Acec/Nc Transportation Committee Meeting s1
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ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 1 Meeting Minutes
ACEC/NC TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 29, 2016 at 3:00 PM HDR Conference Room Raleigh, North Carolina Attendees: Bahiradhan (Bahi), Mahalingam Gosselin, Adam Price, Mark Bell, Brad Greene, Stephen Samples, Lisa Bissett, Jay Hurst, Josh Snow, Terry Blevins, Scott Jacob, Paul Sommer, Rod Breza, Sun Jones, Greg Swayampakala, Radha Bunn, Eddie J. Lassiter, Neil Sweitzer, Shannon Byrd, Davidian Lugo, Kevin Sykes, Dewayne Canales, Roberto Matthis, Stu Taylor, Gary Cook, Steve Meehan, Paul Teng, Gavin Dalton, Josh Miller, Bob Thigpen, Ronyell Davis, Michael Moon, Lisa Turner, Herb DeCola, Rick Morrison, Jim Van Duyn, Meredith DeCola, Rob Nance, Jon Vic, Frank Diggs, Davis C. Peterson, Jason Weaver, Paul Dvorak-Grantz, Andrea Phipps, Liz Wetherill, Eddie Edens, Ed Pope, Allen Whitley, Steve Wilver, David Winbrenner, Terry Yocom, Tom Welcome and Opening Remarks:
Paul Meehan opened meeting with a safety briefing. Robert Stroup and Rodger Rochelle attending. ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 2
Subcommittee Reports – Reports Attached
Rail (Bob Baughman) Met in July and December 9 ACEC/4 DOT Rail Members SEHSR – ROD for Richmond to Raleigh approved in January Interest in P3 projects Charlotte Gateway – Tiger Grant o Track Work Project Advertisement Anticipated Mar. 16-18th in Charlotte – SEHSR Forum Next meeting in March
Joint Task Force – RR Coordination on DB Projects (Bob Baughman) Joint discussion w/ACEC-AGC. Series of meetings with NCDOT (Dec. 2015 – Jan. 2016). Process problems with both CSX and NS. Neither are set up for DB reviews. SC has questionnaire for RR for DB projects Modified SC Questionnaire Rail seemed to be open to 1 on 1 meetings during procurement phase May need to revisit some topics due to retirements at NS Anticipate meeting with DOT in next few months
Rodger Rochelle/Robert Stroup: Outsourcing nearly all in some departments. Difficult to meet target due to staffing. PDEA met goal last year and is close this year. Roadway is at approximately 54% even with outsourcing all work.
Limited NTP - $50,000 Can’t invoice currently. Working with audit to work around. Trying to get to submit one invoice when you get close to $50K. Contracts have increased 10-fold with reduced staff. Plan by May 1st to reduce by 10% possibly more. Divisions/Units will likely negotiate and approve estimates and send to Robert. Division will have 1 authorized rep. to approve estimates. OIG has limited staff and may become a bottleneck. Timeframe – hopefully next few weeks to get things worked out. Contact Robert Stroup if contract/NTP is behind. Possible relaxing 5% / 10% threshold to 10% / 15%. Desire to outsource more by state government may result in consultants reviewing consultants. ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 3
Joint Training – No one present from subcommittee.
Construction & Materials (Greg Jones) Greg discussed the following items: iPads – halfway there in the field. NCDOT provides a Sharepoint server that acts as an electronic filing cabinet for each project. More discussion is needed regarding conflict of interest with respect to CEI during proposal phase June Ads: U-2519CA I-5507 U-2524D Truck rates study found that NCDOT was approximately $100/month behind actual rates. Alt procurement – Looking at possibly using loaded rates. Next meeting – April.
Structures (Matt Payne) Matt discussed the following items: Conspan – NCDOT Std. is greater than AASHTO Std. • NCDOT Structures will send out memo. New Pay Item for Asbestos Bridge Testing. Steel Bridge Forum was a big success. Approximately 30 projects thru LSA with no ads outside LSA.
Procurement (Mark Acuff) Mark discussed the following items: No meeting since last Transportation meeting. Waiting to meet with Robert Stroup.
