The Corporation of the Township of Norwich
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1. CALL TO ORDER The 21st session of the 2006-2010 Council of the Township of Norwich was held in the Council Chambers, Otterville, Ontario commencing at 9:25 a.m. with Mayor Doan in the Chair. All members were present. Also in attendance were Clerk-Administrator Betteanne M. Cadman, Treasurer H. Roy Bauslaugh, Fire Chief Darell Parker, Drainage Superintendent Wray Ramsay, Chief Building Official Brian Reid, Public Works Superintendent Ron Smith, Director of Recreation, Park and Facilities Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little, Economic Development Officer Mark Cassidy, Deputy-Clerk Kim Armstrong and Monica Bratley, Administrative Assistant/Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. The prayer was delivered by Mayor Doan.
2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Resolution #1 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That the agenda for the Twenty-First Session of the 2006-2010 regular meeting of the Township of Norwich Council be accepted as presented.
3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST No disclosures were reported.
4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 4.1 October 23, 2007 Resolution #2 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That the minutes of the Township of Norwich Council dated October 23, 2007 be adopted as printed and circulated.
5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 5.1 The Municipal Act None
5.2 The Drainage Act 5.2.1 Consideration of Drainage Report Godelie-Rettie Municipal Drain 2007 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 2 of 28
Mayor Doan advised those in attendance that as per Section 41 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter D.17, this meeting is to consider the Engineers Report for the Godelie-Rettie Municipal Drain 2007.
All owners and agencies were notified of the meeting to consider the report on October 31, 2007.
Mr. Dietrich was in attendance and provided an overview of the report. He advised Council that two meetings had taken place in regard to the matter; one had occurred within the office and the other was conducted in the field. He further advised that the report outlines the area of the drainage system and that the estimated cost of the project is $101,000.00.
Mr. Dietrich also advised Council that he had not received any correspondence in regard to the project. Wray Ramsay, Drainage Superintendent, advised that he had received one phone call in regard to the matter and once he had explained the details of the project, the caller was satisfied as to the procedure.
Mayor Doan asked if anyone in attendance wished to speak in regard to this project. There were none. The Mayor also asked if anyone wished to add or withdraw their name from the petition. There were none.
Resolution #3 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That the Godelie-Rettie Drain 2007 report dated September 13, 2007, as prepared by Dietrich Engineering Ltd., be accepted as presented; and further that the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law; and further that the Court of Revision be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2007.
5.2.2 Consideration of Drainage Report Martin Drain 2007 Mayor Doan advised those in attendance that as per Section 41 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter D.17, this meeting is to consider the Engineers Report for the Martin Drain 2007.
All owners and agencies were notified of the meeting to consider the report on October 31, 2007.
Mr. Mike DeVos of Spriet Associates stated that two meetings had taken place in regard to the drain. Mr. DeVos explained that the current tile is vastly undersized and approximately 95 years old. He stated that the tile definitely needs replacement and the Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 3 of 28
surface culverts underneath the road are undersized and also require replacement. He explained that Public Works would be completing that part of the project.
Mr. DeVos provided information to Council regarding how the plans illustrate the new tile sizes and the area where there is an existing outlet. He explained that the existing portion is from 1984.
Mayor Doan asked if anyone in attendance wished to speak in regard to this project. There were none.
In response to questions from Council, Mr. DeVos advised that the project will cross the road in three separate areas and will require that a line belonging to Union Gas will be exposed. There have been arrangements made with Union Gas to work together on the project. Further, he advised that weather permitting, he would expect the project to take three weeks to complete.
Resolution #4 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That the Martin Drain 2007 report dated May 11, 2007 as prepared by Spriet Associates London Limited, be accepted as presented; and further that the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law; and further that the Court of Revision be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2007.
5.2.3 Consideration of Drainage Report Walker-Crabbe Drain, Branches B and C 2007 Mayor Doan advised those in attendance that as per Section 41 of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter D.17, this meeting is to consider the Engineers Report for the Walker-Crabbe Drain, Branches B and C 2007.
All owners and agencies were notified of the meeting to consider the report on October 31, 2007.
Mr. Mike DeVos of Spriet Associates advised that this is a new municipal drain. Two petitions were received for two different areas. The Smith, Palmer and Parkhill properties are affected. He stated that there is some private tile in existence and that the Parkhill property had petitioned for tile. The Smith property had surface water issues and petitioned for service to that area.
Two meetings were held to consider alternatives including the use of new tile and incorporating the existing catch basin. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 4 of 28
In response to a question from Council, Mr. DeVos advised that the drain would be sized to a newer design level with concrete tile connecting with an 8” X 12” ’Y’ connector. He stated that the concrete tile would last substantially longer as opposed to previous materials or using plastic tile.
Mayor Doan asked if anyone in attendance wished to speak in regard to this project.
Mr. Dave Hill, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, stated that he felt that the other landowners would gain more benefit than the Smith’s and the Smith’s would have a greater financial obligation. He questioned how the assessment for the Smith property was determined to which Mr. Devos stated that this question should be directed to the Court of Revision. He did however briefly explain the rationale for benefit and outlet assessment.
The Mayor also asked if anyone wished to add or withdraw their name from the petition. There were none.
Resolution #5 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That the Walker-Crabbe Drain, Branches B and C 2007 report dated April 15, 2007, as prepared by Spriet Associates London Limited, be accepted as presented; and further that the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law; and further that the Court of Revision be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2007.
