Journals Chapters 20-21

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Journals Chapters 20-21

N.K. Silverman Honors U.S. History JOURNALS—CHAPTERS 20-21 # 96 Pp. 886-891 1. List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 886. 2. Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 97 Pp. 886-891 3. What do liberals believe/favor/support? 4. What do conservatives believe/favor/support and oppose? 5. What do they fear? 6. For what two reasons did conservatism begin to revive? 7. What events in 1955, 1960, and 1964 occurred that related to the revival of conservatism? 8. What is the Rust Belt? 9. What problems existed there? 10. How did the residents think the problems could be solved? 11. What were the political attitudes of those in the Sunbelt? 12. What role did Barry Goldwater play in the movement? 13. Define: Sagebrush Rebellion. 14. What happened to the population that shifted political power? 15. Identify: Howard Jarvis 16. Identify: Proposition 13 17. Identify: Born again 18. What issues prompted religious Americans to support conservatism? 19. List the events given to illustrate how “American society had somehow lost its way.” # 98 Pp. 892-899 20. List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 892. 21. Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 99 Pp. 892-899 22. List the important events in Ronald Reagan’s life before the 1980 election. 23. What did being a lifeguard teach him? 24. On what issues did Reagan campaign? 25. What were the results of the popular vote, electoral vote, and Senate vote? 26. Explain the two competing theories offered by conservatives on how to fix the economy. 27. What did Reagan do to try to fix the economy? 28. What did Reagan propose to try to cut the budget deficit? 29. What was the result? 30. What forms did deregulation take during Reagan’s presidency? 31. How did the economy respond to Reaganomics? 32. What justices did Reagan appoint to the Supreme Court? Describe each. 33. What happened in the 1984 election? # 100 Pp. 892-899 34. What was Reagan’s opinion of the USSR? 35. What did Reagan do to try to break the Soviets? 36. What economic problems did it cause in the US? 37. Who are the mujahadeen? 38. What did Carter and Reagan do about them? 39. How was the situation resolved? 40. Who were the Sandinistas? 41. How did the US respond? 42. What happened in Grenada? 43. What happened in the Iran-Contra Scandal? 44. Identify: START 45. Identify: SDI 46. Identify: INF 47. Identify: John Hinckley 48. Describe Reagan’s relationship with Gorbachev. 49. What effect did Gorbachev’s leadership have in the USSR? # 101 Pp. 902-909 50. List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 902. 51. Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 102 Pp. 902-912 52. What was the relationship between the Baby Boom and the economic growth of the 1980s? List the statistics that illustrate the distribution of wealth. 53. Describe Wal-Mart and its effect on the society. 54. What retailers followed this model? 55. Identify: WTBS 56. Identify: CNN 57. Identify: BET 58. Identify: MTV 59. Identify: Rap 60. Identify: Pong 61. Identify: Just Say No 62. Identify: MADD 63. Identify: Band Aid 64. Identify: Live Aid 65. Identify: Skylab # 103 Pp. 902-912 66. What happens as a result of HIV/AIDS? 67. What groups did AIDS generally affect in the 1980s? 68. Explain the Stonewall riot and its results. 69. Why are senior citizens an influential group? 70. What happened on 4/12/1981? 71. What happened in 1983? 72. What happened in January 1986? 73. What happened on February 1, 2003? 74. Describe the ISS and the effort to build it. 75. What is the point of the excerpt from Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez? # 104 Pp. 914-919 76. List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 914. 77. Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 105 Pp. 914-919 78. Describe the 1988 election. 79. Copy the quote from George HW Bush. 80. List the positions Bush had previously held on various issues. 81. Identify: Solidarity. 82. How were the Communist governments overthrown in each of the eastern European countries? 83. Tell the story of the collapse of the USSR. 84. What happened in Tiananmen Square? 85. What was the result of the Tiananmen Square protests? 86. Describe the events in Panama. 87. Describe, in detail, the events leading up to the Persian Gulf War and the war itself. 88. What caused the economy to slow? 89. How did Bush respond? 90. Explain the ADA. 91. What happened in the election of 1992? 92. Describe Clinton’s background and campaign.

