School of Psychology, University of Queensland
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Katharine H. Greenaway
School of Psychology, University of Queensland St Lucia, QLD, Australia, 4072 (+61) 400 190 685 [email protected]
Research Fellow 2019 University of Queensland, Australia – 2016 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Australian Research Council
Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2016 University of Queensland, Australia – 2014 Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship awarded to Professor S. Alexander Haslam
Global Research Scholar 2014 Canadian Institute for Advanced Research – 2012 Social Interactions, Identity, and Well-being program member Advised by Professor Alexander Haslam & Professor Nyla Branscombe
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (February–July) 2012 University of Queensland, Australia Australian Research Council grant awarded to Professor Jolanda Jetten & Professor Naomi Ellemers
Teaching Assistant 2011 School of Psychology – 2008 University of Queensland, Australia
Ph.D. (Social Psychology), July 2008–May 2012 2012 University of Queensland, Australia Advised by Associate Professor Winnifred Louis & Professor Matthew Hornsey Thesis: Psychological strategies for control restoration
Bachelor of Psychological Science (First Class Honours) 2007 University of Queensland, Australia. Advised by Associate Professor Winnifred Louis Thesis: Intergroup effects of shared human identity and human norms
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 1 SUCCESSFUL FUNDING Ψ
Total funding as principal investigator since 2012 = $572,130
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award 2019 $AU 387,000 over three years, Australian Research Council (ranked 13 out of – 2016 200 multidisciplinary applications nationally) “Rethinking Positive Emotion Regulation”
Small Research Grant 2016 $AU 630, School of Psychology, University of Queensland “Secrecy and emotion regulation” With Michael Slepian
Research Fellowship 2014 $CN 75,000 per annum, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research – 2012 “Groups as a source of psychological control.”
Early Career Researcher Grant 2014 $AU 18,500, University of Queensland “The emotional body: Internal bodily awareness enhances emotion regulation in the short term but leaves people emotionally depleted.”
Global Scholar Creativity Grant 2014 $CN 5,000 from CIFAR to fund interdisciplinary research “Women in Science: Reflections from postdoctoral women in the social and natural sciences” With Maya Bhatia, Anne Broadbent, Margaret Frye, Elena Hassinger, Else Starkenburg, Vera Tai, & Renate Ysseldyk
Global Scholar Creativity Grant 2013 $CN 5,000 from CIFAR to fund interdisciplinary research “Practical and psychological resilience in the face of dashed hopes” With Margaret Frye
New Staff Research Grant 2013 $AU 6,000, University of Queensland “Bodily awareness and the capacity for self-control.”
University of Queensland Research Scholarship 2008 $AU 22,000 per annum Competitive research grant awarded to outstanding PhD candidates
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 2 Establishment Grant 2008 University of Queensland Graduate School, $AU 2,500
Total funding as co-investigator = $358,739
Research Contract 2015 $AU 238,239, Australian Passport Office “COMPASS: Passport processing research project.” Penelope Sanderson, Alex Haslam, Stephen Viller, Ben Matthews, Kim Peters, Katharine Greenaway, Nik Steffens, Rachel Searston, Matthew Thompson, & Chiara Santomauro
Massive Equipment & Infrastructure Grant 2014 $120,000 from Health & Behavioural Sciences Faculty, University of Queensland “Enabling mobile and naturalistic recording of physiological data in field and laboratory settings” Andrew Neal, Stacey Parker, Alex Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Ross Cunnington, Eric Vanman, Paul Harnett, Bernadette Watson, Genevieve Dingle, & Katharine Greenaway
Postgraduate Research Grant 2012 $AU 500, Society of Australasian Social Psychologists “The up-side of down-regulation: Suppressing positive emotions can improve interpersonal relationships.” With Elise Kalokerinos, David Pedder, & Elise Margetts
Postgraduate Student Research Excellence Award, First Place 2011 School of Psychology, University of Queensland Prestigious award for the best and most impactful publication record by a postgraduate student (first social psychology recipient), $AU 300
