Program Standards Monitoring Tool

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Program Standards Monitoring Tool

FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th

District/Program Name: ______Date: ______Program Site(s):______

Reviewer: ______PreK Contact’s Name/Title______

1) a) Submit a complete Professional Development Plan (Addendum A) for each Lead Teacher, Educational Assistant, and Program Administrator documenting progress toward education and/or licensure requirements.

b) Submit a complete Program Education Summary (Addendum B) form for all current Pre-K staff.

c) How many staff members in are employed with New Mexico PreK?

_____Lead Teacher(s) _____EA(s) _____Administrator(s)

d) How many of the staff members listed above are new to New Mexico PreK this year (2009-2010)?

_____Lead Teacher(s) _____EA(s) _____Administrator(s)

2) Date of most recent ECERS-R evaluation: ______Overall Score: ______

Person conducting ECERS-R: ______Organization: ______

Provide a summary of items identified in ECERS-R that you plan to address in 2009-2010:

1 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th

3) Describe the curriculum used in your PreK program. How does the curriculum align with the PreK Early Learning Outcomes? Please attach a completed sample PreK lesson plan.

4) Provide a summary of areas you are working on with support from your PreK mentor:

5) List any program activities this quarter that included family participation. Include the number of families that attended.

Program Activity # Families Participating

List other ways families participate, if not captured above:

2 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th

6) CYFD: List the number of PreK children receiving payments for services during non-PreK hours. Please indicate if subsidy payments are for full-time or half-time services.

PED: List other sources of funding used to provide PreK services that extend past the state funded 2.5 hour day. (All programs should indicate the federal, state, school district/charter school operational budget, or private funds such as Title I, ARRA, Special Education, etc…)

7) Describe in detail, progress made in this quarter to improve your compliance with the required program standards.

Program Standard Met Partially Not Met Comments Met (Give details on progress made toward each program standard this quarter) 1) II-a: Professional Staff are qualified to work with young children and families by education, training, and experience

2) V-a: The physical environment and furnishings are planned to support active engagement, learning, participation and membership of all children. The atmosphere of each 3 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th classroom is child- oriented, inclusive, and comfortable for all children.

3) V-c: Learning experiences are carefully planned and flexible with selection of materials and experiences reflecting diversity, individual differences, and the unique interests and preferences of the group. Play is a valued context for learning.

4) VI-a: Assessment of children’s educational needs is an ongoing process of collecting information from multiple sources using varied approaches and should be used to 4 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th plan for and modify program curricula and to address specific needs of individual children.

Addendum A

5 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th NM PreK Professional Development Plan

District / Charter / Program Name______Site______

Staff Member’s Name______Date______

Date of Hire with NM PreK______PreK Program Standard II-a: Professional Staff are qualified to work with young children and families by education, training, and experience.  The Lead Teacher in each PreK program classroom must hold a valid New Mexico Early Childhood Teacher License: Birth through Third Grade (License Type 250).  Educational Assistants must have an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education as well as either a valid Educational Assistant License from the Public Education Department OR the Associate of Early Education Certificate from the Office of Child Development, whichever is most appropriate for their place of employment.

EDUCATION: Current Highest Education (check only one):

o High School / GED o Associates Degree in ______Institution______Year______o Bachelors Degree in ______Institution______Year______o Masters Degree in______Institution______Year______o Doctoral Degree in ______Institution______Year______

LICENSURE (Lead Teacher): Please attach a copy of license 6 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th Type ______Level (circle one) 1 2 3 This license was issued as a result of the ECE License # ______“grandfather” clause implemented in 1994/1995. Expiration Date ______Yes No

LICENSURE (EA): - PED PROGRAMS ONLY Please attach a copy of license Type ______Level (circle one) 1 2 3 License # ______Expiration Date ______

Lead Teachers: If you held a New Mexico Early Childhood Teacher License: Birth through Third Grade (License Type 250) at time of hire with NM PreK you DO NOT have to complete the COURSEWORK section unless you are working towards obtaining your Masters Degree in ECE.

Educational Assistants: If you held an AA in ECE at time of hire with NM PreK, you DO NOT have to complete the COURSEWORK section unless you are working towards obtaining your BA in ECE.

______Staff signature Date Director’s signature Date

Teacher / EA Name______

7 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th COURSEWORK: Please use a separate chart for each term to indicate all coursework taken while employed with NM PreK. Add additional pages as needed.

If programs are not able to recruit and hire teachers with the above qualifications, teachers and educational assistants not meeting the above Program Standard will be expected to include work toward meeting these requirement in their Professional Development Plan and make continuous progress toward meeting these requirements within 5 years of employment with New Mexico Pre-K. I anticipate graduating from ______in ______with a (school) (term/year) ______degree in ______. (AA, BA, MA etc…) (ECE etc…) Year: ______Year: ______Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Course Class Name Grade Credit Course Class Name Grade Credit Number Hours Number Hours

Year: ______Year: ______Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Course Class Name Grade Credit Course Class Name Grade Credit Number Hours Number Hours

Teacher / EA Name______Year:Teacher ______/ EA Name______Year: ______TermTeacher (circle / EAone): Name______Fall Spring Summer Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Course Class Name Grade Credit Course Class Name Grade Credit Number Hours Number Hours

8 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th

Year: ______Year: ______Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Course Class Name Grade Credit Course Class Name Grade Credit Number Hours Number Hours

Year: ______Year: ______Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Term (circle one): Fall Spring Summer Course Class Name Grade Credit Course Class Name Grade Credit Number Hours Number Hours

Add additional pages as needed.

Addendum B

9 Revised 9/21/09 FY10 New Mexico PreK 1st Quarterly Report Form Due October 15th District/Charter/Program: Site:

Credits Earned With NM PreK

ECE (B- Highest Degree and Credits Total PreK Hire 3rd) 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- Staff Member Position Earned/Anticipated at Time Cumulative Date License: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Date of Hire Credits Yes/No Example: Sally Jones Lead Teacher 08/15/2005 BA in ECE 2012 NO 60 6 12 6 12 12 108

Add additional pages as needed.

10 Revised 9/21/09

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