5.3 The Planning Act None
6. DEPUTATIONS 6.1 Re: Kimberley Armstrong, Deputy Clerk – 5 years of service, August 13, 2002- August 13, 2007 Re: Shane Burson, Grader Operator – 20 years of service, October 2, 1987-October 2, 2007 Re: Wayne VanKerrebroeck, Grader Operator – 30 years of service, November 7, 1977-November 7, 2007 Re: Mary Winegarden, Payroll and Accounts Clerk – 10 years of service, December 1, 1997-December 1, 2007 The Mayor presented service pins to Kimberley Armstrong, Deputy Clerk, Shane Burson, Grader Operator, Wayne VanKerrebroeck, Grader Operator and Mary Winegarden, Payroll and Accounts Clerk to thank them for their respective years of service to the Township of Norwich. Mayor Doan thanked these employees for their efforts, service and dedication. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 5 of 28
6.2 Donald Gee Re: Request for exemption from Site Plan Control and Building By-law Provisions Mr. Donald Gee advised Council that he has submitted a site plan but it has not been approved as of this date. He stated he would like to proceed with the installation of the footings and the foundation due to weather concerns. He assured Council that this would be the extent of the work performed until site plan approval is received and a building permit is issued.
Mr. Stephen Couture, Planner, advised members of Council that the site plan would be coming forward to the December 11th Council meeting.
Mr. Brian Reid, Chief Building Official advised that he has no concerns provided that the work remains limited to the footings and foundation as indicated. He further advised that the exemption had to be sought by Mr. Gee as the work is outside of the provisions of the Site Plan Control By-law. Mr. Reid emphasized that Council may exempt Mr. Gee from the site plan provisions but cannot exempt him from the requirements of the Ontario Building Code.
There was a question from Council as to who would be performing the work and Mr. Gee advised that it would be Ken-Mar Construction.
Councillor DePlancke advised that she felt that our climate requires an exemption in this case.
Resolution #6 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That notwithstanding the provisions of the Township of Norwich Site Plan Control By- law No. 4-2006 to the contrary, that an exemption be granted to Donald and Sandra Gee in regard to the prohibition on the issuance of a building permit prior to an approved site plan, in order to allow the issuance of a building permit for the installation of footings and foundation.
6.3 Marlene Beemer Re: Installation of Netting at Norwich Community Centre Arena Mrs. Beemer was in attendance to discuss her concerns regarding hockey pucks deflecting into the stands and hitting spectators particularly during warm-up. She explained that there was a net at the north end of the arena at one time and it had helped somewhat but the area of concern at this time was the south end of the arena in particular.
Mrs. Beemer advised members of Council that she had been hit in the head with a puck and has observed many others being hit as well. She is concerned for the welfare of the Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 6 of 28
spectators in the arena and feels that action needs to be taken to protect persons, especially children, attending warm-up and games.
In response to a question from Council, Mrs. Beemer advised that the Grimsby, Aylmer and Woodstock Arenas have netting in all areas of their respective arenas.
She stated that originally she had wished to request that the whole arena be covered with the netting material but would be willing to seek a compromise to have the south end of the arena netted only.
When asked if the netting interfered with viewing of the game, Mrs. Beemer advised that you do become accustomed to the netting rather quickly.
Councillor DePlancke advised that there is netting currently in the north end of the arena and that people do get used to it. She stated that she had concerns about possible severe injuries and being hit by deflections of the puck.
Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little, Director of Recreation, Parks and Facilities, stated that the most dangerous areas are those near the platforms as deflections can be common in these areas. She advised members of Council that an approximate cost to net the entire arena would be approximately $11,000.00.
Mayor Doan inquired as to whether or not netting could be installed in stages. Mrs. Ambrose-Little advised that it is possible to add sections as desired.
The Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities also advised that there had been a type of netting in place to protect the Low E ceiling in the arena but it has since been removed as players were taking shots at it purposely. It also made it difficult for the staff to change lights when required.
In response to a question from Council, Mrs. Ambrose-Little advised that the north end netting does not come all the way around to the blue line; however, there do not seem to be as many problems at that end of the arena. She also advised that the netting would likely come to the ends of the glass on either end should Council have it installed at both ends.
Resolution #7 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That the deputation of Marlene Beemer re: Installation of Netting at Norwich Community Centre Arena be received as information; and further that the Director of Recreation, Parks and Facilities get a costing and provide a report for the December 11th meeting on adding netting to the south end of the ice surface; and further that we look into the cost of netting around the whole ice surface for the 2008 budget consideration. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 7 of 28
6.4 Rob Walton, Director of Public Works Re: Allocation of Water and Sanitary Sewer Capacity for Development Mr. Rob Walton, Director of Public Works, was in attendance to provide an overview of his report. He advised that the County has actually implemented this protocol some time ago in practice but felt that it was time to formalize the process. He explained that the report also illustrates the capacity of water and sanitary sewer within the Township of Norwich. Mr. Walton highlighted the water capacity graph within the report for Council’s information. He explained that water capacity is not as important of a concern as sewage capacity is presently.
Mr. Walton updated Council by advising that the County had applied and received new water taking permits from the Ministry of Environment in order to assist with new development in the Village of Norwich.
Mr. Walton stated that they will be preparing a Request for Proposal for a consultant in regard to preparing a report for consideration regarding waste water status and needs in 2009. He provided an overview of the process explaining that once you have completed the process and adopted the recommendations, they are placed in the public record for thirty days. The public then has thirty days to object and must state their reasons for objection to the Ministry of Environment who has the power to dismiss frivolous objections.
Mr. Walton advised that he hoped that the protocol would be adopted at the meeting of County Council on November 28th so everyone will understand how the process works.