Outstanding Postgraduate Research Award, Runner-Up 2011 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Prestigious national award for research excellence, $AU 250
International Travel Award 2011 Graduate School, University of Queensland
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 3 Competitive travel bursary awarded to outstanding postgraduate students for professional development purposes, $AU 5,000
Summer School Travel Scholarship 2010 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Competitive travel bursary awarded to select postgraduate students to attend an international summer school, $AU 1,200
Conference Travel Scholarship 2009 International Society of Political Psychology Competitive grant awarded for travel to annual meeting, $US 250
Dean’s Commendation for Exceptional Tutors 2011 School of Psychology, University of Queensland – 2009 Student nominated commendation recognizing excellence in teaching
Tutor Excellence Award 2010 School of Psychology, University of Queensland Competitive award recognizing excellence in teaching, $AU 80
FameLab Australia Queensland State Finalist 2014 International science communication competition for early-career researchers
Dean’s Commendation for Academic Excellence 2007 Semesters 1 & 2 – 2005
*Shared first authorship †Honours or Graduate Student
Jugert, P., Greenaway, K.H., Barth, M., Buchner, R., Eisentraut,S., & Fritsche, I. (in press). Collective efficacy increases pro-environmental intentions through increasing self-efficacy. Accepted to Journal of Environmental Psychology on August 23, 2016.
*Kalokerinos, E.K., *Greenaway, K.H., & †Casey, J. (in press). Context shapes social judgments of positive emotion expression and suppression. Accepted to Emotion on July 6, 2016.
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 4 Greenaway, K.H., Cruwys, T., Haslam, S.A., & Jetten, J. (in press). Social identities promote well-being because they satisfy global psychological needs. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Greenaway, K.H., †Thai, A.H., Haslam, S.A., & Murphy, S.C. (in press). Meaning beats leaning: Spaces that signal identity improve workplace productivity. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
Cruwys, T., Greenaway, K.H., & Haslam, S.A. (in press). The stress of passing through an educational bottleneck: A longitudinal study of final-year university students. Australian Psychologist.
Greenaway, K.H., Cichocka, A., Van Veelen, R., Likki, T., & Branscombe, N.R. (in press). Feeling hopeful inspires support for social change. Political Psychology, Advance Online Publication, doi: 10.1111/pops.12225.
*Greenaway, K.H., *Frye, M. & Cruwys, T. (2015). When aspirations exceed expectations: Quixotic hope increases depression among students. Plos One, 10(9).
Greenaway, K.H., Haslam, S.A., Cruwys, T., Branscombe, N.R., Ysseldyk, R., & Heldreth, C. (2015). From “we” to “me”: Group identification enhances perceived personal control with consequences for health and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(1), 53–74. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000019
Tobin, S, Greenaway, K.H., McCulloch, K.C., & Critall, M., (2015). The role of motivation for rewards in vicarious goal satiation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 60, 137–143. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.05.010.
Hornsey, M.J., Fielding, K.S., McStay, R., Reser, J.P., Bradely, G.L., & Greenaway, K.H. (2015). Evidence for motivated control: The ironic link between threat and efficacy beliefs about climate change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 57–65. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2015.02.003.
Kalokerinos, E.K., Greenaway, K.H., & Denson, T. (2015). Reappraisal but not suppression down-regulates the experience of positive and negative emotion. Emotion, 15(3), 271-275. doi: 10.1037/emo0000025
Greenaway, K.H., Jetten, J., Ellemers, N., & van Bunderen, L. (2015). The dark side of inclusion: Undesired acceptance provokes aggression. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18(2), 173–189. doi: 10.1177/1368430214536063.
Greenaway, K.H., Storrs, K., Philipp, M.C., Louis, W.R., Hornsey, M.J., & Vohs, K.D. (2015). Loss of control stimulates approach motivation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 235–241. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2014.10.009.
