Details of the Conference

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Details of the Conference

Details of the Conference

Dear participants, Welcome to The 1st International Conference on Integrated Pest Management. Please refer to the guide for more details of conference. 1. Please show you representative card when you take conference. 2. Please present your dining voucher when you have your meal. 3. Please do not hesitate to find workers who wear red badge tape when you need help,or you can call anyone of the follows: Dr. Pin Sun (mobile phone: 0086-15974110770) Dr. Xiaobin Shi (mobile phone: 0086-13787237078) Dr. Xin Zhang (mobile phone: 0086-13637415169)

4. We will release the conference-related information in the official WeChat timely, Please scan the two-dimensional code to enter. Committee Chairman of the conference: Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Lianyang Bai China Prof. Feng Ge Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Prof. Wenqing Zhang Sun Yat-sen University, China Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Youjun Zhang China

Scientific Advisory Board Chairs: Prof. Le Kang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Prof. Kongming Wu Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Members: Prof. Mingshun Chen Kansas State University, USA Prof. FangNeng Huang Louisiana State University, USA Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Xianchun Li China Prof. Nannan Liu Auburn University, USA Prof. Ping Wang Cornell University, USA Prof. XiaoQiang Yu University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA Prof. XuGuo Zhou University of Kentucky, USA

Organizer Committee Chairs: Institute of Plant Protection, Hunan Prof. Yong Liu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Prof. Xuguo Zhou University of Kentucky, USA

Secretaries: Prof. Deyong Zhang Institute of Plant Protection, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Organizers


The Committee of Agricultural Insects The Committee of Insect Ecology The Committee of Insecticide Toxicology The Entomological Society of China


Hunan Academy of Agricultural Science Hunan Plant Protection Institute Hunan Agricultural University Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of the Pests and Diseases on Horticultural Crops in HunanProvince State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects & Rodents The Plant Protection Society of Hunan Province


Date Period Programme Registration 21, Jul. All Day Committee Meeting Opening Ceremony Morning Keynote Presentation 22, Jul. Group Presentation (3 groups) Afternoon Poster Evening Welcome Dinner Group Presentation (3 groups) Morning Poster 23, Jul. Afternoon Group Presentation (3 groups) Student Award Ceremony Evening Dinner 24, Jul. All Day Departure


Friday, 21 July, 2017 8:00~22:30 Registration Mingcheng International Hotel 18:00~20:00 Dinner 2nd floor Lixie Coffee Shop

Saturday, Morning, 22 July, 2017 Opening Ceremony Place: 5th floor Geneva International Conference Center Chair: Feng Ge Longping Yuan China National Hybrid Rice Research & Development Speaking Center, China 8:30~9:00 Lianyang Bai Chinese Academy of Speaking Agricultural Sciences, China

9:00~9:20 Photos

Plenary Presentation Place: 5th floor Geneva International Conference Center Chair: Wenqing Zhang The expanding role of David G. Heckel ABC proteins in the mode 9:20~10:00 Max Planck Institute for of action of insecticidal Chemical Ecology, Germany toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis

Shusheng Liu Plant-mediated 10:00~10:40 Zhejiang University, China interspecific competition between whiteflies

Bacillus thuringiensis and Michael J. Adang Lysinibacillus sphaericus 10:40~11:20 University of Georgia, USA crystal toxins for insect control: action, diversity and synergists

Evaluation of molecular Neil Crickmore mechanisms of Bt 11:20~12:00 University of Sussex, UK resistance in lepidopteran pest insects

12:00~13:30 Lunch 2nd floor Lixie Coffee Shop

Saturday, Afternoon, 22 July, 2017 parallel sessionⅠ : Insect Ecology and Pest Management Place: 5th Floor White House Chair: Abhishek Ojha, Xuguo Zhou Novel insights into the Cecilia Tamborindeguy psyllid-Liberibacter-plant 14:30~15:00 Texas A&M University, USA partnership based on the comparison of Liberibacter haplotypes Continuous and intermittent stresses of Zengrong Zhu temperature and water in 15:00~15:30 Zhejiang University, China rice had different effect on reproductive rate of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens

Lecanicillium muscarium Shaukat Ali as microbial insecticide 15:30~16:00 South China Agricultural against whitefly and its University, China interaction with other control agents

Non-targeted metabolomics analysis of Kui Kang rice (Oryza sativa) 16:00~16:20 Sun Yat-sen University, China response to brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens

