Sherfield Park Parish Council (SPPC)

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Sherfield Park Parish Council (SPPC)

Sherfield Park Parish Council (SPPC) Full Council Meeting held at Sherfield Park Community Centre at 8.00pm on Tuesday October 11th, 2016.

PRESENT APOLOGIES Cllr. Joyce Bowyer (Chair) Cllr. Herbert Goodenough Cllr. Ellen Bencard (Vice Chair) Cllr. Audrey Gordon Cllr. Howard Perkins Cllr. Chris Wilson Cllr. Jenny Vaux

Sue Talbot, Parish Clerk Cllr E Still, County Councillor Three members of the public Cllr. P Miller, Borough Councillor

01016.1. To receive and accept apologies of absence ACTION Apologies had been received and accepted from Cllr. Herbert Goodenough. 01016.2 To sign as a correct record the minutes of the council meeting held on September 13th. The minutes, previously circulated, were signed by the Chair as a true record of the council meeting held on September 13th. 1016.3 Update and results on action items from previous meeting Most of the action items are carried into current SPCA agenda items with just a reminder to the SPCA to help provide details of groups who might like to present to the parish.

1016.4 Chair’s items not covered in minutes The Chair was attending a Neighbourhood Watch meeting on Wednesday 12th but stated that the local PCSO were unable to attend. The aim is to try to get their attendance regularly and ideally at council meetings.

1016.5 To receive any declarations of interest relevant to items on this agenda None declared. 1016.6 Public Participation One resident requested more information about the Chinooks that fly over the estate; any time day and night, this being an essential part of their training. It was suggested that a representative from RAF Odiham could attend a meeting and describe their essential role and create a neighbourly liaison between the Cllr Bowyer council and the RAF.

Cllr Bowyer stated she would contact the RAF base and report back.

1016.1 Signed by Chair………………… 1016.7 To receive reports from County and Borough Councillors and the SPCA Cllr. Still’s report was read out in her absence which reported on the adoption of Sherfield Park. Discussions are underway between the Croudace and Hampshire County Council on the next three phases, including Cufaude Lane having its external works now completed. All are actively working to progress to adoption of the whole estate.

Cllr Miller’s report covered the misuse of the old brick bus shelter in Chineham by teenagers. Chineham Council had agreed to replace it with a modern shelter with clear sides.

The report from the SPCA covered the construction of the shop, bids for the loft extension and possible increased use of the Community Centre due to the closure of many children’s Centres.

1016.8 Decision on meetings to end of 2016 and meetings for 2017 Further to previous minutes it was agreed to move the Community Committee from December 21st to a date in January, the clerk Clerk to check on room availability. The 2017 calendar would be updated and sent to all councillors with the meetings highlighted for the first six months of 2017. SPCA Cllr Bowyer requested dates when the Community Centre would be closed over the Christmas/New Year period.

1016.9 To note the current financial situation, first half year reconciliation Bank reconciliation for September showed an expenditure of £966.97. Lloyd’s current account showed a balance of £34,870.99, boosted by the second tranche of the precept of £19,925.00 received into the council’s current account on September 26 from B&DBC. The HSBC deposit account showed £34,257.00.

The payments ledger and receipts ledger for the first 6 months had been prepared and circulated to the Councillors. The financial status was healthy and provides the 6 months reserves required.

1016.10 To authorise any requests for payments and upcoming expenses expected

1016.2 Signed by Chair………………… Room hire Room hire fees for the meeting £25.20 and for the Broadband public meeting £38.00 were approved.

Clerk overtime and salaries An activity timesheet had been produced for September and it was agreed to pass this to full council to approve the overtime payment for October, along with the regular monthly salary. The contracted hours can be reviewed 6 monthly and so will be discussed in October. New this month was the first monthly salary of the litter warden which was approved.

Payments for HALC training (£90), Councillor training (£75) and the addition of a News Module to website now in place for £75 + VAT received from Vision ICT had previously been minuted as approved for payment.

The upcoming expenses are discussed later under separate agenda items in the meeting.

1016.11 To approve revised Standing Orders The unadopted Standing Orders stated under section 18 “Financial Controls and Procurement” that any proposed contract in excess of £750 should be procured on the basis of a formal tender process. From information from HALC and NALC the upper limit was advised to be £25,000. A suitable level for the parish, and its likely future requirements, was discussed. The Finance Committee proposed a sum of over £10,000 to Clerk trigger the formal tender process.

This was discussed by full council, agreed and passed for the final adoption of the Standing Orders. The document would be updated and posted on the website.

1016.12 To approve terms of reference for Community Committee With the creation of working parties being previously agreed as the way forward for the community on its specific projects the need for a full committee meeting was changed from Clerk monthly to quarterly. This would be stated in the terms of reference and posted on the website.

