Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Oral Language Extend understanding My Story “Because of Figs” Read-Aloud “Tell Your Story” SB 3a, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 1 Photo Kid by connecting ideas in Choosing a Main Idea Transparency 2 “Choosing a Main Idea” 15 2 Every Friday oral texts to SB 3a, p. 24; TR pp. 40–45 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo self/text/world on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants Visualizing While You Listen Transparency 10 “Visualizing While You SB 3a, p. 80; TR pp. 73–77 5 The Great Pumpkin Listen” Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Silly Stories Making Inferences While You Transparency 20 “Making Inferences While SB 3b, p. 41; TR pp. 76–80 13 Who’s Driving the Listen You Listen” Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Distinguish between My Story “Vernon’s Questions” SB 3a, pp. 15–16; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid stated and implied “Bamboozled” 24–28 2 Every Friday ideas in oral texts SB 3a, pp. 17–20; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo 29–34 on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Silly Stories “He Came with the Couch” SB 3b, pp. 23–26; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 44–49 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Use active listening My Story Making Connections While Transparency 5 “Making Connections While SB 3a, p. 44; TR pp. 74–78 1 Photo Kid strategies to work You Listen You Listen” 2 Every Friday constructively in groups 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “At the Sugar Bush” SB 3a, pp. 60–62; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin 29–34 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers “Life in Upper Canada” Read-Aloud “Home, Sweet Home” SB 3a, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 14–15 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs

Page 1 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Silly Stories “Mrs. Simkin’s Bathtub” Read-Aloud “Spot the Silliness” SB 3b, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 13 Who’s Driving the 15 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing “Let’s Talk about Forces” Read-Aloud “A Day at the Park” SB 3b, pp. 48–49; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement The Force of Friction Transparency 21 “Move It!” 14–15 18 Flood Force “Sarah’s New Skateboard” SB 3b, pp. 50–53; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion 17–22 20 Forces in Action! SB 3b, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 29–34 Urban and Rural Ottawa Is My City Transparency 26 “Where Do You Live?” SB 3b, pp. 88–91; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 17–22 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Fables Expressing Opinions Transparency 34 “Expressing Opinions” SB 3c, pp. 43–44; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox 77–81 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable “Structures in Our World” Read-Aloud “Structures in Our World” SB 3c, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures Making Structures Strong Transparency 36 “What Do You Know about 14–15 30 Snow Houses Structures?” SB 3c, pp. 54–57; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! “Animal Homes” 17–22 32 Great Dams “Dome Home” Dream House Transparency 37 “Dream House” SB 3c, pp. 58–60; TR pp. 23–28 SB 3c, pp. 61–63; TR pp. 29–34 SB 3c, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 41–45 Soils in the Environment “Why Should We Care About Read-Aloud “The Soil Is Alive!” SB 3c, pp. 90–91; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Soil?” “Mud Houses” 14–15 34 Soil Safety SB 3c, pp. 108–110;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 46–51 36 Soil from Volcanoes Listen in order to My Story “That’s Hockey” SB 3a, pp. 45–50; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid understand and 79–87 2 Every Friday respond for a variety of 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo purposes on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day

Page 2 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Silly Stories “Jeffrey and Sloth” SB 3b, pp. 42–46; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 81–88 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing “Safety in Motion” SB 3b, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 81–87 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural “Are We There Yet?” SB 3b, pp. 123–126;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 82–87 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Identify important ideas Plants “Weird and Wonderful SB 3a, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin and supporting details Plants” 47–51 Plant in oral texts 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Identify important Urban and Rural Using Words to Describe Transparency 27 “Using Words to Describe” SB 3b, p. 105; TR pp. 43–48 21 Hi from Ontario information/ideas and Communities 22 Our Garden in the City some supporting details 23 My Thunder Bay Diary in 24 The Story of My Town oral texts Use Plants “Growing in a Greenhouse” SB 3a, pp. 75–76; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin interesting/descriptive 62–66 Plant words and some 6 From Flower to Flower technical vocabulary 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers Explaining Similarities and Transparency 12 “Explaining Similarities and SB 3a, p. 96; TR pp. 32–36 9 A New Log House Differences Differences” 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Urban and Rural “View from Above” SB, pp. 106–107; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 49–53 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Soils in the Environment “Investigating Soil” SB 3c, pp. 111–113;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles How Does Your Garden Transparency 45 “How Does Your Garden 52–57 34 Soil Safety Grow? Grow?” SB 3c, pp. 122–123;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 77–81 36 Soil from Volcanoes Communicate orally in a My Story Babysitting My Little Brother Transparency 3 “Why Did We Have to Move SB 3a, pp. 25–31; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid clear, coherent manner Here? 46–54 2 Every Friday 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day

Page 3 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Plants Wacky Cactus Transparency 6 “What’s So Dandy about SB 3a, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin the Dandelion?” 17–22 Plant “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” 6 From Flower to Flower Using Details to Support the Transparency 7 “Using Details to Support SB 3a, pp. 63–66; TR pp. 7 Green—and Mean! Main Idea the Main Idea” 35–40 8 Purple Invader Looking at Stamps Transparency 8 “Looking at Stamps” SB 3a, p. 67; TR pp. 41–46 Where Does Food Grow? Transparency 9 “All about Plants” “Amazing Seeds” SB 3a, pp. 70–71; TR pp. 52–56 SB 3a, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 57–61 SB 3a, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 67–72 Early Settlers The Buxton Settlement Transparency 11 “Meet the Early Settlers” SB 3a, pp. 88–90; TR pp. 9 A New Log House Explaining Similarities and Transparency 12 “Explaining Similarities and 17–21 10 Before Money Differences Differences” SB 3a, p. 96; TR pp. 32–36 11 Giving Thanks “What’s for Dinner?” 12 Pioneer Jobs SB 3a, pp. 100–102; TR pp. 42-46 Silly Stories “Amos’s Sweater” SB 3b, pp. 27–32; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 50–57 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing Asking Questions Transparency 25 “Asking Questions” SB 3b, p. 80; TR pp. 76–80 17 Finding Friction Movement 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural “Our Homes” SB 3b, pp. 92–93; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Step into Another World Transparency 30 “Look Again!” 23–27 22 Our Garden in the City SB 3b, pp. 120–121;TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 72–76 24 The Story of My Town Fables “Belling the Cat” SB 3c, pp. 16–18; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox The Grasshopper and the Ant Transparency 33 “Fox and Crab Have a 25–30 26 The Rock on the Race” SB 3c, pp. 30–33; TR pp. Mountain “The North Wind and the 54–59 27 The Peacock and the Sun” SB 3c, pp. 38–39; TR pp. Crane 66–70 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable Sliding on a Sled Transparency 39 “The Pyramids of Egypt” SB 3c, pp. 73–76; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “Tunnels Underground” 57–62 30 Snow Houses Using Labelled Visuals Transparency 40 “Using Labelled Visuals” SB 3c, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! 63–68 32 Great Dams SB 3c, p. 83; TR pp. 75–79