16:20~16:35 Coffee Break

The possibility of microscale Zhanwen Guan thermophoresis in the 16:35~16:55 Sun Yat-sen University, China ligand identification of unknown gustatory receptors

Electrophysiological and alarm behavioral responses of Solenopsis Li Chen invicta to an alarm 16:55~17:05 Chinese Academy of Sciences, pheromone component China and its analogues

Mating-stimulated initiator of cAMP signaling Haotian Gu cascade regulating 17:05~17:20 Yangzhou University, China growth and fecundity in the brown planthoper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)

Fan Yang The study of the foodweb 17:20~17:35 Chinese Academy of relationships of aphids- Agricultural Sciences, China parasitoids in different cropping patterns Biological traits and the Qin Li complex of parasitoids of 17:35~17:50 Xinjiang University, China the elm pest Orchestes steppensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Xinjiang, China

Cloning and expression of genes encoding heat 17:50-18:10 Yawen Chang shock proteins in Yangzhou University, China Liriomyza trifolii and comparison with two congener leafminer species parallel sessionⅡ : Insect Toxicology and Insecticide Resistance Management Place: 5th Floor Buckingham Hall Chair: Simon W. Baxter, Fangneng Huang Implications of field- Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes evolved resistance to Bt 14:30~15:00 University of Tennessee, USA corn in Spodoptera frugiperda for insect resistance management

Xiao-Qiang (Sean) Yu Lectins in Bt toxin 15:00~15:30 University of Missouri – Kansastolerance and resistance City, USA The evolution of insecticid Shunfan Wu e resistance of brown pla 15:30~15:50 Nanjing Agricultural University, nthopper and rice stem b China orer in China from 1996- 2016

Insecticide resistance and Maohua Chen population genetics of an 15:50~16:10 Northwest A&F University, important pest on wheat China crops, the bird cherry-oat aphids Rhopalosiphum padi 16:10~16:30 Coffee Break

Ran Wang One extension work: to 16:30~16:50 Beijing Academy of Agriculture find better insecticide to and Forestry Sciences, China control whitefly in China 16:50~17:10 Yutao Xiao Chinese Academy of Single point mutation affecting receptor trafficking to plasma Agricultural Sciences, China membrane is linked to Bt resistance in cotton bollworm

Jingjing Wang The Interaction of 17:10~17:30 South China Agricultural Destruxin A with Piwi and University, China Tudor Proteins in Bombyx mori

Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and developmental expression of cDNA Min Mao fragment of juvenile 17:30~17:50 Sichuan Agricultural University, hormone methyl China transferase and Juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase from the Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) parallel sessionⅢ : Global Change Warning Place: 5th Floor Friendship Hall Chair: Keyan Zhu-Salzman, Chunsen Ma Environmental effects on Deborah L. Finke the susceptibility of plants 14:30~15:00 University of Missouri, USA to insect-vectored pathogens

Megha N. Parajulee Electropenetrography as 15:00~15:30 Texas A&M University, USA a Novel Tool in Plant Bug Feeding Behavior Study

Pest-Host Interactions 15:30~16:00 Jingjiang Zhou and Their Possible Rothamsted Research, UK Applications in Pest Management

Adjustment of phytohormone defense Xiaoling Tan signaling pathway 16:00~16:20 Chinese Academy of Sciences, underlies the multiple China attack between Bemisia tabaci and TYLCV under elevated atmospheric CO2 16:20~16:35 Coffee Break

Plants pre-infested with Xiaobin Shi viruliferous Bemisia 16:35~16:55 Hunan Academy of Agricultural tabaci Q cryptic species Sciences, China promotes the subsequent infestation

Xuewu Yan Discussion on artificial 16:55~17:10 Hunan forestry institute, China breeding technique of natural enemies

Qingxuan Xu A push-pull strategy to 17:10~17:25 Chinese Academy of control aphids combines Agricultural Sciences, China intercropping with semiochemical releases

Spatial distribution of Sabir Hussain virus transmitting aphids 17:25~17:40 Chinese Academy of of plants in Al Bahah Agricultural Sciences, China Province, Saudi Arabia

Efficient genome editing 17:40~17:55 Wenping Zheng with CRISPR/Cas9 Huazhong Agricultural induces myasthenia and University, China flightless in Bactrocera Dorsalis

14:30~18:00 Poster 5th Floor Display Areas 18:00~20:00 Welcome Dinner 3rd Floor Banquet Hall

