Pin Contest Guidelines
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To design a state BPA pin to exchange at the 2015 National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California. The top three winners will each receive a pin (at NLC), a certificate, and $25. The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. Eligibility:
Any current member of Business Professionals of America
Design Criteria:
(1) Must be representative of the entire State of Texas (2) Must include the Te x as or T X or the state outline (3) Must include the B u sin e ss Prof e ssionals of A m e ri c a or BPA and/or the logo (4) No date on design (5) Design must be computer-generated (6) Name of font (7) Source of graphics (8) Multiple entries per chapter are acceptable (9) The size should be approximately 2.5” X 2.5” (10) Designs must be saved as a JPEG or GIF format only (11) You may not use any words, diagrams, clipart and/or artwork that are not public domain (12) No copyright items may be used, even with written permission (13) Digital copy of the graphic must be submitted with the design information form. (14) Submit the design application form and the digital graphic to: pin a nd t shi r td e si g n@t e x a sbp a . c o m . In the subject line put the name of the chapter, the name of the student submitting the design and the words: “Pin Design”. (15) You will be notified by email when your design is received Method of Evaluation:
The State Officer Team will judge the entries at their December meeting and select the winning designs. Advisors will be notified prior to the State Leadership Conference. If the designs submitted do not meet the criteria outlined or the designs do not meet the quality for reproduction, no award(s) will be given. Entry Deadline:
Return the attached completed form and a digital copy of the design. The entry must be date and time stamped no later than midnight on December 10, 2014. For Additional Information: Email: Susan McKrell, State Officer Coordinator a t mm c k re ll@ a ldin e .k12 . t x .us BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA TEXAS PIN DESIGN
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Designer’s Name:
Chapter Advisor’s Name:
School Name:
School Address:
School Phone #:
School email: I, the undersigned, attest that the design is my original composition and was not professionally or commercially created, modified, or produced. I also attest that the production is in accordance with state and federal copyright laws. Business Professionals of America, Texas Association may reproduce, use, and modify my design in any way it deems necessary.
Contestant Signature Date Advisor Signature
Name of Font:
Source of Graphics: Description of Design: