Integrated Personnel and Administration
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2B Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd
P2B Ace Solutions Private Limited offers suite of application software packages, which makes job of the Human resources manager and Personnel Manager easily manageable. It is experienced many organizations have computerized applications like financial accounting, inventory management, stores management etc. However the computers are not used in the areas covered by HR and personnel Manager. Hence for effective utilization of the human resource as well as time, we have developed following packages
This suite consists of the following packages
1 Expert Time Resource Management System eTRM 2 Expert Payroll Management System ePMS 3 Expert Leave Management System eLMS 4 Expert Human Resources Management System eHRM 5 Expert Administration Management System eAMS
We offer above-mentioned suite of application software, which will help your personnel and HR department in handling their daily activities
The attendance recording and maintenance. The leave recording and maintenance. The payroll and salary preparation every month. The maintenance of personal details of the staff.
Expert Payroll Management System
This document describes details of Expert Payroll Management System
Payroll processing is very important function. The employee pay has to be calculated accurately and on time. The pay sheet is required to be prepared on time. The delay in preparation and inaccurate salary often leads to employee dissatisfaction. Hence payroll management becomes very sensitive function of Personnel and Administration department.
Often changing Income tax rules and labor laws make salary calculation very complex and tricky. Hence properly designed payroll software becomes necessity
Salient Features of Expert Payroll Management System:
The software is designed to provide flexibility in use.
It is seen, the tax and labor laws are changed very often. These changes directly affect the salary calculations. Similarly the company may change the salary earnings and deduction heads to meet demanding need of the industry. The company may have to incorporate its salary structure, grades, levels, and business areas. The user may have to define deductions for PF, ESIC etc as per statutory requirement.
The user can define the rules at the time of installation and change / modify rules as and when required. The user can configure software as per his requirement.
The software provides flexibility to incorporate changes at any time on his own with out depending on the supplier.
Extremely user friendly and Very simple to use.
The software is provided with the extremely user friendly interface. The software is most of time will be used by the Accounts or Administrative department personnel not by EDP department. Hence the user with a little training should be in a position to run the software and obtain desired results. Hence we have provided excellent user interface in Visual Basic.
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Uses latest software platforms like Visual Basic and MS access or MS SQL Oracle and Link to any other database package possible.
As a design philosophy, we use latest tools. This enables use of new & user friendly features. Also at user end, he may find easier to get trained manpower. The earlier payroll packages were mostly developed in COBOL, trained manpower in COBOL is just not available
The report builder allows the user to generate hundreds of report with ease.
Most important thing for the user is what sort of reports, he can obtain from any application package. He must get what he wants to use for analysis or decision making. We provide excellent facility of report builder as well as provide option of generating statutory reports with ease.
The software package generates following reports for payroll management:
Salary Slips, Salary Register, Monthly ESI report, Monthly PF report, Loan and advance ledger, Payment mode wise report, Arrears Register ,Yearly PF report ,Summary of earnings and deduction, Generation of Form 16 and form 24 Forecast of Tax liability.
Print outs: The reports are designed to fit on standard A4/Legal size paper.
Scalable Package can cater to any number users for present and future use
This package is a comprehensive package designed for keeping in mind varied user requirement. The small, medium and large corporate organization can use Expert Payroll Management System very effectively.
Stand alone system. However system can be linked to other modules like Expert Time Resource Management System for attendance or Expert Employee Information systems Module etc.
Expert Payroll Management System is flexible, user friendly and latest software tool with excellent report capability for any organization.
This package consists of following modules
1. Organization Hierarchy Module 2. Employee Information Management Module 3. Salary Management Module 4. Income Tax Management Module 5. Loan and Advance Management module 6. Leave Management Module 7. Activity Management (Increment, Transfer, Promotion, Discipline) Module 8. Arrears Calculation Module 9. Statutory requirement Management Module 10. PF management Module - optional 11. Full And Final Settlement Module - Customized 12. Salary Process Module 13. Report generation module 14. Administrative Control Module
Organization Hierarchy Module handles organization structure in details.
Multiple Company Information with Address, PAN no. and TAN no. etc. Location (Branch) Information with Address, Category, City and Phone no. etc. Departments inside the Location Grade information applicable to organization (linked with Basic Scale). Designation information with priority sequence. Business Area information Level inside the Grade Payment Bank information with Branch Name, A/c no. And phone no. etc.
Employee Information Management Module handles more than hundred properties of employee in details.
