Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting Held on 26Th July 2013
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Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting held on 26 th July 2013
1. Welcome and apologies for absence: Present: Electors: S. Strickland (Chairman), G. Abell (Treasurer), A. Abell (Amanuensis), D. Cole, D. Cook, V. Donovan, J. Hamilton, P. & S. Labat, E. McCormick, K. Maunder, J. Perry, K. Riches, J. Sharp, R Smith, S. Taylor, C. Weatherby, J. Whitby, Visitors: Cllr. B. Slater (SCDC); Cllr M. Gower (SCC), Robert Scrimgeour, Senior Design & Conservation Officer, SCDC. Apologies for absence received from: G. Baverstock, C. Blauth, C. & M. Barnett, J. Cary, M. Clark, H. Cook, S. Donovan, N. & S. Malkin, M. & C. Palmer, Lady C. Parks, J. & J. Salusbury, R. Walter, M. Whitby, M. & B. White, J. Zarins, J. Newson PCSO.
2. Minutes of the Parish Meeting of 26th April 2013: Subject to two amendments viz. under point iii ‘Other Business’ future dates October 2013, April 2014, the emended minutes were proposed by J. Hamilton, seconded by J. Sharp, and approved nem. con.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes not otherwise on the agenda: Item 12: Two DPM representative trustees on the Dunwich Town Trust would stand down on 31st December 2013. Nominations were invited for election at the October Parish Meeting. K. Maunder was willing to stand for a further term. After serving the Trust for ten years, however, D. Cook did not seek re-election. Potential trustees were invited to talk to the Chairman, A. Abell. Nomination forms were available from G. Abell. Other business, point ii: Following Consultation on Council Size, the Boundary Commission had agreed that SCDC should have 43 councillors, 12 fewer than currently. A new consultation now addressed the pattern of wards likely to accommodate this reduced number. Cllr. B. Slater noted that Yoxford Ward could be enlarged to include Theberton; but the Commission sought new arrangements to allow for probable future population changes; and this might not suffice. Alternatively, Walberswick and Blythburgh might move from Walberswick/Wenhaston Ward. The consultation deadline was 1st October. Members were invited to send comments to the Chairman for inclusion in a DPM response. Action: Chairman to respond if comments were received.
4. Treasurer’s Report: The current balance was £2,306. Four £45 cheques each for cutting the Millennium Green; one £120 to JRB Enterprises (dog refuse bin); and one £60 to cover the audit fee. Payment was proposed by D. Cole, seconded by J. Hamilton, and approved nem. con.
1 5. Amenity Report: The Chairman drew attention to an article in the FT Magazine on a new hybrid grass being tested as a means of controlling water run-off from fields. G.Abell reported that SCDC would not allow any mention of parking on the village entry signs. Several suggestions were made where ‘please use free car park’ signs could be placed including small signs discreetly placed along St James Street, and an A-frame on the triangle at bottom of Leet Hill on busy weekends. E. McCormick kindly gave permission for a sign at the approach to the junction at top of Leet Hill. The approach from the Blythburgh Road, after the bridge, also offered a potential site. Action: DPM to test varied sign-posting arrangements during the current season.
6. Planning issues: Brian Duncan’s appeal against SCDC’s terms for developing houses on Duncan’s Field had been upheld but costs had been refused. The three applications noted at the last meeting: The Granary at Mount Pleasant Farm; Friars Gate, and The Close had all been approved. Decisions were awaited on Middlegate Barn and the extension of the season at Cliff House.
