MCPF Board Meeting - March 2013
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MCPF Board Meeting - July 2015 7/20/2015 12:30 PM Bridge: 866 528 2256 Code: 9201422
Facilitator: Shawnee McDonough Attendees: Shawnee McDonough, Lisa Carroll, Bill Cannon, Anna Bathon, Jerry VanderWier, Marc Stephenson ----- Agenda Topics ----- Program Jerry VanderWier Secretary Lisa Carroll Membership Marybeth Edwards Communication Bill Cannon Treasurer Marc Stephenson Fall Symposium Steve Seton Miscellaneous Shawnee McDonough Program Jerry VanderWier
Discussion: Refer to the program spreadsheet August Meeting Details – Crisis Mgmt @ Scottrade 20 minute presentation on Crisis / Incident Management, Highlights of the presentation could include: Crisis Team / Incident Team structure Activation process during an event Communication methods among the team as well as TO stakeholders (internal and external) Role of BCP on the team(s) Then, after that short presentation, we turn it over to our members for a facilitated discussion on their own organization's teams.
Facilitated by one of us Members would be in table groups like the July meeting at Edward Jones A short scenario would set the tone and then questions would be tossed out for each table group to discuss and walk through how things are done within their own organizations. This would serve as a peer to peer learning environment. September Meeting Details - City, County & State Response Plans and Expectations for Earthquake @ STL County EOC (Ballwin – 1150 Hanna Road) October – Fall Symposium November – Business Continuity KPIs and Metrics - @ Monsanto Holiday Party – need something new and fun – mentioned Missouri Botanical Gardens, Anheuser-Busch Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Upload August meeting details to website Shawnee ASAP Upload September meeting details to website Jerry August 15th
Page 1 of 5 Follow up with Marybeth re: August mtg. room set-up and snacks Jerry ASAP
Secretary Lisa Carroll
Discussion: Evaluation Summary report – o Format of Meeting – first 15 minutes is networking time – include on on-line posted agenda o Starting on Time
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Take Star Chapter on line training for administration of website Lisa Complete In the on-line meeting agenda, include networking for first 15 minutes Bill August meeting post Post General Meeting Minutes and supporting documents Lisa July 30th Post Board Meeting Minutes Lisa July 27th
Membership Marybeth Edwards
Discussion: Process to follow up with guests and encourage membership Email templates for meeting registration – review and update Current standing of 2015 membership with dues paid – 82 Email template to send to guests after meeting attendance – In Process Ongoing - Membership Renewal Letter at beginning of year Ongoing - If paying by cash or check, require application so we can track their payment (scan application and write either check number or $) Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Add guests as prospects on website, remove after 3 months if do not join Marybeth Ongoing Update email templates Marybeth
Communication Bill Cannon
Discussion: LinkedIn – communicate meetings, post questions or discussion items after each meeting Automated communications – monthly meeting reminders will be the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Post meeting notifications on MCPF group in LinkedIn and other Bill Ongoing related groups, if allowed
Page 2 of 5 Send August meeting announcement Bill July 28th
Treasurer Marc Stephenson
Discussion: As of July 20th - Final verification that all electronic transactions have moved to the Am. Eagle CU account for MCPF is complete. The PowerPay and Authnet (CC processing and Gateway fees respectively) are now going to Am. Eagle. We are ready to close the ElectroSavings Credit Union account. Post $300 check from IBM from 2013 Fall Symposium to misc. donations; created new line item for "website update fees." Electronic statements are loaded through June 2015.
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Change bank accounts from personal to business (Electro to American Marc & Anna Complete Eagle) Close ElectroSavings Credit Union account Anna End of July Take Star Chapter on line training for Administration of website Marc End of November
MCPF Fall Steve Seton Symposium
Discussion: Volunteer Committee – Fred Bausch, Kent Howard, Jim Sharp, Anthony Kline, Whitney Aguilar Location for 2015 – Edward Jones Vendor Communication sent July 17th
Page 3 of 5 Agenda: Time Activities Location . Registration 7:30 am - 8:00 am . Exhibit Hall Opens Exhibit Hall . Networking Opportunity 8:00 – 8:15 am Welcome & Introductions Exhibit Hall
8:15 am – 10:00 am Track 1 – Disaster Recovery Multi-Purpose Room B
8:15 am – 9:15 am Vendor Learning Lab 1 Multi-Purpose Room D
9:30 am – 10:30 am Vendor Learning Lab 2 Multi-Purpose Room D . Exhibit Hall 10:00 am – 11:00 am Exhibit Hall . Networking Opportunity Venue Cafeteria or local 11:00 am – 12:15 pm Networking Lunch (on your own) restaurants
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm Keynote Speaker Multi-Purpose Room B
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Vendor Learning Lab 3 Multi-Purpose Room D
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Track 2 – Incident Management Multi-Purpose Room B
1:30 pm Vendor Expo Closes 2:10 pm – 3:10 pm Vendor Learning Lab 4 Multi-Purpose Room D 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Networking Opportunity Exhibit Hall
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Track 3 – Business Continuity Multi-Purpose Room B
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm Vendor Learning Lab 5 Multi-Purpose Room D
. Vendor Prize Drawings 4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall . Attendance Prize Drawings
Speaker Options: o Track 1 – Shawnee - SunGard: DR trend towards Cloud Services and Managed Services o Track 2 – Jim & Kent - o Track 3 – Steve & Whitney – o Keynote – CISO of Edward Jones or David Nolan of Fusion Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Determine options for 2015 Steve Complete location Next Committee meeting Steve July 24th
Page 4 of 5 Finalize speakers Committee End of July
Miscellaneous Shawnee McDonough
Discussion: County EOC representation – Paul Thomas update: Recommendation from Paul: Assemble a small committee to identify two things:
1) What types of intelligence a typical business might want to receive in a disaster situation that an MCPF rep at the EOC could provide. 2) What kind of a network of business contacts is available to an MCPF rep at the EOC during a disaster so he/she can respond to business related questions from disaster management reps at the EOC.
Recognize that item 2 is the key reason Mark Dietrich would like a business rep at the EOC, with item 1 being a bonus he would appreciate to assist him with outgoing information bulletins.
MCPF Branded Items for Speaker Gifts - o Flash Card USB - $9.00 min order of 36 - Ordered Red Cross September Preparedness Event – moving to Spring of 2016 2016 Board of Directors – Membership and Program Directors are stepping down; President and Communications Director may step down. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Prepare email communication for EOC committee Shawnee On Hold Slate for Board of Directors to members Anna October 15th
Other Information Special notes:
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