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Background — Every SIM country in the Americas sends JANUARY missionaries around the world. While Canada and USA are big JAN 11 SATURDAY WELCOME TO THE NEW USA BY PRAYER! senders, the others recruit and train cross-cultural workers as OCLA (Office Connection Latin America), Guatemala — well. Offices in Guatemala (OCLA) and Brazil place Latino Thank God for JC from Peru and MM from Costa Rica Moving Forward missionaries around the world. SIMers in each country work on who recently arrived in India. Praise also for Ecuadorian “Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the relationship-building, evangelism, discipleship, developing nurse Juanita Buñay, now in Potosi, Bolivia. Pray each missionary work” (A.B. Simpson). An engine is made up churches and church leaders, and helping meet physical and will adapt quickly, keep spiritual lives sharp, and learn of many parts; so is sending you By Prayer. SIM fields psycho-social needs of the communities they serve, both urban culture and language well to share God’s love with submit requests; Pat Shea collects, edits and organizes and rural. power. them, working with Erin Hoyt to create a layout for Paraguay — Pray that English classes will open new printing with color and photos. Now, instead of an JAN 05 SUNDAY doors for Greg and Vonni Cameron (S. Africa) to reach alphabetical list, countries are arranged under Bolivia — Pray for the spiritual growth of missionaries, that people with the gospel in Yuty. Pray also for Tony and geographical regions. There’s also a glimpse into ministry each would serve out of the bounty of a deep walk with God in Jean Floyd, beginning a church plant in a small, contexts and how you can engage by prayer in God’s this New Year. unreached rural community. Praise God for the ways global work through SIM. they’ve been able to share Christ already. JAN 06 MONDAY It is a joy to see these parts working together to bring you JAN 12 SUNDAY this new format. I want to thank Pat and Erin for all the Bolivia — Pray for Paul and Christy Knudson as they wrap up their term, and for God’s provision of an interim director to Peru — Pray that all who attend summer camps (6) at work they do, and you for being a part of the mighty Camp LaJoya will have hearts ready to hear God’s truth. engine that moves God’s work through SIM—by prayer. replace Paul. Intercede for son Caleb as he will need some medical attention back in the U.S. May doctors understand the Pray speakers and counselors will have wisdom, problem and be able to give the care needed. patience and energy; that all staff will serve with joy and —Charlie Thorsen, SIM USA Director of Prayer and whole-hearted focus; and those coming from Abancay Celebration JAN 07 TUESDAY will learn about camping ministry. JAN 01 WEDNESDAY Brazil — Thank the Father for many He is calling from this JAN 13 MONDAY International Office — Pray for the Evangel Fellowship great country to serve Him around the world. Praise Him for United States — SIMStart was January 8–12. Give Conference being held in Ethiopia January 12–17. Pray the vision of the SIM Brazil team to use online missions thanks and pray for those preparing to join SIM, and for for safe travel, and encouraging, productive meetings training courses to help each be prepared to answer His call. others just responding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to among representatives of SIM-related churches around consider mission work. Pray for Monte and Andrea the world. Ask God to prepare each speaker with His JAN 08 WEDNESDAY Wilson’s adjustment to their new roles as Word for His work. Canada — Praise God for faithful donors who support SIM recruitment/STA coordinators. Canada missionaries, projects and the mission as a whole! We JAN 02 THURSDAY are grateful for each. As the Canada team looks ahead at this JAN 14 TUESDAY International Office — Ask God to guide preparations for New Year, we join them in asking God for more partners as strategic consultation meetings to be held in Malaysia ministries grow and more of His servants go to the field. United States — Praise the Lord for church partners, like February 16–22. Pray for Spirit-led wisdom and unity in Ebenezer Mennonite Church in Bluffton, Ohio. Every year all discussions and decisions regarding SIM leadership JAN 09 THURSDAY since 1988, teams from this church come to enhance our U.S. Office buildings and campus, and to stock freezers direction for the coming years. Chile — Pray for team members involved in missions training with items used for SIMStart and SIMGo. Pray for this at various camps during January and February. Pray