Full Senate Meeting s1

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Full Senate Meeting s1

Staff Senate Full Senate Meeting February 10, 2010 Senate Chambers

The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by President Clements. A quorum was present.

Roll Call

Guests: Doug Vinzant, Vice President of Administration, Joe Montelongo, Human Resources Interim Director, Rollin Abernethy, Associate Provost Academic Affairs

Senators Present: Ginny Becker, Christi Byers, Avery Cowardin, Cyndi Cowardin, Al Emmons, Janean Forsyth Lefevre, James Fuerholzer, Winter Hansen, Carolyn Herman, Stacy Lane, Jamie LeJambre, James Logue, Rachel Martin, Christy Nordmann, Jauque Schuman, Tod Scott, Diana Waggener, Linda Waggener, Maureena Walker

Senators Absent: Cheri Frank, Carrie Hesco, Kelly McMicheal, Kathy Norris, Thyra Page (Lori Lewis – FMLA)

Proxies: Kristen Rigoni for Tonya Gerharter, Valerie Vasquez for Kathi Zubrod

Approval of Minutes and Agenda

A motion to approve the January minutes was moved and seconded by Senators Martin and Lefevre. Motion passed. Senator LeJambre asked if the confirmation of Tina Walrath could be the first item under New Business. A motion to approve the February agenda with this change was moved and seconded by Senators LeJambre and Martin. Motion passed.

Administrative Reports

Vice President of Administration, Doug Vinzant, stated the fee package which is for the next two years, was passed at the January BOT meeting. This is good news as the University will be able to plan for the next couple of years. The appropriations process will be concluded the first week of March. This includes a number of grant funded projects in addition to the Section I appropriations. No salary increase is included at this time in the Governor’s recommendation or the joint appropriations recommendation. This could be discussed in FY 2012 if the State’s economic status changes.

UW will receive $27 million for major maintenance projects. The federal government has placed restrictions on the funds. Funding can only be used for facilities that are primarily used for instruction or research. The funds will be received approximately March 1, 2010 and the funds need to be fully obligated and expenditures well under way by June 30, 2011. Funds cannot be rolled over to the next biennium. Recommendations will be sent in by February 19, 2010. VP Vinzant also discussed Staff Recognition Day at the Directors’ meeting and at Exec committee. VP Vinzant described the awards and encouraged nominations for the April 28 event.

The new Assistant VP of Budget and Institutional Analysis, Arley Williams, started last week and the new Associate VP for HR, Laura Alexander, will report for work on February 24.

Joe reported he will be staying on to help with the transition for Laura Alexander and helping introduce her to the different entities on campus. Joe discussed HR is busy sending out notices for the performance appraisals. The deadline is March 15, 2010. Joe will be meeting again with Staff Senate representatives later this month and will be filling in Laura on the importance and status of the meetings. .

Rollin Abernethy gave a presentation on the accreditation plan for the University. UW gets accredited approximately every ten years. Regional creditors will be on campus March 1-3. The site team also looks at the outreach programs such as the Casper and Cheyenne campus. Accreditation is important for the eligibility of federal funding and research grants for students. Accreditation is also the mark of a quality institution. Students can transfer from an accredited institution to another. The five accreditation chapters are listed at: http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/ACCREDITATION/

Old Business

Please nominate a senator for an officer position. The positions to be filled are: vice president, secretary, member-at-large, and parliamentarian. The election for officers will be held this May.

Suggestions for a staff senate retreat were discussed. One idea is to take part in a web discussion. The retreat could be held at the WTBC (Wyoming Technology Business Center). Please voice your ideas for topics and the length of the retreat on the thread that is set up on the Staff Senate groups tab on WyoWeb.

New Business

The motion to confirm Tina Walrath to Seat #6 was moved and seconded by Senators LeJambre and Logue. Motion passed. Welcome Tina!

A motion was moved and seconded to withdraw the name of Senator McMicheal as a candidate for President by Senators Martin and Logue. Motion passed with one abstained. Senator McMicheal requested this in an email that was sent to all senators.

Senator Lane spoke a few minutes and explained her position on having the president or vice president serve on Faculty Senate. Stacy also stated she was excited about the coming year. Senator Emmons and Nordmann counted the votes of the election. Congratulations Stacy!

President Clements explained the Daffodil Days and the Relay for Life events. Staff Senate could participate in Daffodil Days next February. 10_2_3 Daffodil Days.doc Michelle Anderson will be the team captain for Relay for Life this year. Senator LeJambre will get with Michelle and give more information on this to Staff Senate at a later date. Senator Martin suggested staff senate participate in only one of the events for the coming year. The new P&P states the Staff Senate vice president oversees the community programs for staff senate to participate in. Committee Reports

ASUW: Senator LeJambre stated they are fine tuning the election procedures. Rollin also spoke at ASUW on the Accreditation plan for the University. ASUW visited Half Acre to see the current renovation. Please see the link for more information on the renovation and Half Acre fees. http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/Rec/renovation.asp Senator LeJambre also encouraged other senators to attend an ASUW meeting.

Faculty Senate: Senator Lane noted the Bookstore gave a presentation on the cost of a book and the procedure for ordering books.

Communications: No report

Compensation: Senator LeJambre stated the committee will be meeting with HR next Tuesday, February 16 at 9 a.m. The committee will be discussing bereavement leave. If you have any examples, please email Jamie so she has this information for the committee’s research.

The committee will also talk to Eric about the bill SF72 WY Retirement Plan.pdf

Credentials and Elections: Senator Lane has set up a staff senate mailman for items that you would like to be sent to all staff members. Please send to [email protected] or to [email protected]

Employee of the Quarter: Senator C. Cowardin stated Shaunna Baysinger was selected as Outstanding Employee of the Quarter and Shaunna has received her awards. Please encourage your constituents to nominate a deserving staff member. The deadline for the first quarter of 2010 is Friday, March 12.

Finance: No report

Recognition Committee: Senator Forsyth Lefevre stated the committee will be needing volunteers with this year’s SRD which is scheduled on April 28. The committee needs help with decorating, set-up and take-down.

President’s Report: President Clements stated the next wellness $100 drawing will be February 15 so please submit your wellness confirmation for this month’s program to HR.

Registration for the 2010 wellness program is underway at WYOMING STATE WELLNESS PROGRAM.mht

President Buchanan was asked at the last brown bag luncheon if he could encourage more staff members to run for staff senate. Please voice your ideas on the WyoWeb Staff Senate thread how we can encourage more staff to participate. Senator Forsyth Lefevre suggested having a presentation during the lunch hour for anyone who has questions about Staff Senate.

President Clements will send out the email on sustainability. 10_2_17 Earth Day.doc Committee reports were offered electronically. Those that were submitted to the Staff Senate Office included: 10_2_1 Compensation Report.docx 10_1_15 SRD report.docx 10_1_15 HR Trng Survey.pdf

10_2_8 Lane President speech.doc 10_2_3 Daffodil Days.doc

Open Forum

The meeting was adjourned by President Clements at 2:30 p.m.

Reminder: The next President’s brown bag luncheon will be Thursday, February 25 in the Wyo Union, Room 002.

Respectfully submitted by Lou Ann Chakmakian

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