Bylaws of the Combat Veterans

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Bylaws of the Combat Veterans




Article I: Name / Registered Agent & Office - 2 Article II: Purpose -2 Article III: Policies -2 / 3 Article IV: Duration of Chapter - 3 Article V: Membership – 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Article VI: Chapters and Detachments - 7 Article VII: Chapter Board of Directors – 7 / 8 / 9 Article VIII: Duties of Directors – 10 / 11 / 12 Article IX: Duties of Appointed Officers – 12 / 13 Article X: Agents / Employees – 13 / 14 Article XI: Compensation & Oath of Office – 14 Article XII: Indemnification & Insurance – 14 / 15 Article XIII: Fiscal Year & Corporate Seal – 15 Article XIV: Effective date & Amendment – 15 / 16 Article XV: Emblem – 16 / 17 Article XVI: Adoption - 17

Revision: “B” Dec, 2015

1 ARTICLE I: Name / Registered Agent and Office:

Section 1.1; The name of the Corporation shall be, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan 35-2 Inc.

Section 1.2; The Abbreviated name shall be, CVMAMI 35-2

Section 1.3; The Registered Agent / Office shall be voted on by the Chapter Board of Directors and be updated in the Articles of Incorporation with the Dept. Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. (L.A.R.A.)

Section 1.4; For the purpose of dividing the Chapters, will be as follows, From Travers City to the East side of the State & South of that line will be considered Chapter 35-2, north of that line will be considered 35-1.

ARTICLE II: Purpose:

Section 2.1 Organization; See Appendix “A”

ARTICLE III: Policies:

Section 3.1 General; CVMAMI 35-2 is organized as a non profit corporation and shall not engage in any regular business for the purpose of profit. All funds generated shall be utilized for the purpose(s) for which this corporation is formed, except that this chapter may maintain funds for the purpose of financing it's operation and the cost relevant thereto, shall be empowered to establish Policies, Rules, Regulations, or other instruments of operation, to further it’s operation as long as it is not in violation of the Chapter Bylaws or the Bylaws of the CVMA National or any Michigan or Federal Law.

2 Section 3.2 Alcohol & Substance Policy; There will be no alcohol consumption, and no illegal substance utilized during any business meeting of this chapter or detachments. This policy shall extend to “official functions” of this chapter, its and detachments, i.e. flag presentations, educational programs, Veteran programs, funerals or any other public functions at which the CVMA patch is displayed. At these official functions there will be a zero(0) tolerance policy to better communicate to the public that we are a there to serve the community in which we are participating in said official function(s). This policy will extend to those who wear the CVMA patch at non official or other social functions.

Section 3.3 Conduct; Any member of the chapter who brings discredit to the Organization by committing an illegal, immoral or otherwise reprehensible acts or at any time bring disrespect, dysfunction, threats, dissention or hostilities that instill intimidation, fear or disrespect to others while wearing organizational identification shall be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the National and/or Chapter Board of Directors to which the member belongs.

ARTICLE IV: Duration of Corporation:

Section 4.1 Duration; CVMAMI 35-2 shall have perpetual existence: however, said chapter may be dissolved at any time pursuant to applicable law.


Section 5.1 Membership; No person shall be permitted to join the Chapter without first gaining membership in the CVMA National.

Section 5.1 (a); Chapter MI 35-2 reserves the right to deny chapter affiliation to any member who does not or has not complied with Section 3.3 Conduct.

3 Section 5.1 (b); Every Chapter Member should attend a minimum of at least one (1) event hosted by Chapter 35-2 per year, unless they are on active duty and or deployed out of State.

Section 5.1 (c); No member classified as “Dual Patched” is eligible to run or hold any Chapter Director / Officer position, as this would be a Conflict of Interest.

Section 5.1 (d); No member being classified as “Dual Patched” will be allowed to wear / display any other Patch except for the CVMA Patch at any Chapter 35-2 General, Special or State Meeting.

Section 5.2 Classes of Membership, Qualification and Definitions; There shall be three (3) classes of membership within MI 35-2. 1) Full Member. 2) Auxiluary Member 3) Support Member.