Page 4 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Soils in the Environment “Surprising Soil” SB 3c, pp. 96–98; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Stories in Soil Transparency 43 “Wiggly Worms” 23–28 34 Soil Safety “My Desert Home” SB 3c, pp. 104–107;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 40–45 36 Soil from Volcanoes SB 3c, pp. 114–117;TR pp. 58–63 Identify and use vocal Silly Stories Making Inferences While You Transparency 20 “Making Inferences While SB 3b, p. 41; TR pp. 76–80 13 Who’s Driving the effects to help Listen You Listen” Bus? communicate meaning 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural “The Adventures of Two SB 3b, pp. 94–99; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Mice” 28–35 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Fables “The Rabbits’ Tale” SB 3c, pp. 40–42; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox Using Tone and Volume Transparency 35 “Using Tone and Volume” 71–76 26 The Rock on the SB 3c, p. 45; TR pp. 82–86 Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Demonstrate an My Story “Because of Figs” Read-Aloud “Tell Your Story” SB 3a, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 1 Photo Kid understanding of The Dog Next Door Transparency 1 “Two Old Potatoes and Me” 15 2 Every Friday appropriate speaking “Big Brother Mike” SB 3a, pp. 10–14; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo behaviour “Quan’s Decision” 17–23 on Our Roof “Can You Catch Josephine?” SB 3a, pp. 21–23; TR pp. 4 Deepa’s Special Day School Tools Transparency 4 “School Tools” 35–39 SB 3a, pp.32–36; TR pp. 55–61 SB 3a, pp. 37–41; TR pp. 62–68 SB 3a, pp. 42–43; TR pp. 69–73 Plants “What Would We Do Without Read-Aloud “Plants All Around Us” SB 3a, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin Plants?” 14–15 Plant “My Leaf Book” 6 From Flower to Flower SB 3a, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 7 Green—and Mean! 23–28 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers “Life in Upper Canada” Read-Aloud “Home, Sweet Home” SB 3a, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 14–15 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs

Page 5 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Silly Stories “Mrs. Simkin’s Bathtub” Read-Aloud “Spot the Silliness” SB 3b, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 13 Who’s Driving the No Talking Transparency 16 “Green Cat” 15 Bus? “Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. SB 3b, pp. 10–12; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich Murphy’s Kids” 17–22 15 The Adventures of SB 3b, pp. 15–17; TR pp. Ardo-X 28–33 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural “Different Kinds of Read-Aloud “What’s That Doing There?” SB 3b, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Communities” Transparency 29 “Farming through the 14–15 22 Our Garden in the City My Very Own Web Page! Seasons” SB 3b, pp. 108–111;TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary “My Visit to Iqaluit” 54–59 24 The Story of My Town SB 3b, pp. 116–119;TR pp. 66–71 Fables “Tiger and the Big Wind” Read-Aloud “Tell the Fable” SB 3c, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 25 The Frog and the Ox “The Crow and the Jug” 15 26 The Rock on the “Pig and Bear” SB 3c, pp. 19–22; TR pp. Mountain 31–36 27 The Peacock and the SB 3c, pp. 23–26; TR pp. Crane 37–42 28 A Tale of Friendship Soils in the Environment “Animals Love Mud” SB 3c, pp. 99–102; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Publishing Reports Transparency 44 “Publishing Reports” 29–34 34 Soil Safety “Creepy Crawly Critters” SB 3c, p. 118; TR pp. 64–69 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets SB 3c, pp. 119–121;TR pp. 36 Soil from Volcanoes 70–76 Identify purposes for Early Settlers “Jane Asks Her SB 3a, pp. 93–95; TR pp. 9 A New Log House listening and set goals Grandfather” 27–31 10 Before Money for listening tasks 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Forces Causing Asking Questions Transparency 25 “Asking Questions” SB 3b, p. 80; TR pp. 76–80 17 Finding Friction Movement 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Soils in the Environment Ask a Gardener Transparency 41 “Ask the Soil Scientist” SB 3c, pp. 92–95; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 17–22 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify/use My Story Making Connections While Transparency 5 “Making Connections While SB 3a, p. 44; TR pp. 74–78 1 Photo Kid comprehension You You Listen” 2 Every Friday strategies to clarify the Listen 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo meaning of oral texts on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Forces Causing Asking Questions Transparency 25 “Asking Questions” SB 3b, p. 80; TR pp. 76–80 17 Finding Friction Movement 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action!

