. Jung C.G. Answer to Job. Princeton University Press, 1969. 7. Johnstone R.L. Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion. Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1988. 8. Lagone M.D. Recovery from cults. Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993. 9. Mūks R. Pauls Tillihs: Reliģija un kultūra. Rīga: Jāņa sēta, 1997. 10. Oates W.E. The Psychology of Religion. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1973. 11. Paloutzian, R. F. Invitation to psychology of religion. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1996. 12. Šuvajevs I. Psihoanalīze un dzīves māksla. Rīga: Intelekts, 1998. 13. Tagadnes izaicinājums. Karla Gustava Junga 120. dzimšanas dienai veltīts rakstu krājums. - Rīga: Intelekts, 1996. 14. Weber M. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1987. - additional literature 1. Augsburger D. W. Pastoral Counseling Across Cultures. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986. 2. Līdums G. Dzīve pēc iziešanas no sektas. Rīga: Svētdienas Rīts, 2001. 3. Singer M.T., Lalich J. Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in Our Everyday Lives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. 4. Jungs K.G. Dvēseles pasaule. Rīga: Spektrs, 1994. 5. Klīve V. Pa kuru ceļu? Rīga: Svētdienas rīts, 1992.
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychology of labour
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychology of labour
Structural unit involved in academic work – Department of sociology and psychology
Manager of study subject program - Mg.psych. Daina Romanovska
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 1st year Bachelor’s degree students
155 Volume of study programme in credit points – 2CP
Aim of study subject – The main aim course is to introduce students with importance of working ergonomics regarding professional health and safety issues, to introduce psychosocial and organizational risks in work environment, and to introduce basic principles of prevention.
Task of study programme – to promote students best understanding about significant of work ergonomics in health professional and security, about significant of psychosocial and organizational risks in work environment, about significant of basic principles of prevention.
Content of study subject – 1. Meaning of work safety, hygiene and health. Damages to health as a result of working. Working conditions and risk factors. Assessment and prevention of risks of working environment. 2. Main components and aims of ergonomics. Anthropometrics and biomechanics. The significance of work physiology in ergonomics. 3. Working capabilities. Physical and mental amount of work. Fatigue. 4. Mental and physical work stress. Monotony stress. Prevention. 5. Principles of carrying and lifting. Compulsory working poses and repeated movements. Factors influencing physical working environment - noise, vibration, microclimate, lighting, colours, air quality, ionised and non-ionised radiation, chemical and biological polluters. Preventive and work protection measures.. 6. Work with computer. Computer eyesight syndrome. Exercise complex for eyes and body. Ergonomic furnishing and equipment layout of the working place. 7. Psychological aspects of work place organisation. Work stress. Expressions of psychological and physical stress. Professional burn-syndrome and prophylaxis. 8. Professional illnesses caused by ergonomics of factors. (Mostly in peripheral nervous systems, in muscle and skeletal systems, in voice apparatus and organs of sight). Preventive measures. 9. Accidents and safety systems in working environment. Work protection model. Working environment risk assessment methods. 10. Preventive programme introduction in the company, legislation and state institutions responsible for working environments inner supervision and risk prevention
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: commendatory literature 1. ES PHARE finansētais Latvijas -Spānijas sadarbības projekts “Ergonomika darbā” 4 daļas : o Darba drošība o Darba higiēna o Darba apstākļi un veselība darbā o Darba psihosociālā vide Izdotas sadarbībā ar Spānijas Nacionālās Darba Drošības un Higiēnas institūtu, 2003
2. Interneta resursi: o Eiropas Darba Drošības un veselības Aizsardzības Aģentūras mājas lapa: http://europe.osha.eu.in/
156 o Labklājības ministrija:www.lm.gov.lv o Valsts darba inspekcija: www.vdi.lv o Darba un vides veselības institūts :www.parks.lv/home/ioeh o Latvijas darba devēju konfederācija:www.lddk.lv o Latvijas Brīvo arodbiedrību savienība: www.lbas.lv
3. M.Eglīte. Darba medicīna. - Rīga, 2000 4. Darba vides riska faktori un strādājošo veselības aizsardzība. V.Kaļķa un Ž.Rojas red. Elpa-2, Rīga, 2001 5. Ergonomics, An Introductory Course, Riga Technical University, 1995. 6. Ergonomic Checkpoints. Practical and easy-to-implement solutions for improving safety, health and working conditions. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1996.
additional literature
1. V.Reņģe "Organizāciju psiholoģija." - Rīga, Kamene, 2001. 2. V.Reņģe "Mūsdienu organizācijas psiholoģija."– Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 3. Likumdošanu darba aizsardzības jomā var meklēt: o www.likumi.lv o www.mk.gov.lv o www.saeima.lv
Description of Study Subject Programme Psychophysiology
Title and category of study subject programme – Psychophysiology, elective Structural unit involved in academic work - Department of Sociology and Psychology Manager of study subject program - as prof., Dr.psych. S.Mihailova, Mg.paed. K.Lapiņa
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, IIIst year Bachlor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to increase knowledge in the area of general and applied psychophysiology; to increase knowledge about the role of neuro - and psycho physiological mechanisms providing psychical activities and individuals' self regulation processes; to give notion about neurophysiological mechanisms of psyphical function in human brain, to analise origin of instinct, motivation, emotion, memory, attention, consciousness, to give understanding psychological phenomenum and interconnection.
Task of study programme – To analyse physiological base of psychic processes and psychic conditions; to give knowledge and understanding of the functional condition of an organism in generalized and motivated reactions; to make students acquainted with localisation of higher psychic functions in the brain, regularities of their proceeding, neuropsychological analysis of higher psychic functions in cases of brain local damage and with description of neuropsychological syndromes; to help to understand generalisation and exposition of the principal mechanisms and regularities of the brain in interaction of the body with internal and
157 external media; to consider the growing number of various brain pathologies, to carry out tests of the brain functional condition using the method of electroencephalography.
