Daisy 101 Training Design

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Daisy 101 Training Design


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Date: August 2013_____ Time: 3 Hours Pre-requisites: Nuts and Bolts and GS 101

LEARNING OUTCOMES (Participants will be able to)  Apply the processes of Girl-led; Cooperative Learning, Learning by Doing and Progression to their Brownie Girl Scouts  Identify characteristics of Brownie Girl Scout – ranges, changes of development: expectations  Use the National Program Portfolio (Journeys, Girls Guide) as a foundation for troop activities  Value Girl Scout traditions, awards, and ceremonies  Plan for a Girl Scout year incorporating important GS dates, girl voice and meeting structure  View Volunteer Essentials, Safety Activity checkpoints, Service Unit volunteers and the web as resources to help them

SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. Registration Sign-in, name tags Set up room Sign-in Sheet, pens, name tags Participants will be encouraged to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to Markers, chart paper, easel training Post – Burning ?s, What to expect Brownie level journey set, Girls Guides (2-4) “Bag of Tricks” materials (trainer choice) Safety Activity Checkpoints (4-6), Volunteer Essentials (4-6), Handouts packets

Housekeeping Name tags, give handout packets, explain location of bathrooms, Something for Songbook sheets, scissors, hole food/drinks available, smoking outside, cell phone use, and use them to do (model) punch, d-rings of Burning Questions, and explain that they will be up and moving a lot, stash stuff under chairs or out of way Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. 10 min Introductions Introduce trainers giving relevant information.

Women up on feet, in circle to start Winnebago/4 corners Activity: Conduct Needs assessment. Who has been a leader, Who was a Girl Scout, who is brand new etc. (Winnebago Game/4 Corners is possible method for this)

Explain that a game up front like this is a part of effective meeting plan. Ex. for Brownies is the Muffin Game (girls work to write out steps it takes to make muffins, start to finish, on post its. Then they talk about what they missed and tie that into the importance of planning!

\What to expect Review Session Content and briefly explain Chart paper with what to expect  Unique capabilities of each age  How to lead a girl-led environment and apply the GSLE  Journeys and the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting  Additional awards and program for each age  Traditions and Ceremonies  Planning and Safety Resources to help you 15 min Characteristics of Brainstorm the developmental characteristics of 2nd-3rd graders Chart paper and markers in 3-4 Brownie Girl keeping in mind how this will influence how you will share places in room (tables, on wall) Scouts leadership responsibilities with the girls. Characteristics of Brownies in Handouts Activity: Cookbook brainstorm. Split into 4 small groups. Give Brownie Girl Scouts: need time to Cookbook style them 2 min to brainstorm, then they leave their sheet, get up and brainstorm be active; like to work together rotate to the next location and fill in the blanks. Prompts: Like to help eachother; think about now do, behavior challenges, good at, trying to do and need clear expectations; want to follow rules; like to act/dance Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. Inclusive Girl Scouting commits to providing a safe and inclusive Small group discussion Environment environment for girls. girlscoutsofcolorado.org/inclusion  Girl Scouts creates a safe space for girls emotionally, physically and mentally

Practical application:  Model how to make others feel welcome  Supportive language used to describe differences  accommodating differences  accessibility concerns  modeling listening and getting their voice heard

Benefits to girls:  safe to share, learn, be themselves  model inclusive behaviors for world outside of GS troop value and respect differences

15 min Group Agreement Discuss: Chart paper, marker -Concepts of group agreements (negotiated) versus ground rules Promise and Law in Handouts (mandated) -tie it back to the Promise and Law -Benefits incl. shared accountability -create a physical reminder (make it pretty and post it) -let it be a living document (revisit it when difficult situations arise)

Large Group PRACTICE GROUP AGREEMENT – participants get into role Brainstorm of girls in their troop. Then, role play how to guide with Team Agreement is part of Brownies. Seed ideas with Brownies! (refer back to cookbook, Brownie Quest Journey, Pg 61 Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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“Group Agreement is a perfect storm of many core Girl Scout ideas: fostering an inclusive environment, girl-led activities, learning and participating cooperatively with others, progressing their skills, troop governance, promise and law!!!”