# 106 Pp. 930-934 93. List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 930. 94. Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 107 Pp. 930-930 95. What role did Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs play in the computer revolution? 96. How did IBM respond? 97. Identify: MS-DOS 98. Identify: Windows 99. Identify: ARPANET 100.Identify: http 101.Identify: dot-com 102.Identify: Jerry Yang 103.Why is Windows so important? 104.Describe the development of the Internet. 105.What is the Human Genome Project and why is it important? # 108 Pp. 935-941 106.List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 935. 107.Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 109 Pp. 935-941 108.What problems did Clinton see in the economy and how did he propose to fix them? 109.Describe the health care problems, Clinton’s response, and the outcome. 110.What role did Hillary Rodham Clinton play in the attempted health care reform? 111.Identify: Family Medical Leave Act 112.Identify: NRA 113.Identify: Health Insurance Portability Act 114.Identify: Welfare Reform Act 115.What does the Brady Bill require? 116.What happened in the 1994 election? Why? 117.Who was Newt Gingrich? 118.Was Gingrich able to accomplish his goals? 119.What happened in the budget battle? 120.What happened in the 1996 election? 121.Why was Clinton able to win? # 110 Pp. 935-941 122.What did Clinton do to help children in his second term? 123.Describe the Clinton impeachment/removal proceedings. 124.What happened in Haiti? 125.What was Clinton’s reaction? 126.What happened in the former Yugoslavia? 127.What three groups were involved in the civil war? 128.What did NATO do? 129.What happened related to the Middle East in 1996? 130.What happened related to the Middle East in 1993? 131.What happened related to the Middle East in 1995? 132.What happened related to the Middle East in 1998? 133.What happened related to the Middle East in 2000? # 111 Pp. 942-946 134.List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 942. 135.Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 112 Pp. 942-946 136.What were the arguments for and against free trade? 137.Describe the effects and concerns related to NAFTA. 138.Identify and state the significance of: EU 139.Identify and state the significance of: APEC 140.Identify and state the significance of: WTO 141.Identify and state the significance of: CFCs 142.Describe the relationship between the US and China on trade. 143.What happened in Oklahoma City in 1995? 144.Who were killed/injured? 145.What happened to Timothy McVeigh? 146.What concerns arose in the 1990s related to nuclear weapons? 147.What was done? 148. Why wasn’t the 1996 treaty passed? 149.Explain the concerns over global warming. 150.What role did Clinton and GW Bush play in the Kyoto Protocols? # 113 Pp. 947-951 151.List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 947. 152.Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 114 Pp. 947-951 153.List the three candidates in 2000 and their campaign positions. What was the popular vote result for all three? 154.Describe, in detail, the events in Florida. 155.Explain Bush v. Gore. 156.Explain Bush’s tax cuts. 157.Did they work? 158.What problems were caused? 159.Explain No Child Left Behind. 160.Why do some support NCLB? 161.Why have some protested NCLB? 162.What has Bush done regarding health care? Why has the plan been criticized? 163.What happened in the Enron scandal? 164. How did Congress react? 165.Explain the defense strategies supported by Bush and his defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld. # 115 Pp. 954-961 166.List the events in the “Preview of Events” on p. 954. 167.Define/Identify all the highlighted and terms in bold print. # 116 Pp. 954-961 168.Describe the events 9/11 of September 11, 2001. 169.To whom were the attacks traced? 170.List and explain the various reasons some groups in the Middle East have responded to the US with terrorist acts. 171.What countries does the US say have sponsored terrorism? 172.Read the list of major terrorist attacks affecting American on p. 956. Which were you unaware of? 173.Tell the story of Osama bin Laden and his relationship with the US. 174.What was Bush’s opinion on terrorism when first elected? 175.What steps did he take after the attack on 9/11? 176.What does the USA PATRIOT Act do? 177.Why do some object to it? # 117 Pp. 954-961 178.Describe the bioterrorism attacks on the US. 179.Describe the war in Afghanistan. 180.What was the outcome? 181.What three countries did Bush call the “axis of evil”? Why? 182.What was North Korea’s response? Why? 183.Explain the sequence of events that led up to the US-led coalition attack on Iraq. 184.What happened on 3/20/2003? ‘ 185.What happened on 5/1/2003? 186.Explain why the Iraq War is so controversial. 187.Who were the candidates in 2004? How did they differ? 188. What was the result of the 2004 election?

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