In response to a question from Council, Mr. Walton stated that problems in the spring and summer with low water levels caused many concerns. Further, he advised that County Public Works is currently working on answers for concerns related to development in one particular area of the Township.
Mayor Doan inquired as to whether the Town of Tillsonburg has a surplus in to its supply of water. Mr. Walton advised that Tillsonburg also needs to locate alternative water sources.
In response to a question regarding the effect of the use of points on water supply, Mr. Walton advised that the installation of points is governed by the Province so the County currently does not have input into the matter. He stated that he believes that this will become an issue for consideration in the future. Mayor Doan concurred advising that the use of points for irrigation will become a political issue in the future. Councillor Lee stated that once irrigation was discontinued in Springford, the water levels recovered quickly. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 8 of 28
There was discussion about various developments within the Township and their status. Mr. Walton advised that one has received draft plan approval, one has just applied, one had not applied and one is almost ready to proceed.
There was a question about the viability of taking water from Lake Erie. Mr. Walton advised that when this question was last considered, the costs were in the range of $35 million to $40 million dollars.
Mayor Doan mentioned that if sulphur wells were used, there would be a much larger water source. Mr. Walton advised that mineralization and water quality complaints would be a likely result.
Mr. Walton advised that Well #4 produces all the water currently for the Village of Norwich. He stated that in the near future, Wells 2, 4 and 5 will be the producing wells for the Township.
Resolution #8 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That the deputation of Rob Walton, Director of Public Works, County of Oxford re: Allocation of Water and Sanitary Sewer Capacity for Development be received as information and further that the Township of Norwich support the proposed Allocation Protocol attached to Report D-2-2007-70.
6.5 Paul Michiels, Senior Policy Planner Re: Draft County of Oxford Vacant Land Study Mr. Paul Michiels, Senior Policy Planner from the County of Oxford, was in attendance to provide information regarding the study. He distributed maps for Council’s further information.
Mr. Michiels provided an overview of the study. He explained that the study is conducted on an annual basis and that this year’s study was completed in April of 2007. The study is intended to provide comparisons regarding vacant land to household and employment forecasts. He noted that it does not state what land is actually available for purchase.
Mr. Michiels advised that Provincial Policy Statements say that municipalities can plan up to twenty years based on the projections contained within the study and that there must a minimum of three years of vacant land to accommodate residential growth.
In terms of the process, Mr. Michiels advised that a review of the GIS system is used to capture information and that the data is reviewed and the information is filtered in order to produce the final document. Mapping is also produced as part of the study. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 9 of 28
He provided an overview with Council as to the contents of the mapping contained within the report. He stated that the report provided information on short term (3 year) land supply giving the example of land that would be available through the process of severance. Mr. Michiel also discussed vacant, underutilized employment lands, commercial lands, industrial and institutional lands.
He summarized the report by stating that the Township currently has three times the required amount of 3 year lands; however, he did advise that servicing remains an issue. In the case of the 10 year land supply, the Township is more than two times above the required margin and, in the case of 20 year supply, the Township is 50% in excess of the required lands. Mr. Michiels advised that one area where the Township is somewhat lacking is in townhouse or low rise apartment buildings which is defined as medium density lands.
In regard to employment lands, he advised that there is currently a 13% shortage in industrial land within the Village of Norwich but he stated that the south end of the village has some land that has been underutilized that could be considered for future use.
Mr. Michiels also described that there is a problem regarding the availability of serviced municipal land available for sale.
The Clerk-Administrator advised members of Council that the information had been circulated to senior staff and that the Fire Chief was the only member to provide comments. Chief Parker provided comments in regard to the availability of water for firefighting purposes.
There was an inquiry regarding what items could be considered constraints to development on some lands. Mr. Michiels advised that areas with flood plain designations or those with storm water management ponds could experience some limitation on area available for development.
In response to a question as to whether or not the Village of Norwich has a shortage of industrial land for development because most is privately owned, Mr. Michiels responded that this could be an area where it may be up to the municipality to forecast what lands would be suitable for future industrial development. He also advised that the boundary adjustment area could not be considered within the study for development as the adjustment is not yet complete.
Mr. Michiels advised demand projections within the study were based on the Hempson Study but future projections would be re-done about every five years.
In a response to a questions regarding how the County is doing in regard to vacant lands as a whole, Mr. Michiels stated that the Townships stand in better stead overall than the urban centres. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 10 of 28
There was a question asked in regard to the Otterville golf course expansion/development and what type of time frame would the developers be facing. The Planner advised that a portion of the lands required no change to the Official Plan but anything outside of that area would require expansion. Mr. Michiels stated that justification for expansion is examined in the context of the whole Township but that attention is paid in particular to those areas with water and waste water capacity.
Mr. Michiels also advised members of Council that talks with the Province in regard to partially serviced/rural areas are always ongoing as the Ministry has not provided precise numbers for frontage in regard to the intensification process at this time.
Resolution #9 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That the deputation of Paul Michiels, Senior Policy Planner, County of Oxford re: Draft County of Oxford Vacant Land Study be received as information.
8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Norwich Downtown Business Improvement Area Re: Minutes of Meeting, October 2, 2007 Resolution #10
8.2 Long Point Region Conservation Authority Re: Full Authority Minutes, October 3, 2007 Resolution #10
8.3 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Re: Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting, October 23, 2007 Resolution #10
8.4 City of Woodstock Re: Quarterly Payment for 1997 Boundary Adjustment Resolution #10
8.5 County of Oxford Re: Name of Municipal Nominee, Municipal Source Protection Committee Representatives Re: Winter Road Maintenance Level of Service Re: Ontario Early Years Centre, Early Development Instrument Resolution #10 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 11 of 28
8.6 The Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Growers’ Marketing Board Re: Press Release – Immediate Solution to Tobacco Issue Resolution #10 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That the correspondence as listed in Agenda Items 8.1 to 8.6 be received as information.
