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A Joint EACME & ESPMH Conference 24 – 27 Augustus 2005
Final Program
Wednesday, 24 August
16.00- Registration 18.00
Opening Ceremony: 18.00- Official speakers from Barcelona 18.30 President EACME and President ESPMH Chair: Dr. Francesc Abel Plenary Session 1: The Future of Medicine 18.30- Professor Dr. Joan Vinas - Rector – University of Lleida 19.15 Chair: Dr. Francesc Abel
19.15- Welcome Reception
Thursday, 25 August (morning) Plenary Session 2: Technology and Medicine 08.30- Professor Dr. Paul Schotsmans - Catholic University Leuven (Belgium) 09.15 Chair: Prof. Nuria Terribas
Plenary Session 3: Technology and Medicine 09.15- Dr. Josep Ma. Esquirol - Director - Technoethics Institute, Barcelona 10.00 Chair: Prof. Chris Gastmans 10.00- Break 10.30 Session 1.1 Session 1.2 Session 1.3 Session 1.4 Session 1.5 Session 1.6 Session 1.7 A Special Panel Transhumanis Psychopharma Death & the Dead Utopianism Philosophy of Spanish/English Session on Human m & cology Chair: C. Leget Chair: D. Badcott Technology Chair: Prof. Nuria Enhancement Posthumanity Chair: D. Sulmasy Chair: P. Louhiala Terribas Chair: P. Nortvedt I. Brassington L. Schmidt (Venezuela): F. Svenaeus (Sweden): A. Edgar A. Miah (Scotland): S. Roganov (Russia): (United Kingdom): Responsabilidad y bioética 10.30- Phenomenology listens (United Kingdom): See below Posthuman medicine Biological death as a Heidegger’s concept of global: caminos de 11.00 to prozac: Analyzing Bio-ethics, utopia and and imagined ethics symbol of immortality technology and its humanización. the SSRI revolution death application in medicine M. Russo (Italy): No difference between W. Stempsey J. Siurana (Spain): W. Dekkers human and post- T. Takala (United States): Una sociedad saludable en la (The Netherlands): 11.00- human? The role of D. Sperling (Canada): (United Kingdom): Emerging medical era biotecnológica See below Memory enhancing 11.30 humanities in the Can the dead be harmed? For the greatest benefit technologies and drugs. Some ethical faculties of medicine to human well-being? emerging conceptions of aspects and biomedical health engineering P. Ruy Vieira & J. D. Willems Santos(Brazil): (The Netherlands): P. Huguet (Spain): T. Galert (Germany): G. Weikert (Germany): The inconsistency of legal E. Schei (Norway): Good/beautiful, bad/ ugly: Dimensiones ético- 11.30- The possible impact of See below Transhumanism – and social conditions for the Who needs clinical The importance of filosóficas sobre la 12.00 medical technologies on Hothouse of mankind use of biological material in judgment in technutopia aesthetics for normative clonación. personal identity didactic and scientific studies of technology activities in Brazil
M. Schermer E. Diaz (Columbia): Z. Porczi (Hungary): T. Adrover & A. Ambrogi M. Barilan (Israel): (The Netherlands): The present of medicine Do we dwell technically? (Spain): F. Torralba (Spain): Bodyworlds and the ethics of 12.00- Brave new world versus as a way to understand Medicine, technology and Human genome, human See below Transhumanism and using human remains: A 12.30 island – utopian and its future the intersubjective health, scientists and press posthumanity preliminary philosophic- dystopian views on visual discussion psychopharmacology
12.30- Lunch 14.00 Thursday, 25 August: A Special Panel on Human Enhancement by the ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics Session 1.1 Bigger, Better, Best: Discussions on Human Enhancement
Chair: Professor Ruth Chadwick, Director, CESAGen 10:30 - Dave Archard 10:45 Liberal Eugenics and Reproductive Freedom
10:45 Sarah Wilson -11:00 Social perspectives and Genetic Enhancement: Whose norm? Whose Choice?
