This Student Handbook and Assignment Book Has Been Designed for Two Specific Reasons

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This Student Handbook and Assignment Book Has Been Designed for Two Specific Reasons

EVERYDAY SUPERHEROES WEST ORIENT MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK 2015-2016 29805 SE Orient Dr. Gresham, Oregon 97080 503-663-3323 The West Orient Mission As a community of learners, students and staff at West Orient Middle School practice respect, responsibility, relationships and results.

Elise Catanese, Principal Tadd Gestrin, Assistant Principal Dear Students,

This Student Handbook and Assignment Book has been designed for two specific reasons:

1) to help you be a full and positive member of the West Orient learning community, and 2) to help you document notes, assignments, and thoughts of this eventful school year.

Let’s all work hard together to make this year the best one yet!

Our Responsibilities and Commitments

We at West Orient Middle School value a safe learning environment in which all people are treated with respect and dignity and recognize the following personal responsibilities and commitments to one another:

1) To support the physical and emotional safety of all people we will: . Refrain from any verbal or physical harassment or violence. . Take personal responsibility for our actions and words. . Never make a personal or public threat to harm anyone.

2) To promote the learning, personal development and wellness of all people we will: . Focus on learning by doing our best each day. . Actively support our learning and the learning of others. . Recognize and celebrate the unique contributions of all learners. . Bring all appropriate supplies (not book bags) to class each day. . Be responsible for recording assignments in the assignment notebook. . Contribute to the beauty of our school.

3) To treat all people with respect and dignity we will: . Solve our differences in a respectful and honest manner. . Treat others how we wish to be treated. . Know school, classroom, and bus rules and follow them.

2 SCHOOL HOURS – 9:05 a.m. - 3:35 p.m. urged to make doctor or dental appointments after school hours whenever possible to minimize the loss Students may not arrive until 8:50 a.m. The multi- of school time. purpose room is open from 8:40-8:50 a.m. for early buses. Students are only allowed in this area before Unexcused Absences school. Any absence not covered by the above will be considered unexcused. Examples of unexcused ATTENDANCE absences: failure to clear in advance an absence other than personal illness or emergency; failure to check in The Board of Education places a high priority on or out of the building when arriving/leaving during regular school attendance. As stated in ORS 339.010; normal school hours, missing the school bus, over- “all children between ages of seven and eighteen sleeping, etc. years who have not completed the twelve grades, are . A pattern of unexcused absences may result in the required to attend regularly a public full-time school loss of make-up privileges for all classes missed. in the district in which the child resides, except as . When a student is not in school when he/she is provided in ORS 339.030.” supposed to be, that student is considered to be skipping. If a student is absent from class without It is imperative that students develop and practice permission, that is considered skipping. Students regular and prompt attendance. Good school who skip will be assigned an appropriate attendance is essential for their educational success. consequence determined by the administration. Poor attendance patterns frequently result in school failure and consequent loss of motivation and interest Tardiness in school. Being on time is an important factor in school success as well as a matter of courtesy. Tardiness is An accurate record of student attendance is kept by disruptive to the class and tends to break down a the attendance secretary. This information becomes a positive learning climate. If a student reports to part of the permanent attendance record. Certain school late, he/she must check in at the office. Over- circumstances will make it necessary to be absent sleeping or missing the bus is an unexcused tardy. from school. It is important that the proper procedures be followed in order to make the absences Excused Tardy: Arriving to class after the bell rings excused. with an acceptable written excuse from the office or staff. Excused Absences Absence due to illness, injury, or emergency: Unexcused Tardy: Arriving to class after the bell Parents are asked to contact the school and leave a rings without an acceptable written excuse. If an voicemail for the attendance secretary or to contact unexcused tardy exceeds ten minutes, it will be her before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If a considered a skip. telephone is not available, students must bring a note to school on the day of return. The note must state Co-Curricular Activities “when” and “why” students were absent and it must In order for a student to be eligible to participate in be signed by a parent/guardian. any school activity (athletic practices or event, or competitions, concerts, etc.) a student must be in Other Absences attendance at least three periods on the activity day. Other absences must be pre-arranged, prior to the absence, by the parent writing a note to the office Checking In and Out explaining the dates and reason. Each such absence is Throughout the entire day, the office must know the an individual case and will be treated according to the whereabouts of each student. If a student has an circumstances surrounding the request. Funerals and appointment or for any reason must leave school family vacations are examples of other absences. during the day, he/she needs to bring a note from home, and submit it to his/her teacher. This note will School-Related Absences be his/her pass out of class. Prior to leaving, the Absences caused by a school-sponsored activity (i.e., student should check out with the office and wait field trips, music, athletic activities, etc.) will be inside the building for his/her parent to arrive. considered excused, providing the absence has been Students need to check back in at the office when cleared with teachers prior to the absence. Parents are returning to school. 3 following school day. Please contact the school’s Assignments Missed principal if you do not get a timely response from a When a student is absent on the date an assignment is teacher who has been contacted by email or telephone. due, the assignment is due the next day the student attends the class. The due date for assignments given Oregon Statewide Assessments during an absence will be extended to equal the length All students are given a series of standardized tests of the absence. The due date of long-term projects measuring academic proficiency for math, science and (three weeks or longer) may not be extended due to reading. Math and reading assessments are given to absence. Assignments turned in late may receive a students in grades 6-8. Eighth graders are also tested in reduced grade. science.