Content of study subject – 13.6. Subject of psychophysiology, methods, science. Integration of principles of psychology and fiziology Information system in human and animal organism. Neuronal and hormonal regulation. Neurons types and its function. Membrane Receptors and signal. Basic function of neuroendocrine system. Physiological functions of brain, in localisation of higher psychic functions. CNS and PNS structure. NS regulation level. Functional assymetry and development. Left-handedness and adaptation. Sensory systems and optimal functioning. Emotional stress, stress theories. Method of electroencephalography, analysis of electrophysiological functions of the brain. Functional asymetria. Sensory systems. Reflex and instincts. Stress physiology. Physiology of pain, objective and subjective component. Memory, memory’s kind and physiological mechanisms. Polytest.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature Dūka M. Psihes bioloģiskais pamats. – R. 2001. Krauklis A. Emocionālais stress un tā optimizācija. – R. 1981. Psiholoģijas vārdnīca (G.Breslava red.). – Rīga: Mācību grāmata, 1999. Wagner H., Silber K. Physiological Psychology. – London:Taylor&Francis, 2004. Lasserson D., Gabriel C., Sharrck B. – Nervous System and Special Senses. Mosby, 1998. Pocock G., Richards C.D. Human Physiology. – London:Oxford University Press, 1999. Caccioppo T., Bernston G.G. (Ed.), Hanbook of Psychophysiology. – Cambridge University Press, 2000. Psihofiziologija (pod red. J.I.Aleksandrova). – SPb: Piter, 2001. Ozoliņa Nucho A., Vidnere M. (1998.) Stresa menedžments. Rīga:AGB. 3.Popper K., Eccler J. (1985). The Self and It's Brain. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Psihofiziologija (pod red. J.I.Aleksandrova). – SPb: Piter, 2001. Utināns A. Cilvēka psihe. Tās darbība, funkcionēšanas traucējumi un ārstēšanas iespējas. Nacionālais apgāds, 2005. Limba N. Miegs. Nacionālais apgāds, 2005. Supe I. Rokasgrāmata neiroloģijā ģimenes ārstiem un internistiem. Nacionālais apgāds, 2004. - additional literature 1. Анатомия человека. Под. ред. М. Сапина. Т. 2. – М: “Медицина», 1993. - с.268 – 478. 2. Данилова Н.Н. Психофизиология: Учебник для вузов. – М.:Аспект Пресс, 1998. 3. Данилова Н.Н., Крылова А.Н. Высшая нервная деятельность. - М., 1999. 4. Ткаченко В.И. Физиология человека. В 2т. – М.: «Мир», 1996. 5. Физиология человека. Под ред.Р.Шмидта и Т.Тевса. В 3 томах. - М.: “Мир”,1996. 6. Хьюбел Д. Глаз, мозг, зрение. - М.: «Наука», 1990. 7. McIlveen R., Gross R. Biopsychology. Hodder & Stoughton, 1999. 8. Zigmond M.J., Bloom F.E., Landis S.C., Roberts J.L., Squire L.R. Fundamental Neuroscience. San Diego: Academy Press, 1999. 9. Martini F. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. 5nd.ed., 2001. 10. Brain and Cognition. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622798/description 11. http://www.biopsychology.com/ 12. Biopsychology Related Animations. http://psychlab1.hanover.edu/Classes/Neuro/
158 13. Biological psychology. http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/amoebaweb/index.aspx?doc_id=855 Biopsychology Web Links. http://www.unc.edu/courses/2003spring/psyc/023/002/links.html - periodics 1. Behaviour Brain Science 2. Psychophysiology 1. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2. Vision Research. 3. International Journal of Psychophysiology 4. Žurnāls „Psiholoģijas pasaule” , Žurnāls „Sveiks un vesels”
Description of Study Subject Programme Computer programs in the statistics
Title and category of study subject programme - COMPUTER PROGRAMS IN THE STATISTICS, free electiv Structural unit involved in academic work - Depertment of psysics Manager of Academic structural unit – professor Uldis Teibe Readers involved in study subject programs – professor Uldis Teibe, Volume of study program in credit points – 2 CP Aim of study subject – to add knowledge about data getting, entering, processing, statistic report creating in other computer programms
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachlor’s degree students
Task of study programme – to teach students to work with data in different computer programs.
Content of study subject Data getting, questionnaires. Data entering in the computer in the programs SPSS, Excel. STATISTICA, EpiInfo, MathCad, Winfunktionen.Different distribution of data. Descriptive Statistics. Frequencies and graphics. Calculations. Data grouping and recoding. Data selection. Normal distribution. Processing methods of the normally distributed data. Nonparametric statistics. Survival analysis. Factor analysis. Claster analysis. Data processing in the computer programs SPSS and Excel. Statistic report creating. Creating of the scientific research works. Statistikas pārskata izveidošana. Test in study subject – examination
List of literature: Commendatory literature: 1. Raščevska M., Kristapsone S. Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos. Rīga: Izglītības soļi, 2000, 353 lpp. 2. Howell D.C. Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences. – New-York, Duxbury Press, 1995, pp. 457.
