Department of American Studies and Ethnicity Cell: (323) 309-7795
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LATA MURTI Department of American Studies and Ethnicity Cell: (323) 309-7795 University of Southern California E-mail: [email protected] 3470 Trousdale Parkway, WPH 303 Fax: (213) 821-0409 Los Angeles, CA 90089-4033
2010 Ph.D. candidate, American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California, expected May 2010
2010 Graduate Certificate in Gender Studies, University of Southern California, expected May 2010
2007 M.A., American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California
1998 B.A. with highest honors, Humanities, University of Kansas B.A. with highest honors, Spanish, University of Kansas
Racial and Ethnic Relations; Race, Class, and Gender; and Immigration
“With and Without the White Coat: The Racial Formation of First and Second Generation Indian Immigrant Doctors in Southern California” Committee: Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo (Co-Chair), Jane Iwamura (Co-Chair), Leland Saito, and Priya Jaikumar
2009 National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) Exemplary Diversity Scholar Citation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
2009 Summer Diversity Enhancement Placement Assistance Award, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
2007-2008 College Merit Fellowship, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
2006-2007 Haynes Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, Los Angeles, California Murti 2
2002-2003 Oakley Fellowship, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
2002 Semi-Finalist for Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies
1998 Phi Beta Kappa Society: Alpha of Kansas at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
1997 National Security Education Program (NSEP) Scholarship for Study Abroad
1996 Golden Key National Honor Society, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
1996 Sigma Delta Pi: University of Kansas Chapter of La Sociedad Nacional Hispánica, Lawrence, Kansas
1994 Discover Card Tribute Award, Bronze Scholarship, Discover Card Financial Services
Peer Reviewed
Murti, L. 2006. "At Both Ends of Care: South Indian Hindu Widows Living with Daughters and Daughters-in-Law in Southern California." Globalizations 3:349-365.
In Progress
Murti, L. “Without the White Coat: The Gendered Occupational Citizenship of Southern California’s Indian Immigrant Doctors.”
Invited Lectures
March 12, 2008 “With and Without the White Coat: The Racial Formation of First and Second Generation Indian Immigrant Doctors in Southern California.” Invited Presentation. Race and Ethnic Studies Program, University of Redlands. Program Director: Dr. Keith Osajima.
March 15, 2006 “The Racial Ambiguity of South Asian Americans.” Invited presentation. Course: Sociology 142: Diversity and Racial Conflict, University of Southern California. Instructor: Dr. Amon Emeka.
January 17, 2006 “South Asian American Communities.” Invited presentation. Course: Asian and Asian American Studies 415: Asian American Murti 3
Communities in Southern California, California State University, Los Angeles. Instructor: Belinda Lum.
November 16, 2005 “South Asian Americans and Race.” Invited presentation. Course: Sociology 142: Diversity and Racial Conflict, University of Southern California. Instructor: Dr. Amon Emeka.
October 22, 2004 “Still Realizing the Patriarchal Bargain: Hindu Widows Living with Daughters and Daughters-in-Law in Southern California.”Invited presentation. Symposium: Women and Transnational Care Work. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Ill.
Conference Presentations
August 11, 2009 “Wearing the White Coat: The Racial Formation of Indian Immigrant Doctors in Southern California.” Roundtable Discussion. 104th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco and Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, Ca.
April 24, 2009 “ ‘I Don’t Consider Indian Doctors a Minority Anymore’: U.S. Medicine as a Space for Constructing Ethnic Identity.” 2009 Association for Asian American Studies Annual Meeting. Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel, Honolulu, Hi.
April 10, 2009 “Without the White Coat: The Variable Racialization of Southern California's Indian Immigrant Doctors.” Roundtable Discussion. 80th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Westin Horton Plaza Hotel, San Diego, Ca.
April 10, 2008 “Re-caste-ing Race: The Three Ways Southern California’s First- Generation Indian Immigrant Doctors Interpret Racial Status.” 79th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Marriott Hotel, Portland, Or.
April 4, 2008 “Rejecting Race: The Class Strategies of First-Generation Indian Immigrant Doctors in Southern California.” Creating a Community of Scholarship on Asian Pacific American Issues: A Graduate Student Conference, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Ca.
March 5, 2004 “Same House, Different Worlds: Hindu Widows Living with Daughters and Daughters-in-Law in North America.” 2nd Annual Conference of Ethnic Studies in California: Crossing Borders, Shaping Identities: Citizenship, Social Justice, and the Crossroads of Culture, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, Ca.
Murti 4
November 7, 2003 “What About Her Race?: A Discursive Analysis of Hindu Responses to Madonna's 1998 MTV Performance.” 45th Annual Midwest Modern Language Association Conference, Hilton Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
March 1, 2003 “Rereading Madonna’s Hindu Performance: A Critical Analysis of Hindu Responses.” 1st Annual Conference of Ethnic Studies in California: Crossing Borders, Shaping Identities: New Directions in Ethnic Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Ca.
February 28, 2003 “Rereading Madonna’s Hindu Performance: A Critical Analysis of Hindu Responses.” 18th Annual University of Southern California Association of English Graduate Students Conference: Contamination: Sites of Contagion, Transgression and Transformation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Ca.
October 16, 1999 “La contradicción olvidada: la cuestión de la mujer en Makbara” (The Forgotten Contradiction: The Question of the Female in Makbara). Presented in Spanish at the 15th Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Miss.
Fall 2009 Research Assistant for Dr. Manuel Pastor, Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII), University of Southern California. Organize CSII’s Fall 2009 Speaker Series and help conduct research for policy reports.
December 17, 2005 Research Assistant for Dr. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Sociology, University of Southern California. Participant observation and fieldnotes at the Fifth Annual Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) Convention, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Ca. for Dr. Hondagneu-Sotelo’s book God's Heart Has No Borders: How Religious Activists Are Working for Immigrant Rights (Berkeley: UC Press, 2008).
December 18, 2004 Research Assistant for Dr. Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Sociology, University of Southern California. Participant observation and fieldnotes at the Fourth Annual Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) Convention, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Ca. for Dr. Hondagneu-Sotelo’s book God's Heart Has No Borders: How Religious Activists Are Working for Immigrant Rights (Berkeley: UC Press, 2008). Murti 5
Race; Ethnicity; Immigration; Social Problems and Issues; Los Angeles; Socioeconomic Class; and Spanish
UNIVERSITY TEACHING EXPERIENCE Spring 2009 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Thomas Gustafson, English and American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California. Course: American Studies 301: America, The Frontier, and The New West, University of Southern California. Led weekly discussions with two groups of 25 students each; graded papers, exams, and short projects. Through works of history and literature, this course critically examined the ideals, institutions, and people that have shaped the U.S. and Southern California in particular.
Fall 2008 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Karen Sternheimer, Sociology. Course: Sociology 305: Sociology of Childhood, University of Southern California. Graded weekly in-class essays; take-home mid-term and final exam essays; and term papers of 47 students. The course discussed the various ways in which childhood has been constructed and studied in relation to race, class, and gender in the U.S.
Spring 2006 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Amon Emeka, Sociology. Course: Sociology 142: Diversity and Racial Conflict, University of Southern California. Led weekly discussions with two groups of 25 students each; wrote and graded weekly quizzes; and graded papers and exams. The course presented the histories and contemporary circumstances of major racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. in terms of assimilation and power-conflict theories.
Fall 2005 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Elaine Bell Kaplan, Sociology. Course: Sociology 150: Social Problems, University of Southern California. Led weekly discussions with two groups of 25 students each; graded papers; and graded exams to which I contributed questions. The course covered major social issues and problems in the U.S. today (such as crime, domestic abuse, education, health care, and race), and taught students to analyze these issues in terms of functionalist and conflict theories.
Fall 2004- Spring 2005 Assistant Lecturer for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Course: Spanish 120: Spanish I, University of Southern California. Murti 6
Taught basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar to 20 students each semester, through an immersion method. I created my own lesson plans and class activities; wrote and graded weekly quizzes; and graded short- answer assignments, compositions, and short oral conversations and presentations.
Spring 2004 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. George Sánchez, History and American Studies & Ethnicity. Course: American Studies and Ethnicity 101: Race and Class in Los Angeles, University of Southern California. Led weekly discussions with two groups of 25 students each; graded papers; and graded exams to which I contributed questions. The course introduced the historical and sociological experiences of the major ethnic and racial groups in L.A.: Mexicans, Whites, Asians, Blacks, and Latinos.
