Natural Resources Conservation Service s58

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Natural Resources Conservation Service s58



DEFINITION practicable, to determine if the development will meet requirements. Utilizing springs and seeps to provide water for a conservation need. Fracture and tubular springs. This type of spring is associated with cavernous rock. If PURPOSES water issues from rock fractures, the This practice may be applied as part of a individual openings shall be cleaned and resource management system to support one enlarged, as needed, to improve flow. The or more of the following purposes: water from these individual openings shall be collected by means of tile or perforated  improve the distribution of water; pipeline or by a gravel-filled ditch. The  increase the quantity and quality of water collection works shall be constructed an for livestock, wildlife, or other uses; and, adequate distance below the elevation of the  obtain water for irrigation if water is openings to permit free discharge. available in a suitable quantity and quality. If water issues from a single opening, such as a solution channel in a soluble rock formation or a tunnel in lava, the opening shall be CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES cleaned or enlarged as needed. A collection In areas where spring or seep development system usually is not required. will provide a dependable supply of suitable If a spring box or sump is used, it shall be water for the planned times of use, and installed at an elevation low enough that where the intended purpose can be achieved water yield is not restricted. by using this practice alone or combined with other conservation practices. Perched or contact springs. Perched or contact springs occur when an impermeable CRITERIA layer lies beneath a water-bearing permeable General Criteria Applicable To All layer. Collection trenches shall be used to Purposes intercept and divert flows from the water- bearing formation. Spring developments shall be planned, designed, and constructed in compliance with Artesian springs. Artesian springs normally Federal, State and Local laws and occur at a fissure or break in the impervious regulations. stratum with the water source being an under-lying pervious water-bearing layer so Impacts to existing wetland functions shall be positioned that the water surface elevation assessed. USDA wetland conservation (water table) is always above the outlet point provisions apply. The practice must comply of the spring. Remove obstructions, clean or with NRCS wetland technical assistance enlarge joints or fractures, or lower the outlet policy contained in GM 190, Part 410.26. elevation as needed to improve flow. Sumps An investigation of site conditions, including or spring boxes shall be located as needed. soil borings, shall be made. Water quality Free outlet discharge or minimum restriction shall be determined to the extent required for to the spring flow is required to protect and the intended purpose. Water quantity shall maintain yield. be measured from existing flows, as

Conservation Practice Standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain the NRCS Pacific Basin current version of this Standard, contact the Natural Resources Conservation Service. February 2003 STANDARD NAME ### - 2