159 3. Teibe U., Berķis U. Varbūtību teorijas un matemātiskās statistikas elementi medicīnas studentiem. – R.: AML/RSU, 2001., 87 lpp. 4. Goša Z. Statistika. R.: Izglītības soļi 2003 - 334 lpp. Additional literature: 1. Krastiņš 0. Statistika un ekonometrija. - R.: LRCSP, 1998. 436 lpp. 2. Munro B.H. Statistical Methods in Health Care Research. – Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1997, pp. 444. 3. Altman D. G. Practical Statistics for Medical Research. - London: Chapman & Hall, 1999, pp.612. 4. Altman D. G., Statistics with confidence, second edition. BMJ – 2000 - p. 240 5. Goša Z. Statistika. R.: Izglītības soļi 2003 - 334 lpp. 6. Borovikovs V.P. un Borovikovs I.P. STATISTICA. - Maskava: - Fidin, 1997., 608 lpp. (krievu valodā). 7. Liepa I. Biometrija. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1974. 336 lpp. 8. Nāgelis J. Microsoft Access … no A līdz Z. - R.: Datorzinību centrs, 2000., 181 lpp. 9. Pagano M., Gauvreau K. Principles of Biostatistics. Duxbury Thomson Learning - 2000 - p. 525 10. Polgar S., Thomas S.A. Introduction to Research in The Health Sciences. -Melnboume: Churchill Livingstone, 1991, pp. 310. 11. Rosner B. Fundamentals of biostatistics, 5 - th edition. Duxbury Thomson Learning - 2000 - p. 792 12. Sprieslis J., Teibe U. un Kalniņš I. Matemātika medicīnas studentiem. 2. daļa. Rīga: AML, 1997, 44 lpp. 13. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2003 – 352 lpp. 14. Teibe U. Bioloģiskā statistika. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2007 – 155 lpp.
Description of Study Subject Programme Introduction into arts therapy
Title and category of study subject programme- Introduction into arts therapy
Structural unit involved in academic work - Academical school of art therapy
Manager of study subject program - Doc., Dr.psych. K.Mārtinsone
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject –To form comprehension of the trends in Arts Therapy, theoretical conceptual approaches, their historical development.
Task of study programme – 1. To practically learn the methods of Arts Therapy for work with different groups of clients. 2. To be able to use the acquired material and to evaluate it.
Content of study subject
160 Characterisation of Art Therapy, course of historical development, theoretically conceptual approaches. Specific character of Art Therapy in comparison with other approaches to treatment. Professional activity and ethics in Art Therapy. Segments of Art Therapy, mechanisms, the environment (physical and symbolic), psychotherapeutic effects. Methods of Art Therapy and their application. Multimodal approach to Art Therapy. Researches in the field of Art Therapy, their analysis and evaluation.
Knowledge assessment – Active participation in seminars – 20%, regular individual work with theoretical literature – 20%, presentation of individual works-20%, written examination -40%.
List of literature: - commendatory literature 1. Malchiodi, A.C. (2003). Handbook of art-therapy. London: Guildford Press. 2. Ozoliņa- Nocho A., & Vidnere M. (1999). Māksla un pašatklāsme: mākslas terapijas nozīme veselības saglabāšanā un atgūšanā. Rīga. 3. C.G. Jung. Mandala Symbolism. Bollingen Series. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Universityy Press. 1972.
- additional literature 1. Ieskats holistisko terapiju formās. (2003). Red. M. Vidnere, Rīga. 2. American Journal of Art- therapy. 3. American Journal of Dance Therapy 1. Лебедева Л.Д. (2003). Практика арт-терапии: подходы, диагностика, система занятий. Речь. 2. Практикум по apт-тepanuu. (2000). Под ред. А.И.Копитина. Питер. 3. Копытин А.И., (2001) Системная арт-терапия.. Питер. 4. Malchiodi, A.C. (2003). Handbook of art-therapy. London: Guildford Press. 5. Liebmann M/ (1986). Art Therapy for Groups: A Handbook of Themes, Games and Exercises. Brooklyn Books. 6. Willke,E., Hölter,G. Petzold, H.: Tanztherapie, Theorie und Praxis, Junfermann Verlag Paderborn, 1991.
Description of Study Subject Programme Basic principles of Group Therapy
Title and category of study subject programme – Basic principles of Group Therapy, elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work - Faculty of Nursing
Manager of study subject programme – assoc.prof. Inga Millere
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bacalaur’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bacalaur’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points – 2 CP
Aim of study subject – to provide students with knowledge of groups in contemporary society, basic conceptions of group psychotherapy, group process, as well as development and dynamics of a group, of selection of patients for group psychotherapy and group composition, preparation of 161 participants for a group and formation of the group, of the role and basic tasks of head of the group, as well as of therapeutic factors, mechanisms and processes in group psychotherapy.
Task of study programme – to develop understanding of group development processes and management; to acquire basic principles of managing of the group, to master supervision of the group, to develop understanding of analysis in the group, putting forward of aims of the group, preparation of participants of the group, to understand dymanics of the group, to obtain practical skills in management of the group.
Content of study subject - Groups in contemporary society, types of groups, aims, history of development. Dynamics of the group; development and dynamics of the group. Head of the group, role and basic tasks of the group therapeutist. Selection of patients for the group, composition of the group and planning of work. Preparation of participants for group work, contract/agreement of the group. Therapeutic factors, mechanisms and processes in the group. Specific, particular considerations in the group. Specific factors of the group. Management of the group, self-analysis of work, significance of supervision.
Knowledge assessment – active participation in seminars, group discussions, project work, examination.
List of literature: - commendatory literature Rutan, J.S. & Stone, W.N. (1993) Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy. Now York & London: The Guilford Press. Foulkes, S.H. & Anthony, E.J. (1984) Group Psychotherapy. The Psychoanalytic Approach. London: Maresfield Library. Yalom, I.D. (2000) The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. New York: basic Books. Lacoursiere, R. (1980) Group and General Developmental Stages (GDSs). In The Life cycle of Groups. New York: Human Science Press Gabbard, G.S., Hartman, J.J. & Mann R.D. (1974) Group process and development. - additional literature International Journal of Group Psychotherapy Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Description of Study Subject Programme Basic of Social Work
Title and category of study subject programme - Basic of Social Work, elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work – Academic School of Social Work
Manager of study subject programme - Dr. phil., Assoc.prof. Lolita Vilka
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points - 2 CP
Aim of study subject - To acquire understanding of social dynamics, factors affecting life quality, character of social problems in globalisation and development of social work as assistance profession in Latvia and abroad.
