Listen to the Statement and Choose the Picture According to the Statement

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Listen to the Statement and Choose the Picture According to the Statement

臺北市立北安國中 104 學年度第二學期


壹、聽力測驗:30% (每題 2 分,請作答於答案卡上)

一、請選出最符合句子描述的圖片。 Listen to the statement and choose the picture according to the statement.

1. (A) (B) (C)

2. (A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

二、請選出最適當的回答,完成對話。 Listen to each question or statement and choose the best response. 4. (A) I was happy then. (B) I was short and heavy. (C) I was taking a bath. 5. (A) Maybe a teacher. (B) All right. She is fine. (C) I don’t think so. 6. (A) I love cooking . (B) I have a cold. (C) I have a good time. 7. (A) It was not my day. (B) It was hot and rainy. (C) It’s on Friday, not today. 8. (A) Poor you. Take a rest. (B) Great! Let’s go shopping. (C) Not really. I memorize a lot. 9. (A) Take it easy. (B) I don’t understand. (C) Many people say that. 10. (A) It has flowers on it. (B) It is on my desk. (C) My mom bought it for me. 三、請依聽到的內容及問題,選出最適合的答案。 Listen to the dialogue or the statement and answer the questions. 11. (A)Drink warm water. (B) Have enough sleep. (C) Take some medicine. 12. (A) In Ted’s hands. (B) Under the table. (C) In the boy’s room. 13. (A) A reporter. (B) A factory worker. (C) A mail carrier. 14. (A) Taekwondo. (B) Cellphone apps. (C) Shopping for school supplies. 15. (A) Reading English stories. (B) Doing Chinese homework. (C)Preparing for a test. 貳、綜合測驗(70%,第 16~41 題請作答於答案卡上)

一、下列各題(題號 16~26),請依題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。

1 16. Look at the picture. What time was the girl playing the piano? (A) At a quarter past six. (B) At half past six. (C) At a quarter to six. (D) At a quarter to seven. 17. It was warm in the classroom, so I ______my coat. (A) looked for (B) took out (C) cried out (D) took off 18. It usually costs more to live in a big city like Taipei. ______here is not easy. (A) Line (B) Life (C) Tip (D) Rest

19. ______Susan ______the dishes with her mom at 6:30 yesterday evening? (A) Did ; wash (B) Was ; washing (C) Was ; to wash (D) Does ; wash 20. To win the game, we need to practice ______for one hour every day. (A) run (B) to run (C) running (D) ran 21. Tina: Oh, no! I can’t find my blue skirt. Kevin: Take it easy. I ______it outside yesterday. (A) wiped (B) mopped (C) bought (D) hung 22. Amy: What’s your plan ______this Sunday? Ben: I want to go shopping. (A) to (B) for (C) at (D) with 23. My father is an actor. Memorizing lines ______a lot of fun to him. (A) are (B) did (C) have (D) is 24. Allen: Why do you have so much housework to do every day? Cinderella: Because my mom doesn’t like doing housework, and my sisters ______, either. (A) does (B) do (C) don’t (D) doesn’t 25. David: What did you do yesterday? Peter: I went to John’s ______. He was happy to have a beautiful wife. (A) interview (B) factory (C) hospital (D) wedding 26. We have a math test today. I am not good at math, so I ______for it yesterday. (A) worried (B) ready (C) prepared (D) looked 27. Teacher: Guys, you need to be quiet in the museum, right? Students: Yes. We have to stop ______and remember ______silent here. silent 寂靜的 (A) talking ; to be (B) to talk ; being (C) talking ; being (D) to talk ; to be 二、下列五個題組(題號),請依選文或圖表資料,選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (A) It is fun to keep a pet at home. Many people keep pets because pets can make them happy. The most popular pet is the dog. Most people choose dogs as their pets because dogs are smart, sweet and friendly. If you keep a dog as your pet, then it is important for you to 28 . Walking your dog, playing frisbee with your dog, talking to your dog and hugging your dog can not only make your dog happy but also help you release pressure from your life or work. Teaching your dog to behave itself is also important. It is better to make them 29 and help them follow them, or they will become troublemakers in your life.

choose 選擇 release 釋放 pressure 壓力 behave oneself 守規矩 troublemaker 惹麻煩者 spend 花費

28. (A) keep practicing it (B) spend time with it (C) look around for it (D) take it to the hospital 29. (A) listen to you (B) understand your rules (C) memorize your name (D) be healthy enough (B )

On January 9th, 2014, Jenny was very busy. At 7:30 in the morning, she got up. The first thing for her was to call her boyfriend to ask him to get up. After she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and finished her breakfast, she rushed out to drive her car. At 8:00, she arrived at the church. She had to meet the priest at 8:20 that morning. At 8:30, while she was still talking to the priest, her boyfriend called her and asked her to go to


rush 衝 church 教堂 priest 神父 beauty salon 美容院 make-up 化妝品 the beauty salon right away. At 9:00, Jenny went back home from the beauty salon. At 10:00, while everyone was preparing the food for the party in the afternoon, Jenny was busy putting on her make-up. And then her sister picked up a wonderful white dress for her from the clothing store. Jenny loved it very much. Her boyfriend also said that Jenny was the most beautiful woman in the world on that day. After that, Jenny had to go to the church at 11:00. Why was Jenny so busy that day? Because it was her big day. She was busy but happy. She would never forget that beautiful day. 臺北市立北安國中 104 學年度第一學期 八年級第二次定期評量英語科試題 30. What does “big day” mean in the reading? (A) Having a date. (B) Finishing a wedding. (C) Going to the beauty salon. (D) Preparing for the party. 31. What time did Jenny go back to church for the second time? (A) At 8:00. (B) At 8:30. (C) At 10:00. (D) At 11:00. 32. Where was Jenny at a quarter to nine? (A) At home. (B) In the church. (C) In the beauty salon. (D) In the clothing store.

