Plowman S Park P.S

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Plowman S Park P.S

Principal: Sue Marks PLOWMAN’S PARK P.S. Vice Principal: Tania East

Superintendent: Poleen Grewal Mississauga West Field Office 905-366-8800

Trustee: Nokha Dakroub 5940 Montevideo Road Mississauga Wards 9 & 10 Mississauga, ON L5N 3J5 416 432-5508 905-821-4973 Safe Arrival 905-821-4973 Ext. 1 SCHOOL WEBSITE

Partners in learning: Working together today for a global tomorrow. Respect Safety Peace MARCH 2015


March Break: School Closed March 14 – 22 inclusive

STUDENT RECOGNITION As part of our student recognition program at Plowman's Park, we take pride in the success of our students as individuals as well as groups. For the month of February we recognized the following students for their excellent citizenship, effort and academic achievements. Rais E., Eden V., Pranshu D., Khadija K., Yousof S., Sam C., Wesley I., Leah R., Giovaughn S., Alyssa B., Mackenna A., Daniela D., Eshal K., Sebastian C., Irina D., Makahaya W., Javayria M., Filza D., Soham B., Hamaad A., Ciaran T., Cody J., Farida R., Trisha A., Cadence M., Ava M.

Congratulations everyone!

CARING*RESPONSIBLE*INCLUSIVE*RESPECTFUL*HONEST*COOPERATIVE This year at Plowman’s Park, we are continuing to promote Character Education. The character traits recognized by the Peel District School Board (Caring, Responsible, Inclusive, Respectful, Honest, Cooperative) are traits we are teaching every day. The following students were recognized this month for their random acts of good character: Madina A., Deebah H., Surya K., Hayley N., Tristen R., Emma Jo A., Mujtaba S., Sitara R., Javayria M., Filza D., Phillip C., Jacob G., Akim O., Zachary B., Sarah A., Karam A., Hamaad A., Jaan B., Diana B., Soham B., Catherine B., Dryden D., Elizabeth E., Chanel H., Ivan H., Angelique L, Victor M., Sebastian M., Caleb M., Farida R., Sidharth R., Ehaab S., Cedric S., Zubia T., Riqiia W Aditya U., Olivia W., Irina D., Cadence M., Hetvi L., Trisha A., Theo B., Sebastian C., Jeevan D., Deebah H., Zanobiah M., Maria N. Congratulations everyone! NEWS FROM MRS. PIECH IN THE GYM Which team will win the Quidditch Cup this year? Hufflepuff is currently in the lead however Slytherin is very close behind. However any team could take the lead and win the cup so never give up! House points are earned together from all grades to determine the Quidditch House Champions. Good luck teams and it isn't over until the last quaffle is played and the final snitch is caught. Quidditch will temporarily be put on hold until after the March Break as the gym will be used at lunch to train the grade 5 and 6 Volleyball teams. Students will be travelling to Settler's Green on Wednesday, March 11th for a Friendly Exhibition Tournament. The grade five and six ski trip was a snowy success! Student enthusiasm was running high at Glen Eden Ski Resort on our skiing excursion. All students participated in introductory ski lessons that emphasized some basic parallel, ‘snow-plough,’ and turning techniques. The weather was phenomenal allowing students to experience this sport in a relaxing environment and enjoy a new and exciting pastime. Congratulations to Mujtaba as he was named the Plowman’s Park Ultimate P-I-G during our school racquet ball tournament on Friday, February 20th. Students in grades 3 to 6 were learning racquet skills during Physical Education classes during the month of February. Each class held a mini P-I-G tournament in this small court, 1 on 1 game to 3 points. The points are tracked with the letters P-I-G. The student with the most wins in the mini class tournament was named the class P-I-G and went on the play at the school tournament. Congratulations to all of the class PIGS! The following students won their class tournament: Shafay from Mrs. Avenir’s class, Olivia from Mrs. Langford’s class, Liam from Mr. Bennell’s class, George from Mr. Eddy’s grade 4 class, Trisha from Mr. Eddy’s grade 5 class, Mujtaba from Mrs. Morrison’s class and Victor from Mrs. Babwah’s class. All students showed exemplary sportsmanship! How you play shows some of your character. How you win or lose shows all of it.

