English 101 - College Reading and Composition I
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English 101 - College Reading and Composition I Course Syllabus
Instructor: Karen Amano-Tompkins Term: Fall 2017 Section: 22508 – TTh 8:00-9:25 am Location: NEA 217 Section: 22458 – TTh 9:35-11:00 am Location: NEA 217 Office hours: MW 9:00-9:30 am, M, T, W, & Th 11–12:00 noon, MW 2:15-2:45 pm in NEA 254 Office phone: (310) 233-4219 Email: [email protected] OR [email protected] (best way to communicate with me outside of class!) Course Web site: http://mstompkinsblog.wordpress.com English 101 is a course in critical reading and prose writing designed to refine the student’s skills in thinking logically, reading carefully, and writing effectively. Stress is placed on the organization and composition of objective expository essays, including the research paper. Prerequisite: Completion of English 28 or 31 with a “C” or better or appropriate score on assessment test. Student Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete English 101 should be able to Apply critical reading/thinking/writing skills analyzing and writing, both in and out- of-class essays, about various freshman composition level readings including essays and the novel. Demonstrate the ability to follow academic conventions by formatting expository essays, including page-layout, parenthetical citations and Works Cited entries, in the current standard MLA format. Write freshman-level essays that follow the various stages of essay writing, including pre-writing, thesis development, illustration and support of the thesis using concrete, specific evidence/examples, editing, proofreading and which are free of most errors in syntax, grammar, punctuation, diction, and spelling. Demonstrate understanding of effective college-level argumentation by producing logically supported arguments and by recognizing and avoiding common logical fallacies. Produce a research paper, which utilizes the various elements of research production, such as designing a research plan, compiling research notes, producing an outline, developing a draft, producing a finished paper that utilizes at least five sources and has a complete MLA-formatted Works Cited page. ADA Statement: Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact Special Programs & Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. Their phone number is 310-233-4620, and they are located in Cafeteria 108. Required Texts: (available at the campus bookstore) From Critical Thinking to Arguments (5th Edition) by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau – ISBN 978-1-319-03544-0 Bone by Fae Myenne Ng – ISBN 978-1401309534 Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama – ISBN 978-1400082773 You will also need to purchase two blue exam books for in-class essays. Page 2 of 9
Bring your books, a notebook (or notebook paper), and a pen to every class meeting. To complete some assignments, you will need access to the Internet and to a computer word processor. Students who succeed in English 101 usually choose to: **Read carefully!** Make a serious commitment to succeeding in this class. Come to class on time and prepared. Get the required texts as soon as possible. Do all the assignments, including readings, and keep up with the class schedule. Participate in class discussions and activities. Refrain from using their cell phones during class. Let me know immediately if they experience a problem with the class or if other areas of their lives seriously interfere with their ability to do their class work. Seek out all legitimate help with their course work, if they need it, including the Writing Lab, Special Programs & Services, campus librarians, their textbooks, and me. Maintain academic integrity by doing their own work. They do not plagiarize; they do not cheat. (See box on plagiarism on next page.) Treat their classmates and instructor with respect and consideration. Recognize that real learning is difficult – it involves making mistakes and taking risks. If you are not willing to make these choices, you are not likely to succeed in this class! I will be happy to meet with you to discuss your work in this course. I encourage you to visit me during office hours, but if that is not convenient for you, we can make an appointment to meet at another time. All students are expected to abide by the Standards of Student Conduct detailed in the Course Catalog. Plagiarism can mean copying, word for word, all or part of something someone else has written and turning it in with your name on it. Plagiarism also includes using your own words to express someone else’s ideas without crediting the source of those ideas. Plagiarism is a very serious form of academic misconduct. It’s both lying and stealing, and it’s a waste of time for students and teachers. College and departmental policy on plagiarism will be strictly enforced: Any student caught plagiarizing will automatically receive a zero for that assignment, with no possibility of making it up, and may be subject to a formal reprimand and/or suspension. Cite your sources! Please retain all notes and drafts of your papers until grading for the course is completed.