162 Tasks of study subject To develop understanding of interaction of multifactors and their impact on social processes and life quality. To get an idea on threatening factors, social problems and sources of safety. To develop understanding of profession of a social worker, its place and role in the system of humane services, of goals and values of the profession. To get an idea on historical development of profession of social worker and topical issues in post-modern society, on different educational models of social work in Latvia and abroad.
Content of study subject Globalisation and responsible society. Human safety: risks and factors for safety. Humane services: social aid, its historical forms and types. Social work as a profession, its development. Perspectives of education and professional growth of social work. Variety of social work. Practice levels. Knowledge and skills of a professional worker. Professional standard. Professional values of social workers. Ethics code of social workers. Social work in medical environment. Change of paradigms in social work: history and nowadays.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: 1. Ē.Zemīte. Sociālā darba pamati: mācību grāmata. Rīga, SDSPA “Attīstība”, 2003. 2. Sociālā darba terminoloģijas vārdnīca. SPDA “Attīstība”izdevums, 2000. 3. Dzīves jautājumi. I – X grām. Rīga, SPDA “Attīstība”. 4. Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2002. / 2003. Cilvēkdrošība. UNDP Latvija R., 2003 5. Martin Davies, Rose Barton . Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social work. Blackwell Publishers, 2000. 6. Paul Stepney. Social Work, Models, Methods and Theories. RHB, 2000. 7. Холостова E . Социальная работа. Дашков и Ко, 2004. 8. Lena Dominelli. Social Work: Theory and Practice for a Changing Profession. Polity Press, 2004.
Description of Study Subject Programme Basics of Social policy
Title and category of study subject programme - Basics of Social policy, free elective course.
Structural unit involved in academic work –Academic School of Social Work
Manager of study subject programme - Dr. phil., Assoc.prof. Lolita Vilka
Audience (faculty, study programme, year of study) – Faculty of Communication, Professional higher education study programme for Bachelor’s degree in psychology „Psychology”, 4st year Bachelor’s degree students
Volume of study programme in credit points - 2 CP
Aim of study subject
163 To develop understanding of formation of social policy and interactions of factors affecting it, to acquire skills in analysing investigations in social policy and statistics.
Tasks of study subject To get acquainted with development of social policy and basic concepts of its implementation. To understand processes of social policy in Latvia, implementation of social policy on state and municipal level. To get an idea on inter-sectional issues in context of social policy.
Content of study subject Welfare and social policy. Conception of social security. Developmental process of social policy, involved groups. Public values and their role in development of social policy. Social policy and instruments of its realisation in Latvia. Social insurance. Social aid. Support to employment. Health care and poverty of society. Globalisation and social policy. Social policy in EU.
Knowledge assessment – examination
List of literature: 1. Labklājības sistēmas reforma - šodien un nākotnē. Rīga, Latvijas Republikas Labklājības ministrija, 2002. 2. Bojārs, J. Sociālo un darba tiesību aizsardzība Eiropas Savienībā. 3. Jaunzeme, Iev., Es un ES sociālā politika. Eiropas Integrācijas birojs. Rīga, 1999. 4. Cousins, Mel, European welfare states :comparative perspectives. London, Sage Publ., 2005. 5. Joel Blau, Mimi Abramovitz. The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy. Oxford University Press. 2003. 6. James Midgley, Martin B. Tracy, Michelle Livermore. The handbook of social policy. Thousand Oaks [etc.] : Sage Publ., cop. 2000. 7. Gosta Esping-Andersen. The three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Polity Press: 1990 8. Gosta Esping-Andersen. Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptation in Global Economics. London: Sage,1996.
164 Appendix 4
Lists summarizing the higher education programme
165 Appendix 4.1. List of all study courses of the higher education programme, revealing amount of the course, implementation plan and the responsible academic staff Categ. Study subject semester CP Responsible academic staff of subj Study courses of general education Mand 1 A.Vilks, assoc. prof., Basics of Philosophy 2 Dr.phil., Mand English 1, 2 4 S.Cire, lect., Mg. phyl., Mand Measurements and statistics 2 4 U.Teibe, prof., Dr.biol., Mand 1 M. Zakriževska, lect., Social psychological training 2 Mg. psych. Mand 1 I.J.Mihailovs, act.assist.prof., Human rights and law of labour 2 Mg. iur., Mg.art. Mand Introduction in Social anthropology 3 2 K.Sedlenieks, lect. Mg. phil. Mand Rights and ethics of medicine and 5 S.Olsena, lect., biomedicine 2 MD, dipl. iur. Mand 8 I.J.Mihailovs, Mg. Management of quality 2 iur.,Mg.art. Total 20 Basic theoretical courses of the branch and IT courses Mand General psychology 1 4 M. Zakriževska, lect., Mg. psych. Mand History of psychology 2 2 I.Ozola, Mg. psych. Mand Experimental psychology 4 2 I.Ozola, Mg.psych. Mand 3 K. Mārtinsone, assist.prof., Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Research in psychology 2 Mg. paed., Mand Psychometrics 3 2 M.Vāciete, Mg.psych. Mand 3 I.Majore- Dūšele , act.lect., Psychology of development 4 Mg. psych., Mg.health care Mand 3 S. Omārova, assis.prof., Dr. phil., Mg.psych.; M. Zakriževska, lect., Mg. Social psychology 4 psych. Mand 2 S. Mihailova, assoc.prof Dr.psych., Mg.med, Mg. Psychology of personality 4 paed.,. Mand 4 I.Majore- Dūšele , act.lect., Clinical psychology 4 Mg. psych., Mg.health care Mand 5 S. Mihailova, assoc. prof., Trends in psychotherapy 6 Dr. psych., Mg.health care,. Mand Information technologies 1 2 U.Teibe, prof., Dr.biol., Total 36 Courses of professional specialization of the branch Mand Professional Work of Psychologist and 1,8 I.Majore- Dūšele , act.lect., Ethics 4 Mg. psych., Mg.health care