Athletic and OST Eligibility Homework Students must be making academic progress in all Homework is independent study and practice after classes in order to participate in school athletics. The students have been given instruction. Homework can student will forfeit participation in all games/events also be a regular assignment that is required by the until the eligibility standard is met. teacher to be completed outside of the normal school ACADEMICS day. A general guideline for what would be considered Grade Reports an “appropriate” amount of homework at the middle West Orient has two different grade reports that are school level is one to two hours each night. sent out to parents/guardians. Final trimester report cards are mailed home with at the end of each 12-week STUDENT ACADEMIC INTERVENTION trimester grading period. At the mid-point of every West Orient Middle School recognizes the importance trimester, parents also receive a 6-week progress of appropriate parent communication and interventions report. Only the trimester report card grade is recorded for students who are academically at-risk due to poor in the student’s permanent cumulative file. Only the 6- grades or incomplete work samples. In order to week progress reports are carried home by students. identify and address these concerns in a timely Please check ParentVue or StudentVue online fashion, the following process will be initiated during regularly for the most current information about your the school year: student’s grade. . Students who are not making adequate progress on grades or work samples during a 6-week or Grading trimester grading period will be referred to a team Grades reflect a student’s academic performance, work of teachers, where possible interventions will be ethic and progress. Student behavior and attitude, discussed. Communication with home is critical although not a part of the academic grade, are during this time and it is strongly recommended important pieces of student development and will be that parents contact their child’s teacher through indicated under "General Comments and Details" on email or telephone when there is an academic the report card. concern. . Students who have not met the grade level Letter grades of A, B, C, D and F are used to identify standard for reading on the Oregon Statewide the degree of learning that has been demonstrated by Assessments or made adequate progress in other each student in the classroom. An F grade may be areas during the previous school year may be given when, in the opinion of the teacher, a student has assigned to a reading intervention class during an not made an effort to complete assignments or engage elective. Reassigned students will be notified by in appropriate activities of a class. Pass/No Pass mail and/or on registration day. (P/NP) indicates meeting minimal requirements for some classes. SCHOOL CLIMATE Parents/guardians are encouraged to regularly check West Orient Middle School is a place where all their student’s grades in ParentVue. This tool allows students and staff feel safe and are encouraged and parents/guardians to see current grades and missing supported to do their best work. It is a place where all assignments. If you have questions or concerns, please people are respectful of one another. call or email the teacher. Teachers who are contacted by voice mail or email Monday through Friday are Student Behavior expected to return communication within 24 hours. The following behaviors are quite serious because Messages left on Friday or the day before a holiday or they do not promote a safe environment. These long weekend can expect a return call by the end of the 4 behaviors may result in suspension or expulsion from  Drugs or alcohol school:  Tobacco in any form, including e-cigarettes, . Possession of weapons. Oregon law now provides vapor pens and similar items for a year of expulsion for weapons in school.  Weapons of any kind, including pocket knives . Making verbal or written threats to students or staff or “look alike” weapons members.  Fireworks or explosives . Fighting, physical assaults, or bringing or having  Matches, lighters, or other flame making possession of dangerous instruments at school. devices . Arson, burglary, bomb threats, explosives, illegal  Laser pens weapons, and vandalism.  Permanent markers – Sharpies or similar items . Insubordination, disruptive conduct and  Any other items that could reasonably become gambling. a threat to the safety or security of other . Damage or destruction of school property or students private property. . Coercion, threats, harassment of any kind School Bus Guidelines and Rules including name-calling. Sexual harassment is a Riding our school buses is a privilege. The safety of serious offense. Sexual harassment includes such all students riding to and from school is one of our behaviors as sexually suggestive touching or most important safety concerns. Students who are in gesturing, foul language, displaying suggestive violation of the rules may lose the privilege of riding posters or pictures, leering or staring, whistling, the school bus or receive other consequences writing obscene notes, letters, or poems, and calling appropriate for their actions. others sexually demeaning names. Racial harassment may include comments or actions that Students should get on the bus promptly. Please are demeaning to another’s race or culture or refrain from loitering in the hallways or anywhere religion. Symbols associated with racism, hatred or else on school grounds. violence are considered to be potentially disruptive of the education climate and will not be allowed at Written permission notes must be turned in ahead of school. time at the school office to change buses or to ride . Possessing, using, transmitting, or being under home with a friend. the influence of any drug including narcotics, alcohol, any form of tobacco and/or stimulant The following rules (OAR 581-053-0010) apply when drugs, or claiming to possess or transmit any drug riding the bus: or alcoholic beverage. Use or possession of e- . Students being transported are under the authority cigarettes, vapor pens or similar items constitutes a of the bus driver. violation of this policy. . Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is . Profanity or obscene language/gestures, including prohibited on the bus. sexually explicit remarks. . Students shall use the emergency door only in . Organizing, promoting, or having membership in case of emergency. secret societies. The State of Oregon Law prohibits . Students shall be on time for the bus both the existence of any secret society in public schools morning and evening. [ORS 336.610(1)]. A secret society is an . Students shall not bring animals, firearms, organization composed of students that has an weapons, or other potentially hazardous material element or purpose that is concealed from the on the bus. public and shared only confidentially among . Students shall remain seated while the bus is in members of the organization. West Orient Middle motion. School considers street gangs and similar . The bus driver may assign students seats. organizations to be secret societies. . When necessary to cross the road, students shall . Any other behavior that disrupts the safe cross in front of the bus or as instructed by the educational environment. driver. . Students shall not extend their hands, arms, or Prohibited or Restricted Items head through bus windows. The following items are not allowed at school, on the . Students shall have written permission to leave bus, or during school events. the bus other than at home or school.

