Marching Band Introduction Meeting 2017
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Marching band introduction meeting 2017
Marching Band Schedule Summer Band Band Camp July 24th -27th at MMS Fair Parade High St. July 31
Fall practices: there will be three (3) evening practices. I will do my best to avoid any games/races/meets. If we have time in the schedule to work the band classes together then there may be less. Other than these, there should not be any band events outside of the listed schedule.
Fall schedule anticipated performances. ______Parades______July. 31th Fair Parade High St Aug. 2nd Kennywood—pirates game? Aug 7th Kennywood day and parade September 29th Buckwheat Festival Kingwood, WV We will take buses and return around 5:00PM Oct. 13th WVU Homecoming High St TBA Band Halloween Dance Nov. 11th Veterans Day High St. Dec. 2nd Christmas Parade High St
______Other Events ______Oct. 9th UHS Band field show UHS
Requirements: If you are in town, I need the students to be at Summer Band and Band Camp. If you are not at Band Camp, you cannot participate in performances without learning ALL of the music and marching. All performances are required. A grade is given for each activity. The band and school will work together to see that there are as few conflicts as possible.
IF YOU ARE IN A POSITION OF LEADERSHIP, Drums, Silks, Majorettes or Band Commander, you must be at Band Camp and every performance. F ees : Every student must pay a $50.00 band fee and a $30.00 uniform rental fee. This is to help offset the associated costs. Drummers have an additional $30.00 fee to rent instruments and replace equipment and drum heads. If there is a financial hardship please let me know; we don’t want any child to miss out on band for financial reasons. All fees are due by the Band concert May 23, 2017. Parents with two or more kids in band only pay one band fee. They will pay each uniform fee and percussion fee. Band students are asked to pay a total of $20 in bus fees. One check can be made payable to MMS Band Boosters for a total of $100 (or $130 for percussionists) on May 23. There will be additional fees for the Kennywood trip of $35 which will be collected during band camp. Pittsburgh Pirate game tickets will be $30 for students and $35 for parent tickets. *see attached forms for more information
Band Budget—updated 2016 info??
total $26,004.58 Money available 2015 17200.00 instrument $13,663.58 uniforms $4,541.00 levy 5000.00 travel $7,300.00 Bd of Ed 3000.00 music $500.00 PTA 2000.00 Fees 4500.00 uniform 2700.00
Total budget
Fee due date is May 23, 2017 March-A-Thon Avoids “selling”
Each student marches 100 minutes in class and collects a pledged amount per minute. Details to follow in the fall. Information sheet
The information sheet we use here must be turned in in order to do any trip or performance. This is for your protection. We can’t send an email message if we don’t have the correct address.
Physicals You must have a physical to participate in the Marching Band. We use the SSAC physical form from the State. You can find it at There are copies here if you need one. The same physical and form can be used for all sports and activities at MMS. It must be dated after June 1, 2017 to use for other activities or within the last year for Band.
Uniform Contract You must turn in a uniform contract with your fees. You are responsible for returning the uniform in good condition. You cannot wash the uniform as they must be dry-cleaned. All the information you need for this is on the uniform contract
Important Summer Band information You will need your instrument, music, reeds and oils. You must wear shoes for walking/marching (no sandals or flip fops). Bottle of water (no drinks with sugar --this could hurt the instrument). Sun block (and even a hat).
Instrument loan contract If you are going to use a school instrument at any time, you will need to fill out an instrumental loan contract for each instrument. Mountaineer Middle School Marching Band
Travel Parade Information
Buckwheat Festival September 29th 2017 Bring your uniform to the Band room as you come to school. Be sure to have your Band shoes, socks, hat, and uniform. Students will wear band shirt on the bus and under their uniform. After you drop your uniform off, you will go to first period. You will need money for food and drinks at the fairgrounds.