166 Mand 1,2 R. Žagare, act. assoc.prof., doctor’s degree; Biological principles of psyche and 6 L.Aberberga-Augškalne, genetics (I,II,III) prof., Dr.habil.med. Mg.biol., as. A. Puzuka Mand Psychological research and evaluation 4 6 A.Arnicāne, Mg. psych. Mand 6 S. Mihailova, assoc. prof., Dr.psych., Mg.health care; I.Majore-Dūšele, Psychological counselling 6 Mg.psych.,Mg.health care Mand Psychological correction and 7 A. Upmale, lect. Mg. psych., rehabilitation 2 Mg. paed., Mg.health care Mand Intellect and creativity psychology 3 2 M.Vāciete, Mg.psych. Mand Differential psychology 3 2 A.Arnicāne, Mg. psych. Mand 4 K.Lapiņa, Mg.paed., nursing Neuropsychology 2 sc. degree Mand Contemporary psychosomatic 5 G. Ancāne, assoc.prof. Dr. medicine 2 med., Mand 5 R.Andreziņa, prof, Dr.med.; 4 E. Rancāns, as. prof., Psychiatry and psychopharmacology Dr.med., B. Kupča, assoc.prof., Dr.med. Mand 2 K.Circenis , lect., First aid 2 Mg. paed., nursing sc. degree Mand 3 J.Zaļkalns, prof., Dr.habil. Health care and medical rehabilitation 2 med., Mand 5 K.Circenis , lect., Organisation of Health Care 2 Mg. paed., nursing sc. degree Mand Health care system and deontology 3 2 A.Vētra, prof. Dr. med., Mand 4, 6 K. Mārtinsone, assist.prof., Course paper 4 Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Mg. paed., Total 48 Elect. Family therapy and basics of family 5 counselling 2 Z. Biseniece, Mg. psych. Elect. 5 S. Omārova, assis.prof., Dr. Organizational psychology and basics 2 phil.,Mg.psych.; of counselling of organization D.Romanovska Mg.psych. Elect. 5 G.Svence,assist.prof. Dr. Introduction into positive psychology 2 psych., Elect. 5 K. Mārtinsone, assist.prof., Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Mg. paed., Introduction into legal Psychology 2 A.Vilks, Dr.iur., as.prof. Elect. 2 K.Lapiņa, Mg.paed., nursing Introduction into health psychology 2 sc. degree Elect. Introduction into pedagogical 6 G.Svence, Dr. psych., doc. psychology 2 Elect. Introduction into psychology of 2 K.Lapiņa, Mg.paed., nursing environment 2 sc. degree Elect. Introduction into sport psychology 6 2 Ž. Vazne, Mg. psych., lekt.
167 Elect. 2 M. Zakriževska, lect.,Mg. Introduction into political psychology 2 psych. Elect. 6 D.Hanovs assoc.prof., Dr.art.; K.Mārtinsone, Introduction into intercultural assist.prof., Dr.psych., psychology 2 Mg.health care, Mg.paed. Elect. Introduction into psychology of 2 V.Tēraudkalns, assoc.prof., religion 2 Dr.phil. Elect. Psychology of labour 2 2 D.Romanovska, Mg. psych. Elect. 6 S. Mihailova, assoc. prof Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Mg.paed. dipl.biol..; K.Lapiņa, Mg.paed., nursing Psychophysiology 2 sc. degree Total 12/26 Free Elective Courses Elect. Computer programs in the statistics 7 2 U. Teibe, prof., Dr.biol., Elect. 7 K. Mārtinsone, assist.prof., Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Introduction into arts therapy 2 Mg. paed., Elect. Basic principles of Group Therapy 7 2 I. Millere, as. prof., Dr. med., Elect. Basic of Social Work 7 2 L.Vilka, asoc.prof., Dr.phil. Elect. Basics of Social policy 7 2 L. Vilka, asoc.prof., Dr.phil.
Practice Mand. 5,6 S. Mihailova, asoc. prof., Psychological research and evaluation Dr.psych., Mg.health care, in practice (I,II) 10 Mg.paed..; Mand. 7 S. Mihailova asoc. prof., Dr.psych., Mg.health care, Psychological counselling in practice 10 Mg. paed., Mand. Psychological correction and 8 A. Upmale, Mg. psych., Mg. rehabilitation in practice 6 paed., Mg.health care Total 26kp
168 Appendix 4.2. Description of Academic Staff
Accademic staff elected RSU No Statuss Scient.degree Surname Study courses . at RSU 1. Prof. Dr. hab. med. L.Aberberga- Biological Principles of Psyche and Augškalne Genetics II (Normal Physiology) 2. Prof. Dr. hab. med. J.Zaļkalns Health care and medical rehabilitation 3. Prof. Dr.med. R.Andreziņa Psychiatry and psychopharmacology 4. Prof. Dr.med. A.Vētra Health care system and deontology 5. Prof. Dr.biol. U.Teibe Measurements and statistics, Information technologies, Computer programs in the statistics 6. Asoc.pr Dr. med. G. Ancāne Contemporary psychosomatic of. medicine 7. Asoc.pr Dr.art. D.Hanovs Introduction into intercultural of. psychology 8. Asoc.pr Dr. psych., S. Mihailova Psychology of personality, of. Mg.health Trends in psychoterapy, careMg.paed. Psychological counselling, Psychological research and evaluation in practice, Psychological counselling in practice, Psychophysiology 9. Asoc.pr Dr.med. B.Kupča Psychiatry and psychopharmacology of. 10. Asoc.pr Dr.med. I.Millere Basic principles of Group therapy of. 11. Asoc.pr Dr.med. E. Rancāns Psychiatry and psychopharmacology of. 12. Asoc.pr Dr.phil. A.Vilks Basics of philosophy of. 13. Asoc.pr Dr.iur. A.Vilks Introduction into legal psychology of. 14. Asoc.pr Dr.phil. L.Vilka Basic of Social work, of. Basics of Social policy 15. Assist.pr Dr. psych., K. Mārtinsone Research in psychology, of. Mg.health care Course paper (I,II), Mg.paed Introduction into legal psychology, Introduction into arts therapy, Introduction into intercultural psychology 16. Assist.pr Dr.phil., Mg.psych. S. Omārova Social psychology, of. Organizational psychology and basics of counselling of organization 17. Assist.pr ārsta grāds R. Žagare Biological principles of psyche and of. genetics I (Anatomy) 18. Assist.pr Mg iur., Mg.art. I.J. Mihailovs Human rights and law of labour, of. Management of quality 19. Lect. Mg. paed., K.Circenis First aid, Māszinību grāds Organisation of Health Care