9. REPORTS 9.1 Council 9.1.1 Mayor Doan Mayors Report – November 13, 2007
9.1.2 Councillor Lee Councillors Report – November 13, 2007
9.1.3 Councillor DePlancke Councillors Report – November 13, 2007
9.1.4 Councillor Jull Councillors Report – November 13, 2007
9.1.5 Councillor Martin Councillors Report – November 13, 2007
9.2 Planning and Development Services 9.2.1 Application for Consent File B-64/07, Maureen and Ed McLaughlin Mr. Stephen Couture, Planner, was in attendance to discuss the application. He provided background related to the issue and the fact that it had come to light as part of an investigation by the Chief Building Official (CBO). No permit could be issued by the CBO and they were advised that they must make an application for consent. Mr. Couture advised that construction continued and was completed despite the fact that no permit had been issued. The Planner also explained that the application process took a greater amount of time as the applicant did not submit all the required documents for a period of approximately four months.
Mr. Couture advised that the County of Oxford Planning Office has concerns regarding quit claims that have been used in regard to this issue. The Planning Office has received some information but it has not been sufficient to eliminate the concerns regarding the claims. Mr. Couture also advised that one of the lot lines was actually the edge of one of the buildings which is a violation of the Zoning By-law. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 12 of 28
The Planner advised Council that an application to the Land Division Committee will be going to a meeting scheduled in December. He explained that the problem with the application had not been the subject matter but rather the time it took the applicant to gather all the proper information to complete the application process.
In response to a question from Council regarding how he believed County Council/Land Division would proceed, Mr. Couture advised that the proposal will conform to the rules but a building permit would not be issued prior to the receipt of an application for rezoning and any subsequent approval. He further advised that this application would require a boundary adjustment, a rezoning and eventually the successful application and issuance of a building permit. Currently, there is a Stop Work Order on this property.
Resolution #11 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That the Council of the Township of Norwich provide the following response with respect to the Land Division Committee application re: Maureen and Ed McLaughlin, File No. B-64/07: approve with conditions such as Boundary Adjustment, Zone Change, and Building Permit.
9.2.2 Application for Consent File B-87/07, D. & S. Vanbesien Farms Ltd. (amended to include a minor variance from the lot area provisions for the lot to be retained) Mr. Couture advised that this application had been previously brought forward to Council in August of this year. At that time, however, the Planning Department had failed to include the need for a minor variance despite the fact that the Planner had mentioned it in his previous report. This application before Council is basically the same application as in August and basically deals with an adjustment to the boundary as the owner needed to straighten the property line.
Resolution #12 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That the Council of the Township of Norwich provide the following response with respect to the Land Division Committee application re: D. & S. Vanbesien Farms Ltd., File No. B-87/07: approve.
9.2.3 Application for Consent File B-97/07, D. & S. Vanbesien Farms Ltd. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 13 of 28
Mr. Couture stated that this application deals with the owner having switched crop production from tobacco to ginseng and the need for flexibility for the farm parcel sizes. He advised that there are no structures on either or the properties involved.
Resolution #13 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That the Council of the Township of Norwich provide the following response with respect to the Land Division Committee application re: D. & S. Vanbesien Farms Ltd., File No. B-97/07: approve.
9.2.4 Other business (a) Otter Creek Site Plan Mr. Couture advised that the matter regarding the golf course development will be brought forward to Council on November 27, 2007.
9.3 Fire Services 9.3.1 Month End Statistical Report – October 2007 Resolution #14 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That the Township of Norwich Fire Department Month End Report, October 2007, be received as information.
9.3.2 Other business (a) Station #2, Norwich There was some brief discussion regarding the status of Station #2 in Norwich. The Fire Chief advised that he had received a copy of the Atkinson Davies report in regard to asbestos. According to the report, two samples out of twenty-five taken were positive for the presence of asbestos. The preliminary information that the Fire Chief had received in regard to removal was that the material would need to be wetted down prior to removal. He advised that the floor tile in the old Police Station contained some asbestos as well as some of the wall board.
The services of an abatement company would be required to carry out the removal work. Chief Parker advised that he had requested some names of abatements companies from the architect and was awaiting the information. He also advised that a minor amount of lead had been found on site but that it was considered not to be a major issue. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 14 of 28
The Fire Chief was questioned as to where the asbestos disposal site would be and the length of the delay caused by its removal. Chief Parker advised that he did not have the information to answer these questions at this time.
Chief Parker advised that a copy of the report as to removal would need to be submitted to the Ministry of Labour and that they were satisfied with the copy of the study they had received.
The Chief was asked if there had been a requirement for this test to have been performed prior to the demolition of the building. The Chief stated that the architect had advised personnel that there was no requirement unless requested by the Ministry of Labour.
In response to a question from Council, Chief Parker advised that some hydrocarbons had been located on site but the amount was not an issue.
(b) Essentials of Municipal Fire Protection Course The Chief advised that the Office of the Fire Marshall is conducting a one day course on the essentials of municipal fire protection. It will be held in the Town of Tillsonburg on December 6th and the Chief said all members of Council were invited to attend. The Mayor advised that he had taken the course in the past and recommended that members of Council participate.