5 . Students shall converse in normal tones; loud or . T-shirts that glorify violence, death, or hatred, are vulgar language is prohibited. not allowed nor are t-shirts with sexual or racially . Students shall not open or close windows without demeaning messages. permission of the driver. . Any clothing identified as being gang-related, . Students shall keep the bus clean, and must including chains connected to billfolds or keys, refrain from damaging it. extra long belts, pants that are clearly too big and . Students shall be courteous to the driver, to sag over the hips, bandannas, etc. is not allowed. fellow students, and passersby. . Jewelry or accessories with spikes are potential safety hazards and should not be worn to school. Bullying . Hats or any other head covering may not be worn A person is being bullied or victimized when he or while at school. she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative . Any other item deemed inappropriate by the actions on the part of one or more persons. These school administration. actions include: teasing and verbal harassment in person or through the use of technology, mean If your child does arrive at school not following these behaviors, physical harassment and/or pranks. guidelines, he/she will be loaned appropriate clothing items from the office or he/she may call home to have What can you do about bullying? a change of clothes brought to him/her. . Report bullying to an adult in the building. . Get help – it is not tattling to protect your rights Bicycles and others in order to have a bully-free school! Bicycles should be parked only in the designated area . Learn about strategies to respond to a bully from and must remain there until dismissal time. Bicycles your teacher or counselor. should be locked; the school is not responsible for damage or loss. Students should observe the state What will we do about bullying? helmet laws when riding bicycles to and from school. . When bullying is reported to an adult, all attempts Bicycle and skateboard riding/jumping on school will be made to discover the nature, severity and property is not allowed at any time. Staff members extent of the bullying. will confiscate the equipment and it will be returned . Repeated bullying will be documented and an to a parent. administrator will determine appropriate consequences. Valuables and Personal Equipment . Students will be expected to protect their own Book Bags and Backpacks valuables. The school staff cannot ensure items All bags, backpacks, purses, and similar items should against theft. be stored in lockers at all times during the day. This helps keep personal valuables safe and secure while at school and lessens the chance for someone tripping Cell Phones and Other Personal Technology over a carelessly placed bag. Devices (iPads, tablets, etc.) . If a student brings a cell phone or personal School Dress technology device to school, it must be securely Students are asked to dress in a manner that is stored out of sight on the student’s person or in a comfortable for them and conducive to a learning locker, during the school day. atmosphere at our school. The following guidelines . Students should keep all personal technology should be followed: devices silenced completely, including vibration . The bottom of shorts and skirts needs to be long mode, to prevent interruption of instruction in the enough to reach the end of the student’s fingertips classroom. when standing with his/her arm straight down . Use of a cell phone or other personal technology his/her side. device (iPads, tablets, etc.) while at school is only . Pants and shorts need to be worn high enough allowed with teacher permission for an educational where undergarments do not show. purpose and must have a completed Technology . Spaghetti straps are not appropriate for school. Use form signed by a parent. Use is granted by the Tank tops must have straps at least two fingers teacher for specific purposes within a particular wide. class. Student use outside of these conditions is not . Tops which expose cleavage, midriffs or bras allowed. should not be worn at school 6 . Inappropriate use of technology or failure to follow Parents and students are asked to complete the the guidelines above may result in the following form on the back of the handbook. actions: o First Offense: Cell phone or other SAFETY device is brought to the office to be Visitors picked up by student at the end of the All visitors to West Orient must report to the main day. office to obtain a visitor’s pass. Because of the o Second Offense: Item will be brought disruption to the learning environment, we are unable to the office to be picked up by a to accommodate unscheduled classroom visits during parent or guardian. A minor referral the regular school day. Visitors are not allowed will be given as a written warning. unless pre-approved by an administrator. o Third Offense: Item will be brought to office for pick up by a parent or Medications guardian. A minor referral is given as a All medications, including prescription and over-the- written warning that any further counter medications, must include a written parent technology violations will result in authorization and must be brought in its original more severe disciplinary actions, and a containers, locked up and dispensed from the school consequence is assigned by an office. Students shall not have any medication in administrator. their possession while at school nor share medication o Further Offenses: Item brought to with any other student. Violation of this policy office for pick up by a parent or constitutes a violation of the school’s drug policy. guardian. A Major referral will be written, technology use form and Closed Campus Policy privileges are revoked, and West Orient is a closed campus. Students may not consequences will be assigned by an leave the school grounds without specific permission. administrator. Due to safety concerns, visiting the Orient Store before or after school is prohibited.

