Willapa Bay Water Resources
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Willapa Bay Water Resources Coordinating Council Marine Resource Committee P.O. Box 68 South Bend, Washington 98586 (360) 875-9356
PACIFIC COUNTY COURTHOUSE National Historic Site Minutes Feb. 10th, 2011 Meeting 6-8 pm South Bend County Annex Building South Bend, WA
In Attendance: Jim Neva, Doug Kess, Mike Dutchuk, Ken Connell, Phil Osborne, Jackie Ferrier, Dale Beasley, Mary DeLong, Kim Jones, Jessica James, Key McMurry, Cathy Russ, Ted Lailer, Chris Swanson, Bob Burkle, Amy Ammer, Dick Sheldon, Jim Goulter, Sue Pattillo, Miles Batchelder, Tim Morris, Robin Leraas, Julie Tennis, Steve Gray, Tom Kollasch, Ross Barkhurst, Michael Spencer, Mike Nordin, Mike Johnson, Dick Wilson, Rob Allen.
Introductions & Minutes: 6:00pm. 10 Board members, 6 Alternates, and 14 guests were present (31 in total). Introductions were made around the room. The Minutes for the January PCMRC meetings were approved.
Item No. One – Presentation by Chris Swenson (Coastal Program Regional Coordinator USFWS Pacific Region): Chris Swenson spoke on the proposed Columbia River Estuary Program. The main reason to create this program is to try and fund restoration projects. It is just a designated area to fund, no regulations and voluntary. The program at this point is just an internal proposal. The USFWS is waiting for congressional approval and could be years. Chris answered questions after his presentation.
Item No. Two –Presentation by Phil Osborne and Ken Connell with Golder & Assc.: Phil and Ken gave a presentation on completing their last phase of a project with BPA. Golder would like to work with the MRC’s to complete that last phase. The phase has already been funded and will cost the PCMRC nothing (will cost time and effort). Ken presented a power point presentation on their IDSS program that would be accessible by the PCMRC for the duration of this program phase. A motion was made and passed to take the next step working with Golder & Assc.
Item No. Three – WSOC and Coastal MRC Partnership update : Dale Beasley gave a report on the Washington State Ocean Caucus meetings and the work being done on the Coastal MRC Partnership, and spoke on the importance of keeping pushing ahead. Ross Barkhurst asked about a group that was supposed to work on a model for the coastal group but no one had heard about that group moving forward. Ross also supported 1 Dale’s suggestion to follow the Oregon OPAC model. Mike Nordin presented from the PCMRC agenda packet a strawman model that he and Joe Schumacker worked on that will be presented at the next coastal group meeting. A discussion followed on the model. Dale also explained the response he received from state legislators about possible legislative recognition of a coastal partnership or solutions group. Specifically Sen. Ranker suggested waiting until next year for this step because of the heavy emphasis on the state budget crisis that will dominate the session.
Item No. Four—Tokeland Septic Survey: A brief report (written report) was made on the Tokeland Septic Survey by Mike Nordin since Faith Taylor could not make the meeting. Key McMurry reminded the PCMRC that the MRC only funded 10% of the project. A discussion followed asking if the deliverables to the PCMRC was met, the majority of those at the meeting felt that they had been met.
Item No. Five—Science Conference: A request by the Science Committee to increase the amount of funds for the conference by $600 was made. A motion was made to increase the funds by $600 by Dale Beasley and passed.
Item No. Six—Jessica James: Jessica James gave a presentation on their (Coastal Resources Program) program to bring kids out to see the marine environment and would like instruction on how to apply for funds.
Item No. Seven—Hilary Papendick: Asks that people allow her to contact them to take a survey on sustainable communities. A discussion followed and a consensus that it would be ok to distribute the PCMRC boards email list.
Item No. Eight—letter of support for local buoy: A motion was made to write a letter of support for the Sea Dip Buoy off our coast by Ross Barkhurst, which passed.
Item No. Willapa Bay Widlife Refuge: Ross Barkhurst introduced Jackie Ferrier with the Willapa Bay Wildlife Refuge to discuss the refuge’s 3 potential long range plans. Jackie gave an overview of the CCP (Comprehensive Conservation Plan) for the refuge. Writing the plan is mandated by Congress and is required to have it done and with a recommendation by 2012. Congress also required the refuge to work with local partners, have community outreach, and maintain the biological integrity of the refuge. The CCP includes 11 goals and has 3 alternatives to complete those goals. Alternatives 1 is the status quo, Alternative 2 is the most habitat gain, and Alternative 3 is more than 1 but less than 2. Jackie also gave a description or scope of the second Alternative. Also a description of the Bear River Dike Removal Project was given by Jackie. A letter addressing concerns over the refuge’s Alternatives and the dike removal was distributed by Ross Barkhurst and he made a request to have them submitted to the minutes (which it has been). A request by two other PCMRC Board members was made that the letter should be signed by Ross, which he explained that the letter was compiled from letters of concerns he had collected, however he also would not mind signing the letter. Steve Gray of Long Beach then presented his concerns over the refuge plan and dike removals. He informed that the local Ducks Unlimited was opposed to the Alternative #2. He also informed that Chuck Labell feel that the project is ludicrous. He also reminded that the Pacific County Commissioners were opposed to Alternative #2 (the Commissioners voted to support Alternative #1). According to Steve, Don Kreigie 2 (spelling) is also against the projects and Alternative #2. At this time there was confusion if the Bear River Dike removal project and the CCP were one in the same or not. Also there was discussion if the PCMRC has a role in this topic or not. The group decided to listen to Mr. Grays comments and then decide what to do or not to do. His concerns ranged from access to the property and hunting, elk relocation to cranberry bogs, relocation and reduction of duck and geese, tsunami evacuation, and that the salmon gain from the project is overstated (which generated a response of disagreement from many in the audience). Mike Johnson gave a rebuttal specifically on the salmon issues explaining why the dike removals would be a positive project for salmon. Bob Burkle with WDFW then gave a rebuttal on information given on duck and geese numbers and habitat. Jim Neva (chair) then broke debate seeking to move on.
ADDED COMMENTS Announcements: GHCMRC seeking support on Oil Spill Response and Prevention Bills. Comments:
Action Taken: Motion #1- Motion to approve the minutes from the January meeting by Dale Beasley. Second- Sue Pattillo Discussion- None Passed- Unanimous.
Motion #2- Motion was made to work with Golder & Assc. on a CMSP project by Julie Tennis Second- Dale Beasley Discussion-None. Passed-Unanimous
Motion #3- A motion was made to write a letter of support for the Sea Dip Buoy off our coast by Ross Barkhurst. Second- Sue Pattillo Discussion- None. Passed- Unanimous
Action Required of Pacific MRC Facilitator: 1. Send out agenda for the March meeting. 2. Send out the minutes for the Feb. meeting. 3. Attend Ocean Caucus meeting.
Adjourn: 8:50 pm
NEXT MEETING: Next meeting will be March 10th, 2011. Meeting will be held at the Ocean Beach School District Office in Long Beach, from 6:00PM – 8:00PM.
QUESTIONS: For further questions or comments, contact Mike Nordin or Mike Johnson of the Pacific Conservation District at (360) 875-9424, cell (360) 942-7974, or by email at [email protected] . Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.