Attendance/Tardiness Attendance in class is mandatory. This is the college policy. If a student is absent for more than the hours that a class meets per week, or if there is irregular attendance or a pattern of absences, the instructor has sufficient cause to drop a student from the class. For example, if a course meets 3 hours a week, then a student is allowed a maximum of 3 absences. Students who enter the class after the official starting time will be marked absent for that particular day. If a student is absent the first and/or second class meeting of the first week of the semester, then the student will be dropped from the class. If you are absent three classes in a row, I will assume you intend to drop the class. Page 3 of 9
Electronic Communication Devices Policy According to Communications Division policy, electronic communication devices must remain off during class time. Exceptions may be considered by faculty consultation (i.e. family emergency). A first offense may result in the student being suspended from the class for one meeting. Repeated offenses may result in up to a 2-day suspension from the class pending a conference with the Vice President of Student Services.
Course site: http://mstompkinsblog.wordpress.com A reference Web site for this course is available at the URL above. The site primarily contains information that we cover in class, such as due dates and requirements for specific assignments. Downloadable handouts will be available on the Downloads page, so if you miss or lose a class handout, you’ll be able to find it here.
Grading: Your final grade in this class will be computed as follows. Essays (2) 24% 240 points (120 points each) Prewriting/Outlines & Drafts 4% 40 (10 points per outline/draft) Research Paper 23% 230 Proposal 1% 10 Mini Drafts 3% 30 (5 points for each mini draft) Reading Analysis Presentations (5) 20% 200 (40 points each) Midterm 7% 70 Final 8% 80 Quizzes 6% 60 (20+ quizzes worth 2-5 points each) Participation 4% _40 points Total 100% 1000 points
A = 90% 900-1000 points B = 80% 800-899 C = 70% 700-799 D = 60% 600-699 F = 50% 0-599
English 101 is a UC-CSU transferable course, so rigorous academic standards must be applied to grading your work. All assignments are required. In-class work, such as reading analysis presentations and quizzes, cannot be made up. Both essays and the research paper are required to pass the class. Missing assignments can significantly impact your grade and prevent you from passing the course. For example, if you fail to complete two Reading Analysis Presentations (40 points each), miss an outline and a draft (10 points each), and miss five quizzes (4 points each), you will need to earn an average score of more than 80% on every other assignment in order to pass the class with a C (70%). No late assignments will be accepted, unless an extension has been arranged with the instructor in advance. Papers may not be submitted by email except by special permission, and when permitted, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the paper is received and readable.
Quizzes will be given frequently throughout the term whenever substantial reading is due. Each quiz will consist of two to four multiple-choice questions that the instructor will read out loud. Quizzes will always be given at the beginning of the class session; students who are absent or arrive late may not make up quizzes, even if they have really good excuses. Page 4 of 9
Reading Analysis Presentation assignments: You are required to present your analysis of one of the assigned readings every few weeks for the duration of the class. There will be a sign-up sheet for each set of readings; in some cases, you may be assigned to analyze a specific reading. You must do your analysis on the reading you signed up for (or were assigned) – you may not switch to another reading without clearing it with your instructor. Your written analysis is due the day we discuss it in class (see Schedule), and you will present your findings to the class during our discussion of the reading. Late reading analyses will not be accepted.
Essays (including Research Paper) must be typed and formatted according to MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines. For guidance, see the MLA Formatting and Style Guide at the Web site of the Purdue Online Writing Lab (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ - link available on the course site). Papers may not be submitted by email except by special permission, and when permitted, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the paper is received and readable. Late papers will receive an automatic 10-point deduction and will not be accepted later than one week after the original due date. The research paper will not be accepted late!
