In the Shadow of 9/11

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In the Shadow of 9/11

Sunday Liberty Pole Vol.3. No. 35; Sept. 17, 2017 (4 pages) National: Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW), Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Janet Levy (JL), Lisa K (LK), Tom Zimmerman (TZ), Rohini De Silva (RDS), Carolyn Guillot (CG), Linda Culpepper (LC), Nonie Darwish (ND), Linda Paine (LP), Borek Volarik (BV), (SE),Lawrence Peck (LP), Karen Siegemund (KS)

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a place to post political news and as a symbol of the Anti-Trump "Resistance" Groups colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. Historical records indicated these poles spreading NoKo Propaganda: 9/3/2017 by existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and Peter Hasson, associate editor at The Daily George. The Sons of Liberty erected the first on May 21, 1776. Caller (KK) trump-resistance-groups-spreading-north-korean- In the Shadow of 9/11: propaganda/

Editor’s Note: On 9/12/2001, due to a no-fly order, stranded Americans congregated outside Francis Scott Key Statue in Baltimore Buckingham Palace in London. The Queen ordered defaced with words "Racist Anthem.": the guards to play the US National Anthem as a show 9/13/2017 by Sean Langille at the Washington of unity with America. Examiner: Stop the insanity. (LP) key-monument-defaced-with-racist-anthem-in- baltimore/article/2634255

Palace breaks with Tradition in post- 9/11 Musical Tribute 9/14/2001 by David Graves in the (UK) Telegraph (DB) DOJ will not Investigate Lois Lerner/ 1340465/Palace-breaks-with-tradition-in-musical-tribute.html IRS Scandal: 9/8/2017 by Neil Munro at Breitbart: CYA is alive for IRS at DOJ. Yanks at Buckingham Gate (VIDEO 01:11) sessions-doj-will-not-investigate-irs-suppression-tea-party-groups/

1 Sunday Liberty Pole National continued on Page 4 Find your Legislator: Eagle Action: Showing Up California/L.A

10 Questions to Ask Your Federal Elected Officials content/uploads/2017/08/10-Questions-at-a-Townhall2.pdf? mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmprMlpUQmhOelF5WXpRdyIsInQiOiJqU Three from Frankly Steve: HpnUUREK1JYU3h1ejBBbHArclwvREhNNEVLK2hESm5B Nzh4bFNlcTdDNEJUVGNPWVlVUld3eWFabW92cEIyUWg1 ZUpoM1Jwc0ZKNStBQXVJWFRmbkFXMUhPQ0FcL3l6cVN Gov. Brown stole $84 M from Feds ZbjE3V0FzQ2VQcjNcL2pMZWNaenNnSk9HOWF4WkdBcn on Boondoggle Water Project: 9/8/2017 RESHVmdTFMdDhrSkJQc0FYRVF6N3c9PSJ9 by Stephen Frank at California Political Townhall Tips for Citizens Review: Corrupt Crony Capitalism on parade in Sacramento. Surprise! content/uploads/2017/08/Townhall-Tips2.pdf? mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmprMlpUQmhOelF5WXpRdyIsInQiOiJqU ws/jerry-brown-stole-84-million-from-feds-for- HpnUUREK1JYU3h1ejBBbHArclwvREhNNEVLK2hESm5B boondoggle-water-project/ Nzh4bFNlcTdDNEJUVGNPWVlVUld3eWFabW92cEIyUWg1 ZUpoM1Jwc0ZKNStBQXVJWFRmbkFXMUhPQ0FcL3l6cVN ZbjE3V0FzQ2VQcjNcL2pMZWNaenNnSk9HOWF4WkdBcn CA Senator Leads Religious RESHVmdTFMdDhrSkJQc0FYRVF6N3c9PSJ9 Test Smear on Court Nominee: Be Prepared: Visit Your Local 9/8/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Please tell DiFi there is no Elected Official content/uploads/2017/08/Office-Visit-Tips2.pdf? religious test for public office. Oh. mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmprMlpUQmhOelF5WXpRdyIsInQiOiJqU HpnUUREK1JYU3h1ejBBbHArclwvREhNNEVLK2hESm5B ws/democrats-attack-on-female-nominee-shows- Nzh4bFNlcTdDNEJUVGNPWVlVUld3eWFabW92cEIyUWg1 misogyny-and-hate-of-religion/ ZUpoM1Jwc0ZKNStBQXVJWFRmbkFXMUhPQ0FcL3l6cVN ZbjE3V0FzQ2VQcjNcL2pMZWNaenNnSk9HOWF4WkdBcn RESHVmdTFMdDhrSkJQc0FYRVF6N3c9PSJ9 L.A. throws Businesses and Landlords under the Trash Truck: Legislator/District contact info: 9/8/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Guess trash cans have deep