7. Consultation on Conservation Area: The Chairman welcomed Robert Scrimgeour (Senior Design & Conservation Officer, SCDC). Mr Scrimgeor explained the Draft Conservation Area Appraisal, which was designed as a management tool to assist the Planning Department, Committee, and residents putting forward applications. The appraisal aimed to define the character of the area by identifying special features including building materials, architectural style, trees, open spaces and special views. Dunwich was unusual in that almost the entire village fell within the Conservation Area. Views and comments were invited. The public consultation would close on 27th September. There were no current proposals to alter the boundaries of the conservation area, but suggestions for a future review were welcomed. Comments were made on the need to be able to develop and make progress without remaining preserved like a museum piece at a fixed period of time. The Meeting was assured that the focus was on conservation not preservation, and did not preclude change. Any comments for submission on behalf of the DPM should be sent to the Chairman or to G.Abell by 31st August. Individual comments should be sent to: The Review Officer (Suffolk Coastal), Local Government Boundary Commission for England, Layden House, Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG, or by email: [email protected]. For further information: consultation.lgbce.org.uk or www.lgbce.org.uk Action: Chairman/officers to respond if comments were received.
8. Broadband: Jonathan Chown, SCC, had confirmed that Dunwich was scheduled for the second of nine phases of the Better Broadband Project, expected to start in spring 2014. Fibre optic cable would link Westleton to a new green cabinet close to the existing one at the junction of Westleton Road and Minsmere Road. All within 1.8km of this should receive double figure speeds. Those closest to the box could get up to 80 Mbps. Progress reports were expected every three months.
9. Dunwich Greyfriars Trust: The inaugural AGM of the Trust had taken place immediately before the meeting. The five current trustees had been re-elected. They welcomed the addition of Mark Whitby as a new trustee. The Trust now has fifty-six members. Others still wishing to join were invited to take a leaflet. The volunteers who had indefatigably helped on recent working parties were thanked. Members were asked to note that working parties were scheduled for the third Tuesday of every month, with occasional weekend parties to accommodate weekend residents. Ownership had formally passed from SCC to DGT about six weeks ago. Substantial restoration work had been completed over the last twelve months. The
2 Trust was hoping to arrange a formal handover ceremony with the County Council when all involved could be thanked. Cllr. M. Gower offered to facilitate this. On behalf of the Parish Meeting, the Chairman thanked all the trustees for their hard work in bringing DGT into existence so as to sustain the Greyfriars site in good condition. Action: G. Abell to liaise with Cllr M. Gower.
10. Coastal defence and flood committee: The Chairman had received an update on the Minsmere Sluice and Embankment Work, which would be attached electronically to this report. Anyone not receiving the Minutes electronically and seeking a hard copy should contact G. Abell.
11. Other business: i) For entry details of this year’s Suffolk Coastal Inter-Village Rounders Tournament, contact Henry Tapp, Active Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Suffolk Sport 01394 444289. ii) Community Action Suffolk were offering a selection of training courses including ones on Governance and Trusteeship: email [email protected] or phone 01473 273273 to book or for further information. iii) Suffolk Coast & Estuaries Community Conference 2013 would be held on 10th October 2013 at Suffolk Food Hall. Open invitation, programme attached, booking details available from the Chairman. iv) Bike Events had informed the Chairman that the Suffolk Coast bike ride would be passing through Dunwich on 4th August, supporting St Elizabeth Hospice.
v) Darsham First Responders covered Darsham, Dunwich, Middleton, Westleton and Yoxford. The group had become depleted and, with only two of the original seven members remaining, were responding to fewer than 50 percent of calls. They would welcome volunteers aged between 18 and 70 yrs. P. Labat expressed interest. Sheena Robertson was the coordinator of the group. vi) PC Jamie Newsom had reported two recorded crimes during the last quarter: criminal damage on the heath, and burglary of a building. vii) Large carriers and coaches entering and leaving the village for the Dunwich Dynamo had caused severe disruption. It was suggested that a one-way system for the day might help the event next year.
Action: Officers to investigate one-way options and take forward.
Next DPM: AGM Friday 25th October 2013 at 7.30 pm. The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.
Signed as a correct record Chairman. Date
3 CHAIRMAN: S Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT. Tel: 01728 648792. VICE-CHAIRMAN: Jane Zarins.. TREASURER: Geoff Abell. Website: http://www.dunwichpm.onesuffolk.net/