Hum 105 IP Name: ______Galarosa

Ch 4 Quiz


1. Cindy attributes Luz’s behavior to her personality or individual characteristics. Cindy is using a category-based attribution. _____ 2. Jim uses person-based attribution when assessing behavior. Raul on the other hand, uses situation-based attributions. It is likely that, Jim is individualistic while Raul is collectivistic. _____ 3. An individualistic person interacting with a member of a collectivistic group, may invoke misattributions and misunderstandings because of differences in communication styles. _____ 4. Marcela believes that her way of thinking is far superior to that of others. Her way of life is also the most proper. Dismissing the value of other people’s culture is a form of ethnocentrism. _____ 5. Rommel no longer sees cultural difference as negative and thus, he recognizes the importance of judging other people’s behavior based on their own cultural background/cultural criteria and standards. Rommel is moving towards the stage of ethnorelativism. _____ 6. Chris is Asian; he must be good in Math. This is an example of a stereotype. _____ 7. Prejudice can be useful in protecting our own identity. We make ourselves look good by making others look bad. _____ 8. Rodel met a lady from Ethiopia who was rude and hostile towards him. Immediately after that encounter, Rodel concluded that all Ethiopians are rude and hostile to Americans. Rodel is committing the ultimate attribution error. _____ 9. Voluntary contact, equal status, personal contact, and cooperative opportunities are various ways/approaches that can improve the quality of our intercultural interaction. _____ 10. Blaming the victim is one way to justify a racist attitude or act. _____

MULTIPLE CHOICE (circle the correct letter)

1. We utilize our thought processes in order to make sense of people’s interactions This we refer to as ______a. social cognition b. premature closure c. principle of negativity d. intercultural sensitivity

2. The first three stages of ethnocentrism are denial of difference, ______and minimization of difference. a. acceptance of difference b. adjusting to difference c. defense of difference d. integration of difference 2

3. _____ happens when we no longer search for answers/explanation in trying to make sense of our own and other people’s behavior. This occurs when we believe we have found an acceptable explanation for the behavior. a. fundamental attribution error b. self-effacement bias c. premature closure d. principle of negativity

4. Louela scored well on her exam. However, she does not attribute her success to her intelligence and hard work. In other words, she attempts to downplay her positive characteristics. a. principle of negativity b. premature closure c. self-effacement bias d. fundamental error

5. Ken is angry at Asian Americans who come to America for he believes that they are responsible for taking all the jobs in the United States. He believes this is the reason why he is unable to secure one. Which of the following functions is Ken enacting? a. scapegoating b. ego-defensive move c. ego-protective move d. self-effacement

6. Tristan believes that all cultures are normal and appropriate. So, when he visits Nigeria, instead of using his American culture to interpret and evaluate Nigerian behavior, he uses Nigerian culture instead. Tristan is: a. ethnocentric b. relativistic c. ethnorelativistic d. conformity-oriented

7. When we try to maintain our power and dominance over another group or person (i.e. not hiring a person of color) we are invoking a form of: a. ego-defensive move b. discrimination c. ego-protective move d. stereotype

8. Racism includes both ______and ______a. attitudes and behaviors b. bias and misattribution c. self-effacement and ultimate error d. premature closure and ego-protective move 3

9. One of the claims of ______is that prejudice stems from people’s desire to maintain dominance and social hierarchies. a. face negotiation theory b. expectancy violation theory c. social dominance theory d. social cognition theory

10. People with high levels of prejudice have the tendency to see themselves as ______of society. a. agents b. champions c. victims d. protectors

ESSAY QUESTIONS (Write your answers in your Journal 6)

1. Discuss how our attitudes can influence our interactions with others. Cite specific examples to illustrate your points.

2. Identify the seven attribution errors. Explain each one briefly and provide an example.

3. What are the various causes of prejudice? Give a brief explanation of each one.

4. Distinguish between ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism. Identify the stages of the developmental model that reflect ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism.

5. Describe five ways the prejudice and racism are communicated. Provide an example of each.