for God’s year’s labor in love February 9–15. JAN 03 FRIDAY work both in those teaching and the Latinos seriously Uruguay — For five years Andres and Sonia Corrales preparing for cross-cultural ministry. May the Holy Spirit give Multi-Country Ministries — Rick and Carol Calenberg have ministered to youth leaders. Pray as they each what He knows they need. praise God for nearly 1,000 African pastors and church coordinate and prepare for this year’s Youth Leaders’ leaders committed to the Romans Project (reading National Summit in Montevideo May 16–17. Ask God to Romans 20 times and copying it by hand in a notebook) JAN 10 FRIDAY provide finances and everything needed in preparation to to receive an mp3 player with 800+ messages. Pray for Ecuador — This team wants to place greater emphasis on train leaders well to reach Uruguay’s youth. future seminars to be held in the Philippines. prayer (both corporate and individual), the equipping and empowering of the Holy Spirit, a Biblical understanding of how EUROPE THE AMERICAS to recognize and engage in spiritual warfare, and learning to JAN 15 WEDNESDAY JAN 04 SATURDAY love neighbor as self. Ask God to bless their work on these goals. Background — SIM in Europe forms a network mobilizing shepherd hearts, and that accommodations can expand as and Amy meanwhile to gain understanding and ability to churches and individual Christians for mission, while also needed. speak the language well for effective future hospital ministering locally. This includes France, Switzerland and ministry. the UK, who send SIMers out globally. We also have JAN 20 MONDAY representation in Belgium and Italy, and strong JAN 26 SUNDAY partnerships with sending organizations in Germany, Burkina Faso — Please pray for those ministering to the Fulani through evangelism, discipleship, church planting, famine Niger — Thank God for the five Bible translation teams Austria and Romania. Missions movements are growing working in Niger. Call on Him to give strength, wisdom in Eastern Europe, and SIM seeks to support relief, and well drilling. Pray for Robin Watson and those who work with him translating the Old Testament into Fulani, and and unity on each team. Pray for reliable feedback and development of the sending capacity of the church there insights as testing occurs. Plead for God to prepare the as well. that the New Testament printed and dedicated last year will be well used. people who speak these languages to receive His Word with joy! JAN 16 THURSDAY JAN 21 TUESDAY France — The SIM France Office has two urgent JAN 27 MONDAY Central African Republic — For years Dr. Nupanga, president personnel needs: a personnel coordinator and a Niger — Rejoice with the Christian Education Team who communications manager. The team is confident in God’s of the Bangui Evangelical School of Theology, has had the vision of establishing a campus-based center to train teachers welcomed six new members this year! Pray for unity and faithfulness, certain that He will provide in His time. Pray creativity as they work together to encourage and support that those He calls will respond, reinforcing this office as for Christian schools. Pray for wisdom in planning this outreach, and thank the Lord for those who are contributing believing teachers around the country. Pray that Jesus soon as possible. would be honored as students are loved and taught. Switzerland — Please pray for SIM Switzerland, giving up their expertise. Director Walter Diem to serve as deputy international JAN 28 TUESDAY director (DID) for West Africa and Europe. Pray for the JAN 22 WEDNESDAY right person to replace Walter and guide God’s work Côte d’Ivoire — Pray for Tim Welch to be empowered to finish Nigeria — Matthew K spent a week earlier this month here. editing the French African Study Bible so it can go to the helping John Camiola, SIM Nigeria’s coordinator of printer. There are articles yet to be written, maps to be Business as Mission, and the SIM Nigeria administration to better understand this type of ministry. Pray for good JAN 17 FRIDAY incorporated, and details to be finalized. May God enable! understanding of the concept, and wisdom using it. United Kingdom — Give thanks for the appointment of Ghana — Pray that four short-termers’ time here will impact Steve Smith as the new SIM-UK director. Pray for Steve both their own lives and the lives of others: Kyndra, working JAN 29 WEDNESDAY and his family as they move to Suffolk and settle in to life with youth ministry in Accra; Larkinson (India), teaching at the and ministry. Pray for a smooth transition from Dorothy Maranatha Bible College in Accra; Vanlafela and Lalhlupuii Nigeria — Pray for SIM Nigeria’s new personnel director Haile, interim director, as Steve takes up his new role in (India), working with the local church in Tamale. and new deputy director as they assume their roles; ask March. the Father to give each wisdom. Pray also for Bill Foute JAN 23 THURSDAY serving as acting director from January through mid- March. WEST AFRICA Guinea — Lift up Beth Roberts as she disciples and teaches JAN 18 SATURDAY nursing students. She has weekly classes, plus other activities, with the goal of developing competent, mature Christian nurses JAN 30 THURSDAY Background — SIM ministries in these 12 countries who will live out their faith in Jesus on a daily basis, in school Senegal — Jules Kazura (Rwanda) ministers at the SIM include church planting, health, radio, theological and in their future employment. Library in Thies where students and others come to study education, Bible translation and literacy, and children’s and ask questions about Jesus. Ask God to provide next ministry—partnering with local churches, some of which year’s support for Jules, wife Marie Josee and two young also send missionaries. For example, SIM’s international JAN 24 FRIDAY daughters. Please pray that several churches will get on director, Joshua Bogunjoko, was sent from Nigeria to Liberia — ELWA Radio went on the air 60 years ago this board with them. Niger in 2002 by EWCA, SIM’s first-planted church. That month! Pray the new short-wave antenna permits broadcasts million-member denomination sends more missionaries to again reach Liberians who have not heard the gospel. Ask than SIM! [ECWA: Evangelical Church Winning All] also for funding to finish building and equipping the new ELWA JAN 31 FRIDAY studio building. [ELWA: Eternal Love Winning Africa] Togo — Mi Ja Jeon (Korea) has initiated a Christian JAN 19 SUNDAY education training program in Sokodé for those who work Benin — Praise God for the increase in students at many JAN 25 SATURDAY with children—Sunday school teachers, parents, etc. Pray that the committee can put together a well local dialect Bible schools as well as the French Bible Mali — Praise God for missionary teachers God sent to teach organized and appreciated on-going program, and find Institute. Limited dorm space is now a challenge. Pray Matthew and Amy Whisler’s three children! Pray for Matthew that these people would be students of the Word with the right people to teach the sessions. NOTE: Parentheses behind a name indicate the wisdom and understanding as this office seeks wisdom to move immigration officials to welcome them. Pray also nationality and SIM sending office; if none, the person address financial challenges. for political stability during presidential and parliamentary comes from either SIM USA or the office submitting the elections later this year. request, or it is omitted for security reasons. FEB 06 THURSDAY Eritrea — Many pastors and Christ-followers have been in FEB 12 WEDNESDAY prison for many years due to their faith in Christ, and their Namibia — Please pray for Mike Knight, who hopes to FEBRUARY refusal to deny Him. Pray for these dear brothers and sisters to arrive (support permitting) next month and start working remain strong and courageous. Pray also for their families as at NETS (Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary). FEB 01 SATURDAY they depend totally on the Lord to supply all their needs. May God provide soon, so he can settle in, quickly feel at West Africa Office, Côte d’Ivoire — Ask the Lord to give Ethiopia — Praise the Father for last month’s feasibility study home in Windhoek, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit wisdom about how and where to plan and run orientation done by Malcolm McGregor to plan site development for the to help prepare youth workers. courses affordable for both new missionaries and the new headquarters. Ask Him to guide follow-up as the study is West Africa Office administration. Course costs are put to work. FEB 13 THURSDAY driven up by expensive travel within West Africa; even ROSA (Region Of Southern Africa), Johannesburg — road travel is costly. FEB 07 FRIDAY Darren and Ruthie Campbell (UK, with Abigail and Isaac) Ethiopia — Praise God for the arrival of a special edition of an transition to the International Office later this year to EAST & SOUTHERN AFRICA Amharic-English New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. Pray undertake international treasurer responsibilities. Ask the FEB 02 SUNDAY it will be a blessing to people as they read and use God’s Word Father to guide them, as well as the process of finding in their daily lives; may it help them grow in the knowledge of