Section 5.2(a) Full Member; Must meet the requirements as set forth in the CVMA National Bylaw Article 3.1(a). Must remain in “Good Standing” with both National & Chapter.

Section 5.2(b) Auxiliary Members; Shall meet all requirements as set forth by CVMA National bylaws. Article 3.1 (b). Must be assigned to the same chapter as spouse. Must remain in “Good Standing” with both National & Chapter.

Section 5.2(c) Support Members; Shall meet all requirements as set forth by National CVMA bylaws, ARTICLE 3.1 (c). Support members must be sponsored by a Full member and the ratio of Support to Full members shall be 1 to 10, within the State of Michigan & hold no voting right, but can hold an Appointed Officer position in this chapter.

Section 5.2(d) At Large Member; “At Large” membership pertains to Full membership only. A full member reserves the right to belong to the National Assn. only. They have no vote in chapter business or in election of chapter officers. They are responsible to

4 the Michigan State Rep. They pay no chapter dues & wear no chapter banner patch.

Section 5.2 (e) Membership Induction; Newly registered members shall only receive their back insignia at a chapter meeting or function. The Chapter Board of Directors may provide an exception to this if a quorum is present to call a meeting, to conduct the Patching Ceremony. (see Section 5.6 – 5.7).

Section 5.3 National Dues; Membership dues shall be at such rate, scheduled or formula as may from time to time be prescribed by the governing body of the National membership. The governing body of the Association shall determine deadlines for payment of renewal membership dues. Dues for members deployed in war zones will be waived.

Section 5.3 (a) Chapter Dues; Chapter dues are $10.00 and due by December 31st of every year. Members will be considered in Arrears if not paid by the above date. Members in arrears will loose Chapter forum & voting privledges, until dues are paid in full. Failure to pay chapter dues will result in release from Chapter Affiliation. Said members 201 file will reflect these changes. It is the Responsibility of the Member to be in “Good Standing” as refered to in Section 5.4.

Section 5.3 (b) Chapter Dues Exceptions; Full members transfering in from other States will have the 35-2 Chapter Dues waived for the current year. All New members, must pay 35-2 Chapter dues at the time of applying for Membership. Those joining within the last Quarter of the year will be given credit for the following year also.

Section 5.3 (c); Chapter Members requesting to leave the Chapter and go “AT LARGE” will Forfeit their Chapter Dues, no refunds.

Section 5.4 “Good Standing”; The term “Good Standing” shall be defined as any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership in the CVMA, who is not currently under

5 disciplinary review or probationary status for disciplinary reasons, who has paid National & Chapter dues and conformed to the requirements as set forth in these bylaws.

Section 5.5 General Membership Meetings; General meetings of the Chapter & any established Detachments shall be held on such dates, times and places, set by their respective Chapter Board of Directors (CBOD) but shall meet at least once (1) yearly, as established by the CBOD, for the purpose of electing new Directors of their Chapter. All State Chapters shall meet every 3 years to elect a State Representative.

Section 5.6 Special Meetings; A special meeting of any Chapter / Detachment may be called at any time by the Chapter Commander, State Representative, or by written request of a Quorum of the Chapter / Detachment membership that could constitute a quorum.

Section 5.7 Quorum; A Quorum is established for the conducting of business of any Chapter / Detachment by the presence of no less than 20 percent of its membership, there being two (2) directors present at a meeting, one of which must be the Commander or his/her appointee and the other the Secretary or a person acting as Secretary Pro Tem.

Section 5.8 Voting Rights and Motion Requirements; Each Full member shall be allowed one (1) vote on any issue placed before the Chair for voting. Passage of a motion placed before the Chair shall require a quorum being present. Proxy, absentee & electronic voting is not allowed.

Section 5.9 Parliamentary Authority; All meetings of the Chapter Board(s), Regular or Special meetings of Chapter or Detachment(s) shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless said rules are suspended by majority vote pursuant to Roberts Rule of Order. There should be present at each meeting at least one (1) person knowledgeable in Roberts rules of Order procedure and rules, however, in lieu thereof, rulings on Parliamentary Procedure shall be made by the Chair and shall be final in the event a book of Roberts Rules of Order is not available. It should be the standard that a copy be available at each meeting.