9.4 Drainage Services 9.4.1 Petition for Drainage re: Branch to the Haylock Drain Report DR 2007-15 Mr. Ramsay advised members of Council that this drain is along Highway 59 and that there have been concerns with the drain in the past. He stated that he had discussed this issue with Rob Walton, Director of Public Works for the County of Oxford, as well as with Ron Smith, Public Works Superintendent and that they both agreed that work is required on this drain.
Mr. Ramsay was questioned as to whether anyone had checked the field recently as Hydro One had augured through the tile about twenty years ago. Council was advised that this was a private drain not a municipal drain and that the work would have to be done by the private landowner or the County. Mr. Ramsay also advised that there is a catch basin present approximately 100 feet into the field.
The Drainage Superintendent also advised that when the report on the drain was done last time, he had spoken to the spouse of the landowner at the time and that landowner’s spouse advised him that they also had a file on the drain.
In response to a question from Council, Mr. Ramsay stated he hoped that work would be completed by next summer.
Resolution #15 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 15 of 28
Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That Report No. DR 2007-15, Petition for Drainage re: Branch to the Haylock Drain, be received as information; and further that the petition by the County Engineer, Township Public Works Superintendent and affected landowner be accepted and that the firm of Dietrich Engineering Limited be appointed as Engineer under Section 4 of the Drainage Act to make an examination of the area requiring drainage as described in the petition and to prepare a report and further that as per Section 39(1) of the Drainage Act, the Council of the Township of Norwich requests the report to be filed as soon as completed or within six months after the appointment, whichever is sooner.
9.4.2 Activity for October 2007 Report DR 2007-16 Mr. Wray Ramsay, Drainage Superintendent, provided some highlights contained within his report.
There was discussion regarding the planting of trees in buffer areas and any problems they may cause. Mr. Ramsay advised that those planting trees would need to be mindful of clearing and maintenance in the future. He advised that the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources are willing to assist landowners in this regard.
Mr. Ramsay also provided an overview of two recent case law updates regarding drainage issues for Council’s information. He identified that one of our current drain issues was an error on our part that an Engineer had determined that the tile was sufficient in 1966. Mr. Ramsay stated that it was his opinion that this drainage matter required a new report but that the current Engineer was proceeding based on his opinion that it was as of result of that original error.
Mr. Ramsay was questioned as to whether or not he conducts inspections in conjunction with the Engineer. He stated that the majority are done by the Engineer but in the particular case mentioned, every time he was within the Township of Norwich, he checked the area.
Councillor Martin requested that Drainage Assessment Reports be forwarded to members of Council earlier for review. The Clerk-Administrator advised that in the future, an e- mail will be sent to members of Council advising that the reports are ready for Council members to pick up.
Resolution #16 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report No. DR 2007-16, Activity for October, be received as information. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 16 of 28
9.4.3 Other business None
9.5 Building and By-law Services 9.5.1 October 2007 Building Report Report BB 2007-12 Resolution #26 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded Larry Martin;
That Report BB 2007-12, October 2007 Building Report, be received as information.
9.5.2 Other business None
9.6 Public Works 9.6.1. Activity Progress for the Month of October 2007 Report PW 2007-35 Resolution #17 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That Report No. PW 2007-35, Activity Progress for the Month of October 2007, be received as information.
9.6.2 Other business None
9.7 Recreation Parks and Facilities Services 9.7.1. Winter Lights Meeting – Summary – October 10, 2007 Report RPF 2007-65 Resolution #18 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That Report No. RPF 2007–65, Winter Lights re: Summary of Meeting Notes, October 10, 2007, be received as information.
9.7.2 Rehoboth Christian School re: Request to use the Norwich Community Centre Report RPF 2007-66 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 17 of 28
Resolution #19 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report No. RPF 2007-66; Rehoboth Christian School re: Request to use the Norwich Community Centre, be received as information; and further that the request be granted subject to the same terms and conditions as the initial agreement, and the payment of $2,000.00 for the balance of the 2007-2008 school year.
9.7.3 Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) re: Minutes of Meeting, October 17, 2007 Report RPF 2007-67 Resolution #20 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That Report No. RPF 2007-67, Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) re: Minutes of Meeting, October 17, 2007, be received as information.
9.7.4 Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) re: Computer Lab Bid Results Report RPF 2007-68 Resolution #21 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That Report No RPF 2007-68, Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) re: Computer Lab Bid Results, be received as information; and further that the quotation be awarded to PC Options, Woodstock at a cost of $4,856.40 including taxes.
9.7.5 Restoring Harold Bishop Park Committee re: Donation of the Rental of the Community Centre for the Norwich Christmas Craft Show, December 1, 2007 Report RPF 2007-69 Resolution #22 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That Report No RPF 2007-69, Restoring Harold Bishop Park Committee re: Donation of the Rental of the Community Centre for the Norwich Christmas Craft Show, December 1, 2007, be received as information; and further that the fee of $300.00 be charged for the rental of the Community Centre on December 1, 2007 for a Christmas Craft Show.
9.7.6 Otterville Pool re: 2007 Year End Report Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 18 of 28
Report RPF 2007-70 Resolution #23 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report No. RPF 2007-70, Otterville Pool re: 2007 Year End Report, be received as information; and further that the recommendations as contained in the Year End Report be considered during the 2008 Budget deliberations.