11:00 Richard Twine -11:15 Thinking Across Species – A Critical Bioethics Approach to Enhancement
11:15 Floris Tomasini -11:30 Enhancement re-considered through the social prism of the ‘imaginary
11:30 - Paul McCarthy 11:45 Social Policy and Genetic Enhancement Technologies: Regulating Eugenics
11:45 Anthony Mark Cutter -12:00 Bigger, Better OR Best? Thinking about the Governance of Enhancement
12:00 – General Discussion 12:30 Thursday, 25 August (afternoon)
Session 2.1 Session 2.2 Session 2.3 Session 2.4 Session 2.5 Session 2.6 Philosophy of Medicine Ethics, Morality & Emerging Diagnostic Emerging Technologies & Cloning Life Extension Chair: F. Svenaeus Emerging Technologies Society Chair: D. Sperling Chair: T. Takala Technologies Chair: W. Dekkers Chair: D. Willems Chair: R. Barnet M. Boenink Lucy Carter (Australia): M. Battin et al. M. Faisal (Pakistan): (The Netherlands): D. Boury and E. Dei Cas What does the community J. Calinas-Correia (United States): The ethical aspects of the 14.00- Deconstructing the ‘ready- (France): think? An empirical base (United Kingdom): Rapid tests for infectious legislation in the UK and 14.30 made’: How to improve Ethical challenges on the for philosophical and Freedom and medicine disease and ethical issues Europe on regulating normative reflection on epistemological debate ethical debates about life in surveillance human cloning new medical technologies extensions E. Geelen & K. Horstman C. Leget & M. Pijnenburg B. Molewijk et al. O. Porta, I. Anquela, A. S. Sahm P. Tengland (Sweden): (The Netherlands): (The Netherlands): (The Netherlands): Zuasnabar, F. Ojeda (Spain): (Germany): 14.30- A two-dimensional Normative dilemma’s in Consensus guidelines for Who wants to live forever? Technology and morality. Of clones and men – on the 15.00 definition of health and of the making of a genetic test obstetric and neonatal Three arguments against Introducing the concept of moral status of cloned mental health for familiar hyper-trophic management of newborn interventions in biological implicit normativity human beings cardiomyopathy infants ageing
M. Verweij & N. Nijsingh E. Valdés Meza (Chile): C. Taylor (United States): (The Netherlands): D. de Semir et al. (Spain): Bioethic- philosophical E. Hildt (Germany): 15.00- D. Sulmasy (United States): Facilitating ethical Expanding newborn Stem cells and ethics, the approach to cloning Living longer. Ethical 15.30 Disease and natural kinds reflections on emerging screening through tandem press footprint aspects of age-retardation medical technologies mass spectrometry
T. Swierstra P. Nortvedt (Norway): R. Kishore (India): (The Netherlands): Buller, Tom (USA ) R. Binstock (United States): Realism and particularism – Technology, medicine and W. Podmore 15.30- How to anticipate the Brains, Lies and Controlling human aging: Investigating the sources of values: The need for (United Kingdom): 16.00 dynamic interplay between Neuroimages Alternative rationales and clinical normativity in scientific and cultural The ethics of cloning moral and medical implications medicine integration technological change? K. Nayar & S. Rath (India): T. Krause (Germany): R.. Porz et al. B. Hofmann (Norway): Technology as panacea: S. Dumitru (France): 16.00- Systems and symptoms – Is (Switzerland): Old analogies to handle new Ethical dimensions of How many clones are we 16.30 the patient a type of modern Prenatal diagnosis: technologies public-private divide in a entitled to? society? Ultrasound as a symbol developing country setting 16.30- Break 17.00 17.00- EACME Internal Session: Confidentiality and Technology. Ethical and Legal Rights and Duties 19.00 19.00- EACME 20.00 General Assembly
Friday, 26 August (morning)