Page 6 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Use speaking skills to Plants “What Do Roots Do?” SB 3a, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin communicate for a 78–84 Plant variety of purposes 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Fables “A Friend in Need” SB 3c, pp. 46–50; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox 87–92 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable “Skyscrapers” SB 3c, pp. 84–88; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 80–87 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Worm Farm = Super Soil” SB 3c, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 82–87 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify a variety of Forces Causing “Gravity Is Great” SB 3b, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction purposes for speaking Movement “What Can Magnets Do?” 23–28 18 Flood Force SB 3b, pp. 60–63; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion 35–40 20 Forces in Action! Strong and Stable Using Labelled Visuals Transparency 40 “Using Labelled Visuals” SB 3c, p. 83; TR pp. 75–79 29 Living Together Structures 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Use appropriate non- Silly Stories Making Inferences While You Transparency 20 “Making Inferences While SB 3b, p. 41; TR pp. 76–80 13 Who’s Driving the verbal cues to help Listen You Listen” Bus? convey meaning 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural Identifying Important Transparency 28 “Identifying Important SB 3b, p. 122; TR pp. 77–81 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Information While Listening Ideas While Listening” 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Use appropriate visual Urban and Rural “Milk on the MOOve” SB 3b, pp. 112–115;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario aids to enhance oral Communities 60–65 22 Our Garden in the City presentations 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Strong and Stable Using Labelled Visuals Transparency 40 “Using Labelled Visuals” SB 3c, p. 83; TR pp. 75–79 29 Living Together Structures 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams

Page 7 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Identify/explain Urban and Rural Identifying Important Transparency 28 “Identifying Important SB 3b, p. 122; TR pp. 77–81 21 Hi from Ontario significant ideas in oral Communities Information While Listening Ideas While Listening” 22 Our Garden in the City texts 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Identify the point of Forces Causing Say Yes to Windmills! Transparency 24 “Listen to Me!” SB 3b, pp. 78–79; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction view in oral texts, citing Movement 71–75 18 Flood Force information from the 19 Animals in Motion texts 20 Forces in Action! Explain how some Fables Using Tone and Volume Transparency 35 “Using Tone and Volume” SB 3c, p. 45; TR pp. 82–86 25 The Frog and the Ox presentation strategies 26 The Rock on the influence the audience Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Soils in the Environment Organizing an Oral Report Transparency 42 “Organizing an Oral Report” SB 3c, p. 103; TR pp. 35–39 33 Holes Full of Moles 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Reading Extend understanding My Story The Dog Next Door Transparency 1 “Two Old Potatoes and Me” SB 3a, pp. 10–14; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid by connecting ideas in “Bamboozled” 17–23 2 Every Friday texts to self/text/world SB 3a, pp. 17–20; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo 29–34 on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “What Would We Do Without Read-Aloud “Plants All Around Us” SB 3a, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin Plants?” 14–15 Plant “At the Sugar Bush” 6 From Flower to Flower SB 3a, pp. 60–62; TR pp. 7 Green—and Mean! 29–34 8 Purple Invader Silly Stories We Scare Bears! Transparency 18 “What! Cried Granny” SB 3b, pp. 20–22; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the “Amos’s Sweater” 39–43 Bus? SB 3b, pp. 27–32; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich 50–57 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing The Force of Friction Transparency 21 “Move It!” SB 3b, pp. 50–53; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement “Gravity Is Great” 17–22 18 Flood Force “Sarah’s New Skateboard” SB 3b, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion “What Can Magnets Do?” 23–28 20 Forces in Action! SB 3b, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 29–34 SB 3b, pp. 60–63; TR pp. 35–40

Page 8 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Soils in the Environment “Mud Houses” SB 3c, pp. 108–110;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles “Investigating Soil” 46–51 34 Soil Safety SB 3c, pp. 111–113;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 52–57 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify important ideas Plants “My Leaf Book” SB 3a, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin and some supporting Using Details to Support the Transparency 7 “Using Details to Support 23–28 Plant details in texts Main Idea the Main Idea” SB 3a, p. 67; TR pp. 41–46 6 From Flower to Flower “Weird and Wonderful 7 Green—and Mean! Plants” SB 3a, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 8 Purple Invader “Growing in a Greenhouse” 47–51 SB 3a, pp. 75–76; TR pp. 62–66 Fables The Grasshopper and the Ant Transparency 33 “Fox and Crab Have a SB 3c, pp. 30–33; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox Race” 54–59 26 The Rock on the “The Fox and the Stork” SB 3c, pp.34–37; TR pp. Mountain 60–65 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Identify/explain how My Story Babysitting My Little Brother Transparency 3 “Why Did We Have to Move SB 3a, pp. 25–31; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid specific elements of Here? 46–54 2 Every Friday texts contribute to “Quan’s Decision” SB 3a, pp.32–36; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo meaning “Can You Catch Josephine?” 55–61 on Our Roof SB 3a, pp. 37–41; TR pp. 4 Deepa’s Special Day 62–68 Early Settlers “Trading Places” SB 3a, pp. 121–123; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 79-83 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Urban and Rural My Very Own Web Page! Transparency 29 “Farming through the SB 3b, pp. 108–111;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Seasons” 54–59 22 Our Garden in the City “Milk on the MOOve” SB 3b, pp. 112–115;TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary “My Visit to Iqaluit” 60–65 24 The Story of My Town SB 3b, pp. 116–119;TR pp. 66–71 Demonstrate important Early Settlers “Measuring Up” SB 3a, pp. 91–92; TR pp. 9 A New Log House ideas and some 22–26 10 Before Money supporting details in 11 Giving Thanks texts 12 Pioneer Jobs Read a variety of My Story School Tools Transparency 4 “School Tools” SB 3a, pp. 42–43; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid literary, graphic, and Making Connections While Transparency 5 “Making Connections While 69–73 2 Every Friday informational texts You You Listen” SB 3a, p. 44; TR pp. 74–78 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo Listen on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day