Section 6.1 Chapters; Every Chapter formed in the State of MI needs to be incorporated and elect their own Board of Directors. The Chapter will also maintain their own bank account(s) & will stand as its own entity and be responsible for their own financial audit. They can also apply for their own tax exempt 501 c status and provide yearly financial reports to the State Representative.

Section 6.1(a) Chapter Restrictions; No Chapter in the State of MI. shall be allowed to incorporate as a Chapter utilizing the name of Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan Inc. / CVMAMI, Inc. or any name that is similar thereto without written authorization from the State Representative.

Section 6.1(b) Detachments; Detachments may be formed within a Chapter when a minimum of eight (8) Full members are obtained. Each Detachment in the Chapter area will be sponsored by the Chapter and shall fall under the auspices of said sponsor. Once a Detachment reaches the required number of fifteen (15) paid & registered full members with both the National & Sponsored Chapter, said Detachment may apply for recognition as a Chapter under the Chapter Bylaws pursuant to section 6.1 & 6.1 (a) and shall be enumerated pursuant to CVMA National Bylaws.


Section 7.1 Powers; The property, affairs and business of the corporation, shall be vested in the C.B.O.D. who shall act on behalf of the membership and be fully accountable thereto.

Section 7.2 Directors; The Directors of the Corporation shall be, Chapter Commander (CO), Executive Officer(XO), the Secretary (SEC), the Treasurer (TRES) Sergeant At Arms (SAA) and the Public Relations Officer (PRO)

7 Section 7.3 Eligibility; To be eligible to hold office as a Director, a person must be a Full member of the CVMA and have been a member for a period of no less than One (1) year, be a member in Good Standing and is otherwise qualified as may be set forth in the Bylaws. Retired and Dual Patch members cannot hold a CVMAMI Director / Officer Position. Newly formed Chapters/Detachments are exempt from the one (1) year requirement.

Section 7.4 Board Meetings; Board meetings may be in person, by means of conference call, or via the Internet by means of the chapter forum or other means by which votes may be taken electronically, All such meetings shall be duly noted as regards to the means by which the meeting where held; all board members participating and all votes cast shall be recorded by the Secretary or another Board Director. The CBOD shall meet, in person, quarterly, on such date, time & place as the CO or the CBOD shall establish.

Section 7.5 Election of Directors; Directors shall be elected by vote of the membership at the annual election meeting. The CO, TRES & SAA shall be elected on even years & the XO, SEC & PRO shall be elected on odd years. This is done to maintain orderly & sufficient operation of the Chapter.

Section 7.6 Terms of Office All Directors terms of office shall be Two (2) years and can only hold the same Director position for Two (2) terms. With the exception of the year, (odd or even) the corporation was founded.

Section 7.7 Resignation; A Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the BOD. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified by the date of the notice.

Section 7.8 Removal from Office; Any Director on the Board can be removed from office for just cause by submitting said cause(s) in writing to the CBOD. Each Director has the right to a hearing before the Board regarding any & all charges & evidence shall be provided. As there are no contract rights granted with membership or to any Office held, this hearing will not be a legal hearing as if in a court of

8 law, therefore, no professional legal representation will be permitted to represent the accused.

Section 7.9 Appeal; Any Director who is removed from office by act of any Board of Directors sanction, they shall have the right to appeal, in writing, to the next higher body. If a Director is removed by the BOD, the party so removed has the right to appeal said removal within 30 business days of said sanction being imposed, for review & determination. Should the removing body be the CBOD, the party has the right to appeal said removal to the NBOD. All determinations of the NBOD are final and binding.

Section 7.10 Suspension of Rights; Should a Director be removed from office this shall not affect their membership vote, or any other rights, granted by the National Association. All suspended rights are subject to final determination by the National Association upon appeal.

Section 7.11 Vacancies; In the event of any vacancy in CBOD, The Chapter Commander shall have the Power to appoint a successor to the vacant office for a term of 90 days, or until a special election is called to fill said vacant office. If the Office of Commander is vacated then the Executive Officer (XO) shall assume the Office of Commander. Should the Office of State Representative be vacated the National Associations Regional Rep. will be notified. The Regional Rep. Will recommend a qualified member to the NBOD, whom after receiving approval will serve as an Interim State Rep for the remainder of the Original Term.