Plenary Session 4: Enhancement and Therapy 08.30- Professor Dr. Guillermo Diaz Pintos - Castilla La Mancha University (Spain) 09.15 Chair: Dr. Michael Fuchs Plenary Session 5: Enhancement and Therapy 09.15- Professor Dr. Ruth Chadwick, Lancaster University (United Kingdom) 10.00 Chair: Prof. Michel Vallotton 10.00- Break 10.30 Session 3.1 Session 3.2 Session 3.3 Session 3.4 Session 3.5 Session 3.6 Session 3.7 Theories of Health Nanomedicine & Physicians’ Roles & Innovation & New Body Images Reproductive Miscellaneous I Honorary session Neuroscience Attitudes Sustainability Chair: M. Häyry Medicine Chair: Dr. Salvador Ribas for Lennart Chair: Chris Gastmans Chair: C. Taylor Chair: J. Wright Chair: A. Newson Nordenfelt R. Barnet (United R. Spoelstra, (The C. Lenk & N. Biller- States): P. Louhiala F. Simonstein (Israel): Netherlands): Andorno (Germany): The meaning of J. Kissel (United States): (Finland): Artificial reproduction 10.30- Dutch euthanasia, palliative See below Nanomedicine – medicine and the Sustainable healthcare: A Against cosmetic technologies – All the 11.00 care & technology engineering or re- role of the physician justice issue facial surgery in way towards the emerging ethical issues? in the new Down syndrome artificial womb? millennium M. Spranzi (France): T. Vidalis (Greece): D. Badcott Enhancement plastic F. Simonstein (Israel): C. Toumey R. Peroraro (Italy): On “principles” and (United Kingdom): surgeries: The The effect of artificial 11.00- (United States): Technological “policies” in See below The global pharma natural and the reproduction technologies 11.30 Cultural hermeneutics of doctor or doctor with biomedicine: The case industry: Therapeutic legitimate (RTs) on women – a nanomedicine technology? of embryo selection innovation in safe hands? perspective from Israel
M.-H. Derksen D. Moshirnia,, Y. Arnell & K. L. Getz et al. (Norway): (The Netherlands): Moshirnia (USA): F. Marian et al. Sustainable medicine: A S. Oultram Negotiating the body Ethical issues in Pancreatic b (Switzerland): conceptual framework to (United Kingdom): B. Lichterman & L. in tissue engineering Cell rejuvenation by Stem Cell 11.30- Physicians’ promote coordination, Commercial surrogate See below Likherman (Russia): Implantation and Gene therapy 12.00 philosophy of care in responsible action and children as post human Ethics in neurosurgery for Treatment of Diabetes complementary cost-intensive products: Does it Mellitus medicine development of preventive matter? medicine? P. Zagozdzon T. Krones et al. B. Molewijk, & G. T. Kontopoulou et al. (Poland): (Germany): M. Michailov, E. Neu, G.V. Widdershoven (The (Greece): Medicine in the The integration of Iyengar, & M. Schratz. T. Buller (United States): Netherlands): 12.00- Hippocratic techno-science era: ethics into health (Austria): See below The neuroscience of Implementing Clinical 12.30 humanism: A hidden The patient and the technology assessment - Philosophy, Medicine and rational decision-making Moral Deliberation treasure for our cyborg The example of new Pedagogy in Agenda 21 Processes. technocratic medicine reproduction technologies 12.30- Lunch 14.00 Friday, 26 August: Honorary Session for Lennart Nordenfelt Session 3.1 “Theories of Health”
Chair: Zbig Szawarski (Poland)
10.30- Zbig Szawarski: Introduction 10.35 L. Nordenfelt (Sweden): 10.35- The concept of health reconsidered 11.00 T. Schramme (Germany): 11.00- A qualified defence of a naturalistic theory of health 11.20 G. Khushf (United States); 11.20- A strong normativist theory of health 11.40 L. Nordenfelt (Sweden): 11.40- A reply to my critics 12.00