1016.13 Creation of working parties, eg Community, Budget, Light Up Sherfield Park For community working parties Cllrs. Bencard Cllrs Bencard & and Goodenough would work on these and Goodenough

1016.3 Signed by Chair………………… report regularly to full council, ie to carry on with the Broadband community campaign.

It was agreed at the finance committee that it would meet as a working party to discuss and generate the budget proposed for 2017 – Cllr Wilson 2018. This needs to be carried out in November so it can be passed to the Borough by year end for approval and the precept agreed for the coming tax year. Cllr Wilson Cllr Gordon would inform the committee of a date in early November. Clerk Cllr Gordon would lead as project manager for Cllr Bowyer the Light Up Sherfield Park event.

Cllr Bowyer stated that the council was planning a May Day Fun Day on May 1st 2017. The clerk to check the Community Centre availability and a working party set up in the New Year.

1016.14 Website – news items as new module and report on usage/hits so far The addition of regular news updates had been created on the home page and posted in date order, the newest at the front. Cllr Bencard requested the addition of a blog spot which will be discussed off line and to be reported back.

1016.15 Update on notice boards, map, agree positions and installation There was no more news on the provision of a map for inclusion in the notice boards and Cllr. Goodenough would be asked for an update on its delivery. Positioning of the two new notice boards was discussed following a site visit from Basingstoke and Deane (B&D BC). The councillors discussed the options and agreed to position one at the top of Cufaude Lane and the other near the roundabout at Gaiger Avenue, close to the notice board of the SPCA. Currently there is an old notice board at Gaiger Avenue which is not listed as a parish asset as it is a poor state of repair, showing many years of wear and tear and not waterproofed. It was felt it was not fit for purpose and would be removed and a new one placed close by. The Clerk is in discussion with B&D BC with regard to land ownership licence, advertising licence and possibly planning permission. Advertising licences are essential as without one a fine of £1000 per board is imposed. The licence fee is £110 per board which the council agreed for the Clerk to proceed with payment

1016.4 Signed by Chair………………… on submitting the licences, maps and specific details of the boards to the Borough.

1016.16 Update on community Speedwatch programme and to share equipment and team with Sherfield on Loddon/Chineham. With the Community Speedwatch team and training progressing well the provision of equipment was discussed. (At present Chineham, Old Basing and Sherfield on Loddon (SoL) all share the one set of equipment for speed monitoring). The discussion was to purchase new equipment and share 50:50 with Sherfield on Loddon, the sum in mind being approx. £1500. This would enable more monthly sessions for teams to monitor speeding. It was agreed in principle to pursue this and await agreement from SoL.

1016.17 Update on Light Up Sherfield Park working party Cllr Gordon reported that prizes were forthcoming but more councillor support was required, so far Cllr Bencard would provide publicity with Cllr Bowyer and the Clerk supporting. Cllr Gordon discussed that free voting would be open to all residents and a flyer would go informing all residents of the event and have the voting form on its reverse. A sum of up to £100 was agreed for printing Cllr Gordon costs. Discussion on the three voting categories, voting, dates and collections of voting forms followed. Further information to come following the working party, Cllr Gordon to inform the council of a date.

1016.18 Update on Christmas Tree on Gaiger Avenue roundabout The Clerk had been approached by the estate agent – Ur Next Move – to organise and sponsor the festive lights on the Christmas Tree on the Gaiger Avenue roundabout. Forms for the unmetered connection agreement for festive lighting has been Clerk received from Croudace and passed to Ur Next Move. No further information had been received and would be followed up by the Clerk.

1016.19 Update on Broadband Community funding Cllr Bowyer reported on the news that funding had been found by Hampshire to connect cabinet 16 for superfast broadband. This had been prompted by the increased interest generated by the residents and agreed at

1016.5 Signed by Chair………………… borough council level. Funds would also be forthcoming from B&D BC. A report goes to the Borough cabinet meeting in November and then Hampshire and B&D BC will work with BT towards connecting both cabinets in the new year. The Community Funding team will continue to collect information for numbers affected by cabinet 16 and keep the pressure on. Cllr Bencard reported that progress had been made and that the figure was now £6K to fund cabinet 16. It was stated that it had been a fantastic effort by the Broadband team and a very welcome result but the progress would be carefully monitored and it was not a time to relax efforts.

1016.20 Update on Litter Warden, first month, equipment, rubbish disposal – more litter bins The litter warden had completed his first month and all was going well. Extra equipment (dust pan and brush, shovel) had been acquired and under the £50 agreed level. The small sacks of refuse are disposed of in the normal litter bins for collection. If the refuse becomes of greater amounts (ie after an event) the SPCA have agreed the rubbish sacks can be placed in their bins in the bin store. Should this Cllrs Vaux & generate an overload a surcharge may Wilson imposed on collection and passed to the council. A lone worker risk assessment needs to be carried out. Templates were shown and taken by Cllr Wilson and Cllr Vaux to generate one applicable to Sherfield Park.

1016.21 Loddon Valley Link article Cllr Bencard agreed to write the article covering items as the Broadband funding, Light Up Sherfield Park, Speedwatch and the November council meeting on November 8th.

1016.22 To confirm the date of next full council meeting The next full parish council meeting will take place on Tuesday November 8th at 8pm in the Garden Room of the Community Centre. With no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30 pm.

Signature of Chairman Date

1016.6 Signed by Chair………………… Signed copy for filing.

1016.7 Signed by Chair…………………

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