169 20. Lect. Mg. phyl. S.Cire English . 21. Lect. Ārsta grāds, S.Olsena Rights and ethics of medicine and dipl.iur. biomedicine 22. Lect. Mg.antr. K.Sedlinieks Introduction in Social anthropology 23. Lect. Mg.psych., I.Majore – Dūšele Psychology of development, Mg.health care Clinical psychology, Professional work of psychologist and ethics (I,II), Psychological counselling 24. Assist. Mg.biol. A.Puzuka Biological principles of psyche and genetics III (Genetics)
Accademic staff - reader N Elect. Scient.degree Surname Study courses No other . place 25. Asoc. Dr.phil. V.Tēraudkalns Introduction into psychology of prof. religion 26. Assist.pr Dr.psych. G.Svence Introduction into positive psychology, of.. Introduction into pedagogical psychology 27. Lect. Mg.psych., A.Upmale Psychological correction and Mg.paed., rehabilitation, Psychological Mg.health care correction and rehabilitation in practice 28. Lect. Mg. psych. Ž. Vazne Introduction into sport psychology 29. Lect. Mg.psych. D.Romanovska Organizational psychology and basics of consultation of organization, Psychology of labour 30. Lect. Mg.paed., K.Lapiņa Neuropsychology, Māszinību grāds Introduction into health psychology, Introduction psychology into environment, Psychophysiology 31. Assist. Mg.psych. M.Vāciete Psychometric, Intellect and creativity psychology 32. Assist. Mg.psych. A. Arnicāne Psychological research and evaluation, Differential psychology 33. Assist. Mg.psych. Z. Biseniece Family therapy and basics of family counselling 34. Assist. Mg.psych I.Ozola History of psychology, Experimental psychology 35. Assist. Mg.psych., M. Zakriževska Social psychological training, Mg.health care General psychology, Social psychology, Introduction into political psychology 4.3. Appendix Division of study subject in semesters 1. Study year
170 No Categ.of CP in year 1. .semester 2. semester Study subject . courses 1 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 CP . Basics of Philosophy 2 Mand. 2 Credit 2 Exam. 2 . English I 3 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . First aid 4 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . Social psychological training 5 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . Human rights and labour low 6 Mand. 4 Exam. 4 . General psychology 7 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . Information technologies 8 Professional Work of Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . Psychologist and Ethics 9 Biological principles of psyche Mand. 2 Exam. 2 . and genetics I 1 Mand. 4 Exam. 4 0 . Measurements and statistics 1 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 1 . History of psychology 1 Mand. 4 Exam. 4 2 . Psychology of personality 1 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 3 Biological principles of psyche . and genetics (II) 1 Mand. 2 Exam. 2 4 Biological principles of psyche . and genetics (III) 1 Introduction into health Elect. 2 Exam. 2 5 psychology . 1 Introduction into psychology Elect.. 2 Exam. 2 6 of environment . 1 Introduction into religion Elect. 2 Exam 2 7 psychology .
2. study year No Categ.of CP in year 3. semester 4. semester Study subject . courses 1. Intoduction in Social Mand. 2 Exam. 2 KP antropology 2. Research in psychology Mand. 2 Exam. 2
171 3. Psychometrics Mand. 2 Exam. 2 4. Psychology of development Mand. 4 Exam. 4 5. Social psychology Mand. 4 Exam. 4 6. Intellect and creativity Mand. 2 Exam. 2 psychology 7. Differential psychology Mand. 2 Exam 2 8. Health care system and Mand. 2 Exam 2 deontology 9. Health care and medical Mand. 2 Exam 2 rehabilitation 10. Experimental psychology Mand. 2 Exam. 2 11. Clinical psychology Mand. 4 Exam. 4 12. Psychological research and Mand. 6 Exam. 6 evaluation 13. Neuropsychology Mand. 2 Exam. 2 14. Course paper I Mand. 2 Exam. 2 15. Introduction into political Elect. 2 Exam. 2 psychology 16. Psychology of labour Elect 2 Exam 2
3. study year No Categ.of CP in year 5. semester 6. semester Study subject . courses 1. Right and ethics of medicine Mand. 2 Exam. 2 CP and biomedicine 2. Psychological counselling Mand. 4 Exam. 6 3 Psychological research and Mand. 4 Exam. 4 evaluation in practice I 4 Psychiatry and Mand. 4 Exam. 4 psychofarmacology 5 Organisation of Health care Mand. 2 Exam. 2 6 Family therapy and basics of Elect. 2 Exam. 2 family counselling 7 Organizational psychology and Elect. 2 Exam 2 basics of counselling of organization 8 Introduction into positive Elect. 2 Exam 2 psychology 9 Introduction into legal Elect. 2 Exam 2 psychology 10 Psychological research and Mand. 6 Exam. 6 evaluation in practice II 11 Trends in psychotherapy Mand. 6 Exam. 6 12 Contemporary psychosomatic Mand. 2 Exam. 2 medicine 13 Course paper II Mand. 2 Exam. 2 14 Introduction into pedagogical Elect. 2 Exam. 2 psychology 15 Introduction into sport Elect. 2 Exam. 2 psychology 16 Introduction in intercultural Elect. 2 Exam 2
172 psychology 17 Psychophysiology Elect 2 Exam 2
