Draft Meeting Notes from the EM-TC Telecon

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Draft Meeting Notes from the EM-TC Telecon

Draft Meeting Notes from the EM-TC Telecon Date: Jan 29, 2013 Next meeting: Feb 12, 2013 Telecon A quorum was in attendance.

1. Attendance

Patti Aymond Rex Brooks Charlene Duncans Gary Ham Elysa Jones Tony Mancuso Camille Osterloh Jeff Waters

2. Meeting notes for the January 15 meeting were reviewed. After corrections Rex moved and Tony seconded a motion to approve the notes as amended. All agreed. No one was opposed or abstained.

3. Notes from the chair. a. Elysa summarized the HL7 working group meeting. The report was written as a trip report to the Emergency Member Section who funded the trip. It is posted in the TEP SC folder and was copied to both Emergency and Adoption TC lists at the time. A draft was done first then a final posted after review and comment by Lizzie and Werner who also attended. It can be found at https://www.oasis- open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/download.php/48088/HL7%20Trip %20Report%20-%20Phoenix%202013.doc . Patti asked if the implementation guide will be developed together by both organizations. Elysa responded that the details of what steps will be required and the detailed schedule of how we are going to accomplish this will be fleshed out in the TEP SC. We will need to reach out to those practitioners that were involved in the draft development and especially those that did implementations during the exercises. For example, how did they may to/from strings that are used? We will need to rely heavily on the subject matter experts to create the implementation guide as well as our hardworking SC members from IEM and MITRE that have taken up a heavy load with this effort. Patti acknowledged the tremendous amount that was accomplished at HL7 and thanked the participants. b. ISCRAM. Elysa thanked Rex and Patti for being reviewers for the full paper submissions for ISCRAM 2013. She invited others to submit short papers or product summaries of no more than 5 pages of 2500 words. There is still a little time to get these in. They can also be work-in-progress. c. The National Hurricane Conference will be held in New Orleans March 25-29. Elysa has been asked to speak at the Island Nation Track regarding CAP. She has accepted but funding may be an issue. If funded, the presentation will include a high level overview of CAP, identify free tools that are available and show uses of CAP in the Caribbean as deployed in the R3I project. d. Google has now joined the Emergency Member Section. This is great news and will help offset funds we would loose from companies that chose not to re-join OASIS this year. Member Section funding is also enhanced by staff resetting our allocation to 35% for 2013. e. The January EIC meeting was held Jan 30. Wayne Truax, CMS Project Manager, FEMA Response Directorate presented the FEMA Crisis Management System based on the WebEOC product. Wayne discussed the successful use of the product during Hurricane Sandy. Several questions were asked regarding the products ability to exchange information with other products using open data standards. Wayne was new to the EIC and accepted the questions. While very strong in operational response and delighted with the ability for their CMS to share information between different locations, he admitted that the EIC and our standards work was new to him. Mike Gerber of NWS then gave a summary of the products demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. It was delightful to see the many products and vendor presentations that the NWS highlighted in their booth. All products are interoperable and based on CAP. Elysa then gave the usual OASIS EM-TC report as well as an overview of the DE 2.0 now that it is through public comment. The next EIC meeting will be February 12. 4. Subcommittee Reports. a. TEC-SC. The SC charter is now approved and Tony is our chair. A co-chair request has been made in meetings and posted to the list with no one responding. Tony is willing to chair on his own as long as there is participation but happy to have a co-chair if someone would like to step up. The next task is to define the list of deliverables, gather interested parties and set times for regular meetings. After a brief discussion, it was agreed the primary product will be the TEC Standard and that Wednesdays at 11ET would be a good meeting day/time. Tony will socialize this on both the EM and EMA TC lists for input. We also need to reach out to the people who joined the Missing Persons Community of Interest (MPCI) workshops. Tony has that list. He was also encouraged to note the DHS/S&T-EIC handoff materials to be sure he and participants of the SC are aware of all artifacts provided. b. Infrastructure Framework-SC. Jeff reported that it appears the public comment review period for DE 2.0 has expired without any comments. However, he will verify with Chet. He recalled the discussion just before releasing the document regarding the layer extension mechanism. Including this concept for extension was brought up in the last days prior to voting DE for public review. However, it was decided that someone would submit it as a comment if it is to be raised. After a brief discussion of whether to go forward without this information resulting in a decision to have this topic as the focus of the IF SC meeting in two weeks. If there are any other comments members have, that will be the time to discuss. If no comments are received, our next effort it to identify organizations available for declaring statements of use. c. HAVE-SC. Darrell was tied up in a customer meeting and not available for the TC meeting but plans to conduct the HAVE meeting at 4ET. All interested parties are invited and encouraged to join. d. TEP-SC. We did not have a quorum for our last meeting; however, the HL7 summary was given to those who were on the call. Lizzie also noted that she has a presentation prepared when we have a good audience on what she learned from the tutorials that would be of interest to the TEP-SC. Werner was not on the call but is awaiting input from Brian for the WD. The hope is that we can get the Specification out for 60-day public review as soon as possible to get it in the hands of the HL7 community. e. RIM-SC. Jeff reported that the RIM continues in active discussion with Norm and others regarding the use of layers as an extension mechanism. The understanding of applicability to all EDXL standards is becoming clearer and worth further consideration. Elysa thanked him for the report and encouraged all TC members of both the EM and EMA to be aware of this activity as it can impact all of our work. 5. Joint EM-EMA TC activities. a. Camille provided an update on the Adoption TC activities to include continued work on the CAP documents and the EDXL Video. b. CAP Example practices documents i. MIME Types. Awaiting detailed explanation of issue to be posted to list for discussion. ii. Rex reported that an issue was raised from the EMA-TC for the RIM to consider regarding Urgency, Certainty and Severity. When they are set to “unknown” it can be taken to mean an extreme or nothing which is not necessarily the intent. As these set of elements are both CAP and DE, it makes sense to consider a discussion in the RIM meeting to be held Thursday of the following week. iii. Tony reported that the CAP “Feeds” document is close to finalizing in the SC and will move to the TC for action soon. iv. Elysa reminded everyone of the CAP workshop coming up in April. Although the CAP-SC has not yet started meeting, we may want to consider a call during the workshop. 6. With our business complete, a motion to adjourn was made by Rex and seconded by Tony. All agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS EM-TC

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