Omega Institute of Bible, Theology and Apologetics

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Omega Institute of Bible, Theology and Apologetics

Omega Institute of Bible, Theology and Apologetics Engage: Tactics for Modern Times Lesson 5 Dan McDonald Professor Engaging the Seeker

One of the joys of carrying out the great commission is engaging the seeker. The seeker is one who understands that we are not here by accident, and there is life after death, thus, the seeker is interested in spiritual matters. Although the seeker often explores other belief systems, the seeker can potentially be persuaded to accept the truth of Christianity and reject the fallacy of other worldviews and false belief systems.

One great Biblical accounts that we can all draw principles from to engage the seeker is found in Acts 8:26-40 (Read). In this account we see some necessary elements needed in engaging the seeker:

1. An Open Door:

a) An open door begins with spiritual sensitivity. The Angel of the Lord “spoke” to Phillip and the Spirit “said” to Phillip, indicating divine guiding. Although the angel of the Lord will not likely appear to us to give divine instructions, all baptized believers have the indwelling of Holy Spirit who will give us inner promptings as divine guidance with respect to the seeker. We must constantly seek to be on our spiritual “A” game to be spiritually sensitive to the still small voice of Holy Spirit. We can do this through the spiritual disciplines of fasting, prayer, serious study, and devotional reading of God’s word.

b) An open door obviously includes the seeker. V27 informs us that the eunuch had been to Jerusalem to worship. V30 reveals that the eunuch was reading a scroll of Isaiah the prophet. These two versus indicate that the eunuch was seeking the truth regarding spiritual matters.

c) Phillip was eager to respond to the open door opportunity prompted by Holy Spirit. Phillips powerful response began with a “QUESTION”: “do you understand what you are reading?” This simple question, or one that is related to it has the potential to yield powerful results:

 Some possible modern day examples of an open door:

 Hey I notice the k-love sticker on your bumper, are you interested in spiritual matters? (there are seekers who listen to Christian radio in an attempt to understand Christianity)

1  Hello, I like your shirt, how long have you been a believer? (a lot of seekers wear Christian apparel thinking that by doing so they have a relationship with God, totally unaware of what the scriptures teach)

 Excuse me, I notice you reading the Bible, if you don’t mind my asking, what book are you reading? (Seekers will often read the Bible, just like the eunuch) oh you don’t understand what you are reading? Would you like some help?

 Hey I overheard you mention God, just out of curiosity, how has God been speaking to you this week through reading His word and prayer?

2. An Open Book: (the 2nd element)

a) Notice that the eunuch responded to Phillips question with a question: “how could I, unless someone guides me?” True seekers usually have a genuine interest in understanding what they are reading, and often are open to assistance.

b) The eunuch asked Phillip who the prophet was speaking of, referring to Isaiah 53:7-8. Notice that Phillip was theologically prepared to engage the seeker and answer his question.

c) The scriptures must be opened and considered if a person is to be won to Christ; the seeker must understand that salvation is under God’s terms and not the seekers.

d) Holy Spirit makes His deepest impression by His written word and through His ambassador that is serving as a Bible expositor. PLEASE NOTE: avoid the temptation to say: “My church teaches. . .” or “My preacher says…” or, “Well I think…”

 A possible scenario:

AMB: hey what version of the Bible are you reading?

Seeker: It’s an NIV, I got it at a church camp several years ago and I am trying to make sense of this.

AMB: what are you trying to understand?

Seeker: I am trying to understand our existence, I was taught evolution in school, but that is hard for me to believe, I have a friend that says the book of Genesis teaches something called the day age theory, another person told me that science teaches something called theistic evolution, so I don’t know, I have been reading Genesis and I don’t know what to believe.

AMB: well I would be glad to explain the purpose of our existence and God’s ultimate plan for us if you would like.

2 Seeker: well, I don’t have much time left, but with the time that I have I would appreciate any help that you could give.

AMB: What I have explained is just the tip of the iceberg, does your church offer any help in this area?

Seeker: well I don’t go to church, the last time that I did, none of my questions were being answered.

AMB: Why don’t you consider coming to church with me, ironically, it is a goal of my church to answer these types of questions for inquiring people.

 Most questions today are concerned with our existence; why are we here, what is our purpose, and where do we go when we die.

3. An Open Mind: (the 3rd element) a) V34 reveals that the eunuch had an open mind, this is evident by his question to Phillip: “of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself or of someone else?” b) We must always take note of any hint of interest that one may have toward the scripture. c) A person who is honestly questioning shows that he or she is being open minded and is a good candidate for teaching. d) Unless a person displays an open mind toward the word, attempting to proceed with the plan of salvation will probably prove fruitless.

 A possible scenario:

Seeker: excuse me; I noticed that you were reading your Bible at lunch, a friend of mine just recently died, do you mind if I ask you a question?

AMB: sure, if I can be of any help I would be glad to.

Seeker: At the funeral, the preacher said that my friend is in heaven with Jesus, yet my friend was not a Christian, she never went to church, nor talked about God, does everyone go to heaven when they die?

AMB: can I ask you a question?

Seeker: sure, please do.

AMB: well it is true that God does desire that everyone go to heaven, would you like for me to explain who goes to heaven and how they get there from the very words of God?

Seeker: yes I would be interested in hearing what God has to say.

