6Th Grade Glimpse

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6Th Grade Glimpse

6th Grade Glimpse February 1 – February 5

Science: This week we will begin our new unit, Plate Tectonics! Students should be able to identify and describe the layers of the Earth. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Mrs. Logan [email protected] Plan Time: G1 and B4

Reading : We will be reviewing our Unit 3 test on Monday and beginning our new unit, which is Unit 5: Drama. Reading logs are due this week, on February 3rd. All 6th grade classes meet on Blue day and we will visit the library every Blue Wednesday, in order to take AR tests and check out/renew books. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns and have a great week! Mrs. Meyers, [email protected], Conf. times: Gold 11:40-1:32, Blue 8:00-9:24

6 th Grade Math Students will take the first part of their Fraction assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Students will need to know how to find the least common multiple of 2 or more numbers as well as how to add and subtract with fractions and mixed numbers. Students will then learn how to multiply with fractions and mixed numbers on Thursday and Friday.

Accelerated Math Students will start a new unit this week over Proportional Relationships. Students will study ratios, rates, and proportions.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Be sure to sign up for Remind to receive class and homework updates. Visit my website for further information: https://sites.google.com/site/huskersbill/home Have a great week!

Mrs. Gillilan [email protected] Conference time - Gold days: 1:36-3:00 Blue days: 8:00-9:24

Communication Arts: Blue 2 and Blue 4 classes will begin spelling February 1 with the test on Friday. We will continue with adjectives, editing, and citing textual evidence. Reminder: All homework assignments that receive a grade below a C may be redone for half credit. Assignments must be asked for that day and are due the next class time. Encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity if needed. Mrs. Snapp [email protected] / Conference Times: Gold 4 (12:00-1:30) and Blue 5 (1:35-3:00)

CA Mrs. Lettau - We will have a quiz over apostrophes, then begin a unit on adverbs. It will also be a spelling week. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at [email protected] . If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.

Social Studies: This week we will take our Chapter 4 Test as well as turning in our Ch. 4 Notebook Check. The test will be on Tuesday February 2nd. After the test we will begin our analysis of the Greek culture and literature in chapter 5. If you have any questions my email is [email protected] . My plan time is 9:28 to 10:52 on both Gold and Blue Days.


Student Signature: ______January 29, 2016 Parent/Caregiver Signature: ______Date: ______

For Extra Credit, both signatures must be present and the glimpse needs to be returned to Mrs. Logan no later than Tuesday, February 2, 2016 by 3:15

Vocal: Students have taken a quiz over music intervals. This was a listening quiz. Students are also working on several choral octavos. [email protected] RISE: Students will continue working on either their National History Day or Independent Study Projects next week. We will also be continuing our Extempore' curriculum with the lesson “Flag of Choice”. This lesson examines countries flags and the influences that helped to create them. In our Conflicts Curriculum next week our lesson is called Jumbo Shrimp and Other Conflicts. The enduring understanding is-Conflicts are not always negative. The guiding questions for this lesson are-What is an oxymoron?, Why is an oxymoron considered a conflict? Mrs. Bell , [email protected] Conference Time: BLUE 5 (1:36-2:45)

6th/7th/8th Physical Education & Health: Next week students in Mrs. Briney's classes will continue their basketball unit, while Mr. Dudley's classes will continue their hockey unit. Mr. Dudley currently has a student teacher, Mr. Schmersahl who has also been a coach in our school district. He will be covering Mr. Dudley's classes for a couple months before he moves to the Elementary building. Students were tested this week over their notes on Nutrition. Next week, students will begin dicussion over Safety. Please remind students to bring clothes and tennis shoes for participation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Mr. Dudley or Mrs. Briney. Coach Dudley's plan is Gold2 or Blue 5 [email protected] and Mrs. Briney's plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5 [email protected] 6th Grade Health Enrichment: Students will be discussion issues with addiction and peer pressure. We will be covering lessons 4 and 5. There are 6 lessons before we test. Each week students take an open book quiz and watch a video that they write a summary over. After the video, students are asked to share their summary with the class. The videos we watch include real stories, please stay involve by asking your child what we are talking about in class. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Briney. Mrs. Briney’s plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5 [email protected] 6 th Grade Resource – Mrs. Lettau – We will start Unit 6 – which is a bonus unit, only 5 days long. It is a review of all we have done this year. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at [email protected] . If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30- 10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00. Band: Our third quarter has gotten off to a great start, we are continuing to progress through our Essential Elements book and have learned new rhythm concepts along the way. We have also had our first playing test of the semester, which has been entered into the gradebook. I continue to offer free before and after school tutoring for anyone that would like to receive some extra help. An up-to-date band calendar, as well as a link to the Meyer School Store and other information concerning our band program, can be found at our website: http://huskerbands.weebly.com/. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! [email protected] Counselor’s Corner: BOX TOP TIME! The deadline for turning in box tops to collect cash for our Student Council is Friday, February 26th. Please bring them to Mrs. Rankin or Ms. Barnes. The CHOICES program for 8th grade is set for February 4th and 5th from 8:00am to 9:30am each day. CHOICES is a community based program that brings in presenters to discuss students futures. Eighth grade students will be getting in gear to set up classes for their freshman year of high school. They will be completing the inventory assessments to find their career cluster and then work on picking their classes out. There is a pre enrollment meeting for all eighth grade students and parents on February 10 th at 6:30pm in the Library. Please make arrangements to attend. [email protected]

EXPO Art: The class will continue their plaster mask making unit this week. All students will need a towel, a wash cloth, and something to hold their hair back with for the plaster face casting. Rhonda Boedeker [email protected] Conference: Gold 5 (1:36PM to 3:00PM) and Blue 4 (11:40AM to 1:32PM) Keyboarding: Mrs. Sellman: S.W.B.A.T. accurately key the letters: V,W, G, B, U, Q, and the right/left shift, period, comma, and forward slash keys. Lessons 1.6-1.10 are due Thursday, February 11, 2016 If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Sellman Gold 4: 11:40 – 1:32 / Blue 2: 9:28 – 10:52 @ by phone 584-7161 or by e-mail @ [email protected]

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