Page 9 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Plants Looking at Stamps Transparency 8 “Looking at Stamps” SB 3a, pp. 70–71; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin 52–56 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Silly Stories Funny Comic Transparency 17 “Funny!” SB 3b, pp.18–19; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 34–38 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing Tornadoes Transparency 23 “Saving Sand Dunes” SB 3b, pp. 68–71; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement “Have You Seen Wind?” 53–58 18 Flood Force “Look Out Below!” SB 3b, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion 59–64 20 Forces in Action! SB 3b, pp. 75–77; TR pp. 65–70 Strong and Stable “Structures in Our World” Read-Aloud “Structures in Our World” SB 3c, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “Getting to the Other Side” 14–15 30 Snow Houses SB 3c, pp. 80–82; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! 69–74 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Why Should We Care About Read-Aloud “The Soil Is Alive!” SB 3c, pp. 90–91; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Soil?” 14–15 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify and explain Early Settlers The Buxton Settlement Transparency 11 “Meet the Early Settlers” SB 3a, pp. 88–90; TR pp. 9 A New Log House how text features help “Measuring Up” 17–21 10 Before Money readers understand “Jane Asks Her SB 3a, pp. 91–92; TR pp. 11 Giving Thanks texts Building a Pioneer House Transparency 13 Grandfather” 22–26 12 Pioneer Jobs “A Letter Home” SB 3a, pp. 93–95; TR pp. “What’s for Dinner?” 27–31 “Early Settler Menu” SB 3a, pp. 97–99; TR pp. “A Visit to the General 37–41 Store” SB 3a, pp. 100–102; TR pp. “Medicine Walk” 42-46 SB 3a, pp. 103–106; TR pp. 47-52 SB 3a, pp. 107-111; TR pp. 53–59 SB 3a, pp. 112–117; TR pp. 60-67 Forces Causing Tornadoes Transparency 23 “Saving Sand Dunes” SB 3b, pp. 68–71; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement “Have You Seen Wind?” 53–58 18 Flood Force “Look Out Below!” SB 3b, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion 59–64 20 Forces in Action! SB 3b, pp. 75–77; TR pp. 65–70

Page 10 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Strong and Stable Sliding on a Sled Transparency 39 “The Pyramids of Egypt” SB 3c, pp. 73–76; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “Tunnels Underground” 57–62 30 Snow Houses “Getting to the Other Side” SB 3c, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! 63–68 32 Great Dams SB 3c, pp. 80–82; TR pp. 69–74 Soils in the Environment Stories in Soil Transparency 43 “Wiggly Worms” SB 3c, pp. 104–107;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles “My Desert Home” 40–45 34 Soil Safety Publishing Reports Transparency 44 “Publishing Reports” SB 3c, pp. 114–117;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets “Creepy Crawly Critters” 58–63 36 Soil from Volcanoes SB 3c, p. 118; TR pp. 64–69 SB 3c, pp. 119–121;TR pp. 70–76 Identify/describe the Silly Stories No Talking Transparency 16 “Green Cat” SB 3b, pp. 10–12; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the characteristics of “The Best Worst Birthday 17–22 Bus? various text forms Ever” SB 3b, pp. 13–14; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich “Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. 23–27 15 The Adventures of Murphy’s Kids” SB 3b, pp. 15–17; TR pp. Ardo-X 28–33 16 Hadley Goes Home Fables “Tiger and the Big Wind” Read-Aloud “Tell the Fable” SB 3c, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 25 The Frog and the Ox The Beetle and the Bird Transparency 31 “Rabbit Tricks Elephant and 15 26 The Rock on the Whale” SB 3c, pp. 10–15; TR pp. Mountain “Belling the Cat” 17–24 27 The Peacock and the “The Crow and the Jug” Crane “Pig and Bear” SB 3c, pp. 16–18; TR pp. 28 A Tale of Friendship The Grasshopper and the Ant Transparency 33 “Fox and Crab Have a 25–30 Race” SB 3c, pp. 19–22; TR pp. “The Fox and the Stork” 31–36 “The North Wind and the SB 3c, pp. 23–26; TR pp. Sun” 37–42 “The Rabbits’ Tale” SB 3c, pp. 30–33; TR pp. 54–59 SB 3c, pp.34–37; TR pp. 60–65 SB 3c, pp. 38–39; TR pp. 66–70 SB 3c, pp. 40–42; TR pp. 71–76 Use a variety of My Story “Vernon’s Questions” SB 3a, pp. 15–16; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid strategies to “Big Brother Mike” 24–28 2 Every Friday understand texts SB 3a, pp. 21–23; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo 35–39 on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day

Page 11 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Plants Wacky Cactus Transparency 6 “What’s So Dandy about SB 3a, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin the Dandelion?” 17–22 Plant “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” 6 From Flower to Flower Visualizing While You Listen Transparency 10 “Visualizing While You SB 3a, pp. 63–66; TR pp. 7 Green—and Mean! Listen” 35–40 8 Purple Invader SB 3a, p. 80; TR pp. 73–77 Early Settlers Building a Pioneer House Transparency 13 “A Letter Home” SB 3a, pp. 97–99; TR pp. 9 A New Log House “What’s for Dinner?” 37–41 10 Before Money “Early Settler Menu” SB 3a, pp. 100–102; TR pp. 11 Giving Thanks 42-46 12 Pioneer Jobs SB 3a, pp. 103–106; TR pp. 47-52 Forces Causing “Let’s Talk about Forces” Read-Aloud “A Day at the Park” SB 3b, pp. 48–49; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement “Gravity Is Great” 14–15 18 Flood Force “Sarah’s New Skateboard” SB 3b, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 19 Animals in Motion “What Can Magnets Do?” 23–28 20 Forces in Action! SB 3b, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 29–34 SB 3b, pp. 60–63; TR pp. 35–40 Urban and Rural Ottawa Is My City Transparency 26 “Where Do You Live?” SB 3b, pp. 88–91; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities “Our Homes” 17–22 22 Our Garden in the City “The Adventures of Two SB 3b, pp. 92–93; TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary Mice” 23–27 24 The Story of My Town “Jason’s Journey” SB 3b, pp. 94–99; TR pp. 28–35 SB 3b, pp. 100–104;TR pp. 36–42 Strong and Stable Making Structures Strong Transparency 36 “What Do You Know about SB 3c, pp. 54–57; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures Structures?” 17–22 30 Snow Houses “Animal Homes” 31 What a Wall! “Dome Home” SB 3c, pp. 58–60; TR pp. 32 Great Dams “The Wonder of Beavers” 23–28 SB 3c, pp. 61–63; TR pp. 29–34 SB 3c, pp. 64–67; TR pp. 35–40 Soils in the Environment “Surprising Soil” SB 3c, pp. 96–98; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 23–28 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify elements of Silly Stories “The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate SB, pp. 37–40; TR pp. 70– 13 Who’s Driving the style and explain how the Wash” 75 Bus? they help readers 14 The Sandwich understand texts 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home