12.00- General Discussion 12.30 Friday, 26 August (afternoon) Session 4.1 Session 4.2 Session 4.3 Session 4.4 Session 4.5 Session 4.6 Future of Medicine Future Persons & Justice & Priorities Confidentiality & Autonomy, Informed Miscellaneous II Chair: W. Stempsey Future Chair: J. Kissel Emerging Consent & Chair: R.H. Nicholson Generations Technologies Information Rights Chair: S. Holm Chair: M.-H. Derksen Chair: Katrin Gruber J. Wright K. Bakke & B. Hofmann K. Groethe & P. (United Kingdom): (Norway): A. Banfalvi (Hungary): Nortvedt (Norway): R. Aamodt (Norway): G. Papagounos (Greece): Emerging technology and Patient autonomy and 14.00- The medicalization in Rationing in clinical Moral order versus molecular The moral significance of human biological professional pride in the 14.30 psychiatry and some intensive care – How do disorder: Chance, risk and luck future ‘persons’ materials: The ‘matter’ of face of challenges with tendencies in the future of clinicians reason in the ageing process anonymity extended use of radiological medicine ethically? services M. Brusa & D. Gracia M. Häyry (United D. Hunter (New J. Miller (United (Spain): K. Bramstedt Kingdom): Zealand): 14.30- Kingdom): F. Almodovar (Spain): The role of information in (United States): Is transferred parental Grey goo or justice? 15.00 The future of medicine – Personal Data Philosophy the world of adolescents When microchip implants do responsibility legitimately Equality & Is it genetic? with cancer. A field work in more than drug delivery: enforceable? nanotechnology three Madrid hospitals. O.M. Rodriguez (Cuba): M. Hernandez-Martin B. Ytterhus & J. Skolbekken P. Liss (Sweden): Roll of the ethics K. Bengtsson (Sweden): (Spain): F. Turoldo (Italy): (Norway): 15.00- The usefulness of the committees safeguarding Patients’ reconciliation with Medicine at the Responsibility for future Lay people’s reasons for 15.30 need-principle in setting confidentiality in clinical their genetic inheritance beginnings of the generations withdrawal from biobank of priorities evaluation of new medical millennium research technologies R. Chernomas, M. Webb M. Igoumenidis (United States): K. Khroutski (Russia): (United Kingdom): Can Citizen’s Rights to A. Skrikerud (Norway): E. Mordini (Italy): 15.30- The future of personalised The problem of allocating health Trump Information rights on the BITE – Biometric identification 16.00 medicine: Genetisation health care resources Corporation’s Rights? A edge of ignorance technology ethics or/and cosmisation? considering future case study of NAFTA’s generations Chapter 11. A. Newson H. Lu (United States): (United Kingdom): R. Sampath (United The diffusion and 16.00- Genetic profiling before States): acceptance of electronic 16.30 birth: How much The new era of molecular medical records (EMRs) information should parents surgery in Taiwan have access to? 16.30- Break 17.00 17.00- ESPMH 18.30 General Assembly 20.30- Saturday, 27 August (morning I)
Session 5.1 Session 5.2 Session 5.3 Winner Session 5.4 Session 5.5 Session 5.6 Genetic Engineering: Bioethics: Approaches ESPMH prize & Enhancement I Spanish/English Miscellaneous III Plants & Animals and Strategies Issues in Research I Chair: C. Lenk Session Chair: S. Welin Chair: B. Hofmann Chair: G. Kimsma Chair: Renzo Pegoraro Chair: Dr. Francesc Abel L. Carter (Australia): S. Holm Winner ESPMH prize N. King & R. Robeson L. Echarte (Spain): K. Stieber Roger Edible plant vaccines: The (United Kingdom): Peter Kakuk (United States): Improving child’s nature. 08.30- (Canada): case for a duty to rescue Up the slippery incline – (Hungary)Genetic Athlete or guinea pig: Could paediatric 09.00 Advance directives, living the third world using GM The role of hope and hype information in the age of Sports and enhancement psychotropics change our wills and dementia crops in ethical argument genohype research self-unterstanding? J. Karlsen & R. Strand M. Engelhard (Germany): (Noway): M. Norup & P. Rossel A. Sawada (Japan): F. J. Blazquez (Spain): Pharming: Genetically K. Rommetveit (Norway): Informed consent as a (Denmark): Nurses during the Nazi era 09.00- Technology and engineered plants and The