Have participants anticipate common troop conflicts/ disruptions ex. listening to each other, getting and brainstorm ideas on how to resolve. off track and wasting time, -Have leaders shout out examples of disruptions or conflict in bathrooms, being friends, treating their troop. materials kindly, cleaning up, helping, not participating If time permits play or just describe games to help girls focus on Demo/explain importance of listening listening game for girls Activity: Telephone game. Girls sit in quiet circle. One girl chooses a simple sentence and whispers it into her neighbor’s ear. That neighbor whispers into the next girls ear, so on and so forth until it get all the way around the circle and back to the original girl. How different is it? Silly, but also help girls see the importance of really listening and how easy information can get distorted if they don’t 10 min The 3 Hows and Define 3 Processes (3 Hows) and the Girl Adult Partnership Handout Hands outs – GSLE page, Girl lecturette the Girl Adult *if technology is available, show Fun with a Purpose video here Adult partnership page Partnership Fun with a Purpose video DVD 3 Hows with Brownies 1. Girl Led – Girls can be given a general concept and propose their ideas; Girls can try a slightly different way of doing things, like to personalize, and think about which ways work better and why Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. 2. Cooperative Learning – love to feel like they belong to a group, have a acute sense of fairness; can take on specific roles and tasks in a group 3. Learning by Doing – Engage all the girls’ senses; ask questions and then try hands on ways to find solution; Do it themselves! Without adult help

Girl Adult Partnership - tasks should be sensitive to girls' developmental, social and physical maturity and build on things they have already tried and mastered

Discuss Why? “Hey, I’m just a mom who wants to earn some fun badges with my kid and her friends!” -Girl Scouts 100+ years old, changed many times - GSLE is designed to teach the girls to comfortably make decisions, to work well independently, in a small group or in a large group, and how to comfortable seek out others to work with and learn from -Girl Scouts still do many of the things you remember/anticipated (badges, cookies, community service, crafts, outdoors) -we offer professional training on how to weave GSLE into all of the above - Journeys are designed with elements already built in!

Activity: Brainstorm a Hike with the 3 Hows and the Girl Adult Partnership Large Group Brainstorm Girl Led ex. (give specific choices –brainstorm on where they could hike and then test/discuss if ideas work; share line Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. leadership during hike; take a 5 senses hike Cooperative Learning ex. (hiking teams with different responsibilities; Leave no Trace ethics) Learning by Doing (nature observations and journaling, Ph water testing, ) Girl Adult Partnership ex. – Brownies start with an alphabet hike close to meeting, focus on same safety and prep as more advanced hike in woods to get them ready 5 min BREAK Set out Journeys , post Journey Top 5 Explain 3 series of journeys and Brownie themes: Hand out Set of Journey books, at least one/ lecturette, 30 min Journeys A World of Girls: Girls are guided on cultural trip around the 2-3 adults world while they discover the power of story Handouts Wonders of Water: Girl explore the properties of water, and importance of conservation Brownie Quest: Girls learn funs ways to discover, connect and take action in their community

Flip through adult guide of World of Girls Journey Hands on Journey adult guide flip Discuss first 27 pages are resources to help you guide the girls through w/ handout on the Journeys. Some resources are available as PDF on support girlscouts.org Pg. 8 journey theme highlights, Pg. 12 info on the awards for the journey Pg 27 Snapshot summary Pg. 20 3 Hows reminder. Pg 18. LiA Award and f partnering with Cadettes

Sample sessions have everything you need to work the session with girls! Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. Ex. A World of Girls, pg 48 Ex. Materials list, activities list, ideas on snacks and what to do as girls arrive, detailed instructions and sidebars with good tips Pg. 57 Take Action planning resource

Briefly discuss 3 keys to Leadership “The learning theory that the Journeys are built around. Together with the 3 Hows, form the structure that modern Girl Scouts and Hand out the promise of leadership development is built on”

Discover – What does it take to bake a cookie? What’s my favorite cookie? Connect – Who else is baking cookies in my community and what can I learn from them? Are there cookies from other countries? Take Action – How do I want to make a positive change with cookies? Is there an underserved group that needs help learning to bake? Is there a cookie recipe that I can lighten up and share the recipe?

Top 5 things to know about Journeys Chart paper and Journey Top 5 1. Sold in pack with girl book or alone, adult book provides structure & girl’s books provides engagement, worksheets, and stories 2. GSLE built into these activities – Its ALL here for you! 3. Field trips, guest speaker and working with older mentors (Cadettes/LiA) are key to success – use your network and community resources 4. Flexibility is a must. If something isn’t working for you or your girls, creativity is welcome! Customize Your Journey Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. training is great next step for help with this concept. 5. Awards are progressive for these, designed to fit together. Girls and you can decide how you want to award them - Awards Ceremony! Small Groups Journeys, paper and pens Activity: break up into groups, assign a session of the Journey to each group (depending on which books are in your kit) World of Girls pg. 36 Session 2 World of Girls pg 58 Session 4 Brownie Qwest pg. 42 Session 1 Brownie Qwest pg. 75 Session 4 WOW! Pg. 52 Session 2 WOW! Pg. 68 Session 4