Schedule Load bus at 9:00 Time at fair from 10:00/1:00 Uniforms 1:00 Parade 2:00 If you want to sign your student out, you must do so after the Band finishes the Parade. If you are going to sign out a student other than your child, their parents must send a note by September 22nd. We should be back at school by 5:30/6:00. Students are required to stay on the fair grounds. ______?Music in the Mountains PHS Sept. 23rd Meet at MMS @ 4:00PM and load Bus Wear your Uniform Unload and warm-up @5:00 Play 5:45-6:00 and change out of uniform Students may go home with parents but must be signed out and have a note by Friday Morning the 23rd. We will stay to see UHS (Knock’em dead Mr Palmer and crew) We will return the bus to MMS after the show UHS SHOW October 9th Meet at UHS in uniform with instruments out of case @5:00. We will perform at 6:05. Students will be dismissed to their parents after the show. Mountaineer Middle School Marching Band Kennywood August 7th, 2017 The MMS Band will be going to Kennywood on Monday August 7th 2017. We will load the bus at 10:30 AM and return at 9:30. The cost of this trip will be $35.00 to cover the price of the ticket and transportation. All the students will ALWAYS be in groups and be chaperoned. They should use sun block, bring money for lunch and dinner, and wear clothing appropriate for water rides but still appropriate for a school function. All Band fees and forms must be in to participate in this event Please return this form with your payment We have been asked to perform in their Fall Fantasy Parade that evening. As we will not be going to Elkins this year, this will be a nice replacement.
Student’s Name ______$35.00 Cell #______
Chaperone’s Name ______$35.00 Cell # ______
Emergency contact ______
Emergency phone ______
Please list any health concerns, allergies or medication.
I give permission for my child to participate in this event. I also understand that they must follow all park & school rules during this event.
Date ______
Student’s name ______
Parent’s signature ______
Print Parent’s name ______
I, ______accept responsibility for the wear and care of my assigned uniform coat, pants and garment bag.
An annual uniform rental fee of $30.00 is necessary for the proper care and cleaning of the uniform. A band shirt is included in this fee. The student may keep the shirt at the end of the year.
With my signature, I agree to reimburse Mountaineer Middle School Band Boosters the cost of any lost or damaged items. I also read and follow the “Uniform care” instructions.
The uniform is to be worn with
BLACK SOCKS BLACK DINKLES SHOES. These are available at O.B. Fawley Music in Sabraton and online. Mountaineer Middle School Marching Band
Your child’s uniform number is COAT ______PANTS ______BAG ______
Always hang up uniforms after a performance in a dry place to allow moisture to escape
If the uniform gets wet, DO NOT place in the garment bag until it has air dried.
DO NOT cut or alter the uniform in any way
Do not wash
Always wear your band shirt under the uniform (BAND ONLY)
Always hang up uniforms after a performance in a dry place to allow moisture to escape
If the uniform gets wet, DO NOT place in the garment bag until it has air dried.
DO NOT cut or alter the uniform in any way
Do not wash
Always wear your band shirt under the uniform (BAND ONLY)
Wear shorts and shirt under the uniform. You can not undress on the bus and there will not be places for every student to change. Wear your uniform over shorts and shirt. IF AN INSTRUMENT GETS WET
Clarinet, flute and sax: Place a paper towel under each pad and press softly. Do not pull out. Open first. Use a hair drier on NO HEAT or AIR ONLY to remove extra moisture. The case needs to be open to allow other moisture to escape.
Trumpet, horn, tuba, and trombone. Dry off the instrument. Keep the case open to allow the moisture to escape. Mountaineer Middle School Marching Band CONTACT INFORMATION
Student’s Name ______Grade 6 7 8 Circle one
Instrument ______Shirt size ______
Parent’s Name ______
Parent’s email address (write neatly): ______
Address ______
Home Phone ______Work Phone ______
Parent’s Cell ______Student’s Cell ______
Name ______Phone ______
Medical information we may need: Pittsburgh Pirates Game August 2nd, 2017
I am very excited about a new performance the band will do this year. They have been ask to perform the National Anthem at the Pirates and Reds game on August Second. This is a great opportunity for our kids. This is the first time for any of us to perform at PNC Park.
The Schedule is: 3:00 Load Bus --Please bring a packed lunch. 4:30 Arrive at PNC eat, have a drink and prepare for performance 5:00 Check in. They will enter by the outfield tunnel 7:00 Perform Return to the Bus 7:05 First pitch
After they perform we will return to the bus and put equipment away. We will then, use our ticket, and enter the ball park. We have an allotment of 250 tickets. As much as possible I would like to have a parent with each student as they return to the game. At the end of the game we will return to the bus and travel to Mountaineer.
The Cost for each student is $30.00 The cost for each parent is $35.00
This is for coach travel and Ball ticket.
During April, each student may buy one student and one adult ticket. This assures everyone the opportunity to participate. Starting in May, additional tickets/seats will be available. If there is a large number beyond our reserve, I will do my best to get tickets and seats. MOUNTAINEER MIDDLE MARCHING BAND
STUDENT’S NAME ______$ 30.00
TOTAL EXTRA SEATS _____ X $35.00 ______