“…a bluff rose abruptly toward the west to a most commanding height in the form of an amphitheatre which, Soundward on its right on its left also, formed curves surrounding a beautiful bay with what was termed Delancey Point or Neck…(and Guion’s Neck)…making a most beautiful and nearly landlocked bay frequented by wild fowls, in the center of which was a small island that in the summer season on quiet days looked like an emerald surrounding by the calm waters that appeared by sunlight or moonlight as if the emerald were set in glittering and flashing diamonds…”

A.C. Ferris describes Mamaroneck Harbor as it appears in the 1830s. Mamaroneck Register, 1897. Courtesy of Daniel Wolff, Mamaroneck Historical Society.

Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program WORKINGINFORMAL DRAFT (JuneSeptember 20121) i-3 Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program WORKINGINFORMAL DRAFT (JuneSeptember 20121) i-4 INTRODUCTION


The Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for the Village of Mamaroneck, New York, has been prepared as a comprehensive, long-range guide to the future development of Mamaroneck’s waterfront.

The Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is a New York State-sponsored program under the direction of the State Coastal Management Program. An LWRP is intended to be a comprehensive, realistic program for the beneficial use, revitalization and production of a community’s waterfront resources. Its major components are:

. Delineation of the boundary of the local waterfront revitalization area.

. An inventory and analysis of the natural and man-made characteristics of the waterfront area.

. Policies for the management of the waterfront area which apply to the State coastal policies expressed in the State Coastal Management Program and the Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program to specific waterfront resources and conditions and to reflect local objectives.

. Proposed land and water uses for the entire waterfront area and proposed waterfront projects.

. Local techniques for implementing the policies of the LWRP and ensuring that local actions will comply with the LWRP.

Once completed, an LWRP is submitted to the New York Secretary of State and the U.S. Department of Commerce for approval. After approval, the local program replaces the State Coastal Management Program within the local waterfront area and becomes the official plan for governing local, State and Federal actions affecting the defined waterfront revitalization area.


An LWRP reflects community consensus, and as such, it significantly increases a community’s ability to attract appropriate development that will respect its unique cultural and natural characteristics.

KeyThe benefits of an LWRP Local Waterfront Revitalization Program include the following:

Village of Mamaroneck Local Waterfront Revitalization Program WORKINGINFORMAL DRAFT (JuneSeptember 20121) i-5 . A municipality has the opportunity to evaluate its waterfront resources, to develop a comprehensive strategy for the best use of those resources and to put in place a local program to carry out that strategy.

. The consistency provisions of the Coastal Management Program require State and Federal agencies to adhere to the policies of an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program when those agencies undertake, fund or grant a permit for a project within an LWRP area.

. An LWRP establishes a long-term partnership among local government, community-based organizations and the Department of State, providing a source of technical assistance to develop and implement the LWRP.

. An LWRP presents a unified vision for a community’s coastal zone, and, as a result, increases a community’s chances to obtain funding for implementation projects.

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