The Wounded Healer
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Westminster Chimes May 2013 From the Helm - could be of most help would be a person “The Wounded Healer” who has been through it themselves and Rev. John W. Pope, S.T.M. come out on the other end victorious in their Some years ago I had the opportunity to struggle? journey to the church of Pastor Rick Warren Henry Nouwen once wrote a book about in Southern California. It was a great the same thing, “The Wounded Healer”, that experience and during the time that Pastor when others are willing to share the Warren had just published “The Purpose “wounded experiences” of their own life to Driven Church”. Accompanying me on my others, they can become a healing presence visit to the Saddle Back Church was another to those whom they reach out to. Presbyterian Elder from our Session. Our I recently heard on the radio of a middle mission there was to inquire about a pro- age woman who lost both legs at the Boston gram entitled “40 Days of Purpose”, which Marathon terrorist attack this past month. we eventually signed our church for and Lying there looking at her legs right after the proceeded with the program some months explosion, she was bleeding out and thought later. It was a great experience and a for a moment that she wanted to die. Then renewing time for our congregation. she remembered her daughter, her One of the interesting parts of our visit husband, and her whole family, and was the worship service on Sunday, with a changed her mind. A good Samaritan came worship bulletin that looked very different by and applied pressure to her legs and she from the “normal” Sunday bulletin you might eventually made it to the hospital. But the see. Instead of listing an “Order of doctor told her that both legs had to be Worship”, it was filled with information about amputated. the church activities, and also included a Lying there in the hospital some weeks whole list of names of congregational later she was severely depressed wondering members and their ministries at the church: how her life could ever be the same again. Then walked in to her hospital room a Recently Divorced?...... Call Jim (# listed) United States Marine, a double amputee Have a Drug Problem? ………...Contact Sue himself. He sustained his wounds in Pregnancy Issue? ………………….Call Mary Afghanistan. He told her, “I’ve been there Struggling with Depression?...... Call Jayne just where you are now. I know what you PTSD?...... Contact Mike are feeling. You can overcome this just as I Dealing with Anger? ...... Call Tom have.” She tearfully told the commentator Marital Conflict Counseling ….Contact David interviewing her that this Marine became a Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc Two full pages of listings! beacon of light and hope to her, a “wounded healer”. He continued to visit her, and she It turned out all those listed in these pages not only decided that she would survive her were people who had experienced wounds, she is now determined that there themselves the ministries they were will be no limits to her recovery and healing! advertising. It made a lot of sense, In her tragedy on a Boston street, through “wounded healers” offering a healing this wounded healer, she had found a new presence to others. I mean, if you’re beginning, a life of hope! struggling with drugs, alcohol, etc, etc, Rick Warren once said in a sermon that if doesn’t it make sense that a person who we are willing to talk about it, our greatest 1 failures and our wounds in life, can be a office going, Kristian Seaman counting money, tremendous blessing of ministry to Kristina Seaman putting together the newsletter, others….a ministry of love and healing to Doreen Smith greeting whenever asked or those who are afflicted by the same things Jeanne bringing a flower each week for the we have been through. I have found that chancel. We are so blessed with unselfish people true in my life. I hope it becomes a true life doing things for God's house. Others who are experience for you as well! You can be a running under the radar and haven't been “wounded healer”…..just open your life to mentioned here are truly appreciated. others and watch God do a miracle! BLESSINGS UPON EACH OF YOU!!!!
Blessings! Gleanings from Session Pastor (Skipper) John 1. Transferred membership for Lynn Harrison to Markham Woods Behind the Scenes Presbyterian Church Have you noticed the lighting in the narthex of Shepherd Hall? It is so bright now! After 2. Received letter of apology from Austin working with trying to use bigger bulbs for Voss for trying to break into our storage months and having them die, Ralph Bensema shed last year. Moved to help Jonathon finally bit the bullet. He bought new fixtures for the ceiling and wall sconces and the brightest Catiller in his Eagle Scout project of bulbs he could get. They are wonderful. gathering food for the Casselberry Care Whenever we need anything fixed, we call Ralph Cabin. and he responds quickly. Thanks for all the work you do around here, Ralph. 3. Moved to change time of worship As you know, we just finished another starting in June to 9:30 AM. successful rummage sale. With the limited number of people who can help, we were able to 4. Moved to allow worship of Word of Faith do rather well. Kay Vinson spent most Christian Fellowship at $250.00 per week Wednesdays for the past year over here in the shed sorting, folding and labeling everything. pending an interview with Pastor John. She had everything in boxes ready to be put out This will reduce our monthly deficit for the sale. This was a herculean job, spending almost in half. They will meet in the three or four or five hours every Wednesday in sanctuary at 11:30 AM on Sundays. the heat and cold working for the church. When it came time for the sale, she was there 5. Heard roof of Shepherd Hall has been every day directing and putting everything out repaired. for the sale. Janet Lowther was right by her side with help from Jeanne, Fujico and Kay's friend Bill. They single-handedly displayed everything for the sale. Sharon and Jim Ellerbe and Jami Miller came and helped with the sale on Saturday. Many thanks to all of them. However, without Kay's unfailing faithful work, we never Birthdays would have pulled it off. So...special thanks go May to Kay for her loving work. 10 Doreen Smith Many others help so faithfully. Gary Lowther is always doing something for the church, whether it's carrying away a rubbage pile or handing out bulletins, Janet Lowther keeping the 2 TREASURER'S REPORT March 2013 YTD (Year-to-Date) 2013 Income 4784.13 Income 12365.13 Disbursed 6773.31 Disbursed 22443.59 +/- -1989.18 +/- -10078.46
Next month's cash flow is expected to be more negative as roof repair expenses for Shepherd Hall will be included in those numbers.
Deacon News
It is so hard to believe that it is May already. And of course, May means Mother’s Day. The Deacons will celebrate Mother’s Day a week early so that our Moms can be taken out to celebrate with their families on Mother’s Day. We will be having a special fellowship time and every woman in attendance will receive a small gift. Make plans to join us on May 5.
Thanks to Bill Peek for continuing to send cards for birthdays, anniversaries, get well, thinking of you, etc. Deacon Bill does a great job and we appreciate the time he puts in. We need to keep Jack Holtz in our prayers. Jack is recovering at home and comes to church when he is able. Kay Vinson’s sister, Eleanor, had back surgery on May 3 so let’s keep her in our prayers also. If you know of someone who is in need of prayer or a visit, please tell one of the Deacons. You are our eyes and ears.
Please remember your church in your will. Westminster Presbyterian Church 2641 Red Bug Lake Road Casselberry, FL 32707
Thank you Lord for