Sunday, Morning, 23 July, 2017 parallel sessionⅠ : Insect Ecology and Pest Management Place: 5th Floor White House Chair: Shaukat Ali, Xiaowei Wang Murad Ghanim Opening the box of 8:30~9:00 Volcani Center of Hebrew circulative transmission of University, Israel plant pathogens by insect vector

Multritrophic interactions Frédéric Francis to develop IPM to control 9:00~9:30 University of Liège, Belgium aphids : from lab experiments to field applications Ecological risk assessme 9:30~10:00 Xuguo Zhou nt of RNAi transgenic cro University of Kentucky, USA ps: current knowledge and future direction

Hongxing Xu A salivary protein of the 10:00~10:20 Zhejiang University, China whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, affects its phloem-feeding on host plants

10:20~10:40 Coffee Break

Cryptic effects of high- Lei Guo temperatures on 10:40~11:00 Qingdao Agricultural University,insecticide resistance of China an invasive whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)

RNAi in pea aphids Chao Ye (Acyrthosiphon pisum): 11:00~11:15 Southwest University, China efficiency and expression of machinery components

Lilong Pan Clathrin-mediated 11:15~11:30 Zhejiang University, China endocytosis is involved in tomato yellow leaf curl virus transport across the midgut barrier of its whitefly vector

Transmission Keke Wei characteristics of a 11:30~11:45 Qingdao Agricultural University,recently emerged Tomato China chlorosis virus (ToCV) by Bemisia tabaci in China

MabArrayTM technology Weining Sun and its application in 11:45~12:00 Abmart Shanghai Co., Ltd functional proteomic study parallel sessionⅡ : Insect Toxicology and Insecticide Resistance Management Place: 5th Floor Buckingham Hall Chair: Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, Xiao-Qiang (Sean) Yu Progress Totwards 8:30~9:00 Juli R. Gould biological control of the USDA-APHIS,USA emerald ash borer

Qisheng Song Neuropeptides as 9:00~9:30 University of Missouri – Kansaspotential targets for pest City, USA control

Differential alteration of four aminopeptidases N is Zhaojiang Guo associated with 9:30~9:50 Chinese Academy of resistance to Bacillus Agricultural Sciences, China thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in diamondback moth

The cases of target-site Xingliang Wang mutations mediated Nanjing Agricultural University, resistance to SCBIs, 9:50~10:10 China spinosad and abamectin in Plutella xylostella

10:10~10:30 Coffee Break

CREB Modulates Xin Yang Imidacloprid Metabolism 10:30~10:50 Chinese Academy of by Activating the Agricultural Sciences, China ERK/P38 Pathway in Bemisia tabaci

Ecdysis Triggering Hormone is Required for the Larva-Larva Yan Shi Transition in Bactrocera Southwest University, China dorsalis (Diptera: 10:50~11:10 Tephritidae)

Mechanisms of massive l Qiulin Wu anding of white-backed pl 11:10~11:30 Nanjing Agricultural University, anthopper Sogatella furcif China era (Horváth) at Jiangche ng, Yunnan: case study of mountainous climate

A genetically enhanced Muhammad Waqar Ali sterile insect technique 11:30~11:50 Huazhong Agricultural against the fruit fly, University, China Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) by feeding adult double-stranded RNAs Ming Luo Application progress of 11:50~12:10 Hunan HESHUNTAI Science BIACORE molecular Instrument Trading Co., Ltd interaction technology in Phytology parallel session Ⅲ : Global Change Warning Place: 5th Floor Friendship Hall Chair: Deborah L. Finke, Jingjiang Zhou Status of BMSB as an Kim A. Hoelmer Invasive Pest and 8:30~9:00 USDA-ARS,USA Potential for its Biological Control?

Chunsen Ma Each stage is important in 9:00~9:30 Chinese Academy of prediction of pests under Agricultural Sciences, China climate change

Yanhui Lu Recent change of Chinese Academy of biocontrol service in 9:30~10:00 Agricultural Sciences, China cotton agro-ecosystem of northern China

Onset date of South Xiao Chen China Sea summer 10:00~10:20 Xinjiang Normal University, monsoon could act as an China early warning indicator for outbreak of the brown planthopper in China 10:20~10:30 Coffee Break

Impact of climate and Xubin Pan host availability on future 10:30~10:50 Chinese Academy of Inspectiondistribution of Colorado and Quarantine, China potato beetle