Fall 2003 Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Leland Saito, Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity. Course: American Studies and Ethnicity 101: Race and Class in Los Angeles, University of Southern California. Led weekly discussions with two groups of 25 students each; and graded papers and exams. The course covered the major historical and sociological processes affecting urban communities in the U.S., and the various effects these processes have had on specific neighborhoods and communities in L.A.
August 10, 2009 Discussant for “Gender and New Immigrant Communities.” Conference Session. Sponsor: Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association. 104th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco and Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, Ca.
September 27, 2007 Panel Moderator for “South Asian Stereotypes.” Sponsor: Asian Pacific American Student Services’ Defining and Exploring South Asian Issues (D.E.S.I.) Project, University of Southern California.
April 18, 2007 Panel Moderator for “Desi Interracial Relationships: Tolerable or Taboo?” Sponsor: Asian Pacific American Student Services’ South Asian Projects, University of Southern California.
November 30, 2006 Panel Moderator for “Defining Asian America: Are South Asians Really Asian?” Primary Sponsor: Graduate and Professional Student Senate, University of Southern California.
August 2006- May 2007 President, South Asia Forum (SAF), University of Southern California. Murti 7
August 2006- Co-Secretary, Graduate Students of Color Network (GSCN), University May 2007 of Southern California.
January 2006- Representative for Peer American Studies & Ethnicity Organization December 2006 (PASEO), Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS), University of Southern California.
American Sociological Association (ASA) Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) American Studies Association (ASA)
Spanish Advanced Certification, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1997.
Tamil Basic conversational knowledge.
2000-2002 Spanish Instructor, Grades 2-8, Topeka Collegiate School, Topeka, Kan.
2000-2001 Spanish Instructor. Course: Level I Conversational Spanish. El Hispano Institute, Division of Continuing Education, Washburn University, Topeka, Kan.
1999-2000 Reporter and Classified Ad Manager, Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper, Kansas City, Miss.
1999 Adult Education Instructor. Courses: English as a Second Language, Basic Computer Skills, and Citizenship. El Centro de Servicios para Hispanos, Topeka, Kan.
1996-1998 Spanish and Writing Tutor, McNair Scholars Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
1995-1996 English as a Second Language Group Conversation Leader, Applied English Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Creative Murti 8
Murti, L. Forthcoming. "Langston." in Writing the Lines of Our Hands, edited by Sumi Kaipa Neela Banerjee, and Pireeni Sundaralingam. Berkeley: Creative Arts Books. —. 1999. "Langston." Pp. 63 in Analecta XXV: The Art and Literary Journal of the University of Texas at Austin. Austin: Liberal Arts Council of the University of Texas at Austin. —. 1998. "Tanka Rhapsody." Pp. 6 in Kiosk Art and Literary Magazine. Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas. —. 1997. "Lay Down Your Fork." Pp. 21 in Kiosk Art and Literary Magazine. Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas. —. 1996. "An Indian American Speaks of Rhythm." Pp. 22 in Kiosk Art and Literary Magazine. Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas.
Newspaper, selected
Murti, L. Apr. 27-May 10, 2000. "KCMO Public Supports New Initiative on Race Relations." Pp. 1-B and 6-B in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Mar. 30-Apr. 12, 2000. "CNN Correspondent Maria Hinojosa Challenges Kansas Citians to Tell their Stories." Pp. 1-2 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. Jaramillo, B. and Lata Murti. Mar. 16-29, 2000. "Nobel Laureate Seeks Freedom for Imprisoned Activist: Part Two." Pp. 1 and 13 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Feb. 17-Mar. 1, 2000. "Nobel Laureate Urges Release of Imprisoned Activist during Area Visit: Part One." Pp. 1-2 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. Murti, L. Feb. 3-16, 2000. "Rockhurst Student Recalls Visit Home to Venezuela in Recovery." Pp. 1-2 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Jan. 6-19, 2000. "Johnson County, Kan. Responds to Recent Latino Growth." Pp. 1-2 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Oct. 28-Nov. 10, 1999. "Bringing Out the Dead is Little More than a Paramedical Melodrama." Pp. 9 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Oct. 14-27, 1999. "Latina Magazine Editor-in-Chief Encourages Hispanic Students to Further 'Latino Renaissance'." Pp. 15 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss. —. Sep. 30-Oct. 13, 1999. "Former Maquiladora Worker Informs Lawrence Audience that Mexican Labor Conditions Affect All Americans." Pp. 6 in Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper. Kansas City, Miss.