Fire and Safety Drill Procedures As a part of the building safety program, fire and other safety drills are held regularly to teach the safest Gum Policy way to respond to such emergencies. Specific Students are not permitted to chew gum at any time on procedures and evacuation instructions are posted in campus. A minor referral may be written if a student classrooms. has repeated violations of this rule. Student Supervision Hours Student Use of Computers and Internet Unless otherwise prearranged, staff members are Students are given the opportunity to use the internet available to supervise students fifteen minutes before for curriculum support. The internet is filtered and school begins and fifteen minutes after it ends. access is designated for school projects only. Use of Students are not allowed to be in the halls or personal e-mail, chat rooms, games and music are for classrooms before 8:50 a.m. unless prior permission home computers, not school computers. Students has been granted by a staff member. A teacher will who access inappropriate materials while in the be on duty in the multipurpose room at 8:40 a.m. for school environment will lose their privilege to access students who must arrive prior to 8:50 a.m. All the internet at West Orient. students must be picked up by 3:50 p.m. after school.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Injuries and Accidents You will receive a copy of the Gresham-Barlow Any injury occurring at school should be reported to a School District Parent/Student Information, Rights staff member immediately and appropriate forms and Responsibilities Handbook. You are encouraged completed. Parents will be notified by the office of to read the handbook and keep it for future reference. all serious injuries.