Section 7.12 Conflict of Interest; All CBOD members shall receive, read and sign an affirmation statement of the CVMAMI 35-2 Conflict Of Interest Policy. It will be signed yearly at the annual election & will be filed with the Secretary & recorded in the CBOD Meeting minutes. See Appendix “B” for Conflict of Interest Policy.


Section 8.1 Chapter Commander; The Chapter Commander (C/O) is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chairman of the Board of the Corporation and shall supervise all of the business affairs & operation of the corporation in accordance with the Bylaws, policies & rules of the corporation, National Assn. or the State or Federal Government; shall preside at all meetings of the CBOD; shall appoint all chairpersons of committees, establish committees or other bodies to ensure the orderly & sufficient operation of the corporation and shall be an ex officio member of all said committees. The Commander shall not vote on any issue except where said vote is required to break a tie vote, with the exception of elections where the Commander is allowed to vote for the candidate of his/her choice. The C/O is not allowed to chair the nominating committee if he/she is running for re-election nor shall he/she appoint any member running for office as the chairperson of said committee.

Section 8.2 Executive Officer; The Executive Officer (XO) is the second in Command & in the absence of the Commander, the XO shall perform the duties of the C/O and when so acting shall have all the authority and powers of the Office of the Commander. The XO shall perform other such duties as may, from time to time, be required by the CO or the CBOD.

Section 8.3 Secretary; The Secretary shall be responsible for preparing and maintaining the custody of minutes at CBOD, General and Special membership meetings, in one or more books designated for such purpose. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining member’s applications & the signed forms accompanied with said application. In the event of an absence of a chapter Treasurer, the Secretary is allowed to hold the Office of both Secretary & Treasurer. The Secretary shall perform other such duties as may, from time to time, be required or directed by the CO, the CBOD or applicable law; shall work in conjunction with the Chapter CPA or in lieu thereof the Secretary, in concert with the Treasure, shall be responsible for the filing of the Annual Report to the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

10 Section 8.4 Treasurer; The Treasurer shall have custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the corporation; shall keep complete and accurate account of receipts, dues and disbursements of the corporation, and shall deposit all monies and valuable property of the corporation in the name of and to the credit of the corporation in such bank(s) or other financial institution as the CBOD may designate; shall at all time exhibit the books of accounting at all CBOD meetings and submit a financial report at every general membership meeting; shall exhibit the books of accounting, upon 10 day written request to any Director or member and notify the Commander of said request and file same with the Secretary. The Treasurer shall have prepared and ready to exhibit the books of accounting upon any request submitted by the State of Michigan, IRS or any other legal entity authorized to view said books.

Section 8.4(a) Corporate Checks & Co-Signing of Checks; All checks written by the Treasurer in the amounts less than $250.00 will not require two signatures, but will require verbal & written authorization of the Commander and the written authorization shall be filed with the Treasurer and the Secretary & filed in the accounting of that fiscal year. No corporate check(s) shall be issued by the Treasurer, in excess of $250.00 without the signature of another Authorized Cosignatory. The Chapter Bank account will have at least three (3) CBOD Names & Signatures on record with the Bank holding corporate funds.

Section 8.4(b) Commingling of Funds; At no time will corporate funds or property be placed into any bank or other financial account of a personal party within the corporation. All corporate monies shall be placed into the corporate account(s) only.

Section 8.5 Sergeant-At-Arms (SAA); The Sergeant-At-Arms (SAA) has & will maintain order during chapter meetings & events. Validates that members at meetings, are in good standing with National & State & assists Secretary with signing in at meetings & events. Reviews with new members, protocol 101. If at any time, the SAA in not present at any meeting, the Commander shall appoint another Board member to carry out his duties & responsibilities. The SAA shall be the custodian of the colors and any other flags or banners or other items displayed at the meetings; shall insure that colors are properly posted prior to each meeting and lead the membership in the Pledge of

11 Allegiance upon the meeting being called to order by the Chair/Commander & perform other such duties as may, from time to time, be required by the Commander or the CBOD.