Each group brainstorms how they would work these session with Brownies. Have them spend 10-15 minutes on this section. Have groups present to entire group and discuss girl adult partnership 15 Min Girls Guide to Combo of badge book and handbook and NEW reflection Guided flip through Girls Guides at least 1 per group of Girl Scouting section. Easy to understand and use. 4 women

Handbook (as time allows highlight): Pg. 17 -25 role handbook plays in traditions and resources- Brownie story, ring, special days Pg. 26 Uniform Pg. 31 Journey Summit award and give brief summary of High Awards Pg. 40 Bridging & how looking forward engages girls, Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. Awards Fold out-Highlight earned badges(legacy, cookie and finance “leaves”) that can be tracked here Use Painting as example, 5 steps, 3 choices each

My Girl Scouts Reflection, scrapbook Debate on whether each girl needs a book – take it to the girls and families!

Discuss: -An activity can be counted only once for one award -Earning awards in Girl Scouts is about QUALITY and not quantity. 10 min “Take Action” and Take Action is Girl Scout lingo, a part of the 3 keys to Lecturette Chart paper, markers Community Leadership. Community Service and Take Action are different Service but related.

Community Service is a gift of time and energy to help others

Take Action is Community Service with a plan for making a sustainable and measurable change in response to a need.

One way to think about the difference is: a service project is done FOR the community and a Take Action Project is done WITH the community.

Discuss: Every Journey culminates in a Take Action project, Girls much discover information about the root causes and connect with Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. their communities in order to be ready to Take Action for change.

Each Journey gives age appropriate planning tools. Take Action as Brownies is the first step in progression toward earning High Awards

Girl led! girls need to 1st recognize something they want to change

Activity: Split up into small groups and fill in chart with ideas Small group hand out work sheet for both community service and Take Action Talking points and answers. -Identify the root service and then expand from there. eg.How are we helping with our community service? How can we make a more lasting impact? -“Teach a man to fish” approach, offering new knowledge to others is sustainable -Affecting change in community for the better is sustainable. -Partnering with an organization that has capacity to continue your work is sustainable.

40 min Girl Scout “Girl scouts has 100+ years of experience in engaging, Object based Bag of tricks: interactive group Traditions and managing and connecting girls to the worldwide sisterhood” share Kaper Chart Ceremony girl scout sign Use these things to your advantage! quiet sign SWAP Activity: Hand out one object/picture to each adult or pair of friendship circle adults. Rotate throughout room having each person present to Thinking Day large group what they have and gather the group’s knowledge of Bridging Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. the object. Fill in with trainer talking points below. Shorten or Flag ceremony lengthen depending on time – this section can be customized to Investiture ceremony trainer chose objects and stories. Juliette Low/Founders Day Make New Friends/songs Cookies Outdoores Situpon Talking Stick Buddy System 5 min BREAK 20 min Girl led planning We have reviewed all the things that Girl Scouts do…how do Hand out lecturette Handouts for the troop you put it together with your girls? meeting #1 thing to know when planning for Girl Scouts The adult leadership team does not do it all! Involve the girls in progressively more of the planning and choices to help them develop leadership skills. It is their troop. If you arrive at your first meeting with the whole year planned out for the troop, you are doing it wrong.

Resources to guide troop planning

- Year planning calendar hand out, highlight special days and seasons 6 parts of a meeting and meeting planning worksheet Handout 1. Start-up activity – snack is optional 2. Opening – flag ceremony or song Handout 3. Troop business and planning-Brownie Circle, product sales, dues, expenses Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. 4. Activities – Journeys, trips or outings 5. Clean up – kapers 6. Closing and Reflection-circle activity, song

Mix it up! - Active, quiet, alone, together etc. Safety First – ratios, health forms and permission, food, first aid, communications, emergency contact and plan, SAC GSLE Self check - Girl led? Cooperative Learning? Learning by doing? Reflection?

Activity: Split into small groups. Have each group decide on a Small groups handout meeting objective and share with group. Then small groups plan out their meeting and share with group. Large group offers self check on GSLE

(This is NUTS AND BOLTS review) Highlight PROGRESSION and core part of GS is field tripping! Volunteer Essentials Safety “This is Brownie’s chance to progress their skills, what parts can Chapter you involve them in so that when the time comes for an Safety Activity Checkpoints overnight, they are ready?”

