A Review of Sociological Factors Associated with Diabetes Mellitus

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A Review of Sociological Factors Associated with Diabetes Mellitus



*Azuamah, Y.C.,

Department of Optometry, Madonna University, Elele, Rivers State, Nigeria

Imaseun, A.F. and Onoseta, O.H.,

Department of Nursing Science, Madonna University, Elele, Rivers State, Nigeria

Onuoha, P.C.,

Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Madonna University, Elele, Rivers State, Nigeria


Diabetes Mellitus is not a single disease entity but rather a group of metabolic disorders sharing the common underlying feature of hyperglycemia. This review paper takes a look at the major sociological factors associated with increased blood glucose levels and its control. Among these factors include the socioeconomic status of individuals, their ethnicity, sex and religion. Other sociological factors mentioned in this paper are people’s lifestyle, obesity, consumption of alcohol, genetics, marital status, health education and age. Genetics is known to be a major factor in diabetes mellitus as many people with diabetes mellitus tend to have family members especially parents and siblings with the disorder. Socioeconomic status also plays a major role as people in the lower socioeconomic status tend to have diabetes more than those in the higher socioeconomic status. Age is also known to be a factor in Type 2 Diabetes as most people with this type of diabetes tend to show symptoms from the age of 40 and above. Other sociological factors mentioned are discussed in detail

1.0 INTRODUCTION stroke, and blindness1. Some of the ocular effects of diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diabetic macular edema, diabetic papillopathy diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, and diabetic cataract. Glaucoma is also either because the pancreas does not produce associated with diabetes mellitus2. enough insulin, or because cells do not respond Blood glucose values are normally to the insulin that is produced. This high blood maintained in a very narrow range, usually 70 to sugar produces the classical symptoms of 120mg/dl 3. The diagnosis of diabetes is polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia established by noting elevation of blood glucose (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased by any of the three criteria4: hunger). Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease 1. A random glucose > 200mg/dl, which causes serious health complications with classical signs and symptoms. including renal (kidney) failure, heart disease, 2. A fasting glucose > 126mg/dl on