Section 8.6 Public Relations Officer (PRO)/ Historian; The PR Officer/ Historian shall be responsible for the keeping of the corporation’s historical record from inception forward; shall document missions, special events, provide pictures of same, write press releases, articles or other works for publication to the general public, in conjunction with the Commanders approval and maintain a historical album of the corporation’s activities.


The following Offices shall be Standing Offices, i.e. continual, and Standing Officers shall be appointed by the Commander. The QM is to be appointed by the State Rep Members appointed to these offices shall hold no voting rights on the CBOD and may be present at Board meetings if requested & shall have the right to only discuss issues before the Board.

Section 9.1 Chapter Quartermaster; The chapter QM is responsible for ordering the Full, Auxiliary & Support members back patches, Chapter banner patches and any other patches approved by the chapters. The QM shall be responsible for keeping a book of accounting for all goods sold, all items purchased for sale, and all monies paid out for goods received with a record of the Store inventory; working in concert with the Treasurer. The QM shall submit quarterly reports at CBOD & General membership meetings and at the fiscal years end as to the status of the store. The QM works directly for the SR.

Abate Rep / MCOC Rep / Veteran Service Officer (VSO) / Webmaster

Sections 9.2 ABATE Rep; The American Bikers Aiming Towards Education (ABATE) Rep. is responsible for keeping the membership informed & updated on motorcycle rights, promoting safe operation practices. He will inform the membership at

12 all meetings, quarterly, and whenever information comes forward & post it on the message board.

Section 9.3 MCOC Rep; The Michigan Confederation of Clubs (MCOC) Rep, Shall be the Memberships liaison to the Michigan's Motorcycle Clubs; shall keep the membership informed & updated with any information dealing with the clubs, shall take part in fundraising, working in concert with the CBOD and the Treasurer, and year end events; the sale of the MCOC patch to the membership and its placement; keep a record of all MCOC patches to the membership.

Section 9.4 Veteran Service Officer (VSO); The VSO is the liaison between the Veteran and the Veterans Administration (VA); he shall assist in helping process VA claims, getting information out to the membership on dealing with veteran issues, PTSD, TBI, or any personal and group counseling. The VSO shall put together a package for all members, and/or Veterans, with some general information on organizations and institutions that will help Veterans in need.

Section 9.5 Webmaster The Webmaster is directly responsible for the management and oversight of all CVMA MI digital and social media. The webmaster is to work in conjunction with the PRO to ensure that all media venues are current and accurate in their information and that all published media represents the CVMA appropriately and in accordance with applicable bylaws, policies, and procedures.


Section 10.1 Appointment or Hiring; The CBOD may appoint and/or hire such other agents and employees as it may deem necessary for conducting the affairs of the corporation and who shall have such authority and perform such duties as may be prescribed or required for the orderly, sustained and successful operation of the corporation. An agent or employee, appointed of hired, may be removed at any time, with or without just cause, subject to any contract rights, by the CBOD or the Commander. Such removal shall be without prejudice to the

13 contract rights, if any, of the person so removed and the appointment or hire of such agent or employee shall not, in and of itself, create contract rights.

Section 10.2 Absences, Inability to Act; In the event of the absence or inability of any agent or employee to act, the CBOD may delegate the powers and duties of such agent or employee to any other officer, agent or employee it may select.


Section 11.1 Compensation-Expenses-Reimbursement; No Director / Officer / Member, shall be paid for services rendered to the corporation, except that, reimbursement for expenses incurred by such Director / Officers / Member on behalf of the corporation may be paid by the corporation by majority vote of the CBOD. No compensation or expenses shall be paid for any Director / Officer / Member for attendance to any National CVMA Convention of Chapter Election Meeting.

Section 11.2 Oath of Office; Upon election or appointment to office as an Officer/Director or the corporation, each duly elected/appointed Officer/Director will take the Oath of office and sign a copy thereof to be placed in the corporate files held by the Secretary. This shall apply to the Chapter/Detachments established by the corporation of CVMAMI 35-2 Inc. The following is the Oath of Office to be administered to and sworn to by each Director.

“I, (state your name) do solemnly swear/affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office of (state the elected/appointed office) of the Combat veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan, and will abide by the Bylaws of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan, and I shall bear faithful allegiance to the same, so help me God.”