7 Emergency School Closures . Please, no writing, scratching or misuse of If weather or other emergency situations interfere lockers. Any cost for repairing damages to with the normal school opening, either a late opening lockers will be charged to the student. or school closure may be determined. If this is the . Do not share your locker or combination with case, announcements will be made on the district anyone. The school cannot investigate theft website and through FlashAlert, and be broadcast on especially when students give away their both radio and television. combinations! . The cost to repair damage to a locker beyond In the event of an early dismissal due to an normal usage will be charged to the student. emergency, buses may operate on a limited run basis. Students and parents are notified of these limited run Textbooks routes in the fall. We are unable to inform all parents In many of our classes students are assigned a personally of early dismissal and bus route changes. textbook to be used during the year. If books are lost, We recommend such possibilities be discussed early a replacement fee will be imposed. In general, a in the school year. hardbound textbook costs between $50-60 to replace. . Where should your child go if school dismisses If there is damage done to the textbook beyond what early? normal usage would cause, a repair fee will be . If the bus routes are “limited”, where will the assessed. student get off the bus and what route should he or she take home? STUDENT SERVICES STUDENT FEES AND SUPPLIES Counseling Seventh and eighth grade students will be expected to A counselor is available to students and parents. The obtain shorts and t-shirts for physical education. counselor serves students in a variety of ways, such as Information regarding PE outfits will be available mediating between students, problem solving with during the August registration day for incoming students and teachers, helping with academic students. Student body fees include a student body concerns, and small group and personal counseling. card, a school planner and some special classroom supplies. Individual teachers may require special Student Records and Withdrawals materials and equipment for some classes. If paying All student records are confidential, but the records these fees is a hardship, contact the counselor or are available for inspection by any parent or legal assistant principal for assistance. guardian requesting to see them. The law requires that student behavioral records be released only in the Library Materials presence of an individual qualified to explain or Students are encouraged to use all of the resources in interpret the records. If you enroll in another school, our library throughout the school year. No fee or fine the student’s cumulative file will be sent to that is charged if materials checked out are returned in the school when we receive notice of enrollment. condition they were received. If for some reason materials have been damaged, the cost to repair or Emergency Needs replace the item will be charged to the student. Parents, please call our office when there is a change in home or work numbers. We are very concerned for Lockers your student’s health needs and we need to keep All students will be issued a hall locker for their use current on family information. to store books, coats, and other personal belongings. All students are issued a PE locker for storing gym Lost and Found clothes. The lockers will be issued at the beginning Students are urged to write their names on all of the school year or at the time the student enrolls. personal belongings. Students should check with the Please keep in mind the following: office for any article that may be lost. Items not . Lockers are provided for student use, but they claimed are donated to charity several times remain the property of the school and as such throughout the school year. may be inspected at any time for missing textbooks, library books, etc. They may also be Safe Return Home checked when there is probable cause to believe We respect parents’ needs to know their child’s that an illegal or forbidden item or evidence of routine and times when they can be expected to be such may be in a locker. home from school. To help in this, we ask for parent 8 permission for student participation in all after school activities. We do not allow students to make last Website minute phone calls for permission to go home with a The school website contains information about friend or to stay after school for an event. programs and activities. It is updated regularly. Many teachers are developing their own web pages to better If your child participates regularly in any after school communicate with students and their families. activity for which you are providing transportation, Student grades are accessible online through please confirm the pick up time with them each day. ParentVue and StudentVue. See the links on our school’s homepage to access those resources. Our Breakfast and Lunch Program website address is: The charge for breakfast is $1.25 and lunch is $2.35. Students should bring cash/checks to the lunchroom before school starts and put the money in their lunch account. A no charge policy will be in effect. When the money in your child’s lunch account is low, they will receive a reminder slip that more money is Tuesday News needed for the next purchase of a lunch. If a student The Tuesday News will be sent via email every doesn’t have enough money to purchase lunch, the Tuesday, with exceptions made for weeks without student will call home to notify his/her parent and we school on Tuesdays. It will also be posted on the will provide a cheese sandwich, a piece of fruit and West Orient website. The purpose of the Tuesday milk. News is to provide current information about activities and events. It is intended to be quick to If the lunch/breakfast cost is a hardship, contact the read, so information is brief and to the point. school office. You may be eligible for free or reduced meal rates. Newsletter The school newsletter, Wolverine News, is published each trimester throughout the school year. It will be COMMUNICATION communicated via the district website with an email Parent Conferences notification to parents when it is posted. It contains Parent conferences can be scheduled at any time important school information regarding school events during the school year when there is a concern for the and activities as well as highlights from each team of student’s academic progress or behavior. Formal teachers. parent conference times are scheduled at the end of the first trimester. This year they will be November 24, 25, and 26.

