San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative Minutes: Early Childhood Domain Workgroup June 26, 2012 Attendees: Londya England, Diandra Little Dog, Elena Lenkova, Shaylyn Stark, Heather Ferguson, Melanie Briones, Jake McGough, JG Espiritu, Rachel Hamilton, Kristine Smith, Carly Hill, Mindy Mulligan, Jojo Drinkwater, Cheryl Moder, Maria Lopez, Debbie Macdonald AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION/ISSUES/CONCERNS DECISIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ ACTION ITEMS 1.Review of Minutes Group made introductions and reviewed minutes. Minutes approved. New chairs = Kristine Smith and Jojo Drinkwater 2. Review of Domain  Wellness Policy & Implementation plan: status is ongoing, working  Jamie will provide update on pilot project Work plan with 5 sites  COI will schedule meeting with Toni Atkins  CC provider Training Legislation plan: status is ongoing, office, Kris will connect with Juan Vargas legislation from northern CA did not want to add this to their staff about participating in legislation legislation because it appeared to cost money.  Create separate work plan = pilot online  Gardens at EC sites plan (reg ed center): status is ongoing, need training in Lemon Grove: JG send Melanie follow up from JuliAnna link to NACCRRA training, Debbie will get  Farm to Preschool plan: status is ongoing, YMCA CRS is more information on Training Academy, incorporating into QPI, NHA is using F2P Expand work plan to include state, county,  Gardens at EC sites: CRS is incorporating gardens in QPI city.  New work plan: Get public health nurses involved with domain,  Cheryl will follow up with JuliAnna on get Dr. Wooten involved in countywide legislation status update for Gardens at EC sites.  New work plan: Get involvement from tribal governments with  CRS and NHA will write a paragraph on early childhood domain. F2P on how many sites and how many  5210 needs to be incoroporated into work plans: 5210 into kids are participating. wellness policy intro is in progress.  Kim will update on where QPI is with gardens, Jake and Rachel will work on update for gardens plan  Domain champions and Cheryl will meet with Dr. Wooten mid-July re: public health nurses and nurse family partnership involved in domain  Debbie will call Christina Romero about how to get information with tribes, Diandra Little Dog will e-mail Debbie Dr. Calac’s (Indian Health Council) contact information.  Rachel will write a paragraph on how 5210 is being used

Recorder: J. Espiritu November 2004 Management Team Meeting Minutes, continued AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION/ISSUES/CONCERNS DECISIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ ACTION ITEMS 3. Healthy Party Policy  Group discussed healthy party policy’s in their child care.   If people want to create one for a new work plan that incorporates 5210 in Healthy celebrations, COI will support. 4. COI Update  Erica will still be working part time with COI until September. 

5. Report for Agencies  Head Start is hiring a new director  Mindy will e-mail Yolanda Messia to ask  Group discussed possible partnerships in food handling and who will be a good rep for domain procurement.  Rachel will ask REnna at AKA for a  Nutrition program at Children Home Society is looking for more representative at domain families.  JuliAnna will attend next meeting to talk  COI is looking for YEAH trainers. about food handling and procurement in early cc 6. Next Meeting  Add: Food handling and procurement to next Agenda  NEXT MEETING: 7.24.12