Section 12.1 Rights of Indemnification; The corporation, CVMAMI 35-2, Inc. shall indemnify, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any person who was or is a party, or threatened to be made

14 a party, to and threatened, pending or completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, and administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the corporation) by reason of the fact that he/she is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is, or was, serving at the request of the corporation as a director, employee, agent Or another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other action, suit or proceeding to be liable for negligence of misconduct in the performance of such duty. No payment shall be made under this article if it would cause the corporation to lose its tax status as an organization described in section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue code, as from time to time may be amended.

Section 12.2 Insurance; To the extent permitted by law, the corporation may purchase and maintain bonding insurance for Directors and other liability insurance on behalf of any current or former Director of the corporation, or any person who may have served at the corporation’s request as a Director of another corporation, whether for profit or non profit.


Section 13.1 The Fiscal year; The fiscal year of the corporation shall commence on the 1st day of January each year and run through the 31st day of December of each year.


Section 14.1 Effective date of these Bylaws; These Bylaws shall take effect upon the date and the time of voting on by the Board of Directors, and will be in full force and effect upon said date and time.

Section 14.2 Amendment of the Bylaws; An amendment, alteration, addition or deletion of part or all of these Bylaws may occur at a regular of Special Meeting of the CBOD by the affirmative vote of the CBOD, a quorum being present.

15 Section 14.3 Notice of Amendment or Alterations to the Bylaws; Notice of any proposed Amendments, alterations, additions, deletions or revisions of these Bylaws shall be given, in writing, to each CBOD member no less than 30 days prior to a vote being cast by Elected CBOD members for such amendment or alteration, addition or deletion with any and all proposed aforementioned changes outlined in writing. All such amendments, alterations, additions, deletions or revisions shall be provided to the Secretary and shall issue a notice to all members of such changes within 10 days of such changes approved by the NBOD.


Section 15.1 Emblem and Logo; The Emblem and Logo of the CVMA, is the sole trade marked, property of the CVMA (National) and is utilized by the members of the CVMAMI 35-2 by virtue of members of CVMAMI 35-2 belonging to CVMA (National) and purchasing same there from. CVMAMI 35-2 holds the right to display said Emblem and Logo by virtue of its National membership and the membership of its members in the National Association. The Emblem and Logo of the National Association is described in Section 15.3.

Section 15.2 Reproduction of the CVMA National Logo/Emblem/Patch; The CVMA National Logo/Patch/Emblem cannot be reproduced without license from the National Board of Directors of the CVMA National

Section 15.3 Description of the CVMA National Logo/Patch/Emblem; The Logo/Patch/Emblem of the CVMA (National) is in the shape of a skull encompassed by the following colors;

RED; Representing the blood that has been shed on the battlefield.

MILITARY GOLD; Representing all branches of the military service in the United States.

BLACK; Representing the heavy hearts possessed for those who gave their lives and for those still considered Missing In Action (MIA) or Prisoners Of War (POW).

16 THE SKULL & ACE OF SPADES; Represent the death that war leaves in its wake.

Section 15.4 Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan 35-2 Inc. CVMAMI 35-2 Inc. reserves the right to create, manufacture, distribute and/or sale or otherwise use, an additional, Logo/Patch/Emblem or other, (not as shown above) to represent CVMAMI 35-2 Inc. exclusively as long as it does not infringe on the Trade Mark, or other legal right(s) to exclusive use, of CVMA National or other organizations, associations, business of other entity who holds such rights.

Section 15.5 Exclusive Rights to use the Corporate Name; The CVMAMI 35-2 Inc. reserves the right to exclusively use, display in print, or other means of display, the name Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Michigan 35-2, Inc. in the State of Michigan and all other States, territories and possessions of the United States of America pursuant to any and all applicable law(s) governing such right to exclusive use now in effect or may come into effect.


Section 16.1 Adoption of these Bylaws; Adoption of these Bylaws shall override and take place of the bylaws established by CVMAMI 35-1, Inc., and cause to be made, null and void in its application to members of CVMAMI 35-2, Inc.

Revision “B” December 2015




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