Planning for safe Different then planning for a meeting field trips 1. Safety – ratios are smaller, a certified cpr/first aider is required and you need to arrange for prepared adult drivers (show Volunteer Essentials Safety Chapter) 2. Communications with parents are key. Who What When Where How must be shared, and What will be do in an emergency. 3. SAC is a planning resource to use with girls (show Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. Safety Activity Checkpoints) 4. Girl led – group agreement, kapers, 5. Girl Scouts leave a place better than they found it

Add’l Training requirements for Overnight trips and Camping Handout 5 Go To In no particular order… Volunteer Essentials – some Resources 1. Volunteer Essentials for guidelines, policies answers. copies Available as pdf, on ereader, or printed copy (sparingly Safety Activity checkpoints give out) Handout -Staff Positions and 2. Safety activity Checkpoints for planning help and safety Definitions: guidelines for activities Program Support Specialist- 3. Service Unit (handout for review on GSCO structure) provides program and event KEY to local resources and connections, rebuilding right support to service untis and troops, now! assigned SUs - Seek mentoring opportunity from Juniors who want to Volunteer Management earn their Junior Aide Specialist-manages new 4. Staff (handout for review on structure) Program Team is volunteers and provides training your main support, other departments include Outdoor Recruitment Specialists-works Program for camp, and Product Sales for cookies with School Coordinators and 5. Web. For ideas and information. GSCO-Blog, regional organizes community recruitment e-news; GSUSA; Pinterest; Scoutweb, Administrative Specialists- paperwork and registration support Product Sales Specialist – cookie and fall product sale support 5 min Reflection Activity: Ask participants to make a concluding statement about Solo reflection and Hand outs small group share their capabilities and expectations. Can they let the girls run this so it’s girl-led? Why is it important to them? Record on the appropriate sheet in their handouts. Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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SUGGESTED RESOURCES, TIME TOPIC FLOW CONTENT METHOD MATERIALS, EQUIP. 10 min Evaluations Fill out evaluation forms Evaluations

Closing Closing – Friendship Circle, song, reflection

Girl Scout sign – 3 fingers = 3 parts of promise, hold it up when you say promise Quiet sign -amazing how this sticks with you all your life Kapers – take responsibility “:Girl Scouts leave a place better than they found it” -Girl Led at Browniess -group management technique to get things done –amazing resources on google and pinterest. Talking Stick –allows for girls to organize who talks, and everyone to have a voice -can be anything! Buddy system -safety #1 -helps girls organize, you manage group -practice inclusivity by switching it up Friendship Circle – arms crossed in circle of sisterhood, share, send a squeeze, uncross without letting go -great for ending meeting Situpon -engage girls in creating their own -group management tool for defining their space and also defining circle business time during meeting Thinking Day Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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-moment for Girls across the globe to think about eachother -often areas or Service Units will offer International themed events -you can do your own at the troop level with girls Founders Day –time to celebrate Juliette’s story and work -birthday Bridging – At the end of the second year, girls can earn award or simply commemorate the moment -Bridging is Girl Scout speak for graduating - To earn, GG has requirements. Summary is girls reflect on their 2 years in Girl Scouting, help younger girls learn about their level and look forward to next level by spending some time with older girls. - ceremony usually includes crossing a symbolic bridge or community bridge -GSCO Bridging Ceremony at the Royal Gorge are great ways to celebrate this milestone. Investiture/Rededication –ceremony to welcome new and existing scouts -so many ideas! Centers on saying and committing to the Girl Scout promise and law -done after first few meetings are done -do one! (or reference handout) -Any ceremony has three basic elements – the opening, the main activity, and the closing. • The opening of the ceremony is used to welcome guests, describe the purpose of the ceremony, and set the mood for the occasion. For example, it might be quiet, festive, or serious. • The main activity of the ceremony focuses on the reason you have gathered people together. It might include such things as poems, songs, choral readings, dramatics, or candle-lighting. • The closing summarizes the ceremony. It might include forming a friendship circle, singing a closing song, saying thank you to special guests, or a goodbye to all. Flag Ceremony -openning and closing events -do one! (or reference handout) Court of Awards -invite parents, do 1 or 2x year -design is up to you, more formal or informal Girl Scouts of Colorado TRAINING SESSION DESIGN

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-typically troop pays for badges that most girls earn, parents pay for badges they choose to pursue with their girls individually. All can be awarded and recognized at the Count of Awards Make New Friends – songs are integral part of Girl Scout get togethers -make song book Cookies -product sales (both Fall and cookies) serve dual purpose as a fundraiser and an educational program -5 Skills for girls. goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, business ethics -Product Sales is where to start and really the only fundraiser that Brownies should be doing -goal setting is key -not required but highly recommended -product sales staff department and robust volunteer structure to go to for help - Get a volunteer to commit to running it and check dates for training in November, make sure they are approved volunteer -cookie season is February-March every year. Fall product sales take place in September Camping and the Outdoors -core Girl Scout activity and tradition -progression is key -engaging for girls, place for team building and for personal reflection -program opportunities with badges, Service Unit events and Council camping (see handout!) SWAPS -stuff we affectionately pin - fun way to connect with other girl scouts and help girl expand their world -consider at small meet ups, Service Unit events, thinking day events, travel

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