Build Background
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A Review A Activity
Build Background Leveled Reader: How does Echolocation Work? As a group, discuss the following: Before Reading
Why do animals behave the way they do? Remember the Read Aloud “Sugar, Cross Country Traveler.” What remarkable thing did Sugar do? How did she do it? A P
, Today you will read a book about how dolphins and bats send e
You may have seen dogs wag their tails, drop r o
m and receive signals that help them locate things. Use the h t their tails between their legs, or pick up their r a illustrations in the reader to predict what they will learn and set a w S
, l purpose for reading. ears. Why do dogs do these things? o o h c S
g During Reading d e l Why do animals t u R
behave the way they e Read the book independently and answer the question: r o
do? m h t r
a How does vibration affect sound? w S
, r e
h How does the melon function in echolocation? c a e T
d How is the echolocation bats use similar to that of dolphins? a r g
h t 4
, Animal Behavior Reasons y After Reading o r l E c M
i Review the concept map and explain how this book helps r E
y answer the weekly question Why do animals behave the way b
n e t
t they do? i r w e R
1 Why do dolphins and bats use echolocation? 1 0 2 * Unit 4 Week 2 Day 1 Unit 4 Week 2 Day 1 A Review A Activity
Compare and Contrast Reading Street Book: Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon Review the definitions of compare and contrast. When you contrast two things, you tell ways in Revisit
which they are different. You can find contrasts A P
, Read Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon e r by recording facts in a chart as you read. o m
h pp. 58-64 and use the comprehension skill and t r a
w strategy as you read. S
Today, you will read about an unusual animal. , l o o h c
Make a T-chart with one column labeled Ocean S How would you prepare for a journey upriver on the e g d e Animals. You will label the other column after l Amazon? t u R
e you begin reading about the encantado. r o
m What would you do in order to learn about the h t r a encantado on your journey? w
Ocean Animals S
, r e h c a
e Problem Solving: T
e d a r g
h Think about how to solve the challenge of studying t 4
, y
o animals in remote areas. What is the best way to r l E c M Summarize study a newly discovered animal? c i r E
y b
n e
Mentally summarize main ideas as you read. t t i r w e
Fill in your T-charts, and summarize the R
1 1 0 contrasts you find when you have finished. 2 * Unit 4 Week 2 Day 2 Unit 4 Week 2 Day 2 A Review A Activity
Multiple Meaning Words / Context Clues Reading Street Book: Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon Read a sentence with a multiple meaning word, such as this one: Revisit: A P
, Read on
e Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon
“Off to you left, a big pink form has surfaced.” r o m
h pp. 68-71. Use context clues as you finish reading t
The word form can be a verb or a noun. In this r a w
S with a partner.
, l
sentence it is a noun, something that comes to o o h c S Critical Thinking:
the surface. As a noun, form can mean e g d e l t
“shape,” “body,” “procedure,” or “document.” u
R Like the encantado, the Amazonian manatee in the
e r This sentence appears in the context of a canoe o
m picture on p. 71 has relatives that live in the ocean. h t r a
trip searching for river dolphins. The context w Most animals live where they can get what they need S
, r e tells me the best meaning is “shape” or “body.” h from their surroundings. Think of animals that are c a e T plentiful in your region. I’ll try that in the sentence “Off to you left, a big e d a r g
h t
pink shape, or body, has surfaced.” That 4
What animal seems especially common around here? , y o r l
makes sense. E c
M What explains its ability to live so comfortably in this
c i r E area? y b
n e t t i r Creative Thinking: w e R
1 1
0 Would you like to live on the Amazon River? Why or why not? 2 * Unit 4 Week 2 Day 3 Unit 4 Week 2 Day 3 A Activity A Activity
Reading Street Book: Mysterious Animals Leveled Reader: How does Echolocation Work?
Before Reading Reread for Fluency
Preview Mysterious Animals on pp. 76-79. Read Silently reread passages from How does the genre information about recipes. Set a purpose for Echolocation Work? Then reread them aloud with reading. a partner or individually. A P
During Reading ,
e Match your expression to the content. r o m h t Why are these animals considered mysterious? r a Retell w S
, l o o
How do the sidebars and their information help readers h Summarize the main idea and key details from each of c S
e better understand these animals? g d the three titled sections of How does Echolocation e l t u R
e Work?
After Reading r o m h t r Discuss with your teacher Reading Across Texts. a
w What are the most important ideas in this S
, r
Then do Writing Across Texts independently. e h selection? c a e T
e d a
r What did you learn from reading this selection? g
h t 4
, y o r
l After Reading E c M
c i r Complete any unfinished projects. You may share them with E
y b
n your classmates with the teacher’s permission. e t t i r w e R
1 Unit 4 Week 2 Day 5 1
Unit 4 Week 2 Day 4 0 2 *