2 Sunday Liberty Pole pockets. Oh. Sunday Liberty Pole to [email protected] for a future edition. ws/la-businesses-landlords-trashed-city-more-than- doubles-trash-collection-cost/ New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of California/Los Angeles continues on Page 3 previous editions at California/Los Angeles (continued): Brown Signs 27 Bills into CA Law: Two from Sue: Here's the List: 9/15/2017 by Renee Schiavone at the Sherman Oaks Patch: If CA bills were toilet paper, we’d hack a forest. brown-signs-27-bills-into-law-including-no-marijuana-use- in-cars-list?utm_source=alert- breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_term=weather& utm_campaign=alert

CA's Chad Mayes: Scorched Earth Policy to Crush Assembly GOP: High-Tech Appliances: Welcome 9/4/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Mat for "Spies" in the House: Political Review: Power corrupts absolutely. 9/15/2017 by Susan Shelley at the LA Daily /chad-mayes-scorched-earth-policy-to-kill-assembly- News: Guess Maxwell Smart could call Agent republicans-continues/ 99 by toaster or DVR today. Closely Watched Bills Die in Spending appliances-go-high-tech-internet-privacy-concerns- really-hit-home-susan-shelley/ Committees: 9/4/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: The list is a Piano keyboards for Smaller Hands testament to insanity spending. Hits a High Note: 9/12/2017 by Susan /closely-watched-bills-killed-by-legislative-spending- Shelley at the LA Daily News committees/ keyboards-for-smaller-hands-could-be-a-work-of- genius-susan-shelley/

Editorial policy : The “Sunday Liberty Pole” American Freedom Foundation is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town (AFA): CA "Gold to Dust" square’ themes. Contribute: If you have an Conference 2017 (VIDEOS) opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. list=PLER2GpHL7yGZkd7ncepACMiTIv8v4vbd8 personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email AFA takes on CA's Destruction: 8/21/2017 (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: by Chriss W. Street at Breitbart

3 Sunday Liberty Pole Used and Mused News: an-freedom-alliance-takes-californias-destruction/

AFA focuses on decline of CA--and what to do about it: 8/20/2017 by George Miller at the Citizens Journal: Commentary and News on AFA Conference

At the Hearth:

US Trying to Criminalize Free Speech —Again: 6/20/2017 by Judith Bergman at Gatestone Institute: The First Amendment has a virus--Congress. (JL) speech Highlight Reels:

Heritage Foundation: Free Digital Guide to the U.S. Constitution: Clause- by-clause analysis from 100 Constitutional scholars; 475 pages for your personal study of our core Founding Document. utm_campaign=2017constitutionguide&utm_medium=ema Moms' March USA (Sept. 23, 2017) ilprospecting&utm_source=RightFree&utm_content=0915 17_RightFree_lr D'Souza and Shapiro destroy Liberals (VIDEO 11:44): 9/10/2017 by 50 Stars at You Tube: Shapiro interviews D'Souza on the Nazis roots of the Democrats. International:

4 Sunday Liberty Pole

Terror Rocks London in Subway Attack9/15/2017 by David Harris at Clarion Project: Parson Green Tube terrorist attack with podcast link. london-parsons-green-isis/


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