Page 12 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Forces Causing “Force Detective” SB 3b, pp. 65–67; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 47–52 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural “View from Above” SB, pp. 106–107; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 49–53 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Fables “The Owl and the SB 3c, pp. 28–29; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox Lemming” 49–53 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable Varying Sentence Types Transparency 38 “Varying Sentence Types” SB 3c, p. 70; TR pp. 46–51 29 Living Together Structures “Mail a Postcard!” SB 3c, pp. 71–72; TR pp. 30 Snow Houses 52–56 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Recognize a variety of Forces Causing “Safety in Motion” SB 3b, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction text forms/text Movement 81–87 18 Flood Force features/stylistic 19 Animals in Motion elements 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural “Are We There Yet?” SB 3b, pp. 123–126;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 82–87 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Fables “A Friend in Need” SB 3c, pp. 46–50; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox 87–92 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Soils in the Environment “Worm Farm = Super Soil” SB 3c, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 82–87 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Choose appropriate Early Settlers “A Visit to the General SB 3a, pp. 107-111; TR pp. 9 A New Log House reading materials for a Store” 53–59 10 Before Money variety of purposes “Medicine Walk” SB 3a, pp. 112–117; TR pp. 11 Giving Thanks 60-67 12 Pioneer Jobs Recognize text patterns Plants Where Does Food Grow? Transparency 9 “All about Plants” SB 3a, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin and explain how they “Amazing Seeds” 57–61 Plant help readers SB 3a, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 6 From Flower to Flower 67–72 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader

Page 13 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Soils in the Environment Ask a Gardener Transparency 41 “Ask the Soil Scientist” SB 3c, pp. 92–95; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles “Animals Love Mud” 17–22 34 Soil Safety SB 3c, pp. 99–102; TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 29–34 36 Soil from Volcanoes Read and demonstrate My Story “That’s Hockey” SB 3a, pp. 45–50; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid an understanding of a 79–87 2 Every Friday variety of texts 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “What Do Roots Do?” SB 3a, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin 78–84 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers “A Treasure Chest Surprise” SB 3a, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 9 A New Log House 84–90 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Silly Stories “Jeffrey and Sloth” SB 3b, pp. 42–46; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 81–88 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing “Safety in Motion” SB 3b, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 81–87 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Strong and Stable “Skyscrapers” SB 3c, pp. 84–88; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 80–87 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Identify point of view in Forces Causing Say Yes to Windmills! Transparency 24 “Listen to Me!” SB 3b, pp. 78–79; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction a text and suggest Movement 71–75 18 Flood Force alternative perspectives 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Read appropriate texts Silly Stories “The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate SB, pp. 37–40; TR pp. 70– 13 Who’s Driving the fluently and with the Wash 75 Bus? expression 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural Identifying Important Transparency 28 “Identifying Important SB 3b, p. 122; TR pp. 77–81 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Information While Listening Ideas While Listening” 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town

Page 14 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Fables The Beetle and the Bird Transparency 31 “Rabbit Tricks Elephant and SB 3c, pp. 10–15; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox Whale” 17–24 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Make inferences about Silly Stories We Scare Bears! Transparency 18 “What! Cried Granny” SB 3b, pp. 20–22; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the texts using the texts’ “He Came with the Couch” 39–43 Bus? stated and implied “Amos’s Sweater” SB 3b, pp. 23–26; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich ideas “Mechanimals” 44–49 15 The Adventures of SB 3b, pp. 27–32; TR pp. Ardo-X 50–57 16 Hadley Goes Home SB 3b, pp. 33–35; TR pp. 58–63 Writing Identify/order main Plants Where Does Food Grow? Transparency 9 “All about Plants” SB 3a, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin ideas/supporting details 57–61 Plant to develop a paragraph 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Urban and Rural “Jason’s Journey” SB 3b, pp. 100–104;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities My Very Own Web Page! Transparency 29 “Farming through the 36–42 22 Our Garden in the City Seasons” SB 3b, pp. 108–111;TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary “Milk on the MOOve” 54–59 24 The Story of My Town SB 3b, pp. 112–115;TR pp. 60–65 Determine whether My Story Choosing a Main Idea Transparency 2 “Choosing a Main Idea” SB 3a, p. 24; TR pp. 40–45 1 Photo Kid information gathered is 2 Every Friday relevant/adequate for 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo the purpose on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Early Settlers Staying on Topic Transparency 15 “Staying on Topic” SB 3a, p. 120; TR pp. 73–78 9 A New Log House “Trading Places” SB 3a, pp. 121–123; TR pp. 10 Before Money 79-83 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Use specific words and Plants Visualizing While You Listen Transparency 10 “Visualizing While You SB 3a, p. 80; TR pp. 73–77 5 The Great Pumpkin phrases to help convey Listen” Plant meaning 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Silly Stories “Mechanimals” SB 3b, pp. 33–35; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the 58–63 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home

Page 15 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Forces Causing Making Voice Strong Transparency 22 “Making Voice Strong” SB 3b, p. 64; TR pp. 41–46 17 Finding Friction Movement “Force Detective” SB 3b, pp. 65–67; TR pp. 18 Flood Force 47–52 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural Using Words to Describe Transparency 27 “Using Words to Describe” SB 3b, p. 105; TR pp. 43–48 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Write short texts using My Story “Bamboozled” SB 3a, pp. 17–20; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid a variety of forms 29–34 2 Every Friday 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “At the Sugar Bush” SB 3a, pp. 60–62; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” 29–34 Plant SB 3a, pp. 63–66; TR pp. 6 From Flower to Flower 35–40 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers Building a Pioneer House Transparency 13 “A Letter Home” SB 3a, pp. 97–99; TR pp. 9 A New Log House “Medicine Walk” 37–41 10 Before Money SB 3a, pp. 112–117; TR pp. 11 Giving Thanks 60-67 12 Pioneer Jobs