9 West Orient Middle School School-wide Behavioral Expectations

Our Mission: As a community of learners, the students, staff and parents at West Orient Middle School strive to practice respect, responsibility, relationships and results.

School Rules

10 General Rules Respect: Be considerate of Responsibility: Take Relationships: Results: Personal, people and property. ownership of all your Conduct positive academic and social actions, decisions, and interactions with all success thoughts—Right or people at all times. Wrong. All Areas  Move safely  Follow school rules  Treat others as  Our school is  Use appropriate voice  Be prepared and on you would like to be safe, successful and level, language and topics time treated. respectful for  Speak to school staff,  Complete assigned  Be honest, be students, staff and students and visitors tasks helpful, be positive visitors respectfully  Use materials and  School pride equipment appropriately  Leave the area cleaner than you found it  No public displays of affection

Classrooms  Enter classes calmly and  Be prepared, on  Respectfully  You are a quietly time, and ready to learn listen to others successful learner  Always walk and keep  Be productive  Work  A positive hands and feet to yourself  Use your planner cooperatively learning environment  Use appropriate voice everyday  Interact level, language and topics  Turn in your positively with all  Wait your turn patiently completed work people  Wait quietly until  Clean up after dismissed by teacher yourself  Keep your chair fully on the floor

11 Hallways  Always walk  Stay to the right  Respond  Safe hallways  Keep hands, feet and and allow for traffic respectfully to others  Everyone gets materials to yourself flow  Be courteous to class on time  Use appropriate voice  Carry a hall pass and friendly level, language and topics during class time  No public  Respect school property  Move directly to displays of affection your next class  Be on time to class  Use passing time wisely  Move safely

Stairwell  Use appropriate  Keep moving and  Be aware of the  Everyone gets language, voice level, and stay to the right others around you to class on time topic  Walk up and down and respect their  Safe stairwells the stairs in a safe space manner  Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself

Locker  Use with care  Keep locker clean  Keep hands  Personal items  Close lockers gently and organized away from others are stored in a safe  Use only removable  Use locker quickly lockers and secure place materials  Keep locker  Be considerate combination of others need to confidential access their locker  Use assigned locker only  Report locker problems immediately to an adult

Restroom  Respect privacy of  Use good hygiene  Flush toilet  A clean and others  Keep water and  Wash hands safe area for all

12  Keep walls and stalls soap in sink only with soap and water writing free  Use time wisely  Clean up after  Use at appropriate  Put garbage in yourself times proper place  Use appropriate Leave the restroom clean language, voice level, and topic