9.7.7 Summer Ice vs. Year Round Ice Proposal for 2008-2009 Report RPF 2007-71 Resolution #24 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That Report No. RPF 2007-71, Summer Ice vs. Year Round Ice Proposal for 2008-09, be received as information; and further that the ice remains in all-year round for a two-year trial period to determine if the user base justifies a fulltime operation on the condition that Norwich Minor Hockey falls in line with their 3 on 3 Hockey Program or something similar.
9.7.8 Oxford Centre Hall re: Emergency Replacement of the Dishwasher Report RPF 2007-72 Resolution #25 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
hat Report No RPF 2007-72, Oxford Centre Hall re: Emergency Replacement of the Dishwasher, be received as information; and further that the quote as submitted by Butcher & Restaurant Equipment Supplies of Brantford for a 401 HT Moyer Diehl at $4,495.00 taxes and installation not included be accepted.
9.7.9 Other business None
9.8 Financial Services 9.8.1 Tax Arrears Comparison as at October 31, 2007 Report TR 2007-42 Resolution #27 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull; Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 19 of 28
That Report No. TR 2007-42, Tax Arrears Comparison as at August 31, 2007, be received as information.
9.8.2 Policy on Asset Management Reporting re: Amendment Report TR 2007-43 Resolution #28 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report No. TR 2007-43, Policy on Asset Management Reporting re: Amendment, be received as information; and further that the capitalization threshold for infrastructure be amended from the amount of $100,000 to $50,000 in Policy No. TR-2007-01, entitled PSAB.
9.8.3 Fire Safety Plan Report TR 23007-44 Resolution #29 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That Report No. TR 2007-44, Fire Safety Plan, be received as information; and further that Treasury Department Policy No. TR 2007-02 outlining the Fire Safety Plan be adopted.
9.8.4 Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee re: Minutes of the October 17, 2007 Meeting Report TR 2007-45 Resolution #30 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That Report No. TR-2007-45, Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee re: Minutes of the October 17, 2007 Meeting, be received as information.
9.8.5 Other business None
9.9 Administration Services 9.9.1 Township of Norwich Economic Development Advisory Committee (TNEDAC) re: Minutes of Meetings, October 4 and October 18, 2007 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 20 of 28
Report C-A 2007-66 Resolution #31 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That Report No. C-A 2007-66, Township of Norwich Economic Development Advisory Committee (TNEDAC) re: Minutes of Meetings, October 4 and October 18, 2007, be received as information.
9.9.2 2008 Meeting Schedule Report C-A 2007-67 Resolution #32 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report C-A 2007-67, 2008 Meeting Schedule, be received as information; and further that the 2008 meeting schedule as contained in Report C-A 2007-67 be adopted as amended.
9.9.3 Christmas Holiday Hours Report C-A 2007-68 Resolution #33 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin;
That Report C-A 2007-68, Christmas Holiday Hours, be received as information and further that the Holiday hours for the Township of Norwich be as follows:
Administration Office: Closed December 24 and 31, fully paid, utilizing one-half day personal time
Public Works: Closed at noon December 24 and 31 (weather permitting), fully paid
Recreation, Parks Closed after last regularly scheduled facility booking and Facilities: December 24 and 31, (permanent fulltime staff, regularly scheduled day of work only) fully paid
9.9.4 De-designation of Property, Part Lot 3, Concession 2, North Norwich re: Notices of Objection Report C-A 2007-69 Resolution #34 Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 21 of 28
Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That Report No. C-A 2007-69, De-designation of Property, Part Lot 3, Concession 2, North Norwich re: Notices of Objection, be received as information; and further that as per the requirements of Section 32 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the notices be forwarded to the Conservation Review Board.
9.9.5 Otterville Library re: Proposal from the County of Oxford Library Board to Re- locate the Library Report C-A 2007-70 Resolution #35 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That Report C-A 2007-70, Otterville Library re: Proposal from the County of Oxford Library Board to Re-locate the Library, be received as information; and further that the Council of the Township of Norwich concur with the recommendation of the Oxford County Library Board to re-locate the Otterville Library to 207 Main Street West, Otterville, effective January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011; and further that annual costs (rent and taxes) for the 1,300 square feet “library” be apportioned on a 60/40% basis between the Library Board and Township; and further that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documentation.
9.9.6 21 Stover Street, Norwich re: Agreement with CompuSave Computers Inc./ Brad Klyn Report C-A 2007-71 Resolution #36 Moved by Russell Jull, seconded by Lynne DePlancke;
That Report C-A 2007-71, 21 Stover Street, Norwich, re: Agreement with CompuSave Computers Inc./Brad Klyn, be received as information; and further that Council confirm the intent to enter into an agreement with CompuSave Computers Inc./Brad Klyn for 21 Stover Street, Norwich; and further that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement.
9.9.7 Donation of the Royal Bank of Canada Trailer to the Township Report C-A 2007-72 Resolution #37 Moved by Pat Lee, seconded by Larry Martin; Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 22 of 28
That Report No. C-A 2007-72, Donation of the Royal Bank of Canada Trailer to the Township, be received as information; and further that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Bill of Sale.
9.9.8 Other business None
10. OUTSTANDING MATTERS STILL BEFORE COUNCIL 10.1 OPP Policing Contract Sergeant Carl Butler, Contract Policing Analyst and Inspector Jack Goodlett, Oxford County Detachment Commander with the Ontario Provincial Police were present.
Mayor Doan offered the opportunity for each member of Council to make an opening statement and offer their thoughts as to the two options Council is considering regarding the OPP Policing Contract.
Councillor Jull stated that he felt that eight officers would be sufficient however he inquired as to whether Sergeant Butler concurred and whether there would be an opportunity to increase the number should Council choose to do so.
