Christine Tetlow
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APPLICATION NO: 05/00501/F WARD BV RECEIVED: 01/03/05 : APPLICANT: Banstead Carshalton & District AGENT: Paul Sharp - JTA Consulting Housing Society LOCATION: ROSELAND, GARRATTS LANE, BANSTEAD, SURREY DESCRIPTION To provide improved bedroom facilities, kitchen, dining room, offices : and sunlounge to residential home for the elderly. DRAWING NUMBERS: 0413-02, 03, 12, 13
This application proposes two two-storey rear extensions to an existing nursing home. The proposal would include enlarging the existing kitchen and dining room and creating a garden room on the ground floor, and providing private WC’s to existing bedrooms, as well as creating an additional bedroom on the first floor.
It is considered that the scheme presented represents an acceptable enlargement of the existing care home. The extensions are designed in a similar form and materials to the existing building, and there would be no adverse impact on neighbouring amenity.
Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.
D:\Docs\2017-12-16\045ea9e36c2746f7d5882bb55137a00f.doc Consultations:
Highway Authority: no highways requirements to make on this application.
Neighbouring properties were notified by letter dated 03/03/05. No representations have been received.
1.0 Site and Surroundings
1.1 The property is a substantial detached two-storey building of three wings radiating from a central service core. There is car parking to the front. The building provides care home facilities for the elderly. There is no notable difference in ground levels within the curtilage or between the neighbouring properties.
2.0 Relevant History
91/11830/F A small dormer projection to the rear of the main Granted 28/11/91 roof to house a disabled lift over-run and a small ground floor extension to the laundry
3.0 Current Proposal
3.1 The development proposes two two-storey rear extensions, which would enlarge the existing kitchen and dining room and create a garden room on the ground floor, provide private en-suite facilities and enlarge six existing bedrooms as well as creating an additional bedroom on the first floor. The garden room would include a small single- storey conservatory.
3.2 Further details of the development are as follows:
Site area 0.45 hectares Additional gross floor space 233 square metres Existing parking spaces 10 Proposed parking spaces 10 Parking standard 20 (maximum)
4.0 Policy Context
4.1 Local Plan Designation
Urban Area
4.2 Surrey Structure Plan 2004
The Location of Development LO1, LO2 Sustaining the Environment SE4 Infrastructure and Development Needs DN2
4.3 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994
Housing Ho9, Ho13, Ho16, Ho21, Ho22
D:\Docs\2017-12-16\045ea9e36c2746f7d5882bb55137a00f.doc Employment Em3 Tree Protection Pc4 Community Facilities Cf1 Movement Mo7
4.4 Local Plan First Alteration (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000
Housing Ho9 Employment Em 1A Movement Mo7
4.5 Other Material Considerations
Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG 1 Supplementary Planning Guidance Surrey Design Local Distinctiveness Design Guide A Parking Strategy for Surrey Parking Standards for Development Other Human Rights Act 1998 Disability Discrimination Act 1995
5.0 Principal Issues
5.1 The main issues to consider are:
Impact on the character of the area Impact on neighbour amenity
Impact on the Character of the Area
5.2 Policy Cf3 of the Local Plan encourages the development of new community facilities provided the design criteria detailed in Policy Cf2 are satisfied. It is considered that the proposal would respect the general pattern of development and would be in keeping with the character of the area.
5.3 The proposed two-storey rear extensions would enlarge existing facilities and would accommodate an additional care room unit on the first floor. The extensions would be sited centrally to the main building and the site. While the proposal would introduce substantial additions to the existing building, this increase would be well integrated into the existing building and given their siting at the rear of the building, their impact on the character and appearance of the area would be limited.
Impact on the Neighbour Amenity
5.4 To the east of the proposal site is the sub-station and telephone exchange. To the west and north are detached houses fronting North Acre, with the rear gardens adjoining the proposal site.
5.5 The site is enclosed at the sides and rear with a mix of timber fencing and shrubs. The closest part of the extension (single storey conservatory) would be sited approximately 4 metres from the boundary with 50-64 North Acre. The two extensions would be sited centrally in the plot. The siting would not harm the residential amenities, privacy or daylight presently enjoyed by neighbouring properties.
D:\Docs\2017-12-16\045ea9e36c2746f7d5882bb55137a00f.doc 5.6 Overall the proposed extensions would be in keeping with the general scale and character of the existing building and would not harm the amenities of neighbouring properties.
5.7 Whilst the number of car parking spaces would not change, it is considered that the increase of one additional care room would not justify additional car parking. The Highway Authority does not have any concerns with regard to this application, and the existing parking provision meets the Council’s adopted maximum parking standards. It is considered that the existing car parking to the front is sufficient to meet the parking modest additional demand that might arise as a result of the development.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. The proposed external finishing materials shall match those of the existing buildings and there shall be no variation without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area.
The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies Cf2, Ho9, Ho13, Ho16, Ho21, Ho22 and SE4, and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development would not result in any harm that would justify refusal in the public interest.