Silly Stories “Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. SB 3b, pp. 15–17; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the Murphy’s Kids” 28–33 Bus? “He Came with the Couch” 14 The Sandwich SB 3b, pp. 23–26; TR pp. 15 The Adventures of 44–49 Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural Ottawa Is My City Transparency 26 “Where Do You Live?” SB 3b, pp. 88–91; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities “Our Homes” 17–22 22 Our Garden in the City SB 3b, pp. 92–93; TR pp. 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 23–27 24 The Story of My Town Fables “Belling the Cat” SB 3c, pp. 16–18; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox “Pig and Bear” 25–30 26 The Rock on the SB 3c, pp. 23–26; TR pp. Mountain 37–42 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable “Dome Home” SB 3c, pp. 61–63; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “The Wonder of Beavers” 29–34 30 Snow Houses “Mail a Postcard!” SB 3c, pp. 64–67; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! “Getting to the Other Side” 35–40 32 Great Dams SB 3c, pp. 71–72; TR pp. 52–56 SB 3c, pp. 80–82; TR pp. 69–74

Page 16 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Soils in the Environment Ask a Gardener Transparency 41 “Ask the Soil Scientist” SB 3c, pp. 92–95; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Organizing an Oral Report Transparency 42 “Organizing an Oral Report” 17–22 34 Soil Safety “Investigating Soil” SB 3c, p. 103; TR pp. 35–39 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets SB 3c, pp. 111–113;TR pp. 36 Soil from Volcanoes 52–57 Establish a personal Early Settlers “Trading Places” SB 3a, pp. 121–123; TR pp. 9 A New Log House and appropriate voice in 79-83 10 Before Money their writing 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Silly Stories Finding Your Personal Voice Transparency 19 “Finding Your Personal SB 3b, p. 36; TR pp. 64–69 13 Who’s Driving the Voice” SB, pp. 37–40; TR pp. 70– Bus? “The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate 75 14 The Sandwich the Wash 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing Making Voice Strong Transparency 22 “Making Voice Strong” SB 3b, p. 64; TR pp. 41–46 17 Finding Friction Movement “Force Detective” SB 3b, pp. 65–67; TR pp. 18 Flood Force 47–52 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Urban and Rural “The Adventures of Two SB 3b, pp. 94–99; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Mice” 28–35 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Generate ideas about a My Story “Can You Catch Josephine?” SB 3a, pp. 37–41; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid topic using a variety of 62–68 2 Every Friday strategies/resources 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants Wacky Cactus Transparency 6 “What’s So Dandy about SB 3a, pp. 54–56; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin the Dandelion?” 17–22 Plant Using Details to Support the Transparency 7 “Using Details to Support 6 From Flower to Flower Main Idea the Main Idea” SB 3a, p. 67; TR pp. 41–46 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Silly Stories Finding Your Personal Voice Transparency 19 “Finding Your Personal SB 3b, p. 36; TR pp. 64–69 13 Who’s Driving the Voice” Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural “Different Kinds of Read-Aloud “What’s That Doing There?” SB 3b, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Communities” Transparency 27 “Using Words to Describe” 14–15 22 Our Garden in the City Using Words to Describe “View from Above” SB 3b, p. 105; TR pp. 43–48 23 My Thunder Bay Diary Transparency 30 “Look Again!” SB, pp. 106–107; TR pp. 24 The Story of My Town Step into Another World 49–53 SB 3b, pp. 120–121;TR pp. 72–76

Page 17 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Fables Combining Sentences Transparency 32 “Combining Sentences” SB 3c, p. 27; TR pp. 43–48 25 The Frog and the Ox “The Owl and the SB 3c, pp. 28–29; TR pp. 26 The Rock on the Lemming” 49–53 Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Revise written work to Early Settlers Staying on Topic Transparency 15 “Staying on Topic” SB 3a, p. 120; TR pp. 73–78 9 A New Log House improve content, 10 Before Money clarity, and interest 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Fables Combining Sentences Transparency 32 “Combining Sentences” SB 3c, p. 27; TR pp. 43–48 25 The Frog and the Ox 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable Varying Sentence Types Transparency 38 “Varying Sentence Types” SB 3c, p. 70; TR pp. 46–51 29 Living Together Structures “Mail a Postcard!” SB 3c, pp. 71–72; TR pp. 30 Snow Houses 52–56 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Gather information to My Story “Big Brother Mike” SB 3a, pp. 21–23; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid support ideas for 35–39 2 Every Friday writing 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Early Settlers “Jane Asks Her SB 3a, pp. 93–95; TR pp. 9 A New Log House Grandfather” 27–31 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Forces Causing “Look Out Below!” SB 3b, pp. 75–77; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 65–70 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Strong and Stable “Animal Homes” SB 3c, pp. 58–60; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “The Wonder of Beavers” 23–28 30 Snow Houses SB 3c, pp. 64–67; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! 35–40 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Mud Houses” SB 3c, pp. 108–110;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles “My Desert Home” 46–51 34 Soil Safety Publishing Reports Transparency 44 “Publishing Reports” SB 3c, pp. 114–117;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 58–63 36 Soil from Volcanoes SB 3c, p. 118; TR pp. 64–69 Identify helpful Early Settlers Staying on Topic Transparency 15 “Staying on Topic” SB 3a, p. 120; TR pp. 73–78 9 A New Log House strategies to improve as 10 Before Money writers 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs

Page 18 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Identify elements of Forces Causing Making Voice Strong Transparency 22 “Making Voice Strong” SB 3b, p. 64; TR pp. 41–46 17 Finding Friction their writing that need Movement 18 Flood Force improvement 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Generate/gather/organi My Story “That’s Hockey” SB 3a, pp. 45–50; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid ze ideas to write for an 79–87 2 Every Friday intended 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo purpose/audience on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “What Do Roots Do?” SB 3a, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin 78–84 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Urban and Rural “Are We There Yet?” SB 3b, pp. 123–126;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 82–87 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Generate/gather/organi Early Settlers “A Treasure Chest Surprise” SB 3a, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 9 A New Log House ze ideas and write for 84–90 10 Before Money an intended purpose/ 11 Giving Thanks audience 12 Pioneer Jobs Identify/order main My Story “Quan’s Decision” SB 3a, pp.32–36; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid ideas/ supporting 55–61 2 Every Friday details to develop a 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo paragraph on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “Weird and Wonderful SB 3a, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin Plants” 47–51 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Soils in the Environment “Surprising Soil” SB 3c, pp. 96–98; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 23–28 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Draft and revise writing Silly Stories “Jeffrey and Sloth” SB 3b, pp. 42–46; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the using appropriate 81–88 Bus? forms/stylistic elements 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Forces Causing “Safety in Motion” SB 3b, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 81–87 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action!

Page 19 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Fables “A Friend in Need” SB 3c, pp. 46–50; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox 87–92 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable “Skyscrapers” SB 3c, pp. 84–88; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 80–87 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Worm Farm = Super Soil” SB 3c, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles 82–87 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Produce revised drafts Early Settlers The Buxton Settlement Transparency 11 “Meet the Early Settlers” SB 3a, pp. 88–90; TR pp. 9 A New Log House to meet identified 17–21 10 Before Money criteria 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Silly Stories Finding Your Personal Voice Transparency 19 “Finding Your Personal SB 3b, p. 36; TR pp. 64–69 13 Who’s Driving the Voice” Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Use words to combine Fables Combining Sentences Transparency 32 “Combining Sentences” SB 3c, p. 27; TR pp. 43–48 25 The Frog and the Ox and link sentences “The Owl and the SB 3c, pp. 28–29; TR pp. 26 The Rock on the Lemming” 49–53 Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable Varying Sentence Types Transparency 38 “Varying Sentence Types” SB 3c, p. 70; TR pp. 46–51 29 Living Together Structures 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Media Literacy Sort ideas and My Story The Dog Next Door Transparency 1 “Two Old Potatoes and Me” SB 3a, pp. 10–14; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid information for their Choosing a Main Idea Transparency 2 “Choosing a Main Idea” 17–23 2 Every Friday writing in a variety of Babysitting My Little Brother Transparency 3 “Why Did We Have to Move SB 3a, p. 24; TR pp. 40–45 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo ways Here? SB 3a, pp. 25–31; TR pp. on Our Roof 46–54 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “Growing in a Greenhouse” SB 3a, pp. 75–76; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin 62–66 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader

Page 20 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Early Settlers Explaining Similarities and Transparency 12 “Explaining Similarities and SB 3a, p. 96; TR pp. 32–36 9 A New Log House Differences Differences” 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Silly Stories No Talking Transparency 16 “Green Cat” SB 3b, pp. 10–12; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the “The Best Worst Birthday 17–22 Bus? Ever” SB 3b, pp. 13–14; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich 23–27 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural “Different Kinds of Read-Aloud “What’s That Doing There?” SB 3b, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities Communities” 14–15 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Fables “The Fox and the Stork” SB 3c, pp.34–37; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox “The Rabbits’ Tale” 60–65 26 The Rock on the SB 3c, pp. 40–42; TR pp. Mountain 71–76 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable Making Structures Strong Transparency 36 “What Do You Know about SB 3c, pp. 54–57; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures Structures?” 17–22 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Use overt and implied My Story “Vernon’s Questions” SB 3a, pp. 15–16; TR pp. 1 Photo Kid messages to make 24–28 2 Every Friday meaning in simple 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo media texts on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Early Settlers What’s Inside? Transparency 14 “What’s Inside?” SB 3a, pp. 118–119; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 68-72 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Create media texts for Early Settlers “A Treasure Chest Surprise” SB 3a, pp. 124–126;TR pp. 9 A New Log House different purposes and 84–90 10 Before Money audiences 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Identify Plants Looking at Stamps Transparency 8 “Looking at Stamps” SB 3a, pp. 70–71; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin elements/characteristic 52–56 Plant s of some media forms 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers What’s Inside? Transparency 14 “What’s Inside?” SB 3a, pp. 118–119; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 68-72 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs

Page 21 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Silly Stories “The Best Worst Birthday SB 3b, pp. 13–14; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the Ever” 23–27 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Soils in the Environment How Does Your Garden Transparency 45 “How Does Your Garden SB 3c, pp. 122–123;TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Grow? Grow?” 77–81 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify Silly Stories Funny Comic Transparency 17 “Funny!” SB 3b, pp.18–19; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the conventions/techniques 34–38 Bus? in media forms 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home Urban and Rural Step into Another World Transparency 30 “Look Again!” SB 3b, pp. 120–121;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario Communities 72–76 22 Our Garden in the City 23 My Thunder Bay Diary 24 The Story of My Town Soils in the Environment Organizing an Oral Report Transparency 42 “Organizing an Oral Report” SB 3c, p. 103; TR pp. 35–39 33 Holes Full of Moles 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify Urban and Rural “Jason’s Journey” SB 3b, pp. 100–104;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario conventions/techniques Communities 36–42 22 Our Garden in the City appropriate to the form 23 My Thunder Bay Diary of a media text 24 The Story of My Town Produce media texts for Plants “My Leaf Book” SB 3a, pp. 57–59; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin specific purposes and “Amazing Seeds” 23–28 Plant audiences SB 3a, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 6 From Flower to Flower 67–72 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers “Measuring Up” SB 3a, pp. 91–92; TR pp. 9 A New Log House “Early Settler Menu” 22–26 10 Before Money “A Visit to the General SB 3a, pp. 103–106; TR pp. 11 Giving Thanks What’s Inside? Transparency 14 Store” 47-52 12 Pioneer Jobs “What’s Inside?” SB 3a, pp. 107-111; TR pp. 53–59 SB 3a, pp. 118–119; TR pp. 68-72 Silly Stories Funny Comic Transparency 17 “Funny!” SB 3b, pp.18–19; TR pp. 13 Who’s Driving the We Scare Bears! Transparency 18 “What! Cried Granny” 34–38 Bus? “Mechanimals” SB 3b, pp. 20–22; TR pp. 14 The Sandwich 39–43 15 The Adventures of SB 3b, pp. 33–35; TR pp. Ardo-X 58–63 16 Hadley Goes Home