Sergeant Butler advised that he wanted to remind members of Council that the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS), pursuant to Section 40, would likely wish to see nothing less than the current level of service provided by Oxford Community Police Service (OCPS). In response to whether eight officers would suffice, Sergeant Butler stated that the option for eight officers had been included in the proposal because the OPP Contract Policing Bureau had been asked by the Township of Norwich for two different options. Sergeant Butler also advised Council that OCCPS is not usually receptive to service reductions. In addition, OCCPS will also look at police to population ratios in making a decision.
Sergeant Butler also stated that the OPP are cautious in basing their estimates on numbers provided by other policing services for various reasons but in this particular case, he advised that the numbers were provided to the OPP by OCPS based on information contained on the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and that this formed part of the base of their two option models for the Township.
Sergeant Butler stated that the OPP has had somewhat of a reputation for ‘lowballing’ an initial contract and then coming back at renewal and adding additional costs. He refuted that argument reminding Council that the use of five-year data would be incorporated to help determine appropriate future contract policing levels. Inspector Goodlett advised that the Town of Ingersoll, as an example, costed their initial needs in the first contract and at the time of renewal, no additional resources were required. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 23 of 28
Inspector Goodlett added that the Town of Tillsonburg added three officers, but its compliment had not been increased since 1998.
Councillor Lee inquired as to whether or not the Township would be eligible for a subsidized officer (from the Province) if Council approved Option #1. Sergeant Butler advised that this would have to be negotiated between the parties.
There was a discussion and overview provided regarding grants from the Province for Community Policing initiatives and Safer Communities programs. Inspector Goodlett provided information as to how the grant programs work and what type of information is submitted by the Detachment Commander to assist in requesting grant monies.
Mayor Doan asked as to what difference in day-to-day policing Council would see in regard to the number of officers on the road. Inspector Goodlett advised that under Option #1, most times two officers would be working the road at the same time versus under Option #2 where one officer would be working at most times. He further advised that generally two officers would probably be working Wednesdays through Sundays and one officer would likely work Monday and Tuesday.
Councillor DePlancke stated that with the substantial savings expected pursuant to either option, she would be satisfied with accepting the option of using ten officers. She asked as to how the positioning of cruisers would be handled should there be a priority call in the north or south.
Inspector Goodlett advised that personnel are continually moved from zone to zone depending on the nature of calls and that cars would be moved into position as appropriate. He advised that this was part of the integrated service as previously described to Council at past meetings. Personnel can be brought over from the Township of South-West Oxford, the Town of Tillsonburg, Norfolk County or Brant County as required.
Councillor DePlancke asked whether or not the Duty Sergeant would be in the office or out on the road. Inspector Goodlett advised that all Sergeants are ‘road’ Sergeants and that they do calls for service just like the regular members.
Councillor Martin expressed concerns that the transition from Oxford Community Police Service to Ontario Provincial Police will be tough enough without displacing any uniform members. He stated that he felt the transition would be smoother with Option #1 even though he feels personally that Option #2 would likely be sufficient.
Councillor Jull asked about the Town of Ingersoll and the Town of Tillsonburg and whether those communities went with the number of police officers they had at the time of transition. Sergeant Butler advised that there had been a Request for Proposal Process which included certain requirements. He explained to Council that it takes approximately Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 24 of 28
six full-time equivalents (FTE’s) to place one cruiser on the road for twenty-four hours per day, three hundred and sixty-five days per year.
Councillor Martin sought confirmation that the costs presented in the proposal were based on 2008 financial information. Sergeant Butler advised that this information was correct and that costs are reconciled annually.
Councillor Jull asked about the salary increases that have recently been received by the OPP members. Sergeant Butler advised that in 2005, the increase was 3.4%, in 2006, 3.0% and in 2007, 3.0%. He stated that at the end of 2008, the Township would receive estimated costs for 2009 based on 2008 until the final contract settlement with the members has been negotiated.
Councillor Martin asked if it would be possible to decrease the number of officers mid- term in a contract. Sergeant Butler replied that this is not possible as the level of service is in effect until the conclusion of the five-year contract.
Councillor Lee stated that he agreed that there is a need for a real police presence, particularly in the beginning of the contract, and he would be prepared to consider going with Option #1.
Mayor Doan stated that he felt that Option #2 would be sufficient, perhaps with the option of adding a ninth officer if required.
There was a discussion held regarding fair treatment of the existing officers and possible arrangements to move ten officers to the OPP. If the OPP accepts these officers there will be no responsibility to pay severance on behalf of the municipality. An agreement needs to be arranged for presentation at the Section 40 hearing concerning officer placement, severance issues and civilian employee displacement.
Councillor Martin expressed concern that East-Zorra Tavistock and the City of Woodstock are holding meetings without all partners present, making it difficult to move forward.
Mayor Doan advised that in his opinion in the initial part of the contract, we should start with the option of eight officers and then possibly increase to ten if there is justification to do so.
Ms. Cadman required clarification of issues in the costing proposal such as costs associated with accommodation, cleaning, office equipment, telephone system, etc. Sergeant Butler advised that some of these charges were included in the costing proposal in the event the Tillsonburg Office would be utilized. Since the Township will be supplying the new facility in Norwich, the accommodation and cleaning costs will be removed from the initial proposal. Sergeant Butler further advised that a municipally owned phone system may not be viable; they may be required to have an OPP phone Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 25 of 28
system installed. The Tillsonburg OPP Detachment is equipped with their internal phone system.