Background — Since its beginning in Nigeria (1893) and God’s replacement for Darren in ROSA. God. South Africa (1889), SIM has shared Christ in over 30 African nations—16 in eastern and southern Africa, FEB 14 FRIDAY including difficult places like South Sudan and the Horn of FEB 08 SATURDAY South Africa — Pray for Director Siegfried Ngubane as Africa. God’s work here is diverse, including health, Kenya — Ask the Father to give unity and supportive he attends SIM’s Strategic Consultation in Malaysia education, HIV, church planting, youth, and theological relationships within the financial department as the team forms, February 16–22. May this time together be a great time education. Denominations with mega-churches have including a recently-hired treasurer. Intercede for her to have a of interaction and planning future endeavors of SIM. grown in countries like Ethiopia, Zambia and Malawi. smooth transition as she learns the SIM financial systems. May Many now send missionaries around the world. all be done to the excellence and glory of God. FEB 15 SATURDAY South Sudan — Pray that the message and ministry of FEB 03 MONDAY FEB 09 SUNDAY January’s Spiritual Life Conference has challenged Angola — Pray for good working relationships and Kenya — Northern Kenya is regularly plagued by tribal hearts of team members, and that the spiritual, mental productivity for Fran Gralow, consultant for the Nyaneka clashes, resulting in the loss of lives and property. Please pray and physical refreshment received will strengthen their Bible translation. Also, pray a team of Angolans and that God will use the ministry of Sports Friends to promote His labor for the Lord, especially those recently challenged another missionary couple will join the Schempps peace in that area. by theft of personal possessions. (Germany) to develop an agricultural training project, Tanzania — Praise God for final re-registration of SIM in growing fruit trees and medicinal plants in Luena. FEB 10 MONDAY Tanzania! Ask Him to guide Andrew and Naomi Jones Malawi — Thank God for SIM’s partner the Africa Evangelical with Noah, Hudson and Mali (Australia), developing FEB 04 TUESDAY Church, and for Rev. Ndekha, general secretary; and Rev. M Business as Mission to build Christ’s body here. And pray Botswana — Give thanks for Robert and Phillippa Majawa, assistant general secretary. Pray these men, working for Spirit-refreshment in body and soul for Tan and Isumi Cismas’ (Romania) first two-year term, learning language with acting SIM director Mike Hammond (Australia), will inspire Shimizu on home assignment in Japan. and beginning limited ministry. Pray for their home churches to take more ownership of HOPE for AIDS projects. assignment beginning Easter 2014, reporting back to UK Mauritius — Pray God’s wisdom for Indian Ocean Island FEB 16 SUNDAY and Romanian supporters, and also casting vision for a Strategist Pieter Labuschagne (South Africa), as he conducts Zambia — Paul and Velda Rikel recently arrived in the new work in Nata when they return. his annual visit to Mauritius. Pray his visit will provide needed town of Mongu, and are already leading a Bible study at administrative and logistical support and encouragement to the the Mongu Youth Center, while learning culture and FEB 05 WEDNESDAY SIMers and their ministries there. language. Pray that they will build good relationships and East Africa Office, Ethiopia — Pray for the seven SIM that God will be glorified in their ministry. members serving through this office, as well as 10 FEB 11 TUESDAY Zimbabwe — Praise God for lives touched by the ministry affiliates in Chad, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Their Mozambique — Pray that more missionaries will hear and of Rusitu Bible College Principal Timothy Myambo, who reports are full of steps of faith. Cry to the Lord for respond to God’s heart for Mozambique, and that God will recently went to be with the Lord due to cancer, while working on his PhD in South Africa. Pray for his family presentations and that people would be challenged for FEB 28 FRIDAY and the college family, and plead God’s grace for Tim’s missions by his story and passion. Philippines — Please pray for a refreshing time with replacement. families and friends as Luke and Ruth return to the US FEB 22 SATURDAY for their home assignment. Pray for strength for those ASIA & PACIFIC India — Continue to ask God’s clear leading for the Director carrying on the ministry in their absence, especially those FEB 17 MONDAY Search Committee, and strength for those currently sharing still responding to November’s catastrophic storm. Background — This region with half the world’s