4. An Open Mouth: (the 4th element)

3 a) V35 tells us explicitly that Phillip opened his mouth. Having the attitude that living Christianity alone is good enough is a cop out! While it is true that one must live what they preach, one must use words, there is no other way that one can carry out the great commission without opening his or her mouth. b) Notice that Phillip began where the eunuch was at! The eunuch was in Isaiah 53:7-8, Phillip began there and preached the entire message of Jesus to him! It must be remembered that the scriptures as a whole, both O.T. and N. T. has a Christocentric theme! c) From the eunuch’s response, it is evident that Phillip preached the terms and conditions of salvation. d) This was a golden opportunity for Phillip, and he was prepared for this opportunity, as aliens and strangers, as ambassadors, as living stones, as those who comprise a royal priesthood, we must be prepared to open our mouth when the opportunity presents its self. e) Sadly, many Christians allow a golden opportunity to slip by for the following reasons: i. The Christian will not open his or her mouth. ii. The Christian is not prepared. iii. The Christian will not open his or her mouth because he or she is not prepared. iv. The Christian is delusional and thinks that living it is good enough. v. The Christian is delusional and thinks that the preacher is the only one who is to evangelize. vi. The Christian does not really care about their God given task, or the lost.

 Possible scenario: AMB: hey what version of the Bible are you reading?

Seeker: It’s an NIV, I got it at a church camp several years ago and I am trying to make sense of this.

AMB: what are you trying to understand?

Seeker: I am trying to understand our existence, I was taught evolution in school, but that is hard for me to believe, I have a friend that says the book of Genesis teaches something called the day age theory, another person told me that science teaches something called theistic evolution, so I don’t know, I have been reading Genesis and I don’t know what to believe.

AMB: can I ask you two more questions?

Seeker: sure.

AMB: can I show you just one of many reasons why I believe that the Bible explains our existence, and why evolution is not true? And if so, may I use your Bible?

Seeker: yes! I would be very interested in seeing and hearing this.

4 AMB: first, the Book of Genesis was written around 1440 B.C. about 3500 years ago, this was way before anyone even thought of evolution, including Darwin’s grandfather who really started Darwinian evolution.

Seeker: ok.

AMB: now that being said, would you agree that in our animal kingdom we have only kinds? Like different breeds of dogs, different breeds of cats, different breeds of horses, different breeds of cattle, different breeds of monkeys, apes gorillas and son on?

Seeker: well, yes I would, in fact I have a Chow and a Pit Bull.

AMB: but you would agree that they are both dogs correct?

Seeker: I would, of course.

AMB: have you ever heard of a dog and monkey crossed?

Seeker: No, that ridiculous.

AMB: How about a cross between a Rhino and an Elephant?

Seeker: no.

AMB: How about a cross between an apple tree and a cheery tree, perhaps the new fruit could be called a chapel.

Seeker: no I have never heard of such a thing, why are you asking me these things?

AMB: Keeping in mind how old that Genesis is, notice in your Bible, Genesis 1:11-12 states that God made plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their “kind”. There are numerous kinds of apple trees, numerous kinds of green beans and tomatoes and so on, after their “kinds”, we still see this today, and this took place on the third day of creation, not over billions of years.

Seeker: I didn’t know this was in there.

AMB: Notice in your Bible v23 states there was a fifth day of creation, v20 & 21 states that God created the birds and sea life after their “kinds”! Have you ever heard of a shark breeding with a whale?

Seeker: No I have not.

AMB: there are different “kinds” of sharks and different “kinds” of whales are there not?

Seeker: yes.

5 AMB: notice in your Bible v24 & 25 speaks of the different “kinds” of land animals, horse “kinds” dog “kinds” dinosaur “kinds” elephant “kinds” cattle “kinds” and so on.

Seeker: wow, I never knew this.

AMB: you see current reality corresponds to what the Bible states that took place with creation, not only that but Darwinian evolution cannot account for the uniformity with respect to “kinds” of animals and plant life.

AMB: most importantly, notice v26 in your Bible, God made man in His likeness. This is different than animal “kinds”, for there are no human “kinds”. We all may have different colors of skin and have different cultural practices, but we all have the same anatomy, we have the same emotions, we have the same psychological frame work, we are all uniform with respect to humanity.

Seeker: yes I see.

AMB: would you be interested now in hearing why all of this came about?

Seeker: I would.

5. An Open Pool: (the 5th element) a) V36 Notice the eunuch’s question: “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” How did the eunuch know to ask anything about water? The only possible way that the eunuch could have known to acknowledge the open pool and ask what prevents him from being baptized was for him to have been told about baptism by Phillip as he preached Jesus to Him. b) As Phillip began with Isaiah 53 and preached Jesus to him, baptism had to have been a necessary condition in order for the eunuch to respond so eagerly v38! c) It must be noted from this Biblical account that there is an inseparable link between the O.T. scriptures and N.T. baptism! The Bible is perfect in its internal consistency! d) The mode of his obedience was immersion! It was a cause of true rejoicing. NOTE: we are not told of rejoicing until AFTER his baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 A possible scenario:

Seeker: wow, we have gone from Genesis to Revelation, and you are right the Bible tells one single unfolding realty wow, there is so much to take in.

AMB: well I am sure that you need some time to think about this and take everything in.

Seeker: well there is a lot to take in but I do not think that I need any more time, the Bible makes it clear that the path to heaven really begins after I have heard, believed, repented, confessed Jesus as Lord and entered through the portal of baptism. I want to do that. When and how can I?

6 AMB: I would be glad to help you.


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