(C) Tony went to a doctor and got this paper. Read it and answer the questions. Health Hospital Opening hours 33. How many times a day should Tony take the medicine? 9:00 a.m.~12:00 p.m. ; 4:00 p.m. ~ 9:00 a.m. (A) Eight. (B) Three. (C) Four. (D) Six. (Closed on weekend & national holidays) 34. Which is true? Name: Tony Lee Age: 32 (A) Health Hospital opens on Saturdays. Medicine: Ampicillin (B) Tony can take a blue pill when having a fever. Directions: (C) Tony has a cough, so he should take some syrup.  Before meals  After meals  Before bed (D) It is good to take the medicine with water. Take a red pill when having a fever Take one teaspoon of syrup when having a cough  Take a white pill when having a headache Take a blue pill when having a sore throat  Take the medicine only with water Doctor : Chien-ming Lin national 國家的 direction 用法說明 teaspoon 茶匙 syrup 糖漿 pill 藥丸

(D) The Smith Family live on a farm in Nantou. All family members need to do many things every day. Look at the schedule below and answer the questions. Chores Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Set the table Judy Lucy Cary Mom Dad Judy Lucy Hang the clothes Dad Judy Lucy Cary Mom Dad Judy Water the flowers Lucy Take out the trash Dad Sweep the floor Mom Walk the dogs Judy Feed the chickens Mom Dad Judy Lucy Cary Mom Dad Milk the cows Ruby Mom Dad Judy Lucy Cary Mom

3 Iron the clothes Cary Lucy Mom Dad Judy Lucy Cary chore 家務 member 成員 schedule 行事曆 iron 燙平 35. A: What are you doing? B: I am feeding the chickens. A: Isn’t Dad doing it today? B: No. It’s Tuesday today. It’s my turn. Question: Who may be B? (A) Judy. (B) Mom. (C) Cary. (D) Lucy.

36. How many different chores must Lucy do this week? (A) Nine. (B) Six. (C) One. (D) Zero. 37. Which is true about the reading? (A) There are five people in the Smith family. (B) Dad hangs the clothes on Monday and Saturday. (C) Cary doesn’t have to iron the clothes on weekdays.(D) The Smiths milk their cows four times a week.

(E) Jeff:What happened? You look so unhappy. Ruby: I like a boy, but he doesn’t like me. I think 38 . Jeff: Why do you say that? Ruby: I broke the chair when I was sitting on it and chatting with him the day before yesterday. Jeff: So what could you do? Ruby:At first, I 39 , but the feeling of hunger made me eat even more. Jeff: That was terrible. Ruby: I didn’t like this way of life, either. Then, I 40 . Jeff: What advice did you get? Ruby: He told me to eat less and have balanced meals. Also, I needed to 41 . Jeff: That was a really good advice. Good eating habits keep you healthy and thin. I think exercising is important, too. Maybe next time we can go running together.

broke 損壞 feeling 感覺 hunger 飢餓 vegetable 蔬菜 balanced 均衡的 38. (A) it is because I am too heavy (B) it is because I am not beautiful (C) it is because he likes someone else (D) it is because he is angry at me 39. (A) stopped eating (B) stopped to run (C) stopped chatting with him (D) stopped to look at him 40. (A) joined a basketball class (B) took a trip to Japan (C) ate only fruit and vegetables (D) went to a doctor for help 41. (A) have enough sleep (B) give up junk food (C) take medicine every day (D) do exercise three times a week

三、文意字彙(6%)請作答於下方答案卷。 42. Andy is an actor, and his sisters are a ses. They acted in many movies. 43. Our English teacher loves to tell stories; she usually s es something interesting with us. 44. Andy: Wasn’t the food in the party d s last Sunday? You didn’t eat anything. Kimi: I had a terrible stomachache, so I couldn’t eat too much. 四、依提示作答及翻譯,請加入適當的標點符號。(12%) Angela: Mom, what can I help today?

4 Mom: 45 (在你吃完晚餐後,記得要擦桌子。)

Angela: 46 (完成它對我來說不困難。) Mom: Finishing doing something and doing something well are two different things.

Angela: Yes, sir ! 47 (你真的為我們樹立了一個好榜樣。)

(第 4 頁,試題結束)

臺北市立北安國中10 4 學年度第一學期八年級第二次定期評量英語科答案卷 班級: 姓名: 座號: 得分:

三、文意字彙(6%)請用黑色或藍色原子筆書寫,否則不予計分。 42. (2%) 43. (2%) 44. (2%) 四、依提示作答及翻譯,請加入適當的標點符號。(12%)

45. 在你吃完晚餐後,記得要擦桌子。(4%) ______

46. 完成它對我來說不困難。(4%) _____

47. 你真的為我們樹立了一個好榜樣。 (4%) ______


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