NEWS FROM MRS. WINTERS IN THE MUSIC ROOM February has been a very busy month. The long-awaited Recorder Unit finally began! Students in Grades 3-6 are always so excited to begin and continue learning the recorder. We have had an excellent start to the unit, especially with our newest learners, the grade threes! Way to go grade 3’s on a superstar start to learning the recorder! Students also have an opportunity to test for each level in Recorder Karate. One class period per week is offered for students to play whatever level they are working on. When they achieve it, they receive a special coloured ribbon to tie on their recorder and also get to sign their name on the "Recorder Wall of Fame". It's a lot of fun to play recorder and hear yourself get better and better. Choir rehearsals have also started back up this month. We have done a little bit of reorganization with the choirs as we weren't getting quite as many students as we did in the fall. Primary Choir will continue to rehearse on Wednesdays from 12:30-1:00 p.m. This choir is for any student in grades two and three who love to sing. Chamber Choir will continue to rehearse on Mondays from 12:30-1:00 p.m. Chamber choir has expanded from 11 to 18 students. This choir is made up of responsible students in grades 4, 5 and 6 who love to sing more challenging music. Congratulations to both choirs on a wonderful performance of "Valentine Friend" at the February Student of the Month Assembly. Do you have a talent? Maybe you are involved in a club outside of school! Maybe you dance, sing, or play an instrument! Coming soon... auditions for a school-wide Talent Show! Listen to the morning announcements for details to come! School Wide Talent Show... coming this Spring!

LIBRARY NEWS Meadowvale Public Library, located at the Meadowvale Town Centre, is a great place to visit over the March Break. Pick up a great read for everyone in the family ! Can't get to the library? Try these links to great reading and games : CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC (no password required) PEBBLEGO ( Login: plowmans Password: books BOOKFLIX -SPLASH ( Login: peeldsb Password: peel8567. There are many fiction and non-fiction titles in these collections. Enjoy!

Thank you for helping your children return their books on time and in good shape. At this time we have several books that are long overdue or perhaps have been lost. The loan period is two weeks. Library Notices for overdue items have been sent home in your child's agenda.

EARTH HOUR The first Earth Hour event was on March 31, 2007. WWF inspired residents of Sydney, Australia to show their support for climate change action. More than 2.2 million individuals and 2,000 businesses turned their lights out for one hour in the first Earth Hour event. Switching off lights is a simple action — but one that both helps make a difference and shows that we care about the environment. Earth Hour 2015 is Saturday, March 28 from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. Earth Hour 2015 will mark the ninth year of the campaign. Earth Hour 2015 is Saturday, March 28 from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m Earth Hour 2014 will mark the eighth year of the campaign. We will be holding Earth Hour at Plowman’s Park School on Friday, March 27 from 1:00 – 2:00. But we won’t just turn off the lights and sit there in the dark ! We will be teaching students about their environment and exploring ways that they can help save our planet. For more information, visit these websites: and

SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS On March 6 Plowman’s Park will be hosting the second movie night this winter. Join us with your family for an evening of fun, popcorn and awesomeness with the Special and his friends in The LEGO Movie! Our new trustee Nokha Dakroub, who visited the school on February 6, will be there too.

Trustee Dakroub will be also attending the next School Council meeting which is scheduled for March 11 – everyone is invited!

DRESSING FOR THE WEATHER This is a reminder that children in Grades 1 to 6 spend two 15 minute recess periods and a 30 minute lunch recess outdoors (except on extremely cold days or during stormy weather). Our Kindergarten children also spend playtime outdoors. Outdoor exercise and fresh air are important to healthy child development. Please ensure that your child is dressed warmly enough, with hat, mittens, boots and snow pants, to enjoy this outdoor time. If children are playing on the field they must have snow pants and boots. Children who are well enough to be at school participate in recess. In cases of extreme cold, when the temperature is –20 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without the wind chill, we reduce the amount of time students spend outdoors. When the temperature is -25 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind chill, students remain indoors. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Starting school is a big step. Begin this journey into learning with us by registering your child for kindergarten. If your child was born in 2011, he or she can start kindergarten in September 2015. Please contact Mrs. Harris in the office for your registration package.