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 5 Greenaway, K.H., Wright, R., Willingham, J., Reynolds, K.J., & Haslam, S.A. (2015). Shared identity is key to effective communication. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(2), 171–182. doi: 10.1177/0146167214559709
Cruwys, T., South, E., Greenaway, K.H., & Haslam, S.A. (2015). Social identity reduces depression by fostering positive attributions. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6, 65–74. doi: 10.1177/1948550614543309.
Kalokerinos, E.K., Greenaway, K.H., Pedder, D.J., & Margetts, E. (2014). Don’t grin when you win: The social benefits of emotion suppression in performance situations. Emotion, 14(1), 180-186. doi: 10.1037/a0034442
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., Hornsey, M.J., & Jones, J.M. (2014). Perceived control qualifies the effects of threat on prejudice. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53(3), 422-442. doi:10.1111/bjso.12049.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., & Hornsey, M.J. (2013). Belief in precognition increases perceived control and loss of control increases belief in precognition. Plos One, 8(8), 1–6. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071327.
Smith, J.R., Louis, W.R., Terry, D.J., Greenaway, K.H., Clarke, M.R., & Cheng, X. (2012). Congruent or conflicted? The impact of injunctive and descriptive norms on environmental intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32, 353–361. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2012.06.001.
Ronay, R., Greenaway, K., Ancich, E., & Galinsky, A. (2012). The path to glory is paved with hierarchy: When hierarchical differentiation increases group effectiveness. Psychological Science, 23(6), 669–677. doi: 10.1177/0956797611433876.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., & Wohl, M.J.A. (2012). Awareness of common humanity reduces empathy and heightens expectations of forgiveness for temporally distant wrongdoing. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4), 446–454. doi: 10.1177/1948550611425861.
Greenaway, K.H., Quinn, E.A., & Louis, W.R. (2011). Appealing to common humanity increases forgiveness but reduces collective action among victims of historical atrocities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(5), 569–573. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.802.
Greenaway, K.H. & Louis, W.R. (2010). Only human: Hostile human norms reduce legitimisation of intergroup discrimination by perpetrators of historical atrocities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49(4), 765–783. doi: 10.1348/014466609X479202.
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 6 PEER-REVIEWED BOOK CHAPTERS
Greenaway, K.H., Amiot, C.E., Louis, W.R., & †Bentley, S. (forthcoming). The role of psychological need satisfaction in promoting student identification. In K.I. Mavor, M. Platow, & B. Bizumic (eds.), The Self, Social Identity, and Education.
Greenaway, K.H., Philipp, M.C., & Storrs, K. (forthcoming). The motivation for control: Loss of control promotes energy, effort, and action. Invited book chapter submission to M. Bukowski, M. Kofta, & I. Fritsche (Eds.), Coping with lack of control in a social world.
Greenaway, K.H., Peters, K., Haslam, S.A., & †Bingley, W. (in press). Shared identity and the intergroup dynamics of communication. In Giles, H. & Maass, A. (Eds.), Advances in Intergroup Communication.
Greenaway, K.H., Louis, W.R., Parker, S.L., Kalokerinos, E.K., Smith, J.R., & Terry, D.J. (2014). Measures of coping for psychological well-being. In G.J. Boyle, D.H. Saklofske, & G. Matthews (eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs, pp. 322–351, Academic Press: USA.
Louis, W.R., Barlow, F.B., & Greenaway, K.H. (2012). National identity, Australian values and outsiders. In Bretherton, D. & Balvin, N. (Eds.). Peace Psychology in Australia: Dreamings of Peace, pp. 87–106, New York: USA.
Ysseldyk, R., Bhatia, M., Broadbent, A., Frye, M., Greenaway, K., Hassinger, E., Starkenburg, E., & Tai, V. (2015, November). Getting the PhD was the easy part. Feature article in Inside Higher Ed, Career Advice.