Page 22 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Forces Causing Tornadoes Transparency 23 “Saving Sand Dunes” SB 3b, pp. 68–71; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 53–58 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Fables The Beetle and the Bird Transparency 31 “Rabbit Tricks Elephant and SB 3c, pp. 10–15; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox Whale” 17–24 26 The Rock on the “The Crow and the Jug” Mountain “The North Wind and the SB 3c, pp. 19–22; TR pp. 27 The Peacock and the Expressing Opinions Transparency 34 Sun” 31–36 Crane Using Tone and Volume Transparency 35 “Expressing Opinions” SB 3c, pp. 38–39; TR pp. 28 A Tale of Friendship “Using Tone and Volume” 66–70 SB 3c, pp. 43–44; TR pp. 77–81 SB 3c, p. 45; TR pp. 82–86 Strong and Stable Sliding on a Sled Transparency 39 “The Pyramids of Egypt” SB 3c, pp. 73–76; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures “Tunnels Underground” 57–62 30 Snow Houses SB 3c, pp. 77–79; TR pp. 31 What a Wall! 63–68 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Animals Love Mud” SB 3c, pp. 99–102; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Stories in Soil Transparency 43 “Wiggly Worms” 29–34 34 Soil Safety “Creepy Crawly Critters” SB 3c, pp. 104–107;TR pp. 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets How Does Your Garden Transparency 45 “How Does Your Garden 40–45 36 Soil from Volcanoes Grow? Grow?” SB 3c, pp. 119–121;TR pp. 70–76 SB 3c, pp. 122–123;TR pp. 77–81 Identify the purpose My Story “Because of Figs” Read-Aloud “Tell Your Story” SB 3a, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 1 Photo Kid and intended audience School Tools Transparency 4 “School Tools” 15 2 Every Friday of media texts SB 3a, pp. 42–43; TR pp. 3 Ten Thousand Buffalo 69–73 on Our Roof 4 Deepa’s Special Day Plants “What Would We Do Without Read-Aloud “Plants All Around Us” SB 3a, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 5 The Great Pumpkin Plants?” 14–15 Plant 6 From Flower to Flower 7 Green—and Mean! 8 Purple Invader Early Settlers “Life in Upper Canada” Read-Aloud “Home, Sweet Home” SB 3a, pp. 86–87; TR pp. 9 A New Log House 14–15 10 Before Money 11 Giving Thanks 12 Pioneer Jobs Silly Stories “Mrs. Simkin’s Bathtub” Read-Aloud “Spot the Silliness” SB 3b, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 13 Who’s Driving the 15 Bus? 14 The Sandwich 15 The Adventures of Ardo-X 16 Hadley Goes Home

Page 23 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Forces Causing “Let’s Talk about Forces” Read-Aloud “A Day at the Park” SB 3b, pp. 48–49; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction Movement 14–15 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Fables “Tiger and the Big Wind” Read-Aloud “Tell the Fable” SB 3c, pp. 8–9; TR pp. 14– 25 The Frog and the Ox 15 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship Strong and Stable “Structures in Our World” Read-Aloud “Structures in Our World” SB 3c, pp. 52–53; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 14–15 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Soils in the Environment “Why Should We Care About Read-Aloud “The Soil Is Alive!” SB 3c, pp. 90–91; TR pp. 33 Holes Full of Moles Soil?” 14–15 34 Soil Safety 35 Framer Jane’s Secrets 36 Soil from Volcanoes Identify point of view in Forces Causing Say Yes to Windmills! Transparency 24 “Listen to Me!” SB 3b, pp. 78–79; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction a media text Movement 71–75 18 Flood Force 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Demonstrate an Forces Causing “Safety in Motion” SB 3b, pp. 81–84; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction understanding of a Movement 81–87 18 Flood Force variety of media texts 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Strong and Stable “Skyscrapers” SB 3c, pp. 84–88; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 80–87 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Identify an appropriate Urban and Rural “My Visit to Iqaluit” SB 3b, pp. 116–119;TR pp. 21 Hi from Ontario form of media text to Communities 66–71 22 Our Garden in the City suit purpose and 23 My Thunder Bay Diary audience 24 The Story of My Town Express personal Forces Causing “Have You Seen Wind?” SB 3b, pp. 72–74; TR pp. 17 Finding Friction opinions about ideas in Movement 59–64 18 Flood Force media texts 19 Animals in Motion 20 Forces in Action! Fables Expressing Opinions Transparency 34 “Expressing Opinions” SB 3c, pp. 43–44; TR pp. 25 The Frog and the Ox 77–81 26 The Rock on the Mountain 27 The Peacock and the Crane 28 A Tale of Friendship

Page 24 of 25 Nelson Literacy 3 Correlation to Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 : Language, 2006 (revised) Transparencies for Shared Reading and Student Books & Teacher’s Resource Modelling Guided and Expectations Nelson Literacy Unit Independent Reading Title Page Title Page Reference Kit Reference Strong and Stable Dream House Transparency 37 “Dream House” SB 3c, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 29 Living Together Structures 41–45 30 Snow Houses 31 What a Wall! 32 Great Dams Describe how different Strong and Stable Dream House Transparency 37 “Dream House” SB 3c, pp. 68–69; TR pp. 29 Living Together audiences might Structures 41–45 30 Snow Houses respond to specific 31 What a Wall! media 32 Great Dams texts

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