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Employee’s official information with Location, Grade, Designation, Department, Level, Job Status, Birth Date, Joining Date, Confirmation Date, Name with Title, Address, Category, cast, Religion and Payment mode etc. Employee’s Statutory Information with PAN no., PF applicability with PF no., LWF applicability, ESIC applicability, Handicapped Status, Payment A/c type with A/c No. etc. Employee’s PF dependent nominees with share percentage, Relation, Birth Date, Name, Address, Occupation etc. Employee’s Family Information with Relation, Name and Address. Employee’s Qualification information with Degree/Diploma, College/Institute etc. Employee’s Skill Set Information. Employee’s Hobby Information. Employee’s Personal Information with Marital status, Sex, Blood Group, Emergency Contact Person, Personal Doctor, Diseases etc. Employee’s Passport and Visa Information with Issue place, Expiry Date, Travelling details etc.
Salary Management Module handles Salary Heads for regular/irregular earning and deductions, perquisites with detail functionality.
Salary Earning/Deduction Head Information with functionality properties like Description for printing, Depend on other Salary Component, Depend on Attendance, Appear on Payslip, Business Rule Applicability, Type of Salary Component(Earning/Deduction), Frequency, Include in Income Tax Income, Applicability for Income Tax Rebate etc. Grade-wise Salary component formula information with percentage of other salary component, Fixed Amount, Maximum Ceiling, Minimum Ceiling etc. Grade-wise/ Job Status-wise (Permanent, Temporary etc.) Salary structure Information. Individual Employee Salary structure Information. Salary Perk Head Information with functionality properties like Description for printing, Depend on other Salary Component, Depend on Attendance, Appear on Payslip, Frequency, Include in Income Tax Income etc. Grade-wise/ Job Status-wise (Permanent, Temporary etc.) Perk structure Information. Individual Employee Perk structure Information Non-Standard/Irregular Salary Earnings/Deduction Head Information with functionality properties like Description for printing, Appear on Payslip, Include in Income Tax Income, Auto TDS applicability etc. Grade-wise Basic Scale Information with Start Slab, End Slab, Increment Amount, Increment Count etc. One Day Salary Information with applicability of Earning Component definition. Bonus Formula and Rule Information. Overtime Formula Information with Working Hours in a day, Salary Earning Component with Percentage etc. LIC deduction Information with LIC policy no., start date, Current Status etc. (Upload facility for Salary Structure)
The Income Tax Management Module handles complex tax calculations with ease. Income tax parameters are entered to calculates deduction under various income tax sections. The user can easily change income tax rules as and when the government imposes new tax rules.
Income Tax Section Information with Section description and qualifying amount etc. Standard Deduction Slab Information with Assessment year. TDS Slab Information with Category (Women, Sr. Citizen, Others), Percentage, Surcharge, Assessment Year etc. Investment Head Information with qualifying Amount, Section etc. Previous Employer Tax Details Information with Gross Salary, PF, PT etc. House Rent Allowance Exemption with City, Rent Paid etc. Rent Perquisite Calculation. Medical Allowance Voucher Entry for Exemption. Furniture perquisite Calculation. Employee’s Investment Information. Manual Income Tax Entry with Payment Month, Bank, Amount etc. (Carry forward available) Employee’s Auto Exemption Calculation (Educational Allowance, Conveyance, HRA etc) Income Tax Forecasting with Assessment Year.
Loan and advances module handles loan very easily. Loans and festival advance formula are entered to calculate loan amount to be deducted every month. It also takes care of loans having ______email : [email protected] 3 Contact: Prashant-9892627573 2B Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd
interest on reducing balance. It also generates total monthly as well as yearly loans sanctioned and recovered report.
Company Loan Head Information with Year of Service, Maximum Ceiling, Interest Applicability with rate, Applicability for Perquisite Income etc. Loan Requisition Information with Loan Head, Requisition Date, Enforcement Date, Approval Location, Loan Account No., Installment Amount and no. of Installment etc. Loan Repayment Information. (Carry forward available)
In Leave management Module user can set up his leave entitlements and define any number of leave categories etc. The leave management module calculates leave encashments, leave balance report. User can set leave policy applicable to organization.
Leave Head Information with Leave Description. Job Status-wise Leave Policy Information with Credit days rule, Minimum utilization, Maximum Utilization, No. of occurrence in a year, Encashment rule, Accumulation Limit, Applicability for Leave conversion etc. Leave Encashment Formula with Salary Component and percentage. Leave Opening balance information with Credit Days, Utilized Days, Closing Balance, Occurrence for Maternity & Miscarriage leave etc. Leave Credit Procedure with Leave Year. Leave Bank Information with Debit Leave, minimum utilization, Maximum utilization, availed count etc. Leave Requisition information with Requisition Date, Name, Approval Date, Approval Person, Period, Applicability for Acting Person etc. Leave Encashment requisition information with No. of Days, Period etc.
Activity Management Module handles transfer, Increment, Promotion, Discipline actions for employees.