Turnitin.com: To verify the originality of writing submitted for this class, all essays and reading analyses must be uploaded to Turnitin.com. Turnitin.com will generate an originality report for the instructor identifying any borrowed material in student essays (borrowed material includes correctly documented quotes, as well as plagiarized material). In order to receive full credit, students must upload their essays and analyses to Turnitin.com before class on the day the assignment is due. No essay or analysis will be awarded points unless it is uploaded to Turnitin.com. Go to Turnitin.com to create a student profile. Use the following information to upload your essay: Section 22508 (8:00-9:25 am) Class ID: 15905780 Enrollment key: composition Section 22458 (9:35-11:00 am) Class ID: 15905791 Enrollment key: composition
Revising: You may revise one or both of the two take-home essays (not the research paper) and resubmit your work for a new grade. An essay grade will be raised a maximum of 10 percentage points. To improve your grade, you will need to do more than correct grammatical errors and reword or reorder a few phrases. Revision means a new vision; it means looking at your work with fresh eyes and reconsidering the content, focus, and organization of your essay. It may involve rethinking, as well as rewriting. You are strongly advised to consult with your instructor and/or the Writing Lab before you begin revising. Revised essays are due within one week of receiving your original essay back and must be accompanied by your original essay. Please do not revise and resubmit essays that receive a score of 90% or higher. Late essays are not eligible for revision.
Los Angeles Harbor College Mission Statement Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access and student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic and workforce development, and basic skills instruction. Our educational programs and support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes. Page 5 of 9
Contact information for a few reliable classmates
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Grade Tracker for English 101
Assignment Points possible points earned Thesis + summary 5 points (count as a quiz) Quizzes 1, 2, 3, & 4 2 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 13 Reading Analysis 1 40 Prewriting 1 10 Draft 1 10 Quizzes 5, 6, 7, & 8 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 12 Essay 1 120 Quizzes 9 & 10 2 + 2 = 4 Reading Analysis 2 40 Midterm exam 70 Research proposal 10 Quizzes 11, 12, 13, & 14 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9 Reading Analysis 3 40 Quizzes 15, 16, 17, & 18 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 Prewriting 2 10 Draft 2 10 Essay 2 120 Reading Analysis 4 40 Mini drafts 1, 2, & 3 5 + 5 + 5 =15 Quizzes 19 & 20 2 + 2 = 4 Mini drafts 4, 5, & 6 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Quizzes 21 & 22 2 + 3 = 5 Reading Analysis 5 40 Research Paper 230 Participation 40 Final exam 80 TOTAL 1000 To calculate your grade at any point in the term, divide your total points earned by the total points possible.
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59% Page 7 of 9
Schedule of Topics, Readings, and Written Assignments (subject to change)
Date Readings to be completed before class Quizzes, exams, and major assignments Week 1— Introduction Tues. Handout: “The Myth of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’” by Annie Murphy Paul Writing diagnostic 8/29 Thurs. Online article: “A Survival Guide to Catastrophe” by Amanda Ripley Quiz 1 8/31 (use link on course site or search time.com) Thesis & one-page summary Week 2 – Public Policy’s Impact on Social Justice Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 2 9/5 Ch. 2 – Critical Reading: Getting Started, pp. 45-72 (Reading Analysis 1) “As Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It” by Nicholas Kristof (online article – search nytimes.com or use link on course site) Thurs. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 3 9/7 Ch. 3 – Critical Reading: Getting Deeper into Arguments, pp. 88-126 “Would You Hide a Jew from the Nazis?’ by Nicholas Kristof (Reading Analysis 1) “Farmer on Trial Defends Smuggling Migrants: ‘I Am a Frenchman’” by Adam Nossiter (online articles – search nytimes.com or use link on course site) **Last day to drop classes without a fee or a “W” is Sept. 10 Week 3— Public Policy’s Impact on Social Justice Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 4 9/12 Ch. 5 – Writing an Analysis of an Arguments, pp. 173-192 (Reading Analysis 1) “The Expanding World of Poverty Capitalism” by Thomas B. Edsall (online article – search nytimes.com or use link on course site) Thurs. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 5 9/14 Ch. 4 – Developing an Argument of Your Own, (part 1) pp. 193-225 Prewriting for Prewriting/Outline 1 Workshop Essay 1 Week 4 – Representation and Social Justice Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 6 9/19 Ch. 4 – Developing an Argument of Your Own, (part 2) pp. 225-245 (Reading Analysis 2) “’Too Bad You’re Latin’” by John Leguizamo (online article – search nytimes.com or use link on course site) Thurs. Draft 1 Workshop Draft of Essay 1 9/21 Week 5 – Resistance and Social Justice Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 7 9/26 Ch. 8 – A Philosopher’s View: The Toulmin Model, pp. 293-301 (Reading Analysis 2) “’You’re Asian, Right? Why Are You Even Here?” by Aaron Mak, (online article – search politico.com or use link on course site Thurs. Essay 1 due 9/28 Page 8 of 9
Week 6 – Resistance and Social Justice Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 8 10/3 Ch. 7 – Using Sources, pp. 246-268 Letter to Martin Luther King from eight Alabama clergymen (Reading Analysis 2) “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (online articles – use links on course site) Thurs. Review texts to be announced Midterm 10/5 Week 7 - Research Tues. LIBRARY ORIENTATION 10/10 Thurs. Bone: Quiz 9 10/12 Chapters 1-3, pp. 1-43 (Reading Analysis 3) Week 8 - Bone Tues. Bone: Quiz 10 10/17 Chapters 4-7, pp. 44-86 Research Proposal (Reading Analysis 3) Thurs. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 11 10/19 Ch. 7 – Quoting from Sources, pp. 274-281 (Reading Analysis 3 Bone: Chapters 8-9, pp. 87-118 Week 9 – Bone Tues. From Critical Thinking to Argument: Quiz 12 10/24 Skim Ch. 7 – Documentation, pp. 281-315 Research check-in Bone: (Reading Analysis 3) Chapters 10-11, pp. 119-152 Thurs. Quiz 13 Bone: 10/26 Chapters 12-14, pp. 153-191 Prewriting for Outline 2 Workshop Essay 2 (Reading Analysis 3) Week 10 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Preface, pp. vii-xii & Introduction, pp. xiii-xvii Quiz 14 10/31 Thurs. Draft 2 Workshop Draft of Essay 2 11/2 Week 11 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 15 11/7 Ch. 1-2, pp. 3-52 (Reading Analysis 4) Thurs. 11/9 Essay 2 due Page 9 of 9
Week 12 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 16 11/14 Ch. 3-5, pp. 53-112 Research paper Research Paper Mini Draft Workshop mini draft 1 – Works Cited & Intro (Reading Analysis 4) Thurs. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 17 11/16 Ch. 6-8, pp. 113-163 Research paper Research Paper Mini Draft Workshop mini draft 2 –Direct action criteria **Last day to drop classes with a “W” is Nov. 19 (Reading Analysis 4) Week 13 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 18 11/21 Ch. 9-11, pp. 164-222 (Reading Analysis 4) Thurs. NO CLASS – THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY! 11/23 Week 14 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 19 11/28 Ch. 12-13, pp. 223-271 Research paper mini draft 3 – Research Paper Mini Draft Workshop explanation of civil disobedience event (Reading Analysis 5) Thurs. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 20 11/30 Ch. 14-15, pp. 272-323 Research paper mini draft 4 – Research Paper Mini Draft Workshop criteria match (Reading Analysis 5) Week 15 – Dreams from My Father Tues. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 21 12/5 Ch. 16-17, pp. 324-366 Research paper mini draft 5 – Research Paper Mini Draft Workshop conclusion/eval. (Reading Analysis 5) Thurs. Dreams from My Father: Quiz 22 12/7 Ch. 18-19, pp. 367-430 Research paper Epilogue, pp. 431-442 mini draft 6 – whole paper Research Paper Draft Workshop (Reading Analysis 5) Final Assessment Tues. Final Assessment for section 22458 (9:35 am class) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Research paper due 12/12 Thurs. Final Assessment for section 22508 (8:00 am class) 8:00-10:00 am Research paper due 12/14 Page 10 of 9