Dominant (White) Organizational Culture in U.S. INTRINSIC INTRINSIC VALUES VALUES Relationship Oriented Emotion Object Oriented Stories Reason Creativity Statistics Analysis (Whole Picture) Rules Circular Single Issue (Fragmentation) Process Linear Diunital Technology Long-term Relationships Dichotomous Grassroots Knowledge Quick Fix Leadership Development Professionalism Collective Expertise Effectiveness Individualism A culture that includes these Efficiency values may result in: A culture that values only these qualities may result in: COMMUNITY HIERARCHY ACCOUNTABILITY BUREAUCRATIC & CONTROL EMPOWERMENT WHITE PRIVILEGE SOCIAL EQUITY

Developed by The People’s Institute for ANY VALUE CAN BECOME Survival and Beyond - OPPRESSIVE WHEN IT IS SEEN Use with attribution only. AS THE “BEST” OR “ONLY” VALUE AND IS IMPOSED ON OTHERS BY THE DOMINANT CULTURE . Relational Culture