Increment Policy Information with parameters like Date of Joining, Date of Confirmation, Fixed Month, LWP applicability, Mid Month Shift applicability etc. Stagnancy Policy Information with Block period and No. of Increments etc. Promotion Policy Information with parameters like No. of Increment, Applicability of Fittment, Promotion date as new Increment date etc. Transfer Policy Information with Increment Count etc. Discipline Policy Information like no. of Increment Withdrawal, Applicability of fittment etc. Suspended Employee Salary distribution Policy. Increment Stop and Release. Data Correction for Employee Information. Auto Increment facility Qualification Increment facility. Arrears Calculation Module handles calculate the arrears on any salary component or Salary structure for any period. The payments can be made fully or partial for selected payment month.
Previous month Salary Recovery or payment Information with period and payment month (Salary Arrears). Previous month Salary Component Payment or Recovery information with period and payment/recovery type, Difference Amount for a month etc (Increment Arrears). Arrears Process for single or group of employees. Arrears Payment for Full amount or Partial Amount on desired payment month. Automatically included in Bonus, Income Tax etc.
Statutory Requirement Management Module handles all statutory deductions/earnings as per rule.
State-wise PT slab with frequency and adjustment. PF formula information with Employer contribution towards EPS, EPS ceiling, EDLIS charges, Administrative Charges, Pension Age, Company PF no. etc. ESIC rule information with Employee/Employer contribution, Ceiling. ESIC Qualifying Amount Salary formula with Salary Earnings component with percentage. LWF Slab rule information with employee contribution and payment month. Gratuity Act information and Gratuity Salary Formula.
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PF Management Module (Optional) gives provisional amount of Employees PF towards PF authority.
PF opening balance information with Employees/Employer contribution to date. PF Interest rates information with applicability period. PF Amount withdrawal. Accumulation of Salary PF. Appearance on Payslip.
Full and final settlement (FFS) Module(Customized):
This module handles full and final settlement for a person who has resigned from the company and has been duly given the relieving letter. Given below is the list of effective responsibilities covered by notice period deduction, advances, loan recovery, income Tax, gratuity, leave encashment, bonus, LTA, medical reimbursements.
Salary Process Module handles transaction to process the salary with security controls.
Bonus Projection Gratuity Projection Yearly Payment Information with Period, TDS and Payment Month etc. Manual Attendance or Auto Attendance form Expert time Resource Management System Other Earnings /Deduction with Payment Month, Auto TDS. Arrears Payment with payment month Loan Repayment with payment month Functional Allowance Attendance (Sequential file upload available) Salary Process for single or group of employees Payslip for single or group of employees Negative Salary Adjustment Process Salary Locking Facility
Reports Generation Module:
The most important feature of this package is generation of hundreds of records with ease. No need to write routine to generate the reports. These reports can be for the whole company, Location, department, and the entire employees or particular employee.
It includes following reports Master Report Builder provides reports for company hierarchy like Company, Location, Division, Department, Grade, Levels, Designation etc. Also it provides reports for other payroll masters. Leave Report Builder provides leave reports like balance, credit, accumulate, requisitions, lapse, encashment, cancelled etc. Leave Sanction Letter, Leave Credit Letter, Leave Encashment Letter, LTA Sanctioned Letter, Acting letter are also available. Transaction Reports provides reports like Monthly attendance, Monthly Functional Allowance Attendance, Income-tax transaction, PF Register, Slab-wise PT, Other Earning/deduction transaction, Loan Account code-wise Transaction, Yearly Payment Transaction, Arrears Transaction, Salary Register, Monthly Bank statement, Monthly negative Salary , Increment due list, Bonus Payslip, Bonus Checklist etc. Summary Reports provides summary for Standard salary, Earned Salary and Deducted Salary for single or group of salary component. Activity Reports provides reports like Transfer history, Last transfer list, Increment history, Promotion History, Discipline History for the period. Statutory Reports provides Income-Tax Form Form-16, Form-12BA, Form-24Q, Provident Forms Form-2A, Form-3A, Form-5, Form-6A, Form-9 (Revised), Form-10, Form-12A (Revised), Gratuity Forms Form-F, Form-I, Form-J, Form-K, Bonus FormC, PF Challan, ESIC challan etc.
Administrative Control Module provides the security to the system.
Group creation like Maker, checker, Auditor. User Creation with password and Employee Identity Link code. Menu Level Permission allocation to users. ______email : [email protected] 5 Contact: Prashant-9892627573 2B Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Log book available for all logins. Group Level Users activities history is available on Database Level (Modifications).
The software solution will be an excellent tool to handle tedious but sensitive job of keeping track of leave management and payroll processing more effectively and efficiently.
For any other enquiry, Contact at :
P2B Ace Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Work Off.: 204, Siddheshwar Co-op. Soc. , Chandanwadi, Thane(W), Thane , INDIA -400601 Tel.: +91-22-25394877/ 9892627573 Email :[email protected]
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