4. study year No Categ.of CP in year 7. semester 8. semester Study subject . courses 1 Psychological counselling in Mand. 10 Exam. 10 practice 2 Psychological correction and Mand. 2 Exam. 2 rehabilitation 3 Computer programmes in Elect. 2 Exam. 2 statistics 4 Introduction into art therapy Elect. 2 Exam. 2 5 Basic principles of Group Elect.. 2 Exam. 2 therapy 6 Basics of Social work Elect. 2 Exam. 2 7 Basics of Social policy Elect. 2 Exam 2 8 Bachelor’s work Mand. 12 Credit. 2 Exam. 10 9 Management of quality Mand. 2 Exam. 2 10 Psychological correction and Mand. 6 Exam. 6 rehabilitation in practice 11 Proffesional work of Mand. 2 Exam. 2 psychologist and ethics II
4.4. Appendix Directions of research work of academic staff
.Nr. Statuss Scient./ Surname Directions of research work academ. degree
36. Prof. Dr. hab. med. L.Aberberga- Cardiovascular, respiratory, exercise and Augškalne age related physiology, bioethics 37. Asoc.prof. Dr. med. G. Ancāne Psychosomatic medicine, the syndrome of burn down, the type of personality 38. Prof. Dr.med. R.Andreziņa Shizophrenia 39. Assist. Mg.psych. A.Arnicāne Reflection of psychic reality in the language 40. Assist. Mg. psych. Z. Biseniece Family psychology 41. Lect. Mg. phyl. S.Cire English tuition aspects 42. Lect. Mg. paed., K.Circenis International Comparative Nursing Module Nursing degree 43. Assoc.prof. Dr.art. D.Hanovs Branding, globalization, cultural memory 44. Assoc.prof. Dr.med. B.Kupča Affective disorder 45. Assist. Mg.paed., K.Lapiņa Probation Nursing degree 46. Lect. Mg. psych., I.Majore Psychological correction for women with Mg.med emotional eating 47. Assist.prof. Dr. psych. K. Mārtinsone History of psychology and metodology
173 48. Asoc.prof. Dr. psych. S. Mihailova Adictive behaviour, Selffeeling and Selfestteem, Dance psychology. 49. Assist.prof Mg.iur., Mg.art. I.J.Mihailovs Legal theory, globalisation, cultural policy 50. Asoc.prof. Dr.med. I.Millere Ethiopathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis 51. Lect. MD, dipl.iur. S.Olsena Ethics and law problem in medicine and biomedicine 52. Assist.prof Dr.phil. S. Omārova Gender eguality socio-psychological issues, psiholoģiskie jautājumi, mobbing in organisation 53. Assist. Mg.psych I. Ozola Reflection of psychic reality in the language 54. Assist. Mg.biol. A.Puzuka Analysis of Y chromosome applied to the detection of molecular pathologies 55. Asoc.prof. Dr.med. E. Rancāns Mental disturbances diagnostics and treatment, depression and suicide 56. Assist. Mg.psych. D.Romanovska Managment of personal 57. Lect. Mg.antr. K.Sedlinieks Corruption as a Part of Discourse in Contemporary Latvia 58. Assist.prof Dr.psych. G.Svence Political psychology; Methodology of scientific research in developmental psychology, 59. Prof. Dr.biol. U.Teibe Biological and medical physics and statistics, biomechanics, informatics and computer science 60. Asoc.prof. Dr.phil. V.Tēraudkalns Religious Diversity in Latvia: Strategies for Promoting Tolerance 61. Lect. Mg. psych., Mg. A. Upmale Psihological correction in children paed., Mg.med. rehabilitation 62. Lect. Mg. psych. Ž. Vazne Morphofunctional and psychological adaptation to physical loads of young athletes 63. Assist. Mg. psych. M.Vāciete Creativity 64. Prof. Dr.med. A.Vētra Organisation of rehabilitation; Burn and scorchs; ultrasonometria 65. Asoc.prof Dr.phil. L.Vilka Social work 66. Asoc.prof. Dr.phil. A.Vilks classical and modern sociology theories; sociology of religion; Logics; philosophy; epistemology 67. Asoc.prof. Dr.iur. A.Vilks Criminology, devianthology 68. Asist. Mg.psych. M. Zakriževska Social representations 69. Prof. Dr. hab. med. J.Zaļkalns Gerontology, geriatrics, male reproductive health 70. Assist.prof Doctor degree R. Žagare Anthropometria
174 Appendix Nr. 5
Extract from protocol of the senate meeting
Example of a diploma and appendix of the diploma
Ar Komunikācijas fakultātes
bakalaura darbu novērtēšanas
komisijas 200__. gada __. jūnija
lēmumu Nr. 00__
Vārds Uzvārds
BAKALAURA personas kods 000000-00000
DIPLOMS studenta/es vārds, uzvārds, p.k.
sociālo zinātņu bakalaura grādu
un psihologa asistenta kvalifikāciju
Rektors Sērija XX X Dekāns Nr. 0000 Bakalaura darbu
komisijas priekšsēdētājs
Rīgā, 200__.gada __. Jūnijā
Reģistrācijas Nr. __
This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international “transparency” and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named in the Diploma to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections shall be provided. Where information is not provided, the reason shall be explained.
DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (Diploma Serial Number BD E No.0060)
1.1. First name:
1.2. Family name:
1.3. Date of birth (day/month/year):
1.4. Student identification code:
2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION: 2.1. Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language): Sociālo zinātņu bakalaurs psiholoģijā, psihologa asistenta kvalifikācija
2.2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification:
The principal concepts of psychology and other sciences that are related to practice as a assistent of psychologists and deepened mastering of theory and practice of psychology aimed to work in the fields of education, health and social care, expecially akcented work in health care system
2.3. Name (in original language) and status of awarding institution:
Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, State accredited (13.12.2001.), state recognised university
2.4. Name (in original language) and status of institution (if different from 2.3.) administering studies: The same as in point 2.3.