Operations (Keith Garry) Keith discussed the following items: Met in January at Division 4 – Wilson. Holder spoke – more projects coming to the Divisions. Division projects include wide range with interest in DB. NICET - Review of meeting and discussion: Michael Clark provided an overview of NICET’s current initiative to update their Transportation Construction Inspection (TCI) certification program. NICET is updating their construction inspection certifications first, followed by their materials inspection certifications within a year ±. They are seeking support from DOTs and transportation consultants to assist with these endeavors. The intent is to establish ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 4 programs that provide 70% to 80% “baseline” certifications, with DOTs being able to add the remaining certifications that are relevant to their own specifications. NCDOT does not currently have a formal construction inspection certification program. However, Michelle Long is interested in reviewing a conceptual program layout from NICET, with the thought that moving in this direction could be a benefit to the Department. Chris Peoples and Jack Cowsert offered the Department’s full support in helping NICET to update their materials inspection certification program. Chris & the Department recommended that NICET first get the support of all SASHTO DOTs, or at least the immediately surrounding DOTs, to help make this certification program successful. Keith Garry to assist Michael & NICET with making contact with ACEC/SC and SCDOT. ACEC/NC would embrace NICET coming to a future Transportation Committee meeting to update our group about program status & other DOT support. We are also committed to help NICET with developing and sustaining a program development task force.
Joint Conference (Paul Meehan) Key note speaker selection
PDEA (Steven Brown) Steven discussed the following items: Bridge projects – 230 bridges in negotiation. 1 Task Order per group of bridges. FHWA led NERA Training – Summer 2016. April 19th next meeting.
Design/Build (Radha Swayampakala) Duke will work under “right of entry” on project by project basis. Summary of Design Build Industry Meeting Forum: DB pursuit conflicts/exemptions based on prior work: o NCDOT has a general policy on this and has requested ACEC and AGC to provide feedback to streamline that process. o NCDOT was interested in defining/grouping disciplines (such as roadway design, traffic analysis, NEPA document…etc) into three categories: no conflict; definite conflict; possible, but not certain conflict. o SCDOT is having similar discussions to redefine their guidelines o FDOT conflicts firms with any prior work o GDOT has similar guidelines o Ask DBIA for some feedback/information o AGC is looking into what they can agree with o Any grouping/classifications of disciplines may potentially lead into difficult/unfair ways of administration o Members are interested in defining a timeline for the work/conflict. In other words, if a firm has done work in the past five years, they can ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 5 be conflicted out – but, if that work has been more than 5 years ago, no restrictions. o Not certain when this timeline start though – from the completion/beginning (many times, designs/documents are not completed and just put on hold) o NCDOT should identify project delivery method as early as possible. However, this may be difficult to accomplish for every project with the schedules and political interest in DB process. o When a project is added to the DB list, NCDOT should clarify which disciplines will be conflicted out o Conflict should be associated to an individual not the firm. However, NCDOT previously stated that this is difficult for them to track. ATCs: o Excluding ATCs from DB procurement does not help the Department to get the best design with low cost. o NCDOT should incorporate prior ATCs (approved and rejected) and incorporate into future RFPs. Can NCDOT share the firms Q&As (non-confidential) on the website after the Q&A meeting? Anticipated List - Can this be expanded to include all future projects? Example - I-540 is not on the list. Express D-B Projects - Seek some feedback from the Contractors on these. Several member representatives heard Contractors complaining on the process, risk involved, and other items. Some discussion on this topic with NCDOT would be helpful.
Other Business:
Legislative Update (Bill Hood) Jim Smith presented to the NCGA House Select Committee on Long Range Planning and Infrastructure Funding chaired by Rep. John Torbett. They were supposed to present to the Primary and Secondary Roads subcommittee between 9 and 11 chaired by Rep. Frank Iler. Due to overruns by other associations, they were bumped to the full committee meeting in the afternoon at 2 pm and forced to cut the presentation short to ten minutes to allow for Q & A, particularly on project delivery.
Tab Update (Paul Meehan) See email from Paul. Bentley issues – other states have also experienced no response o Working with NCDOT to provide a letter expressing concerns.
Next meeting is May 16, 2016 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Stantec. ACEC/NC Transportation Committee February 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes Page 6 The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:00 PM.