Greenaway, K., Peters, K., Steffens, N., Haslam, S.A., Sanderson, P., & Tangen, J. (2014, June). Incentives and Australians’ passport care. Research Contract Report to the Australian Passport Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Louis, W. R., Barlow, F.K., Greenaway, K.G., & La Macchia, S. (2013, August). Effective anti-racism strategies and conversations: Lessons from the literature. InPsych.
The upside of deception 2016 Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Santa Monica, California Convener & chair: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: Emma Levine, Michael Slepian, Elise Kalokerinos, & Dana Carney
New approaches to regulating positive and negative emotion 2016
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 7 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists conference, Brisbane, Australia Convener & chair: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: Sean Murphy, Katharine Greenaway, Tom Denson & Brock Bastian Talk title: “She smiles too much”: When and why positive emotion is better suppressed
Emotion experience and expression in situ: The who, when, where, and how of 2015 social outcomes of emotion Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Denver, Colorado Convener & chair: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: James Russell, Katharine Greenaway, Jessica Salerno, & Maya Tamir Talk title: Context Shapes Social Judgments of Emotion Expression and Suppression
The positive cost: Personal and social costs to experiencing and expressing 2015 positive emotion Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, USA Convener & chair: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: Jessica Tracy, Michelle Shiota, Elise Kalokerinos, & Lisa Williams
Social identity and health part 1: Social identity promotes recovery in 2014 vulnerable populations European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Conveners: Katharine Greenaway & Tegan Cruwys Speakers: Tegan Cruwys, Fabio Sani, Zoe Walter, Genevieve Dingle, & Hugh Webb (chaired by Jolanda Jetten)
Social identity and health part 2: Social identity enhances resilience and well- 2014 being European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Conveners: Katharine Greenaway & Tegan Cruwys Speakers: Dario Spini, Thomas Morton, Niklas Steffans, Stuart Read, & Katharine Greenaway (chaired by Alex Haslam) Talk title: The control within, from without: Group identification improves health and well-being through increased perceived control
Regulating emotion and motivation for personal and social goals 2014 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists conference, Canberra, Australia Convener: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: Katharine Greenaway, Stephanie Tobin, Elise Kalokerinos, & Lisa Williams Talk title: Bodily awareness improves self-regulation but leaves people vulnerable to depletion
Regulating positive emotions for personal and social benefit 2013
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 8 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists conference, Cairns, Australia Convener: Katharine Greenaway Speakers: Stacey Parker, Elise Kalokerinos, Katharine Greenaway, & Tom Denson (discussant) Talk title: Emotion suppression is good for your reputation and your relationships
Guest Action Editor 2016 European Journal of Social Psychology Special Issue on Social Identities and Social Cures
Invited Grant Reviewer Economic and Social Research Council, UK 2016 The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) 2016
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer 2016 Australian Journal of Psychology; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; – 2011 British Journal of Social Psychology; Cognition and Emotion; Emotion; European Journal of Social Psychology; Group Processes and Intergroup Relations; International Journal of Psychology; Journal of Applied Social Psychology; Journal of Communication; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Social and Personal Relationships; Motivation & Cognition; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Political Psychology; Plos One; Psychological Bulletin; Review of General Psychology
Consulting Editor 2015 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin – 2014
Guest Action Editor 2014 Sage Open
National Society Newsletter Organizer 2014 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists – 2013
National Society Postgraduate Representative 2012 Society of Australasian Social Psychologists – 2010
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 9 Postdoctoral Coordinator 2016 Represent postdoc interests at the School level, arrange social and professional – 2014 development activities for postdocs School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Postdoctoral Representative 2016 Represent postdoc interests on Research Committee – 2013 School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Seminar Convener 2015 Organize monthly research colloquia – 2013 School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Postgraduate Representative 2011 Research Higher Degree (PhD) committee – 2010 School of Psychology and Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences University of Queensland