178 2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination: Latvian, English
3.1. Level of qualification: First (basic studies) academic degree
3.2. Official length of programme, start and end date of the acquisition of the programme:
4 years (8 semesters), 160 Latvian credit points, 240 ECTS credit points, from September 1, 2007 till June 30, 2011
3.3. Access requirements: General secondary education (GCSE)
4.1. Mode of study: Full – time
4.2. Programme requirements:
. to master the principal concepts in psychology and other sciences that are related to a specific practice of psychologist’s assistant; . to develop knowledge and skills for practical work . to perform a practice under supervision ( 26 CP) ; . to carry out an independent research and to codify the results in Bachelor’s thesis, the level of which coincides with the requirements of a scientific publication.
4.3. Programme details (e.g. modules or units studied) and the individual grades/marks/ credits obtained:
Credit ECTS No. Subjects Evaluation points credits
Study courses of general education 1. Basics of Philosophy 2 3 2. English 4 6 3. Measurements and statistics 4 6 4. Social psychological training 2 3 5. Human rights and labour low 2 3 6. Introduction in Social anthropology 2 3 7. Rights and ethics of medicine and 2 3 biomedicine 8. Management of quality 2 3
Basic theoretical courses of the branch and IT courses 9. General psychology 4 6 10. History of psychology 2 3 11. Experimental psychology 2 3 12. Research in psychology 2 3
179 13. Psychometrics 2 3 14. Psychology of development 4 6 15. Social psychology 4 6 16. Psychology of personality 4 6 17. Clinical psychology 4 6 18. Trends in psychotherapy 6 9 19. Information technologies 2 3
Courses of professional specialization of the branch 20. Professional Work of Psychologist and ethics 2 3 I 21. Professional Work of Psychologist and ethics 2 3 II 22. Biological principles of psyche and genetics 2 3 (anatomy) 23. Biological principles of psyche and genetics 2 3 (physiology) 24. Biological principles of psyche and genetics 2 3 (genetics) 25. Psychological research and evaluation 6 9 26. Psychological counselling 6 9 27. Psychological correction and rehabilitation 2 3 28. Intellect and creativity psychology 2 3 29. Differential psychology 2 3 30. Neuropsychology 2 3 31. Contemporary psychosomatic medicine 2 3 32. Psychiatry and psychopharmacology 4 6 33. First aid 2 3 34. Health care and medical rehabilitation 2 3 35. Organisation of Health Care 2 3 36. Health care system and deontology 2 3 37. Family therapy and basics of family counselling 2 3 38. Organizational psychology and basics of counselling of organization 2 3 39. Introduction into positive psychology 2 3 40. Introduction into health psychology 2 3 41. Introduction into pedagogical psychology 2 3 42. Introduction into psychology of environment 2 3 43. Introduction into sport psychology 2 3 44. Introduction into political psychology 2 3 45. Introduction into intercultural psychology 2 3 46. Introduction into psychology of religion 2 3 47. Inroduction into legal psychology 2 3 48. Psychology of labour 2 3 49. Psychophysiology 2 3
Free Elective Course 50. Computer programs in the statistics 2 3 51. Introduction of arts therapy 2 3 52. Basic principles of Group Therapy 2 3 53. Basic of Social Work 2 3 54. Basics of Social policy 2 3 180 Practice 55. Psychological research and evaluation in 4 6 practice I 56. Psychological research and evaluation in 6 9 practice II 57. Psychological counselling in practice 10 15 58. Psychological correction and rehabilitation in 6 9 practice Research work 59. Course paper I 2 3 60. Course paper II 2 3 61. Bachelor’s thesis 12 18
4.4. Grading scheme and if available, grade distribution guidance:
Grade distribution among Grade (description) students of this programme 10 (with distinction) 9 (excellent) 8 (very good) 7 (good) 6 (almost good) 5 (satisfactory) 4 (almost satisfactory) 3-1 (unsatisfactory)
Weighted average grade of the holder of this qualification:
4.5. Overall classification of the qualification (in original language): “Standarta”
See criteria for awarding qualification class „Standarta” in point 6.1.
5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION: 5.1. Access to further study: Qualified for entry into the Master’s degree or second level Professional programmes foreseen for study with Bachelor’s degree
5.2. Professional status (if applicable): psihologa asistenta kvalifikācija
6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 6.1. Additional information: Diploma Supplement is an integral part of Diploma Serial Number BD E No.0060.
The professional study programme „Psychology” at the Rīga Stradiņš University is accredited till ….
181 Additional information for point 4.4. – The weighted average grade of the holder of the qualification is calculated as follows av=sum(a*f)/sum(f), where av – weighted average grade, a – the students’ acquired evaluation for every course subject, f – credit points for the course subject. Additional information for point 4.5. – The qualification „Standarta” is awarded if all the study programme requirements are fulfilled.
6.2. Further information sources: Rīga Stradiņš University 16 Dzirciema iela Riga, LV-1007 Latvia Phone: +371 67409218 Fax: +371 67471815 E-mail: [email protected]
Academic information centre (Latvijas ENIC/NARIC) contact information: 2 Vaļņu iela, Riga, LV-1050 Latvia Phone: +371 67225155 Fax: +371 67221006 E-mail: [email protected] 7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT:
7.1. Date: June 19, 2008
7.2. Signature:
7.3. Capacity: Rector Professor of Rīga Stradiņš University
7.4. Official stamp or seal
(Please see next 2 pages)
182 APPENDIX Nr.7.
List of documents available in the Department of sociology and psyhology on request
Course list of the profesional bachelors programma „Psychology” (form No. D1). Regulations of admissions. Regulations of writing and defending Bachelor’s thesis. Regulations of practice Evaluation of students on the basis of evaluation forms fiiled by students after completion of a course. Guarantee of studies in case of liquidation of study programme RSU reglament I