ON TIME FOR SCHOOL In the morning, getting your child ready for school and out the door can be a victory. But will the child be on time? A pattern of late arrivals-even by just a few minutes-can have a negative impact on learning. As you work towards ensuring that you are providing the best possible start to your child’s day by assisting them in being on time for school please keep the following in mind:  supervision on the playground begins at 8:30 am. Grade 1-6 students can be dropped off any time after 8:30 a.m.  the entry bell rings at 8:40 am. At this time students line up and enter the building. Students have 5 minutes to enter the building before our instructional day begins  students are expected to be in their classrooms ready for learning at 8:45 am. when class begins

LITERACY & NUMERACY TIPS  Reading with your child every night will get them excited about books. Sitting down and reading any book, especially books that are of high interest with your child will help them develop a love of reading. It's never a bad time to pick up a good book and start reading.  Cook with your child to help develop literacy! Show your child how to read a recipe. Read the labels on ingredients together. Make a family cookbook of favourite recipes!  Encourage your child to take part in activities that use their math skills in practical ways. Grocery shopping within a budget, measuring materials for craft activities and engaging in some discussion of fractions over a pizza are fun and easy ways to show your child how valuable their math skills can be!

REMINDER - KISS AND RIDE PROCEDURES Thank you to all parents who have been driving slowly and cautiously at the school and on the surrounding streets. If you are unable to use the Kiss and Ride, you may park in the church parking lot next door and accompany your children into the schoolyard. Please remember there is no parking on the school property for parents. In the Morning  Kiss and Ride opens with the first bell at 8:30 am. At 8:40 am there is a warning bell. That is when students line up to enter the building. Students are then directed into the building. At 8:45 am the instructional day begins.  Two cars can unload at one time. If you are the first car, please pull up to the sign so two cars can unload at a time, reducing the time spent in line waiting to drop off your children.  Please note that parent volunteers and teachers do not open car doors. Parents please ensure your child exits the vehicle safely on the right-hand side.  After 8:45 am please drop off students at the front door. Please DO NOT drop off your children at the Kiss and Ride after this time as our instructional day begins at 8:45 am. To ensure the safety of your children, after 8:45 am please drive around to the front of the school and drop students off at the front doors. Students are to report to the main office, sign in, get a late slip and go to their classes. GRADE 6 STUDENTS MEET THE AUTHOR On Thursday, April 2nd, our grade 6 students will have an opportunity to meet an author! Dave Atkinson, an award-winning freelance journalist, columnist, and broadcaster, will be in the grade 6 classroom reading from his book "Wereduck". Dave will talk with the students about reading and writing; how an idea becomes a story and how a story becomes a book. Dave will also have several copies of his book "Wereduck" for sale at $10 a piece. An excerpt from "Wereduck" by Dave Atkinson... Kate’s family has told her that on her thirteenth birthday she’ll hear the “Whooooo” call of the moon, and howl back, and become a werewolf just like them. But she doesn’t want to be a werewolf. She’s always felt more like a duck. On the night of her thirteenth birthday, Kate stands near her family’s cabin in the backwoods of New Brunswick and hears the moon calling—but it sounds like more of a “Whooooo?” as in “Who are you?” and Kate does what she’s always wanted to do—she quacks. Her family struggles to understand Kate’s new full-moon form, but they are busy integrating themselves with some edgy new werewolves who arrived in town with a mysterious past. And to make matters even hairier, there's a strange reporter lurking around who thinks he might've heard a howl or two. Engaging, hilarious, and utterly believable, Wereduck is a thrilling addition to the were-canon by an exciting new voice in children's fiction.


DATE CELEBRATION FAITH AND CULTURE March Xsaak Aboriginal Spirituality March 1 Intercalary Day Bahá'í Sunset March 1 to 20 Alá (Fasting month) Bahá'í Eve of March 4 to 5 Purim Judaism March 5 Latern Festival Buddhism March 5 Magha Puja Buddhism Match 5 Holi Hinduism March 6 World Day of Prayer Christianity March 6 Hola Mohalla Sikhism March 14 New Year Sikhism March 16 to 20 Ghambar Hamaspath-meadem Zoroastrianism March 17 St. Patrick's Day Christianity March 20 Vasant Navratri and New Year’s Day Hinduism March 20 Shunki-sorei-sai Shinto March 20 Lady Day (Ostara) Wicca March 21 Eid e-Navroz Islam March 21 Naw Ruz Bahá'í and Zoroastrianism March 26 Khordad Saal Zoroastrianism March 28 Sri Ramnavami Hinduism March 29 Palm Sunday Christianity March 29 to April 4 Holy Week begins Christianity

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