Council Meeting Held at 9 Swan St. South Perth on Monday 10Th November 2014

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Council Meeting Held at 9 Swan St. South Perth on Monday 10Th November 2014

Council Meeting held at 9 Swan St. South Perth on Monday 10th November 2014

Meeting opened at 7.36pm

1.Apologies: Robert Maris

Present: J.Klimczak,N.Muller,W.Leonhardt,J.Meyer,L.CarolinUnkovich,M.McGregor,E.Yeung,D.Ellis, A.Hardegen,G.Dunlop.

2.Minutes of previous meeting 25/8/14 confirmed moved W.Leonhardt/N.Muller carried

3. Matters arising: Still no information available in regards to inter school activities.President to follow up.Wayne Barber indicated he would deposit $1300 into CAWA account.He also indicated that he would attend the CAWA windup/presentation afternoon to present the Haydn Barber Memorial Cup to the winner of the WA Open.With the absence of the Property Officer N.Muller gave a brief outline what equipment was available.No decision has been made re large photo copier with M.Mcgregor.

4.Treasurers Report : Presented by Treasurer J.Meyer As attached . Moved N.Muller/J.Meyer that since Perth Club and Metropolitan Club have received a $400 grant from CAWA the Kingsley Junior Club should also be entitled to a subsidy of $200 carried.The President is seeking some clarification from Norm Greenwood[ACF Treasurer] in regards to a Junior Levy Account sent by the ACF.

5. ACF Items: Already covered in Treasurers Report[re Norm Greenwood]

6. Tournaments Report: G.Dunlop reported on the Inter Club played on Sunday 26th October at Nth.Woodvale P.S. A Division winner Metro A def. Southern Suburbs A. C Division winners Kingsley Juniors def. Safety Bay C C. B Division winners [by default] Metro B. N.Muller reported on a poorly attended State Junior Championship also played at Nth.Woodvale. All the details are on the CAWA Website. CAWA to reintroduce alternate Open and Closed WA Championships. 2015 will be a Closed and a Reserves run simultaneasly.2016 will be an Open WA Championship again. Moved G.Dunlop/L.Carolin- Unkovich that all inter club matches would be played on Sundays possibly in July.Exact dates yet to be determined carried. Moved D.Ellis/G.Dunlop that from next year winners of divisions of the inter club competition receive a suitably engraved clock for their club. Carried 7.Junior Chess: CAWA to conduct Junior Tournaments during the school holidays in April,July,Sept/Oct,Dec/Jan. For the National Junior Championships to be held in Canberra between the 17th and 25th January CAWA has not had any requests for assistance.For CAWA to consider any subsidies we need to know who is likely to go. Action President

Grants could also be available through the local shire for juniors representing WA at National Events. It appears that we have a lot of juniors playing chess and nowhere near enough organizers to run some weekenders and other junior tournaments.Maybe someone can come up with an idea on how to re establish the Junior Chess Council.

8. Sports Star of the year Award: A comprehensive report on the representatives of the CAWA at this year’s awards was given by our delegate to the WA Sports Federation , W.Leonhardt who wondered if there was any further information that could be added to our submission.He is looking at publishing some chess information on a regular basis into their monthly newsletter and also looking at designing a badge to identify the CAWA Delegate at their meetings. Action W.Leonhardt/N.Muller As Delegate to the WA Sports Federation W.Leonhardt should be at the Awards Ceremony.Moved N.Muller/G.Dunop that CAWA pay for the ticket to the Awards Dinner carried

9.General Business:

Christmas Open had to be moved to Nth Woodvale P.S. Moresby Centre unavailable D.Ellis indicated that Somerville Theatre and Paradiso are currently showing chess themed movies. Teams Lightning and Presentation Windup will have light refreshments only this year A Seniors Perpetual Trophy will be introduced into this year’s WA Open with previous winners names also included in the engraving. Andrew Hardegen addressed the council at some length setting out his vision for the newly formed Southern Suburbs Club.As soon as a venue for the club to meet has been found Southern Suburbs will be off and running with most of the committee and a calendar for 2015 in place with a view to also holding some of the CAWA Tournaments on the South side

Meeting Closed 9.34pm

Next Meeting CAWA Annual General Meeting 15th January 2015 at Metropolitan Chess Club Drabble House Webster St. Nedlands starting at 7.30pm

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