leadership responsibilities. Pray for field leadership applying Thailand — The Cliff and Lynell Thomas family (NZ), population challenges SIM to respond creatively. Diverse recommendations from November’s country review, to Jaqui Croxon (Australia), and Mary Raikes (NZ) recently teams—from Pakistan in the West, Mongolia in the North, effectively partner and administer the gospel in this needy joined the “Radical Grace: Relational Approaches to HIV” Japan in the East, New Zealand and Australia in the nation. and C-SEA teams. The Jonathan and Genine Thomas South—are at the cutting edge of discipleship, leadership family (South Africa) and Sunny Yu joined the church development, urban ministry, sports and business-based FEB 23 SUNDAY planting team. Pray as all begin language study. ministry, children and youth, and community development. We are also benefitting from the advice of Japan — As they relocate from Hokkaido next month, ask God regional leaders as we respond to natural and human to guide two families who each have a child with special health disasters. needs: the Borbas return to California after their first term, asking the Father for direction for future ministry; the Clarks NOTE: Parentheses behind a name indicate the FEB 18 TUESDAY move to Tokyo to increase focus on ministry to families. nationality and SIM sending office; if none, the person comes from either SIM USA or the office submitting the Australia — Praise God for a refreshing break last month. FEB 24 MONDAY request, or it is omitted for security reasons. Pray the SIM team will listen to Jesus closely and Korea — Pray that throughout this year God in His divine courageously, and mobilize more people, prayer and Verse/Quote — “I pray that out of his glorious riches he funds for mission. Pray for William Woon, new interim power will give the SIM Korea community His grace and peace, and other resources needed for life and godliness may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your treasurer, as the finance team and all other staff adjust to inner being.” Eph 3:16 NIV and synergize with his skills. through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our LORD, who called each by His own glory and goodness. (See 2 Peter 1:3) Verse/Quote — “...I pray that you... may have power, FEB 19 WEDNESDAY FEB 25 TUESDAY together with all the Lord’s holy people, to... know this Bangladesh — Pray for J and J (a young family with a love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to Mongolia — Praise God for calling Australian Ben to join His the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17– small son) who arrived as long-term workers in early team in Mongolia as a long termer; pray for a good support 19 NIV January. Pray for grace, strength, patience and wisdom level to permit him to arrive in Mongolia this year. Ask God to as they face many adjustments and seek to build a solid send even more workers! foundation for ministry through language and culture Nepal — Pray for the new director and his wife to raise needed Verse/Quote — “God is able to do much more than we learning. support and learn the language so they can arrive soon! Ask ask or think through his power working in us.” Ephesians C-SEA (Central and Southeast Asia), Thailand — Plead God to prepare their hearts to reflect His own in this new 3:20 NLV for God’s leading as SIM seizes new opportunities for position. partnerships in China. Ask Him to send laborers willing to step through these open doors with grace and courage. FEB 26 WEDNESDAY Thank you for praying. If you would like to receive By Prayer by email, please reply to New Zealand — Associate Director John Paine with Jackie and FEB 20 THURSDAY [email protected]. family are visiting Ethiopia to lead parenting courses at China — The 18-year-old son of A, an M peasant farmer, Bingham Academy. Pray for needed finances, for the girls’ was murdered by a complete stranger on the highest M readjustment as they revisit their childhood home, and that holiday. An SIM friend sat silently with the family, and God will use them to be a blessing. later gave A the book of Psalms and recited Psalm 23 to both grieving parents. Please pray for comfort and FEB 27 THURSDAY opened hearts! Pakistan — Praise God for the recent marriage of B and J (China). Thank Him, too, for the years of leadership Clive (UK) FEB 21 FRIDAY has given, and ask that godly wisdom be given to Ki Jung East Asia, Singapore — Pray for the SIM East Asia Office (Korea), new area director since January 1. Pray for a smooth staff as they prepare to host Joshua Bogunjoko for his transition. first visit to Singapore. Pray for receptive audiences at his