Hanborough Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

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Hanborough Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

3 pages: 1.3 Minutes of the Hanborough Annual Parishioners and Parochial Church Meeting held on 7 th April 2014 at 8.00pm in Christ Church, Long Hanborough

(Coffee/tea and biscuits from 7.30pm)

Registered as being present: Rev David Tyler (chair), Gillian Hunt (secretary), Margaret Stringer, Rita King, Joan Green, Richard Wilkins, Clive Berry, Pam Berry, Edna Harris, Robin Stockton, Stacey McDonough, Paul Amos, Patricia James, Dennis Foster, Wendy Bayliss, John Fox, Jane Rogers, Martin Rogers, Katherine Wheal, Jill Crowther, Denise Parrott, Roger Parrott, Peter Hacking, Dudley Hunt, Dave Dobson, Zoë Dobson, Anne R Clark, Deborah Balding, Simon Gundry, Susan Sugden, Robin Feast, Christopher Aitchison, Martin Dix, Christine Dix. (34)

Opening worship and welcome: Rev David Tyler opened the meeting at 8.00pm in prayer and welcomed all to it.

1. Apologies for absence (covering both meetings):

Revs Phil Cooke, Sr Helen Julian and Peter Ball, Ann Adams, Dorothy Allen, Steve Young, Emma Young, Elaine Rayfield, Sarah Lindon, Paul Lindon, Helen Gale, Jean Langley, Peter Langley, Paul Atyeo, Rev Jackie Gardner, Michael Gardner, Liz Whittle, James Berry, Simon Berry, Pat Garner, Anne Fox, Phyllis Owen, Jeremy Sugden, Helen Hacking (23)

AGENDA of the Annual Meeting of Parishioners for

2. Election of churchwardens:

David had received two nominations for the position of Church warden: Richard Wilkins nominated by Paul Amos and seconded by John Fox Clive Berry nominated by Paul Lindon and seconded by Andy Richens

David said he was delighted that both Richard and Clive were prepared to continue in their role. They were duly elected.

AGENDA of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting

2. Approval and signature of the minutes of the 2013 APCM The Minutes were signed as a true record.

3. Report of the Revised Electoral Roll Mrs Margaret Stringer, ER Officer, reported that last year there had been 94 names on the Roll. Since then 2 names have been deleted and 23 added. The Roll now stands at 115 of whom 35 are non residents. She thanked John Fox for typing the Roll. David thanked Margaret for maintaining the Roll and John for his work on it.

4. Together with the Annual Report of the PCC, the Presentation of the Independently Examined Accounts for the year ended December 31st 2013 There were no comments on the Annual Report. David thanked Gillian Hunt for pulling together a comprehensive report. David thanked Wendy Bayliss for taking on the role of Treasurer part way through the year and for her fantastic work on it. He also thanked the parishioners since the giving is up significantly, partly due to the specific appeal for funding of Rev Phil Cooke’s work for one day a week in the Parish but also for extra regular giving. Dave Dobson asked how the Parish Share was worked out. David explained that it is an amount allocated by the Diocese to the Deanery and then it is up to each Deanery to work out how it will be apportioned to each

HANBOROUGH APPCM 1 7 APRIL 2014 3 pages: 1.3 benefice/parish. The Parish Share is allocated within the deanery on the basis of the Ministerial support, size of civil population and numbers attending services. The new Diocesan model for Parish Share allocation allows for the wealth of Deaneries. Our Deanery is seen as one of the wealthiest in the Diocese of Oxford, and so perhaps it is right that it supports those who are having problems in finding the money. Richard Wilkins commented that although gift aid can be recovered on loose money placed on the collection plate or in the wall safes he would urge people to give by envelopes if able to do so. John Fox asked that although the PCC decides how money will be allocated, was there a reason that the RE prize was not allocated last year. This seems to have been an oversight and will be rectified in due course he was told.

5. Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the churches of the parish Richard Wilkins reporting said that there was a lot to be checked in all places of worship in the parish but all had been checked. He pointed out that about £10,000 had been spent on refurbishing the kitchen area in Christ Church, Long Hanborough which Paul Amos had overseen and a new gate had been purchased for the opening to the churchyard. Windows had been cleaned at the Parish Church and 40 folding chairs had been purchased for use at the Manor School and its sound system improved there and at the Parish Church of Ss Peter and Paul. David with Clive thanked Richard for checking everything.

6. Report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod Paul Amos asked if the increase in the Parish Share was in any way connected with the request to reduce the number of stipendiary priests in the Deanery at the same time as the appointment of a new archdeacon. David explained that the Parish Share is not linked with the reduction of numbers of Stipendiary posts, but that generally there is pressure on the number of clergy as many throughout the country are due to retire. For example, when Rev Roy Turner retires from Combe and Stonesfield, he will be replaced by a House for Duty priest who will have a house and work part time but with no stipend. As regards the new appointment of archdeacon, Rt Rev Colin Fletcher, Suffragan Bishop of Dorchester is a bishop with an Episcopal Area bigger than some Diocesan bishops have and so the new post was warranted. The Parish Share is increasing partly because of the rise in clergy pensions.

7. Election of three (3) members to the Deanery Synod to serve for three (3) years The following were duly elected: Deborah Balding nominated by Gillian Hunt, seconded by Richard Wilkins Elizabeth Whittle nominated by Gillian Hunt, seconded by Richard Wilkins Steve Young nominated by Emma Young, seconded by Catherine Somerville Tyler

8. Election of three (3) members to the PCC to serve for three (3) years Currently there are 5 available positions for representative to the PCC, but only one nomination:- Susan Sugden nominated by Pam Berry, seconded by Robin Feast was duly elected. There were no other nominations at the meeting but if anyone would like to be on the PCC s/he should speak to David.

9. Appointment of sides persons David proposed that the following were appointed as sides persons: Gillian Hunt, Paul Amos, Helen Gale, Roger Parrott, Denise Parrott, Ann Adams, Christopher Aitchison, Edna Harris, Anne Fox, John Fox, Rita King, Katherine Wheal, Jill Crowther, Susan Nixey, Graham Nixey, Lucy Young, Simon Gundry, Wendy Gundry, Jes Redgard, Jacqui Redgard, Robin Feast, Alison Feast, Christine Dix.

10. Appointment of the Independent Examiner of Accounts for the coming year David had spoken with Paul Atyeo (who was unable to attend the meeting through illness) to thank him for independently examining the Accounts. Paul had said he would be willing to do so again in the coming year. Paul Atyeo was duly appointed.

HANBOROUGH APPCM 2 7 APRIL 2014 3 pages: 1.3 11. Report on Parish Safeguarding (Child Protection) Gillian Hunt, Parish Safeguarding representative, read a report (attached to Minutes). She thanked David, Peter Langley and Lucy Young as well as all the volunteers who work with our young people. David read out the Safeguarding Policy which the meeting approved and he thanked Gill and Peter.

12. Identification of the activities and organizations of the church: - questions invited AND 13. Chairman's report and discussion AND 14. Opportunity for remarks, questions and discussion and the way forward for the PCC and its committees. Taking these three items together, David talked of his report (copy with Minutes) highlighting the increased size of the Ministry Team, in particular with Sue Spankie joining as a trainee Permanent deacon, Phil Cooke being priested and Sr Helen Julian joining as a curate. He sees new growth in the churches and this is reflected in the increased size of the Electoral Roll. Whilst Church attendance hasn’t grown, there have been fewer baptisms (which can be a mixed blessing). There are 92 going away for Spring Harvest. There are new people joining the church and the parish has just completed an Alpha course. Hanborough shared an Alpha Away Day with Combe and Stonesfield who ran Alpha for the first time. During June, July and August, David will be on Sabbatical visiting Jamaica for three weeks to see ministry at work there; already we have some links with Jamaica. He plans to visit Lindisfarne (Holy Island) to explore Celtic Christianity to see if there is some way in which in our busy lives we can incorporate something of the spiritual in all aspects of our life and for relaxation he hopes to climb Ben Nevis. Whilst away he knows that the church in Hanborough will be in safe hands with a great team ready to minister. The entire rota was filled without having to call on any help from outside the Benefice. David highlighted other things that we do very well; the Holiday Bible Club running this year for only three instead of the usual five days, the very good preaching, incredible children’s work, Alpha course…. With teams in place we have the same level that some big churches aspire to. When we see new people coming to church, we are ready to welcome them. David longs to see the growth that we might easily achieve. He thanked God that we have been blessed with some incredible people and great colleagues. He noted (with a smile) that he was grateful to the PCC who had given him exactly half of the cost of his return ticket to Jamaica – a one way ticket to Jamaica! Simon Gundry asked if anything further had been done in looking at MAP (Mission, Action, Planning). David replied that it would be good to come back to it at some point. We are interested in seeing growth in the church and that is what is giving us strategic direction. He is wary of strap lines on notice boards which are either not always implemented or else the church is looking to see how they can justify that statement. Asked would Phil’s (Rev Phil Cooke) survey be fed back to the people or was that a part of it. David replied that he knew Phil was speaking with people but was unsure how far the survey had got. Bringing the meeting to a close with prayer, David thanked Margaret Stringer, Rita King and Joan Green for organizing refreshments and Gillian Hunt for her time as secretary and for which he was very grateful. David was thanked for all his leadership.

15. Date of APPCM 2015: provisionally booked for 20th April 2015 at 8.00pm in Christ Church, Long Hanborough. Refreshments from 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.56pm.


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