Laboratory Bookings Coordinator 2010 Created and maintained online laboratory booking system – 2009 Centre for Research in Social Psychology, University of Queensland
Indigenous Curriculum Committee Member 2009 Curriculum development to increase Indigenous participation School of Psychology, University of Queensland
2nd and 3rd International Conference on Social Identity & Health 2016 Brisbane, Australia (2016) and Ottawa, Canada (2014) –2013
Faculty Gender Equity Group, University of Queensland 2015 Co-organizer of workshops aimed at improving gender equity
Postdoctoral Training Workshops, University of Queensland 2015 Organizer of workshops to prepare postdocs for the academic job marks
Global Scholar Organizing Committee 2014 CIFAR Global Academy meeting, Banff, Canada – 2013
Conference Organization 2013 Brisbane Symposium on Self and Identity 2012 School of Psychology, University of Queensland 2008
Summer School Organization & Coordination 2010
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 10 Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology
Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology 2012 Interpersonal and group-based emotions workshop Dr. Tom Denson & Professor Brian Lickel Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Brisbane, Australia
Summer Institute in Social Psychology 2011 Accuracy in Judgments of Personality and Social Issues workshop Dr. Tessa West & Dr. Judy Hall Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Princeton University, USA
European Association of Social Psychology Summer School 2010 Intergroup Emotions workshop Professor Nyla Branscombe, Drs. Tilemachos Iatridis & Kate Reynolds European Association of Social Psychology, Aegina, Greece
Australasian Summer School in Social Psychology 2010 Social Neuroscience workshop Dr. Eric Vanman & Dr. Tiffany Ito Society of Australasian Social Psychologists, Brisbane, Australia
International Graduate College Summer School 2009 Political Ideology workshop Professor John Jost & Dr. J. Christopher Cohrs International Graduate College, Jena, Germany
Social Cognition Network and Training Scheme Consultation Seminar 2010 University of Kent, Canterbury, UK *Competitively selected as the sole Australian participant
Indigenous Mental Health and Psychology Workshop 2007 Mr. Michael Williams, Associate Professor Winnifred Louis & Dr. Paul Harnett School of Psychology / Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit University of Queensland
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 11 SUPERVISION
PhD Supervision (1 student) 2017 – 2014
Honours Supervision (8 students) 2016 4th year undergraduate research thesis supervision – 2013
Advanced Research Experience Course (13 students) 2016 Unpaid research experience program for high achieving students – 2012
Summer Research Program (6 students) 2016 Paid research experience program for high achieving students – 2012
Course Coordinator 2015 Social Identity and Health 4th year seminar (approximately 20 enrolled students)
Guest Lecturer 2014 Intergroup Relations and Group Processes (approximately 200 enrolled students)
Guest Lecturer 2014 Industrial and Organisational Psychology (approximately 200 enrolled students)
Guest Lecturer 2014 Social Identity and Health 4th year seminar (approximately 15 enrolled students)
Guest Lecturer 2011 Introduction to Psychology: Developmental, Social, and Clinical – 2010 (approximately 1,000 enrolled students)
Private Tutor 2012 Psychological Research Methodology (3rd and 4th year statistics) Psychological Research Interpretation and Evaluation (3rd year methods)
Teaching Assistant: Social Psychology Topics in Social Psychology 2011/2009 Social and Organizational Psychology 2009
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 12 Teaching Assistant: Statistics & Methods 2011 Psychological Research Methodology III (3rd year statistics) – 2010 Solving Complex Psychological Problems (2nd year methods) 2008
Honours Information Kit 2012 Voluntary development of comprehensive information kit for incoming 4th year students on how to excel during Honours
Statistics Workshop Coordinator 2014 Voluntary educational workshop for student research assistants covering data –2009 entry and analyses on relevant projects
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Joined 2012
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Joined 2010
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Joined 2009 Social Psychology Network (SPN) International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)
Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) Joined 2008 Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRiSP) Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Greenaway Curriculum Vitae 13