Areas of Focus for 2-1-1 US Work
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211US 2013 Work Plan DRAFT
This Work Plan is the basis for the objectives of the various Task Forces and the overall direction of 211US. It does not preclude changes and additions being established throughout the year by the Steering Committee or priorities emerging from within the various task forces.
Key Concentration Areas for 2013 & Beyond High–level – Partnerships, Telecom, Quality, Policy, Communications, Disaster Operational – Task Groups, AIRS Conf, Learning Opportunities, Surveys, State Directors Handbook
Major Issue Area 2013 Goals Activities Timeline / Status
211US as Organization High-level Goals Partnership meetings 211US is stronger and has Resource development 211US provides leadership increased capacity to serve Incorporation as a legal entity and support to advancing as the national voice of 2-1- – Laura, Tom, Steve, Lilian 2-1-1 to be excellent, 1, focuses on high-level Steering Committee everywhere and always. work and increases Development resources to support Begin development for (Chair: Dave Bartek; efforts. National Board Executive Committee: External Relations Amy Bosworth, Lilian Coral, Mary Ellen Mendl, Tom Page, Suzanne Puryear; Staff support: Clive and ??)
Operational Goals: Internal Communications Maintain structure Monthly calls with Increase trust with documentation internal audiences Annual nominations and election process (Aug-Oct) Maintain current MOU and contacts with State Directors; document possible changes for future MOU
Communications High-level Goals “Transitioning” 2-1-1 211US serves and is Document distribution and 211US goals and activities recognized as the national buy-in are communicated to voice of 2-1-1 Logo and brand protection internal and external Strategic communications audiences. plan
(Chair: Amy Bosworth; Susan Gemmel, Steve
211US Work Plan 2011 Draft Page 1 of 6 Wertheim, Lucinda; Staff support: Clive and ??)
Operational Goals: Strategic response and listserv Maintain structure monitoring – NEED 2 people Increase trust with Communications with local 2- internal audiences 1-1s Communications Toolkit (drop-ins for newsletter, community report card template, newsletter, social media) Maintain and websites – Clive and Doug Big Count and reports - Clive
2-1-1 State Directors High-Level Goals Online Library for State Strong relationship Directors and informal 2-1-1 state entities are between 211US and 2-1-1 mentoring program for new strong and remain a State Directors State Directors/Reps critical part of 211US State systems operate by best leadership. practices (elements of a state system) (Chair: Lori Linstead, Amy Discuss sections of the Bosworth, Susan Gemmel; document on monthly calls Staff: Clive) Jan – June Operational Goals Monthly calls with Maintain regular two-way documentation communication with field, Annual nominations and so that field feels election process represented within 211US Monthly conference calls 3rd Weds, 3:30ET
Quality Assurance and High-level Goals Mystery call project 2013 Service Delivery Americans will have a Feedback to AIRS on similar, high-quality Standards and Accreditation 2-1-1 is excellent, experience with 2-1-1, everywhere and always. being connected to human services effectively and (Chair: Frank; Amy and full efficiently. committee; Staff: Clive)
Operational Goals Monthly conference calls Engage field in self- Expand the mystery call improvement project to measure the strategies contact experience including 100% of Centers have the access, data provided, their own QA program customer service, agency and mystery call satisfaction
211US Work Plan 2011 Draft Page 2 of 6 project 211US reps participate on Progress toward 2018 AIRS Standards and goal of 100% Accreditation Committees accreditation and 50% Study private call centers Certified Specialists Explore best ways to serve, track and report channels of access beyond “the call”
Database, High-level Goals A technology summit with key Telecommunications and 2-1-1 should be providers and vendors Other Technologies able to Revisit DDMS and others ways All Americans are able to adopt new 2-1-1s are engaged in mutual be connected to help strategies in disaster support through any device, database, Explore opportunities for everywhere. telecommunicat National Web Portal, National ions and other Data Aggregation Tool and (Chair: Doug Goodwin; technologies. National Telephony Routing Lucinda Nord, and other improve access System committee members; to and Centrally managed 2-1-1 Staff: ) continuity of translations and routing of service, FCC-regulated carriers interoperabili Centrally managed 2-1-1 text ty within the Formalized relationship with 2-1-1 network. Relay Formalized relationship with N11 2-1-1 Application, chat, social media Operational Goals Surveys and dissemination of Increase understanding information within the field about Appropriate training via topics. webinar and at AIRS Maintain updated Conference information about technologies to be prepared for opportunities.