1 more than one occasion many individuals are at highest risk for 3. An abnormal oral glucose developing diabetes7. Access to adequate health tolerance test (OGTT), in which the glucose is > care plays an even stronger role in controlling 200mg/dl 2 hours after a standard carbohydrate diabetes, preventing the development of load. complications, and avoiding diabetes-related The vast majority of cases of diabetes fall mortality. Low socioeconomic status may also into one of two broad classes: Type 1 diabetes influence the development of diabetes as a characterized by an absolute deficiency of result of inadequate maternal nutrition during insulin caused by pancreatic β-cell destruction. and even prior to pregnancy6. It accounts for approximately 10% of all cases. Type 2 diabetes is caused by a combination of 2.2 Ethnicity peripheral resistance to insulin action and an inadequate secretory response by the Diagnosed diabetes is present in about 7% pancreatic β-cells. Approximately 80% to 90% of of all adults 45 years and older; however, the patients have type 2 diabetes. rates vary substantially by ethnicity. Data from The major sociological factors affecting the Third National Health and Nutrition diabetes mellitus include; Socioeconomic status, Examination Survey and the Hispanic Health and Health Education, and socio-cultural statuses. Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that Others include; Religion, Ethnicity, Family, Age, among adults aged 40 to 74 years, the Physical attributes, Education, Locality or prevalence of diagnosed diabetes is about 7% location, Life partner and Children. for non-Hispanic Whites, 12% for African Americans, and 14% for both Mexican 2.0 SOME SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS Americans and Puerto Ricans. 2, 12 Among the ASSOCIATED WITH DIABETES MELLITUS various Asian American and Pacific Islander groups, the rates of diabetes vary substantially 2.1 Socioeconomic Status but can be as high as 15% to 20%.11 The highest rates are experienced by Native American tribes Type II diabetes was found to in the Southwest, with an estimated prevalence disproportionately affect socio-economic status of more than 37%.13 Indeed, the highest (SES). The main factor contributing to Type II prevalence of diabetes in the world (50%) is mellitus in lower status are nutrition, education experienced by the Pima Indians of Arizona8. and physical inactivity. The socially and economically disadvantaged are also at elevated Diabetes is often undiagnosed in the adult risk for diabetes5. In addition, whereas the population, because type 2 diabetes is generally majority of individuals with type 2 diabetes are asymptomatic in its early stages and without employed, a sizeable proportion are regular screening goes undetected. The unemployed. Among adults aged 45 to 64 years, prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes has been for example, 49% of diabetics are unemployed, estimated to be about 6% for non-Hispanic compared with only 28% of non-diabetics6. Whites, 7% for African Americans, 10% for Mexican Americans, 12% for Puerto Ricans, and Socioeconomic inequalities in health have as high as 15% for Native Americans. These been attributed to a variety of mechanisms that large percentages of undiagnosed diabetes may act as intermediate risk factors for show not only that the burden of diabetes is diabetes. These include poor nutrition, much greater than is indicated by the statistics overweight, increased rates of poor health for diagnosed disease but also that the behaviors such as smoking and alcohol unrecognized burden is greatest among the consumption, stress, and limited access to non-White culturally diverse groups9. health care, particularly in middle age when 2 It is significant that non-White populations intolerance that begins during pregnancy. not only experience higher prevalence of type 2 Gestational diabetes complicates about 5% of diabetes but also suffer from more frequent all pregnancies, but the rate of occurrence can complications and greater disease severity. range up to 14% depending on the population Studies of older adults with diabetes have subgroup. When left untreated, gestational shown that both Mexican Americans and diabetes harms both the mother and infant, African Americans experience a greater burden often resulting in chronic hypertension as well from diabetes than do older non-Hispanic as perinatal morbidity and mortality. Whites. This is particularly evident with regard Gestational diabetes is most likely to occur to mortality resulting from diabetes. Overall among women older than 25 years, those who age-adjusted death rates from diabetes are are obese, those with a family history of about 10% for non-Hispanic Whites, 20% for diabetes, and those who are members of the Hispanic Americans, and 30% for African ethnic groups at higher risk for diabetes in Americans and Native Americans. These general—African Americans, Native Americans, differences are even more apparent when one Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and compares the rates of diabetes across the older Pacific Islanders. Although most women with ages. Among non-Hispanic Whites, the gestational diabetes regain their normal health prevalence of diabetes is about 10% both for in the months following delivery, they remain at adults aged 65 to 74 and for those 75 years and elevated risk for developing type 2 diabetes older. In contrast, the rate of diabetes among later in adulthood. Only about 5% of women African Americans drops from 20% among with gestational diabetes develop type 2 adults aged 65 to 74 years to only 14% among diabetes within 6 months of delivery; however, those 75 and older. Similarly, the rate of 40% to 50% develop diabetes after 15 years, diabetes among older Mexican Americans drops particularly among non-White women10. Many from 25% among adults aged 65 to 74 years to of the risk factors for diabetes have a greater 18% among those 75 to 84 years to only 12% impact among women than among men. among those 85 years or older. These decreasing prevalence rates reflect increased mortality among Africans9. 2.4 Religion 2.3 Sex Religious activity has been defined as the It is thought that much of this difference degree of participation in and adherence to the between the sexes results from varying rates of teaching and the organized activity of a obesity, physical activity, and hormone action particular religion. Religious belief on the other among women. In addition, certain sociocultural hand, is the fundamental belief system that factors, such as the role that women play in the could influence our ideas, values in life and family, may affect women's vulnerability to ways of living. Many patients recognize the diabetes. Women are often the keepers of importance of religion in their health care culture, the family members who pass on management. Specific religious observance e.g. cultural practices, such as what foods are served Ramadan and Specific food avoidance may have for holiday celebrations or what activities family potential adverse effects on diabetes control. members are encouraged to engage in. This Many religion requires a form of food avoidance responsibility to maintain