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Athens High School

Athens High School SPORTS NUTRITION COURSE SYLLABUS 2016-2017 Myra Stansell, Instructor

Course Description: Food and Nutrition is a one-semester credit course that is designed for students interested in health, fitness and sports performance.

This course examines the relationship between nutrition, physical performance and overall wellness. Students will learn how to choose nutritious foods for healthy lifestyles and peak performance of athletes. Health and disease prevention through nutrition, physical activity and wellness practices are essential components of the course. This course emphasizes the metabolic process and management of food choices for optimal health and physical performance. Students are challenged to develop personal fitness and nutrition plans.

Participation in FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) enhances leadership development skills and provides opportunities for community service.

Pre requisite: None

Course Goals: At the end of this course, students will have an understanding of the relationship between nutrition and physical performance. They will be able to analyze nutritional data for athletes and develop nutritious meal plans for optimal health and athletic performance.

Course Fee: $20: We will not begin our cooking until all fees and supplies have been turned in. It is not fair to the class if a student waits until the last days of the semester to pay because I am unable to use that money for this semester!

School Supplies: 1. Paper 2. Pencils/pens 3. 3 Ring Notebook

Method of Instruction: The main methods of teaching are individual and group instruction. The methods through which students learn information include lecture, discussion, real-life experiences, demonstration, audio-visual programs, and guest speakers.

Philosophy: Career/Technical education is an essential part of the total educational process. It deals specifically with the development of knowledge, skills, and interpersonal relationships that prepare the student to become a productive citizen in the world of work. It is our goal that this course successfully prepares each student to successfully enter post-secondary education institutions, apprenticeship programs, or obtain gainful employment.

Writing Assignments: The student will be required to complete writing assignments relative to Sports Nutrition. The criteria for submitting a written assignment is as follows: 1. Use correct spelling 2. Use correct grammar 3. Write in complete sentences 4. Begin each sentence with a capital letter 5. Punctuate sentences correctly 6. Use at least three sentence patterns in each paragraph; at least 5 paragraphs per essay.

Grading Procedures: Evaluation of Student Progress: Evaluation is based on: tests& exams, quizzes, homework assignments, class assignments, individual/group projects, written job skills, and lab assignments.

Tests/Projects: 60% Class Work: 40%

Impact of Health and 11. Describe both the process of digestion and metabolism. Wellness on Fitness 12. Define the term Body Mass Index (BMI). 13. Practice calculating BMI of a client. 14. Evaluate the BMI of a client. 15. Identify healthy and unhealthy zones of BMI. 16. Analyze the importance of caloric intake and maintaining a healthy BMI. 17. Determine strategies to prevent muscle wasting. 18. Analyze the impact of exercise related anemia on an athlete’s fitness. Components of 19. Determine the components that impact fitness of an athlete such as Fitness cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. Physical Performance 20. Evaluate the effect of ergogenic aids on an athlete’s performance. of Athletes 21. Explain the therapeutic benefits of nutrition and exercise to an athlete. 22. Evaluate the impact of lifestyle choices on physical performance of an athlete. 23. Analyze the dietary needs of athletes before, during, and after competition. 24. Develop a systematic approach for a year round sport specific exercise program for athletes in specific sports programs. Fitness and Wellness 25. Identify basic components of exercise. for All 26. Develop a lifelong fitness plan for individuals and athletes. 27. Determine how much physical activity is enough for both males and female. 28. Explain how to perform the fitnessgram. Personal Fitness 29. Plan a fitness program to meet the client’s goals. Program Planning 30. Evaluate a clients’ fitness program to determine if it is effective in meeting the client’s goals. 31. Calculate body fat percentage using calipers to assess body fat percentage. 32. Counsel clients to determine strategies to assist them in sticking to their personal fitness Technology and 33. Identify career opportunities, credentials, education and training Careers requirements, and entrepreneurial endeavors related to sports nutrition and wellness. 34. Identify the types of equipment and technology used in the sports nutrition field. 35. Assess the impact of technology on sports nutrition and fitness.

NOTE: Lesson plans will provide detailed instructional plans and activities that correlate with the listing of theoretical concepts and practical skills on the course syllabus.

Classroom Standards and Rules: Complete compliance is expected. 1. Field trips are a privilege for students. We expect excellent student behavior in the classroom and off-campus. Any student that is unable to follow classroom/school rules, as determined by the teacher/school administrators, may lose their field trip privileges. 2. NO, NO, NO, NO you may not leave the classroom except to use the restroom. (Students will be given 1 restroom pass per month.) 3. When you make a mess, you must clean up after yourself. 4. Class attendance and assignment completion is required. 5. All students are expected to listen to instructions so that they do not have to be repeated. 6. Never touch anything on my desk without permission. 7. Do not go behind my desk or sit in my chair unless I have given you instructions to do so. 8. All students are expected to be respectful of other students and teachers. 9. Safety rules will be strictly adhered to at all times. 10. All policies of the Athens City Schools Board of Education as well as all the rules, regulations, and guidelines found within the Athens City Schools Student Handbook and the Code of conduct for Athens City Schools must be followed. 11. Students must be inside the classroom when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. 12. Bring all needed materials to class every day. Students will not be allowed to return to their locker. 13. Working on other class work will only be tolerated when ALL work for this class has been completed including the clean-up activity. Teachers will be notified if a student is caught copying the work of another student. 14. Students will be allowed to use the restroom located closest to our classroom. (restrooms by the gymnasium.) You must get permission to leave and must take a class pass with you and sign out. If passes are not used they may be turned in for credit on a test at the end of the semester. 15. Students are expected to stay in the classroom unless they are having an emergency. In such cases, any student leaving the classroom must sign-out. 16. Students are expected to participate in classroom activities. 17. Tests will be given. If you are absent for a test, you will have 3 days to make up the test. 18. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to learn what you missed and get any needed assignments. If you are absent, YOU are responsible for locating and completing all assignments. 19. Students must be HONEST! CHEATING = 0 DO NOT LEAVE THIS CLASSROOM WITH ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU! 20. It is YOUR responsibility to turn in all assignments on time. Any assignment that is turned in late will lose 5 points per school day after the due date. 21. No inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. 22. Do not write on the board without permission. 23. Do not put your feet on the desks or table. Do not sit on the kitchen counters or tables; we will be preparing food on those surfaces. 24. Students are expected to use good manners in their speech and behavior in this classroom. 25. All students are expected to have a positive attitude. 


Please contact me at any point during the school year when you have a question, need to discuss your child’s progress, or feel that there is something of which I need to be aware of in order to more effectively increase your child’s ability to learn.

From time to time, I may contact you regarding your child’s progress or lack thereof. I need your support.

The school number is 256-233-6613 and I can be reached via email at [email protected].

You can access a copy of the syllabus for your student’s class via this site:

Sincerely, Myra Stansell, Family and Consumer Sciences Instructor

I have read and understand these classroom policies.

Student ______Date______

Parent ______Date______

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