disappearance of cloaking device in the Equality of capabilities and – Morals and mentality of 09.30 confidentiality: Paradoxes animals as low-cost drug ethics facilitation of research the treatment – accomplices in Nazi war of genetic privacy factories of the future? biobanks: A comparison of enhancement distinction crimes Iceland and Norway C. Klein (United States): Alain Leplège (France): Creation and use of M. Ruiz-Canela (Spain): M. Sheehan Conflicts of interests in transgenic animals in A. Quintanas (Spain): 09.30- E. Christensen (Norway): Informed consent for (United Kingdom): taking into account the pharmaceutical and El dolor como límite de la 10.00 A new vision – a new life pharmacogenomic The presumption against patients' point of view in biomedical research: civilización tecnológica epidemiology research interfering with nature quality of life Animal welfare and ethical measurements concerns A. Nordgren (Sweden): Implications of animal J. Saloma (United States): K. Grüber (Germany): M.I. Perez de Pio Barbro Spjuth (Sweden): cloning and germ-line A. Fernando (Srilanka): 10.00- The abiocor total artificial Brave new man – (Argentina): Dignity and Older interventions: An An Asian viewpoint on the 10.30 heart trial. An ethical Bioethics on its way to a Ecosistema versus Europeans epigenetic argument for ethics of modern medicine study? new idea of man? medicina precaution regarding application to humans 10.30- Break 11.00 Saturday, 27 Augustus (morning II)
Session 6.1 Session 6.2 Session 6.3 Session 6.4 Session 6.5 Session 6.6 Genetic Engineering: Bioethics & the Future Issues in Research II Enhancement II Challenges of Medicine Organ donation & Humans Chair: P. Tengland Chair: C. Klein Chair: N. King Chair: B. Molewijk transplantation Chair: Eugenius Gefenas Chair: H. Jochemsen M. Hilhorst & L. M. Gunderson P. Borry & K. Dierickx A. Dawson S. Tyreman (U.K) Kranenburg (The (United States): (Belgium): (United Kingdom): L. Ursin (Norway): Technological Temptation Netherlands): 11.00- Seeking perfection: A What kind of bioethics do Ethical issues in gaining Remember, you are unique How actively should health 11.30 and the Seduction Kantian look at genetic we want in the future in the informed consent in – just like everybody else of Clinicians care professionals engineering field of medicine? ‘frontier’ research encourage living kidney donation? Mehlman, Maxwell J. (USA) C. Tauer (United States): H. Grankvist (Sweden): J. Kure (Czech Republic): Ethical Norms for Research Therapy versus O. Varga (Hungary): S. Welin (Sweden): 11.30- The future of gene therapy Prospective ethics. Toward on Biomedical enhancement in Complementary and Why the state should pay 12.00 – Should germ line a future oriented (bio)ethics Enhancements Using preimplantation genetic alternative medicine living donors interventions be avoided? Human Subjects diagnosis
G. Eugenijus J. Simek & M. Mesanyova E. Malmqvist (Sweden): (Vilnius) (Czech Republic): H. Widdows E. Schei (Norway): 12.00- Genetic intervention and The concept of risk and M. Salvi (Belgium): Two worlds, two languages. (United Kingdom): Medical therapy, 12.30 the freedom of future ethics of biomedical The role of the family in the Genetic challenges to ethics enhancement and alteration persons research course of bone marrow transplantation A. Zanni M. Mehlman J. Hughes S. Edwards N. Yanes-Hoffman (United Kingdom): J. Hartman (Poland): (United States): (United Kingdom): 12.30- (United Kingdom): (United States): Commodification of the To be serious about the Cognition-enhancing drugs: Justice and third party risk: 13.00 Regulating innovation and The writing doctor who child’s body and genetic future? An ethical and policy The ethics of experiment in healthcare doctors your writing engineering analysis xenotransplantation 13.00- Closing session 14.00