13 Cafeteria  Good manners at all  Leave cafeteria  Speak  Lunch is times only with staff positively enjoyable for all  Keep your lunch area permission  Make space  Floors are clean  Clean up your for others as needed safe and clean  Respond respectfully area and spills  Listen quietly  The spread when addressed by an  Put your tray and when directions are of disease is adult trash in the correct area being given prevented  Use appropriate voice  Always walk and level, language and topics move calmly and  Wait your turn in line quietly  Exit cafeteria in an orderly manner  Keep hands, feet and food to yourselves  Sit properly on benches Recess/ Break Area  Follow adult directions  Leave recess only  Keep hands  Recess is  Use recess equipment with staff permission and feet to self safe and enjoyable with care  Play games by the  Speak politely  Equipment  Play your game in the rules to all will last longer space provided  Treat recess area  Use good  Games are  Enter and exit the appropriately sportsmanship enjoyable building promptly and  Return the balls  Respect safely when the whistle and equipment to the others’ games that blows cart at the end of recess are in progress  Use appropriate  Stay in  Include others language, voice level, and appropriate areas and share equipment topics  During inside recess, stay seated if on the bleachers  Eat food only in the cafeteria

14 PE  Keep hands and feet to  Use equipment  Positively  A clean gym self appropriately and with interact at all times  Equipment  Use only your adult permission only  Work as a remains in good personal items  Respect the team repair  Follow specific privacy and property of  Following  The gym is a classroom procedures others rules of the activity safe area  Bring clean PE  Support the uniform and correct physical effort of shoes others  Sit in assigned  Use good squads on time hygiene

Locker Room . Respect  Lock up personal  Respect  Locker school and personal belongings others’ personal rooms are safe and property  Throw paper space and clean . Use only towels in trash belongings  Locked up your lock  Keep the locker  Turn items left items are secure room a safe place in the locker room to the teacher  Immediately report harassment to an adult Bus Area  Move safely . Be aware  Be polite to  There will be  Wait patiently of traffic adults and peers a safe and pleasant  Speak appropriately to  Go directly to  Respect others start and end to the staff and bus drivers your destination space day  Use appropriate  Buses arrive voice level, language, and leave on time and topics  Must have office permission to ride another bus  Follow all bus rules Riding on the Bus  Enter bus calmly and  Follow bus rules  Treat others as  Bus ride is quietly and directions of bus you would like to be safe and enjoyable 15  Always walk and keep drivers treated for all hands and feet to yourself  School  Interact  Bus will arrive  Use appropriate voice expectations apply to all positively with bus and leave on time level, language and topics bus stops. driver and other  Positive social

 Wait your turn patiently  Clean up after students time with friends yourself

Clothing  Wear appropriate  Wear comfortable  Wear clothing  All students clothing for school clothing that allows that is a positive can focus on  Follow school dress you and others to reflection of academics code concentrate on learning yourself  All students will feel comfortable

Social Responsibility What to say and do if I What to say and do if I What to say and do if For Staff: What to am being bullied see someone bullying someone tells me I am say and do if I see being a bully. bullying  Describe what is  Describe what  Stop  Intervene happening to you and ask you see and say,  Apologize. without the person to stop or tell “You’re not using the 4  Leave the inadvertently them they are making you R’s” and ask the person person alone and escalating the feel uncomfortable. to stop. find something else situation  Use the stop signal and  Use the stop to do.  Use the stop say, “stop.” signal (hand up) “You  Be respectful signal. “John, you  Turn and walk away. are not treating “her” and follow adult are not being  “Mrs. Jones”, I told with respect, please directions if given. respectful to Bob, “her” she was not being stop. please stop.” respectful to me and I  “Come on, Let’s  Redirect Bob asked her to stop, and I walk away” or ”let’s go to another task. walked away, but she somewhere else.” Excuse Bob and didn’t stop. I need help.  Let’s go tell thank John for his “Mrs. Jones” this is not cooperation. OK.  If a student reports bullying, it is important to acknowledge the student. Document 16 incident following school procedures, and notify counselor of incident.


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