Fang Ouyang Insect ecological services 10:50~11:10 Chinese Academy of Sciences, and their economic China valuation in agricultural ecosystems of China Zihua Zhao Ecologically based pest 11:10~11:30 China Agricultural University, management of cereal China, China aphid through landscape modification 11:30~11:50 Yunli Xiao Replacement of two wall The Plant Protection Station of bees from genus Osmia Shandong Province, China and its application in the eastern Shandong province

Xijie Li The impact of climate 11:50~12:10 Nanjing Agricultural University, change on the overwinter China boundary of Armyworm (Mythimna separata)

8:30~12:00 Poster 5th Floor Display Areas 12:00~13:30 Lunch 3rd Floor Banquet Hall

Sunday, Afternoon, 23 July, 2017 parallel sessionⅠ : Insect Ecology and Pest Management Place: 5th Floor White House Chair: Murad Ghanim, Frédéric Francis The mechanisms of Xiaowei Wang begomovirus 14:10~14:40 Zhejiang University, China transmission by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci

Functional Abhishek Ojha characterization of 14:40~15:10 Sun Yat-sen University, China gustatory receptor 14 (protein) of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens

Study on quantitative Zhenfei Zhang analysis of tricin and its 15:10~15:30 Guangdong Academy of metabolic pathway genes Agricultural Sciences, China expression in rice after brown planthopper infestation 15:30~15:50 Coffee Break

Effects of relative body- size on the host stage Tao Wang choices of parasitoids: 15:50~16:10 Sun Yat-sen University, China Developmental temperature affects interactions between Eretmocerus warrae and its host 16:10~16:30 Daifeng Cheng South China Agricultural Gut symbiont enhances University, China insecticide resistance in a significant pest, the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)

Genome-wide identification and Chao Wang characterization of HSP 16:30~16:45 Zhejiang University, China gene superfamily in whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and expression profiling analysis under temperature stress

Qunfang Chen Superior capacity of a 16:45~17:00 Zhejiang University, China begomovirus to transport across the midgut of an indigenous whitefly cryptic species over an invasive one parallel sessionⅡ : Insect Toxicology and Insecticide Resistance Management Place: 5th Floor Buckingham Hall Chair: Juli R. Gould, Qisheng Song Resistance of the fall armyworm to transgenic Fangneng Huang Bacillus thuringiensis Louisiana State University, crops: Lessons and 14:30~15:00 USA implications

Simon W. Baxter Evolution of resistance to 15:00~15:30 University of Adelaide, AustraliaBt toxins in discrete moth populations

S. Subramanian Diversity of Bemisia 15:30~15:50 Indian Agricultural Research tabaci and Current Status Institute, India of Insecticide Resistance in India

15:50~16:00 Coffee Break

Chunqing Zhao 16:00~16:20 Nanjing Agricultural University, Fluralaner:Application China and Risk 16:20~16:40 Jia Huang Zhejiang University, China Insect biogenic amine receptors as targets for pest control Fitness Trade-off Xiaoyu Li Associated with Spinosad Chinese Academy of Resistance in 16:40~17:00 Agricultural Sciences, China Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) parallel session Ⅲ : Global Change Warning Place: 5th floor Geneva International Conference Center Chair: Megha N. Parajulee, Kim A. Hoelmer Control Post-Harvest Keyan Zhu-Salzman Insect Pests By 14:30~15:00 Texas A&M University, USA Environmentally Friendly Alternatives

Physiological and Fajun Chen Behaviroal Response of 15:00~15:30 Nanjing Agricultural University, Migratory White-Backed China Planthopper to the Changes of Geomagnetic Fields

Yucheng Sun Plant stomatal closure 15:30~16:00 Chinese Academy of Sciences, improves aphid feeding China under elevated CO2

16:00~16:10 Coffee Break

Elevated CO2 increases the abundance of the pea Huijuan Guo aphid by increasing the 16:10~16:30 Chinese Academy of Sciences, nitrogen fixation ability China and suppressing resistance of Medicago truncatula

Lei Qian Effects of elevated CO2 Nanjing Agricultural University, on feeding damage of China kidney bean induced by 16:30~16:45 Frankliniella occidentalis

Yazhou He Vector development and 16:45~17:00 Zhejiang University, China vitellogenin determine the transovarial transmission of begomoviruses

Sunday, Afternoon, 23 July, 2017 17:00~18:00 Prize Presentation and closing ceremony Chiar: Youjun Zhang Place: 5th floor Geneva International Conference Center

18:00~20:00 Dinner 3rd Floor Banquet Hall

Monday, 24 July, 2017 All Day Departure

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