Public Policy High-level Goal Explore opportunities where Universal Access to 2- federal agencies can shift Federal and state policies 1-1: any device; existing funds to 2-1-1 for and funding support 2-1-1 anywhere increased effectiveness and as the central access point 2-1-1 as the Central streamlined access. to information and referral Source of Information Seek opportunities to insert 2- for health and human and Referral for Health 1-1 supportive provisions into services. & Human Services appropriate federal
A Public-Private legislation. (Chair: Lucinda Nord; full Partnership to Fund Seek federal grants for 2-1-1 committee of about 20) and Sustain 2-1-1 as available (i.e. HHS-CMS on navigator/assister; FEMA disaster).
211US Work Plan 2011 Draft Page 3 of 6 Filings with federal agencies as appropriate (i.e. FCC, HUD, HHS).
Operational Goals Regular conference calls and Increase public policy communications with the field awareness and capacity Provide training on public within the 2-1-1 field. policy/advocacy at least Update info about 2-1- annually. 1 to maintain a “state Disseminate the Public Policy of readiness” for policy Primer and funding Update and disseminate opportunities information about funding of 2-1-1 and best practice examples of public-private partnership Disaster Response High-level Goals Explore ways to complete the Infrastructure Gain formal recognition DDMS, to formalize the Warm (Chair: Mary Ellen Mendl, and resource support Center concept or related for 2-1-1 roles in projects, as opportunities disaster. arise Complete the pre- Build National VOAD 2-1-1 planning to keep 2-1-1 presence in a state of readiness Build 2-1-1 relationships for disaster response. within FEMA regions Engage with 2-1-1s that are working in disaster partnerships and experimenting with data/technical issues Operational Goals Monthly conference calls Provide tools and Distribute best-practice support needed in the templates for EOP and COOP field for preparedness, Provide model language for 2- response and recovery. 1-1 to be written into State Provide situational EM Plan awareness about 2-1-1 Exercise around key value in disaster. vulnerabilities in geographic areas and/or build an inventory of MOUs to establish what calls are overflowing where As available, survey and disseminate real-time data Encourage NIMS training Partnerships High-level Goals (Chair: Steve; Dave, Lilian) Work in collaboration with public and private entities to advance the goals of 2-1- 1. AIRS Relationship MOU with AIRS and resulting
211US Work Plan 2011 Draft Page 4 of 6 by-laws changes, as able Formalize process for collaborating directly with AIRS Standards and Accreditation Committees UWW Relationship MOU with UWW Clarify role of incoming UWW 211 staff and relationship to 211US UWW revenue sharing Ongoing meetings 2-1-1 Supplement for the Charting the Course for Change – Lilian and Frank Corporate relationships Business model development - Steve Operational Goals Attendance at conferences Create and maintain a AIRS Conference Track - Laura presence and win-win UWW Mega week in Feb, CFO relationship with partners in fall - Lucinda Develop a database/inventory of best practices regarding partnerships
Calendar of Key Activities and Conferences 211US Steering Cmte – 1st Wed, 3pmET (with changes in Jan, June, July) 211US State Directors – 3rd Weds, 3:30ET MONTH 211US Key Activity Conferences needing 211US presence December 211US Steering Committee Election State Directors, 12/19 – Lori, Susan Public Policy, 12/17, 4pmET - Lucinda Complete Document – Lucinda January 211US Steering Cmte Orientation -1/7 211US Steering Cmte Call – 1/9 State Directors – 1/16– Lori, Susan Big Count – Clive February 211US Steering Cmte Call – 2/6 UWW Mega Week, Alexandria, VA, State Directors – 2/20 2/12-2/15 UW-Midwinter Institute, Madison WI, 2/26-3/1 March 211US Face-to-Face Mtg March 3-5 211US Task Groups - TBD State Directors – 3/20– Lori, Susan
April 211US Steering Cmte Call – 4/3 UWW SLC, Indianapolis, 4/16-4/19 State Directors – 4/17– Lori, Susan
May 211US Steering Cmte Call – 5/1 NVOAD Conference, Portland OR State Directors – 5/15– Lori, Susan 211US Work Plan 2011 Draft Page 5 of 6 June 211US Steering Cmte Call – 6/5 TBD? AIRS Conference, Portland, OR, 6/2-6/5 State Directors – 6/19– Lori, Susan
July 211US Steering Cmte Call – 7/3 TBD State Directors – 7/17
August 211US Steering Cmte Call – 8/7 State Directors – 8/21
September 211US Steering Cmte Call – 9/4 State Directors – 9/18
October 211US Steering Cmte Call – 10/2 COS face-to-face mtg State Directors – 10/16
November 211US Steering Cmte Call – 11/6 State Directors – 11/20
December 211US Steering Cmte Call – 12/4 State Directors – 12/18
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