Guest Instructor: Shihan Brad Hutchinson (http://ntcofcanada.com/sensei/)

Location: Southern Alberta Hogosha Institute (SAHI) http://www.bujinkanmedicinehat.com/

Head Instructor / Owner: Shidoshi Blaine Vachon

Address: 826 11 ST SE, Medicine Hat, AB

(downstairs right across from the Medicine Hat Boxing Club)

Date: October 17th / 18th,2015

Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Sat) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (Sun)

Cost: $180 in advance (Pre September 30th / $200 (post September 30th)

Seminar may include: Basic Bujinkan skills - Kihon Happo – Taijutsu - Knife Defense Techniques – Self Defense Techniques – Bo / Hanbo Techniques & Modern integration in combatives.

Contact Stephan Grondin E-mail: [email protected] Subject: Ninjutsu Seminar Phone: 403-504-7654 Cash / Cheque: Cheque payable to SAHI