cultural practices and or fast as part of their observance i.e. pass them on to younger generations can make fundamental Christian sects, Sikhism, Hinduism, it difficult for a mother or grandmother to Islam, Judaism, etc. For many, the diabetes successfully make lifestyle changes10. Women conditions would be grounds for exemption but also suffer from gestational diabetes, or glucose if a patient still wants to fast, advice or timing 3 and dose of medications may be required to recognized as a risk factor for diabetes. In prevent blood glucose level. People with addition to contributing to the development of diabetes can be exempted but many still insist obesity, a sedentary lifestyle worsens insulin on full observance. Safety is further sensitivity and results in elevated blood glucose compromised if patients also insist on levels. Exercise not only improves glycemic avoidance of blood glucose monitoring during control among diabetics; it can also help to daylight hours. The impact of large amount of prevent many of the complications of the fatty acids and sugar food when the daily fast is disease, including cardiovascular disease, broken also needed to considered issues need hypertension, and hyperlipidemia13. Women are to be observed before fasting. Since the at greater risk for inactivity, particularly as they beginning of time, dietary practices have been age. African American and Mexican American incorporated into the religious practices of women are also more likely than non-Hispanic people around the world. Some religious sect White women to be physically inactive9. abstain or are forbidden from consuming certain food and drinks, others restrict foods 2.6 Obesity and drinks during their holy days, while others associates dietary and food preparation Obesity is also more of a problem for practices with rituals of the faith. women than for men. For adults 25 years and older, the prevalence of obesity is 21% among Some studies have shown that more men and 27% among women. Among the non- religious people had lower pressure, less White culturally diverse groups, the prevalence hypertension, more compliance in treatment of obesity is 13% higher among African and follow-up and lower utilization of American women than among African American healthcare. A study in Leeds, UK, showed that men and 18% higher among Mexican American kashmiri moslem men with diabetes mellitus women than among Mexican American men. had poor diabetes control because their overall Obesity is also strongly related to a striking new attitude was to enjoy life and leave the rest to epidemic of juvenile onset of type 2 diabetes, Allah11. It is important for primary healthcare particularly among non-White culturally diverse physicians to understand potential effect of groups. Type 2 diabetes has generally been religion and religiosity on glycaemic control to diagnosed in adults 45 years or older; however, facilitate care in these patients it is being seen increasingly in younger adults and children, a direct result of increasing rates 2.5 Lifestyle of obesity and physical inactivity14. Over nutrition in many countries has led to an The risk of developing type 2 diabetes also epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Newly diagnosed increases with body weight and sedentary type 2 diabetics tend to have one thing in lifestyle. The majority of type 2 diabetics are common: obesity. Exactly how diet and obesity obese and physically inactive. More than 45% of trigger diabetes has long been the subject of adults with type 2 diabetes have a body mass intense scientific research. index of at least 307. Obesity itself causes some level of insulin resistance, and even many diabetics who are not obese have an increased percentage of abdominal fat. This is a particular 2.7 Heredity problem for many non-White adults. Lifestyle factors that are related to the development of First degree relatives have a higher risk of diabetes include smoking, alcohol consumption, developing Type 1 diabetes (T1D) than poor diet, and, most important, inactivity12. unrelated individuals from the general Inadequate physical activity or exercise is well population. These data suggest that genetic 4 factors are involved with the development of Alcohol is processed in the body very the disease. At present, there is evidence that similarly to the way fat is processed, and alcohol more than 20 regions of the genome may be provides almost as many calories16. Therefore, involved in genetic susceptibility to T1D. It has drinking alcohol in people with diabetes can long been known that Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is, cause your blood sugar to rise. While moderate in part, inherited. Family studies have revealed amounts of alcohol can cause blood sugar to that first degree relatives of individuals with rise, excess alcohol can actually decrease your T2D are about 3 times more likely to develop blood sugar level sometimes causing it to drop the disease than individuals without a positive into dangerous levels. Beer and sweet wine family history of the disease. It has also been contain carbohydrates and may raise blood shown that concordance rates for monozygotic sugar. Alcohol stimulates appetite, which can twins, which have ranged from 60-90%, are cause you to overeat and may affect your blood significantly higher than those for dizygotic sugar control. Alcohol can also interfere with twins. Thus, it is clear that T2D has a strong the positive effects of oral diabetes medicines genetic component15. One approach that is used or insulin16,17. to identify disease susceptibility genes is based on the identification of candidate genes. 2.9 Age Candidate genes are selected because they are thought to be involved in pancreatic β cell The prevalence of diabetes rises steeply function, insulin action / glucose metabolism, or with age1. The diagnosis of diabetes may be other metabolic conditions that increase T2D delayed in older people, with symptoms of risk (e.g., energy intake / expenditure, lipid diabetes being wrongly attributed to ageing. metabolism). To date, more than 50 candidate Older people may experience discrimination in genes for T2D have been studied in various the degree of active management offered populations worldwide. However, results for compared with younger people. Older people essentially all candidate genes have been with complex needs require multidisciplinary conflicting. Possible explanations for the care, which is well co-ordinated across primary, divergent findings include small sample sizes, secondary and residential care and social differences in T2D susceptibility across ethnic services. Given the relatively high use of groups, variation in environmental exposures, hospital services by older people, hospitals can and gene-environmental interactions15. offer an effective intervention point for earlier diagnosis and better management of diabetes in 2.8 Alcohol older people. Information, education and support should be provided for older people to help them to manage their diabetes. A significant proportion of older people with diabetes in residential and nursing care will have diabetes.

2.10 Health Education

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