Collection systems. If a collection trench is Outlets. The outlet pipe from a spring box used, the trench shall be excavated so that it shall be placed not less than 0.15 meters (6 extends into the impervious layer. Minimum inches) above the floor, to provide a sediment length of the trench shall be based on site trap. The spring outlet pipe should be at the conditions, preferably the entire length of the same elevation or lower than the collector water-bearing outcrop. pipe outlet to prevent reduced spring flow. The intake to the outlet pipe shall be A cutoff wall shall be constructed along the screened as necessary, and installed to the downstream side of the trench if needed to box with a watertight connection. insure that the flow enters the collection system. The cutoff wall may be constructed The outlet pipe must have positive grade of plastic sheeting, well-tamped clay, away from the spring box or collection system masonry, concrete, or other impervious unless vent pipe(s) are added to prevent air materials. locks The collection system shall consist of The outlet pipe shall have minimum 3 cm (1¼ subsurface drainage tubing or perforated pipe inch) diameter. In lieu of site-specific spring not less than 100 mm (4-inch) diameter, flow and pipe vent calculations, the outlet wood box drain, or other suitable system. pipe shall have the following minimum size Surrounding the collector with geotextile based on line grades: fabric or a sand-gravel filter is recommended. 1. 3 cm (1¼ inches) inside diameter for line Cleanouts are recommended for all collection grades greater than 1.0 percent. systems. 2. 3.8 cm (1½ inches) inside diameter for line Crushed rock or gravel backfill, not less than grades greater than or equal to 0.5 percent 0.3 meters (1 foot) thick, may be used as a but less than or equal to 1.0 percent. collection system if site conditions warrant, in lieu of other materials. 3. 5 cm (2 inches) inside diameter for lines grades less than 0.5 percent. Sand, gravel, and crushed rock shall be composed of clean, hard, durable particles. Minimum outlet pipe material and strength The gradation shall be such that fines from requirements shall equal those found in adjacent soil will not pipe or otherwise flow Pacific Basin standard, Pipelines (516). into and impede the collection and Appurtenance Protection. Measures shall transportation processes. be included to protect appurtenances from Spring boxes. Spring boxes, if needed, shall damage by freezing, flooding, sedimentation, be made of plastic, concrete, or other durable contamination, vehicular traffic, and livestock. material, with a tight access cover and Wildlife Habitat Protection. Spring impervious floor. A “shoebox” type access developments with potential to jeopardize cover or manhole attachment, with gasket, is wetlands, bogs, fens, or other unique recommended for tightness. The floor may be ecological sites shall be designed with omitted when the underlying material is stable measures required to maintain the existing and impervious. habitat, unless acceptable mitigation is The boxes shall have a minimum cross- provided. A functional assessment will be sectional area of 0.14 square meters (1½ ft2), made at potential spring development areas and the floor of the box shall be not less than to determine existing ecological functions 0.15 meters (6 inches) below the outlet of the and/or potential losses. collection system. Operation and maintenance plans for Spring box overflows, if needed, shall meet ecologically sensitive sites shall include the requirements found in Pacific Basin specific valve installation and operation standard, Water Facility (614). requirements to protect existing site habitat values.

NRCS Pacific Basin August 2002 STANDARD NAME ### - 3

Vegetative Establishment. Establishing section, structure, location, etc. It is expected vegetation on disturbed areas shall be in that all changes will be with prior consent of accordance with the Pacific Basin standard, the individual approving the design. If there Critical Area Planting (342). were no changes, the original drawings shall be marked, “As-Built.” CONSIDERATIONS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Considerations when determining the suitability of a site for development shall The operation and maintenance plan shall include the need and feasibility of protection include such items as winter freeze and from contaminants, and potential damage to flooding protection, overflow and valve cultural resource areas, wetlands, woody operations, spring box sediment removal, cover, and existing wildlife habitat. rodent damage repair, maintaining vegetative cover and stable outlet, and other site specific A shutoff valve and vent system on the spring items as needed. outlet pipe should be considered for winter shutdown, flow control, and maintenance. REFERENCE Native vegetation adapted to wet conditions 1. USDA NRCS, National Engineering may be used as an alternative to introduced Handbook - Part 650 - Engineering Field grasses on some wet sites. Handbook, Chapter 1, Surveys; Chapter 5 Preparation of Engineering Plans; PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Chapter 12, Springs and Wells. Preliminary to developing design and 2. USDA NRCS, National Engineering construction plans, survey data must be Manual, Part 531 - Geology obtained. Such data shall include sufficient points to develop and show structures 3. USDA NRCS, National Engineering (collection boxes, collector pipes), profile of Handbook, Part 640 (Technical delivery pipe, cross sections, and location of Release 62). nearby physical features (roads, trees, structures,, watercourses, etc.), so that the project can be located on the property. All surveys will be in accordance with NEH Part 650 - EFH Chapter 1 and NEH Part 640 (Technical Release 62). Construction plans shall include a to scale plan view, profiles, and material quantities required. If additional conservation practices are included in the project, the information necessary to construct these practices will also be conveyed on the plans. Development of plans will be guided by NEH Part 650 - EFH - Chapter 5, and NEM Part 541 Drafting. Incidental information necessary to construct the job will need to be either communicated in the construction specifications (if project complexity warrants) or carried on the construction drawings in the form of construction notes. As-Built-Plans – As-Built-Plans, when required by the approving individual or permitting authorities, shall reflect all significant changes in alignment, cross NRCS Pacific Basin August 2002

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