In response to questions regarding criteria for cleaning, Sergeant Butler advised that there is not a specific policy in place, however there will be 2 – 4 people utilizing the building daily.
Ms. Cadman requested an Addendum to Options #1 and #2 prior to Council making their decision.
In response to Ms. Cadman questioning exactly what start-up costs would entail, Inspector Jack Goodlett advised: e-phone (approximately $2,500.00), signage for the satellite office, electronic or punch code locks for the side door and lobby (possibly $750.00 each), pulling wires through for IT and telephone system (approximately 150 each), server ($8,000.00). Further, the Inspector advised that one time start up costs average between $30,000.00 and $50,000.00.
Inspector Goodlett advised that Community Service Programs that are run in schools concerning school bus safety, seat belts, pedestrian safety, etc. are included as part of the contract. He further advised that a Community Policing Committee is the eyes and ears of the Community, meeting to discuss concerns shown by citizens. A member of the Police Services Board attends community meetings to stay involved with the public. A Police Service Board must meet a minimum of four times per year. Both Ingersoll and Tillsonburg presently meet ten times per year, with meetings lasting approximately 2 ½ to 3 hours. He would suggest a three-person Board, consisting of the Mayor or designate, a community member, and a Provincially appointed member. The Mayor and community member are appointed for a term concurrent with Council, while the provincially appointed member is for a three-year term.
In response to a question regarding Auxiliary Officers, Inspector Goodlett advised that they currently train twice per month out of the Tillsonburg Fire Building. Auxiliary members receive a uniform; are allowed to drive a patrol car to training sessions and ride on regular patrol (normally on a Friday or Saturday). They are not allowed a handgun, however are assigned a side arm shotgun. They usually assist with traffic flow, community events such as parades and hockey games, as well as an extra set of eyes and ears on regular patrol. There is a one-week training session held in Orillia, which includes a graduation ceremony. The initial start up cost is $2,500.00 per auxiliary officer plus $300.00 per year. Consideration could be given to current OCPS auxiliaries; if they were not interested then advertisements would be placed in local newspapers.
In response to a question from Mayor Doan, Council consensus was that four auxiliary officers would be adequate.
Discussion was held regarding a possible option of nine officers. Sergeant Butler advised that the contract could be written to build in more officers over time. He advised that it Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 26 of 28
would not re-open the contract if it were written into the contract to review the number of officers required after a three-year period. This would be a simple amendment to Schedule C of the contract.
Suspension of the Rules Resolution #38 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7 of the Procedural By-law this Council continues past the hour of 5:00 p.m.
In response to questions from Councillor DePlancke concerning severance pay, Council was advised that the requirement to pay would be dependent on the possibility of Blandford-Blenheim and/or East-Zorra Tavistock helping to absorb officers into the system. However the Township of Norwich would only be responsible for 16% of the severance, being their share of the partnership.
Ms. Cadman advised that the Section 40 hearing would deal with a possible reduction in the number of constables, and there is also an onus on the remaining partners to also provide adequate policing
Mayor Doan advised that Council will finalize their decision of the options provided by the OPP at the Council meeting to be held on November 27, 2007.
Sergeant Butler requested a copy of the blueprint for the satellite office. This is to adequately provide a list of items that need to be done for initial start up and possible costs associated with them.
13. CLOSED SESSION Resolution #39 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That pursuant to the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, as amended, Chapter 25, Section 239(2), Council convene in a meeting closed to the public to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 27 of 28
Resolution #40 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That the Council do now reconvene in open session.
Carried 13.1 Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees Council was provided with an update with respect to a personnel matter. Direction given to the Administrator at a previous meeting was confirmed.
13.2 Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose Correspondence from the Township’s solicitor was provided to members of Council.
14. BY-LAWS I No. 12-2007-Z To Amend Zoning By-law 07-2003-Z (Stewart and Brenda Harvey, File ZON.3-07/12) II No. 86-2007 To Authorize Execution of a Severance Agreement with Harry Jansen (File B-45/07) III No. 87-2007 To Authorize Execution of a Severance Agreement with Izaac Bos (File B-87/07) IV No. 88-2007 A By-law to Provide for a Drainage Works in the Township of Norwich in the County of Oxford (Godelie-Rettie Municipal Drain 2007) V No. 89-2007 A By-law to Provide for a Drainage Works in the Township of Norwich in the County of Oxford (Martin Drain 2007) VI No. 90-2007 A By-law to Provide for a Drainage Works in the Township of Norwich in the County of Oxford (Walker-Crabbe Drain, Branches “B” and “C” 2007) VII No. 91-2007 To Authorize Execution of Contract Documents Between Sierra Construction (Woodstock) Limited and the Township of Norwich for the Construction of the Township Fire Service Station No. 2, 83 Main Street, Norwich VIII No. 92-2007 To Confirm All Actions and Proceedings of Council
14.1 First Reading By-laws I to VIII Resolution #41 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That By-laws I to VIII, as listed, be introduced and taken as read a first time.
Carried Regular Council Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2007 Page 28 of 28
14.2 Second Reading of By-laws I to VIII Resolution #42 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That By-laws I to VIII, as listed, be taken as read a second time.
14.3 Third Reading of By-laws I to III and VII to VIII Resolution #43 Moved by Larry Martin, seconded by Pat Lee;
That By-laws I to III and VII to VIII, as listed, be taken as read a third and final time and passed and signed by the Mayor and Clerk and the Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.
15. ADJOURNMENT – 6:20 p.m. Resolution #44 Moved by Lynne DePlancke, seconded by Russell Jull;
That this Council do now adjourn to meet again in regular session on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Otterville.